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S30.E10: Bring The Popcorn

Tara Ariano

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I felt like I was back in the 90's and watching an episode of Jenny Jones with Probst guest hosting at that Tribal, seriously uncomfortable to watch.


Will, Will, I sort of liked you, you are dead to me now, that was Colton levels of suck.


I've heard Jenn and Joe are dating, I guess it started in the jury house.


Did Shirin even say anything about the food? I didn't hear it if she did, but even if she did, it was Mike that started banging that drum, Will was just too much of a wuss to confront him about it, he had to step up to a girl about it.

Edited by BigRedCheese
  • Love 12

Will was completely vile and his ire went in the wrong direction. His vitriol should have been directed at Mike and Jen because they were the biggest shit-stirrers.

But honestly...how hated is Shirin out there? No one came to her defense at all. And she has been on the wrong side of the vote more than right. She'll be the last one standing and somehow make it to the end. And I'm surprised Dan didn't use his extra on Shirin just because he could.

Jen hates on Carolyn and Carolyn said something nice about Jen. Stay classy, girl.

  • Love 5

I felt like I was back in the 90's and watching an episode of Jenny Jones with Probst guest hosting at that Tribal, seriously uncomfortable to watch.


Will, Will, I sort of liked you, you are dead to me now, that was Colton levels of suck.


I've heard Jenn and Joe are dating, I guess it started in the jury house.


I've heard that too, although Joe denied it in interviews and said they are just really close friends.  He said something about Jenn being younger than him, but she's not that much younger.  Maybe it's more lifestyle differences.  I don't know, is there some rule that if castoffs are dating each other they can't talk about it until after the season or both are voted off?


Also, is it totally wrong I'd take food over a letter from home?  I guess I'd have to be in that situation, but having friends and family that have been deployed overseas for months at a time, I guess I just roll my eyes at these guys tearing up over family visits and letters after being gone for a month.

  • Love 15

So far, I'm loving Tyler. Admire his stealthy observing. Smart cookie. Let everyone else duke it out and offend each other. If I was his age and single, I'd have a huge, huge crush on Tyler. Plus I think he's really cute. I like the cute, smart look. :)

Shirin is so passive/aggressive -- cannot stand her.

I wish Will would not have gotten so personal in his attacks and stayed on topic about his integrity being questioned, but I sure understood his fury after he generously shared his trunk of healthy stuff and was accused of hiding the truth.

I'm a fan of Carolyn and sure don't see what she's done to get the hatred of Jenn.

Jenn -- what a fake. She spouts "play nice" and then talks in her interview about all of the players she "hates". Give me a break. So glad she's gone. Huge, huge fake.

Edited by MerBearHou
  • Love 7

But honestly...how hated is Shirin out there? No one came to her defense at all. And she has been on the wrong side of the vote more than right. She'll be the last one standing and somehow make it to the end. And I'm surprised Dan didn't use his extra on Shirin just because he could.

Didn't Mike kind of ask Will to stop?  It was weak, but he did step in.

  • Love 12

Will sucks so much. I can understand his hurt and anger about the lies, but to say those things to Shirin--no one loves her, she has no soul, etc.--and then he says he's a man of God. Odd, one man of God condemns Shirin and the other one defends her. If Shirin makes it to the end, I think she has three no-collar votes. It's getting Lord of the Flies out there.

  • Love 20

I will be very happy when Rodney is voted to the jury and has to be quiet.  He grates.  


I knew Mike and Joe were tall, but I didn't realize how tall Tyler was until I saw him talking to Rodney,  


No, they both voted for Jenn.  I had to rewind the credits to make sure.



I can't fathom why they would vote for Jenn, and I hate the editors this season because that's not the kind of thing that should make no sense at this point in the game.  So did Carolyn only end up with one vote (Jenn's) out of the nine?  



And everyone else just sat there and let her take it without telling Will to shut up.



I think that was a big part of why it was so hurtful.  The lack of support from others to prove that it wasn't okay that he was saying those things. As upsetting as it was that Will said such nasty stuff, Shirin was kind of heartbreaking to me when describing how the others treated it like it was just entertainment to them to see her torn down like that.  

  • Love 19

THIS. How Mike went from the top dog last week to in danger of being voted out tonight was BAFFLING.


I don't like Shirin one bit but that was completely uncalled for. Even worse is, no one stepped up to defend her.


Mike did when he got back. That was why Will sneered at him and called him her bitch.


I like that Shirin did not let Will get his letter. She could have done that whole "be the bigger person" thing, but then Will would get exactly what he wanted. When mean people get what they want they have no incentive to adjust their behaviour. There is too much of that in our society. Glad to see he got some comeuppance.



Except of course he apparently doesn't grasp that he deserved her retaliation -- just thinks that it shows how mean Shirin was to poor him.


I can't even watch tribal council because I am so enraged that no one is even talking about voting out hateful Rodney. Seeing Rodney running his alliance drives my blood pressure right up. And when Mike was trying to flip people to join up with him and Shirin and Jen, why didn't they leave their options open and discuss with Dan and Sierra who they would like to see out? If they can't be persuaded to flip to get Carolyn out, maybe some other target would appeal to them. There was certainly a time when I think Sierra would have flipped to eliminate Rodney.


I wish Mike hadn't tried to publicly expose Rodney's plan. I think he would have had better success approaching people individually. Of course he messed himself up on the "honour" front by showing that he wanted to renege on the $20 letter from home. If he hadn't done that I think he would have had a better shot of convincing people that he wasn't lying when he told them about Rodney's duplicity.

  • Love 8

At this point, the season needs to be renamed from Survivor: Words Apart to Survivor: Beyond Redemption Island. I didn't think the show would ever have a cast as close to top-to-bottom vile as Gabon, but here we are.


Will's attack on Shirin-- who, yes, engaged in gross behavior by contributing to questioning whether or not Will had shared his entire stash with the tribe, but whose questioning was still confined to the social context of the game itself-- was as indefensible as Corinne's crack to Sugar at FTC about whether or not her dad had actually died.


That Dan was able to nearly verbatim quote Brandon Hantz's deranged "I am the author of my own destiny" meltdown without even a trace of self-awareness and still come off as only the second or third-most detestable person on the show this week is maybe the best indication of how far off the rails this season has gone.


At this point, MIke seems to be getting the most favorable edit, though, as others have noted, that edit didn't bother to outline how he suddenly became the target within the first 3 minutes of this episode. Tyler could be lined up to win for playing the messenger that no one dares to shoot, but he somehow manages to come across as smarmy in doing so. I cannot come up with any outcome to this season that I would find satisfying in terms of strategy or basic decency.

  • Love 22

Might as well just flush this season down the toilet.  I will give this episode one thing, my mouth didn't open because I was yawning, but because my jaw kept dropping almost every minute.  Not to sound like Will, but does anyone care for anyone left anymore?  Its like they picked the worst people in one of the biggest countries in the world to form 'Merica, probably lost everything good when they dropped the A.

  • Love 8

Guess I'm going to have to do what I did the 3 seasons Russell Hantz was on. Fast forward to the end and if he wasn't voted off, I didn't watch the episode. So, if one of the supreme assholes (Dan, Will and Rodney) isn't voted out, I'm not wasting my time watching.

The only reason for me to FF to the end is because my favorites are in the jury.  That's it.


I have a feeling there was more to the Shirin and Will blow up.  With the editing being what it is this season, there had to be.  

  • Love 1

The reason Will crossed the line into asshole territory is that he went to a personal level that had no strategic purpose. He just wanted to hurt Shirin's feelings, to just be violent with his words to cause pain because he was angry. What was he angry about? Oh, people were scheming against him, saying he was being dishonest, and trying to get others to question his integrity? That's gameplay. That wasn't about hurting Will's feelings and drinking his delicious tears. But Will took it to a vicious level in response, just to be vicious. And he did it to the person he knew was in the weakest social position. That's worse than a lack of soul, that's a lack of a heart and guts in general right there.


Rodney is still worse, though.


I am sorry but I haven't seen anyone on this show do anything worse than what Will did to Shirin. Well I take that back Dan is right up there too.

  • Love 13



It's become all too obvious over the last few seasons that Burnett & Probst prefer sadism to gameplay; obviously, their ulltimate goal is to produce a tropical island version of The Maury Povich Show.


I mean, really, this is what Jeff Probst considers fun?  That's just sick.


Who is there to root for anymore? 


And to top it all off, despite the editors' best efforts, it's boring.  We have at least two more Pagong episodes before anything interesting can even start to happen.  Yawn.


So Will turns out to be just another self-righteous vicious little shit.  How nice.


And has Carolyn done anything since she found her idol besides sit around with that superior patronizing smirk on her face?


Fragmented post because all the good points have been made already!

  • Love 18

I am sorry but I haven't seen anyone on this show do anything worse than what Will did to Shirin. Well I take that back Dan is right up there too.


I just meant that Rodney seems worse to me overall, because he's been a more consistent asshole, I guess. I do agree that this one moment from Will was the shittiest example of behavior we've seen this season. So far, anyway. Ugh.

  • Love 10

Not much I can add. I'm officially on Team Shirin. Fuck Will. "YouTube Sensation" can get fucked. Ears, eyes, nose, throat. Shirin may have been out of line in being paranoid about how trustworthy Will was, but he played some shady cards. And I clapped when she scuttled Will's attempt to play Let's Make A Deal with Probst. Really, it's a pity that there's no $100K fan vote, because I'm sure Shirin would win. Who else can a viewer pull for? Will is an asshole. Rodney is a bargain basement Boston Rob. Dan is what happens if Norm & Cliff have a baby. Mike is slowly losing his mind. The cool people are on the jury. And nobody else is special enough to stand out for me.


And fucking Dan gets the extra vote. I wished Mike hadn't backed down, because maybe he could have saved Jenn tonight. Instead, Dan is going to fuck things up at the worst possible moment, and the only solace I can take is that Jenn and Hali will look good together on the jury. Seriously, there's gotta be a better way to decide who wins an auction than drawing rocks. Maybe the auction could continue after the advantage has been awarded.


Fuck Will. That is all.

  • Love 24

Mike's mistake was agreeing to buy the letter then trying to back out. He should have said no from the start to Carolyn's proposal. I also thought Jeff should have told her that she couldn't get her money back.

I totally get why Mike thought Will might be holding back. IIRC Mike was with Dan at the beginning for the "truth or decieve" thing so he would have reason to be suspicious. Will's reaction was so out of proportion that it's ridiculous. I was going to be pretty much ok if Mike ended up wiining but now I'll be actually happy if he does for the mere fact that he at least arrempted to defend Shirin from that. She's the only other I am rooting for at this point.

I think it's good that the extra vote did not have to be used at that TC because it would have been wasted but it seems like it is a liitle too open ended. Did the clue say it had to be used by a certain point and I just missed it? I think it would be too big of an advantage to be able to use it all the way through F4. At the very least it should expire when the idols do at F5.

  • Love 16


And fucking Dan gets the extra vote. I wished Mike hadn't backed down, because maybe he could have saved Jenn tonight. Instead, Dan is going to fuck things up at the worst possible moment, and the only solace I can take is that Jenn and Hali will look good together on the jury. Seriously, there's gotta be a better way to decide who wins an auction than drawing rocks. Maybe the auction could continue after the advantage has been awarded.


Fuck Will. That is all.


Well since the players know that there is going to be an advantage in the auction and therefore will save their money to buy them the most logical thing for production to do is to make the advantage a blind item, How hilarious would be if someone bid $20 for a blind item and it turned out to an advantage and everyone else is like WTF?

  • Love 11

Dan is what happens if Norm & Cliff have a baby.

I just scared my cats I laughed so hard. Stop it, Lantern!!! :)

How hilarious would be if someone bid $20 for a blind item and it turned out to an advantage and everyone else is like WTF?

That's what I was hoping the first thing Will bought was. Just as long as it was someone besides Will who got it. Because the only thing Will deserves it hot dog shit on his pillow.

  • Love 13

I'm firmly rooting for Mike and have been since the beginning. I don't necessarily agree with his fake out over the letter, but I understand why he did what he did. He is playing hard and wants to win.

I utterly despise Rodney. If there was a hole that he could fall into and be transported to the burning atmosphere of Venus, I would pay to see that. I think he sucks more than 99% of past contestants, and that's a ton of suck.

So disappointed that Dan and Sierra flipped on Mike. Mike, Jen, Shirin, Dan and Sierra could have booted one of the Triumvirate of Assholes that is Rodney, Will and Carolyn. I can't understand why Dan and Sierra have to know they are 5 and 6 whereas with Mike they'd be final 3 in an alliance of 5.

  • Love 9

OMG guys, it just hit me.


Maybe Jeff really is trying to clue us in with "jumping the shark"? Maybe he knows that this season was/is awful and that Survivor is past its prime?


I've watched since Season 2 and have eagerly awaited each week when it comes on. Yes, even the Russell seasons.


I don't think I've hated a cast so much in my life.


Maybe Survivor really has jumped the shark. <frowny face>

  • Love 10

Will needs to eat the bag of dicks I told Dan to eat last week . . . after Dan shits them out.


You're a big, fucking, Godly man, Will.  Keep telling yourself that.


And the rest of them (except Mike) should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for sitting on their hands.  At some point you have step outside of the game, stand up for what's right, and tell someone they're being way the fuck out of line.  And if Will's attack on Shirin wasn't the time for that, then I don't know when that time would be.  And, frankly, strategically I think saying something might have actually gained whoever said something a jury-argument.


And Will wanting to "sacrifice" competing in the immunity challenge?!?!?  Please.  That lard-ass had no shot of winning to begin with.  And he has no risk of being eliminated, because he's got zero chance of getting any votes at FTC.  Uh, Jeff?  I'll give up my shot at banging Kate Upton if you bring back the product-placement car-prize and give it to me.


I agree with the posters upthread about there having to be a "no returns" policy in the auction.  Obviously Mike didn't think that was possible, and it completely fucked his game.

  • Love 24

I'm firmly rooting for Mike and have been since the beginning. I don't necessarily agree with his fake out over the letter, but I understand why he did what he did. He is playing hard and wants to win.

I utterly despise Rodney. If there was a hole that he could fall into and be transported to the burning atmosphere of Venus, I would pay to see that. I think he sucks more than 99% of past contestants, and that's a ton of suck.

So disappointed that Dan and Sierra flipped on Mike. Mike, Jen, Shirin, Dan and Sierra could have booted one of the Triumvirate of Assholes that is Rodney, Will and Carolyn. I can't understand why Dan and Sierra have to know they are 5 and 6 whereas with Mike they'd be final 3 in an alliance of 5.


Sierra and Dan are worthless and have no clue how to play this game.  They deserve what they get, which isn't the final 3.  Hopefully they both go next.  I just dislike almost everyone left that I don't even care who goes.  They're all pretty much equal to me in terms of being the biggest assholes and most worthless floaters ever.  Sierra and Dan deserve to get blindsided.  Frankly, I'd almost welcome a Rodney win.  He's deplorable, but so is everyone else left.  At least he's attempted to be proactive in the game.  What has Sierra or Dan done?  Carolyn?  Tyler?  Well, Tyler may not disappoint.  I can't even say Shirin has done a hell of a lot, but she's my last hope.

  • Love 3

See I'll never ever quit Survivor. Even if every contestant was a member of the Hantz family, I just love this show so much I will always watch even if I hate all of the contestants.

I mean, I just won't buy the DVD if the winner displeases me. It's why I only own Cook Islands. So whichever of these fools takes home the big paper check won't cause me to take the show off the DVR.

Is Shirin really only 27? That surprises me.

  • Love 7

This season sucks so hard. Great job, Dan and will... now Rodney is only the third worst person left on the tribe. It takes a lot to out-douche him , but you've both accomplished it. Impressive for all the wrong reasons.

Jenn may be one of my favorite players ever. Her confessional after being voted off about how much the others suck was hilarious. And when she said she wanted to stay just to mess with their games... I cheered out loud. Now that she's been voted off I don't know if I can stomach the rear of this season. Shirin is the only one left who I would be happy to see win, and I just don't see that happening. Other than her mike is the only other person left that I would be "meh" about winning. Everyone else is just awful and I would not enjoy seeing any of them win the money.

  • Love 8

See I'll never ever quit Survivor. Even if every contestant was a member of the Hantz family, I just love this show so much I will always watch even if I hate all of the contestants.

Is Shirin really only 27? That surprises me.



First of all, I think Mike said that she was 29, not 27. She might have been 29 last yr when she was playing the game but I think she is around 31 now.

Edited by wonald

This season sucks so hard. Great job, Dan and will... now Rodney is only the third worst person left on the tribe. It takes a lot to out-douche him , but you've both accomplished it. Impressive for all the wrong reasons.

Jenn may be one of my favorite players ever. Her confessional after being voted off about how much the others suck was hilarious. And when she said she wanted to stay just to mess with their games... I cheered out loud. Now that she's been voted off I don't know if I can stomach the rear of this season. Shirin is the only one left who I would be happy to see win, and I just don't see that happening. Other than her mike is the only other person left that I would be "meh" about winning. Everyone else is just awful and I would not enjoy seeing any of them win the money.


Honestly I think she has a good shot. As I said above I can easily see Hali, Jenn and Joe voting for her and should Mike get voted out she will probably pick up his as well. 

  • Love 2

Will sucks so much. I can understand his hurt and anger about the lies, but to say those things to Shirin--no one loves her, she has no soul, etc.--and then he says he's a man of God. Odd, one man of God condemns Shirin and the other one defends her. If Shirin makes it to the end, I think she has three no-collar votes. It's getting Lord of the Flies out there.


What I thought was even worse was that when confronted about it at tribal council he doesn't apologize or saw he shouldn't have gotten emotion.  He said everything he saw was right and that no one loved her/she didn't have a soul.    What he said was awful, but at least if he had apologized I would believe he has some decency in him.


I'm wondering if Shirin's domestic abuse story is real. If I recall correctly, she saved it for TC where the jurors could hear it. She's a student of the game and must remember the guy whose grandmother "died" only for sympathy votes. Her laughter after telling the story was a 'release', hmmmm?


She said it in a confessional too, so I don't think it was just game play.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 15

I'm wondering if Shirin's domestic abuse story is real. If I recall correctly, she saved it for TC where the jurors could hear it. She's a student of the game and must remember the guy whose grandmother "died" only for sympathy votes. Her laughter after telling the story was a 'release', hmmmm?

She's said it in confessionals previously I'm pretty sure.  It was definitely not a new story to me and I basically only read the forums here for non-show Survivor content.

Edited by enlightenedbum
  • Love 5

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