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S01.E20: The Trap

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Wells also had Eddie's apartment/bedroom Big Brothered too! ::shudders:: 


3. "Mazel tov."  Not the line, just the delivery. That was great. As was Cisco's later realization about his dream shirt.  Actually Cisco in general - another great episode for him.


Just quoting it because it's true.



Any bets that Eobard hates Barry for messing up an Eddie-Iris pairing and giving him the short end of the stick in terms of ancestors?


If it was, then I can see Wells/Thawne mentioning it to Eddie, as it would absolutely "be about me [Eddie]", but Eobard said no to that.  I won't rule out that it could be part of the animosity, but Wells seems to be playing on a bigger scale than 'you stole my ancestor's woman."


Next Episode:  MONKEYS IN THE SEWERS!  Everybody gonna smell like poo gas!


I am so excited for all of the above!  I hope it delivers. (For the big villains, it's been pretty good. I just hope the streak continues.)


Don't know why they referred to the Gideon AI as a "he", though, when it's obviously patterned after a woman.


This^.   Her video form/holo-form was female and her voice is female to me, but it sounded female to me before I knew who is doing the voice work.



Yes Eddie, let's propose one week after she walked out on you in a snit. Sounds like she is ready to me!


It's been a little more than a week.  It's the same 7 day period as last episode, which was Eddie being framed by Everyman.  Iris could have still been in a snit, but she wasn't. Also, Iris was working to clear Eddie during the episode, so I think she is over the snit from the bad idea dinner.



I loved Cisco's glasses and got a flashback to that era of the JLA.  "Mad freaky" indeed, Cisco. I love that he's so brave, but damn, can he sit out as bait du jour for a bit? Try Caitlin or Joe. Or an informed police/ SWAT officer? Just spitballin'.


As much as I want Cisco safe, I also want Eddie safe. He hasn't asked for some nutty descendant to cause havoc. I hope we get at least one more season with Eddie as he is. Then they can villain him up. Or whatever.  (I don't even mind when I hear Rick Cosnett slip into his Ozzie accent; like bow ties, it's cool.)

  • Love 1

 I thought the creepiest thing was that Wells had a camera in Eddie's bedroom.  Really, Wells?   There's creepy, then there's watching your great-great granddady get freaky.


 Barry created Gideon?  That seems more in Cisco's wheelhouse.  Or Felicity's.  And if he created Gideon, why is she helping Wells.  If he could reprogram her the you would think Wells would have the sense to remove any loyalty to Barry.

  • Love 2

Great episode to set up the final bunch.  Cisco's pop culture reference game was on point.  I've liked how they've positioned Wells as the big bad - the fact that we knew who he was long before the team, the limited interactions with the team as the Reverse Flash, that he didn't reveal Barry's secret to Iris... I almost want Wells to win in the finale. 


- Iris/Barry could be another timeline...


I wouldn't be suprised if Barry, in order to beat the Reverse Flash, does something that changes that timeline - the newspaper  fluctuated back and forth in at least one episode, right?  Hopefully the changes are not to the extent that Iris no longer knows he's the Flash, but maybe enough to delay their relationship for some season two angst? 


When we saw Wells arrive in the present time, he had Gideon with him as a wrist-computer.

Gideon is an Apple watch, sent from the fuuuuuuuuture....I do wonder if Gideon was programmed to go along with Barry's request and maybe even to say Barry is the inventor, so that the team doesn't suspect the computer is on Wells' side and that he is in the know.  Gideon did have a sly smile when she spoke to Wells.

  • Love 2

On the heels of Joe saying 'I'll hand over control of Iris's life when she's Mrs Eddie Thawne' [paraphrased] Eddie's proposal and especially him asking Joe's permission left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care how right he is about Iris's feelings he's still a godawful father. 


How Iris learned the truth wasn't great but I'm so thrilled she finally knows that I don't care and she figured out the origin of the meta humans too. Go Iris! 


Otherwise I really liked the episode, it answered some of our questions like "How Barry was able to get into Wells' secret room" and "Does Wells suspect they're on to him?". I loved how he out smarted them all and I really hope he's going to stick around in the form of Eddie next season. Eddie's great but I like Wells/Thawne more.

Edited by patchwork
  • Love 5

Finally! Dang, it took long enough. Please no backsliding on Iris show. Now that she knows, I would like her to do something with this information.

Tom Cavanaugh makes this show for me. He's awesome.

I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't love Cisco. Ehh. I'm also not looking forward to Grodd.

When Wells told Barry to vibrate his arms really fast (this looks better in an animated cartoon, btw) to stop the fire by "sucking all of the air out of the room", I kept wondering - wouldn't everyone in there suffocate?

That was my first thought too.


Wow, this felt like a season finale. My blood pressure was up through most of it. I want Eobard dead, but love TC so much. How can they keep him around for season 2? Have Barry time travel to save him from dying, then have him create the particle accelerator earlier so it won't mess the timeline?

Iris finally knows! I loved her scene talking to Barry while he was in a coma- made me cry. Can these two get together already? I am torn because Eddie is awesome and he deserved happiness too.

Cisco's one liners were great as usual. I was worried about his safety a few times.

  • Love 1
I'm glad Iris finally knows the truth.  What I'd like to know is if they would have told her the danger she was in after she was secured.  That was the kind of threat she'd have to know about.  Knowing Jackass #1 (Joe) and Jackass #2 (Barry) I have my doubts.


I wish it had dawned on them that Iris very nearly died because she was kept out of the loop. If Eobard was looking to kill her on the bridge, isn't it natural to think that she should have Flash on speed dial for her safety?

Edited by driedfruit
  • Love 2

We've seen all season that the timeline is elastic.  The events documented in the newspaper story of 2024 may or may not happen. 


For that matter, since Wells knew of the plot ahead of time, he could have programmed Gideon to say anything he wanted.  So while everything we learned in that scene may be true, it's also the case that much of it may not be. 



Joe is STILL being completely intrusive and overprotective; and it's a pet peeve of mine when characters have to tell other characters how said characters feel. Ugh.


I didn't think Joe was intruding at all.  Eddie asked him, and Joe gave his honest answer.  Then Eddie sent Barry to try and convince Joe, and Joe gave Barry his honest answers.  They came to him, and solicited his thoughts.     


Overprotective?  Joe believes Eddie is the wrong man for Iris.  Even Iris herself knows that in her heart of hearts.  How is it overprotective for Joe to want his daughter to marry the right guy?


Another excellent episode -- and I sense more fireworks in the final stretch to come. 

  • Love 5

 This came across as a filler episode. It was obvious the trap wasn't  going to work.  But that being said, I didn't hate it.


So Joe, you get to pick what job Iris does and you get to pick  who she marries. Is there anything Iris gets to pick for herself?  Also great parenting there with Barry in a coma and your daughter obviously suffering, you choose to once again ignore her. Other then Frank Gallagher you are the worst father on television.


Poor Eddie. He plays along with these people but he'll never truly be a member of their crew.  I almost wish he would have told Joe where to go once Joe told him no and made him attend that meeting.


It was good to see Caitlin actually doing stuff.


I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't love Cisco.


Nope, I'm not a fan either. They try way too hard with him. But since I know that he's such a fan fav, I tend to ignore him.


Did it not occur to anybody that fake Wells hand wasn't vibrating? That should have tipped them that he was a fake.


I wish that they wouldn't have used that stupid spark crap to have Iris discover Barry's secret identity.  In this episode alone, they gave Iris more then enough to figure it out without resorting to that foolishness.  Also they probably could've built up her investigation to this moment if they weren't so busy doing so many friggin crossovers!


Kudos girl for not backing down from RF.


Wells was a fun villain when he was in the gray. Now that he's in the black, I'm over him.


Well that was awesome!


I'd say one of my favorite episodes so far.


I just cannot stand Joe and his 'protect Iris=make every single decision for her'

I'm so conflicted about this because I love Joe so much you guys! It's just that when it comes to Iris he really gives himself the right to step all over her. He said no to Eddie for logical reasons, but still the whole thing just feels off. Barry, Joe and Eddie discussing the proposal while Iris Clueless stays in the background.


Was happy to see Iris figure out the particle accelerator consequences, and figure out Barry being the Flash on her own. FINALLY.


Tom Cavanaugh is such a mesmerizing character. He nails every line.


Did not see the shapeshifter coming but I had predicted that Wells already knew what everyone was up to. He had the footage of Barry being struck by lightning so it wouldn't be so surprising if he has cameras everywhere else.

  • Love 2

I didn't think Joe was intruding at all.  Eddie asked him, and Joe gave his honest answer.  Then Eddie sent Barry to try and convince Joe, and Joe gave Barry his honest answers.  They came to him, and solicited his thoughts.



As much as I normally hate the way Joe handles anything in relation to Iris, I found the way he responded to Eddie to be: 


1.) Hilarious

2.) A great inside look into the character &

3.) Completely okay being that he was asked directly and as you said, gave an answer.


The answer he gave may not have been the one Eddie wanted but it was an answer. He probably wouldn't have said anything unless he was asked directly but since they asked him -- there you go! Most people, when asked that question, would come up with some a lengthy reason for answering the way they did either before or after answering. Nope, not Joe.  He answered and was immediately on to the next thing.  He didn't try to comfort him or sugarcoat it. 


Eddie: I want to propose to Iris. I'd like your blessing

Joe: No.

Eddie: ... come again?

Joe: No. You do not have my blessing. .... That's Barry, we gotta go!


He didn't feel the need to explain it to Eddie or qualify it. He just said exactly how he felt and I think most people would agree his assessment of the situation was right. After all, Iris did tell Barry she loved him the alternate timeline but more than likely because they were about to die. The feelings are there and one day they'll come out and Joe knows that Iris being the way she is would never leave Eddie once they got married. 

  • Love 1

I don't think there's anything wrong with Joe disapproving of Eddie's plans and not giving his blessing. At the same time, I don't think Iris' decision to marry Eddie is that awful either. If she loves him enough to accept why not? Should it fizzle what's to say that she won't divorce him? Joe is giving his daughter and Eddie too little credit if he's certain they'll stay in an unhappy marriage for no good reason.

  • Love 6

Joe would have had no bearing on whether Eddie was going to propose, he had already decided he was going to. It was merely a devise to reaffirm Barry's knowledge of Iris' feelings for him. If he knocked out Eddie and stole the ring to prevent a proposal, I'd understand the claims that he is interfering.


I think he makes flawed decisions as a father, in that he is overprotective, but that could be an amalgamation of his environment and his innate character, but I don't think he is an awful father. I just think part of the problem is he appears to have no life outside work and his kids. I was watching older episodes and there does seem to be genuine affection and like of each other (Iris/Joe) - its just thatfor plot purposes  interaction between the two are few and far between.*


Its fair to say Well's is A - it explains why A is omnipresent. lol.

Edited by chelsie
  • Love 1

What Joe said was very true. What I was referring too was the way the proposal plot played out as yet another thing that concerns Iris, and yet we don't get to see her side. I don't know, maybe you're all right, Joe was just being honest, but something about the whole thing just sit well with me.

Its fair to say Well's is A - it explains why A is omnipresent. lol.

Hahaha! I already cracked that in the PLL Theories thread. It's God's Eye software from Fast and Furious.

But seriously. Tom Cavanaugh on PLL. Can you imagine the potential of the oozing creepiness?

  • Love 4

Well Iris knows, not the way I would've preferred her to figure out, but I'll take as long as she gets pissed at everyone for keeping that from her. I also hope she yells at her father that she can make her own decisions, she doesn't need him making them for her. 


For all the we have to protect Iris crap, Joe sure seems to care more about his "son" then his daughter. 


Eobard Thawne is a great villain, Malcolm was a great one in the first season of Arrow as well. I just hope they don't ruin him like they did Malcolm. Although Eobard stop with the Ezra Fitz spying, that's gross. Was he watching his Ancestor having sex? It was fun knowing that he always knew what they were doing and was just playing along with him. The way those 4 act, Eobard will always win. Did they really think screaming confess at him was going to work? 


Poor Eddie "It's all about me", nope you are disposable to great love that is supposed to be Iris and Barry even though I don't think they have much romantic chemistry. You will probably die, turn evil or become the new body for Eobard.  

Edited by Sakura12

I know Lois Lane, and you, Iris, are no Lois Lane. 




Terri Hatcher. 


Sign me up for shades of Lois & Clark all up in this joint. The shock thing was exactly Clark's hand on cheek moment with Lois at the end of season 2. There is stealing and then there are blatant rip-offs. Bah. I wouldn't even call it an homage. 


I'm still glad she knows, though. And while I really do not ship Barry with anyone in particular, at least having Iris in the loop might cut down on the random "Iris shows up at police station to say hi to boyfriend or dad and then everyone runs away leaving her looking flustered and annoyed." Those scenes REALLY grate on me. 


Tom Cavenaugh is a master. MASTER. Just... perfect. I will be really sad if they can't find away to keep him past this season. 


I like Eddie. There, I said it. He's handsome, and charming, and always wants to do the right thing. I'll be heartbroken if he gets body snatched by Eobard. 

  • Love 2


Sign me up for shades of Lois & Clark all up in this joint. The shock thing was exactly Clark's hand on cheek moment with Lois at the end of season 2.


All of this.  I was wondering why the shock reminded me something but I couldn't remember until reading this thread.  But hey, at least Iris found out in her own way...until everyone else tells her "yeah, we've known for a while." 


Still wrapping my head around that the guy from Ed can be this menacing and creepy.  Bravo TC.  BRAVO.  I'll say this for the show: I'm a die hard Dancing With the Stars fans and last night the 10th anniversary show aired.  I was too absorbed with this episode to even remember that fact.  That says a lot.

  • Love 1

I do think that Joe could have been far more tactful with Eddie. Joe could have told Eddie that it was up to Iris, but maybe they were moving too quickly. Also, I think that a heart to heart conversation about Barry and Eddie is far overdue for Joe and Iris .  


As for comparing the Iris/Barry moment to Lois and Clark, I watched that show, but cannot remember it in that much detail. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 4

I don't think there's anything wrong with Joe disapproving of Eddie's plans and not giving his blessing. At the same time, I don't think Iris' decision to marry Eddie is that awful either. If she loves him enough to accept why not? Should it fizzle what's to say that she won't divorce him? Joe is giving his daughter and Eddie too little credit if he's certain they'll stay in an unhappy marriage for no good reason.


Though I'm certain he wouldn't want this for his daughter, even if she did decide to stay in an unhappy marriage it's her choice.  That's what bugged me most about the situation, not that he said no to the proposal. After all, Eddie did ask for his opinion, but that his response went beyond opinion to once again vowing (and likely taking actions) to again control Iris' life and choices.

  • Love 7

I enjoyed the ep and am very interested to see where things go now that pretty much everyone's cards are on the table.


Few random nitpicks and thoughts:


I'm glad that Iris a) figured out that Barry's the Flash and b) is starting to look at the connection between the particle accelerator and the metahuman explosion. I do, however, wish they'd laid the groundwork better for the second realization, maybe by having a "Iris is researching stuff" montage. I also would have liked that the realization came sooner. It seems like it would be hard to not see at least the potential for cause and effect here.


I would have liked Flash or the others to go back to the Time Vault and ask Gideon a whole lot more questions. Yeah, Wells' arrival forced them to leave, but there was nothing stopping Barry from going back at some point. Also, since Barry created Gideon, I wonder if it's capable of answering questions asked at superspeed?


It just occurs to me: why does Gideon refer to RF as "Dr. Wells," other than because TPTB did not want to reveal that "Dr. Wells is RF" too early?


Also, I hope Flash Mob gets a clue and abandons the idea of housing prisoners in the Pipeline. It should now being apparent that RF may have not had everyone's best interest at heart when creating it. It should also be apparent that with RF knowing about it and likely having the means to free prisoners, it's also not the best.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 4

Joe really, really wants Barry and Iris to get together.  I guess he's a fan of the Targaryan way.  It'd be pretty funny if Iris had married some random person with the last name Allen since it's not an uncommon surname. 


They really should have taken a picture of that newspaper, though.  Ollie would want to know about his merger with Wayne Tech.


The byline of that article DID change, though, as did some of the text (http://comicbook.com/2015/04/28/flash-preview-teases-green-arrow-hawkgirl-and-iris-allen/).

  • Love 2

What an episode, brilliant from start to finish. CW has found its new SUPERSTAR, king on the network, king of superhero shows.


"I have no powers" I have to say though, come on Bar, you didnt have to lie to your future wife. Its a point you didnt have to make or mention at all. Except for this bit, everything else with WestAllen was........ was EPIC, yes I said it. "What other girls" I honestly dont know how the show can go back to that and make it believable, I hope this show is different and stop dangling ships & shippers, and just go straight to the "endgame" romance. Sorry Snowbarry fans but It would be refreshing and its a "closed case" at this point Imo


Loved the nods to VIBE for Cisco, the glasses and talking about vibrations. I dont know if the fact that he is getting dreams of the alternative universe means he is developing his powers or not (yet). Grant (Barry) had a lot to chew in this, and was brilliant.


Eddie telling Eobard that he has never seen him at any family wedding and funerals.....Best line of the episode

Edited by Conell
  • Love 1

Barry spinning his arms to suck enough oxygen out of the room to snuff the fire wouldn't have suffocated everyone in the room, because the room was not airtight to begin with. That's why fire was coming out the windows enough for the guys on the ground to see. All Barry did was momentarily create a vacuum. The people might have passed out but they'd be fine. I'd be more concerned with blown eardrums and such when the air came rushing back into the room. Still, it was a pretty cool effect to see.


Gideon may be calling Thawne Wells simply because that is what he told her to call him. And my guess is sometime in the future Thawne found Gideon wherever Barry had her and either stole her or copied her. As for why he didn't remove Barry's access, Gideon seems to be an AI. She might not let him. Reprogramming her to answer to him is one thing, removing creator control may be not be possible. 


How much does Thawne know about his future I wonder? If Eddie is his ancestor he obviously must have a kid with someone. If it's not Iris, doesn't he need to make sure Eddie meets her?


Tom Cavanaugh is by far the best actor on this show and so much fun to watch. I'll miss him if he leaves. I'm hoping the time travel shenanigans end up bringing back the real Harrison Wells to interact with Team Flash.


I still don't understand how Cisco can have memories or dreams of an event which never happened. It's not like he was mind wiped. Barry went back in time. There isn't anything for Cisco to recall.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 2


I hope this show is different and stop dangling ships & shippers, and just go straight to the "endgame" romance.


It would be great if we saw a nice progression of Barry and Iris' relationship from friends to spouses, but I hope they just get them together soon-ish next season; because CLEARLY, these writers suck at relationships that aren't' bro-mances'.

  • Love 5

 Did it not occur to anybody that fake Wells hand wasn't vibrating? That should have tipped them that he was a fake.


How did he even know to do that? And what was he actually planning to do to Cisco?


The force field was not very good protection. It kept Barry out, but RF gets his speed a different way, and is also much more adept at using it, so I'd have been nervous. 


Also it apparently only kept speedsters out, not ordinary people or inanimate objects (like bullets). So RF could have super speed thrown something at Cisco or just brought a gun of his own for that matter.


ETA: Wells says he had cameras at Picture News. Depending on when he put those in, that would explain why he went after Mason when he did (no, it was not Barry's fault).

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 1

I don't understand why Eddie and Iris are even a thing in the first place, if it's not a set up for some obsessive conflict later. It's went on for far too long, I can't stand shows that feel the need to make a triangle where there's no need for one.


The only CW show I know of without a love triangle is Whose Line is it Anyway? and even there, I'm not sure there aren't some implications :-)

  • Love 9

So Iris was all bent out of shape and ready to leave Eddie because he wouldn't "open up to her" about "problems" at work, this when he's a cop who sees all kinds of bad?


Then she figures out Barry is The Flash, which means Barry had been lying to her for ... how long? ... about just about everything. So is she going to be a squee-ing fangirl and go totally in lurve with Barry/Flash or stay true to her "no one can lie to me or not tell me EVERYTHING going on in their lives" and shut the door on Barry?


My solution is to kill off Iris. I really, really dislike her. Both Eddie and Barry can do MUCH better.


Eddie asking Joe for permission to marry Iris was so "The Bachelor," I had to laugh. Those marriages/engagement never work out either.


So Wells has Eddie's engagement ring? Sweet!

  • Love 1

Actually, come to think of it, Cisco's plan was seriously flawed. The force field was designed to keep out a speedster, or more to the point, as Barry demonstrated, someone moving at super speed. Even if it had been Wells and he had bounced off the force field, he could have easily gotten back up and casually, slowly. walked through the field like Everyman did, THEN killed Cisco.

  • Love 4

Iris is pretty inoffensive to me; she's nice, beautiful, but has little to do. She has a place on the show tho. I think she does have a right to be pissed as she has been lied to, for months, by three of the most important men in her life. Now that she knows it will be up to the writers to give her material that assimilates her into the story.

Is Barry Iris' only friend?


Lol KirkB. I never thought of that.

  • Love 5

Actually, come to think of it, Cisco's plan was seriously flawed. The force field was designed to keep out a speedster, or more to the point, as Barry demonstrated, someone moving at super speed. Even if it had been Wells and he had bounced off the force field, he could have easily gotten back up and casually, slowly. walked through the field like Everyman did, THEN killed Cisco.

It wasn't very clear, but given Cisco's surprise at fakeWells stepping through the field, he seemed to be expecting that it would keep Wells back even at a normal speed. So apparently, it was supposed to be "speedster-proof", but not anything else proof. 


Simple velocity was not the trick, because the bullet had no trouble passing through the field.


Either way, it was not a very good shield.

  • Love 1

The byline of that article DID change, though, as did some of the text (http://comicbook.com...and-iris-allen/).


I'm not ashamed to say that I'd tried to spend some time attempting to read the newspaper articles when the front page was previously shown. I don't think that it was clear enough to make out what much of the articles said.


Not only did the byline change from Evan Gibson to Iris West-Allen, but the entire story from episode 107 (Power Outage) has changed very dramatically.


The April 25, 2024 front page story in episode 107 was about a "deadly game playing out at main transit point" and anti-government insurgents firing rocket attacks at both Central City and Starling City that were averted by The Flash and The Flash cutting a deal that averted the killing of hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city.  That the rocket attacks had destroyed several hangars and underground production facilities which prevent meeting monthly production deadlines of certain chemicals and forcing to move production overseas.  And parts of the news article are repeated -- the bits about a taxi driver being killed and six other wounded occurs twice. But there is nothing in the article about The Flash vanishing because he is quoted several times in the article.  So the headline is kind of misleading.


In both cases, the secondary story about the Wayne Tech/Queen Inc. merger is about radiation causing damage to DNA -- what that has to do with a corporate merger I have no idea ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1


My solution is to kill off Iris. I really, really dislike her. Both Eddie and Barry can do MUCH better.

I think Iris could do much better. Iris and Barry are supposed to be the best of best friends. It's sad how she had to beg him to listen to her. The fact that he has no problem constantly lying to her face and belittling her feelings and ideas is atrocious.   Eddie unfortunately now isn't much better (as for Joe there are just no words. He's a great father to Barry and an absolutely horrible father to Iris.  Mrs. West must be rolling in her grave... or rolling in her car). Someone said in another thread that the people who are supposed to care about and love Iris the most are basically gaslighting her and I agree.  Iris is smart and capable and has been shown multiple times to be able to handle  herself well in dangerous situations. The fact that these men are choosing to treat her in such a demeaning way has me not wanting her to be with either of them. As good as this show is this is completely grating. 


Eddie don't ask the daddy before you ask the girl, because you know what happens? Exactly what did happen.


They fooled me with the Everyman thing.  I saw that his hand wasn't vibrating and assumed Wells would be another holograph.  Waste of a cool character  in my opinion though.


On a shallow note did the dress that Iris first had on and the dress Caitlin had on have the same pattern?

Edited by miracole
  • Love 10

I like Eddie, but there was 1 place he was completely idiotic.  His part of the plan is to protect Iris in case Reverse-Flash gets away and comes after her.  He and Iris get a phone call from Joe.  Rather than answer the phone call and potentially get important information - like how Reverse Flash just escaped and is going after them - he ignores the phone call.  Tactical stupidity.  


Though it wouldn't have made much difference.  There's no way a normal human could go up against a speedster using their powers well.  That is unless they have some sort of anti-speedster technology like a cold gun.


This was a fun episode.  Especially because sometimes it's fun to watch the villain be completely ahead of the heroes and seemingly win.

  • Love 1

very beautiful episode. the show lost its way a little after episode 9. I'm glad its back to being fun. yes for Iris figuring things out. I love that character so much and was mad at Joe and Barry for treating her like a child. Eddie is so adorable, but please no Iris Thawne. Harrison wells is my favorite character, please writers find a way to keep him beyond this season. I am embarrassed at how much I crush on Tom, he is so sexy.

  • Love 2

new poster to this board... enjoy the comments.. Love the show a lot, maybe more than I should :)


If I were Eddie, I would have a vacetomy the minute I got away from Thawne. That way, no babies, no Reverse Flash. Done. I mean, no wonder Wells has a camera in Eddie's bedroom - he wants to check on the progress! :)


Still, I can't help but think that Eddie IS Wells somehow or that Eddie will turn evil after being spurned by Iris and he'll start a decades (centuries?) long fued. I'm not 100% clear of the Reverse Flash chronology in the ocmics although I know at some point in the 80s (?) they introduced the Allen- Thawne family rivalry... it never really tracked for me and the RF got very tiresome for me..... I'm almost to that point now. As much as I like Tom Cavanaugh, I wouldn't mind season 2 taking a break from the RF mythology.


However, I am hoping/looking forward to not only Barry time traveling but also traveling to parallel universes. There needs to be a time when he world hops and that worlds Flash tells him that he reads his adventures in comic books. (In the DC universe, all comic books are actually chronicles of other universes' heroes, even the comics in those universes).

  • Love 1

It wasn't very clear, but given Cisco's surprise at fakeWells stepping through the field, he seemed to be expecting that it would keep Wells back even at a normal speed. So apparently, it was supposed to be "speedster-proof", but not anything else proof. 


Simple velocity was not the trick, because the bullet had no trouble passing through the field.


Either way, it was not a very good shield.


 I'm just going to assume that since Wells knew about the shield, he sabotaged it so that anything could pass through.

  • Love 1

I really want Barry to throw Joe under the bus for all the lying to Iris and for her to Go off on him.  Not that i want Barry to get off scott free, but so much of this Joe's fault and he really needs to hear how awful a thing that is to do to her.


I will be very disapointed if they don't give us that.

This, so much.  I'm worried because Iris didn't look particularly pissed off as the realization hit her.  I'm hoping that she will go quickly through the stage of wonder/Awesome! and right into the "Wait, he's been lying to me" phase of things.  My fear is that they'll have her be annoyed, but make her forgive everyone super-quickly.  That would just be gross.


1) Gideon may be calling Thawne Wells simply because that is what he told her to call him. And my guess is sometime in the future Thawne found Gideon wherever Barry had her and either stole her or copied her. As for why he didn't remove Barry's access, Gideon seems to be an AI. She might not let him. Reprogramming her to answer to him is one thing, removing creator control may be not be possible. 


2) How much does Thawne know about his future I wonder? If Eddie is his ancestor he obviously must have a kid with someone. If it's not Iris, doesn't he need to make sure Eddie meets her?

1) Do we know Barry building Gideon is canon?  If it isn't, then I think there's a good chance that Gideon's claim (and helpfulness) was just part of Eobard's ruse.  When he asked Gideon how things were going, Gideon's answer was ambiguous enough to be a lie or be a sign that everything was going according to his evil plan.


2) I'm starting to agree with those posters who wonder if Iris and Eddie did not get together in Eobard's timeline.  To me, it makes sense that their relationship is an unintended side effect of moving up the accelerator explosion and creation of The Flash.  Since it happened--presumably--before Barry and Iris became a couple, things skewed in a different direction and Iris turned to Eddie for comfort/support ('cause we all know she wasn't getting it from her father).  Now, Reverse Flash has to keep them apart so that Eddie is free to marry/reproduce with whoever Eobard's ancestor actually is.


Barry was in a coma for nine months after the particle accelerator exploded.   But that was not true of the other meta-humans.  What were they doing all that time, pre-Flash?  With no superhero to resist them, seems like they would have had the run of the city (actually country and world). 

I figure that many of them are recovering, just as Barry was.  For example, Weather Wizard guy broke every bone in his body, and Firestorm was running around all crazy (looking like Angel living off of rats).  Others may have been integrating or dealing with the development of their powers.  Still others, as we know from Everyman, were committing crimes, but there was no feasible explanation (or even pattern) until STAR Labs figured out what happened.  And, until Barry woke up, "Wells" didn't seem to have any interest in fighting crime or even containing the others.  Finally, there was only the handful of metahumans anyway, so there wouldn't have been many to battle and contain.  "Arrow" tidbit: 

not taking into account the possibilities presented by that bank robber who wasn't in Central City when the explosion happened


Though I'm certain he wouldn't want this for his daughter, even if she did decide to stay in an unhappy marriage it's her choice.  That's what bugged me most about the situation, not that he said no to the proposal. After all, Eddie did ask for his opinion, but that his response went beyond opinion to once again vowing (and likely taking actions) to again control Iris' life and choices.

Ugh, Joe is the worst!  I mean, answering your daughter's serious boyfriend with an unexplained "No" is rather rude.  Doing it when that boyfriend is your partner, someone who's gone to the wall with and for you, is just shitty.  Add to that the context of Joe's constant lying and controlling behavior, and it's just another reason why I'm starting to loathe the character.


And, yeah, way to comfort your distraught kid at the hospital.  In that moment, I actually asked out loud, "Do you have a daughter, Joe?" (Thanks, Twitter!)


I like Eddie. There, I said it. He's handsome, and charming, and always wants to do the right thing. I'll be heartbroken if he gets body snatched by Eobard. 

I agree; Eddie's the best (except for being pulled into the Grand Conspiracy).  I am currently telling myself that it wouldn't make sense for Eobard to take over Eddie's identity except as an extreme last resort.  (Note:  Based on what we saw with Wells, Eobard is still in his own body, right?  He just kills the other guy and takes on that person's semblance, perhaps also incorporating the victim's genetic material.)  If Eobard's goal is still to return to his own time, then he wouldn't be able to do so (if he had killed Eddie) until *after* the next Thawne generation is conceived.  Otherwise, paradox!  Yup, that's what I'm telling myself. . .

Edited by netlyon2
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