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S05.E10: Mother's Mercy

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Jesus, that was a depressing ending.  It was like if the third season actually ended on the Red Wedding.


Silly of me to think that Alister was a reasonable jackass, and not just a straight-up jackass.  But nope, he, stupid little Ollie, and a bunch of assholes just straight-upped Cesar-ed Jon Snow.  Multiple stab wounds, left for dead on the snow, unless Melissandre really does have some magical powers left in her, I can't see how he will come back from this.  If he does, I just hope he goes somewhere else and lets the White Walkers have their way with The Nights Watch.  Team White Walkers!


Where was Dolorious Edd though? I doubt he was a part of it.  But, I just hope he doesn't get offed too by these assholes.


Cersei's atonement sure was insane.  Lena Headey apparently is all about the long con, when it comes to nudity: didn't have a single nude scene for over five seasons, and then gives probably one of the longest nude scenes yet on this show.  Props to her: not just for the nudity, but her facial expressions throughout it all were killer. I'm not saying I'm rooting for Cersei now or anything, but I'll give her credit for doing what it takes to get back to Tommen and the palace.  Of course, now with Zombie Mountain up and around (thanks, Qyburn!), I'm sure her wrath is about to be unleashed.


And I know who will be first in her sights: Dorne!  Fuck, I knew Ellaria wasn't going to let them walk away.  Now, Mycella is probably dead from the poison.  I don't want to be in Jaime's shoes, when I have to explain this to Cersei.  Hell, if I were Bronn, I'd go into hiding, just by being associated with this.  But, if I were Doran, I would start getting ready.  Ellaria just set them up for war now.


So, Daario and Jorah are going to put their dick measuring contest on hold, and look for Dany.  Leaving Tyrion in charge of Meereen.  Thankfully, Varys is back!  Yay, Varys!  I don't think Tyrion could handle this on his own, but Varys should be a big help.  Go Varys and Tyrion!  Meanwhile, Dany has just been captured by Dothrakis again.


At least Stannis' world came crashing down.  First, all the sellswords bailed on him, because, hey, they made be hired mercenaries, but they apparently have limits, which includes child burning.  Then, Seylse kills herself.  Then Mel bails.  And then the Boltons hand him his ass.  Top it all off with Brienne finally getting her revenge, and that was satisfying to watch.  That said, I wonder if instead of killing him on the spot, she's just going to capture him, since we didn't actually see the final blow.


Theon finally snaps out of it, and he and Sansa are on the run.  Assuming they survive that fall.  I'm guessing they will though.


So, is Margarey and Loras still in their respected cells?  Are we going to check back in with them, next season?


Arya kills Meryl Trant, but now is going blind.  This whole plot is still dragging for me.


These final episodes were better, but this season was overall the weakest for me.  Dorne was a huge failure, and a lot of the story-lines just seemed to be stuck in second gear.  Hopefully they can pick up the pace again, after all these cliffhangers.  And Jon better not be dead-dead.  He's somehow become one of my favorites now.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 5

If anyone needs me, I'll just be off slitting my wrists.

Coudn't we have even a bit of happiness? Is there anyone even left to root for? Could this show be any more depressing?

Well, Melisandre is there, and she's already had her eye on Jon, so I'm not abandoning hope just yet.  I still think he's Ice and Dany's Fire.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

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Fair play to Lena Headey. 


The ending was a shock, but as others have said, Melisandre showing up just before surely means it's a given that she'll bring him back next season?


Loved the little scene between Tyrion and Varys - Varys may be my favourite character in the show.


I assume Theon and Sansa were jumping into a snow bank, Assassin's Creed style? - Cause all I could think while watching was "that'd never fucking work".


Awesome seeing Arya doing her thing in the whore house, perhaps even more awesome seeing the many faces at work later.

I just hope Sansa doesn't survive but with a broken back. Hodor is nowhere to be found to haul her around like he did with Bran and Theon is definitely too crazy in the head and weak to carry her on his back.

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At first I thought, they're just punching Jon, that wasn't a blade I heard again and again and again. Dammit!!! Did not expect that. Least when Herschel got it I could scream out loud, here my brain just internalized and now I have a headache. I could give a crap less what happens to anybody at the wall. I hope they all get eaten by the frozen zombie army.


So I guess Mel just jumped the doomed and sinking Baratheon ship and ran off to the next kingly man she knew of that was nearby? 

Edited by Lady Iris

It was, however, very nice to see Brienne and Arya successfully fulfill their vengeance oaths. Though, the way they cut it made it seem for a second like Ramsay cut down Brienne before she could deliver the death blow – I came this close to throwing something at the TV.


My main disappointment was that at no point did they show Jon explaining the current situation to the Night's Watch, at all. Just to Sam who's like "I always dreamed of going to medical school, can I?" which... what? I mean, if Jon in fact didn't explain shit to them then maybe he should have been stabbed! And if he did, I needed to see them decide not to believe him. So I don't know exactly how stupid they're going to look when the zombie mist comes for them and there's like 40 of them manning the battlements.


...I'm assuming Sansa survived jumping from the battlements, yeah? Did Theon break her fall, I guess?

  • Love 3

Giddy aunt!!  We were reeling from Jon's murder in my home.  Here is what we came up with:

1) Jon is just dead.  Like the other Stark men.

2) He's going to come back a zombie  wigte.

3) We were struck by the significance of the Red Witch being there.  Can she do something to help Jon?


Dany and Drogon were cool!  Good CGI.  Hope he's okay.  Those were Dothraki types that found her?


Oh, Arya!  I thought her revenge would get her in trouble last wk.


Finally, Theon being useful!  Hope the make it out ok. Where are they to go? Maybe with Brienne and Pod?  Her victory over Stannis felt hollow, as he was a deadman walking since Shireen was burned. But if anyone had to kill him, I'm good with Brienne.


I can't say I really feel terrible for Cersei, but that actor put it out there. Rough.  ZombieMountain is crazy. 


Jamie & Mycella was well done. Oh, dear. The Dornish and their poisons.


All in all, I enjoyed this season and they baited me nicely to come back. 

  • Love 3


It was, however, very nice to see Brienne and Arya successfully fulfill their vengeance oaths. Though, the way they cut it made it seem for a second like Ramsay cut down Brienne before she could deliver the death blow – I came this close to throwing something at the TV.


I'm not convinced Brienne fulfilled hers. Of all the onscreen death we saw tonight, only Stannis' was not shown. And Brienne almost had a look of pity when looking at a broken Stannis.

  • Love 4

It an old trope but Theon will probably break Sansa's fall. Of course if the moat is for some reason not frozen solid maybe the ice is thin enough not to kill them, of course freezing to death shortly from being wet in that temperature  probably will end them. So I think Theon dying to save Sansa most likely. 


Good news with John dead the White Walkers can sweep south and evict Bolton from Winterfield. I see no way that John or his men at Hardhome did not tell the rest of the night watch so they stabbed him knowing that. 


Well Stannis karma gave you the express service. Some had wondered why the army let him burn his daughter turns out many were just in shock and deserted when they got a chance to think. I did like that Stannis did get at least some time to realize how much he messed up.

  • Love 3

I read that was not Lena Headley's body, they used a body double.

I read some time ago, before this segment was filmed that the filming took place in Croatia near some landmark which is also a Church. The original script said she would be naked inside the Church, but authorities did not allow that, they would only allow filming around the Church, but not inside. I hadn't heard that they used a body double and it sure didn't appear to be a body double.

If she can revive Jon, why couldn't she revive Stannis?

I have a sneaking feeling that Stannis turned out not to be the droid she was looking for, and she thinks Jon is.  But I think he will surprise her, because there's no way he will get involved with a deity that sacrifices innocent young children.  Again, my opinion, but I'm holding on to it until proven otherwise! 

  • Love 4

I thought that Headey did do some of the Walk of Shame but not all of it.  It was probably shot before she was pregnant or in the early stages.  If I had to guess, it was her at the beginning, the middle when she falls and we see her bloody feet and the end.  That was a worthy payoff for all of Cersei's schemes.  I hope she wins the Emmy.


So happy that Varys reunited with his bestie Tyrion.  I hope that Varys' little birds bring him news of Cersei and we get to hear their take on the Walk of Shame.  Tyrion knows his sister too well and probably knows she's not sorry.  She's more than likely added the High Sparrow and his acolytes, especially that Septa, to her enemies' list.  Dorne also will be added to the list when she finds out about Myrcella. 

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I did not like Arya's fate - at all!  Her vengeance was especially gruesome, but this entire show is gruesome.  Only Arya is punished? 


Brienne chose vengeance over her oath to Catelyn.  Brienne must have known that this was the best time to get to Sansa, but couldn't resist the temptation of killing Stannis.  If she had half a brain, she would know that old lady was flayed, and Sansa was being held hostage in her room.  Hope her revenge keeps her warm at night.


LH killed it and I almost teared up at the end.  She was so pitiful at the end, and she doesn't even know that her daughter just died.  That freak Dr. Frankenstein is clearly leading her farther to the dark side.


Very sad that Melisandre survived, but if it's to resurrect Jon - I'm all for it.  Davos still has time to kill her.


I'm worried about Drogon.  Dany didn't seem worried about his condition, so maybe he's just worn out.  Had he eaten dozens of animals already, or was that his little lair he'd been hanging out at?  It implies that dragons enjoy basking in the sun, and makes me feel even sadder for his sun-deprived siblings.

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Wow ... so last week the show borrowed heavily from Agamemnon, and this week it took from Julius Caesar.  I didn't think Stannis would die, so soon.


Remember the GOT rule...unless you actually see their head come off their shoulders, they ain't dead yet.


(oh who am I kidding..)


They really need to start winding this story up.



We've been telling George Martin that for 15 years. Welcome to the club.

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The Dothraki! I wonder how they feel about the Queen of Dragons.


Were they Dothraki?  They seemed to have spears rather than the distinctive crescent-shaped swords.


Hey, it wasn't that great an ep for the Lannisters either.


I didn't want Myrcella to die, but the Lannisters have had an incredible reversal of fortune.  Maybe end game is all Lannisters dead except Tyrion.  Finally the chickens are coming home to roost.  It gives me some hope for how this all ends.

If Stannis is indeed dead, it was too merciful. I wanted him to live a suffer and know that he killed his sweet innocent girl for NOTHING!



Here's what I think based upon nothing more than watching the episode and noting facial expressions, etc., if Stannis is dead and even if he's not, he most certainly realized that killing his lovely little daughter was for nothing.   That's why he was so resigned to letting Brienne kill him even though he had just taken out two men single handedly.  He realized just as he had supported the use of black magic to kill his daughter, so had he to kill his brother, and he knew by then that both of these killings had been futile.  Melisandre's predictions she had seen in the fires turned out to be wrong wrong wrong.


Melisandre realized this too, (or at the very least that she had thrown in her hat with the wrong king), which is why she bailed, and why she won't be reviving Stannis (should he actually be dead), but rather Jon (should he actually be dead).  She so conveniently arrived at Castle Black just in time to do so!  

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Still not feeling for Cercei because that the kind of ish she would have done to someone. There is a reason the people hate her with a vengeance. AND naturally, being Cercei, she will not learn. She will double-down on her viscous evilness and will pay the ultimate price -- being alone. Joffrey = Dead, Mycella = Dead, Tommen= If not already dead, he soon will be, Jaime = No way he survives , so Cercei will be left alone with her own company, which is the worse punishment she could ever be subjected to.

I was not surprised at what happened to Jon. I was surprised that Ollie got help taking him out. I knew the Benjen story was a setup to get Jon off his guard. While the loss of Jon is major, I don't want Mel to resurrect him because whatever she brings back will not be the Jon we have grown to care for. Think Pet Semetery.

Please tell me this episode is the last we see of Sam and Gilly. I used to really like Sam until he got saddled with Gilly, so I have no interest in seeing the escapades of Sam and Gilly.

I too am curious as to why we were not shown Stannis's death. That usually means the character is alive, but we haven't seen or heard fro the Hound , so that clearly is not an absolute rule. I can never root for Stannis again, but I would like for him to be alive if for no other reason Thani want him and his witch to suffer before they die and I. Want Stannis to really see her and know he destroyed his precious child on the sayso of the devil's minion.

So now Arya is blind, where do we go with her character from here?

What was the point of the Dorne storyline? Was the actor who plays Jaime doing another project and needed to be in a story where he got about thirty minutes of screen time for the season. I know the actor who plays Bronn also does Ripper Street, so I was happy we got to see him at all after the break from Tyrion, and understood his small, pointless role. Still hate the sand snakes and am saddened that Dr. Bashirwas wasted in a nothing role of a boring plot.

Still hoping for the best for Tyrion. At this point, I don't really know who will or should get the iron thrown. However, as long as it is not Little Finger, Ramsay, Cercei, Dany, I guess I'll be okay, but the way people are being taken down, I don't know who else is left.

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Dany is the worst mother ever. "Mom I'm tired and worn out from carrying you halfway across the continent and I'm trying to lick these wounds I got from multiple SPEARS piercing my scales." "Ugh can't you go find us something to eat?"

Anya's murder of Trant made me very queasy. And she said he was first on her list but Cersei has always been first on her list. Her story still bores me though.

If Jon is dead dead I don't see any point in watching any further. I was uneasy that in the grand scheme of things Cersei and Ramsay appeared to come out on top and I have no interest in that.

Davos's eyes when he learned of Shireen's death acted more than most people do with their whole bodies.

  • Love 5

I read that was not Lena Headley's body, they used a body double.

According to Daily Mail

There's no doubt that stripping off on a movie set is embarrassing at the best of times, but even more so when that set is actually a bustling town.

So when Lena Headey had to get naked for the her latest Game Of Thrones scenes in Croatia on Friday, it's no wonder producers threw all their resources at making sure it was a private affair.

According to TMZ, bosses forked out a whopping $50,000 per day on the four-day shoot to make sure nobody got a sneak peek at the actress in her birthday suit as she filmed the 'walk of shame' scene.

And according to the website, more than 200 security guards were drafted in to surround the set, and local shop owners were paid off and forced to leave the vicinity for the duration.

Only four people were reportedly present for the full nude scene, and all were apparently required to sign confidentiality agreements, with a $250,000 fine for anyone who violated it.

  • Love 1

Only good source found fast on Lena Headley's scene is EW. There it said that body double was used only in part during grueling 3 day shooting. I assume for long shots in the crowd is where you would use a double. 


I'm trying to figure out what plot we have left. What is head sparrows game letting Cersei get in position to get revenge when he clearly is not pressing the incest charge as doing so would overthrow the King that he draws power from in the propaganda they feed the people. With John dead there is no more wall story left I think the Dothraki saw Mother of Dragons fly in so probably actually there to serve her. That way Danny gets the whole Ottoman Army copy with dedicated elite slave infantry with the largest part Mongol type cavalry. 


The main thing that really bothered me about this season was the pacing of the various storylines. Shit is just happening way too slow.  The only episode that hit it out the park was "Hardhome".  We've been waiting for winter to come for so damn long and finally, Winter.Is.Here.  And all we got was a White Walker basically telling Jon "Come at me Bro!", then watching him sail away.  So much for this yooge threat to damn near everyone up North. Are the White Walkers taking the scenic route?  Can they build a damn boat so they can destroy the Wall already?   All the other stories shouldn't mean a thing if you have a Zombie invasion practically outside your front gates.  


Stannis took forever to get to Winterfell only to get wiped out in minutes.  Honestly, staying in one place long enough for your enemy to sabotage your camp was piss poor planning.  All those sellswords and none of them was accustomed to North winters?  I would have felt better if Shireen and Sylese had either fallen victim to Ramsay or died from the elements.  That would have made more sense.


Dorne.  What a waste of a few good actors on a slow, shitty storyline.  Dornish doesn't harm little girls, but will poison them!  The Sand Snakes were a disappointment.  Tyene poisoned Bronn, gave him the antidote, and for a final act, teased him with her kitty cat.  What was the point? Would have made more sense to have Bronn stay in Dorne since this Snake took such a shine to him.  And you can't tell me that Doran would just let his teenage heir go to King's Landing so easily.  What, no raven service? No one to tell him that shit just got real in the capital?   I don't mind suspending my disbelief since GoT is fiction, but this story just plain insulted my intelligence.


ETA: Almost forgot about the continuation of the Worst. Kept. Secret. Evah.   Even Myrcella knew that Jamie was her uncle daddy. She accepted it, told him it was cool, then dies in his arms. Jeez.

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
  • Love 5

The opening scene of the dripping icicles was kind of prophetic -- Winter may have slacked off, but there are still a lot of dangerous pointy things about (and people willing to use them).


People got paid back right and left, but it was abundantly clear that vengeance transactions are rarely clean -- yes, the one you want paid back may get his or hers, but so also do an awful lot of others as side effects. That extends to the audience as well, because as gratifying as it might feel to see some of the more appalling characters get justice, it also was an uncomfortable gratification.


Stannis pays for for that abomination of burning Shireen with his wife, his mistress and half of his army before losing his life, but was the original debt that needed to be paid the arrogance of claiming the Iron Throne?


Before paying with his life, Jon Snow also pays with the loss of Sam's company and counsel.


Brienne's case was hardly black-and-white. Yes, it was satisfying that she got to fulfill one vow, but in doing so she broke another, so that's hardly a win, and oddly enough, Stannis was sort of a "winner", since the death that Brienne gave him was clean and quick and freed him from remembering Shireen's death and its consequences.


Sansa at least got paid with the removal of one tormentor and the possibility of escaping them all. One of the ore striking images was her lonely candlelit vigil in the tower compared with the hordes of Stannis army, both in attack and later sprawled in death (what a feast for the White Walkers).


Arya's vengeance imposed a VERY hefty fine, not just herself, but her ability to navigate as no one. The sheer savagery of her treatment of Syrio's slayer made it seem like she paid with her humanity and sanity, too.


Jamie gets paid with a moment of grace with Myrcella, making her subsequent poisoning all the more poignant.


Daenerys' impulsive dragonback exit has her being paid in a most uncertain future, with a dragon in full adolescent mope, and an awful lot of Dothraki who may or may not be kindly inclined.


Tyrion may be the one character whose pay is on the plus side of the ledger, since he got a job, the return of a valuable advisor and a far more interesting life than mentally jousting with his sister in King's Landing.


Cersei's payment was extensive, probably merited if one tots up all of the mistreatments she doled out, but another one of those "is it a good thing that I, as a viewer, are feelinig some satisfaction" moments. She's lost all her definition of self, but at least she has a rather strange posse to get her back on her feet.


Jon's payment of his life for the Wildling decision was another case of that payment being extended to a lot of others who will no longer have anyone who knows how to deal with the coming of Winter's minions.

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I'm kind of OK with them clearing the decks, though.  They have last year's plot about the magical tree to revisit at some point, right?  And then there's the other Stark kid out there somewhere.  Maybe it's time to move ahead.

Who's the crippled Stark boy out there?  I remember hearing pre-season that his entire storyline was being skipped this season and wouldn't be picked up again till next season.  I guess the saturation of storylines was the reason why.  But who is he?

Here's what I don't get about the Watchers' betrayal of Jon Snow: if they were so bent out of shape about the Wildlings, then why open the gate to any of them?  Now they've got to contend with thousands of angry Jon Snow loyalists.  No wonder Maester Aemon didn't trust Alister as Lord Commander; he's fickle and reactionary.


Glad to see Varys.  I hope he and Brienne take the Iron Throne, together.


Meanwhile, no sign of Littlefinger.  What have he and Lady Olenna been up to since getting Cersei arrested?

  • Love 4

Only good source found fast on Lena Headley's scene is EW. There it said that body double was used only in part during grueling 3 day shooting. I assume for long shots in the crowd is where you would use a double. 


I'm trying to figure out what plot we have left. What is head sparrows game letting Cersei get in position to get revenge when he clearly is not pressing the incest charge as doing so would overthrow the King that he draws power from in the propaganda they feed the people. With John dead there is no more wall story left I think the Dothraki saw Mother of Dragons fly in so probably actually there to serve her. That way Danny gets the whole Ottoman Army copy with dedicated elite slave infantry with the largest part Mongol type cavalry. 

Now I had to edit because I watched the scene again and Cersei did acknowledge that she slept with Lancel




Edited by HumblePi

Well Jon Snow, that's what happens to heroes in this story.  Poor Bastard.


I think Sansa's best bet is to try and re-connect with LF if he leaves Kings Landing, she does better with him in the same way Margaery does better with Lady Olenna having her back.   I think Ramsay will tear the seven kingdoms apart to get her back.   Though that was a really tense scene between She, Theon and Myranda.   Glad to see he's reasonably Theon again.   


Surprised and not that Stannis came to such a bitter end.   That Throne will destroy a lot more lives considering all the people pursuing it.   Mel didn't waste anytime de-boarding the Titanic.   House Baratheon is now officially extinct I guess, so that makes 6 Great Houses left.


Not shocked at Ellaria and The Sand Snakes relentless pursuit of Lannister blood.   Will House Lannister have the chance to settle with them, they have quite a few problems of their own.   The Power Struggle with House Tyrell, The Trial of Cersei Lannister.  The Betrayal by House Bolton.


I liked the episode.

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I didn't like it. It pains me to say so but I didn't like it. It's the first episode of GoT I've seen where a lot happened with no real suspense.

You know how Jon joked that the apocalypse was going well for Sam? And you know that quote, "This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper?" This whole episode was a whimper.

Stannis is is dead by Brienne. Eh.

Sansa lights a candle at exactly the wrong time then maybe commits suicide. Wha?

Jon gets conned by dipshit Ollie. STFU.

Jorah and Daria (<--- typo. I'm leaving it) have the saddest dick measuring contest ever. Zzzz.

Melisandre does an about face and says The Lord needs her to go somewhere else for...reasons. Boo.

Jon dies? FUCK YOU.

Marcella gets the kiss of death that the Dorne plot should've got ten episodes ago.

I'm sorry. Maybe I need to watch again. I didn't think I was in a bad mood but maybe I was and it colored it? I liked Tyrion the Valyrian.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

The worst part about Jon getting stabbed was the longass shot of Ollie standing in front of him, like we were actually supposed to be wondering whether or not the bitch-faced little shit was going to do it not. Gee, I don't know. He's spent an entire season glaring at everyone and looking like Francis Sawyer from "Stripes." Is he going to stab Jon? Yes? He is? Golly. What a huge surprise.

At this point, the only things I want to see happening at the wall are

1. Edd deserting

2. The Wildlings killing everybody else

3. Ghost eating Ollie and peeing on Allister Thorne. And then peeing on Melisandre, too. maybe she'll melt.

4. Everybody just saying "Fuck the north, winter is coming," and moving far enough south not to have to worry about ice zombies

  • Love 20

Who's the crippled Stark boy out there?  I remember hearing pre-season that his entire storyline was being skipped this season and wouldn't be picked up again till next season.  I guess the saturation of storylines was the reason why.  But who is he?

Bran Stark is the younger brother to Sansa and Arya. There is another brother younger than Bran, his name is Rickon. Bran Stark witnessed Cersei and Jamie having sex in a tower and he was pushed out and fell and got crippled. If it's any help to sort out all these characters, here's a map. I've referred to it many times since there's so many characters in this series.


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Well, it looks like Jon's really gone. He did an interview with EW and said that D&D told him he wouldn't be back next season. I probably will not be watching this show then.

Or he could be off for a season like they did with Bran's story.

I'm so disappointed with the Dorne storyline. So pointless and now Ellaria has sent the heir to the throne to Kings Landing with dead Myrcella. What sense does that even make?

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