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S17.E03: Episode 3

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Jason is so much more likable when calming down, and dropping the affected accent. What is that accent he's trying for?

What am I seeing on Becky's upper lip? The crying was a little irritating.

Jeff and Jackie are the last team from TAR I wanted to see. If they don't want to be seen as allies, perhaps they shouldn't lay in bed chatting away from the others.

I like the possible alliance of Da'Vonne, Jason, Audrey, and James. Very diverse.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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Meg: The eighties called and they want their glasses back.


Bro Code #1: Tell Bro when Bro is not actually being "A Bro" and is actually being a loud, annoying ass that thinks he is the 'Best Bro of All Time".


"Things have been so chaos." "I played the comp with him and he was pretty beast."- Wow Jason and James shore talk pretty.


Liz reminds me of Maya Rudolph facially and vocally...


Jace needs to go home this week if only to spare us from the air guitar sound effects.


And my hope of a non-smoking season goes up in smoke... another strike against Jason...


Just like BotB being back to my chagrin so are the Bluetooth nomination boxes. I thought the show was better served by the 'Player X you are safe, please take out the next key and pass it along." approach. More dramatic. High tech isn't always the best way to go when shooting a teevee show.


Video game sound? Q-Bert!! I'd know that sound anywhere!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Oh,no...I would hate to lose Jackie...she was my fave from TAR....and she clearly won the genetic lottery...she's about as perfect as a woman can be.


Best part about tonight was Becky saying she wouldn't hesitate to put Jason on the block if s he gets HOH because man its going to be a long summer if he's around to the bitter end mugging for the camera the whole way.


Steve trying to make Dayonne his "Danielle" was gold...but dammit the kid did have a good idea there...it would be a great and unlikely secret alliance.


Shelltown can go to Helltown.


I knew Shelli would be fickle to her alliance if it meant a chance to jump Clay. It's only a matter of time before she abandons her first night alliance for some testosterone.

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No way was that delay "5 minutes," per the CBS Twitter account. My recording didn't start until 15 minutes in. Come on, CBS -- it's not NFL season. Get it together.


I did enjoy the seemingly "TAR-themed" Battle of the Block, with the skyline and buildings from Dubai. Thought that was clever.


And as much as I can't stand BB Production Takeover, I liked the added game aspect of "save someone else." Since BotB means we don't see "the order of the keys," (which often said a lot about alliances), there needs to be some form of social hierarchy on display.

  • Love 3

Just like BotB being back to my chagrin so are the Bluetooth nomination boxes. I thought the show was better served by the 'Player X you are safe, please take out the next key and pass it along." approach. More dramatic. High tech isn't always the best way to go when shooting a teevee show.


Plus. the HOH always stupidly revealed their HG order of importance. There was some suspense which is now completely lacking.

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Oh,no...I would hate to lose Jackie...she was my fave from TAR....and she clearly won the genetic lottery...she's about as perfect as a woman can be.


I would suggest that she won the plastic surgery lottery and perhaps models herself after Kim K. Beauty is extremely subjective. I will say she's got a great head of hair and healthy athletic body.

  • Love 8

That was an oddly paced episode.  It's hard to have that many people involved in such an early episode... 2 HoHs, 2 people with immunity giving immunity to 2 more people, 4 people nominated and 1 person as a backdoor target.  And none of those people are Audrey who also got a lot of attention! It's a lot to handle.


I know Steve is the obvious target for the weirdo edit, but John (dentist) is such a doofus! I can't imagine him being my boss.


I still like Jeff and Jackie.  Traveling around the world with someone you don't even know would bring out the worst in anyone, and they were 95% of the time perfectly pleasant. 

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Is the twist for this week that Becky is actually Jennifer Garner circa 2000?

I thought she looked like Hillary Swank but Jennifer Garner works too.


Jackie is gorgeous, but seems familiar, and I have never watched Amazing Race.

I think her hairstyle and body type are very similar to BB16's Victoria. In fact, every time I see her I hope to myself that that's her real hair and there won't be the extensions trauma like Victoria had last summer.

For Steve's sake I hope they send him home next (after Jace). The poor guy is painfully out of his element and some of the houseguests almost seem repelled by him.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I guess Steve was filling the Ian role. At least, I think that's what production was going for. Unfortunately, he is so awkward and off putting to the other houseguest. It's weird because he isn't annoying like Jace but socially awkward and can't complete a sentence without everyone feeling, um, well, um, awkward! He knows the game but he isn't able to communicate it well. It's a shame because it's probably been his dream to be on the show and will be crushed if he's evicted early. He's hardly any competition and there are bigger fish to fry. He might go in Week 3'or 4 before jury.

Jason is so much more likable when calming down, and dropping the affected accent. What is that accent he's trying for?

What am I seeing on Becky's upper lip? The crying was a little irritating.

Jeff and Jackie are the last team from TAR I wanted to see. If they don't want to be seen as allies, perhaps they shouldn't lay in bed chatting away from the others.

I like the possible alliance of Da'Vonne, Jason, Audrey, and James. Very diverse.

I don't think Jason's accent is affected at all. It's more pronounced when he's excited or exhausted or whatever, just like most accents, but it's his natural accent. The accent isn't what I might expect from someone with his body type, gay or not, but it seems to be authentic. He oftentimes sounds like an 80 year woman from the Bronx, and it cracks me up. That big voice does not match that tiny body at all.

Becky was hit by a train and suffered major trauma, including injuries to her face. She didn't have plastic surgery, and so there are some residual scars. One of the more noticeable scars affects that side of her mouth.

Jeff and Jackie- ugh. She's terrible and he's just so vanilla.

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Right after Steve accidentally told Da'Vonne, "I love you, too", it occurred to me that he's quite possibly an actor, and he's playing the part of the socially awkward nerd, but is actually a saboteur.  I've got my eye on him.


The same thing ran through my mind...not when he was talking to Da'Vonne, but before that.  I can't remember what segment it was, but I remember thinking he looked like he was an actor who was playing the role of a nerd.  

  • Love 1

Da'vonne's   'Niecy Nash' schtik makes me crazy.  That screechy, in-your-face voice....ugh!   I like her outside her DR sessions.  


I liked Audrey, but she's wearing on me too now She's depressing or something.  


I find Jeff so awkward and self-conscious.  Both Jackie and Jeff seem very aware of the camera and very stilted.  3 episode hours to get to a 5 minute BoB.  Even BBAD doesn't drag that bad. 

  • Love 1

Becky looks pretty damn good for a train injury survivor.  How scary.

It's so crazy. I think it was first night of the feeds when she was telling people about it; I only saw the last part of the conversation. But apparently she was so seriously injured that doctors were worried about major brain damage at one point. Hit by a mother fucking train. As a pedestrian. I don't even care if it was a slow train. IT WAS A TRAIN. THAT HIT HER.

I would love it if Steve was an actor or plant or twist. Sadly, I think it's just who he is, a decent guy but just so awkward.

  • Love 3

Is it still a thing that the pawns go home? I feel like it has been ages since a legit pawn went home, and yet Steve is still reciting the line. Of course, I'd feel better about being a pawn if I knew who the target was. Interesting strategy by James and Jason: "we don't want to give him two chances to save himself... er, or herself, 'cause it totally could be a woman. So trust me, even though clearly I don't trust you yet."

Have not finished the episode due to the golf delay so maybe they 'fess up to their chosen pawns.

Bro Code #92 - STFU about "bro code"! Damn. If I had to listen to that shit all day, I'd self evict. 


So I really hope James is able to follow through with the plan to backdoor Jace. So far I'm really liking James as a HOH. He comes across as very thoughtful, rational, and amenable to working with others. Jason wasn't even super annoying when they were working together. 


It's funny how the suspicion surrounding John as a dentist is totally shades of Donny, the special forces commando....but this time it's just cracking me up. 


The BB FF is really stupid. Mainly because Da'Vonne and Vanessa had already been promised safety from the other houseguests for sitting out. But then they get to pick extra people??? So just how many people are now safe from the block in case the Veto is used? Six? Just ridiculous. 


I was hoping Steven would get himself off the block. Poor fellow. He's just not going to go far in this game. He may be smart, but he's too insecure to use it for any good. Going around the house fretting and sucking up to people probably aint gonna help. 


So the 3 girl alliance is already on shaky ground. Shocker! Look, I get Da'Vonne being concerned because Shellie seems to be paying more attention to her possible showmance. That's always an issue when you have an alliance. However, that's why you don't make alliances on day one! Also, Shellie may have been more "ride or die" if you'd used the opportunity to prove your loyalty by keeping her (or Audrey) safe for the week. Now she probably thinks YOU'RE not as into it. 


Also, what's up with the random patches of red in the bottom of Shellie's hair? Is that a thing? Or did she just come from a crime scene analysis?

  • Love 1
I thought it was pretty hilarious when he said "I love you" to her.


That was so hilarious and adorable! I've totally done that before. Or you know, when someone says, "Have a nice trip" and you say "You too!", even thought they're not going anywhere, 


"I'm mentally well" is now going to be my favorite phrase to tell someone that I'm good with games that are based on mental acuity.


And here I thought it meant you didn't need to be locked in the psych ward. 

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Question:  does it take two weeks and six episodes to eliminate each person?

No - it's normally done within a week.


Production needs the hammies in their habitrail for a few weeks to get footage, develop narratives, etc.  They went in about two weeks ago (Whenever they announce who the HG's are is, I believe, when the hammies actually move into the house.  Before that, they are sequestered separately into hotel rooms or something similar while pre-interviews are done, etc.)

  • Love 1
No way was that delay "5 minutes," per the CBS Twitter account. My recording didn't start until 15 minutes in. Come on, CBS -- it's not NFL season. Get it together.


Yeah, that was pretty annoying.  I'll have to sit through 50 minutes of the show again on demand just so I can see the last 5-10 minutes we missed because the DVR cut-off.  I thought that was only a problem during football season.


DaVonne, I thought the way you hide an alliance is by cozying up to other people, so why shouldn't Shelli snuggle with Clay? 


Both Vanessa and DaVonne had good reasons for picking their immune buddies.  I'm surprised Liz was the only one who offered reciprocal safety to DaVonne.


Gotta get rid of either Austin or Jace, can't handle "bro-code" all summer long.

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I'll have to sit through 50 minutes of the show again on demand just so I can see the last 5-10 minutes we missed because the DVR cut-off.

That's what the program jump button is for. It's usually 10 mins/press these days so you can't get right to what you need to see, but it's better than starting it running and remembering to come back in around 3/4 of an hour.

So there's someone named "Becky?" How did I miss that? All the women this season are so inter-changeable. What's really shocking though is the lack of frat-bro alpha male jocks. I know Jace and Austin think they're fulfilling those roles, but they're both a couple of ass-clowns. Clay is the only male this season I'd say fit the typical bill for male casting on this show; everyone else is some knock-off or hybrid of Ian, Frankie and Donnie. What are all these gorgeous women supposed to do with all these dorks? Not a Caleb or Jessie among them.


I agree that between this fast-forward gimmick, battle of the block and power of veto there's only going to be like three or four people left to nominate. Too much going on too early.

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