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S04.E07: Stephanie & David

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Finally the long lost episode that I saw more than two years ago. Stephanie told me that although MTV had called to ask her follow up questions, she didn't know that MTV would be airing the entire episode until she saw it advertised. "David" texted her more than once to try to get her to kill it off.





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I was hoping this would be like the other lost episode with Blake and Kirsten. Now that was compelling TV and I could see why the girl that scammed Blake wanted it pulled...super embarrassing. This one, eh. It's always interesting to me when the person that was lied to is rightfully upset and Max and Nev try to convince them that he or she is being unreasonable. 


I wonder why they decided to unearth this one instead of just showing a new episode that was filmed recently. 

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It's not over yet, but I kinda don't like this girl. Yeah he lied and that's wrong.  But she's a bitch. And again, if he was gorgeous, I don't think she would have reacted so strongly.  She'd be all up on that.  


Sometimes I think I have a little too much sympathy for the catfishes that aren't crazy stalker assholes. 


Edited because "She's be" is just not right. 

Edited by JenMcSnark
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It's not over yet, but I kinda don't like this girl. Yeah he lied and that's wrong.  But she's a bitch. And again, if he was gorgeous, I don't think she would have reacted so strongly.  She'd be all up on that.  

She kept repeating that she didn't trust people, but she claimed to be that emotionally invested in someone she knew very little about and hadn't done much to verify.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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So this is the mythical "lost" episode that was chatted about on TWOP? What was the reason this never aired?

I remember that whole conversation, I really thought it would have been a lot more compelling. I seem to remember that the reason it never aired was that Dawuan wouldn't sign the papers. After reading Stephanie's interview in 4Sibes Redux's post above, what really surprised me was that Dawuan was the one who contacted the show. Why would he contact the show & then not let them broadcast the episode?

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She was self absorbed and a bit unlikeable but not only did he lie, he created the fake profile to stalk an ex. Lots of side eye from me to Dawaun on that last part. He clearly had low self esteem which did make me feel a little bad for him but creeping on exes and lying just made him look pathetic.

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I missed the first few minutes. Did Nev give an "official" explanation of why it wasn't aired?

Nope! he tried to make it sound like we were getting a special treat out of some magical vault.


I was hoping this would be like the other lost episode with Blake and Kirsten. Now that was compelling TV and I could see why the girl that scammed Blake wanted it pulled...super embarrassing. This one, eh. It's always interesting to me when the person that was lied to is rightfully upset and Max and Nev try to convince them that he or she is being unreasonable. 


I wonder why they decided to unearth this one instead of just showing a new episode that was filmed recently. 

I still hope upon hope that I will one day get to see that episode. 

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He actually was pretty decent looking.  I wouldn't call him ugly. He wasn't as cute as the fake picture and obviously he didn't come from the same social class as she did so I'm willing to bet that had a lot more to do with it.  Although his neighborhood didn't look too terrible. 


I bet she looked a lot better in her photos as well.... I feel bad for people who have skin problems as I have been there... but they make some really great makeup to at least help cover it and it looked like one of her friends was pretty knowledgable about makeup.  HD did this girl no favors!


He also made me give him a bit of a side eye how he kept saying he just wanted to be friends with his ex and now he just wanted to be friends with stephanie.  Does this dude not have any friends? 

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It's always interesting to me when the person that was lied to is rightfully upset and Max and Nev try to convince them that he or she is being unreasonable.

Knowing that this dude was the one who contacted the show and that that wouldn't have been long after he started chatting with her (given the typical delay before filming), Nev and Max's persistence was a bit unsavory. Dawaun's only interest may have been to take advantage of a woman would had been going through tough times and might be vulnerable to the person who had been lending a sympathetic ear, if there was a way to smooth over having lied about his identity (enter Nev and Max).

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I am only halfway reading through this recap, but before I finish, I must ask:




What is going on with her cheek? Allergy reaction? Skin irritation? Acne? Too much blush?


Now, I must proceed on to read the rest of the recap....

I was hoping this would be like the other lost episode with Blake and Kirsten. Now that was compelling TV and I could see why the girl that scammed Blake wanted it pulled...super embarrassing. This one, eh. It's always interesting to me when the person that was lied to is rightfully upset and Max and Nev try to convince them that he or she is being unreasonable. 


I wonder why they decided to unearth this one instead of just showing a new episode that was filmed recently. 


Speaking of Blake and Kirsten, I wish I had the pleasure of seeing that episode... People are just stingy by not uploading the torrent....;-x

Edited by OrientalAmish
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He also made me give him a bit of a side eye how he kept saying he just wanted to be friends with his ex and now he just wanted to be friends with stephanie.  Does this dude not have any friends? 


Yeah, when I read that part about how he originally made the fake profile to "stalk" his ex + then started talking to one of her "friends", I was thinking that was a little shady of him, even if they ended up never being more than friends.... To some people, even just talking to your friend's ex might be sorta iffy....

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Yeah, when I read that part about how he originally made the fake profile to "stalk" his ex + then started talking to one of her "friends", I was thinking that was a little shady of him, even if they ended up never being more than friends.... To some people, even just talking to your friend's ex might be sorta iffy....

I don't think Stephanie was a friend of his ex (but maybe she was?)  I took it that he was pretending to be a friend to his ex and just saw stephanie's profile.  He was probably trolling on facebook with that profile and came across her.  I don't quite understand looking for random people on facebook but I'm in my 30s lol 

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I don't think Stephanie was a friend of his ex (but maybe she was?)  I took it that he was pretending to be a friend to his ex and just saw stephanie's profile.  He was probably trolling on facebook with that profile and came across her.  I don't quite understand looking for random people on facebook but I'm in my 30s lol 


Well, that actually makes more sense.... I have been guilty of trolling for more random new "friends" on FB myself....I think FB is a good tool to meet new people if used wisely.... Well, when I still had my account.... Mine has been deactivated because an ex tried to contact me....

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Some of these people on the show seem so desperate and have lots of issues. Maybe they should get some counseling before searching social media for someone who "understands" them. 


Just started watching this show about 6 months ago so I haven't seen all of the seasons.  Were they on a low budget the first season? They used an older Jeep (in good condition) and a compact car ( a Cube?) for transportation. Almost seemed like Nev used his own car. Most of the shows I've seen they  use (probably rent) a nice SUV.  

Edited by MrsEVH
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Some of these people on the show seem so desperate and have lots of issues. Maybe they should get some counseling before searching social media for someone who "understands" them. 




Mostly what they're desperate for is to be on TV & get their 15 minutes of fame. The first season might have all been true, but after that there are lots of people whose only issue is that they aren't famous.

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It's always interesting to me when the person that was lied to is rightfully upset and Max and Nev try to convince them that he or she is being unreasonable.



I think the problem is Nev and Max don't want the person to walk away with a huge resentment.  Resentments never solve anything or help anybody.  I did like what Max said to Stephanie though.  She was selfish when it came to David.  She wanted someone to talk to; she never even asked him about him, she just wanted a sympathetic ear.  I think if David had looked like the guy in the picture, Stephanie would have been all over him.  Another average looking person who craves a hottie.  

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Also, if you were wondering about Dawuan's financial situation, check out that microwave. It might be the first one that was ever built.

Hey, if it's the first one, it was probably really expensive! And if it still works, why throw it out? This is where I admit my mother still has a microwave that I cooked Stouffer's lasagna in when I was 14. I'm now 40.
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Hey, if it's the first one, it was probably really expensive! And if it still works, why throw it out? This is where I admit my mother still has a microwave that I cooked Stouffer's lasagna in when I was 14. I'm now 40.

The school that I worked at had a microwave that was built in February of 1983.  The sticker on the back verified as much.  I thought I'd get radiation poisoning from putting my food in it or standing too closely.  



Were they on a low budget the first season? They used an older Jeep (in good condition) and a compact car ( a Cube?) for transportation. Almost seemed like Nev used his own car. Most of the shows I've seen they  use (probably rent) a nice SUV.

I just assumed they were using their own cars since they were in LA.  

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The whole time I was watching this episode, I could not get past her skin issues. She didn't wear foundation or anything to cover it up.

And the bad camera angles made it worse.

But her pictures on F.B, her skin was perfect.

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Some of these people on the show seem so desperate and have lots of issues. Maybe they should get some counseling before searching social media for someone who "understands" them. 


Just started watching this show about 6 months ago so I haven't seen all of the seasons.  Were they on a low budget the first season? They used an older Jeep (in good condition) and a compact car ( a Cube?) for transportation. Almost seemed like Nev used his own car. Most of the shows I've seen they  use (probably rent) a nice SUV.  


This episode they were in LA which is where Nex and Max live so they were using their own vehicles.  In other places they have to rent since they fly in to most locations. 

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I am only halfway reading through this recap, but before I finish, I must ask:




What is going on with her cheek? Allergy reaction? Skin irritation? Acne? Too much blush?


Now, I must proceed on to read the rest of the recap....


Speaking of Blake and Kirsten, I wish I had the pleasure of seeing that episode... People are just stingy by not uploading the torrent....;-x



I checked again yesterday! Nothing!



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The whole time I was watching this episode, I could not get past her skin issues. She didn't wear foundation or anything to cover it up.

And the bad camera angles made it worse.

But her pictures on F.B, her skin was perfect.


Right? How could she cover up her skin issues for pictures, but not for filming the show? She is not consistent.... It's not like she didn't have the time or knowledge that she was being filmed + millions of people are going to be seeing it....


I hate it when people use photo filters/edits to make themselves look "perfect" or way better in pictures then in real life.... It's like "false advertising".... I never edit my photos that I post.... What you see is what you get.... If I look good, I look good.... I look shit, I look shit.... Ha, I just kinda made it about me....;-x

I checked again yesterday! Nothing!




Those selfish cunts! People need to share the wealth! I know there gotta be someone out there who still has a recording.... I feel like by the time, there is torrent(s) available to d/l then I will be old as fuck + suffering from memory loss + won't be able to enjoy watching it because I have forgotten all about that wonderful ole' Catfish show....Pffft

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This episode was pretty tame considering all the build-up.  I didn't find either Stephanie OR David very likeable either.  However I can't agree at all with the recapper that David looked or sounded like Beetlejuice.  Beetlejuice is famous for his loud tremendous self-confidence that comes from having a really severe developmental disorder - he is in everyone's face and seemingly unaware that he has anything wrong with him. Even if Beetle were capable of searching for online pictures of hot models/singers/actors to put on his Facebook profile in his stead he wouldn't think he had any need to do so.   David seemed shy and rather cowed and clearly insecure - and to suggest that he looked like he was microcephalic is just kind of mean, and not in the "it's not mean if it's true" way.  He was plain but OK looking and clearly that was not good enough for Stephanie - plus as others have suggested he was poorer than her judging by the two houses.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Hey, if it's the first one, it was probably really expensive! And if it still works, why throw it out? This is where I admit my mother still has a microwave that I cooked Stouffer's lasagna in when I was 14. I'm now 40.


Whoa. Is that safe? I bet it looks really cool though. My mother kept a tv (that stopped working at some point), purchased in the late 70s before my arrival, and she kept it until 2014. 

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Definitely not as dramatic as Blake and Kiersten.  Those of us who saw it had a good discussion about it.   I did feel sorry for Dawaun, as I think he's not a bad person.  He was very short, and I do think there was some sort of physical deficit in him.  Stephanie was no prize herself. 


I'm agreeing that the original premise of the show is gone, and now it's just famewhores petitioning for a little time on TV.  Just like the first seasons of shows like "Bridezillas", and "Say Yes to the Dress".  Before people knew that they needed to bring the fake drama and fights, they had an actual reality component to them. 

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They used an older Jeep (in good condition) and a compact car ( a Cube?) for transportation

That was a Kia Soul. The HamsterMobile! :)

I didn't like this girl. She seemed very spoiled and self-absorbed. And I couldn't stop staring at the little metal stud she had pierced into her face. She will never be in a successful relationship, I fear, without a lot of therapy.

I think I've gotten an overdose on my daily quota of the word "like" from her and the guys. In fact, that was a week's worth.

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I think the problem is Nev and Max don't want the person to walk away with a huge resentment.  Resentments never solve anything or help anybody.  I did like what Max said to Stephanie though.  She was selfish when it came to David.  She wanted someone to talk to; she never even asked him about him, she just wanted a sympathetic ear.  I think if David had looked like the guy in the picture, Stephanie would have been all over him.  Another average looking person who craves a hottie.  

Yes, this wasn't all about lying as Stephanie claimed. We live in a superficial world and this is more about looks than deceit. Had this guy looked similar to the guy in the picture or better, that would've left the door open for David to be forgiven. However, since he looked like the poster boy for botulism and wasn't of her social class, she just couldn't deal with it. It's interesting that those being catfished always want the person they're confiding in to be hot like the picture as if someone that hot is going to be available to listen to a stranger's problems. I suppose it gives the person being catfished value and self-worth to think that. But, as Max rightly explained, David was still for there for her in a time of need even if he did breach her trust, and there's value in that even if Stephanie was unable to get past being wronged.


David would never had gotten a chance to lend a sympathetic ear to Stephanie had he given her his real profile. She would've dismissed him so fast. And David got a great deal of self-esteem too being able to talk to a hot girl even if it was under false pretenses. But it would've been great if he called her on her deceit as well since she didn't look like her pictures she shared with him either. I mean, she's a pretty girl and the pictures were obviously her, but they were taken either before her acne outbreak or were severely photoshopped. David obviously wasn't in the position to bring that up, but it's not like she didn't misrepresent herself too. Kudos to her for not covering her "pizza face" with makeup. I respect people who face the world as they are instead of covering it up.


It would be interesting if just once the catfisher would be BETTER looking than his or her profile. I bet you if someone misrepresented himself or herself in a worse way online than in real life, then that would be overlooked despite the deceit.

Edited by jmonkey
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I liked this episode purely for the fact that it wasn't as meta as the past couple of seasons. Now people are on Catfish because they want to be on TV, not because of the actual relationship.


I didn't get why she was so unforgiving. He looked a bit different (although not hugely different). And he works at a movie theater instead of at the Staples Center? Taking tickets is taking tickets, girl!


Her cystic acne = his difference in appearance, in my book. And he was there for her in her time of need. IDK ...

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Hey 4Sibes! I saw this in the listings and thought of you. Glad it finally came out on TV.


I have no idea why, but after N&M talked to Duwuan with his "yeah" "no" "I dunno" and hung up and Max was hanging off to the side and started laughing with "I can see what she sees in him now" (for that sparkling personality) it killed me. 


Taking tickets is taking tickets, girl!


Good one! 

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 And he works at a movie theater instead of at the Staples Center? Taking tickets is taking tickets, girl!





Ahahahahahahhahahahahaha! The last line is too funny! 


Stephanie is a girl with high standards! She seems to be the type that would be wanting wife it up with guy who worked @ Chipotle, but then run for the hills once she finds out he actually works @ Mickey D's....She had thought she won the lottery for getting the hookup of all access passes to concerts, sporting events, and what not @ the Staple Center + then she found out that all she got was free passes to movies + wanted none of that....;-)p

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When Nev was sitting with Dewan in his kitchen and asked what his insecurities were, I leaned forward expecting to hear something about his condition instead of lack of a father figure (which is still awful) - I thought his head looked misshapen, and that there were some huge scars on his skull.  I can't help but wonder if as a child he had a disorder that caused stunted growth because his head was so large for his body.  I didn't think he was ugly, and certainly no worse looking than Stephanie, who was nothing special in the looks department even after photoshopping away her skin issues.  She really does seem to think she's hot shit.


Maybe I'm just gullible, but when Nev and Max encourage the person to make some kind of parting peace with the catfish, I always believe they are doing it for the right reasons (sounds like I'm on The Bachelor), and not because they are trying to create extra drama. For whatever reason, I think Nev is a genuinely good and kind person.

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