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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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I think Kyle has pretty ample reason to dislike Brandi. Repeatedly calling her a cunt, a horrible sister, a hypocrite and accusing her of lying, and threatening to beat her and then saying she has fantasized a million times about beating Kyle up. Weird chick that Brandi. I think Kyle is fighting to be left alone and play with her friends and Brandi just has a ton of disgust, for no reason, for Lisar, Eileen and now Lisa V. I think it Kyle is totally content for Brandi and Kim to stay away from the Lisas, Eileen and she. From what Brandi said at the finale to Kim I don't think she even wants Kim. Yolanda is the only one left and she has neither the time or energy to coddle Kim and her neurosis.

No kidding. Brandi sucks. But Brandi has said these things to Kyke in the context of fights. They aren't what the fights have been about. They both sort of seem to want some kind of validation from Kim and then when they don't get it (because Kim sucks too) they start screaming at each-other.

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I don't care enough about Brandi and Kyle to wonder why they hate each other.


To snark about someone without them knowing is one thing.  Pointing and laughing and acting like a group of dumb ass mean girls while the one you're snarking about is sitting alone and listening, is another.  I hate that shit.  


I taught kindergarten and saw 5 year old girls pull that crap. To see it in women in their 40s and 50s is a sad commentary on them - not the one they're talking about.  And they were snarking about a shoe.  LOL.  A shoe.

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I think we might be giving Brandi too much credit here.  I don't think she even knows why she's done what she's done and for what end.  Personally I think she's too impulsive, scattered, and jealous, which just makes her do whatever, whenever, however she can.  We know she holds grudges, both real and imagined (which she's continually picking up new ones) and it seems like she can pay attention for only so long to make plans, and then the rest is thrown at the wall, as it comes to her in the moment, to see what sticks.  


Like, she researches the other HW and their families to get dirt on them but doesn't seem to know what to do with it other than clumsily throw it out there during conversations.  When she gets questioned on it, she starts screeching and crying, plays dumb or innocent, goes into deflection mode or makes threats.  She doesn't seem to ever have a fully formed plan of attack and an end goal.  IMO.  Maybe she does but I don't think I've seen her act on it.  

Edited by SwordQueen
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My theory is Brandi's plan to take Kyle down started right after the Reunion when Lisa and Kyle spent an extra day filming the Lady Gaga video.  Of all the people at the Reunion Season 4 I think Lisa was the least angriest with Kyle (Joyce and Carlton being non-entities) and the most angry at Brandi, Yolanda and Kim.  So Brandi knew while she was sitting in New York filming Celebrity Apprentice, Kyle and Lisa had pretty much patched things up.  I thought it was telling while filming  Celebrity Apprentice, Brandi didn't reach out to Kyle or The Agency, where her boyfriend worked.   I think even Brandi's idea to have her phone go dead so she would have to use Kyle's was pre-meditated.  Let's face it there were production people around who could have loaned Brandi a phone from that moment forward Brandi was trying to  break the recently repaired friendship between Lisa and Kyle.  So here we are seven weeks in and Kyle is getting along with everyone and even there for Yolanda when Bella gets her DUI.


So in one day Brandi has lunch with Lisa V and demands an apology from her and is delivered the bad news that she won't be the friend she wants her to be.  Same day she throws wine in the face of a new cast member.  So now she is on the outs with half the cast and only has Kim and Kyle in her corner until Yolanda's party and Brandi makes an ass out of herself again.  True to form Brandi uses the opportunity at Yolanda's party to apologize to Eileen-even though it is totally fake.


Now Brandi has the dilemma of how to alienate Kyle and it worked Poker Night.  For some reason I think Brandi thought that Lisa Vanderpump would not like Eileen and find it amusing that she hazed her the way she did.  First with the wine toss and then at Poker Night.  


It leads me to believe although Kyle had been nice-ish to Brandi since Season 3 -Brandi was unable to maintain a friendship with Kyle because she did not want her to have one with Lisa Vanderpump.  Over the years Lisa must have expressed something to Brandi that made Brandi insecure in Lisa and Kyle having a friendship.

Sorry but huh? Maybe I dreamed it but was it not you who posted yesterday:

Kyle knows who Brandi is and has known for the get go.

(Checks 1 page back) Nope-- I didn't dream it.

I can't begin to figure out how you've determined all of the above. My takeaway: if, as you said yesterday, Kyle has known who Brandi is from the get go and then allowed herself to be manipulated with the phone allegedly being dead, and poker night alienation, and something about Bella's DUI, and Brandi's machinations here, there and everywhere -- then what I have long suspected is true: Kyle is unequivocally one of the dumbest women ever to grace a HWs franchise.

And I am agog.

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To me it's very simple why Brandi "hates" Kyle. She feels it's her way of staying on this show and getting paid. I don't think she has given one little iota of thought about Kyle from the very beginning. I don't believe she ever really heard the silly shoe talk nonsense; and if she did she was probably thrilled, since it meant she was going to start out sympathetic. I think she played Game Night up for all it was worth - that night was the best thing to ever happen to her. She was a fan favorite, which fed into her book being a success, which led to more money. It had nothing to do with Kyle or even Kim, it had to do with her image. Which gets her fame and the show CA and more money.

This season? She was fake when she was being friends with Kyle, she was fake when she was pulling Kim out of some random dire situation at Eileen's which I still don't get, she was fake in her tons of comments about Kyle not being there for her family, it's all Brandi trying to push into public the image she wants of herself in order to create more opportunities for herself. There is no real in Brandi, at least on my screen. It's all packaged, and thought out, and how she can spin it.

Her problem with this plan is she's kind of a drunk, and when she drinks too much her plans go off the rails, and then she has to fabricate even weirder stories to make her business plan work. Like how she and LisaV were "having fun" on that damn boat. And how LIsa R somehow assaulted HER with the glass, even though they had no problems at that point. And she will always pull out the children card when things really go off the rails. She must be scared shitless of Yolanda leaving the show, because she knows Kim is a trainwreck. She doesn't like Kim, and will punt her to the curb as soon as she can. She really needs Yolanda, and must be sweating being left with just Kim in her corner. Especially since Kim will turn on her at the drop of a hat. Good luck there, Brandi!

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I think we might be giving Brandi too much credit here. I don't think she even knows why she's done what she's done and for what end. Personally I think she's too impulsive, scattered, and jealous, which just makes her do whatever, whenever, however she can. We know she holds grudges, both real and imagined (which she's continually picking up new ones) and it seems like she can pay attention for only so long to make plans, and then the rest is thrown at the wall, as it comes to her in the moment, to see what sticks.

I think you're right, and as I was typing my theory, I was thinking she probably does most of it subconsciously. But after her breaking-the-fourth-wall admission that she brings "conflict" to the show, it has to start somewhere, so she probably figures out who is rubbing her the wrong way, and then just takes it from there. After all, how else to explain how she treated Joyce? And certainly what she did to Adrienne was premeditated.

ETA: Katesus7 brings up an important missed point - her drunkenness. Whether she's acting consciously or subconsciously, the alcohol usually gets in the way and screws things up. Then she's constantly spinning her wheels, doing damage control over things she said and did while drunk (the wine toss, the slap, etc...)

Edited by LotusFlower
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If you're going to wear the six inch wedge on crutches, you're going to get snarked.  That's what it is.  Even Kyle said that she'd probably wear a high heel on crutches   and knew she would be snarked.  It was also the trashy look and add to that, as ZM brought up, her relationship with Cedric.  It was too easy.  And as I stated before, most of you, IMO, would have snarked too.  Hey, that's what being the new girl and making certain choices regarding your dress and appearance.  Is it right?  Probably not.  But we're all human and heck, Brandi isn't all innocent either.  Girl wanted to be 'talked' about and 'looked' at. It goes both ways.


I think why Brandi 'hates' Kyles is for a few reasons.  She didn't like game night.  She was team Lisa V when Lisa and Kyle had a falling out plus it promoted her to Lisa's BFF.  Then she figured out that Lisa was using her to a certain extent (making her meet with Sheana so promote Vanderpump Rules) and to do other dirty work.  The icing on the cake was Lisa starting to reconcile with Kyle.  She was 'replaced'.  Plus, she found out that going after Lisa was a losing battle with the fans.  She lied and 'won' with Adrienne.  Lisa wasn't working out as well.  Brandi needs someone to go after.  It makes her feel relevant.  What other choices did she have this season.  She found out quickly that Eileen was too smart and Rinna was already friends with Kyle and Lisa.  Joyce was gone.  Kyle was the best choice being that Kyle was always controversial with viewers.  So, she made friends with Kim (and no way was that for six months prior to filming since she was doing CA).  I don't think she expected for Kyle and Lisa to reconcile either.   Add to that, Kim came out of the shadows and showed her true self more than she ever did in the past. 


I think Brandi thought she could reconcile with Lisa but Lisa was done.  Brandi just continued to slide down a slippery slope all season.  She lost.  And we all got to see how pathetic she is.  I also think that she was shocked that most viewers sided with Kyle.  Welcome to reality Brandi.  Just about everyone has gotten your number.

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Brandi entered the show on crutches and everyone snickered at her one high heel, and I probably would have done the same. Hiding the crutches, however, brought their actions into the Mean Girls category, where they've stayed for a long while. But Brandi's not holding a grudge, as evidenced by her alliance with Kim. In my view, her hatred towards Kyle is fueled by a few things: jealousy over Kyle's friendship with Lisa V., jealousy over Kyle's happy marriage and successful, happy life, and most of all - necessity. As Brandi herself admitted, she doesn't have the lifestyle or the home life to belong on this show, so she needs to bring conflict to the table in order to keep her job. And yes, she desperately needs and wants this job.

She set her sights on Kyle not only because there already was no love lost there, but through process of elimination - who else was there? And with Kim on her side, so needy and easily manipulated it was a master plan. It all worked, too. But she didn't count on viewers turning on her or the much more sympathetic, pro-Kyle slant of this season. That would explain her repeated statements that everyone will be on her side, aghast at "what Kyle did," she'll be vindicated, etc., etc... I think she's genuinely surprised at how things turned out.

I am not convinced Brandi is using/manipulating Kim or if Kim is using/manipulating Brandi! LOL They are both users and I would not put it past either to use the other while not really caring about them!

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Andy should have looked that crazy bitch in the eye and said 'did I go too far? Well I'm sorry...so we're good'.


Standing O!!! Yay!  I wish he would have done anything besides just sit there and look and act apologetic. I wanted him to tell her she was free to go at any time, the sooner the better!

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I am not convinced Brandi is using/manipulating Kim or if Kim is using/manipulating Brandi! LOL They are both users and I would not put it past either to use the other while not really caring about them!

They're both definitely using each other. Do they seem like they would ever be friends? Cuz they don't to me. Look how out of place Kim looked at Brandi's house with all her other friends at the LeAnn/Eddie TV show viewing party. Or how awkward Brandi looks in so many situations with the ladies. Kim hated Brandi for calling her a meth head, and Brandi hated Kim for her supposed mean-girl antics towards her, and yet now they're supposedly friends. They latched on to each other this season for only one reason - they had no one else. They probably didn't say a word to each other before filming started, and likely haven't said a word since. TV friends! a/k/a fake.

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I don't care enough about Brandi and Kyle to wonder why they hate each other.


To snark about someone without them knowing is one thing.  Pointing and laughing and acting like a group of dumb ass mean girls while the one you're snarking about is sitting alone and listening, is another.  I hate that shit.  


I taught kindergarten and saw 5 year old girls pull that crap. To see it in women in their 40s and 50s is a sad commentary on them - not the one they're talking about.  And they were snarking about a shoe.  LOL.  A shoe.

Don't forget Brandi came into this group with Cedric as her gay BFF.  Kyle and Lisa were close as was the rest of the cast.  So there was more to it than making fun of her dress that was more of a blouse and crutching around on a five inch heel.  it was her allegiance to Cedric.


So the shoe was very secondary.  By the time she had been around the group a second time she insulted Dana by saying her fiancé was cheating on her.  She then had the nerve to show up at her house at complain about the initial treatment she received by KIM.

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They're both definitely using each other. Do they seem like they would ever be friends? Cuz they don't to me. Look how out of place Kim looked at Brandi's house with all her other friends at the LeAnn/Eddie TV show viewing party. Or how awkward Brandi looks in so many situations with the ladies. Kim hated Brandi for calling her a meth head, and Brandi hated Kim for her supposed mean-girl antics towards her, and yet now they're supposedly friends. They latched on to each other this season for only one reason - they had no one else. They probably didn't say a word to each other before filming started, and likely haven't said a word since. TV friends! a/k/a fake.

Brandi knew Kim needed someone who would buy her nonsense.  Brandi was happy to oblige until Kim demanded too much and then she outed her to Lisar.

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Whichever person used the term "users" first gets my vote.  I think I used the same term about two years ago when describing all of Hollywood and the BH women in particular.  Each one of them is out for the best she can get, and if that means using the others to accomplish their varied goals, then so much the better (in their eyes).  It's also a little bit like that square dancing call to "do-si-do."  They dance with their chosen partner for a while, then shift to another, and after that, they keep on shifting from one to the other, depending on how it suits them.  Who knows, from one day to the next, who will be a true friend, and who won't?  These women have back stabbing down to an art form.  They learn from the others during their first season on the show, and they're expected to have accomplished it by their second season. 


I want to meet the first thoroughly decent HW, who refuses to play the game.  I have high hopes for Eileen, but I've had hopes in the past, only to see them dashed.  Eventually, they all play the same game.  I put Yolanda in a special category, much more decent than the others, but too ill, I'm afraid, to have the strength to clash with anyone.  My hitch with Yolanda comes when I see Gigi's photos.  While I don't react with shock or recoil in horror, I notice that the majority of them are Gigi nearly nude, while her mother raves.  If this is Yolanda's view of the perfect daughter/model, I have a few question marks.  Yolanda seems like a wonderful mother who adores her children, so maybe she's simply a little more progressive/liberal than I am.  I would be uncomfortable seeing my daughter displaying quite that much, especially in her teen years.


So they go on, using each other for good or for ill, mostly the latter.  But one of these days, someone truly decent is going to slip through the interview process and turn this show on its ear.  I keep thinking I'm  going to quit this show, but I want to be around when that happens!  In the meantime, I keep reminding myself not to use the f-word that's drilling itself into my consciousness every week!  When I start slinging that one around, it really will be time to quit!

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Like, [brandi] researches the other HW and their families to get dirt on them but doesn't seem to know what to do with it other than clumsily throw it out there during conversations.  When she gets questioned on it, she starts screeching and crying, plays dumb or innocent, goes into deflection mode or makes threats.  She doesn't seem to ever have a fully formed plan of attack and an end goal.  IMO.  Maybe she does but I don't think I've seen her act on it.  

If her podcast fails, she can get a job writing ads for politicians during election season.


My hitch with Yolanda comes when I see Gigi's photos.  While I don't react with shock or recoil in horror, I notice that the majority of them are Gigi nearly nude, while her mother raves.  If this is Yolanda's view of the perfect daughter/model, I have a few question marks.  Yolanda seems like a wonderful mother who adores her children, so maybe she's simply a little more progressive/liberal than I am.  I would be uncomfortable seeing my daughter displaying quite that much, especially in her teen years.

I think Europeans are much more comfortable with nudity in the media than we are.  I'm more grossed out by the encouraged starvation aspect of modeling (birthday cake, anyone?  A well-chewed almond?).

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Sorry but huh? Maybe I dreamed it but was it not you who posted yesterday:

(Checks 1 page back) Nope-- I didn't dream it.

I can't begin to figure out how you've determined all of the above. My takeaway: if, as you said yesterday, Kyle has known who Brandi is from the get go and then allowed herself to be manipulated with the phone allegedly being dead, and poker night alienation, and something about Bella's DUI, and Brandi's machinations here, there and everywhere -- then what I have long suspected is true: Kyle is unequivocally one of the dumbest women ever to grace a HWs franchise.

And I am agog.

I don't see any inconsistency in my statements or why you are confused or thought you were dreaming.  They all knew Brandi was putting herself out there to be the BFF of Lisa's nemesis Cedric and after a blow up with Brandi Season 2, Game Night, Kyle had been nice-ish.  I just think Kyle never fully trusted her not making her stupid or dumb just amiable.  I think once Brandi pulled the Poker Night stunt, Kyle no longer wanted anything to do with her.  Hard to invite someone when they crash your party. Kyle has always forgiven and moved on and did this with Brandi a time or two.   

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Whichever person used the term "users" first gets my vote.  I think I used the same term about two years ago when describing all of Hollywood and the BH women in particular.  Each one of them is out for the best she can get, and if that means using the others to accomplish their varied goals, then so much the better (in their eyes).  It's also a little bit like that square dancing call to "do-si-do."  They dance with their chosen partner for a while, then shift to another, and after that, they keep on shifting from one to the other, depending on how it suits them.  Who knows, from one day to the next, who will be a true friend, and who won't?  These women have back stabbing down to an art form.  They learn from the others during their first season on the show, and they're expected to have accomplished it by their second season. 


I want to meet the first thoroughly decent HW, who refuses to play the game.  I have high hopes for Eileen, but I've had hopes in the past, only to see them dashed.  Eventually, they all play the same game.  I put Yolanda in a special category, much more decent than the others, but too ill, I'm afraid, to have the strength to clash with anyone.  My hitch with Yolanda comes when I see Gigi's photos.  While I don't react with shock or recoil in horror, I notice that the majority of them are Gigi nearly nude, while her mother raves.  If this is Yolanda's view of the perfect daughter/model, I have a few question marks.  Yolanda seems like a wonderful mother who adores her children, so maybe she's simply a little more progressive/liberal than I am.  I would be uncomfortable seeing my daughter displaying quite that much, especially in her teen years.


So they go on, using each other for good or for ill, mostly the latter.  But one of these days, someone truly decent is going to slip through the interview process and turn this show on its ear.  I keep thinking I'm  going to quit this show, but I want to be around when that happens!  In the meantime, I keep reminding myself not to use the f-word that's drilling itself into my consciousness every week!  When I start slinging that one around, it really will be time to quit!

I initially thought Yolanda was different as well then Paris happened. Her game with saying 1 thing to LisaV and then another behind her back to Kim/Kyle showed a game side that was no different than the others. By the time last seasons finale/reunion came around with her calling LisaV a "Hollywood" friend and her accusations of "assault" against Ken showed that Yolanda was could be just as petty as the rest if not more so at times (the assault claim/lie) while pretending to be above it all and never admitting to her faults/game plan. IMO, she has 1 standard for others while a completely different standard for herself. JMO

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I'm extremely biased, but I don't think Brandi gives a rat's ass about anyone on this show.


I think she wanted to be pals with Lisa VP because Brandi felt a friendship with Lisa VP would guarantee her always having a spot on the show and job security.


Then when Brandi's public shenanigans (i.e., Tampon Gate) began to impact the friendship and Lisa VP began to back off, Brandi decided to turn her misfiring "truth cannon" on her for revenge.  Not because she really wanted the "friendship" back, but because she wanted the job security she felt that friendship represented.


Since she had ostracized everybody else, she decided to buddy it up with Kim and figured she could get some viewer sympathy for being pals with misfit Kim.


Oops, another miscalculation since a vast amount of viewers have turned against Kim this season.


And Kim is a bottomless pit of narcissistic needs and demands that Brandi didn't anticipate and is ill equipped to handle (particularly since I don't believe she has a single fuck to give about Kim but has to play out her new "friendship" until she sees if Bravo invites her back...if Bravo doesn't, I totally see Brandi shutting down any contact with Kim).  


I don't think there's anyone left on the show for Brandi to use as a lifeboat now.


The degree to which she has alienated every single woman on the show (except the equally - or perhaps more - nasty Kim) is astounding.


Even if they brought in a new woman or two, Brandi's reputation precedes her to such a degree (particularly after this season) that no one with the intelligence of a doorknob would ever entertaining getting close enough to her to allow her venomous wrath.


Maybe I'm being way too optimistic, but I think Bravo will be done with Brandi after this season.  


Lisa R has proven she can bring drama and is willing to bring it while still bringing other story lines as well.


Brandi brought absolutely nothing but conflict this season in an effort to hold onto her contract.  


Neither did Kim.


And I personally find their proclamations (particularly in the limo after poker night) of mutual love and admiration rather stomach-turning. 


I've been drunk as hell around my really close friends and on no occasion did I ever start groping them and telling them how perfect they were or how beautiful they were or how much I loved them.


That entire exchange was just completely nausea-inducing to me.


It didn't look like "friendship" to me.  It looked two drunks enabling and reassuring one another about their mutual fabulousness.  Ugh. 


If one or the other is not brought back to the show, Kim may have to find another BFF to whom to make those 2 am phone calls.


As vile as Kim has shown herself to be this season, I'm having great difficulty believing she has other friends she could call with her bullshit.


Unless she continues to be a life preserver for Brandi to cling to in order to stay on the show, I think she'll be done with Kim quicker than she can say YOU STOLE MY GODDAMNED HOUSE!!!

Edited by Persnickety1
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Rewatching ...I did read that article that the Dr wrote regarding Yolanda (for some reason I can't explain I do have a soft spot for her) and I have to agree with the Dr.

She really needs to reassess her "treatment" and find out what is really going on. I just don't think its Lyme. Just my own hunch. I think its some autoimmune issue but not Lyme. She did look like she was really struggling tonight. I hope she gets well.


It's too bad she seemed to misunderstand his intent. She thought he was saying that she wasn't sick, and of course, that wasn't what he said at all. I've been really skeptical of the treatments she is using/getting and I wish she would get a second opinion.

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Don't forget Brandi came into this group with Cedric as her gay BFF.  Kyle and Lisa were close as was the rest of the cast.  So there was more to it than making fun of her dress that was more of a blouse and crutching around on a five inch heel.  it was her allegiance to Cedric.


Makes no difference to me.  Brandi has given them plenty to dislike about her.  At that point, she was a stranger to Kyle and her posse.  They were just doing what bitches do.  Their behavior was indefensible, especially for grown women.  That grown women or even 5 year olds think that's okay is horrible.  Mean people suck at any age.  Actually mean people aren't the problem.  It's the ones who pretend to be nice are the ones that suck, Kyle. LisaR and LisaV.  You've gotta become friends first and then wrong them before it becomes apparent they were bitches all along.  No, strike that, you can be a stranger and some of them will still be a bitch to you. 

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I think she wanted to be pals with Lisa VP because Brandi felt a friendship with Lisa VP would guarantee her always having a spot on the show and job security.

I pretty much agree with everything you posted but I would like to add TWO jobs to this. I think she had convinced herself that she would get a regular spot on Vanderpump Rules, as well as Housewives. Edited by MissMel
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I remember when Brandi first appeared and she was on crutches but I thought she was wearing wedges, albeit high wedges not stiletto's.

That's the way I remember it as well.  And they were very high ones.  Looked ridiculous with the crutches.

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I remember when Brandi first appeared and she was on crutches but I thought she was wearing wedges, albeit high wedges not stiletto's.

Here is what a review had to say at the time.  The women are called out for being mean girls.  I hate to say it but Eddie Cibrian is an actor, just the same as Kim Richards, Eileen Davidson, Lisa Rinna he is not an actor with quotes around it.  http://poponthepop.com/2011/09/28/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-brandi-glanville-is-here/


I think the shoe looks like a platform but more importantly isn't that a walking cast? 


ETA as I recall the off the strapless dress was about blouse length.  It appears from this article Taylor was not spared Lisa's tongue.

Edited by zoeysmom
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That's the way I remember it as well.  And they were very high ones.  Looked ridiculous with the crutches.


I agree.  Yet, no more ridiculous than stilettos on cobblestone streets, high wedges or fake eyelashes on a beach, black tights with open toed shoes...these women are ridiculous.  But they will only point and laugh if the one exhibiting the ridiculous behavior isn't a member of their posse.  Entertaining to watch but sad for humanity.  And our daughters. 


Brandi and Kim are horrible during the reunion.  I can't imagine saying the things they are.  But neither can I imagine acting like the others, either.  No matter if the others feel K & B deserve this, it surprises me that the others believe their own families don't deserve better than what they themselves are showing. 


If LisaR or Kim's or Kyle's or Yo's daughters are watching this and saying, "Yeah, mom...way to go.  Let those motherfuckers have it"....well....I weep.  LOL

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I pretty much agree with everything you posted but I would like to add TWO jobs to this. I think she had convinced herself that she would get a regular spot on Vanderpump Rules, as well as Housewives.

& Unlimited Quantity/Flowing Champagne/Wine @ Villa Blanca [Not SUR] & PUMP crazy.gif

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I agree.  Yet, no more ridiculous than stilettos on cobblestone streets, high wedges or fake eyelashes on a beach, black tights with open toed shoes...these women are ridiculous. 


And Bump-Its. I forgot Bump-Its.


Now, why hasn't Kyle pointed that bony finger at LisaV and guffawed in that over the top, Tom Cruise way that she has?  Because you know she wants to.  And probably has.  But unlike the way she did Brandi, she does it behind Lisa's back.  But when Lisa showed up to the reunion, you know Kyle was likely all double air kiss and "You look gorgeous". 

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Thanks for the Lyme Disease correction. 


Kim does not own the home.

Kay is 80 something and has Medi-care and maybe a co-insurance.  Her bite did not require surgery.

Kay's attorney sued Kim and Evolution Media and the complaint was filed in federal court and is asking for far more than medical bills.  Kim knows why she is being sued and apparently evaded service 10 times.


The owners of the property have not been named in the suit.  Essentially, the plaintiff is trying to get Evolution Media/Bravo to pony up.  of course there are DOe defendants.

Thank you for the addt'l info ZM! You're awesome! I wonder if Medicare / related supplements recover... I would hope they do.

I also wish the dog bites would get her evicted. Something to hold her accountable.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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I also wish the dog bites would get her evicted. Something to hold her accountable.


Nah, Kim would just use that to paint herself the victim again.  Poor misunderstood Kingsley and all the mean landlords who don't understand Kim's 100% PAIN.

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LisaV:  "Who is that?"


Kyle, giving Brandi the up 'n' down and sneering:  "I dunno.  She's tall."  


If I could screen cap that face and/or gif that sequence I would.  Because for me, those 3 seconds - immediately before and immediately after - sum up all that is mean and insecure about Kyle. 


In my mind, the second after that, she cast her eyes around looking for Maurice to see if he was oogling what just walked in the door.

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This video just reminds me of how much better Lisa VP looks with a modern haircut and the more natural makeup. Big difference!

Kyle's just being a snob, but that is not big news watching a show titled the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! She reminds me of Vicki in this scene, sizing up whether the new girl will be wanted on "her team."

Edited by IKnowRight
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Nobody seems to have mentioned one of the weirdest moments of the reunion, at least in my eyes.  The reunion had barely begun when Lisa R. jumped out of her seat and did the shimmy, grinding her body like there was some unseen band rocking in her head.  What was that all about?  I know it was for camera time, but bedsides that, what got into Lisa?  Sometimes, it seems she'll stop at nothing to get attention.


Observation about the Richards sisters: Both of them, especially Kyle, used to stroke their long hair like it was some dead animal that soothed them.  As more and more people started talking about Kyle, it appears that she's stopped the irritating habit, at least on this show.  Her hair was done differently, which might have had something to do with it.  BUT ... Kim has taken up the habit full steam ahead!  She stroked those blonde falls from the scalp to the ends over and over again.  I wanted to slap her wrists. What's up with those two?  Are they stroking because: 1)it's a nervous habit, 2) they're trying to draw attention to their beautiful locks, or 3) is this indicative of unsatisfying sex lives?


Finally, did anyone else think that something was amiss with Lisa VP?  Her face looked unusually thin, and she made strange expressions with her lips/mouth.  I thought maybe she'd had dental surgery or something like that.  She also looked older than she's ever looked to me.  I couldn't figure it out.

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If I could screen cap that face and/or gif that sequence I would.  Because for me, those 3 seconds - immediately before and immediately after - sum up all that is mean and insecure about Kyle. 


In my mind, the second after that, she cast her eyes around looking for Maurice to see if he was oogling what just walked in the door.

Hysterical. The expression on her mug demonstrates conclusively why that site has dubbed Kyle "Hagface".

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Brandi entered the show on crutches and everyone snickered at her one high heel, and I probably would have done the same. Hiding the crutches, however, brought their actions into the Mean Girls category, where they've stayed for a long while.



Kim hid the crutches on her own -- I remember Kyle kind of flinched when she found out, and was embarrassed.  However, it took place after the infamous finger pointing screaming duet they did, which was absolutely mean girls.  I still think they were channeling their mother, because that ish was scary, and they both did it in unison and almost reflex-ly.

Now, why hasn't Kyle pointed that bony finger at LisaV and guffawed in that over the top, Tom Cruise way that she has?  Because you know she wants to.  And probably has.  But unlike the way she did Brandi, she does it behind Lisa's back.




As Kathy Griffin points out “it’s called manners.”  Though to be fair, she did snark on Lisa V’s Dancing with the Stars “faint.”


I saw a bit of a clip show of RHBH this weekend and one of the clips was the scene when they’re checking into the hotel in Amsterdam.  And damn, Kim’s hair looked amazing.  Kyle-level good.  I don’t know what she does to fry it up before usual shoots, but assuming she didn’t shower and condition between a 12 hour flight and checking into the hotel, she should leave well enough alone.

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Nobody seems to have mentioned one of the weirdest moments of the reunion, at least in my eyes.  The reunion had barely begun when Lisa R. jumped out of her seat and did the shimmy, grinding her body like there was some unseen band rocking in her head.  What was that all about?  I know it was for camera time, but bedsides that, what got into Lisa?  Sometimes, it seems she'll stop at nothing to get attention.


Observation about the Richards sisters: Both of them, especially Kyle, used to stroke their long hair like it was some dead animal that soothed them.  As more and more people started talking about Kyle, it appears that she's stopped the irritating habit, at least on this show.  Her hair was done differently, which might have had something to do with it.  BUT ... Kim has taken up the habit full steam ahead!  She stroked those blonde falls from the scalp to the ends over and over again.  I wanted to slap her wrists. What's up with those two?  Are they stroking because: 1)it's a nervous habit, 2) they're trying to draw attention to their beautiful locks, or 3) is this indicative of unsatisfying sex lives?


Finally, did anyone else think that something was amiss with Lisa VP?  Her face looked unusually thin, and she made strange expressions with her lips/mouth.  I thought maybe she'd had dental surgery or something like that.  She also looked older than she's ever looked to me.  I couldn't figure it out.

Re: the hair, it's just a nervous habit. I twirl the ends of my hair when I'm nervous or anxious. It drives me crazy once I realize I'm doing it and I try to stop myself. When I see other people do it, it looks odd, so I get it. Well, I don't drink or do drugs, so if someone hates the habit, oh well. It's not a big deal. I would rather see Kim touch her hair than smoke cigarettes or something else to calm her nerves. I imagine for both Kyle & Kim it's the anxiety from the reunion. Brandi pops Xanax, not as healthy of a habit as well as more expensive!!

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TrashTalkTv's awesomely mega-harsh recap of reunion ep. 1.  With Ronnie K's recaps there are never any winners and he never runs out of ways to describe the variety of enhancements.  He is no bullshit, sees Kim's obvious dysfunction and cruelty and is all-of-the-obscenities, all-the-time, so I'm a Ronnie K stan, not a Brian Moylan stan.


The recap includes the line, "Housewives shows are the only things I have ever really studied and it’s about time to cash in."  We are not alone in taking this stuff to heart!   (His take on l'affaire Chub-Chubs is also freaking priceless.)



Edited by Midnight Cheese
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TrashTalkTv's awesomely mega-harsh recap of reunion ep. 1.  With Ronnie K's recaps there are never any winners and he never runs out of ways to describe the variety of enhancements.  He is no bullshit, sees Kim's obvious dysfunction and cruelty and is all-of-the-obscenities, all-the-time, so I'm a Ronnie K stan, not a Brian Moylan stan.


The recap includes the line, "Housewives shows are the only things I have ever really studied and it’s about time to cash in."  We are not alone in taking this stuff to heart!   (His take on l'affaire Chub-Chubs is also freaking priceless.)



Thank you-his recaps are my guilty pleasure as long as he doesn't talk about Kyle's back fat-it gets old after awhile.


I thought the part about Yolanda telling everyone she is better than everything else was pretty funny too.

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TrashTalkTv's awesomely mega-harsh recap of reunion ep. 1. With Ronnie K's recaps there are never any winners and he never runs out of ways to describe the variety of enhancements. He is no bullshit, sees Kim's obvious dysfunction and cruelty and is all-of-the-obscenities, all-the-time, so I'm a Ronnie K stan, not a Brian Moylan stan.

The recap includes the line, "Housewives shows are the only things I have ever really studied and it’s about time to cash in." We are not alone in taking this stuff to heart! (His take on l'affaire Chub-Chubs is also freaking priceless.)


Thanks for the link! I do love how TTTV is usually equal opportunity snark. The polar opposite of Ilana Angel from the Jewish Journal blog who has to be the most biased of them all....LOVE Ronni K, hilarious. TTTV is entertaining and they snark on everyone. It's easy to see bias at some of these various website blogs and online tabloids, such as Radar Online.

One point of disagreement though. Lyme disease is a dangerous disease if not diagnosed and treated quickly. Giving the audience the impression it's a minor problem is not cool. While we can debate if Yo is employing proper protocol to cure her disease is a different story. It's a serious problem.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Nobody seems to have mentioned one of the weirdest moments of the reunion, at least in my eyes.  The reunion had barely begun when Lisa R. jumped out of her seat and did the shimmy, grinding her body like there was some unseen band rocking in her head.  What was that all about?  I know it was for camera time, but bedsides that, what got into Lisa?  Sometimes, it seems she'll stop at nothing to get attention.


Observation about the Richards sisters: Both of them, especially Kyle, used to stroke their long hair like it was some dead animal that soothed them.  As more and more people started talking about Kyle, it appears that she's stopped the irritating habit, at least on this show.  Her hair was done differently, which might have had something to do with it.  BUT ... Kim has taken up the habit full steam ahead!  She stroked those blonde falls from the scalp to the ends over and over again.  I wanted to slap her wrists. What's up with those two?  Are they stroking because: 1)it's a nervous habit, 2) they're trying to draw attention to their beautiful locks, or 3) is this indicative of unsatisfying sex lives?


Finally, did anyone else think that something was amiss with Lisa VP?  Her face looked unusually thin, and she made strange expressions with her lips/mouth.  I thought maybe she'd had dental surgery or something like that.  She also looked older than she's ever looked to me.  I couldn't figure it out.

IMO, LisaR was trying to get Brandi to hear her, she was telling Brandi that in her mind, Brandi's, anyone that says "mom/mother" in a sentence about her behavior she automatically says they are attacking her kids yet she sees/has no problem doing it to the other HWs and thinks their families are fair game, hence the "Double Standard" comment. Just saying it was not getting through to Brandi because she kept interrupting them, so she stood up to get her full attention.


I think playing with their hair is a nervous tick. Kim has been doing it from day 1 as well. LOL


I think LisaV is tired of the garbage from Brandi, very tired of it. JMO

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Thanks Breezy.  It also show the trepidation and maybe one of the reasons Adrienne and Lisa had a falling out.  Cedric + Brandi = disloyalty.

Adrienne + Bernie + Cedric + Brandi = disloyalty++++++++++

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Nobody seems to have mentioned one of the weirdest moments of the reunion, at least in my eyes.  The reunion had barely begun when Lisa R. jumped out of her seat and did the shimmy, grinding her body like there was some unseen band rocking in her head.  What was that all about?  I know it was for camera time, but bedsides that, what got into Lisa?  Sometimes, it seems she'll stop at nothing to get attention.


Observation about the Richards sisters: Both of them, especially Kyle, used to stroke their long hair like it was some dead animal that soothed them.  As more and more people started talking about Kyle, it appears that she's stopped the irritating habit, at least on this show.  Her hair was done differently, which might have had something to do with it.  BUT ... Kim has taken up the habit full steam ahead!  She stroked those blonde falls from the scalp to the ends over and over again.  I wanted to slap her wrists. What's up with those two?  Are they stroking because: 1)it's a nervous habit, 2) they're trying to draw attention to their beautiful locks, or 3) is this indicative of unsatisfying sex lives?


Finally, did anyone else think that something was amiss with Lisa VP?  Her face looked unusually thin, and she made strange expressions with her lips/mouth.  I thought maybe she'd had dental surgery or something like that.  She also looked older than she's ever looked to me.  I couldn't figure it out.


Lisa R standing up: She was telling Brandi what a hypocrite she was, dancing for emphasis. I thought it was funny.


Stroking the hair: I have noticed a lot of people, on all reality shows do that and it drives me crazy. I attribute it hair extensions. I have longish hair and when I'm at home its in a ponytail, when I'm in public I rarely touch it, only if I need to get it out of my face.

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Lisa R standing up: She was telling Brandi what a hypocrite she was, dancing for emphasis. I thought it was funny.


Stroking the hair: I have noticed a lot of people, on all reality shows do that and it drives me crazy. I attribute it hair extensions. I have longish hair and when I'm at home its in a ponytail, when I'm in public I rarely touch it, only if I need to get it out of my face.

Yes, it was about  LR saying you said shit about me and I said shit about you, calm the fuck down!

Brandi needs to shut the fuck about her boys.  Come on really? If she had any concern about her boys , she would rethink her damn life.

Edited by imjagain
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Kyle and Lisa V have sized each other up, knows what the other is capable of, and has a good idea what the other is guilty of. Perfect for a Hollywood Reality TV friendship. For now they have called a truce to unite against a common enemy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing. I see it for what it is.


Exactly. I thought Brandi's one good point at the reunion - and one I have thought about - is when she reminded everyone the nasty things Lisa V. said about Kyle  being friends with people simply so Mauricio could get the house listing. Kyle and Lisa both said some pretty nasty things about each other - let's not forget Kyle's smug, "I know exactly who Lisa is and I know she's never going to change" - and yet now they are somehow back to being besties? The reality is that they are now bonded against a common enemy. Once Brandi leaves, we'll see how long it takes before they're back to their old stalemate ways of "Darling, I was simply joking!" and "Lisa will never let go of her grudge!"

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Gosh - stroking the hair.  It's a habit.  I've seen my daughter do it at times.  There's so many things that we do as 'habit' and we don't realize we're doing it.  I think if we were all filmed and got to really look as ourselves as presented to other people, we'd all pick up on things we do but hadn't realized we were doing it.

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I just rewatched and I noticed something gross about Brandi.  Her face, her dress, the color and texture of her skin--it's all like a walking mound of Silly Putty.  


If we stick Brandi to the funny pages, will she have newsprint on her face?

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Exactly. I thought Brandi's one good point at the reunion - and one I have thought about - is when she reminded everyone the nasty things Lisa V. said about Kyle  being friends with people simply so Mauricio could get the house listing. Kyle and Lisa both said some pretty nasty things about each other - let's not forget Kyle's smug, "I know exactly who Lisa is and I know she's never going to change" - and yet now they are somehow back to being besties? The reality is that they are now bonded against a common enemy. Once Brandi leaves, we'll see how long it takes before they're back to their old stalemate ways of "Darling, I was simply joking!" and "Lisa will never let go of her grudge!"

It is times like those that I feel for Brandi-she doesn't get it when it comes to Lisa V.  Ken and Lisa before Paris sat around Todd Manor and decided Kyle needed a lesson for failing to defend Lisa.  Kyle didn't bend, it caused her a lot of humiliation and got worse as the season progressed but Kyle did stand her ground.  By Season 4, even though they had made up, Lisa V., had committed some pretty indefensible acts and words towards Kyle.  By then Lisa V., was kind of the odd man out but Kyle's issues with her were over the comments about Mauricio and befriending people only to get listings and the comments about the tabloid allegations.  When faced with it Lisa V., apologized albeit begrudgingly for the comments.  When Lisa was asked what she wanted from Kyle she said, "nothing," and the grudge match was over.


Brandi who really only had the silly Scheana situation, will not let it go.  Scheana was part of LvP other show's cast.  Scheana took a boatload of crap from the other dipshits on the cast who called her a home wrecker-even though it was something that had happened five years earlier and had zero to do with the break up of Brandi and Eddie's marriage.  Lisa V., said she should not have had Scheana at her home and Brandi still to this day will not let it go.  Lisa conceded Brandi's point and yet Brandi feels she has the right to run Scheana off the airways.  Ken and Lisa are standing behind Scheana and her right to work for them and make money off her on Vanderpump Rules .


So for Brandi to now complain  that it is somehow unfair to her that Lisa and Kyle are friends is ludicrous.  Brandi smoked any chance of a returning friendship with Lisa when she refused to budge from the Scheana issue.  We see the same thing in Brandi's treatment of Eileen because Brandi feels Eileen and Vince had an affair no one should ever forgive her and never stops to think that maybe the kids are better off with the women getting along.  Instead Brandi wants to reopen old wounds and throw salt in them.


I think LvP and Kyle are friends because they like each other and realized they can make money together being friends.  Ratings were down Season 3 and 4 when Brandi became a full timer.  Lisa and Kyle know each other well enough by now to respect each others' boundaries.  If Rinna does one of her turnabouts with another, "I love you" to Kim and/or Brandi I see a big divide next year with the group .

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Gosh - stroking the hair.  It's a habit.  I've seen my daughter do it at times.  There's so many things that we do as 'habit' and we don't realize we're doing it.  I think if we were all filmed and got to really look as ourselves as presented to other people, we'd all pick up on things we do but hadn't realized we were doing it.


I twirl my hair between my fingers BUT only when I'm alone or alone with my boyfriend. I DON'T do it out in public or in front of others. It looks silly. It's a tactile thing. My hair is baby fine and satiny slick. I like the way it feels.


Don't ever get me around a dog's ears or satin bindings on blankets. As a kid I would rub them in my sleep. My mama had to replace the bindings on my blankets several times and the dogs and cats were used to it.

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