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The Kelly File: Duggar Interview 2015.06.03

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The font just got really, really small here. Did that happen to anybody else? How do I change it, it's so tiny it's hard to read? HELP!

The same thing happened to me, and given that I'm on an iPad, I'm pretty sure it's not my keyboard. Also, it only affects this site.

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The same thing happened to me, and given that I'm on an iPad, I'm pretty sure it's not my keyboard. Also, it only affects this site.

I am having the opposite issue. This site is displaying super-huge on my iPad.

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I am having the opposite issue. This site is displaying super-huge on my iPad.

My android tablet was doing something similar, I had to tell it to use the mobile version again. After that, it looks different, but readable.
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I am having the opposite issue. This site is displaying super-huge on my iPad.

My font went super small, too. I am on my iPad.

Edited by Beth64
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My font went super small, too. I on my iPad.


They seem to have made some changes to the site graphics.  There are now a bunch of ads and videos displaying on the right side of my screen and sometimes I am having trouble scrolling down.  Maybe the changes have affected your ipad differently.

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I know for me? I am HORRIFIED that they felt it perfectly ok to trot out "the victims" and put them on camera all the while Josh has not been on camera or had balls enough to be a man and speak for himself….I cannot even fathom this atrocity anymore. These well…pieces of shit sold out their daughters to protect their tender hearted son was just curious and repentent.

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I switched to mobile view, which I've never used before, and it's a little more readable in terms of font size, but I hate it! :-). I'm putting on my reading glasses and going back to regular view.

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I don't think Doocy on the Fox early a.m. show was actually lying.  I think he was factually incorrect, and plenty of other early morning news people are.  On the west coast by early morning I mean 2 or 3 a.m. and I think they are on for hours.  I found most of these people on for hours in the early hours (any time really) to be spouting off only half-known information, or maybe they are just tired and get up way too early, but whatever, none can be trusted for any kind of accuracy.  

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It's not going to be determined definitively unless someone gets taken to court about it - if a court of law has the issue presented to them, and rules one way or the other, that would be definitive (and could be appealed and yadda yadda but still). The city attorney says it was legal, and so do legal pundits we've seen on TV, and some of our posters have posted some pretty well-researched notes saying the same, but it's still all just well-informed legal opinions.


My guess is that Boob will not sue. He'd be spending a good chunk of change with no assurance of a win. I think El Cheapo will end up re-thinking that tactic. Sounded good on TV though... 

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I would love to see the Duggars be interviewed by or someone like the Church Lady from SNL. Josh who made you do it, could it be SATAN?


I think SNL is in summer repeats now, but I bet they would have contacted Dana Carvey and asked him to open the show doing a Duggar interview.  What a missed opportunity.

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Those safeguards had to have made the girl feel that it was their fault for being "available" and "alluring". Seems like victim blaming.

Good point. If they really thought an appropriate safeguard to prevent further abuse was locking someone in their room, why wasn't it Josh instead of the girls?

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I think SNL is in summer repeats now, but I bet they would have contacted Dana Carvey and asked him to open the show doing a Duggar interview.  What a missed opportunity.


Except that the Duggars wouldn't have any idea who the Church Lady was. Not that they'd see the show anyway...

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this thread is going  really fast, so I don't know if this was posted. But here is a new excerpt from Jessa and Jill's interview, besides the one shown at the end of the first interview. Jessa basically defends Josh, straight up.




It's toward the end of the page. So, I guess there is not doubt what that interview is gonna be like.


Two words: Stockholm Syndrome. Two more words: parental coaching.

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Please take any discussion or questions about site technical issues to the bug thread.  Our friendly programmer will more than happily respond, I'm sure.



I'm not finding any thread that pertains to the problem that I'm experiencing:

A few hours ago the font on here got really small. It happened all of a sudden when I refreshed the page I was on. I haven't experienced this problem anywhere but here. I use an iPad BTW. I shut everything down for awhile and then restarted to see if that would help but it didn't. Can you help me with this, please?

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Good point. If they really thought an appropriate safeguard to prevent further abuse was locking someone in their room, why wasn't it Josh instead of the girls?


No kidding! It seems horribly unfair to lock the girls in because their scummy brother might come molest them in their sleep. Lock HIM up, not the girls. Plus it seems dangerous - what if there's a fire or something?  Still dangerous for Josh in that case I suppose, but at least the rest of the kids would be able to get out.


Plus what about the babysitter?  How would locking the girls in their room protect her, when she was sleeping on the couch? For that matter what measures did they take anyway?  I know some of them we've been able to speculate on, like sleeping in clothes and making the girls share beds, but I wonder what they consider appropriate measures to protect their kids (other than their precious Josh, who seems to be the only one they care to talk about).

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Good point. If they really thought an appropriate safeguard to prevent further abuse was locking someone in their room, why wasn't it Josh instead of the girls?

That's exactly what I thought. Or, instead of locking anyone in their room because of that being a huge safety hazard in case of a fire, how about an alarm on the door? How silly of me, Boob and Mechelle wouldn't want to be interrupted by a pesky alarm while working on the next 'blessing'. Off to find my brain bleach.........

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Sorry this is a repeat post from last night but it's a long ways back now, and I have noticed a lot of people asking about whether JB really said "under their clothes."  This is a snip from my post on it last night for those who want to re-watch:


Around 11:20 on my DVR (give or take 30 seconds because I think my DVR started early) JB says "...now all these again, this was not um rape or anything like that. This was like touching somebody over their clothes. There were a couple incidents where he touched them under their clothes um but it was like a few seconds..."


Of course I am open to correction if I miss-heard anything, but I rewound several times to try to get it right so hopefully I heard it correctly.

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So if it's just a few seconds (and since when did the 5 second rule apply in this situation?) and it's over the clothes then it's ok? Especially if you have a soft heart (whatever the hell THAT is) and come crying to mommy afterward? 



"Heart" is likely a Duggar euphemism.

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Two words: Stockholm Syndrome. Two more words: parental coaching.

Megyn showed another preview clip tonight. Jill claims that no one coerced them into doing the interview; it was their idea. Also, no one told them what to say. 


I want to believe her, but we're awash in Duggar Lies of late, and let's face it, those girls were raised in an insular culture by two hucksters. Ugh. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Here is a link to a Buzzfeed article discussing the legality issue. http://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/release-of-josh-duggar-police-report-was-legal-under-arkansa#.eqWZ2yK0PJ



The more I read about the interview, the more I think it did more harm than good. They really didn't help themselves at all. I don't think Jill and Jessa speaking out will necessarily help them at all. It could just cement it more in people's minds that they're the survivors and make people more wary about watching them. If TLC does go the route of a new show focusing on them, as the rumors have stated.

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The more I read about the interview, the more I think it did more harm than good. They really didn't help themselves at all. I don't think Jill and Jessa speaking out will necessarily help them at all. It could just cement it more in people's minds that they're the survivors and make people more wary about watching them. If TLC does go the route of a new show focusing on them, as the rumors have stated.


I agree, I don't see much good coming out of it at all. Harm, for sure. As far as Jill and Jessa speaking, if it helps them personally, then great and I'm glad for them.  However in terms of the show, I don't see anything positive coming from it. At best people are going to feel bad for them and uncomfortable watching any old episodes (and we all know how TLC loves their re-hashed footage).  At worst people will be thinking they were coerced into doing the interview, no matter what they say, and think even worse thoughts about JB and Michelle.  All just my opinion - I could be wrong.

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The interview -- as far as I can tell -- was a train wreck and I doubt that it improved their image in anyone's eyes. I think that if they had been more honest (which I'm not sure they are capable of being), it probably would have gone better. I think that they should have said something like:


<<We found out our son had been molesting our daughters, and we were shocked and terrified -- and ashamed. We tried to handle it, but discovered that we had been unsuccessful and he had continued with this behavior. We are religious people and considered this a religious problem -- our son's soul was in danger -- and we went to our church community for guidance. A member of our religious community was working on a building in Little Rock, and we sent him there to 1) get him out of the house 2) give him a good role model and some spiritual guidance and 3) give him something to do to keep him out of trouble. When he returned, he seemed to be better, but we took him to the police station so that an officer could give him a good talking to and impress upon him just how serious this was, and the effects that continuing down this path could have on his future.


As far as we know, he has not re-offended, We provided counseling for Josh, his sisters, and his other victims, and have worked hard to rebuild trust in our family.>>


Instead they deflected: it wasn't really that bad, the girls were sleeping and hardly remember. He touched them over their clothes. He was curious about girls (as if any level of sexual curiosity would have been okay). Then they became angry and defensive (bad person with an agenda leaked this police report, we're going to sue, etc.).


They have a clear path to explain their actions in terms of their religious beliefs, and to explain that the construction site where Josh was sent for "counseling" was a Gothard project, but they are not willing -- for some reason that I don't really get -- to publicly say that they follow Gothard. They attend his conferences, send their children to his "camps," use his curriculum in home-schooling, utilize his "wisdom booklets" all the time, but become very angry and defensive if anyone says they "follow" Gothard.


Had they carried through with the religious angle, their seeming indifference to the girls would have made some sense -- Josh's soul was in danger, the girls were innocent.


I was glad to see the Fox psychiatrist mention their lack of empathy -- I've mentioned this often on these boards, and it was good to have someone agree. They also seem to be completely lacking in self-reflection and, I think, they have an inflated sense of their own self-worth. They live in extreme isolation and only really interact with a very small number of people. I think that they expected to be able to control this narrative and are completely blind-sided by the fact that they can't. 

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Megyn showed another preview clip tonight. Jill claims that no one coerced them into doing the interview; it was their idea. 


I want to believe her, but we're awash in Duggar Lies of late, and let's face it, those girls were raised in an insular culture by two hucksters. Ugh. 


I want to believe her too, but while both Jill and Jessa may sincerely want the show to continue, for whatever reasons, I can't believe they volunteered to do this. Although they may have volunteered AFTER Boob and Me-chelle pleaded their case, wringing their hands and crying about how the family would be depending on them etc. 

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FWIW to the IT staff - I'm on a MacBook Pro and not having any font or size issues - at least at the present time - with the site. Sounds like it's mostly those folks on a mobile device.

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I want to believe her too, but while both Jill and Jessa may sincerely want the show to continue, for whatever reasons, I can't believe they volunteered to do this. Although they may have volunteered AFTER Boob and Me-chelle pleaded their case, wringing their hands and crying about how the family would be depending on them etc.

The Lord lead them to do it after praying fervently about it. If I decide to watch tonight's interview, I feel pretty sure that by the end of it I'll despise JB, Michelle and Josh even more than I do already. Edited by farmgal4
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JB said that when he brought it up with his church that Most of then said their sons did the same thing to their daughters. So it's not a concern. Wtf

I think Jessa is going harder than Jill because she got the shitty end of the stick. Plus she has an unemployed husband and a baby on the way. Instead of getting a real job they thought tlc would last forever. Sorry Duggars time to live regular lives now

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Smells will trigger things that we don't consciously remember.  For example, if Josh was breathing heavy (gross) and smelled like Crest toothpaste, the smell of Crest will be repulsive to them later in life and they won't know why.  Science has a long way to go before repressed memories are fully understood. 


Aside from events like this in the news, my biggest trigger is smell.


Lawrence had the same psychologist on tonight, and neither of them are buying anything that the Fox and the Duggars are trying to sell.  I would think that television big wigs would be fully cognizant that the jump in Megyn's numbers is a lot of folks tuning in to see a train wreck.  Which is good for Fox, I'm not sure it translates into anything good for TLC, the overwhelming reaction all over the internet is disgust.  That won't make people tune into TLC.

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I want to believe her too, but while both Jill and Jessa may sincerely want the show to continue, for whatever reasons, I can't believe they volunteered to do this. Although they may have volunteered AFTER Boob and Me-chelle pleaded their case, wringing their hands and crying about how the family would be depending on them etc.



Me too. But its just hard to believe it was all their own idea. These girls have never been allowed to do anything on their own or decided anything themselves. But suddenly decide to give an interview? Married or not there's no way JimBob would let them do an interview without knowing exactly what their going to say. And he's not going to let them change the story he's been telling.

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After watching this, many of their "parenting techniques" make so much sense. The giant dorm rooms. The encouraging of tattling. Never being alone. Separation of the sexes once they become preteens or so.


I am ill after watching this. There is no way, no way, any responsible parent would allow this to happen. I don't know what's in store for this family, but I can only hope the innocent ones can recover, rebuild their lives, and grow to be great people. And I hope everyone gets REAL counseling.

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The interview -- as far as I can tell -- was a train wreck and I doubt that it improved their image in anyone's eyes. I think that if they had been more honest (which I'm not sure they are capable of being), it probably would have gone better.


After seeing that interview, I truly don't think they are capable of being honest and telling the truth anymore. Not that *I* know the truth either, I wasn't there, but it was so obvious to me that they were making stuff up, deflecting, and worst of all lying to themselves. I think they convinced themselves it all meant nothing as long as Josh comes out OK and they can find some way to keep the money train going. I don't think they care about the girls AT ALL.

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After watching this, many of their "parenting techniques" make so much sense. The giant dorm rooms. The encouraging of tattling. Never being alone. Separation of the sexes once they become preteens or so.


I am ill after watching this. There is no way, no way, any responsible parent would allow this to happen. I don't know what's in store for this family, but I can only hope the innocent ones can recover, rebuild their lives, and grow to be great people. And I hope everyone gets REAL counseling.


I'm still sick from it too. Separation of the sexes at preteens doesn't even help if your teenager is going after 5-ish year olds.


I can even understand how maybe a parent wouldn't know at first, and I've known of cases where it's hidden for years, but in the case of the Duggars they KNEW the minimum of what happened based on what Josh himself told them. But they let it go on, and even now 12 years later they're supporting Josh but not their daughters. My heart breaks for those girls.

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NikSac, thank you. I think Jana is the Keeper of some secrets and lies. To me, she's haunted and, even among 20+, very, very alone.

BrianJ62, indecent exposure, huh? In my work, I live with horror stories every day. Undercharging is one of my triggers.

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Megyn showed another preview clip tonight. Jill claims that no one coerced them into doing the interview; it was their idea. Also, no one told them what to say. 


I want to believe her, but we're awash in Duggar Lies of late, and let's face it, those girls were raised in an insular culture by two hucksters. Ugh. 


I suspect that both Jill and Jessa are absolutely crazed with desperation and fury at the prospect of potentially losing their new show -- or the recentered, way more Jill- and Jessa-centric (complete with their own paychecks) show, though. The more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that it was completely set up already and was the force behind Jill and Derick's sudden decision to take off for Nepal and possibly for some plan of Ben's to really go after the ministry, following his played-up graduation (with the Duggars, not the Seewalds, in the front row watching -- Why was that, unless it was being filmed for the next series?)  And that could motivate them, too.


I think it's possible that one or both of the girls first began ranting about that, wishing she could do something, then said something about "I wish I could tell those people blah blah! I'd do an interview all right!" And, once that was said, JB's and M' s and their PR guy's and lawyer's ears perked up. And then they quietly helped foster the notion. The girls would see that as its having been their idea.

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Not sure where this goes, topic-wise, but honestly, doesTLC really think they have any real show with just these two couples? They're not witty, they're not interesting...take away the freak show that is their family of origin and you've got two very young fundie couples having the occasional baby and maybe toting bibles to some exotic location. Yawn. Do they even have visits from the Duggar parents, because ick...

Not seeing the content.

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Oh boy. A local city judge is siding with the Duggars about the police reports being leaked illegally. I am sure they will take that ball and run with it, just so they can continue to demonize the media while they say a big old "I told you so."


Um it's too late to put the cat back in the bag!!!  

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Oh, I don't even watch this mess and from all the comments about the last year or so of episodes, I think it was totally in the can that Jill and Jessa were going to be spun off into a show of their own, that's why it was the first thing floated in the wake of the InTouch exposure of the truth.  I think that explains the nostalgic mood of that Erica Hill interview episode as well, they were heading into big changes.  I don't think it was on their radar at all that this was going to come out, their shock and hubris about it is too raw, in my opinion.


I am however, incredibly curious about what back room deal was frantically penciled to get Josh to resign so quickly from the FRC.  That first "hint" article was put up by InTouch on the 19th (a Tuesday), we now know that their FOIA request was dated the 15th (the previous Friday), I'm assuming that InTouch had the report in hand before they posted up the "hint" article.

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This morning, both Good Morning America and Today ran features on the interview and both agreed that the aftermath will be a disaster.  Both use their legal experts to comment and they were fairly merciless towards Jim Bob and Michelle and expressed concern for the girls being out in the media giving interviews while their molester is being protected still.  Not a single positive remark.  Stick a fork in 'em.

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This morning, both Good Morning America and Today ran features on the interview and both agreed that the aftermath will be a disaster.  Both use their legal experts to comment and they were fairly merciless towards Jim Bob and Michelle and expressed concern for the girls being out in the media giving interviews while their molester is being protected still.  Not a single positive remark.  Stick a fork in 'em.


Same on CNN and FOX News!  

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I would have more respect, perhaps, for Dr. Glass' comments if she had used a less sensational tone, proper grammar, and correct spelling -- including the correct spelling of Kelly's name.


I agree, nothing about that article made me feel like it was written by a professional.  So I looked around on the site for some sort of credentials.  When I scrolled down a couple posts, the post was about some scam being blamed on her.  I stopped reading at that point.

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The interview -- as far as I can tell -- was a train wreck and I doubt that it improved their image in anyone's eyes. I think that if they had been more honest (which I'm not sure they are capable of being), it probably would have gone better. I think that they should have said something like:


<<We found out our son had been molesting our daughters, and we were shocked and terrified -- and ashamed. We tried to handle it, but discovered that we had been unsuccessful and he had continued with this behavior. We are religious people and considered this a religious problem -- our son's soul was in danger -- and we went to our church community for guidance. A member of our religious community was working on a building in Little Rock, and we sent him there to 1) get him out of the house 2) give him a good role model and some spiritual guidance and 3) give him something to do to keep him out of trouble. When he returned, he seemed to be better, but we took him to the police station so that an officer could give him a good talking to and impress upon him just how serious this was, and the effects that continuing down this path could have on his future.


As far as we know, he has not re-offended, We provided counseling for Josh, his sisters, and his other victims, and have worked hard to rebuild trust in our family.>>



Yes!! This!  Well said.  This is what their PR person should have advised them.  

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<<We found out our son had been molesting our daughters, and we were shocked and terrified -- and ashamed. We tried to handle it, but discovered that we had been unsuccessful and he had continued with this behavior. We are religious people and considered this a religious problem -- our son's soul was in danger -- and we went to our church community for guidance. A member of our religious community was working on a building in Little Rock, and we sent him there to 1) get him out of the house 2) give him a good role model and some spiritual guidance and 3) give him something to do to keep him out of trouble. When he returned, he seemed to be better, but we took him to the police station so that an officer could give him a good talking to and impress upon him just how serious this was, and the effects that continuing down this path could have on his future.


As far as we know, he has not re-offended, We provided counseling for Josh, his sisters, and his other victims, and have worked hard to rebuild trust in our family.>>

Cmr2014, I also wondered why they didn't go the religious route. It would seem more "honest" in the interview. As in: these are very religious people; they went to their church first.  Some people would grudgingly give them some sympathy. 


The way the interview went most people just consider them asshats that are dumber than owlshit..

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