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S02.E02: Episode 2

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Ashlee was the foster kid, raised by a minister's family.  Absolutely beautiful, damaged and sadly I think just too emotionally fragile for this franchise.  I thought Clare was going to be that way last year, but the woman has amazing resilience.  I REALLY hope she finds the guy she's looking for.  


I wonder if Clare & Ashley S. are trading off doing all the girl's hair?  Though I thought I spied the trademark Michelle Money jeweled headband on Carly at the rose ceremony.  I hope I'm mistaken. 

  • Love 4

No last season on BiP, AshLee, the "room organizer" or whatever her job is, latched on to poor Graham and he didn't have the guts to cut her away at the beginning so he was stuck with her as none of the girls felt up to dealing with her crazy and trying to get to know him more.    


Yeah, that's the dynamic I saw going on with Jared too, as well as the having to reassure Ashley that she's great thing.  That probably didn't feel great, but at that point what's he going to do?


Well... one thing he could do is let another girl know, within Ashley's hearing range, that he would be interested in her too... especially a girl who had been latched onto by a guy she wasn't interested in.  I thought the chatting it up with Clare was a pretty good move on Jared's part, if he wants to get out of Ashley's staked claim.  (Or claimed stake, as she might say. God.)  I was so wishing Graham had had the nerve to do something like that last year.  But maybe AshLee's brand of crazy was scarier than Ashley's. 

  • Love 3

Was there a reason that Clare didn't say no to Mikey so that she could wait on Jared?

Was it because she thought it was too early in the show to create drama or because she didn't necessarily believe that Jared would pick her like he said he would?

I think she said JJ and Mickey were her only 2 choices and since Mickey said he liked her she choose him. I don't know why she didn't choose Jared first. Maybe she thought Ashley and he were already an item *shrug*

Also, I still can't always tell 10ley and Clare apart.

They look similar but are different in the face; both are pretty but yeah Tenley is a bit older.
  • Love 1

No last season on BiP, AshLee, the "room organizer" or whatever her job is, latched on to poor Graham and he didn't have the guts to cut her away at the beginning so he was stuck with her as none of the girls felt up to dealing with her crazy and trying to get to know him more.    

How soon I forget! Thanks for the clarification. I do remember that now. FAAAR too many Ashley's on this show!

I think she said JJ and Mickey were her only 2 choices and since Mickey said he liked her she choose him. I don't know why she didn't choose Jared first. Maybe she thought Ashley and he were already an item *shrug*

They look similar but are different in the face; both are pretty but yeah Tenley is a bit older.

Actually, Tenley is three years younger.

  • Love 3

Tenley has darker hair.  Clare has a weird mouth, the teeth are uneven and her face looks plastic, oh and she's annoying as fuck.  She's always singing everything she's thinking.   (Although I can totally see the idea that she's 'better looking' than Tenley -- Clare has a more television ready/pageant face.)


Ashley I.'s personality is the worrrrrrrrrrrrst.  It's like a crazy 13 year old's, and 13 year olds are already crazy.  I can't hear her say "solidify" anymore.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

Jared seems like such a nice guy and I feel sorry for him. He doesn't want to hurt Ashley's feelings and I think he did have fun with her but doesn't want to be "claimed" by her. I'm glad he spoke up to Claire. Felt so embarrassed for Tenley. She has no game and in some shots that girl looks rough! She used to be gorgeous. No way she is 31. JJ is gross. I cringed when she was like you can kiss me if you want. Eww.  Claire is gorgeous. I really don't understand why guys aren't all over her. I guess most are a lot younger than she is, so that's not really fair. I'm sad that she's stuck with Mikey. At least she was honest with him even if he wasn't comprehending a word she said lol.  Ashley I is beautiful. Her personality sucks though. All that crying and immature drama is exhausting. I hope Jared escapes unscathed.  Ashley S is stunning. And her quirky behavior  is cute this time around. I agree with the person who said Chris Harrison has a crush on her. Hope Carly and Kirk make it. They are cute together. Glad to see Carly happy.  Juellia needs to get off this show. Why is she there? Don't  you have a very young daughter at home to take care of?

  • Love 4

Tenley's voice rivals Whitney's for that fingernails-on-a-chalkboard quality for me.  Nice girl, but tough to listen to. 


If they would just require them to draw a random name for the date, it would absolutely change the whole dynamic.  The dates don't take up much time, and afterwards folks could go back to their previously-chosen partners if they like.  I think some "couples" just stay "together" to get more time on the show, rather than because they want to be with that person.  

  • Love 8
Actually, Tenley is three years younger.

Really?!  Tenley is 3 yrs younger than Claire?  Huh.  Enh either way I think both are pretty and maybe on a show like BIP were everybody is bikini model people can get nit picky with looks but I know in the medium sized city where I live guys would be tripping over themselves to be with a girl like Tenley OR Claire.


Claire is gorgeous. I really don't understand why guys aren't all over her.

Yeah she really is pretty but IDK maybe the guys saw last year's show and are just spooked by her clingy-ness *shrug*.  Not to the extremes as some of the other people on the show but she can get a little "mine, mine, mine" when she really likes someone.

  • Love 1
I think Clare didn't ask Jared on the date because she didn't want a repeat from last season, when she asked Graham on a date and things got really ugly with AshLee. Since last season didn't work out for her, I can see her wanting to play her cards differently this time around.


I think this is true. And wasn't Jared ON a date with Kardashley when Clare arrived? I think she was really trying to avoid ruffling fathers. 


Yeah she really is pretty but IDK maybe the guys saw last year's show and are just spooked by her clingy-ness *shrug*.  Not to the extremes as some of the other people on the show but she can get a little "mine, mine, mine" when she really likes someone.


Clare does come across a bit desperate at times, like she really struggles to stay on the non-clingy side, but fails. I don't think it's her looks that puts guys off. 

  • Love 3

I think this is true. And wasn't Jared ON a date with Kardashley when Clare arrived? I think she was really trying to avoid ruffling fathers. 


It was Jade who was off with Tanner, one of Clare's other potential likes that wasn't there when Clare arrived.


She came down while everyone was sitting around except for Jade/Tanner who were busy getting it on in some river and Ashley S/Dan who were busy getting matching IVs at some random ER.


Clare's mistake was gathering all the girls around where Carly claimed Kirk and Ashley I claimed Jared.   She should have just started talking to all the guys but agree that her experience with AshLee and Graham last season probably spooked her from doing that.

  • Love 8

I'm sorry, I definitely didn't make my question clear enough (even I was confuzzled when I re-read it). 


I understand why Clare asked Mikey out on the date (didn't want to cause more drama by immediately asking out one of the guys who was already "paired up.")


I was referring to the rose ceremony. Before that, didn't she talk with Jared and he said that if she was available when it was his turn to pick, he would definitely choose her?


So obviously the order of the handing out of the roses (since we don't see the drawing of lottery slips with dots on it or whatever) they made sure the legitimately paired up all went first to leave room for some drama (leaving Mikey, Jared and JJ as well as, IIRC, Clare, Ashlauren, 10ley, and Jillian).


But isn't there a rule that someone can turn down a rose and the giver can choose someone else to give it to?


Odds are at that point that Mikey probably would have chosen Lauren which would have taken Ashley off the table for Jared.


Clare clearly didn't want to be with Mikey but could she have turned down the rose, assuming that with only JJ and Jared left after that it was unlikely that JJ would choose her because they hadn't even spoken ... sure, she could have ended up with no one if Jared bailed and chose Ashlauren, but since he was the only guy in whom she was interested, it might have been a worthwhile gamble (at the very least, if Jared DIDN'T choose her, he'd be made out to be a liar). 


So that's what I was wondering about ... why she didn't say no to the rose from Mikey.

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 4

This is my first season watching BiP, so I'm not sure if Clare actually could do that rules wise, but either way I would assume her reason not to would be similar to why she didn't just ask Jared on a date in the first place: she got burned by drama last season, and doesn't want to start more this season. And I think turning down a rose this early (esp. if it led to Jared giving her and not Ashley his rose) would definitely cause drama. 

  • Love 3
why she didn't say no to the rose from Mikey.



Um I would guess she simply wanted to stay so since Mickey was first to ask she simply took the offer.  I don't think it was because she didn't trust Jared at his word...


Yeah you can refuse a rose from someone and then that rose giver and just give it to someone else.  I think by the time the rose ceremony had come around Mickey was more into Claire than Lauren that's why Ashley was so invested in getting a rose--so both her and her sis can stay.


Whew ya need a dang chart to keep up with all this stuff.

I think Clare wasn't expecting to be sandbagged by being introduced late--a real disadvantage--and didn't want to get off to a bad start by making any of the other women upset (much less Ashley who runs on "upset" most of the time on this show).


Anyone going on this show --any in the TB franchise-- should be prepared for the worst though--whether its the way they set you up for failure or drama or the way they edit you. I think she wanted to come across "nice" (as I think she really IS a nice person) and just getting a rose from Jerod (whom she could always hook up with after the show anyway, if they turn out to "have a connection") wasn't worth getting the "drama!" edit from TB.  Personally, I think it was a smart move even though it meant she was stuck (hopefully not forever) with Mickey.


I thought the "crab confessional" was pretty funny, actually, and was surprised how expressive the crab was. It's no Dr. R, obviously, but I enjoyed it.


I don't like how they're editing Mickey. He's not Bukowski. He just seems like kind of a horny doofus, not that unusual, and he's got cute dimples. I don't think he deserves the "he's kind of repulsive" edit.  I wish one of the Ashley's would give him a try. They may feel they have higher IQs but I'm certainly not seeing it. I think Ashley I would be fine paired up with Mickey instead of Jerod, who's clearly not interested.

  • Love 6

Since Carly has always been my secret TV best friend (secret because she doesn't know), I was stoked to see her, and also glad she found a sweetie like Kirk to pair up with. Make it last, you two. Make it last. Also, you're hilar, Carly.


Clare is going the Michelle Money route by realizing that Mikey was her only chance to stick around. Michelle did that last season with Cody, who is right on par with Mikey for Biggest Bro-Juicehead in the Bachelor Family.


And that being said, I am eternally grateful to Show for not putting Michelle's face on my screen again.

Edited by ragingpixie
  • Love 2

Tenley has darker hair.  Clare has a weird mouth, the teeth are uneven and her face looks plastic, oh and she's annoying as fuck.  She's always singing everything she's thinking.   (Although I can totally see the idea that she's 'better looking' than Tenley -- Clare has a more television ready/pageant face.)



Yes, Tenley has darker hair, sort of a streaky blond/brunette, while Clare is blond. But as for the annoying thing, I'd put Tenley firmly in that category, not Clare. So the only sure-fire way to tell the two apart is hair color. And maybe Tenley's annoying voice and constant whinging that she's "going home" and "not able to find love." Boo hoo.


I agree Clare is show-wise so not about to make waves immediately after getting there. And that's both literal and figurative waves. I noticed one of the guys, first day, said, "Want to go in the ocean?" which is a euphemism for "Let's DO IT!" in Bach language.


While Ashley is being criticized for not speaking up around that bon fire and we've seen lots of her THs explaining her struggle with that, how about let's find out why Jarod and whomever that guy was to his right weren't saying a word, either. It was like a seance was going on or something, no one speaking to anyone else. Don't put ALL the blame on Ashley for the silence, let's hear from the guys about THEIR struggles with interpersonal relationships.


Oh yeah, that's right ... this is a Fleiss franchise, which means it's all about demeaning the WOMEN. Men rule.

  • Love 7
While Ashley is being criticized for not speaking up around that bon fire and we've seen lots of her THs explaining her struggle with that, how about let's find out why Jarod and whomever that guy was to his right weren't saying a word, either.



I just assumed Jared just had no interest in talking to her. H e wasn't giving constant talking heads talking about how he really, really wanted to get to know Ashley, and honestly seemed to be trying to escape her every chance he got. I'm actually surprised he sat there as long as he did and didn't make some excuse to get up and escape. And both guys did respond when she said that BS about being Jasmine. Ugh. I don't blame them for not wanting to talk to her. She's boring as watching dry paint. (at least when you watch paint dry it kind of changes hue and gets lighter as it dries. She's really not even that interesting. All she talks about is how she's a virgin, she's princess Jasmine and she can't talk to boys, oh and how old everyone is). RUN JARED!!!!

  • Love 4

Kardashley is awful but as someone who has had breakdowns about being #foreveralone, I can relate. It's really hard emotionally to see everyone around you being all happy and in love and you being alone even though is the thing you want the most in the world. But as I learned and am still learning, you have to LOVE YOURSELF before anyone is going to love you too..

You're not alone. I would venture to say most if not everyone has had similar thoughts at some point. I've been "all happy and in love" and I've also had some kick ass years (yes, years, the horror, Ashley, I'm ancient!) when I've been single. I think when single we make relationship hood perfection. Then...six months into one you think "damn, life wasn't all that bad when it was me and my dog (or goldfish, or job, or cat...)." Even if madly in love.

But...I think our dear friend Ashley is "its my party and I'll cry if I want to". Her emotional maturity is below her birth age and it is no longer cute. She could make her awkwardness endearing, but she instead makes it know it all annoying and it lessens her pretty factor. Amazing how that happens.

So, my confession for the night is I never felt nor had any JJ hate. Likely because I hated Kaitlyn I was uninvested. But Tenley, reeling from a near 5 year relationship should have bowed out rather than signed on. When your heart is ripped like that, you can't jump in and be cool. I feel so much for her.

Why is Jared a hot commodity? He's nice but looks constantly dirty like Ben Affleck or Russell Brand (yet uglier with worse teeth). Like I get a gal or two...but a hot commodity?

JudyObscures post on Jade took the words from my brain to print. Why is she demure on this show? She lets random men take crotch shots. Which is fine, but I think it's hilarious she acts like a Duggar when after clicking the link in ep one here, Jessa she is not! So, be your bad sexy self in the grimy river but don't act appalled or shocked at anything. The Internet exists. A huge what the fuck.

  • Love 5
I'm just speculating here, but I'm thinking the deal with Jared is that he looks like the guy cast as the mysterious stranger. Now he may have the depth of a bottle cap in reality, but since he goes off on his lonely and he is relatively quiet, he just seems more mysterious than the others.

True.  Maybe he's the unattainable guy.  You know the saying you always want what you can't have....well maybe Jared is seen as the guy no girl can have....*shrug*...the broken hearted guy that needs mending.  I'm a sucker for a tender hearted guy myself so I guess I can see how that would be attractive.  Physically though, yeah he's no prize.  He's not Fug but he isn't someone I would consider totally hot. 


Mikey (is that the beefy one?) couldn't pull off mysterious on a bet....but he wouldn't want to since he thinks he is pretty perfect (but, you know, he was the only one that went to the sister who was crying to ask what was wrong, he was a confidant to one of the other women, he may be predatory but it's in a rather clumsy way that someone might find endearing - though no one has so far)


Ya know I may be alone on this but I kinda like Mickey T.  I remember him from Des's season and he was one of the good guys.  Yeah the Alpha Male bit can be off putting but he just seems like the type of guy who doesn't realize what he's saying or how it's coming across.  He is attractive and as you pointed out with speaking to Lauren when she was upset....IDK so far he is a loveable lunk to me =).

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 3

Ya know I may be alone on this but I kinda like Mickey T.  I remember him from Des's season and he was one of the good guys. 


You must be confusing him with someone else. Mickey T left Des's season in disgrace because he and another guy were plotting how they were going to hang out with rich tall women on boats once the season was over. 

  • Love 2

I just assumed Jared just had no interest in talking to her. H e wasn't giving constant talking heads talking about how he really, really wanted to get to know Ashley, and honestly seemed to be trying to escape her every chance he got. I'm actually surprised he sat there as long as he did and didn't make some excuse to get up and escape. And both guys did respond when she said that BS about being Jasmine. Ugh. I don't blame them for not wanting to talk to her. She's boring as watching dry paint.



My point was, those two guys weren't talking to ANYONE, much less Ashley. They could have been talking to each other about football, high school or where they get their hair done, but no, both were just sitting there like mud sticks while Ashley got all the THs about her struggles with inter-personal relationships. Way to make Ashley look bad and those two guys look like prizes when NEITHER are, neither had a grasp of basic manners, social skills or etiquette. 


How about asking one of those two guys about THEIR struggles making polite conversation to get to know their fellow BIP competitors? What a couple of time-wasters.


Making the woman look like the loser is a Fleiss manipulation.


Was it Mikey who appeared later in the show with the tiny mushroom hair clump on top of his head, like he was trying to do a ponytail or man bun? Hilarious.

Edited by saber5055

You must be confusing him with someone else. Mickey T left Des's season in disgrace because he and another guy were plotting how they were going to hang out with rich tall women on boats once the season was over. 


"Disgrace" is a little much. Hashtag Kasey decided that imagining a life without Des (i.e. acknowledging that they might not win) counted as "the wrong reasons"; hence that little drummed-up scandal.


I also like Mikey. He's a big ol' teddy bear.

  • Love 5

I can't stand Kardashley and her sister.  Why why why did Jared have to save her?  He clearly feels nothing for her and yet... ?


Kardashly comes off as shallow, unintelligent and a little vapid.  I literally cringe every time she opens her mouth to speak.  I wish she would stfu about losing to "old ladies".  Honey... if you are losing to the older women on the show, it's because they have things to talk about, experiences and maturity.  


She's like a stage 5 clinger that Jared can't shake off.  She's probably nice IRL but I just can't stomach her on this show.


Jade and Tanner make a good couple but I was really rooting for Jade and Jared to make a connection.  They seemed like they would fit well together.  Both seemingly quiet, down to earth, unassuming.


Why is Jared all of the sudden "hot" on this show?  Even I see him with new eyes.  He was more like a busted Ethan Hawke on Kaitlyn's season and now he's a bit hotter.  Maybe because he's sweet?  Maybe because none of the other guys (except Dan.  Dan is delicious) are as handsome?


I like Tenley and was glad to see her stay.  Carly is cool and seems like someone I would be friends with IRL. 


Other than Ashley I (Forever now known to me as Kardashley), I actually like the rest of the cast.

  • Love 1

Was it Mikey who appeared later in the show with the tiny mushroom hair clump on top of his head, like he was trying to do a ponytail or man bun? Hilarious.

It was indeed Mikey and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell he was trying to accomplish with that look.
I think there was a shot of Clare doing some ponytail thing on top of Mikey's head. I thought he just kept wearing it, which I found sort of dorkily sweet.
  • Love 5
You must be confusing him with someone else. Mickey T left Des's season in disgrace because he and another guy were plotting how they were going to hang out with rich tall women on boats once the season was over.


Oh wow, I don't remember it being Mickey that said that...I remember that being an issue but huh, no I don't remember it being him that said it.



"Disgrace" is a little much. Hashtag Kasey decided that imagining a life without Des (i.e. acknowledging that they might not win) counted as "the wrong reasons"; hence that little drummed-up scandal.

Enh again maybe he just simply said the wrong thing and other people blew it out of proportion.  Look I'm not saying I wanna marry the dude I just don't think he deserves all the negativity he seems to be getting. 



  • Love 3

Why why why did Jared have to save her?  He clearly feels nothing for her and yet... ?



Because Jared is still MADLY IN LOVE with Kaitlyn, remember? That's his hook for this show. Matters not whom he gives a rose to, he only wants to give all his roses to Kaitlyn. Jared doesn't want any of the women on BIP, he's just there because ... well, because he is.

Carly is cool and seems like someone I would be friends with IRL.



I thought the same thing on Chris S's season. Then she turned into a snarling, vindictive shrew full of evil and nastiness once she discovered she was in Chris's friend zone. I'm waiting for that to happen on BIP. She is one of this franchise's biggest beyotches IMO.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 6

My point was, those two guys weren't talking to ANYONE, much less Ashley. They could have been talking to each other about football, high school or where they get their hair done, but no, both were just sitting there like mud sticks while Ashley got all the THs about her struggles with inter-personal relationships. Way to make Ashley look bad and those two guys look like prizes when NEITHER are, neither had a grasp of basic manners, social skills or etiquette. 


How about asking one of those two guys about THEIR struggles making polite conversation to get to know their fellow BIP competitors? What a couple of time-wasters.


Making the woman look like the loser is a Fleiss manipulation.



Or the guys could have been having a polite enough conversation, with each other, while the few minutes of silence here and there were edited together to make it look like one big long spell of nothing.  I mean, even during normal conversations, its perfectly ok to fall into comfortable moments of silence with each other, especially with people one already considers friends.  


Neither one of them were shown worrying about their inability to have a conversation, though, and neither one of them seemed all that interested in Ashley.  They both just seemed to have the air of "if we don't include her, maybe she'll go away."  And, yeah, that can feel awfully rude to the excluded party, and I've seen women object a lot about that sort of thing, over the years, but really... what's a guy supposed to do when he's not interested in a girl and she's got a desperate crush on him, just based on his looks? 


I say this as someone who was in Ashley's position of having an unrequited crush back in my sophomore year in high school (over 30 years ago), and having the guy react in pretty much this exact way.  He did everything he could to discourage the crush, aside from saying, out loud "Look... I am not into you." 


Guys in this position just tend to shut down conversation, since anything they say can and will be used as evidence.  Evidence that the feeling is mutual.


Granted, it's not the most mature way to handle it, when you're in your 20's.  But I think also, given that the fact that the cameras are there to record any actual conversations, and any attempts to explain... which can then be edited to make the guy seem like an utter jerk... this was probably the best strategy Jared could come up with, for now, when faced with behavior straight out of high school.  I wouldn't be surprised if he tries some other strategies as time goes on. 


I tend to think that him talking up his pain over Kaitlyn was also a "don't want to get involved with you" strategy.  Because honestly, I just don't see how he could be wound up over her, still.  Yeah, they had some fun times, and he had the best dates by far on the Bachelorette... but it seems to me that it was pretty common knowledge among the guys on her season, that Shawn would be the one.

  • Love 10

I think there was a shot of Clare doing some ponytail thing on top of Mikey's head. I thought he just kept wearing it, which I found sort of dorkily sweet.



Yeay for Clare taking over Michelle Money's hairdo duties! I wonder if she did the braids some of the women were wearing at rose ceremony.


The mushroom on Mikey's head did make me like him more. He might be this season's "sleeper."

  • Love 3
Why is Jared a hot commodity? He's nice but looks constantly dirty like Ben Affleck or Russell Brand (yet uglier with worse teeth). Like I get a gal or two...but a hot commodity?


Is he actually a hot commodity? Or does Kardashley just keep telling us that he's a hot commodity? I'm sure I heard her say several times both in THs and to her sister that **everyone** wanted Jared, especially the old ladies!

  • Love 2

I was finding it hard to believe that Ashley I was a virgin during the season with Chris, especially the way she would physically attack him with her tongue.. I had a hard time believing she's never been a party girl who gets loose with guys after drinking. But watching her in this setting I now totally believe it. It's shocking to me that this woman is 27. How is she so still so naive and immature around men? She's suffering from some sort of arrested development and stuck at 15 yrs old when the extent of your ability to flirt with the opposite sex was limited to giggling nervously, looking away, and having no capacity to hold conversation other than "omg your face is just so cute".

Mikey's TH's where he was clearly confused and thinking Clare was into him followed by awkward giggle after every statement were making me uncomfortable and I ended up feeling sorry for his complete lack of a clue.

Edited by GracieK
  • Love 4

"Disgrace" is a little much. Hashtag Kasey decided that imagining a life without Des (i.e. acknowledging that they might not win) counted as "the wrong reasons"; hence that little drummed-up scandal.


I was being tongue-in-cheek precisely because of the overblown reaction by Kasey, Michael G, and Des herself. 


Is he actually a hot commodity? Or does Kardashley just keep telling us that he's a hot commodity? I'm sure I heard her say several times both in THs and to her sister that **everyone** wanted Jared, especially the old ladies!


Well, Tenley and Clare also seem really interested in Jared, and Jade was as well before she focused her attention on Tanner. I'd say that having four women interested in him makes him a hot commodity. I don't find him attractive myself, but for some reason he enjoys immense popularity within the Bachelor Family.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 3

Or the guys could have been having a polite enough conversation, with each other, while the few minutes of silence here and there were edited together to make it look like one big long spell of nothing.  I mean, even during normal conversations, its perfectly ok to fall into comfortable moments of silence with each other, especially with people one already considers friends.


They did the same thing with the McNuggets conversation. Even the smartest people talk about silly things like fast food, but they plucked that out to make her look vapid and incapable of real conversation.

  • Love 4

They did the same thing with the McNuggets conversation. Even the smartest people talk about silly things like fast food, but they plucked that out to make her look vapid and incapable of real conversation.


I can't really remember now, and I deleted the recording after watching it, but didn't she talk about not being able to have a conversation, in her talking heads?  She, herself, acknowledged her lack of capability of having a real conversation.  I don't think the editors just spliced together a lot of other stuff in that voiceover and talking head, to make that point... but again... I don't have the recording to go back to, to find out.


Maybe she did talk about more than Disney princesses and chicken nuggets, granted.  But even so, I can't think of why a normal 27 year old would open up any conversation of Disney princesses with a man she liked.  And unless I'm actively eating McDonalds or Wendy's chicken nuggets, the subject of comparing the two really never enters my head as good conversation fodder.  There's just so much else to talk about when getting to know someone.


I'm just defending Jared a bit really, because it seems like there's a preference for him rescuing her from herself, in this situation, by engaging in small talk to make it less awkward.  And I don't think it's the responsibility of the uninterested-but-basically-a-decent person to make the overly-invested-can't-take-a-hint person comfortable.  Discomfort is crucial to learning, really.  I hope that she'll watch the show and see the signs of lack of interest and get a clue.


Because his silence also appeared to be a kind of communication.  And that is being found to be unacceptable, which isn't really fair to him.  Compare that to Clare saying, basically point-blank, to Mikey that she's not into him.  He sees her talking, he hears words, and he comes away with "she's totally into me."  As Ashley would have, with Jared.  It's a no win situation, but it seems like the guys are the ones getting criticized for it, regardless of their position in the interaction.  It just seems to me that the people with the inability to read a room ought to hold some share of the responsibility.  


Sometimes people hear what they want to hear ("and disregard the rest").  It seemed to me that Jared didn't want to open himself up, at that point, for being misunderstood.  During all the brou-ha-ha over how Ashley would ask him on the date, he seemed to go from "No, no, no" to resigned, to ok, to embrace the opportunity to get out of the house.  He realized she had "claimed her stake" (Oh, Ashley.  Stake your claim, honey.  Gold Rush reference.) and looked at the probabilities, and decided to accept his fate for the time being.  It seemed to me, he was just accepting the status-quo for the moment, hoping to bide his time, 'til he could figure out some other strategy for extricating himself from the forced coupledom that Ashley engineered.


Anyway... now that the horse is most sincerely dead, I'll quite beating it.

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 8

I’m late twice over to the party but if I wait until after eps 3&4 I will be tardy indeed.


No recap…mostly an echo of what others have said about the Bippers (to coin a phrase).  It really is a mishmash of old and new (Bachelor chronology-wise) and the desperation is palpable.



I suppose I’m going to have to scream into a pillow every time I hear the girls up


Felt bad for Jillian who made a very large preshow investment.  Insert joke about bubbles bursting here.  The black box was absent a time or two e.g. when she took a chair for the faux-wedding ceremony.  I dislike JJ intensely but they had a sort of cynical (and therefore honest) paint-by-numbers view of how BIP works and were having fun with it.  She’s spent so much time hanging around gyms and a bunch of musclehead bros that she’s adopted their brusque personality and speech pattern – which isn’t a good thing in the romance department in the wider world.


Tenley damaged goods (can’t forget “We’re Kip-Ten!”).  Nuff said.


Ashley S. dialing down the crazy when there’s a dishy male on offer and interested in her.  She is stick thin – you’d have to be to look that thin on camera eg her skirt in the daylight when she first arrived.  Unless I missed it there was no explanation for the ambulance ride possibly due to medical confidences.  Could she be hypoglycemic?  Was it Montezuma’s revenge?


I wouldn’t give Jade a second look at a bar, the supermarket or at an airline gate.  Utterly plain with or without implants or a saucy video.  Didn’t get the hype during the Bachelor, don’t get it now.  Can't stand Roman sandals either.


Another I will never get…Clare.  Average at best with the possible exception of the eyes and as in past seasons her upper body is thin because she starves herself in order to keep the caboose from exploding.  Right now it is an uneasy truce but she will never be caught without her sarong if she can help it.  Every tick of her clock must sound like a gunshot to her.


Carly as insecure and immature as ever.  The season preview reel (aka Official Spoiler) shows her having at least one meltdown so that’s something to look forward to.  Looks like Juelia and her Sharpie eyelashes will do the same.


The less said about Ashley I and her repellent cut-rate Drea De Matteo sister the better.  Let us not forget that AI was a broadcasting major and is clearly seeking entrée into the field even if it means ritual auto-humiliation which she is clearly doing tongue-in-cheek.  Ashley I is also someone frequently described as beautiful, gorgeous, etc. which mystifies me even more than Jade.  That grouper maw is miles wide.  When she put on the bright red color it looked like the Rolling Stones logo brought to life.


Kirk:  ZZZZ.  Tanner:  top bloke, Jade choice notwithstanding.  Jonathan:  I don’t think him as vile as others do but I can see where boasting about sexual exploits would be a turnoff.  Jon/Juelia strictly a pairing of convenience/survival.  Dan:  best looking male?  I question his judgment but not his eyesight in pursuing Ashley S.  JJ:  still a plonker.  Mikey:  the charmless insecure male version of numerous Bachelorettes and Bippers.  No banter ability whatsoever…’I’m just going to throw that out there.’  Yeah, thanks for that, self-declared Alpha Male Dood.


Jared:  he has his pick of the litter but the bad luck and timing to be saddled with Ashley I for now.  Full marks to him for refusing to kiss her.  The preview reel shows a different pairing and some Jared tears.  With that jawline you have every reason to shave clean every day, especially with a patchy, scraggly beard.


As for the booze, previous season contestants complained that the klieg lights (which are necessary to compete under cover with the bright sunshine outside) gave them frequent headaches.  That combined with hours of downtime gives them a pass.


I miss AshLee.  There I said it.

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 3

Jared:  he has his pick of the litter but the bad luck and timing to be saddled with Ashley I for now.  Full marks to him for refusing to kiss her.  The preview reel shows a different pairing and some Jared tears.  With that jawline you have every reason to shave clean every day, especially with a patchy, scraggly beard.


Yes, please!  From your keyboard to Jared's ears!  Please, please, pretty please. 

  • Love 1

Kirk:  ZZZZ.



He's my pick for this season's eye candy. Ginger, and if I remember correctly, a runner. My kinda guy. (Except that he's on this show, but, whatever.)


I like the poster who said BIP is a breath of fresh air (well, take that with a grain of salt) since there is no fake "My husband/wife is in this room." It's just people being themselves, or whomever TPTB told them to be. Less "obvious" pretense, more people just behaving badly because they can.

  • Love 2

Same as last year, I actually find myself liking Clare. Call me crazy, but I actually wouldn't mind having her as the bachelorette.


Ashley I is a mess, but I almost feel like I can't judge her because I recognize too many traits from my own behaviour 20 years ago. (but let it be known that I was younger than 27 at the time, and hopefully not as shallow). I also enjoy her on my TV, so she's more than welcome to stay.

  • Love 4

Was there a reason that Clare didn't say no to Mikey so that she could wait on Jared? 


Was it because she thought it was too early in the show to create drama or because she didn't necessarily believe that Jared would pick her like he said he would?

I think he said, "If you don't have a rose by my turn, I'll give you mine." She may have thought that offer was only good if she hadn't been offered one, not if she had been offered one but would rather have Jared's. I really wish she had responded to his offer by saying, "Honestly, I'd rather get the rose from you than any other guy here." If he'd been happily agreeable to that comment, she could have turned down Mikey's rose without a qualm. And it certainly would have upped the drama factor pretty darn fast! Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 4

Maybe she did talk about more than Disney princesses and chicken nuggets, granted.

I'm kind of giving her the benefit of the doubt about the chicken nugget conversation. To my ears (which have been known to fail me on many occasions!), I gathered that she was asked a question like "What's your favorite fast food?" (the kind of thing that might be asked when there's absolutely nothing to say), and she did the "It's between Wendy's and McDonald's" reply.

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