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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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I don't believe that it was just a case of Kyle not wanting to eat some of the space cake on camera, it was the way that Kyle made it seem like she has never used pot and never would. Kyle always tries to make herself look beyond reproach when it comes to things that are not "socially" correct or that may have some improprieties associated with them. Brandi took the high road on that one. She was clear that she has no problem at all using weed in any form (although she did add that it's not her drug of choice) Brandi is the last person on earth to care about how she looks on camera. This was clearly a more serious issue for her. She was clear that the reason she didn't is that she absolutely could not do it on camera because of the custody battle she and Eddie were in the midst of at that particular time. Brandi is smart enough to know that her high-jinx on camera might result in her losing custody of her children. Kyle on the other hand, protested on a different basis. She attempted to make it appear that she's too good of a mother to use any drugs at any time and it's a fact that she had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.

  • Love 23

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.

Blueeyed - I am so sorry for your loss. I have said it before, but for you, I am saying it again. Fuck Brandi. 

  • Love 15

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.

Omg your last two sentences felt like a punch to my stomach. I am so very very sorry for your loss. What a horrible experience for you and your poor son. I hope that you have found some peace.

  • Love 21

I think Kim's story about Kyle that she's "never told before" is about Kyle stealing her goddamn house. The loopy bitch forgot it was the focus of multiple episodes this season alone.



Ah, yes. Another of Kim's shut-it-down topics. However, to me, it appears she finally has figured out no one "cheated" her out of "her" house, so she no longer wants to talk about it. Too bad, Kim. We all know that "Drop it!" now means yet another topic about which Kim is on the losing side.

  • Love 12

Methinks they couldn't even approach the thought of bringing the husbands on - they would have had to hire extra security to protect BG!

She threw wine at Eileen. Between that and poker night, I'm sure Vince is a big fan. Not.

She slapped LVP. I would pay good money to hear Ken confront her over that little "joke."

She repeatedly threatened Kyle and told her she wanted to beat her up. I'm sure Mauricio would love to sit and chat with her.

You know that even if Yo were well, a big shot like David Foster could never publicly defend BG's behavior.

Lastly, Harry could have just showed up shrugged, and said "I know what I did! I tried to get Don Draper fired!" And then we'd all know once and for all that Kim lost touch with reality.

Geez, even on Jersey they could have husbands at the reunion. They got all their fighting out during the regular season!

  • Love 17

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.

I am so sorry for your loss and ITA, FUCK BRANDI!

  • Love 13

The problem as I see it is that Brandi tells the truth as she sees it, and her truth is fucked up. The best example is the whole space cake thing. She believes that Kyle is a hypocrite for not wanting to partake on camera, even though Brandi didn't want to partake on camera either. Kyle would only have been a hypocrite if she had been judgmental about the other ladies doing it. If she had been saying things like "I just think it is wrong and I would never do it", all the while actually doing it at other times, then she is a hypocrite. She wasn't doing that. She is no more a hypocrite in that situation than Brandi was for having her own legitimate reasons for not doing it on camera. The ironic thing is, Brandi is a hypocrite for talking about Kyle. Brandi didn't want indulge because of the way it might potentially make her look on camera. Kyle did the same. By saying that Kyle is wrong to do that, then actually doing it herself, Brandi is a hypocrite.


Brandi needs to stop using words she doesn't understand, like hypocrite, vindicate, or smoking gun. Stick to fuckety, fuck, fuck. 


I agree completely! From the get-go, Brandi took offense to the fact Kyle decided not to indulge. She's been obsessively bringing this up over and over. She took such personal offense to Kyle's choice that it was over the top ridiculous, right down to breaking down and screaming in the street about it. Then to find out she didn't indulge for *almost* the same reason is just mind boggling. The only difference is that Brandi made the choice because she was backed into a corner because it would have worked against her with regard to her custody issues, and Kyle did it out of simple good judgment. Maybe Brandi has her nose so bent out of shape because she would otherwise have indulged and couldn't just do yet another "FU, I do what I want" turn. Once again, she shows her resentment toward people who actually know how to act with discretion, and considers them hypocrites for doing so.


Like you, I think besides a complete psychoanalysis, she needs a dictionary.

  • Love 16

Big Kathy never left Kim "her" house. She willed it to each of her girls as a 1/3 share, expenses and all. Shut up Kim and go take another 100% pain pill.


True. Everyone seems to realize this, except for Kim. But, perhaps now she has it figured out, since she wasn't slinging accusations at the reunion and now "doesn't want to talk about it."

  • Love 4

Oh, Brandi, STFU. We all know what you were trying to do by saying you were washing you hands of the sister mess and you wanted to see them back together, because after all, family is the most important!. What you were trying to do was save your job! The wheels started turning in your little head and you finally realized after the reunion was coming to an end that you were aligned with the wrong person all season long and you lost the battle. Nobody was buying the Kim bullshit. You wanted out of that sinking mess.  You wanted to go over to the brunette couch. Too late, honey, you made your bed. They're not interested. Now let's see how close you are with Kim since the camera's have stopped rolling. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 15


Lastly, Harry could have just showed up shrugged, and said "I know what I did! I tried to get Don Draper fired!" And then we'd all know once and for all that Kim lost touch with reality.

Hee! You so know this is what Kim has on Harry! She probably had an episode of Mad Men on in the background while she was in 100% pain. Oh who are we kidding, I doubt Kim would ever watch or listen to Mad Men. 

  • Love 6

I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.


I'm so sorry.  :(

  • Love 7

Bethenney Frankel was on WWHL and it was interesting to hear her take on the Richard sisters. She's known them for 25 years and  basically she said both of them being on television together doesn't seem to be going in a good direction.   She also defends Kyle and says "Kim can be a bit of a victim and dramatic". 


I thought the comment about not being together on the show was directed at Andy.  Insinuating that if he really wanted the relationship repaired, Kim should not be back.   




The other thing interesting about the clip, it shows when Kim & Kyle were getting into it, and Kyle says "your dog bit my daughter".  Brandi shakes her head and looks disgusted that Kyle would even bring up the bite. 

  • Love 3

True. Everyone seems to realize this, except for Kim. But, perhaps now she has it figured out, since she wasn't slinging accusations at the reunion and now "doesn't want to talk about it."

If I recall correctly, Kim alleged that it was her money (from her working childhood) that originally paid for the house, and that was her reason for expecting her sisters to let her have it.

My heart just broke for Alexia tonight.  She has great parents and sisters and cousins but man, her aunt is a piece of shit.  I can't imagine one of my aunts being that callous towards me, even in private.  They all need to cut Kim out of their lives like the malignant tumor she is.



Obviously, she did not even care enough to show up at the hospital, make a phone call, nor any other action a decent human being would make in response to their dog biting someone, even if it was a stranger. It's obvious she never inquired about the girl's condition, because she is completely clueless about what went on in the hospital and afterward. What is wrong with her??? And she STILL can't spare the poor girl any sympathy. What a heartless witch.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 19

WireWrap, so sorry for the loss of your son. Isn't amazing how the topics of these shows can bring us to enlightenment and cut us to the bone at the same time. The human race is indeed an amazing thing.



WireWrap, so sorry for the loss of your son. Isn't amazing how the topics of these shows can bring us to enlightenment and cut us to the bone at the same time. The human race is indeed an amazing thing.

Sorry, double post!

It was not me that lost my son, it was/is Blueeyed. She has lots of love/support coming to her tonight from all of us!

  • Love 6

If I recall correctly, Kim alleged that it was her money (from her working childhood) that originally paid for the house, and that was her reason for expecting her sisters to let her have it.

The problem is Kim had not worked in 18 years at the time of her mother's death.  Kyle had also worked.  Her mom didn't pay cash for the house there was a mortgage.  Kim also forgets her mother bought her a house in the same development maybe Kim should be talking about what happened to that house.

  • Love 17

You guys are saying everything, so I'll just throw out a couple totally random observations:

1) I know Andy is always on Brandi's side, but tonight it almost felt like he had a prep session with her before the reunion. "Brandi, I know you want to address the double standard of subject x we just talked about..." "Brandi, I know such-and-such has bothered you all season....Do you want to add something here?" Jesus, he did this constantly.

2) I think Kim outed herself re: watching the episodes, because when Andy asked her about the "intervention" scene btwn. Brandi and LisaR, she said that she called Brandi to talk about it after seeing it.


1) I don't know what was up with Andy's velcro-ing himself to Brandi's butt, but I hope by now it is perfectly clear to him that his attempts at redeeming this soulless vulture have completely failed. In other words, Andy, time to set us all free of her.


2) Ditto.

  • Love 5

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.

I am deeply sorry to read about your child. My heart goes out to you. I can't even begin to know what you must have gone through and what you feel.  I can't hug you in person. Just know I am sending you one.


I am with you. FUCK YOU BRANDI!!


Allow me to add another "Fuck you" to Brandi. Kim too. Their comments and smirks about LisaR being a spokesperson for Depends, as if it was something shameful. I got news for you two  hypocritical and demented crackpots. People have to wear Depends for a variety of reasons. How dare you knock LisaR's gig or make fun of it.  I had a loved one who passed away. I miss that person dearly. This loved one had to wear Depends. He never said a word about having to wear them at such a young age. Life handed him a disease that he had no control over. When Brandi and Kim opened their foul-stenched mouths to remark about LisaR and Depends, it just really showed what a couple of low-rent twats they are. They are both scum. It pissed me off to hear Brandi and Kim smirk at LisaR, as if being a spokesperson for Depends was scraping the bottom of the barrel. FUCK YOU!! What is shameful, is gracing our television screens with your fucked up faces and your demented attitudes.


Kim and Brandi are vile creatures.  If I ever see either one of them on the streets, I swear I will call them out for the gutter filth that they are.


Kudos to LisaR for sending those texts and kudos to her for being a spokesperson for a great company. She also shows that wearing Depends is not something to be ashamed of.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 24

The problem is Kim had not worked in 18 years at the time of her mother's death.  Kyle had also worked.  Her mom didn't pay cash for the house there was a mortgage.  Kim also forgets her mother bought her a house in the same development maybe Kim should be talking about what happened to that house.

For sure!  I hope my comment didn't come across like I give any validation to her claim.  I think she is BSK like the rest of you, for the stupid house issue and everything else.

  • Love 5

I can't seem to understand why Kim is calling Kathy 3-4 times a day (or is it 5-7-9 times?). Why on earth would a "healthy, happy, sober" person need to call her sister that many times a day? Why would Kyle need to be available to her as well 3-4 or 5-7-9 times a day?! Good God! I love my sister dearly, but I don't have time to talk to her on the phone 4 times a day. And she doesn't have time to call me 4 times a day. We both have husbands, kids, jobs, pets, friends, lives that we must also manage separately, and not joined at the hip, or the ear all the damn time. Ain't nobody got time for that! I never thought I'd quote Bethenny, but, "GET A HOBBY!"  If she is that damn needy, maybe she should get chummy with Jake at State Farm. She is just one endless suck of need. That episode caused my blood pressure to increase 60%, and I want her 100% removed from this show.


Big hugs to Blueeyed. So Fuck Brandi!

  • Love 20
She attempted to make it appear that she's too good of a mother to use any drugs at any time and it's a fact that she had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.




It's not a fact that Kyle had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.  Even Brandi didn't say that.  She said that she was with Kyle when she (Brandi herself) had smoked pot.  She said Kyle was there, and Kyle didn't dispute it, so it's likely true that she was there.  But neither Brandi nor Kyle said that they had smoked together.  Brandi as usual was spinning her words.  Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but we certainly don't have enough information to accept that as fact.


And even if they did, so freakin' what?  Brandi is so focused on causing trouble for these women that she continually crosses the line into absurdity.  Someone Kyle's age smoking pot is far from scandalous. Brandi needs to take a good hard look at the choices she herself has made and keep her puffy nose out of everyone else's business.  She has burned more bridges than I can count, and she did it in record time.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 12

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.


I agree with everything you said.


And as for your last paragraph:  There are no words.  I am truly so sorry for your loss.

  • Love 7

Lastly, Harry could have just showed up shrugged, and said "I know what I did! I tried to get Don Draper fired!" And then we'd all know once and for all that Kim lost touch with reality.

Ya know, in my preparation for Mad Men withdrawals, I was hoping for a new casting take on the more "Hollywood" aspect of BH for next year (actually, I was hoping for it this year, with LisaR leaving Kyle's white party early to go to the Mad Men wrap party, talks of Charlton Heston's pool, and Eileen's movie premiere).  Harry can be on more with LisaR, Eileen and Vince can have over his cousin, Talia (Mona) and her husband John (Roger), and whomever else can sub in for the waste of space that Kim and Brandi are. 


But back to the reunion, I really just will echo the sentiments here that Andy either needs to get a stronger voice or let someone else do it.  The one thing that still irritates the fuck out of me is the Lisa/Brandi lunch.  Lisa was asking Brandi about her drinking and Brandi flipped the conversation to Kim.  We've all see the clip about 100 times by now.  Why couldn't he just say, "Brandi brought Kim up first.  Why are you lying?"  I don't need Christiane Amanpour on the case, but my local 5 a.m. news interviewers have harder hitting questions and more follow up quizzing the new restaurant owner about the menu.  I mean, I get it; Andy is up Brandi's ass for some inexplicable reason, but it has to stop.


  • Love 12

The difference between LisaR's "If you don't stop, I'm going to f you over" and Brandi's threats? For Lisa, this is an was aberration under provocation which she deeply regrets. For Brandi, it's something she fantasizes about repeatedly, makes no apology for, and wants to do simply because Kyle exists.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 16

Methinks they couldn't even approach the thought of bringing the husbands on - they would have had to hire extra security to protect BG!

She threw wine at Eileen. Between that and poker night, I'm sure Vince is a big fan. Not.

She slapped LVP. I would pay good money to hear Ken confront her over that little "joke."

She repeatedly threatened Kyle and told her she wanted to beat her up. I'm sure Mauricio would love to sit and chat with her.

You know that even if Yo were well, a big shot like David Foster could never publicly defend BG's behavior.

Lastly, Harry could have just showed up shrugged, and said "I know what I did! I tried to get Don Draper fired!" And then we'd all know once and for all that Kim lost touch with reality.

Geez, even on Jersey they could have husbands at the reunion. They got all their fighting out during the regular season!

They didn't have the wine toast at the end.

But shit I would had loved for the husbands to joined this year! They would had ate Brandi/Kim for breakfast. Thats why Andy chose to not have them up there. It sure been good and made for an excellent segment to the reunion.

  • Love 8

Brandi did not make it clear until the reunion. Brandi was the first person to bring up smoking pot in Amsterdam at Villa Blanca at lunch. Eileen said in her talking head why she was not indulging (parental issues). Brandi is fucking ridiculous, its ok for her not to indulge because of her "kids", but for Kyle to do the exact same thing, Brandi can't say "you smoke pot" enough during the reunion. The truth of the matter is Brandi was looking for any and all reasons to go after Kyle.


I am a firm believer that pot should be legalized, but when I had a child in formative years I had many, many discussions with him about smoking pot. This whole pot smoking thing just passes me off to no end. Truthfully, my son at 19 years old, being drunk, committed suicide. I believe in my heart of hearts that if he was stoned that night he would still be here, so Fuck Brandi.


My heart goes out to you for your tragic loss. I am so sorry. I'm not sure exactly what you meant about the statement about pot, but I hope you are not regretting his choice of alcohol over pot, thinking that "if only," he would be alive today, because, unfortunately, pot use, especially in the young, is not an antidote to suicidal thoughts. http://www.elementsbehavioralhealth.com/addiction/marijuana-dependency-linked-to-depression-suicidal-thoughts/ Not sure if that helps you, but "if onlys" can be an unnecessary added heartbreak when dealing with such tragedies. My prayers are with you.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 1

Is Kim's behavior vile? Absolutely. Is it acceptable that her dog injured Alexia to the point that she almost lost a hand and was on an IV drip for 3 weeks? No, it's not. Kim needs to seriously consider sending the dog away for intense training or putting him down. Having a dog who viciously attacks anyone is unacceptable, and it's a reflection on Kim as an owner, not on Kingsley.

With that being said, should Kyle have instagrammed photos of Alexia in the hospital and then acted like she didn't know it would start shit? Probably not. For Kyle to say she "didn't know" that people would figure out it was Kingsley is stupid. Of course people were going to investigate that picture and figure it out. She knew it would hurt Kim to do that, so she did it. I'm not faulting her for being upset that Kim is prioritizing her dog over Alexia's injury, but stop acting like you didn't know that putting up photos of your hospital-ridden daughter on Instagram wouldn't cause a stir.

I say fire both Richards sisters and Brandi and bring back Camille, Adrienne, and Taylor. Kim, Kyle, and Brandi are insufferable wenches that I can no longer tolerate watching


Why should Kyle be penalized for her sister's ridiculous and delusional behavior?  Since Kim never takes responsibility for anything, Kyle probably posted the picture just to show Kim how bad the bite was...and to maybe realize that her dog is vicious enough to bite a family member. Let's face it, there's no talking to Kim or rationalizing about anything. Kim's MO is to blame anything & everything on everyone else, especially about anything negative that goes on in their family.

  • Love 9

My heart goes out to you for your tragic loss. I am so sorry. I'm not sure exactly what you meant about the statement about pot, but I hope you are not regretting his choice of alcohol over pot, thinking that "if only," he would be alive today, because, unfortunately, pot use, especially in the young, is not an antidote to suicidal thoughts. http://www.elementsbehavioralhealth.com/addiction/marijuana-dependency-linked-to-depression-suicidal-thoughts/ Not sure if that helps you, but "if onlys" can be an unnecessary added heartbreak when dealing with such tragedies. My prayers are with you.

I live with lots of "if onlys", its a part of being a mother of a suicide victim. I stand behind my statement, if he was stoned instead of being drunk he would still be here.

  • Love 9

Was Kim not saying, but implying, that because of Kyle's IG pics, this is what prompted the friend, Kay Rozario to file the dog bite lawsuit against Kim?   The pics were in early Nov., and Rozario made her first statement on Nov 7th. and the lawsuit was filed on Dec. 12.     I'm sure in all of Kim's lies, she had told Kay that she would have the dog either removed or put down.  Then when this woman hears the dog bit someone else, she went all in.     So, we can add "You made me get sued" in her litany of accusations of Kyle.


I agree that it probably went down that way.  But the thing is, Kim deserves to be sued.  Nothing around her makes her see reality so she needs an outside force.


Since the Kay Rozario bite was being kept on the down-low, did Kyle know that she had been bitten?

  • Love 8

I drink like a fish and enjoy getting high.  That said, there are times I don't drink and will turn down a toke.  It's my prerogative (TM Bobby Brown), and it doesn't make my a hypocrite.  Brandi's utter jealousy of Kyle came through there loud & clear.  Loved Kyle calling her out and repeatedly putting Brandi on spot about her comments that night.


Finally, how in the world can Brandi sit there and say she's not trying to come between the sisters?  Even if, after watching the episodes and then seeing the ensuing drama that occurred, she felt some remorse, her actions since the reunion was filmed show otherwise.  Her blogs, specifically last week's comment about Kyle doing something unforgivable at the first wedding, show she's still there stirring up shit.  She wasn't even at or invited to the wedding!  I almost hope that she's back next season.  No one will film or interact with her.  All her scenes will be with Jenn or her live in (paid friend) hair stylist.   


No words for Kim.  Please, please let this be the end for her.

  • Love 10

Maybe Brandi has her nose so bent out of shape

With the state that BG's face is currently in, I just found this line to be incredibly funny.

If Kyle smokes pot, more power to her. With all the shit she has had to endure from her sister, some pot smoking might be the best thing for her. Too bad that couldn't be Kim's vice. She'd be chillin' instead of bitchin'.

"You stole my goddamn Cheetos!"

  • Love 7

Thanks everyone for the love, I really appreciate it. The poor kid never had  chance where alcohol was concerned; too many alcoholics on both sides of his family (not me, I've never been a good drinker).


NCSocialworker, I don't think peace will ever be apart of my life, he was my only child and I miss him every second of everyday.


I had a seriously hard time with this season. I spent most of the season thinking I am my family's "Kim", but gratefully realized that I am nothing like her. Let's just say I don't even own a dog and am seriously thinking about leaving my house to a suicide prevention non-profit. Lol

Dear Blueeyed- Sending you a million hugs and kisses
  • Love 11

LisaR: Kim, let me talk, please--

Kim: I was going to talk-- I was talking first, so let me finish--

LisaR: I'm gonna talk right now

Kim: I'm not done yet.

LisaR: I am going to talk first--

Kim: No, I was talking first--

LisaR: You showed up at my house--

Kim: I was talking first--

LisaR: Kim, listen!

Yeah, I know, that really happened!


Maybe that need to pass a ball around and who ever is holding the ball gets to speak,

  • Love 9

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