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S14.E30: Winner Announced

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The winning singer is crowned in the conclusion of the two-part Season 14 finale. Slated to appear: Steven Tyler; Vance Joy; Nile Rodgers; Janelle Monae; Echosmith; Pitbull; Jamie Foxx; the Jacksons; Fall Out Boy; New Kids on the Block; Ricky Martin.
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And the Winner Is:  WGWG  !! 

WGWGOP Guitar OR piano.


My guy walked by during this ...hates AI and never watches...declared Clark the winner. Then was overjoyed to hear that the show is ending.

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Well, so far...


The Jacksons are kind of sad now.  They need to go sit down.


Nile Rodgers/Chic is still cool.  The female AI contestants aren't. 


I love Ricky Martin!  He's still got the moves.  On the other hand, I thought Qaasim was gonna kill himself up on that stage.  He just tries much too hard.


Janelle Monae.  Just ugh.

Edited by Ohwell
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Is anybody watching this?


Awww...Daniel with NKOTB was cute.  The young'un learned that it isn't easy dancing and singing at the same time.  He does have big feet.

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Love Keith Urban's performance! He's the total package.


Since Keith said he thought Nick was the winner by a small margin, JLo had to say Clark to even it up. Or she read Bing's prediction.

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Good for Jax stealing a moment to thank her fans. I dont think the show was going to allow her to get a word in edge wise. The performance was a bit short and awkward though. She looked like she was getting shoved around a bit by Steven Tyler and didn't quite know what to do.

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What was JLo wearing? It looked like a shredded garbage bag. Also, in the stage lighting, you could see her split ends. I guess she only uses L'Oreal for their commercials.

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I very seldom post; I love reading everyone's comments but tonight, I had to say something! What the heck was the last two hours? I thought that this was the American Idol finale...not how many stars/singers(and in some cases, I use this term loosely!)can one show squeeze in? Remember the good old days when the finalists were the stars of the show? Not a huge group of singers and the judges, yes the judges performing.(Wondering if the new name of the show is, American Judges?) Even if I am not really interested in the  contestants  this year, I sure would rather see them than what I saw tonight. I still remember how much I enjoyed the Season 2 finale(well, until the results came in at least!) It was about Clay and Ruben, not a bunch of people I care nothing about. One hour would be just enough...let Nick and Clark sing.

OK, I am going to get off my soapbox and slink back into my little corner. But I sure hope that next year they strip back and make it about the contestants, not background singers, the band, the judges and all the extras....just the singers and hopefully the show will end on a good note!

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Happy for Nick's Dad, who never made it in the business. Clark seemed genuinely happy not winning. He knows in many ways he's better off.


Were the judge's lip synching their performance. JLo seemed to be, but Keith looked like he was singing live. And why didn't Harry sing?


No mention that the voting was close.




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I knew ahead of time that AI was going to bleed into the start of a show I watch at 10pm, so I was resigned to miss the coronation. I still watch commercial tv sometimes, so it ticks me off that shows can't willfully keep within their hour. What's this 10:06pm b.s., you had two full hours. Now back to my other show...

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I very seldom post; I love reading everyone's comments but tonight, I had to say something! What the heck was the last two hours? I thought that this was the American Idol finale...not how many stars/singers(and in some cases, I use this term loosely!)can one show squeeze in? Remember the good old days when the finalists were the stars of the show?


They have to do a "star-studded" finale because the contestants themselves don't bring enough ratings.

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I've been for Clark most of the season until the last couple of weeks when I started hoping Nick would win.  Clark is a technically better singer but Nick's got a better personality and I think will be more open to being guided by Big Machine.

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Admittedly I have not watched Idol in maybe 4 years but tuned in for New Kids (yeah I said it.)  Which leads to:



Jesus Christ I see Daniel has not learned how to sing in the last month and a half.


The ironic thing is during the Right Stuff he sang Donnie's line better than Donnie normally sings it in shows. (The joke among NKOTB fans is "So that's how it sounds like when it's in key.")  


Congrats to...WGWG.  May you be remembered for more than 20 minutes and that Big Machine can actually do something with and for you. 

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I personally love seeing who,they are going to trot out to sing withe the finalists.,I thought the boys looked to be having the most fun up there with Ricky Martin.

Was looking forward to Quentin but he got hosed. Vance,Joy cannot sing live. Ouch to my ears.

What's an idol finale without a little Rappers Delight?

Daniel Seavey= oh oh oh oh oho, the wrong stuff!

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Color me shocked that Nick won. I thought for sure Clark had it, but I'm glad Nick won instead. Finally a northerner and the first from CT (my home state)! I think Clark will be better off doing something on his own or with a small label. Nick is the more marketable and current of the 2 and seems to get along better with Scott. He is also older and more experienced, so that helps a lot. With the right songs, Nick could actually do alright. His single is currently #25 on iTunes, #7 on Pop.


The best performance by far was Jamie Foxx and Rayvon, surprisingly. I also really surprisingly liked the judges doing Diamonds and Locked Out of Heaven. The rest were ok or blah. I like Jax but her attempt to sound like Janis was a fail. Kudos to her though for sticking it to the show and taking a well-deserved moment to say her piece that they didn't let her do last night. 

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Jax got swallowed up by her performance. I think she may have been better off in a piano performance with someone to showcase her nicer side. Her last chance at exposure and she basically got pushed aside and had to try to keep up with Stephen Tyler. The table thing was fun but credibility at this point might have been better to aim for if she had a choice. I would have hoped to demonstrate my strongest point had I been her.

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So my state finally has a winner and for the first time I can remember the tour isn't coming here : (

Congratulations to Nick.  Clark would have made a fine winner as well JMHO>

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So my state finally has a winner and for the first time I can remember the tour isn't coming here : (

Congratulations to Nick.  Clark would have made a fine winner as well JMHO>

In an interview Nick actually said he thinks there will be a CT date that just hasn't been added yet. He said it's a free concert.

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I was glad Adanna got her time, I thought she left WAY too soon. And she loves her statement boots.


JLO was wearing old car wash flaps. How retro.


Did Casey show up at any point? I wasn't paying too much attention. ETA Caleb. Ha! I REALLY wasn't paying attention.


The judges performance made no sense what so ever. I shouldn't be surprised.

Edited by rustyspigot
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I was hoping Clark would not win the whole thing but he sure got great exposure. I doubt Borchetta would have been good for him as I have said all along - best outcome for him. He will do fine on some smaller label or Christian label.

Why didnt they acknowledge Caleb? He was right on the stage? Thats rather nasty of the show.

edited for typos made on my small phone keyboard

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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Did anyone else notice all the shots of Idols in the audience, including Candice and Caleb, and they weren't even given a mention? I also caught Blake Lewis, Brandon Rogers, and Haley Reinhart. Caleb looked so awkward onstage handing off the trophy to Nick without Ryan even introducing him. They all got the Lee DeWyze treatment, nice.

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Jesus Christ I see Daniel has not learned how to sing in the last month and a half. That was PAINFUL.

In the little young'un's defense, he was trying to "dance" along with the singing.  He learned just how difficult that is.

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I conveniently slept through the finale up to the last half hour. I'm surprised their machinations against Clark actually worked, but they did have more to work with since Nick is white, too. I didn't like either, but at least Clark was a decent singer. Nick rivals Caleb/Lee for second-worst winner right now (Scotty will always be number 1, imo).

Introducing last year's winner was probably unnecessary, since nobody would remember him anyway. The WGWG is dead, long live the WGWG.

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Wow. The guest stars (whether I liked them or not) showed just how mediocre the contestants are/were this season.  Congrats to Nick. Hopefully Scott and his label hold up their end of the bargain and try to help you develop some semblance of a career post Idol. 

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I did not like any of the contestants this year.  No one that has a voice I would want to hear again.

 That said, I am glad Nick won only because Clark looks and make comments like a Duggar.

  Quasar was spazzing all over the stage.  What is wrong with him?

    I saw Candice and wished she was going to sing.

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Janelle Monae.  Just ugh.


First I was 100% sure she was being matched with Tyanna and they would both wear their suits and bowties.  But no, she had to hoochie up YOGA instead.  WTF was that ?? I'd like to Bikram her ass for that one.


Amazed Nick won.  I came into it 65% Clark was winning (The South and Youth groups pf America voting their cleancut fingers to the bone).  LOVE that Nick won.  YAY!!!! His single even sounds cool, not like the ususal shit songs.


Caleb WTF, doesnt even get an intro?? Candace in the audience has decided to bag the dissing she gets from the record label and become a nun.


Poor Jax, fawned over since January and her final moments she is wrestling a mic away from an old coot.  ST wasn't givin that mic up anytime soon. Also Quassim and Adanna, you didnt get to hear them AT ALL.  Quentin sounded great.


NONE of the acts looked anything but perturbed that they had to let one of the contestants sing a bit (not Nick and Clarks people).  That ain't right.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I wonder if they will give Nick a band like they did with Daughtry. (Am I remembering that right? That they made a band that they called Daughtry when on the show he primarily was called Chris?) I don't really get Nick as a solo artist.

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- So good to see Tyanna and her lovely voice. I'm glad she lasted long enough to get the experience the tour will give her, but gladder still that she didn't hang in there and win. She's too young and I'd hate to see her get chewed up and spit out; better to mature a bit and work with a vocal coach to broaden her range. 


- Also good to see Serena-Joi again. Ah, what might have been...


- Adanna hugging victorious Nick while making sure to turn to face the camera was hilarious.


- I hope Daniel has a Plan B for his life's work.


- I'm usually on my laptop while "watching" TV, and tonight was no exception. I was stunned at how good, how "rocker" Jax sounded...till I looked up at the TV and realized Steven Tyler was still singing. The couple of notes she did (attempt to) sing just proved that it takes more than a bad dye job, the inability to edit one's accessories, and stomping around the stage to be a rocker -- Steven Tyler has all those things plus a rocker's voice and spirit. Big difference.


- Jamie Foxx & Rayvon had the standout performance. Had Rayvon demonstrated as much personality and showmanship throughout the season as he did in the Ricky Martin number (also known as "White Guys Can't Dance" -- Clark, Nick, and Daniel shuffling in the background, with the camera trying to avoid them, was funny/sad) he probably would have gone a step or two further in the competition. He looked like he was having a blast.


- Several of the professional musical numbers were completely indistinguishable to me. Lots of women bumping and grinding to a beat. Whatever.


- Clark will do well in whatever venue/medium makes him feel comfortable enough so he doesn't look like a deer in the headlights all the time. He also needs to realize that he is not Ray Charles, and his Ray-like head and body jerks at the piano, while I'm sure inadvertent, are not a good look.


- Congrats to Nick. He's the only performer who showed substantial growth over the course of the competition which bodes well for his future. He doesn't have a spectacular or even unique voice, but that's true of 99% of those recording today (and at least he can sing live.) With good songs he should be able to have a decent career.

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Rayvon did show well tonight, I agree. He was also one of the only guys who could actually dance up there. The girls number showed us the girls who couldn't dance either. Takes more than stomping and hair flips to command the stage.

I really liked Quentin. I would have liked to see him sing again rather than NKOTB

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I wonder if they will give Nick a band like they did with Daughtry. (Am I remembering that right? That they made a band that they called Daughtry when on the show he primarily was called Chris?) I don't really get Nick as a solo artist.

I don't know that they "gave" Chris Daughtry a band, per se. After he was eliminated from Idol & signed with the label/production company, he was offered the opportunity to front a band called Fuel. He chose not to accept that offer because he wanted to have his own band & not step in as lead singer with an existing band. Having said that, yes the label (RCA, I think) helped him choose the original band members (though he knew some of them for years before). But it seems Chris is the 1 who chose "Daughtry" as the band's name, because of its recognition factor.

I think that's mostly, If not totally, correct. I got the info from the Wikipedia page for the band.

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I'm pretty sure Chris (Daughtry) had a band before he auditioned for Idol. So when he got his contract, he used his already existing band. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I remember it.

I wonder if Big Machine will allow Nick to do the same.

Edited by LotusFlower
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Maybe Nick can now get back with his America's Got Talent band, Beach Avenue. Just call them Nick Fradiani and Beach Avenue. Add in the girlfriend from his initial audition as a keyboardist or tambourine player and everything really will be copacetic....

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In my recollection, ever since they started the "prior winner brings out the trophy" thing, it has gone exceedingly awkwardly.  Tonight was no exception... in all the emotion of the moment, it just has never worked.


I'm very happy for Nick.  He is the first New England winner ever, only the second ever from a northern state (after Lee), and I liked his singing much more than Clark.

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Maybe Nick can now get back with his America's Got Talent band, Beach Avenue. Just call them Nick Fradiani and Beach Avenue. Add in the girlfriend from his initial audition as a keyboardist or tambourine player and everything really will be copacetic....


Nick and his girlfriend broke up not long after their auditions if I remember correctly.

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Pete Wentz looked horrible.


Jermaine sounded horrible.  I mean, really awful.


Was there an outstanding demand for a new record from Chic?


Does Ricky Martin have a portrait of himself hidden away in the attic somewhere?


Kinda disappointed Janelle Monae wasn't in a tux, but she was good, anyway. Who was that guy singing with her?


I hate singers who name check themselves in their songs.  :d And every Pitbull song sounds exactly the same. Hm.  Prince Royce's birthday was two days ago.  Was that taped then?


Jamie Foxx's song was pretty.


I love "Riptide".  The video is weird, but the song is awesome.


Gee, I actually liked Jax (JAX?) with Steven Tyler. Did she call out the producers for not giving her a goodbye last night?  Interesting.


Are Nick and Andy Grammer twins? I really like "Honey, I'm Good" (and the video is great), but they took out the "ass" line.  :D


Michael MacDonald brought out the best in Clark.


JLo singing "Diamond" was really good.


I was rooting for Clark, but Nick is okay.

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