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S17.E01: Episode 1

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Shelli reminds me of actress Michelle Green -- who played Abby on L.A. Law


Audrey looks kind of like Audrina Partridge from 'The Hills'.


ETA: Seriously, they couldn't get any sort of cross-promotion deal with Rottentomatoes,com, but they dragged out Kevin Fraser from one of the entertainment shows for no apparent reason other than a weak-ass pseudo-red carpet.

Almost all of them reminded me of somebody.

James - Cohutta from The Challenge

Jace - the kid who just won The Voice

Audrey - Melissa Rycroft

Austin - budget Joe Manganiello

Shelli - Cheryl Hines

I was rooting for Audrey, but calling James a "rolly polly" and "little camo ass" is pretty insensitive for a woman seeking acceptance herself.

  • Love 17

I was rooting for Audrey, but calling James a "rolly polly" and "little camo ass" is pretty insensitive for a woman seeking acceptance herself.

I forgot about that, yeah I was certainly warming to her before she let that sentence slip out. I'd like to give her a break on it as post-comp trash talk, but yeah she definitely has a strike on her after that one.

  • Love 5

LOL Audrey is going to be offensive. She is using Dexter as her inspiration.

I honestly felt this was underwhelming tbh. I was channeling my inner Peggy Lee. Is that all there is?

I watch this show to be entertained, which is why I love BB15. There was little entertainment in this premiere. I hope it picks up. I did like Shelli and am intrigued why her name used to be Audrey.

I liked Da'Vonne as well. She is quite extra and made me think I was watching Quad on Married to Medicine, but she'll be good TV. I don't agree with her being criticized for leaving her newborn daughter for countless reasons. Of course women always get criticized for this (Da'Vonne, Janelle, Libra) but men (Derrick) rarely do. It's so annoying.

Anyway I hope things pick up tomorrow. These twists read lame already. BotB was no fan's favorite that I know of; I honestly thought Julie was going to bring back Team America. That seemed somewhat more popular. I was also annoyed that Julie brought up the twin twist acting like she was an amnesiac and didn't host the show on Season 5.

  • Love 1

An Asian Hillbilly....I love it! Finally something we haven't seen before on BIG BROTHER. With that said despite the HOH win I think he is ultimatly doomed...as some may have noticed you didn't really see him in any bonding sessions with other Houseguests...and Meg had a distinct lack of camera time...she will be an early out.


Woe to anyone entering into an alliance with Shelly....she'll ditch you at the first chance to latch onto the nearest stud.


Dayvonne...please don't let me down. If you a scholar of the game please don't do the things that have lead to the self destruction of so many black women houseguests in the past.


Audrey seems a little insecure. She's trying a bit to hard with the whole girl power thing...constantly emphasizing the girl part to drive home that she's now a woman.


Battle of the Block...get ready for a whole summer of HOH's saying that the people they are  nominating are worthy competitiors and they are "giving them a a chance to win their way off the block"...how many times did we hear that last year.


Ahh...the Takeover twist....at long last after all these years Allison Grodner has found a way to protect whoever her favorites might be by conviently tailoring a twist that will save them. Mark my words.


The next group at first glance look really lame compared to tonights batch.


Lastly lets say a pray that there isn't another Derrick (or what ever his name was) the cop who ruined last summer by calling almost ever damn shot week in and week out. His stranglehold on the game made it one of the worst seasons ever (well, that and the insufferable Frankie Grande).

  • Love 12

BB Takeover? Call it like it is: BB Production Takeover.


As if Battle of the Block wasn't bad enough. One of my favorite things about this show is it at least gives the appearance that anything can happen. There are no real "winner's edits," because even production doesn't know who the winner is. But these twists basically are legitimizing production having free reign to mess with the show to their liking, and not just the cloak-and-dagger of seasons past (Coup D'Etat, anyone?). It's turning BB into Survivor 2: Houseguest Boogaloo. Seriously, at this point, I give it a couple years before we have a hidden immunity idol.


I'd take a whole season of veterans if it meant fewer production twists. Leave Big Brother Alone!!!!

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 9


I not sure if he mentioned it but Clay played football for Texas A&M.

LOL. I'm glad he did decide to keep it a secret, so we won't hear about it much hopefully when the season gets going. Also kind of a smart move to not say anything so people wouldn't be asking him about games, bowl games, drafting, thinking he's an NFL star upcoming, linking him with and  asking him about  his former teammates that are now NFL stars. Ie Mike Evans, Johnny Manziel.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 1

Okay don't throw anything at me..but I didn't mind BOTB last season.  Trust me I was not on twitter or a forum so I kept my opinion to myself..  don't blame me!   (and NO i was NOT a Frankie fan!!!)


I FF'ded through much of the introductions  Guess I need to go back.. I'm reading here going like ..Who??   


I do hate last minute twists.... and HATED pandora's box.  Hope they nix that permanently.  BOTB  did make watching After Dark more interesting.  I like the competitions..the week drags with just HOH and veto.   Seems to me there was more strategizing.  Couldn't take another season with the chick from Fl and her finger-chewing boyfriend laying in bed all day.in between comps.  (i am bad with names.  was it amanda?  ugh. 


BB Takeover? Call it like it is: BB Production Takeover.


Seriously, at this point, I give it a couple years before we have a hidden immunity idol.


Word. And with the "Weekly (that should be weak?) Twists" I think you may see someone pull the hidden immunity idol out from behind the dryer in weeks not years! Someone will get a clue in their HoH basket.


The thing I liked least about BotB was that they then had no food comps because there wasn't enough time to show them...

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2

Now that you mention it, he really reminds me of BB5's Drew.

Yes! I didn't even make the connection until you said it, but I was watching some BB5 last weekend through the live feeds (I was bored and psyching myself up for a new season). I watched where Diane won HOH and booted that one asshole, the twins came in the house, and then Nikomas had the awesome six finger plan to boot Jase. Better than anything from the last two seasons combined. But yes, Clay is totally Drew 2.0. Hopefully that means I'm just projecting.

I'm not sure how the whole six people only are coming in tomorrow will work. I really hope it doesn't mean two "All stars" enter as yet another freaking twist. I like the idea that Da'Vonne will compete with them. That would be fun.

[qu name=Wouldofshouldof" post="1270681" timestamp="1435195279]

I thought Shelli looks like Dani too.  But didn't it seem like her hair was brown in her THs and blond everywhere else?!

She has the hideous hombre affect. The first twelve inches of her hair are significantly darker than the rest (looks like lazy outgrowth to me). So when she pulls her hair back or up, all we see is the darker portion.

What was up with Da'Vonne and her baby? She had on a summer dress, yet the baby was decked out in a full blown snow suit and hood. When she was packing, the baby was on the bed in full pink down, looking like she had lapsed into a hyperthermic coma.

  • Love 1
I got a laugh out of Clay saying he played football at Texas A&M, and in the next scene he fell off.

I bet he fell off on purpose so his hair and face wouldn't get too messed up. He stayed pretty for the cameras.


What was the point of Da'Vonne sitting out the HOH competition?

Probably exactly what she said: the tomatoes or whatever that goop was would have ruined her hair weave right off the bat. I think her getting special dispensation was engineered by production. It'll be interesting to see whether it ever comes up again or gets used against her by the other houseguests.


After winning HOH, why did James say he's not going back to Texas yet?  You know, since he's from SC and all.

He also said he lives in Wichita Falls which is in Texas. I was surprised that he didn't recognize Clay given how big a deal football is in Texas.


Lastly lets say a pray that there isn't another Derrick (or what ever his name was) the cop who ruined last summer by calling almost ever damn shot week in and week out. His stranglehold on the game made it one of the worst seasons ever

Well, the houseguests let him do it. I thought he played a fairly masterful game but what I didn't like was that he was allowed to keep his true profession a secret until near the end. I think at some point the houseguests should have been clued in that he probably had training on how to read and manipulate people. Keeping that info hidden gave him, IMO, a somewhat unfair advantage.

  • Love 1

Almost all of them reminded me of somebody.

Austin - budget Joe Manganiello


Yes. Very low budget, though.


Although there's nothing else I like about him, I'm willing to cut Austin the tiniest bit of slack for pronouncing "medieval" correctly, with four syllables. I hate it when people slur it to "med-eeval." I'm sure it won't last long. He, or Judas, literally has his own asshat.


Drew from BB5 turned out to be a smart player; I think he's underrated. Not getting any crafty vibes from Clay at this point, but didn't get any from Drew for a long time either.

More than one person is going to recognize the poker player. I pegged her immediately and I am not a huge fan by any means.

BoB totally ruined gameplay last year, but it did make for a few really good TV episodes. When Caleb refused to play and stood up to Frankie? That was really excellent. I'm sure they are banking on moments like that. It is offensive to my sensibilities to call it a Fan favorite twist, though.

The first episode is so hard to judge people, they are all acutely camera aware and ON.

  • Love 3


Is fan favorite twist an oxymoron?

Blonde New Yorker is super annoying.
clay surprisingly did not get on my nerves right away. As an Aggie I expected him to embarrass us immediately.


and this:


Ugh. Battle of the Block. Why? 


Can Meg be the first boot? She already bugs me. "Taylor Swift", my ass. And I saw that they were already digging into food in the kitchen before Julie called them back to the living room. How long until the annual ant invasion starts? Go Team Ants!


It wouldn't be a proper start to Big Brother if I wasn't bitching about something.




With how twists fizzle out or get abandoned or completely changed, it's like they've become self-aware and are just making it easier on themselves when viewers start complaining that they've changed it. Again. Perfect explanation. "We said it would change every week!"


Yeah I was thinking the same thing about Meg.  As others have said I have a feeling that she will be an early boot.


I really do not get first night alliances.  They hardly ever work because you people are putting on their best faces during the first week or so.  I  also am not a fan same sex alliances.  I mean why alienate half the people in the house?


If Da'Vonne really wants to be Danielle Reyes then she should find a Jason (Someone who folks will not expect her to align with).  Someone like James or maybe the nerdy guy (Sorry I did not catch his name and I am too lazy to look it up) they showed in the intros that will enter with the next batch of contestants.


I think Audrey is going to end up playing too hard and she very well could end up an early boot.  Also, I am not sure why she is always moving her arms, she did it in the Jeff interview and she did it during the HOH competition.  I guess she thinks it is sexy or cute but I find it to be highly annoying.


Battle of the Block and the new Takeover(?) Twist basically mean that there is absolutely no strategy to this game because there are no rules. Surprises happen. So, how do you play Big Brother? Schmooze with production during diary room moments. Be the housemate that's fun on camera. BB staff, camera operators, production and especially Grodner now like you and all the twists will miraculously bend your way. 


LOL Just kidding....or am I


Anyway, if I had to guess just by what I saw tonight, who I feel has the best chance of winning BB? I'd say Austin/Judas. He'll be good a competitions. You have to be in great shape to be a wrestler. He remained subdued on the first night, which is smart. Case the joint and observe everyone. And I really don't know much about master degrees of Medieval Romance Lit, but I'd assume he's articulate, well-spoken and can use 3 dollar words to manipulate. 


What's with skateboarder guy Jace desperate to be the center of attention? He could not sit his ass down in the living room and wouldn't shut the F up. His whole persona screams "LOOK AT ME!!!"


Shelli might be a contender, unless she falls into a Texas A&M footballer romance. 


I feel like Asian country boy, James (?) will be everyones aquaintance, but no one's alliance.


If I was a brand new female going into the BB house, I'd be analyzing the hell out of all the females, and pick a she-alliance fast, just like they did. How many seasons has it been where the boys hooked up immediately and it paid off for them, at least for awhile and sometimes to the end?


I was unaware there was a transgendered person entering the house, so I had no idea about Audrey, but I was turned off initially by her girl power and sparkly high heels. Once she revealed her secret, the super girly thing made more sense. Everyone responded well to her trans-ness in a "golly gee that's just great" Eddie Haskell kind of way, but I foresee some snide remarks will slip out once they get comfortable with the cameras.

Edited by aurora296
  • Love 4

Battle of the Block is by far the worst twist they've ever had, so of course they bring it right back. I don't mind the "fan favorite" stuff so much, as, come on, this is Big Brother, they make shit up like that all the time. Frankie is a fan favorite, after all, ya know? So I don't mind them calling it a fan favorite. I do mind Julie talking about how cool it is. It is not. It is awful. It is awful and it is, like, aspect #43,400 of why Big Brother is unfair to women HGs. "Wait, so if the people I nominate win the physical competition that is the Battle of the Block, then I lose HoH and can be voted out and in fact have two people guaranteed to be pissed off at me because I just nominated them? So I can nominate two weak women or two strong men? Boy, what to do, what to do..." 


It was a joke last year, that they're repeating it this year is even beyond that. 


That said, this is Big Brother, if you expect fairness, you're not watching the right show. This show is all about unfair BS, so I can't get too pissed about it. 

  • Love 5


That said, this is Big Brother, if you expect fairness, you're not watching the right show. This show is all about unfair BS, so I can't get too pissed about it.


True, but you figure they had to know it was incredibly boring, right? I mean the casting director Robyn Kass, said in an interview they tried to cast a group of males who were less likely to team up specifically to counter what happened last year. So I think some part of them must know that BB16 was an awful season. This twist just utterly kills drama and strategy. I have no idea why they would go back to it. 


Usually if they do the unfair twist thing, it's to the benefit of the audience's favorites. Donnie and Nicole got royally boned last year because of this thing. 

Edited by loki567
  • Love 3

The thing I feared last year was that we were going to be stuck with it because, if you're programming the TV show, it gives you a game with real importance in the overall show in every single episode, and that's just programming gold. So I suspect that that is why we're stuck with it. It gives viewers an important game every single time out. 


The only thing I held out hope for (beyond, of course, just getting rid of the stupid thing in the first place) was at least adjusting it somewhat, so it wasn't quite so easy to tear away all drama from the show. But I don't think it's possible to avoid that problem. You're almost inherently going to have to A. not nominate strong competitors and B. watch people throw the comp with regularity.


It's a shame that they're not smart enough to come up with another way to have a game with real importance to it. Although, to be fair, I can't think of anything myself either. Two POVs? That's dumb. I really don't know. All I know is that this is some BS. 

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"What the other contestants won't know is I have a masters degree in Medieval romantic literature".   You can only hope.  You might also want to keep the fact that you dress like an extra from Sprockets under your (Alice in Wonderland) hat.  I mean seriously, why keep that a secret in Big Brother house other than embarrassment



Hysterical, Maverick!

  • Love 1

Please forgive me while I obsess a bit more about how dumb BoB is. The thing of it is that it makes it so that if you're a guy, you'd be a moron to do anything BUT form an alliance together, right? Any fool can see that all you need to do is have one of your alliance win just one of the HoHs and then you'll, in effect, control the HoH out of hand. HoH used to be the key tool used to turn the house upside down. Alliances would splinter when suddenly the opposite side of the house got HoH and people would have to fend for their themselves. Now, for an underdog group to turn the house upside down, they'd have to win BOTH HoHs, which is obviously extremely difficult to do.


Not only that, but even forgetting BoB, having a weekly twist makes people LESS prone to make big moves, because people tend not to rock the boat when they don't know what's coming next.


I mean, I presume that these people know more than I do about how to manufacture something that oblivious home viewers are interested in, but when it comes to an interesting actual game, they suuuuck. 

  • Love 4

I loved how Julie acted like the twin twist was something new.  Guess she figured those of us around for season five are long gone from the viewing audience!  Typical Grodner/Chen, not knowing their audience.


Besides Jace having to be ON at all times, I actually enjoyed the first group of houseguests.   Will be interesting to see how I feel about the next six.  Wonder if the poker player (can't remember her name) will recognize Da'vonne from any of the LA poker rooms?!?   She could, if Da'vonne is assigned to the big tournaments.  

  • Love 2

He also said he lives in Wichita Falls which is in Texas. I was surprised that he didn't recognize Clay given how big a deal football is in Texas.

Most of Texas doesn't follow A&M though, especially since they moved to the SEC (because what A&M does doesn't affect the other teams much anymore...so they just like to check in that the Aggies are losing).

I'm an Aggie and although I only loosely follow football now (I hate the SEC) I've never heard of him. I'd say most players on a team are fairly anonymous unless you are a big fan.

Edited by Skittl1321

I loved how Julie acted like the twin twist was something new.  Guess she figured those of us around for season five are long gone from the viewing audience!  Typical Grodner/Chen, not knowing their audience.


I was sort of impressed (in a sort of backhanded compliment sort of way) that at least Julie didn't literally say that it was a new twist. I kept expecting it, but they never came out and said, "a brand-new twist!"


Honestly, I bet they'll show scenes from Season 5 later this year. It worked so well then, I imagine that they'll want to get credit for it. It was pre-AG, however, so perhaps she doesn't want to highlight anything before her reign (she DID work for the show back then, though, she just wasn't the head honcho yet). 

So we have both Dexter Morgan (Audrey, by her own words) and Heisenberg (Austin, who dons a hat and becomes his alter ego) - this could get ugly. 


No really, so far this group seems pretty harmless. But we'll have to see what the next group brings us. There's no one, as of yet, that immediately makes me cringe or gives me bad vibes. Although, I will say, Shelli comes off as a little TOO interested in a showmance. 


So far James struck me as someone I may want to root for, he has that whole underdog vibe about him. And God knows I love an underdog. Da'Vone also had me cracking up quite a bit, and I loved how smooth she was with her "2nd grade teacher" front. 


My one complaint is - STOP forming alliances the minute you walk into the house!!! Just because your bunk is across from someone, that doesn't mean you need to form an alliance with them. Wait a minute. Meet the other houseguests. Feel people out. I don't know why, it just drives me crazy. 


I don't mind the BOB thing so much, but this Takeover twist sounds mega annoying. Especially if I have to listen to that obnoxious music every week. Yuck. 

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I did like Shelli and am intrigued why her name used to be Audrey.

Maybe she's the twin twist, and her twin's name is Audrey, so she's setting it up to cover if someone says "Audrey" when the twin is in the house, and "Shelli" answers. It is weird that she brought up a twin out of mostly nowhere, and made sure to say it was her brother. Liz might be a red herring - also having a twin, but not one who's playing. Or, there are two sets of twins, and those are the spaces for the extra HGs! You know Grodner would do it, but I'd think she'd rather have a set of Clay twins.

  • Love 2
Although, I will say, Shelli comes off as a little TOO interested in a showmance.


Didn't Shelli also mention that she was just recently divorced, so to borrow a phrase from There's Something About Mary maybe she just needs to 'clean out the pipes' or 'Channing her Tatum' which was from one of the comedians on @Midnight last night ..... and maybe she'll calm down a little.

  • Love 3
If Da'Vonne really wants to be Danielle Reyes then she should find a Jason (Someone who folks will not expect her to align with).  Someone like James or maybe the nerdy guy (Sorry I did not catch his name and I am too lazy to look it up) they showed in the intros that will enter with the next batch of contestants.


I SO wish this would happen! Danielle and Jason remain my top favorite alliance in BB history. 


Anyway, if I had to guess just by what I saw tonight, who I feel has the best chance of winning BB? I'd say Austin/Judas. He'll be good a competitions. You have to be in great shape to be a wrestler.


He is probably in great shape, but he's HUGE - which isn't always an advantage in a lot of physical challenges. It can often be a disadvantage. Also, he seems almost too strong for his own good. When he fell off his plank last night, he took the ball holder right off the wall! 

  • Love 4

Heavens to murgatroyd, I'd actually forgotten about Frankie! I'm jealous of 5 minutes ago me.


'I'm jealous of 5 minutes ago of me' is going to be worked into my daily vocabulary.  *SNORT*


And, of course, Frankie was nauseatingly at the BB premier twitter thing shitfest..(he presence made it so.)  Given how much they seem to be recycling things that flopped - Twin twist...BoTB, who knows - failed BB things are clearly this summers theme, which automatically means we will see Frankie on this damned show.


If the Da'Vonne doesn't partner up with Vanessa when she gets in the house, she is an idiot.  (Or...conversely... If Da'vonne doesn't out Vanessa and the house doesn't get rid of her first...they are idiots:  If you've ever seen Vanessa play poker...the girl is FIERCE with the mind games.)


Meg - switch to decaf.

  • Love 2

He is probably in great shape, but he's HUGE - which isn't always an advantage in a lot of physical challenges. It can often be a disadvantage. Also, he seems almost too strong for his own good. When he fell off his plank last night, he took the ball holder right off the wall! 

I almost thought they were designed that way (to come off the wall) so that contestants couldn't use them to save themselves. But then Jace (?) kept swinging on his, which seemed really unfair. There were quite a few times when he wasn't on the platform AT ALL.

  • Love 1

Brian Cronin, I agree with everything you have said.  Another voice here for hating BoB.  I am in the process of moving 2000 miles away so my summer will be consumed with this relocation. I am kind of glad BoB has returned for this reason only.  I will not be able to get too involved.

I want to scream at them about forming an alliance on day one, too!  Shelli is going to align with Clay the minute she gets him alone.

I think Da'Vonne will be disliked by the viewers, just a hunch.  Something about her, that I cannot put my finger on, grates. 

Seems Austin's plan is to appear to be physically inept to compensate for his size and career.  He fell, taking part of the set with him, on purpose. 

I like the tiny Asian cowboy. 

Lonesome Rhoads, yes. Audrey will make it far; no one is going to put her on the block for fear of being insensitive.

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Yeah, I thought it was pretty well known that fans HATED Battle of the Block.  I think "fan favorite" is code for "Grodner likes it." I mean, who is going to prove them wrong?


I like that they only had the first 8 houseguests on the first ep.  When they introduce them all at the same time it's too many names to remember and people to get straight.  


I was REALLY trying hard not to, because I like her and enjoy her DRs, but I can't get over DaVonne leaving her baby for possibly 98 days.  I have a six month old and WHAT?  I miss her terribly after an eight hour workday, I couldn't imagine leaving her for months at a time and having nothing really to distract me from missing her for a large chunk of time (these houseguests spend a lot of time being bored out of their fucking minds which is prime time to think about your baby you left for possibly longer than 3 months.)  I mean, I know baby won't remember but I just think it's shitty to leave them for that long when they're that little (it's likely she'll miss her crawling/walking, ect.) I mean, it's worse for the kid to leave when they're older (like James leaving his 3 year old) but babies change so much their first year, it's a really crappy time to leave them for a prolonged period.  I can't help myself, I totally judge parents of small children who go on Big Brother.  It's selfish as hell (and the chances of winning aren't great.)  


And I can't freaking stand that blonde New Yorker..  It's like she drank an entire case of Red Bull before speaking.  She can't open her mouth without looking and sounding like she's about to jump out of her chair.  It's exhausting.

  • Love 4

I think the rule was you couldn't touch the mat, so since Jace was just swinging around he didn't break the rule.

And, I mean, it's BB so it's more like "rule".


Yeah, that was definitely what the rule was. I just thought that when Austin's broke off they were designed so that contestants can't use them. But that wasn't the case. Austin was just at a disadvantage because he is heavy.

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