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And during Ben's season I didn't like her much because she kept saying that she didn't know if she was ready for it which is why I think he let her go. I think the point is the be ready for marriage, whether you can fall in love within a couple months with some douche who's dating 25 other women is beside the point. When you apply for the show, you're supposed to be at that stage of your life where you're ready for marriage. Caila kept acting closed off and admitted that she didn't know if she was really ready.

And why was she crying and saying that if she shows her true self men break up with her. What's her true self?? Does she turn into a pterodactyl after midnight or something? There's gotta be more to the Caila story.

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26 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

And why was she crying and saying that if she shows her true self men break up with her. What's her true self?? Does she turn into a pterodactyl after midnight or something? There's gotta be more to the Caila story.

It seems like the real Caila is awkward and a bit disconnected, maybe from moving around so much, being the rich girl in town, whatever. Because she's beautiful and has that glossy mane and a big smile, she attracts a lot of guys. Then they expect a bubbly sweetheart and are disappointed when she finally drops the act. (It doesn't help that she probably has 30 IQ points on a fair number of Bachelor alums.)

  • Love 1

None of the men we know who watch this show think the Caila is the prettiest on the show. She's getting an excessive amount of compliments in that regard and I don't understand it really. So many of the women that go on this show are beautiful. I don't think Caila is at the top of that list. I think she's an average looking woman with nice hair.

Was Caila THE rich girl in town? Somehow I doubt she was the only special little princess in the whole town. Not in the Northeast for sure. I went to high school that had a lot of rich but also a lot of lower middle class. Nobody had an issue with the rich kids and the rich kids had no problem with anyone else. We all hung out together and nobody thought about it. Maybe she thinks she has haters because she's privileged but I doubt she does. And if being rich is an excuse to be a bitch then that's just pathetic.

I think we'd be surprised by the IQ's of some people. Plus there are a lot of very successful and educated people on this show and those who are uneducated can still have pretty high IQ's. Perhaps she thinks she smarter than everyone else. Smug assholes are generally not well-liked.

I don't think Caila has any excuse for being snobby or "disconnected". My kids moved around a lot too and they learned to adjust and make friends because of that fact. They had a lot of practice trying to connect. I've heard the same about military kids.

No excuses for Caila. If nobody likes her it's not because she has "haters". Maybe she's just a bitch.

  • Love 4

I find the scrutiny and criticism that Caila has faced says something about the way society regards ethnic females. Yeah I went there. 

Chad, Josh, and Daniel IMO didn't get nearly as much criticism. Neither did Ashley who openly called other women "hooker" and "whore". So I wonder why people find Caila so offensive. Especially when Ashley I. and Michelle mock her on After Paradise as an "anime character" and imitate her smiling with narrow eyes. Yes, not obvious at all. 

OMG she's nice!!! And polite!!!!! She smiles!!!!!!! The horror. Give me nice and polite over drunk, catty, insecure, psychopath stalker any day.

  • Love 16

All of the people you just mentioned have been completely torn to shreds. The only thing that half of us have said about Caila was that maybe she's a bitch and the other half say maybe not. It's not necessary to bring race into this. Please don't say that anybody here dislikes Caila because we have a problem with ethnic women. That is implying that people here are racist and I don't think that's appropriate and it certainly doesn't hold water. 

The hosts on After Paradise have done nothing but kiss her ass.

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 10
36 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Chad, Josh, and Daniel IMO didn't get nearly as much criticism. Neither did Ashley who openly called other women "hooker" and "whore".

Chad has been called a possible date rapist/woman beater, Josh has been called a possible abuser, Daniel has gotten flak for criticizing women's looks, Ashley has gotten plenty of criticism for her choice of words and behavior in general. We've also had plenty of snark for Amanda, the twins, Jared, Evan, Carly, and Nick. Most of the things that are being said about Caila are pretty mild in comparison.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Canada said:

Or maybe she's just a bitch.


5 hours ago, thehepburn said:

Or maybe she's not. Despite you saying the same thing over and over on this page.

I think Canada was working a comic timing thing, called emphasis through repetition or sentence ejaculation.   I just made that up, but she did made me laugh.

I have enjoyed the Caila analysis and, no, I don't think there's been one bit of ethnic prejudice in any of it.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who had to stop and think, "Ethnic?  What now?"  Caila has given us a good long discussion because her personality is hard to pin down and she can be seen as either innocent victim of jealous haters, or stealth bitch according to which light we're holding her in. 

  • Love 6

Just because it happens, it doesn't mean it happened here. It's the overexcited open-mouth smile they were mocking and I kind of get why, because it annoys me as well. Caila is not the only offender and it's got nothing to do with her being Asian. Chelsea Briche who hosts AfterBuzz is the same, like there's no variation between looking serious and looking like someone just wheeled out a giant birthday cake for you. I just don't need to see your tonsils everytime you smile, that's all. I think Michelle Collins mentioned anime characters, because that's how a smiling anime character is drawn, overexcited with an open mouth and little arches for eyes. May I point out that anime characters aren't even drawn to look Asian? If you've been mocked for your eyes, then I can see why you'd find it offensive, I just don't think it was the intention in this case. They were being thoughtless, not racist. Caila's gorgeous and no one's implied otherwise as far as I've seen.

  • Love 4

I think the race card is used too much in this age but that doesnt mean that I dont find casual racism more disquieting than dogmatic bigotry. Just bc you (this is a general "you" and not aimed at anyone specifically) dont find something racist, even a little, doesnt mean that it is not there and the ppl who DO find it racist have a valid point.

Edited by thehepburn
  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

I think the race card is used too much in this age but that doesnt mean that I dont find casual racism more disquieting than dogmatic bigotry. Just bc you (this is a general "you" and not aimed at anyone specifically) dont find something racist, even a little, doesnt mean that it is not there and the ppl who DO find it racist have a valid point.

That works both ways, though ... Just because you feel that something may be racist, that doesn't mean it is. Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar. 

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, marymary said:

That works both ways, though ... Just because you feel that something may be racist, that doesn't mean it is. Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar. 


That I can agree with. Also, I hope that you don't mean me specifically bc I personally dont care one way or the other.  I just can respect if some posters see this as a race issue bc casual racism is so pervasive.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, marymary said:

That works both ways, though ... Just because you feel that something may be racist, that doesn't mean it is. Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar. 

Indeed. It's a matter of interpretation and perspective. Someone who's had to deal with racism all their life may see it even when it's not there while someone who's never had to deal with racism might miss it even when it's obvious. All I know is that I might compare smiling Caila to a smiling anime character the same way I'd compare Robby to a Ken doll or Jordan to the asparagus from VeggieTales. It wouldn't even occur to me that it might been seen as racist due to the Asian connection. When Michelle Collins said something about rainbow eyes, I thought she was just describing what a smiling anime character looks like to illustrate the comparison, not to mock Caila for her ethnic features, but that's just my interpretation. Like I said, I can see why someone might take offense to it, I'm just not convinced there is much reason to.

  • Love 3


Caila has given us a good long discussion because her personality is hard to pin down and she can be seen as either innocent victim of jealous haters, or stealth bitch according to which light we're holding her in.

Yes, this I agree with. Caila is interesting to talk about precisely because reactions are so mixed. And also because what's being argued about is totally within the scope of good/bad you expect on the show -- is she a bitch, is she nice, is she in it for the Right Reasons or not, etc. Nick is like that, too (though post BIP it seems a lot more people are pro Nick so there's less debate). To me, one of the best parts of talking about reality TV is seeing how people react differently to these more polarizing figures. 

I actually think Caila makes an interesting contrast to someone like Josh. I have seen less detailed discussion about him (here or anywhere) recently, but that's because it seems like there's less disagreement -- at this point, most people agree he sucks. And personally, I think he sucks in a way that's not even fun to snark on. He really might be emotionally abusive. That's not fun or interesting, that's, to me, sad and disturbing. 

Edited by Agnes Bean
  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, MsPH said:

Indeed. It's a matter of interpretation and perspective. Someone who's had to deal with racism all their life may see it even when it's not there while someone who's never had to deal with racism might miss it even when it's obvious. All I know is that I might compare smiling Caila to a smiling anime character the same way I'd compare Robby to a Ken doll or Jordan to the asparagus from VeggieTales. It wouldn't even occur to me that it might been seen as racist due to the Asian connection. When Michelle Collins said something about rainbow eyes, I thought she was just describing what a smiling anime character looks like to illustrate the comparison, not to mock Caila for her ethnic features, but that's just my interpretation. Like I said, I can see why someone might take offense to it, I'm just not convinced there is much reason to.

I don't think the Michelle "anime eyes" is the main cause of the racial issue.

5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Haha now I feel stupid, this makes MUCH more sense! 

Don't feel stupid!  The very idea of someone slipping poop into Chads pants was the funniest thing I have read in ages.  It could happen!  Maybe.

if anyone makes anime eyes, it's Evan.   I never noticed that on Caila.  

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 3

Caila does have some people that like her in the franchise. Sharleen has spent time with her in New York and said she enjoyed her company in one of her Flare recaps. Also Catherine Lowe, Lauren H., Amber, and Jami have supported her on social media. I still tend to think something is a bit off about her as I believe where there's smoke there's fire. But perhaps it doesn't come out with everyone?

1 minute ago, fib said:

What these people have in common is that they didnt spend much time with her in Paradise.  Jami and Lauren H overlapped with her for what, one day?

They've also both been with her on Ben's season for a few weeks. It does seem like a mixed bag with Caila. Some of the girls who were on the Bachelor with her seem to like her (the aforementioned Jami, Amber, and Lauren H), and others (Lace, Jubilee, Amanda, the twins) obviously don't. Something about her obviously rubbed several girls the wrong way, even before the Jared/Ashley situation. It happens every season that there's a girl that isn't well liked by the other girls, but what's fascinating in this case is that (a) we find out long after the fact, and (b) nobody will explicitly tell us why.

I don't post here often but I have no doubt that Jared and Ashley will end up together.  The key for me was the agreement that they stop talking and He reached out to her.  Also, on   BIP when Caila was discussing how Ashley was still in love with him, he had a little smile.  I think he loves the attention and her fawning over him that he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Yes, he likes the ego stroking  but I truly think he really likes, loves, and cares about her.  Only question is -- will they televise the wedding?

Edited by Diana Berry
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Chad pooped his pants.  Maybe he really didn't poop them, and someone really did slip the poop in his pants to set him up for humiliation.   But yeah, Chad really got his comeuppance.  

Ha! The poster didn't mean they slipped poop into his pants. They meant the producer slipped in the poop. As in stepped in it and slipped. 

3 hours ago, Losemynumber said:

Back to Caila for a second. I never understood why Ben called her a sex panther to begin with. 

I think it was because Caila attacked him with her mouth the moment they sat down at some cocktail party early in the season. She seemed pretty reserved on their date and then a few days later she's climbing on his lap at "hello".

On 9/4/2016 at 0:37 PM, bleiby73 said:

Caila does have some people that like her in the franchise. Sharleen has spent time with her in New York and said she enjoyed her company in one of her Flare recaps. Also Catherine Lowe, Lauren H., Amber, and Jami have supported her on social media. I still tend to think something is a bit off about her as I believe where there's smoke there's fire. But perhaps it doesn't come out with everyone?

The people you mention, who like her, happen to be some of the nicer people on this awful show.

  • Love 1

Looks like you come on this program to show off your boobage to make the guys who dumped you see what they are missing (Izzy last week and Jen this week)

Glad someone else noticed how the regulation uniform for unattached female contestants seems to be a dress with a plunging V down to the navel, with plenty of boobage showing.  Izzy, Jen, Ashley--they've all done it and it looks trashy. 

So they brought Jen on, but before she could say more than "I'm okay, I've moved on," they brought on an astrologer to pre-empted any potential maligning of Nick  by Jen.  They gave the astrologer the rest of the time that Jen might have elaborated on her feelings. Why was Jen even there?
Finally, it disturbs me that Amanda, Josh, Michelle, and everyone else focuses on how Amanda, Josh, and the girls are like a family, the girls love him, etc. That's all well and good, but I certainly hope their real dad is also in the picture. (Kind of like I would want to really understand why Evan is not still married and parenting his 3 kids before I would ever let myself fall in love with him.)

Edited by adhoc
clarifying what I wrote
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, adhoc said:


Finally, it disturbs me that Amanda, Josh, Michelle, and everyone else focuses on how Amanda, Josh, and the girls are like a family, the girls love him, etc. That's all well and good, but I certainly hope their real dad is also in the picture. (Kind of like I would want to really understand why Evan is not still married and parenting his 3 kids before I would ever let myself fall in love with him.)

This. So many kids at the whim of the whirlwind romance of their parents. Blending a family is tough work. Evan doesn't really talk about his kids, which I hope is to protect their privacy. But the way Amanda talks about a Dad for her kids makes me nervous. 

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, Artsda said:

LOL at Josh opening the box and eating the pizza while still on camera. Evan just held his closed and Lace handed hers to Grant to hold both. 

Josh definitely loves pizza more than Amanda. No way is that couple lasting more than a few months.

Carly's constant giggling would normally annoy me, but I found it cute tonight. She just seems so happy.

Lace and Grant might last a while, but surely it must go up in flames eventually. Her moodiness and his wandering eye will not work together forever.

Jen's appearance was pretty pointless. They obviously didn't want her spilling any unnecessary information about her possible post-BIP relationship with Nick, since he's the new Bachelor.

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