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I'm a huge dog lover and would have loved to cuddle with those island dogs, but honestly, having encountered similar dogs on a tropical vacation (in the Dominican Republic to be specific), these dogs aren't really ones you should get up close and personal with.  They may have a very friendly temperament (probably because they are always around people, i.e., tourists), but because they are "wild" and roam around freely, they are far from the cleanest dogs around.  There was one adorable dog that would come up and hang out at my villa in the DR and I wanted to pet and hug her all day long, but I could tell from looking at her that I would be risking some nasty stuff if I did.  (Which broke my heart because I wanted to take her home so badly.)  So, I can't exactly fault whomever for making the hand sanitizer remark.


Between all the random fucking, half naked to naked drunken cavorting that these women did, I can't imagine that the dogs were the only ones potentially spreading nasty stuff.

I mean, I understand what you are saying but I still give props to the ladies who were excited about the dogs. I'm guessing the bitches bitching have had nastier shit injected into their face. Or in their mouth. I'm looking at you, Kristen and Dorinda.

  • Love 4

This episode was so epic. I think of the ladies as two teams: LuAnn, Sonja, Ramona, Dorinda, and Bethenny, and then Carole, Heather and Kristin. Carole lost by pouting because Ramona didn't want to share the guy she was flirting with and Heather lost by completely losing it when the ladies called her out on her swearing.

Wait. What? When did Heather completely lose it? Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 13


In defense of Carole's comment to Ramona, she was not upset that Ramona talked to the guy, she was upset that she did not say 1 word or acknowledge either her or Bethenny when she walked over. Ramona interrupted a conversation they were having with him buy taking his arm and turning his back towards them. Even Bethenny said it was very rude and it WAS rude!   JMO 

I think they were irritated and embarrassed that Ramona of all people was able to steer the guy's attention away from them.  After all, aren't they supposed to be the hot, cool, always-date-younger girls, while Ramona is the old, flabby crone?  It's a club. It's vacation.  PUH-lease.  If Bethenny had done what Ramona did, and they had told her that she was rude, she would have brushed them off and told them to stop it with the Miss Manners.   Methinks Bethenny and Carole are used to being the center of attention when it comes to men and aren't used to being one-upped by someone like Ramona.

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 14

If I had been a patron at the resturant that had the the "last supper" I would have done one of two things. I have either told the manager that my meal had been ruined by those loud people over there I would expect my meal to be on the house or I would have walked over to their table pulled up a chair and said if my meal was to interupted by them then I wanted to hear up close and personal everything being said. Yes I'm bold that way.

  • Love 17

The editing vs. marketing is weird.  The previews and commercials always try to make it seem like Heather is some type of villain but then when the episode airs almost invariably the others look worse.  I do like Heather but it also seems from the comments that most people end up siding with Heather too.  The show has definitely made me change my mind about characters before so I would think they could make me turn on Heather but they haven't been able to yet -- maybe they've stopped trying, lol.

  • Love 16

To me, "Jon, get out of this right now!" complete with a wagging finger does not equal a polite request to let one handle an argument. But that's, of course, my subjective opinion. Heather herself has declared language and specific words ("alcoholic"; "ghetto") off limits or beyond the pale. She has done so while indulging in double standards for herself ( I guess "alcoholic" is verboten but "drinking problem" and accounts of carrying said alcoholic up to bed are okay). She is correct about Lu's selective application of etiquette but she herself is every bit as big of a hypocrite in a more moral context. "I don't know why she's so mad" (paraphrased) - came in Heather's talking head from what I heard, at which point she would have had ample time to pinpoint just why Dorinda was pissed. And even if Lu and Dorinda had insulted Heather's parenting (I'll have to rewatch because I thought they were generically invoking an example about not wanting your kids to curse), to then turn around with the efforts to shame Dorinda and outright say that her mother must be embarrassed of her is no less hypocritical than Dorinda deriding f-bombs and then proceeding to drop a litany herself. Both women contradicted themselves within breaths.

And, of course, more broadly, Heather is not one to condemn drunken screaming when she has done that herself.

  • Love 5

Beth and Kristen's blogs are up and they both go after Ramona hard; especially Beth. Kristen mentions her new boobs that she won't admit to even having, and said that at one point she had gone over to see Ramona when she was talking to the dude and that she ignored her and acted like she didn't know her. The comments Beth makes about Ramona are the harshest she has had for anyone. She weighs in on the "fuck" debate and said it was ludicrous because they all know that Dorinda, Ramona and Lu curse all the time. I won't ruin it for anyone who wants to be surprised at the drama next week with the naked guy, but the clip that explains it is up on Bravo.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 10

I feel like I have to watch this again. I felt Dorinda and Luann were totally out of line... Well, actually Ramona started it-- this woman is a piece of work. She has the most offensive behavior. Then Luann jumps on the bandwagon and they are scolding Heather?  Dorinda is such a drunken mess. Even with her insults and poutrage... Heather still feels bad for her because she is such a hot mess express and looks to talk to her privately and help her.  Kristen and Sonja were just flabbergasted.


Ramona feeling entitled to be a boorish slutbomb.... with the "slut-shame apology" to Carole-- I don't think anyone is jealous of that train wreck. Carole is right -- it isn't so much about age, Ramona has no game-- she reverts to what may have worked in the 80's while she pushes her new boobies in everyone's face. Acting like GirlsGoneWild out on Spring break really does not become any of these ladies. I guess I have to say, it makes them look so desperate.


Andy said he had 10 hours today of filming RHONY's reunion. I hope he is drinking something very strong now.

  • Love 15

I didn't even understand what the argument was about. Seriously. I was with Sonja, what the hell just happened? What were the sides even arguing? What point? All I heard was a lot of the F word from both sides. I don't even know which side was which! My side? Well, I used to cuss like a sailor but not in front of children. My kids, anyone's kids and I try really, really hard not to cuss in front of my parents. 


I loved the resort they were staying in and how Ramona (and Sonja) got the silent treatment the next morning. I don't really think Ramona was all that bad at the bar but for someone so critical of Sonja she best watch her (filmed) behavior before she starts getting all high and mighty! 


Now, back in my late teens/early 20's I would have been fine waking up at my girl friends house and finding a strange dude in her bed. Now, in my 30's not so much. If a scenario like that were to ever happen now a days a friend would go back to the other persons house out of respect for our friendship. Besides obvious safety issues I think it's just common courtesy to be discreet about whom you are bedding. Can you not go 4 days without a lay?

  • Love 9

I would be highly peeved if a friend of mine brought home some strange rando to get her freak on-- get a hotel room. These women are monied, they can afford to rent a room for a few hours.


I'm guessing the Ganesvoort couldn't wait for these women to get their day bags packed and out of that penthouse suite!!  And, whoever it was that brought the strange guy back to the villa couldn't negotiate an hourly rate!    ;-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 2

I will have to go back and re watch but at least she was willing to pet the dog without hand sanitizer...those other bitches were acting as if the dogs carried the bubonic plague.


As someone who contracted ringworm from a stray turned house dog from while on vacation in a tropical location where vaccinations for pets are not required like in the US, I don't blame those women for wanting to keep their distance.


Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu." 


Heather received a text from Bethenny after she had landed in NY. LuAnn was making a dig at Heather in her talking head since she's been going on about how Heather has this unabashed effort for Bethenny's approval all season.


Neither Dorinda nor LuAnn were making sense at the restaurant. What did Dorinda mean by "We're pure?" That seemed to be in defense of not dropping the f-bomb. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt about not being a racist but if that is some sort of allusion to white supremacy and not cursing, then I'm officially out.

  • Love 8

Behtenny's friend is a friend of the bar/restaurant owner they were talking to. She went to talk to him about allowing her to get behind the bar to mix special drinks for all of the women and asked Carole to go with her. They were NOT trying to hit on him, both were in relationships at that time and, IMO, had no interest in hitting on him. Ramona came over and did not say 1 word to them or act like she knew them, turned the guy so that his back was too them and proceeded to talk/flirt with him even though they were in the middle of a conversation with him. She, Ramona was rude, rude, rude and selfish as always and IMO, there was no jealously involved from either Carole or Bethenny.


Ramona usually doesn't bother me much and I usually find her entertaining, but in tonight's episode, she was downright rude and entitled.  When they were at the  Conch Shack, she acted like a caged animal who had recently been released.  I get that she had pretty much been with the ladies for four straight days, without really seeing anyone else, but she was kinda out of control.


I also was wondering who she was texting with at the drunken dinner when Sonja reprimanded her about no texting at dinner....I was thinking it may have been Mario.  She didn't offer up anything about texting Avery or a business colleague - she just smiled a sneaky little smile.  (Or, maybe it was her random hook up for the night??)


I checked out the website for the Conch Shack (www.daconchshack.com)....no wonder Luann liked that place so much - it has a pirate skull & crossbones flag on the website!!  Also advertises "Hump and Bump" night, LOL!!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

Beth and Kristen's blogs are up and they both go after Ramona hard; especially Beth. Kristen mentions her new boobs that she won't admit to even having, and said that at one point she had gone over to see Ramona when she was talking to the dude and that she ignored her and acted like she didn't know her. The comments Beth makes about Ramona are the harshest she has had for anyone. She weighs in on the "fuck" debate and said it was ludicrous because they all know that Dorinda, Ramona and Lu curse all the time. I won't ruin it for anyone who wants to be surprised at the drama next week with the naked guy, but the clip that explains it is up on Bravo.

Bethenny's blog was not kind to LuAnn, Ramona or Dorinda! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

If I were Heather, I would've told them I don't give a fuck, and they could fuck right off.

I am trashy, y'all.

Well trashy, come sit next to me. I was so hoping that she would say "don't tell me nothing mother-fucker".

LuAnn asked Heather if she wanted her young daughter to grow up using the oh-so-profane word "fuck." I would have given anything for Heather to reply that she would prefer that over her daughter using the n-word.

Hypocrisy is not good etiquette, Countess.

I was wondering if Heather had to bite her lip. For the most part I have always liked Lu, but one topic she should stay far away from is how a mother should be judged by the words spoken by her daughter.

  • Love 21

Dorinda: "My mom raised me to be the most fucking gracious woman ever".


.....Yeah, how'd that work for you Miss "Don't do that shit!  You better back that shit up, and back it up quick!"


I'm cyanide-ing this broad.


If she's back next season, let's hope she gets some dental work done. I'm watching this on a 20+ year old television (don't judge me) so no Hi-Def, but her teeth issues are even plain for me to see!

  • Love 14

Drunk and slurry worded Dorinda made me think of that quote that "one martini is not enough but two are too much" or something like that. She drank that first one down super quick and probably had a second before the first one hit her and then bam, the housewife perfect storm. I completely lost the gist of that argument because everyone was talking at the same time. Wish Bravo would slow it down and subtitle it for us please.


Did they switch to a hotel because the mausoleum was too quiet? 

  • Love 2

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'.  Does everything that happens have to be discussed ad nauseum?  Just let it go geez louise.

When i am having a "fight" with a friend I often table it or ask to go work it out one on one obviously on this show not privately but it diffusers the drama and let's the rest of the group not be involved or try to escalate it. That said I tend not to have drunken fights with my friends.

  • Love 14

This is one episode where I *really* wish Carole could have been blogging. Her argument with Ramona and her perspective at the Last Dinner would have been full of snark (Dorinda used to have the best blogs this season, but I'm guessing that yacht has sailed).


I almost feel bad for Kristen in that her segment of the ladies trying on her nail polish got all of 15 seconds and I don't even think they showed the logo.


How hilarious was the scene of Ramona impersonating the other housewives? "LuAnn is gonna walk in like an empress. SON - ya. SON - ya. What is wrong with you? And YOU. Ram - o- na. Kristen will be in your face right away. Heather will be all high and mighty. Carole won't say crap." 

I do find it interesting that Bethenny and Carole have both figured out how to react to the Ramona Coaster. Bethenny treats her like a five-year-old. Carole calmly calls her out on her crap. They're both very different strategies, but they both seemed to work.


Oh, DORINDA. The only thing worse than a mean drunk or an emotional drunk is someone who manages to be both.

Edited by JakeyJokes
  • Love 13

Dang, need another watch.  God bless my DVR.  That was a whole lotta lota.  I agree with TheFinalRose, it was worse than my family reunion with all the talking over and yaking - and there's 200 of us.  


There is nothing worse than being the sober one at dinner.  Or even half sober with girlfriends.  I had one girlfriend drag me into her hotel room and demanded I try on one of her dresses because I lost weight and I was swimming in my shirt and SHE was 'worried' about me  GTFO.  It goes from fun buzz to crazy fucked up shit but I would have called out the stupid #Hashtag comments momma.  Annoying momma.


Oh so, the nekkid dude is the reason for the Countless "Be Cool" comment.  Was that Heather who ripped open the curtains?  I would have slept in or dragged my hungover ass to the beach and MYOB.  (After hiding my purse.)

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 4

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way. I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'. Does everything that happens have to be discussed ad nauseum? Just let it go geez louise.

I do think Heather considered Dorinda a friend and realized what an ass Dorinda was making of herself so removing her from the group was her best bet at diffusing her. I see no problem with that. She wasn't agressive or taking her somewhere to fight more. I give it to Heather because if it were me I would have told those bitches you're all fucking crazy and gone to sit at another table.

  • Love 24

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'.  Does everything that happens have to be discussed ad nauseum?  Just let it go geez louise.

I actually like that Heather wants to try to talk things out in private. Too many housewives delight in screaming things out in front of a crowd: Ramona, Vicki, Bethenny, Kim Richards, Nene. I find it to be the realest thing about Heather. That she actually has a normal person reaction to conflict by getting away from the crowd and the booze to solve issues is, if not commendable, certainly more rational than most of the behavior we see from housewives.

  • Love 22

One thing that I do think was great about Bethenny, Lu, and Heather is that they took Sonja aside talked to her about what they said and didn't make excuses but apologized and said it came from a good place and didn't throw anyone under the bus. Contrast to her "BFF" Ramona who denies.she says things to Sonja' s face and tells her what everyone else was saying or Dorinda who riled Sonja up not mentioning she has also talked shot about her.

A united B/H could rule this franchise.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 18

I liked Kristen grabbing the bottle of wine and pretending she needed to drink it all during the "F"fight.

Kristen is the best fucking background actor ever!  The faces, the utter revulsion in TH's about the stupidest shit.  It's fucking amazing to watch her watch things, like every single thing is fresh and new. 


I also appreciate the fuck out of this whole cast.  When I heard the islands lasted four days I was like, "Fuck!" but now I'm all "Fuck Yes!" because they keep the drama in all kinds of directions, then they "make up" and let it simmer for a better explosion later.  It's kind of perfect for me.  While other casts make teams so an entire season becomes a drag, they fight/love so often it's like I get four episodes in one.


MINIONS!  We already made a boatload of cash overseas but we're going to take up half your screen tonight anyway.  Because there's apparently a lot of overlap between people who will watch these silly women and who will see what appears to be a cartoon about silly little yellow things.  Maybe I should interpret it as a read not an oversized plug invading my screen.  


I can't even with the battle at the end about the f-word (which I will not say because I have class).  I don't think it was producer-driven drama (though they sadly couldn't let a half episode go without Bethenney yakking, adding in that coconut scene).  I just think these broads were drunk as hell.  Shit-faced even.  I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be Sonja watching this after being lectured.  And if this is what's spurred the Great Rift causing a few epic Twitter tirades, well...I can't wait for the blogs.  I'm wondering if Luann/Dorinda even remembered what happened.




Lastly...I feel like Ramona is a special kind of human being.  How the fuck can you watch yourself on tv for 800 years and still claim to be this benevolent caretaker who wanted to be selfish "for once."  For the record, I was with Bethenney and Carole in their argument, though I also fault the guy they were talking to for choosing to turn his back to them.  Ramona was a jerk, but he could have made a different choice.  


I feel like she and Vicki from OC should meet, on tv, for drinks, because it may create some kind of vortex and that would be interesting to watch.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 24

I can't hate on Lu. I just like her. I may not have the same ummmm, "morals" as her, but I dig her. She was fucked up at that dinner and I'm betting didn't remember a thing about it the next morning. I thoroughly enjoy drunk, slurry, hypocrite Luann.

The best part of it is the look on her face when Dorinda goes batshit (my mother would be fine with me saying it). Heather was simply saying she talks differently like they all do in the company of friends or casual environments.that she didn't care, her mom didn't care and if Ella grows up to use language she wouldn't care so stop judging her as a parent. Dorinda cursing her out with rice on her lip while explaining how she was raised to be classy was glorious.

  • Love 23

Can Carole sit up straight? It seems like every time she is on screen her head is lolling back, or she is slouched down low in her chair, it makes her look listless. And she reminds me of Jacqueline from NJ--they eat in all of their scenes!

Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu."

Yes it was Heather.

It was in a new th imo. Dorinda has made a point to be condescending to Heather about getting along with Beth (on Twitter) . I guess it bothers both Lu and Dorinda.

And because it bothers Lu (who I usually like) and Dorinda, fuck fuck fuckity fuck! I have never understood why people get so twisted by "bad" words? If I was insulting others I'd get it, but I'm not so fuck it.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

Ramona saying these words:  "There's one thing about me, I'm always worrying about everyone else."

Most WTF moment of the night.  Ramona is the least self-critical person ever.  No wonder she is friends with Sonja.  


This was the silliest fight ever.  The only thing that would have added to it is if they had a drink counter for each of the participants.  Of course, they would have needed to track the pre-dinner drinks too.  LuAnn was slurring the second they sat down.  

  • Love 9

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'.  

Yes. Even though I agree with the opinion that it's an effective method to calm people, I don't believe that's Heather's motivation because of the self-aggrandizement in her delivery. It feels like she relishes capitalizing on the opportunity to play hero, swooping in like a professional doctor/therapist to counsel the patient, hence, "I got this." That's what she was trying to do with Bethenny but B saw that it was to help Heather have attention on Heather more than anything else.


B called it when she called Dorinda a "broad." I haven't written her off but it's funny to see Sonja the sober-ish one while Dorinda's establishing herself as the messy drunk.

  • Love 6

Loved the hotel employee smiling and shaking his head at Ramona's sense of entitlement. Finally someone in the service industry who doesn't cave to her every whim and demand.

I've never understood Ramona's delusional sense of entitlement.  As Bethenny said, she came from nothing and wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  On the show, I've see her be rude and dismissive of waiters, servers, and doormen.  It's my big pet peeve and drives me crazy when anyone treats people in the service industry as beneath them.  You'd think with all that she has, she'd be a grateful person and be able to muster up an occasional, "Thank you".  Never forget where you came from!

  • Love 14
Dang, need another watch.  God bless my DVR.  That was a whole lotta lota.


I watched it 3 times & I still have no idea what was going with that shitfest at the end.  OK, Satan Andy, I think you should give a show to that crumb on Dorinda's lip.  I mean, the woman ate & she ate & she ate & she ate & then she drank & she drank & she drank & she drank even more, but damn, that crumb was still freakin' there!!!!!  


Hey, Dorinda, tell Miss Eyebrows to tweet about that damn crumb on your lip!!!!


Oh and Satan Andy, you should absolutely give Coconja a show too.  Not Bethenny tho -- only Coconja.  I'm really digging Coconja.  


Luved watching Moaner with her gut & her fake boobies jutting out, saying "Sewn -YAH, Oh, Sewn-YAH, Sewn-YAH, Sewn-YAH, Sewn-YAH".

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

I thought the crumb on her lip was a tiny piece of chewed food and it was grossing me out. I thought Ramona talking to the owner and then not letting the ladies in was HYSTERICAL. Ramona is so primal. That's exactly how my dog acts when you come near her when she has her new rawhide treat. Heather though blew it by telling Dorinda that her daughter swears. Dorinda just went on and on about how it wasn't ladylike to curse and Heather threw that fact into her face. Dorinda is not going to forgive that one, and Heather should have left that out, and the mother stuff. After you insult someone's mother and daughter, THEN try to calm that person down by leading them outside saying, "I got this! I got this!" You are being a bit psycho. My guess is that Heather deals with some pretty serious behavior problems with her children for her to act like a punishing parent all the time. I bet "I got this! I got this!" Is what she tells her husband when she carries her screaming child into another room and spanks them. 

  • Love 3

Dorinda can go any time now. I thought she was cool but now I think back, the fucked up remarks to the "coat check" guy, the fucked up remarks to the wheelchair guy, her fucked up ugly daughter stating how they had "ways" to make salespeople do what they want, her fucked up attack on her BF over his frustration with her kid dictating their relationship, her fucked up attack on her BF because he took a phone call at lunch, and now this. That woman is not nice in her core. She's a nasty elitist snob like Ramona. I am no longer neutral about Dorinda, I straight up don't like her ass. She can back that shit up right back to her apartment and braid her daughter's eyebrows for her.


Wait, what?  What did Dorinda say to a guy in a wheelchair and how did I miss that?  And what was it that Mini DorinDAMNThoseEyebrows said were "ways" to make salespeople do what they want?


Why has almost everyone basically apologized to Sonja for what was said about her and her drinking?  While I agree that perhaps a professional should be the one to technically "diagnose" someone as an alcoholic, they DO all think that she has a drinking problem.  It's not like they made up their concerns out of nowhere to defame her reputation; she has clearly exhibited worrisome behavior many times with regards to her drinking (which includes a damn DUI!).  Maybe it was gossipy to some extent and could've been handled in a more tactful manner, but I do think that they are genuinely concerned about her drinking... and rightfully so.  I feel like by apologizing to her, they are basically telling Sonja, "Oh, we're so sorry for saying you are an alcoholic and like to get shitfaced to the point of needing assistance to stay upright.  That never happens!  We were so wrong!  Go ahead, girl, and drink up!  You can totally handle your alcohol!" and that's so not the case.  It's like they're enabling her even moreso by apologizing, and I would sincerely hate to see something terrible happen to her (or someone else as a result of her drinking) because they're all too chicken shit to stick to their guns in an effort to make her see that it IS a real problem.


Oh, Sonja?  Bitch please with you telling LuAnn how you looked John Morgan in the eyes and told him to "Let me go."  You're the one who can't let go of what you had with him or the lavish lifestyle you lost, and you've been divorced how many years now?  Going on almost 10 years?  Yeah, okay.

  • Love 16


JOAN VAN SNARK, ON 07 JUL 2015 - 11:38 PM, SAID:

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'. 

Yes. Even though I agree with the opinion that it's an effective method to calm people, I don't believe that's Heather's motivation because of the self-aggrandizement in her delivery. It feels like she relishes capitalizing on the opportunity to play hero, swooping in like a professional doctor/therapist to counsel the patient, hence, "I got this." That's what she was trying to do with Bethenny but B saw that it was to help Heather have attention on Heather more than anything else.

Thank you!  Did a much better job of explaining what I mean about Heather's grabbing people and pulling them off habit.  It drives me crazy!  Just let things go for once for god sake!


A Heather/Bethenny 'team' would be insufferable in my opinion.  Moaner, Sonja and Lu may have their faults, but they are entertaining!  I don't want any 'team' taking over and shutting them down.  I'm not really sure what that exactly means that H & B could 'run the franchise'.

  • Love 2

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