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S05.E07: The Gift

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Episode Synopsis:


Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn. Jaime attempts to reconnect with family.


Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show only, no book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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Fuckingly depressing episode!


RIP Aemon T.  Was he talking to a pet dragon egg or was that short for Aegon, his brother?


I thought they were going to kill Theon, that he was going to pay the ultimate price with that fucking candle, I mean he’s been a dead man walking for a long time.


TG for Ghost, can’t believe he didn’t go with Jon, but glad he was there to save Sam.  And really Gilly, was that pity sex to give Sam hope or like a last dying wish?  Wonder how many NW are actually obeying their oath.


Last episode, I really thought they were going to kill Bronn.  We were right, the Snakes poisoned him, but I’m glad he was saved too.   Don’t know how many deaths or near deaths I could take in 1 episode.


And then there’s the fabulous fighting pits and Jorah like a dog begging for his Khaleesi’s mercy, that wasn’t enjoyable either.  I thought he was going to martyr himself too.


You can wipe that smirk off your face Cersei.  Go down, bitch!  Great performance by LH.


But otherwise, fuckingly depressing episode!

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Oh Cersei, so beautiful, so arrogant, so clueless.

Oh Sansa, you in even more danger girl.  I hope she flays Reek and both of the Boltons.

Diana Rigg and Jonathan Pryce together, yay!

Thank heaven they didn't go through with the rape of Gilly, enough is enough show.

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I knew Cersei would go down after Grandma Flowers got involved.  Cersei never can think more than one step ahead, can she?  She reminds me of how the US government gave "Afghani Freedom Fighters" a shit-ton of weapons to fight the Russians without actually considering what would happen afterwards.  Seriously she is that daft.  


Did Tommen set her up?  Or was he set up to set her up?  


Sansa is going to kill Ramsey some day.  

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I didn't expect Tyrion to actually meet Dany so soon, thought they would drag it out a but more.

What did Sansa pick up on the bridge? Looked like a cork screw. Hopefully it's something she can used to escape, kill Ramsay or help Stannis if he makes it to Winterfell. Speaking of Stannis, please don't let him or that Red Witch kill Shireen. I'll never forgive him if he goes through with it. Although, sadly I worry that his nutjob with will go behind his back and kill poor Shireen if he refuses.

Hi Ghost! So nice to see him again, he should always have Sam/Gilly's back.

I don't think I ever enjoyed a Cersei scene more, watching her smug ass get hoisted on her own petard was glorious.

The stuff in Dorne was boring but I'm glad Bronn isn't going to die...not yet anyway.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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*doing my Snoopy Happy Dance*


That. was. fucking. awesome.  Talk about not seeing the noose before it tightens around your neck.  Tommen is done for now. 


So the Snakes did poison Bronn. I wonder what their game is if they saved him from certain death.


Looks like Dorne is really the safest place for Myrcella now. 


Sam and Gilly better get out of Castle Black real quick now.  I'm amazed that this was the first time she was ever accosted.


Let's see if Theon is going to help Sansa.


I may need to watch this one again!

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Ah, Cersei, there is justice in this world and you are soooo about to get yours.


Finally, Tyrion meets Daenerys. Hopefully, Varys will join him soon. I am sure that they can come up with a plan to deal with the Harpies.


I knew Melisandre wanted Shireen along for a blood sacrifice. Stannis better stand strong. Davos to the rescue hopefully.


So Jon just left Sam, Gilly, and Ghost at the wall. He needs his head checking.


The chick with Bron has some serious porn breasts. Kudos to her cosmetic surgeon. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Check Fucking MATE!

Cersei dug a hole for the Tyrells, then her scheming ass fell in it!

It was glorious wasn't it! That entire conversation at the end with the high sparrow was a thing of beauty, he allowed her to sink herself royally.

So did Reek tell Ramsey about Sansa's request or was he really initially going to help. If it's the former then he can go die in a fire !!

Edited by bluvelvet
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Was brienne in the episode or did I miss it?

There was a brief shot of her watching that tower for Sansa's bat signal.

It was glorious wasn't it! That entire conversation at the end with the high sparrow was a thing of beauty, he allowed her to sink herself royally.

So did Reek tell Ramsey about Sansa's request or was he really initially going to help. If it's the former then he can go die in a fire l!!

Theon was going to help, but was surprised to find Psycho Hobitt there having lunch.

So as expected, he caved and squealed.

That how it appeared to me.

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The first half was boring, the second half got more interesting.

Damn Theon! That poor lady, flayed for helping Sansa.

Stanis is in deep shit, and he has Melisandra wanting to do her freaky shit on Shiree. He's in over his head I fear. Sansa is screwed.

Was brienne in the episode or did I miss it?

She was shown quickly, looking at the broken tower window from a distance.

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Stupid Cersei! HA HA HA HA HA!


Bronn really does have a beautiful voice.  I'm glad he's not dead.


Woah, Tyrion and Jorah!  I forget that Tyrion is a battle tested warrior, so I was surprised when he yanked that dude's chain.  I felt so sorry for lovelorn Jorah when he spotted Dany. 


Theon should just curse the gods and die.  Fuck him.  That poor lady!  What did Sansa pick up when Ramsey was talking?


RIP Maester Aemon.  It's all about to go to seven hells without you.


Yay, Ghost!  It was good that he saved Sam, but that means he's not with Jon to protect him.  Damn.


Was that the first time Gilly and Sam had sex?  I can't remember.


Stannis and that red witch better not burn Shireen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by dramachick
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There was a brief shot of her watching that tower for Sansa's bat signal.

Theon was going to help, but was surprised to find Psycho Hobitt there having lunch.

So as expected, he caved and squealed.

That how it appeared to me.


I think that might have been a viewer fake-out, and Theon knew Ramsay was there.  Theon doesn't actually look surprised when he sees Ramsay. More importantly, if Ramsay knew Theon didn't know he was there, he would know Theon had been about to betray him, but Ramsay did not appear at all upset with him.


It's not entirely clear though. 

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I think Theon went to a different tower to squeal on Sansa. Wasn't the tower the servant woman mentioned a broken tower? Ramsey wouldn't be dining in an unused tower, so Theon purposefully squealed. At least, that's my reasoning...


Glad Cersei got the smirk off her face -- I'm going to have to rewatch the Cersei-High Sparrow scene again--I missed much of it as the dog decided that was a good time to jump on me for some attention.


At least Tommen was making some kingly noises about how he won't stand for his wife being in jail. Unfortunately he still trusts his mother.


I actually thought Dany might melt a bit at seeing Jorah determined to see her again. She really might at least let him get a word in edgewise before banishing him a second time.

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Hee hee hee!  That's why you don't throw in with a fanatical, religious cult, Cersei!  Especially when not only have you arguably committed one of the biggest sins, but one of the cult members is the guy who helped you do all that shit!  So, now you've got yourself a nice cell besides Margaery's!  You really are sisters now!  I have no idea what to make of all this.  Except that Tommen probably is going to just want to curl up in a ball and hide in the corner, once he hears this news.  That and that Littlefinger and Olenna together, are always a dangerous, but awesome combination!


That said, I did like that High Sparrow didn't get intimated by Olenna.  It was nice seeing someone stand up to her, and I could buy it from him.  Diana Rigg and Jonathan Pryce really played off each other well.


Surprised that Tyrion and Jorah actually got to Daenerys.  I figured we were going to get another round of "Miss them by this much!", like they've done with other characters.  Of course, with Dany, I have no idea if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  I think she really needs them, but she might be still pissed at Jorah for what he did, and might automatically hate Tyrion for his last name.  Either way, I'm glad these two stories are finally merging.  Curious to see how Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke play off one another: it has to be a bit strange since they've known each other for years on this show, but never actually acted together.


I remember people wondering if the Sand Snake poisoned Bronn with that cut, and it seems to be true, but at least she gave him the cure... I hope.  Better not be a lie, Short-Hair Sand Snake!  Still wish I found them more interesting, but even Short-Hair randomly getting naked, isn't preventing them from being one-dimensional and boring.  The Jaime/Mycella scene was better, but I'm still disappointed in the Dorne stuff.


Jon's off to deal with the Wildings, Maester Aemon is now dead, so Sam and Gilly are not in a good position.  At least they have Ghost.  And, had time to get some sweet loving.  This was Sam's first time, right?  Should be.


Ramsay is still a creepy fuck, who has abused Theon/Reek to the point that he, of course, sold Sansa out, so how Ramsey threatens her again.  First, it was seeing Jofferry's severed heads (including her dad), and now a flayed woman.  Poor, poor Sansa.  Really wish Brienne will just say "Fuck it!", and attempt a rescue operation. Or Stannis succeeds.  But, that now seems unlikely, because winter is kicking their ass, and Melissandre is hinting that they need to do some kind of creepy shit on Shireen to please the Lord of the Light, and Stannis ain't down with that.  Should have known that being a decent father will probably bite Stannis in the ass.


Slow start, but it did pick up in the end.  I'm curious to see where they go with Tyrion/Dany and hopefully (fingers crossed!), Cersei gets some of that smugness knocked out of her.

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I had a grin from ear to ear watching that last scene. I hate the Sparrow and the religious nuts that follow him, but seeing Cersei's  smirk turn to an "oh shit" moment of realization was worth sitting through all their screentime this season. Tywin was always right about her, she is not as smart as she thinks she is. I can not wait to see what punishment is in store for her. I may even be willing to sacrifice Loras & Margaery if it means Cersei suffers a hard & humiliating fall from grace. And I absolutely do not want Jaime to come to her rescue.


Theon you fucking putz. I have to believe there is a redemption coming because otherwise the Winterfell/Sansa storyline is just too damn depressing. At least the show had the decency to not show Sansa's continued abuse, save for the bruised arms. I was intrigued (and apparently so was Sansa) when Ramsay informed her that Jon is Lord Commander. What purpose did that serve? Hmm. I knew Ramsay was leading Sansa to a freshly flayed body and I was holding my breath thinking it would be Brienne. Phew! Though, sorry to see the poor old woman meet such a brutal end. At least her heart gave out in the middle of the flaying.


Ghost!!! You might want to watch your back from now on, buddy. I can't believe Jon again went north of the Wall without his direwolf. You know, the wolf that's taken down ice zombies before. At least Sam gave Jon the dragonglass...I'm sure that will come in handy. Sam, Gilly, and Ghost need to get out of Castle Black ASAP. I'm sensing a mutiny on the horizon, with Olly leading the charge. Seriously, that kid needs to die. RIP Maester Aemon. At least he died a natural death, unlike everyone else on this show.


Holy crap, Tyrion finally met Dany!! And it didn't take the entire season to get to her. I don't know if he can talk his way into her good graces, though. If she makes him her court jester I will die. Jorah is still pretty spry for a guy who's turning into a Stone Man.


Eh, still not feeling the Sand Snakes. I knew that Nym has poisoned her knife, just like dear old dad, and I was positive Bronn was going to die in the cell. That was one fast working antidote. At least, I assume it worked?


The season is finally picking up steam but of course there are only 3 episodes left. :-(

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I thought it was clear: Theon is Reek now, and he went straight to Ramsay to tell on Sansa.  Sansa was desperate to believe that Theon was still Theon, but he is going to be Reek for a long time yet.  He is Ramsay's creature still and no amount of pleading from Sansa will get him to defy Ramsay.  

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I agree that aside from Cersei at the beginning stages of getting what's coming to her, this was far from a favorite episode. If the Sparrows kill Tommen, Cersei will have no one to blame but herself cause as Daddy I'm Dead in the Toilet Lannister told her, she's nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is.

I just noticed how good a recast the actress now playing Myrcella is. Watching her with Jamie, I could see her being his daughter beyond the superficial blonde similarity.

Anything that keeps my fav Tyrion out of harms way is good. However, I do wonder the the hell is Varys?

Glad Bronn remains alive, I would like to see him with Tyrion one last time -- perhaps keeping Jamie from keeping his promise to kill his little brothers as I would hate for that to happen. I love Jaime and Tyrion's relationship. However, I wonder why tit girl decided to keep him alive.

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I am going to give Theon the benefit of the doubt here. I think that he gave up the old woman to make Ramsay think that he can trust him to spy on Sansa so that they can plot to escape.

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I just can't get over how shockingly incompetent Cersei is. I almost feel sorry for her.




Dorne I think is the first big misstep in the history of this show. It's a disaster. Kill it with dragon fire. 

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I thought it was clear: Theon is Reek now, and he went straight to Ramsay to tell on Sansa.  Sansa was desperate to believe that Theon was still Theon, but he is going to be Reek for a long time yet.  He is Ramsay's creature still and no amount of pleading from Sansa will get him to defy Ramsay.

He was truly disgusted, having to witness Sansa being violated.

Hoped that would've bought him back, starting a redemption arc.


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Well, that was a boring episode, Cersei getting bitten in the ass not withstanding.


I've got nothing else.  I just felt it was a boring episode.

This whole season has been boring!!!! All talk no action.

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Sansa's storyline is so depressing. I hate that this is happening to her. Ugh!

Like others I was very happy with what happened to Cersei.

I really hope Dany forgives Jorah.

Overall i was not loving this episode. It was a bit slow.

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This whole season has been boring!!!! All talk no action.


Maybe the Joad Family from The Grapes of Wrath will show up at Winterfell and Sansa'll join them on their trip to California.

Edited by bmoore4026
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BOOYAH! Now that's what I call a gift, Littlefinger! And just when Lady Olenna was out of moves.

I can't believe how much I've come to like and root for Jon. Before this season, everything about him was a big yawn for me.

Poor Sansa. Her lifeline gone, her friend in the North murdered horribly on her account. I hope this doesn't sound amiss, but she looked as beautiful as I've ever seen her in that first scene with Theon (if you didn't look at the bruises). The two of them have to take him down though.

Last but far from least: What is Melisandre suggesting to Stannis about Shireen? Do I even want to know?

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If the Sparrows kill Tommen, Cersei will have no one to blame but herself

What did I miss? Why would the sparrows kill Tommen?



I am going to give Theon the benefit of the doubt here. I think that he gave up the old woman to make Ramsay think that he can trust him to spy on Sansa so that they can plot to escape.


I love that idea, but I wonder if Theon's mind is up to such planning. Plus, I don't know if he has it in him to sacrifice the servant. I think he's showing that he's permanently terrified by Ramsay.

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First, I want an album with Bronn singing The Dornish's Wife, The Maiden and the Bear, The Rains of Castamere, and Wildling.

Second, after all of Tywin's hard work and scheming, Cersei is going to bring the entire family down. She's going to get herself and Jaime killed, Tommen deposed and probably executed. I'm sure Kevan is glad he went back to Casterly Rock so he doesn't have extricate the queen of fools from this mess she's made.

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Was brienne in the episode or did I miss it?

Brienne was shown briefly surveying the castle from far away as if looking for the candle in the tower window and a sign to move in.

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Maybe the Joad Family from The Grapes of Wrath will show up at Winterfell and Sansa'll join them on their trip to California.

"Whenever a psycho flays a man, I'll be there. Whenever said psycho tortures and castrates a man, I'll be there. Whenever said psycho abuses his wife, I'll be there."

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I had a grin from ear to ear watching that last scene. I hate the Sparrow and the religious nuts that follow him, but seeing Cersei's  smirk turn to an "oh shit" moment of realization was worth sitting through all their screentime this season. Tywin was always right about her, she is not as smart as she thinks she is. I can not wait to see what punishment is in store for her. I may even be willing to sacrifice Loras & Margaery if it means Cersei suffers a hard & humiliating fall from grace. And I absolutely do not want Jaime to come to her rescue.



Jonathan Pryce was so good in that scene. The moment before he lowered the boom, his expression, suddenly so deadly serious. I knew then that he knew about her, and wasn't going to let her get away.

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I wonder how Sansa got her red hair back? It was still black last week.

I kind of felt that Sansa reminded Ramsey of his bastardness to somehow get him on her side. Or that she'd plot with him to kill the kid. Sort of how Margary was with Joffrey.

Edited by SoWindsor
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Cersei made three big mistakes.

Fucking with LF's coins and Oleanna's family.

Also failing to see the huge threat Lancel is to her.

WELP, bish learned today.

Lancel became more of a hottie since he started to fly with the sparrows. He used to have a Prince Valiant hairdo and looked like the kind of guy that would rather sleep with Ser Loras than Cersei. Now he's all mafia looking with the hot-ironed insignia on his forehead. I wonder if Cersei will get a cool tattoo too? I was hoping they were going to throw her in the same cell as Margaery, that would have been so funny!

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I don't even know where to begin. I am just bitter because I haven't been impressed with the last couple of episodes. I think my expectations have become too high.

As much as I like Cersei, she did get what was coming to her. Lena played the hell out of her scenes though.

I really need for Jon's story to proceed beyond the wildlings and to join in with the main plots. He really should have gone with Stannis. I am so tired of the North of the Wall storylines. Which leads me to.....

Gilly and Sam. I really did not need to see THAT scene between them. To me they are wasted characters on a good day. Loved seeing Ghost though.

I kind of liked the scenes between Bronn and the Sand Snakes. While the strip show was a bit much, I did love the reactions of the other girls. As an eye roller, I totally appreciated where they were coming from.

Best scenes of the episode were the Winterfell ones by far. Sansa is quietly becoming a fave this season. As someone above mentioned, I noticed her "Things that make you go hmm" face when Ramsay mentioned that Jon is now LC of the NW. Glad she was able to stand up to him a bit. As someone who liked Ramsay at the beginning of the season (strictly because of his treatment of Theon), he can die now. He is now rivalling Theon as most hated character.

Continue to love Davos. Things aren't going to end well for Stannis or Shireen are they? I wish Mel would be the one to die in fire.

Finally, I'm sorry, but I just cannot muster any excitement to the Dany/Tyrion scene. I find Dany to be weak link. Tyrion has been grating a bit lately too. Poor Jorah just seems so desperate for Dany's approval, to me it's bordering on pathetic already. Give it up dude. She's just not into you anymore.

Edited by Love
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What did I miss? Why would the sparrows kill Tommen?



The sparrows would kill Tommen because they consider themselves the righteous moral authority of the world and Tommen is a bastard via incest who has no legitimate claim to the throne.

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Last but far from least: What is Melisandre suggesting to Stannis about Shireen? Do I even want to know?


No you really don't want to know.  I don't really want to know.


This show has gotten so dark and depressing.  From the attempted rape of Gilly, to Sansa's continued rape, to talk of spilling Shireen's "King's blood" to help Stannis, to the flayed elderly woman's body...I don't really know  if I can deal with this show at this point.


I am going back to my marathon watching of "Mad Men."

Edited by Macbeth
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Cersei is so deliciously evil and when she makes short-sighted decisions and assumes no one can be a real threat to her, I'm always ready to savor her ass stumbling.  How in the world did she think she could play this game with the Sept when she spent a significant amount of time screwing one of his disciples who has "found the calling"?   


Lady Olenna got served, and while I LOVE Diane Rigg, it was fun to watch the fencing between her and the Sept.  Now, I hope she is able to win her grandchildren's freedom.


LittleFinger is the Ryan O'Reilly of this show.  You shouldn't screw with him, make him mad or mess with his money. He will come at you.  It will not be pretty.


Oh, Sansa.  This poor girl has fallen so far from the silly highborn girl we had in early season1.  She doesn't deserve her fate.  I hope she is able to get out of this.  Unfortunately, it has been established that Theon is Reek, so he belongs to Ramsay unless something huge goes down.  I just don't know if anything is going to push him back to Theon.  I hope he can help Sansa, but she'll never trust him again to find out.


IMO, Stannis being a good dad is going to be his end.  I don't think he is going to let Melissandre sacrifice the child and as much I don't care for her, Mel tends to mostly be  right. 


I'm not loving Dorne, but I'm glad to see Bronn live another day.  Oberons' girls are very pretty (clothed, thank you), but that's all I can say for them.  Also, Jamie is going to get himself killed spending his life doing what Cersei says.


I loved Tyrion and Dany meeting!!  I hope their ensuing conversations are as awesome as I would expect.  I like Iain Glenn, so I hope we keep  Jorah around a bit.


Felt a bit bored with the Sam and Gilly stuff.  I don't quite understand their purpose.

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I wonder how Sansa got her red hair back? It was still black last week.

I kind of felt that Sansa reminded Ramsey of his bastardness to somehow get him on her side. Or that she'd plot with him to kill the kid. Sort of how Margary was with Joffrey.

Ramsay's girlfriend washed the black pigment out when she was helping Sansa bathe before the wedding.

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I wonder how Sansa got her red hair back? It was still black last week.

I kind of felt that Sansa reminded Ramsey of his bastardness to somehow get him on her side. Or that she'd plot with him to kill the kid. Sort of how Margary was with Joffrey.

Myranda washed it out before the wedding. :) 

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Yes, Lancel was his gift to Oleanna.


Oh that's what LF meant by "the boy". Does that mean he planted Lancel within the Faith years ago with Cersei's downfall in mind or he got to Lancel after he joined the Faith and pressured him to confess Cersei's sins? 



I knew Melisandre wanted Shireen along for a blood sacrifice. Stannis better stand strong. Davos to the rescue hopefully.


I knew Stannis bonding with Shireen this season would lead to this choice for him. I fear he is so focused on claiming the Iron Throne, plus he really believes all of Melisandre's previous blood sacrifices worked, that he will "reluctantly" agree to sacrifice Shireen to the Lord of Light. And that may be the worst thing this show may ever do. And they've done a metric ton of awful shit on this show.



Theon was going to help, but was surprised to find Psycho Hobitt there having lunch.


I re-watched that scene and Ramsay wasn't in the broken tower. He was sitting at a table with a nice hanging chandelier when Theon walked in. That was definitely not the abandoned, weed-covered tower Cersei and Jaime were screwing in in season 1. Plus, Theon didn't seem surprised to see Ramsay, so I believe he went willingly to his master's quarters to snitch on Sansa.



I am going to give Theon the benefit of the doubt here. I think that he gave up the old woman to make Ramsay think that he can trust him to spy on Sansa so that they can plot to escape.


Oooh, I hope this is actually what's going on with Theon. But I don't know if he has enough mental acuity left to come up with that sort of plan or follow Sansa's lead if she's the one who came up with the plan. Oh man, if those 2 could stop being victims and turn the tables on Ramsay all this torture porn may have been worth it. 



Dorne I think is the first big misstep in the history of this show. It's a disaster.


Yes it is. I fast forwarded the Jaime/Myrcella scene, so I don't even know what they talked about but I'm sure nothing of importance was said. And I only watched the Bronn/Sand Snakes scene to see if Bronn would die from the poisoning. The acting by every Dornish character (with the exception of Doran) is so cartoonishly bad that it takes me out of the show; I can't take anything that happens in Dorne seriously. And what the writers have done to Ellaria? Unforgivable. 

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