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S10.E01: Under Construction

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I don't really have any memory of Tamra and Lizzie interacting prior to the ugly sweater party. And I remember Tamra pretty much having Lizzie in her sights after Lizzie outed Tamra's shit talking to Heather at that party. Which, I have to admit kind of made me love Lizzie. I had hopes that she would really call Tamra out more, but the only stuff she ever called her out on was really petty stupid stuff so she kind of fizzled for me. 


As for Vicki, yes she is awful. But, I agreed with her warning the women not to trust Tamra. She had been burned and had watch Tamra burn so many people over the seasons, it would have been almost cruel of her not to warn them. But, I do agree that Vicki and Tamra deserve each other. Neither of them seem capable of maintaining a friendship. Tamra is just as bad as Vicki when it comes to that. The difference is that I don't Vicki feels she should always be fighting with at least one of the other women in order to have a story line. I also thought that Vicki was trying to be a friend to Tamra (as much as she is capable of anyway) when she warned Tamra not to take on Heather because she would lose, and when she decided to stay completely out of the Shannon/Heather drama and encouraged Tamra to do the same. 


Vicki's treatment of Lizzie was extremely crappy though. It wasn't unexpected, because it's Vicki, but it was terrible. And her telling Lizzie that Tamra didn't want to come to Lizzie's party seemed more designed to hurt Lizzie than it was to stir shit up with Tamra, IMO. Because Vicki is awful. Even if I find her more entertaining than Tamra.


Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 2


Vicki's treatment of Lizzie was extremely crappy though. It wasn't unexpected, because it's Vicki, but it was terrible. And her telling Lizzie that Tamra didn't want to come to Lizzie's party seemed more designed to hurt Lizzie than it was to stir shit up with Tamra, IMO. Because Vicki is awful. Even if I find her more entertaining than Tamra.

I agree with you 100%. Vicki is far more entertaining, although to me equally horrible. She is just reality TV gold to me. I cannot stand her, but cannot imagine the show without her. This is one thing that Bravo completely gets right. I don't like Tamra, but not for the same reasons as others do for the most part. I have just never found her interesting. I like her TH's and think she is funny, but her segments never interest me in the slightest. Some of the stuff with Simon was interesting back in the day, but since then I just don't care. Not about her marriage to Eddie (who I actually like), not about their robot baby, not about her creepy son or his new wife, not about their stupid fitness place. I like to hear her take on things or the action, but IMO she would be better in the role of a "friend of". Let her stir up a little trouble here and there, comment on the insanity, but keep her dumb storylines off the TV.

I go into this season wondering like I always do when a new season starts if this will be the year her friendship with Heather will evaporate. If they make it through this year, that marks 4 years they are close and that might be a record by HW standards. On the one hand it would make me happy because I am perhaps the last fan that Heather has. On the other hand one of the things I like about her is that she doesn't give up on her girl just because the audience hates them.

  • Love 1

I probably should be embarrassed to admit this but I like Heather, Vicki and Tamra. They all can be bitchy and rude/pretentious/crude yet entertaining with their drama. I wasn't a fan of bible thumping Alexis, forgettable Lizzie, or new age crying Shannon.

Stoner Lynn was entertaining but I think the show hid the seedier side of her life (I think the show protected her and her kids just like the show hid a lot of Kim Richards problems/addictions).

With this season having a smaller cast, it will be interesting to see if they can get along together and how they will pair up. This is horrible of me but I am team mean girls since I can't stand Shannon. It's weird that I think Shannon is nice person but I still don't like her. I guess her new age holistic crystal praying ass annoys me more than bitchiness and backstabbing (in a reality show only~in real life I would hang with the freak rather than a backstabbing bitch…actually I would choose to be by myself alone, lol). It's not just her new age holistic stuff or even just her crying but add in her hypocrisy of drinking alcohol yet has these insane dietary restrictions, staying with a cheater, her helplessness and poor lil' rich girl woe is me schtick, and slight doormat like tendencies. Even though I am not a fan of Shannon I do wish her a happy and healthy life and I hope she develops into a strong independent female (by independent I don't mean divorced but I mean emotionally independent…too much to go into here). Who knows, maybe I will grow to like her.

I'll watch snooty Heather, obnoxious Tamra, and loud Vicki any day over sniveling Shannon.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 3

I have to wonder if the decision to go public with the extent of their marital strife would have been a wildly different one if the shoe were on the other foot.  Had Shannon been the one to cheat, I say there's no way they would have shared all of the gory details.  I think she would have left the show to work on the marriage, although my opinion is that even the grandest of efforts will show itself to be too little, too late.  (I wish that weren't the case, but I think things are too far gone.)   She's comfortable in this victim role, and now she actually has something legit for which she can rag on him - and, sadly, I don't think that she will be able to help herself.  The feeling I get is that she put him down and reminded him that he was beneath her for so many years, that he reached the "enough is enough" point from which there is no turning back.  Sad for all involved, especially their girls.  :(


I can't help it, but my gut is 100% that Brooks is lying through his teeth.  Vicki is already so pathetic with her inability to survive without a man, my heart breaks for her if it does turn out that my gut feeling is correct.  It just kills me every time I hear her cry and drop to the floor when she receives that horrible call about her mom, so I hope this isn't another heartbreak in the making.   I'm crossing my fingers that my gut is wrong about her dork boyfriend, although that makes it sound like I am wishing The Big C upon Brooks.  That's not the case at all.  I have no problem admitting that I wish plenty of annoying, yucky things upon him, but those can usually be cured with a round of antibiotics prescribed on the DL.   I cannot stand the sleazy poser.  He is a pathological liar at the very least and I'm confused as to whether Vicki's inability to see this is a result of extreme ignorance or desperation.  I'm sure it's a combo of the two.  If I were her poor daughter, I'd consider moving even further away than Oklahoma.  I would have shot his balls off long ago. 


Tamra is working her way toward Sonja levels of delusion. 

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 5

I agree with you 100%. Vicki is far more entertaining, although to me equally horrible. She is just reality TV gold to me. I cannot stand her, but cannot imagine the show without her. This is one thing that Bravo completely gets right. I don't like Tamra, but not for the same reasons as others do for the most part. I have just never found her interesting. I like her TH's and think she is funny, but her segments never interest me in the slightest. Some of the stuff with Simon was interesting back in the day, but since then I just don't care. Not about her marriage to Eddie (who I actually like), not about their robot baby, not about her creepy son or his new wife, not about their stupid fitness place. I like to hear her take on things or the action, but IMO she would be better in the role of a "friend of". Let her stir up a little trouble here and there, comment on the insanity, but keep her dumb storylines off the TV.

I go into this season wondering like I always do when a new season starts if this will be the year her friendship with Heather will evaporate. If they make it through this year, that marks 4 years they are close and that might be a record by HW standards. On the one hand it would make me happy because I am perhaps the last fan that Heather has. On the other hand one of the things I like about her is that she doesn't give up on her girl just because the audience hates them.

You are not the only one that likes Heather, I do as well. LOL

  • Love 8

You are not the only one that likes Heather, I do as well. LOL



Yea WireWrap. I thought I might be all by myself. It can get lonely.


I'm right there with you!


The OC HWs are so awful that I'd have to say Heather is my favorite.  I know that's not much of a compliment considering the others but when I realized it, even I was surprised.


This may really shock all of you but I think Tamara comes in at #2 this season.  I could have done without her umpteenth boob job being featured but I honestly think she's mellowed.


I like Eddie too.

  • Love 7

Is it possible David was having an affair with a man?  Shannon said she heard him whispering to some "person", and I thought -- why didn't she actually say it was a woman?  She never said that.  This may be farfetched, I know, but I suspect something huge is going on with these 2 they're NOT divulging to us.  Something doesn't compute to me.  David is not a weak man.  And yet, he's pretty much allowing his horrible wife to hold up his balls in a jar on national TV & make him look absolutely horrible.  Why would he allow this?  


I still ask, as I asked last season -- why is this extremely attractive man staying in a miserable marriage to this awful shrew who is impossible to live with?


I really hope we get to see more of Meghan bragging about her "great love" with asshole Jimmy.  Aw, c'mon, give us some more chuckles & giggles, Meghan.  Hopefully you can still get back that swell medical supplies sales job in St. Louis, hun.  Cuz I suspect ole asshole Jimmy was out banging his next 3 wives while filming was going on & you'll need that gig.

  • Love 9
I thought I heard last season that the money came from David's family construction business, could be why he's staying and or staying for the kids.


So a pre-nup or the kids?  At what point is your sanity gonna go out the window for some bucks or for the kids?  Millions of kids have divorced parents & they grow up fine.  If he really cares about the kids, he'd give 'em a break & give 'em a set of parents who aren't thoroughly miserable with each other.  


Nah, I don't think it's the kids.  From what they've said, he's left twice and was close to not coming back, but did.  I bet he's left her many more times than that.  She's got something on him.  I'm sure of it.  Either that he's gay & she'll reveal it to the world -- or she's got a prenup that will seriously squash him financially.


He strikes me that he likes his fancy-schmancy lifestyle a lot.  And she's probably made it clear to him -- if he leaves her, that'll be the end of his hoity-toidy life.  That may not be true.  But I bet she has him believing it.  I predict eventually he's gonna meet someone else & find the strength to finally leave her & fight her for the kids & the dough.  I hope he finds the strength to do that.  


I have no doubt Shannon is the villain in this piece.  She seems willing to fight with whatever she's got to hold onto him.  Very depressing to watch tho.  Between this shit & Brooks possibly faking cancer & bitter, nasty Meghan (made even worse cuz she married an asshole), looks like we're in for a very, very dark season.  Not looking forward to it.


Honestly, that preview of Vicki falling on the floor while on her phone, presumably after hearing her mother passed away, made me shudder.  Look, I know Vicki willingly puts herself up for this, but witnessing someone's true pain & grief seems just so invasive & ick.  Hate it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I think there is money on both David and Shannon's side. His from the family constuction business, which is huge, and hers from the family retail fortune.

I think David stays because Shannon is so fragile. I think he loves her but is probably not in love with her. I think he believes she would fall apart. Remember that this is a gal who said she goes to visit that quack doctor 2-3 times A WEEK. I cannot even fathom such neediness. I remember when they were in Mexico, having that lunch by themselves. The one where he said "I just want to be fucking happy, Shannon", which was about the most real and raw thing I had ever heard uttered on one of these shows. She started talking about their great life and all that they had. He said that he sometimes wondered if they had too much stuff and it all got in the way. For some reason it made me think that a lot of their lifestyle satisfies her desires. Despite their obvious wealth, he still gets up and goes to work every day, and she does whatever it is that she does.


Vicki is Vicki, zero self-awareness. How long can she go on the same way, never learning, never growing? Oh well...

This all day long. Which is really why she is such reality TV gold.

  • Love 9

Is it possible David was having an affair with a man?  Shannon said she heard him whispering to some "person", and I thought -- why didn't she actually say it was a woman?  She never said that.  This may be farfetched, I know, but I suspect something huge is going on with these 2 they're NOT divulging to us.  Something doesn't compute to me.  David is not a weak man.  And yet, he's pretty much allowing his horrible wife to hold up his balls in a jar on national TV & make him look absolutely horrible.  Why would he allow this?  


 I kinda wondered if David had been with a guy too, but it was more his lisp. However, that seems to the CA accent as well according to my CA friends. I think she might have said "person" because she didn't want to use the word whore or f'ing c* bitc* and she definitely didn't want to use the word woman. My husband HAD a person that flirted with him and I called her a bitchface hoe c* until someone told me it was offensive to them. I couldn't bring myself to not use a bad word so I say nothing now. I'm very immature, I know. But I like any woman that comes in contact with my husband to know exactly where I stand and where they stand because my biggest fear ever is that my husband will cheat on me and I'll have to leave and I don't want to start all over AGAIN. Too old for that.  


Affairs are inexcusable. And if he had an affair, then he is a weak man. You can't trust someone that betrays you and puts your health in danger. 


Anyhoo, I like Meghan. She seems really friendly and nice, but she stands her ground. Being married to a man with that type of insane ego is not easy to manage, but she seems to be doing it. Baseball players are the dumbest of the dumb, you just have to constantly be keeping their attention or they wonder off. IMO. They spend most of their time just sitting waiting to hit a ball, or standing and waiting to catch a ball. She seems up for the challenge and he isn't bad looking at all so she doesn't come off as being a gold digger. I think of gold digger as the beautiful woman with a hideously old or ugly man. 


+1 for the poster who said she looked like a stick bug. Lol, so true. But she is cute. 

Edited by bravofan27

I think there is money on both David and Shannon's side. His from the family constuction business, which is huge, and hers from the family retail fortune.

I think David stays because Shannon is so fragile. I think he loves her but is probably not in love with her. I think he believes she would fall apart. Remember that this is a gal who said she goes to visit that quack doctor 2-3 times A WEEK. I cannot even fathom such neediness. I remember when they were in Mexico, having that lunch by themselves. The one where he said "I just want to be fucking happy, Shannon", which was about the most real and raw thing I had ever heard uttered on one of these shows. She started talking about their great life and all that they had. He said that he sometimes wondered if they had too much stuff and it all got in the way. For some reason it made me think that a lot of their lifestyle satisfies her desires. Despite their obvious wealth, he still gets up and goes to work every day, and she does whatever it is that she does.

This all day long. Which is really why she is such reality TV gold.


I agree completely. He just seems so unhappy with all of it. The pomp and circumstance seems to be all her. I think she said he's from Michigan and would like a more simple life. I can see that completely. I don't think he's gay. In fact, his flirting with too many women was brought up at the reunion and Shannon looked as if she'd throw up. I knew then there was something wrong with that picture. I'd bet this is not his first affair. It's just the last one she found out about as a reality show was getting started.


I feel bad for him. He's just not that into her. Or their life. I could see him near me, in Michigan or Indiana, out on a lake with a nice boat and hanging at the bar. He doesn't fit there.

Edited by Roxy
  • Love 8

I agree completely. He just seems so unhappy with all of it. The pomp and circumstance seems to be all her. I think she said he's from Michigan and would like a more simple life. I can see that completely.



Yes, he's from Michigan. Or as Shannon said last season, that place where people think they need a starch with every meal, and don't look nearly as good as the people in the OC. 

  • Love 4

Yes, he's from Michigan. Or as Shannon said last season, that place where people think they need a starch with every meal, and don't look nearly as good as the people in the OC. 

Interesting. I read or heard somewhere a man saying to never date a woman who was raised with money because you will never be able to keep them happy. Also, the things that you first love about someone that are different from you are what you end up despising. Maybe David liked Shannon initially because she was the rich popular girl with "class" that he always thought he wanted, but after being married, he's finding it way more maintenance than what he is able to accommodate. 

  • Love 4

Is it possible David was having an affair with a man?  Shannon said she heard him whispering to some "person", and I thought -- why didn't she actually say it was a woman?  She never said that.  This may be farfetched, I know, but I suspect something huge is going on with these 2 they're NOT divulging to us.  Something doesn't compute to me.  David is not a weak man.  And yet, he's pretty much allowing his horrible wife to hold up his balls in a jar on national TV & make him look absolutely horrible.  Why would he allow this?  


I still ask, as I asked last season -- why is this extremely attractive man staying in a miserable marriage to this awful shrew who is impossible to live with?


I really hope we get to see more of Meghan bragging about her "great love" with asshole Jimmy.  Aw, c'mon, give us some more chuckles & giggles, Meghan.  Hopefully you can still get back that swell medical supplies sales job in St. Louis, hun.  Cuz I suspect ole asshole Jimmy was out banging his next 3 wives while filming was going on & you'll need that gig.

No he is not having an affair with a man.  That would have been front page RH news.


Sometimes people stay in a marriage because they make a commitment, and there are children that benefit from their parents honoring their commitments.  Now is probably not a good time to bring up David's previous domestic violence charge.  All I can say when David screws up he screws up big.  At some point and I hope it doesn;t last long these two need to move the marital strife off center stage.  no more than three episodes dedicated to the saving of the marriage.

  • Love 4

I agree completely. He just seems so unhappy with all of it. The pomp and circumstance seems to be all her. I think she said he's from Michigan and would like a more simple life. I can see that completely. I don't think he's gay. In fact, his flirting with too many women was brought up at the reunion and Shannon looked as if she'd throw up. I knew then there was something wrong with that picture. I'd bet this is not his first affair. It's just the last one she found out about as a reality show was getting started.


I feel bad for him. He's just not that into her. Or their life. I could see him near me, in Michigan or Indiana, out on a lake with a nice boat and hanging at the bar. He doesn't fit there.

He met Shannon in the OC, his business is based out of OC, it is not the location of the marriage, it is his lack of commitment.  She did not build the house on her own, or make the OC babies  on her own.  I hate to say it but many people who work outdoors and David's projects are highways, prefer Southern California weather to weather in Michigan.  Something tells me the basketball in the mansion court was not Shannon's idea.  I will say he doesn't come off quite like Terry Dubrow with having to have the most ostentatious house but I don't think he is exactly a shrinking violet in the material possession department.  If he doesn't think nannies, massages and thrice weekly doctors' visits are appropriate I hope he can express it without having to go a marriage counseling session.

  • Love 3

I can't explane it very well, but Shannon seemed like a really unreliable narrator to me last season and I still feel that way. I'm not excusing anyone else's behavior and no one has the right to use her shit as an excuse for their own, but I just feel like Shannon is someone who thinks someone is always being mean to her. Like she pushes and pushes (probably only subconsciously. I don't get a Machivalian thing. Just a sort of emotional dumbass) until someone snaps back and then she cries about how everyone is so mean to her. I'm not explaining it well. Someone who needs to be upset so she creates a lot of drama where she's the sad one, but doesn't really want to talk about her part in it. The type that will accuse their partner of having an affair for years until their spouse just gives up and has the affair already. Something like that.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 2

I can't explane it very well, but Shannon seemed like a really unreliable narrator to me last season and I still feel that way. I'm not excusing anyone else's behavior and no one has the right to use her shit as an excuse for their own, but I just feel like Shannon is someone who thinks someone is always being mean to her. Like she pushes and pushes (probably only subconsciously. I don't get a Machivalian thing. Just a sort of emotional dumbass) until someone snaps back and then she cries about how everyone is so mean to her. I'm not explaining it well. Someone who needs to be upset so she creates a lot of drama where she's the sad one, but doesn't really want to talk about her part in it. The type that will accuse their partner of having an affair for years until their spouse just gives up and has the affair already. Something like that.


Like a self-fulfilling prophecy...

  • Love 1


No he is not having an affair with a man.  That would have been front page RH news.


Sometimes people stay in a marriage because they make a commitment, and there are children that benefit from their parents honoring their commitments.

Yes, thank you. Marriage and the breakdown of any marriage is rarely black and white, rarely simple and always painful. Personally, I don't fully understand the need/desire/choice to play this out on national TV but that's me. And who gives a rats ass if any of these characters are gay/black/Jewish/whatever? Wouldn't make a relationship's breakdown any less painful to watch, at least not for me, anyway. And yes, to me these people are purposely scripted and crafted characters, a long way from real people. Seriously, does anyone really think Vicki or Tamra or Slade are really like their portrayals in real life? Hell's belles--Vicki is enough to make any client or employee go running. Tamra would have an army of CPS agents dogging her.


Okay, off my soapbox. But yeah, this season is dark; maybe cancer, bad marriages and so on. Not entertaining, not funny, not real good snarking.

  • Love 3
Wow! That is an excellent comparison, I'm a (was) a Mad Men junkie! Yes, Shannon = Betty! Let's just hope for Shannon's sake that David only had 1 affair and isn't like Don Draper, good grief, that would be something. Both women turned into Ice Queens while roaming around feeling isolated while their husbands were at work. (Or with their side pieces). Desparate for attention, the loneliness was making them crazy...they started nagging, and the viscous cycle continues...


I don't know that I'd compare Shannon to Betty. I can see some similarities in the marriage, but we've not as of yet seen Shannon be cruel and cold to her children. 


Is it possible David was having an affair with a man?  Shannon said she heard him whispering to some "person", and I thought -- why didn't she actually say it was a woman?


It was Jake from State Farm. 

  • Love 9

I don't know that I'd compare Shannon to Betty. I can see some similarities in the marriage, but we've not as of yet seen Shannon be cruel and cold to her children. 





It was Jake from State Farm. 

My Betty Draper comparison was offered for the limited purpose of her passion towards David.  I do think in spite of her decision to air her marital counseling she is a thoughtful and caring parent.

  • Love 1

I'm surprised by how many want David & Shannon to divorce. I've always said I would never stay if my husband cheated, and I haven't faced that after 26+ years, so I can't speak from the experience, but that's me. I don't think I could forgive such a violation and continue to commit to someone after a betrayal of trust at that level. I don't forgive easily! I know people that have gone through this, some stayed married, some divorced, If David does want to stay married (we don't know what's in his heart) to Shannon, tells her he wants to just be happy and move forward perhaps he truly means it. We don't know that. I can't tell if Shannon can move on without there always being anger brewing. I don't see why they shouldn't try if both parties are willing to move forward.

Shannon is a shrew, that's obvious...but as she has said, watching herself back on TV made it clear to her. She probably had no idea how stressful and demanding she acting towards him. David probably didn't understand how his flirting was so disrespectful. They were both put on notice. If they can change their behaviors and work it out, why wouldn't they? Thry made a commitment when they married and brought children into world and created the family. If they can enjoy their lives as a unit from here on they should stay together. He broke the commitment, but she's willing to try. If he does it again, then she will likely leave. No wonder she was so unglued, if she didn't know specifics, she knew something of this level was going on.

They both have their own money so I just don't believe that's a factor at all in this situation.

Yes, people grow up fine with divorced parents, that's true. My parents were married 60 years until my fathers death, but my husbands parents were divorced. We both feel like happy people in spite of our different circumstances. My husband never said it was fun and rosy though to not have everyone together. He wishes they had stayed together. My life was not all fun and rosy my whole childhood because of my parents long marriage but they certainly were happy together and loved each other. They were loyal to each other and I'm a very loyal person. David & Shannon can certainly provide a household where the girls can learn to honor their commitments and change behavior to honor the other people. They may learn you can trust someone after such circumstances. It's certainly worth a good try. There's plenty of time in the future where if David is miserable again because things don't change, that they may divorce at some point.

I'm more concerned how the daughter that read David's cell phone must have felt. Good Gawwwd. To know your father did this and how that must make her feel? David's going to need to work as hard to earn the kids trusts as Shannon's.

  • Love 2

I don't know that I'd compare Shannon to Betty. I can see some similarities in the marriage, but we've not as of yet seen Shannon be cruel and cold to her children. 



It was Jake from State Farm.

Bahahaha "Jake from State Farm at 2 in the morning??!"

As ZoeysMom mentioned, the Betty analogy to Shannon was as it relates to their marriage not as a parent. Betty was a tough nut to crack as a parent that's for sure...Shannon's a much more touchy freely mom I would say.

"I just want to be fucking happy, Shannon" sums it up perfectly.   It's not that complicated.   David seems like the kind of guy who wants to come home, each a few chips with salsa, have a drink or a beer, and not worry about how many damn lemons are in the bowl.   He wants to go out, have some fun, without Shannon having to make sure she's taken enough Takuna or Mullein Garlic and whatever else herbal remedy she needs.   When they were at Vickie's place in Mexico and Shannon was almost having a nervous breakdown over having to stay in a double bed, he looked like he wanted to tell her to get over it, it was only for two nights.   She is just way too high maintenance, and you get the idea that the issues keep changing.   I'm sure he thinks Dr. Moon is full of it, and her weekly visits are nothing more that another way to gain attention.   I don't see him it this for the long haul.    I'm not surprised he had an affair(s). 

  • Love 4

Yes, Shannon was a nag. I agree she made a federal case out of eating chips & salsa, among other things, what's her deal? What she was doing to David was emasculating him, IMO.

With that said, I just don't know why anyone bothers to get married if marriage has no meaning anymore. It's for better or worse and if it goes sour, work on fixing it first before throwing in the towel. Communication might be helpful. David has a responsibility to voice his needs to her. Part of your responsibility is to voice to your spouse what hurts you as a result of their actions. Maybe it won't get better, but they are both saying (not sure if they mean it) they want to try at this point in time. That's what you do when you value your marriage. They both have now voiced their concerns, if they take their responsibility seriously, it can improve. Having a ditzy, whacky spouse doesn't justify affairs. Unless you're a jerk.

Verbal and physical abuse are a whole different story.

I'm routing for them. Apparently marriages in the OC don't stand much of a chance, I am not sure why. Shallow people?

  • Love 4
Affairs are inexcusable. And if he had an affair, then he is a weak man. You can't trust someone that betrays you and puts your health in danger.


Well, I meant he doesn't seem like a wimp.  And yet he's letting her make him look like a man with no balls on national TV.  Why?  Does she have something on him & she's blackmailing him?  Maybe.  Does he actually feel guilty about his shitty behavior toward her?  Maybe.


Make no mistake, whether he's from Michigan or wherever, he quite obviously enjoys this fancy-schmancy lifestyle & I don't think for one second he wants to lose it.  We don't know the deets on their finances.  That's between them.  She could have a prenup which would seriously impact him financially.


Look, as far as this marriage goes, he ain't no bargain for Shannon.  Sure, he's hot as hell, but so the fuck what?  What's it mean to Shannon?  If the cams ain't around, he never takes her out & never travels with her.  What's she got in this deal?  A hot man who publicly makes it clear he ain't into her (OK, he doesn't express it verbally, but it ain't exactly hard to tell), who flirts in a vulgar way with other women in front of her, at least one beating in the past (with a good chance for more in the future) & a hubby who cheats on her.  Sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me.


So why would Shannon express to the world she's got a shitty marriage to a husband who's miserable with her & who cheats on her & has nearly left her for good several times?  What's her motivation to put herself up for this humiliation?  To keep David in line?  I still say she seems like she's got something on him, to make him go along with this total humiliation for both of them.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1
Anyhoo, I like Meghan. She seems really friendly and nice, but she stands her ground. Being married to a man with that type of insane ego is not easy to manage, but she seems to be doing it. Baseball players are the dumbest of the dumb, you just have to constantly be keeping their attention or they wonder off. IMO. They spend most of their time just sitting waiting to hit a ball, or standing and waiting to catch a ball. She seems up for the challenge and he isn't bad looking at all so she doesn't come off as being a gold digger. I think of gold digger as the beautiful woman with a hideously old or ugly man.


Not sure how you got all that bout Meghan from the little we saw of her.  She just looked like a clueless fool to me.  And the producers were clearly trying to (I thought cruelly) make her look as stupid as possible.  So I wonder if they already hated her at this early point in filming.  They certainly make asshole Jimmy look like as big an asshole as possible -- which I suspect was not exactly a difficult thing to do.  


The previews for the rest of the season show Meghan to be mean as hell, so guess we'll see how it goes for Meghan.  If she is still married to asshole Jimmy, I don't give that marriage more than another 6 seconds.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

I'm not so eager to call Shannon out as "the villain" in this or point out her shortcomings in defense of David's cheating. He was the one who broke the vows and he was the one who had a report of domestic violence against years ago. So it seems like there's this excuse going on maybe on his part that Shannon is a nag or bitch and that compels him to do certain things. And Shannon has issues due to possible abuse and his cheating so she reacts with trying to control trivial things and obsessing on her bizarre fixations. Also her emotional impotence and helplessness over David's acting out make her ultra sensitive and quick to overreact to stupid shit.


  • Love 2

Well, I meant he doesn't seem like a wimp.  And yet he's letting her make him look like a man with no balls on national TV.  Why?  Does she have something on him & she's blackmailing him?  Maybe.  Does he actually feel guilty about his shitty behavior toward her?  Maybe.


Make no mistake, whether he's from Michigan or wherever, he quite obviously enjoys this fancy-schmancy lifestyle & I don't think for one second he wants to lose it.  We don't know the deets on their finances.  That's between them.  She could have a prenup which would seriously impact him financially.


Look, as far as this marriage goes, he ain't no bargain for Shannon.  Sure, he's hot as hell, but so the fuck what?  What's it mean to Shannon?  If the cams ain't around, he never takes her out & never travels with her.  What's she got in this deal?  A hot man who publicly makes it clear he ain't into her (OK, he doesn't express it verbally, but it ain't exactly hard to tell), who flirts in a vulgar way with other women in front of her, at least one beating in the past (with a good chance for more in the future) & a hubby who cheats on her.  Sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me.


So why would Shannon express to the world she's got a shitty marriage to a husband who's miserable with her & who cheats on her & has nearly left her for good several times?  What's her motivation to put herself up for this humiliation?  To keep David in line?  I still say she seems like she's got something on him, to make him go along with this total humiliation for both of them.


Exactly Scooby.


I'm someone who actually likes Shannon despite her kookiness.  She seems like she's actually a sweet person but she gets in her own way.  I think she knows she's a constant nag and that is hard to be around which is why she seems so apologetic to him despite the fact that HE'S the one who had the affair.  


I get the impression that she was really a "catch" for him and she knew that in the first several years of their marriage so she just did her belittling of him, nagging of him, without thinking he would ever leave her.  Maybe it's b/c of her money.  Maybe b/c of their girls.  And last season she finally was confronted with the fact that he was ready to leave, it seemed to surprise her.  


Subconsciously, I think she's punishing him through doing this show and the marriage counseling.  I think she wants to expose the world of hurt she feels and have the world see him capitulating.  But I guarantee you, when those girls are out of the house, that marriage is over.  He'll leave then if he can't get her to ask him for a divorce.

  • Love 2
I'm someone who actually likes Shannon despite her kookiness.


The thing is, I'm not sure what I think of Shannon -- as far as how she is with people in general.  We know she's horrible to David, but she's probably justified to some degree for that.  And she has valid reasons to not exactly be thrilled with Tams & Heather.  But I thought her reaction to Tams & Vicks holding hands was petty.  And her oddball reaction to Meghan, even if she did flirt with David, was nutty.  I don't have a handle on Megahan yet, but even if she did flirt with David, it seemed harmless.


Looks like Shannon's interactions with Meghan are gonna be hilarious.  Can't wait.  Maybe Shannon is just socially inept & she doesn't especially know how to deal with people?  Her reaction to Meghan, with that tight phony smile, insisting she was fine with her?  Ugh, that really creeped me out & made me laugh my ass off at the same time.  Oy, keep the lunacy comin', Shannon.  I'm entertained.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Not sure how you got all that bout Meghan from the little we saw of her.  She just looked like a clueless fool to me.  And the producers were clearly trying to (I thought cruelly) make her look as stupid as possible.  So I wonder if they already hated her at this early point in filming.  They certainly make asshole Jimmy look like as big an asshole as possible -- which I suspect was not exactly a difficult thing to do.  


The previews for the rest of the season show Meghan to be mean as hell, so guess we'll see how it goes for Meghan.  If she is still married to asshole Jimmy, I don't give that marriage more than another 6 seconds.


Again, I agree with you Scooby.


I see her as a woman who, despite her "rule" against marrying an athlete" loves being able to tell people she's married to a former athlete that she gives hi a pass on his rudeness in EVERY scene.  


Not to mention, she does the "I wish you didn't have to go..." stuff when he has to fullfill job obligations and he gives her this look like, "I can't wait to get the fuck out of here."


Meghan strikes me as a very phony gold digger.  

Since I mentioned Shannon looking elderly compared to David, Heather looks like a skinny old lady with dyed dark hair and bad makeup.  She needs to put on some meat to soften those really hard features.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 3

I wonder if Heather is going to copy Shannon and have both a catering kitchen and coat check area.

Maybe she can build her restaurant inside the house.  She's had so much trouble finding a suitable location.  She already has a motor court for guest parking and restrooms aplenty.  Then, finally, there will be an OC restaurant worthy of the East Coast elite.  I wonder if Fabio Viviani from Top Chef is still available.



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 1

Meghan strikes me as a very phony gold digger. 




I'm with you, but I was afraid to say it cuz there were so many posts from others before who insisted she was definitely NOT a gold-digger, so they were deeply in luv Meghan because of this.  I mean, look, she tells us she had this great gig, where she regularly sold 300 thou worth of medical devices & she gave that all up for what?  For a man way older than her, who has a zillion kids & has been married a zillion times before & is barely ever with her & when he is with her, ignores her & treats with disdain.  Sounds like an awesome deal, right?  Um, not really.  Sounds shitty to me.  


So what's her motivation to be with him?  She seems to like the lifestyle being married to him provides her with.  She certainly talks proudly about his "fame" or whatever fame he's got & the big houses.  Sniff, sniff.  Me smells me a gold-digger.


Since I mentioned Shannon looking elderly compared to David, Heather looks like a skinny old lady with dyed dark hair and bad makeup.  She needs to put on some meat to soften those really hard features.


Heather is looking so hard & harsh this season.  It's the fillers.  Terry is going nuts with those fillers on her.  That & the combo of the dark hair is doing her no favors.  I notice she's dressing in a way to sorta hide how thin she's getting.  Her thinness is also doing her no favors.  She's not looking good, but she was never much of a looker to me.  


Actually, a short cut might look cute on her & really suit her.  And just a shade or 2 lighter would also make a huge diff.  If she could just relax & cut down on the fillers & let herself (heaven forbid!!!) gain a few (just a few) pounds, she would look infinitely better.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

I'm with you, but I was afraid to say it cuz there were so many posts from others before who insisted she was definitely NOT a gold-digger, so they were deeply in luv Meghan because of this.  I mean, look, she tells us she had this great gig, where she regularly sold 300 thou worth of medical devices & she gave that all up for what?  For a man way older than her, who has a zillion kids & has been married a zillion times before & is barely ever with her & when he is with her, ignores her & treats with disdain.  Sounds like an awesome deal, right?  Um, not really.  Sounds shitty to me.  


So what's her motivation to be with him?  She seems to like the lifestyle being married to him provides her with.  She certainly talks proudly about his "fame" or whatever fame he's got & the big houses.  Sniff, sniff.  Me smells me a gold-digger.



Heather is looking so hard & harsh this season.  It's the fillers.  Terry is going nuts with those fillers on her.  That & the combo of the dark hair is doing her no favors.  I notice she's dressing in a way to sorta hide how thin she's getting.  Her thinness is also doing her no favors.  She's not looking good, but she was never much of a looker to me.



Anyone who talks about how she made 300K plus before launching into her, "broke my rules...married someone 11 years older and an athlete" immediately pings my golddigger radar.  


I won't necessariy fault her for giving up her career if she was forced to move, but I get the sense this woman is all about material worth.  And because her husband is wealthy I think she thought it was smooth sailing.  She could quit work but spend, spend, spend, and then sit on charity boards.  But when they were walking through the store to replace items in the house he had with his ex, he was pretty clear he wasn't going to spend his money.  


I think she's convinced herself that his two failed marriages mean nothing.  She'll change him.  And he wants no part of that.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2

Yes, Shannon was a nag. I agree she made a federal case out of eating chips & salsa, among other things, what's her deal? What she was doing to David was emasculating him, IMO.

With that said, I just don't know why anyone bothers to get married if marriage has no meaning anymore. It's for better or worse and if it goes sour, work on fixing it first before throwing in the towel. Communication might be helpful. David has a responsibility to voice his needs to her. Part of your responsibility is to voice to your spouse what hurts you as a result of their actions. Maybe it won't get better, but they are both saying (not sure if they mean it) they want to try at this point in time. That's what you do when you value your marriage. They both have now voiced their concerns, if they take their responsibility seriously, it can improve. Having a ditzy, whacky spouse doesn't justify affairs. Unless you're a jerk.


I don't think people here are actually condoning cheating.  But the human condition is one in which people get married, think it's forever, marry the wrong person, birth out some kids and feel trapped in a marriage that is broken.  Divorce is expensive, hard on the kids.  David has done everything but said, "I want a divorce." Perhaps with her fragile state, he was worried a divorce would break her totally.


Again, not condoning cheating but I wouldn't consider someone the devil because they strayed in a broken marriage.  I don't like Meghan at all but if she had a side piece I might be willing to high five her because her husband is such a fucking asshole on screen.


Okay, sounds like I'm condoning cheating. 

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2

I don't think people here are actually condoning cheating.  But the human condition is one in which people get married, think it's forever, marry the wrong person, birth out some kids and feel trapped in a marriage that is broken.  Divorce is expensive, hard on the kids.  David has done everything but said, "I want a divorce." Perhaps with her fragile state, he was worried a divorce would break her totally.


Again, not condoning cheating but I wouldn't consider someone the devil because they strayed in a broken marriage.  I don't like Meghan at all but if she had a side piece I might be willing to high five her because her husband is such a fucking asshole on screen.


Okay, sounds like I'm condoning cheating.

Ha Ha, I hear you. Shannon & David have a messy situation no matter how we look at it. I do agree she's riding the crazy train. "No more chips & salsa!!!" I'm hearing Joan Crawford scream, "No more wire hangers!!!"

  • Love 2

Ha Ha, I hear you. Shannon & David have a messy situation no matter how we look at it. I do agree she's riding the crazy train. "No more chips & salsa!!!" I'm hearing Joan Crawford scream, "No more wire hangers!!!"



Exactly!  I mean, I love Shannon but I can't even imagine living with that day in and day out.  So it's hard not to sympathize with the cheater, no matter how wrong it is.  


Not to mention, there are a lot of folks in a dead marriage that can't fathom the thought of only seeing their kids 1/2 the time.  

Edited by sasha206

If Brooks is faking his illness, I bet he didn’t think through “oh shoot! I’m going to have to follow a restricted diet then.” Everything he wanted with that take-out meal, Vicki was nixing. No dairy, no alcohol, no white bread.


And what was Vicki doing packing a 5-lb. bag of carrots to Mexico? No access to produce down there?


I too wondered what the hell Shannon was doing, making her marriage problems known on national TV. And then it dawned on me that maybe this is her way of punishing David for his affair – by shaming him on the show. Maybe “divorce isn’t an option,” but keeping him on a short leash and making little comments is the solution? Their youngest daughters are what, 10? What happens when they go off to college in 8 years? Shannon, best to cut bait now. I don’t think it’s that she wants to save her marriage so much as she’ll be damned if David finds happiness that doesn’t include her.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 2

The thing is, I'm not sure what I think of Shannon -- as far as how she is with people in general.  We know she's horrible to David, but she's probably justified to some degree for that.  And she has valid reasons to not exactly be thrilled with Tams & Heather.  But I thought her reaction to Tams & Vicks holding hands was petty.  And her oddball reaction to Meghan, even if she did flirt with David, was nutty.  I don't have a handle on Megahan yet, but even if she did flirt with David, it seemed harmless

I don't know. Meghan is the new kid on the block. But instead of approaching Shannon and introducing herself as a fellow housewife, she approaches her husband with, "I remember you from last year". A husband who very publically was accused of being inappropriate with women last season. And the people who accused David just happen to be Meghan's good buddies, and don't like the Beadors.

And even after Shannon was very clearly unhappy with Meghan (both last year and present), Meghan continues to monopolize David while ignoring his wife. Her talking head about Shannon thinking she was flirting was just a little to coy. Meghan may simply be the type of woman who's more comfortable hanging with men, but by the age of thirty, she should have learned how easily that behavior is misinterpreted.

Bottom line: David has a track record of cheating. Meghan has a track record of liking older men, and is a woman whose husband is out of town fifty percent of the time, and acts like she feels neglected. I think Shannon has reason to be a little jealous, or at the very least, suspicious of her motivation.

The thing I found most appalling was that mini apology tour that David was forced to have with his three children and Shannon looking on. I was physically uncomfortable for everyone in that scene. That should have been private for the kids' sakes, or at least between David and his daughters. I hope he finds the RHOC salary compensatory for that bit of humiliation. 


Not looking forward to Vicki losing her mom, that's for sure. These people may make some good cash but nothing is worth having your most agonizing private moments on screen. 


Why do I watch these shows?!

  • Love 2

Oh yeah…and even though Shannon said she was attracted to David's Midwest values, didn't she mock the typical Midwesterner's diet last season? She made a dig about how unhealthy meat and potatoes was, compared to the grilled fish and vegetables that Californians prefer. (I didn't see that David ever had a weight problem, so I'm not sure where that came from. Then again, Shannon could make a dig about anything.)

  • Love 2

Here's an idea, you could make a grilled chicken, WITH some potatoes on the side, in addition to veggies. Oh, and maybe add a little flavor to your chicken, there, Shannon. You don't have to slather it in a tub of butter with your bare hands ala Mama June, but you can certainly marinate it in a light dressing, some olive oil, some herbs, something. Then let him have his baked potato on the side! Damn. Your husband looks damn good for a man on the other side of 50. "Let them have potatoes!"

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