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Craig Conover: Work Hard(ly), Party Harder

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Craig Conover, 25, a native of Fenwick Island, Delaware, is a hyperactive multi-tasker. As a third-year law student and law clerk to a prominent personal injury firm, he still lives an active social life and prioritizes a work-life balance. Conover rarely has any down time; one can find him either at work, the library, on the water or at a party enjoying everything Charleston has to offer.




Seems to this viewer Craig prioritizes a party-life balance! 

I love the name of this thread! So appropriate! 


It's so obvious that he values his role as a "Bravolebrity" over his career as a lawyer. Cameron said it best when she mentioned she had high hopes for him and was disappointed. I really hope his lackadaisical attitude about work is a fake storyline, for his employer's sake (and his too)!

It's so obvious that he values his role as a "Bravolebrity" over his career as a lawyer.



And apparently his potential to be a model. Not that I see any. He seems run-of-the-mill good-looking, like the Junior League would use him for their annual fashion show or maybe he could get a few local jobs in the Charleston area. 

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Maybe Craig should just pursue a modeling career. And I mean that sincerely, not in a snarky way. He's definitely not pursuing his law career in any serious way, at least not right now. And that's not doing himself or his employer any favors. So just let it go and be a great model. Maybe he can get serious and become a lawyer in a few years, when he's ready to be a bit more grown up about it.



Brought this from the Kathryn and T-Rav thread. ETA: no sorry, it was in the Raising the Roof thread.


If Craig is smart he'll study for and pass the bar first. I'm sure it's much easier when you're right out of law school and still in the habit of studying. After he passes, then he can run all over trying to get VIP status at clubs and a modeling career that extends beyond Charleston. He IS old for modeling, as someone else pointed out. Not too old yet, but his hard-partying lifestyle is going to ruin his looks sooner than later. Take your shot, Craig, but don't be surprised if you have to fall back on that law degree in a year or so.

Edited by RedHawk
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If I remember correctly, even John F. Kennedy Jr. didn't pass the bar after several tries. His sister did right off the bat. Of course, Craig is no JFK Jr, but maybe he thinks of himself that way.


I believe JFK Jr. had to take the Bar 3 times.  The difference is that JFK Jr. seemed to have ambition and to be driven.  Craig is missing that.  He wants to be popular.  That's all fine and good for your ambition when you're in junior high or high school but now?  He needs to quit worrying that he's going to miss out on something or that he's not going to be "popular."  

I believe JFK Jr. had to take the Bar 3 times.  The difference is that JFK Jr. seemed to have ambition and to be driven.  Craig is missing that.  He wants to be popular.  That's all fine and good for your ambition when you're in junior high or high school but now?  He needs to quit worrying that he's going to miss out on something or that he's not going to be "popular."  

And, not to be derogatory to SC at all, but the NY bar is notoriously hard to pass.  Having only taken the relatively easy (except the weird oil and gas section!) TX bar I don't have any specific knowledge of the difficulty level of the SC bar.  Whatever his friend was tossing at him last night, though, looked crazy!  It must have been bar prep material, not the actual test.

Craig said in a recent interview that he is taking the bar exam this July. I still think the Craig drama is just overblown hype (whaaaat?! On Bravo reality show??) for storyline purposes.

Definitely can see Craig or Thomas or Kathryn or Shep in rehab episode in the future, though. I love Charleston but it's tough on the liver.

I agree that I don't find him attractive, however, I "found" ambition once I started a certain job and could set my sights on something. Until then my jobs had been "just jobs". I guess Craig has mostly been a student or worked only in the family business. He won't coast long the way he's going. That lawyer he works for now is probably going to crack down and load him up once/if Craig passes the bar and can do the full legal work.

Edited by RedHawk

Oh poor Craig.

Even though he's an aimless pretty partyboy, he should've known better and at least shown up to work regularly and on time farrrr more than he apparently did---that was such a dumbass, unprofessional move. He already had gained a bad reputation as a hard partier by then...

My heart still went out to him though; I've been fired a few times from good jobs back in my hard-partying 20's, so I know how it feels to sit there and have your boss let you go, prefaced by said boss essentially telling you what a complete mess you are to your face. Kudos to him for holding himself together as well as he did though; I suppose the boss sipping a glass of wine with him helped ease the blow a bit...I never got that sort of gentlemanly treatment back when *I* was canned!

I did agree with his boss on his wasted potential though; with some maturity, some ease of the boozing and some professional polish, Craig has the potential to become an awesome lawyer. Too bad his work ethic and drive is so questionable.

Craig needs to strike while the iron is hot and parlay his time on this show into something of his own. A friend of mine is now selling his own line of moonshine, in different flavors, after appearing on Moonshiners for one season. He's making money by using his time on the show to market his product.

Maybe Craig could come out with a line of liquor shots. Craig's Party Shooters or something like that. Since he's the party boy who is often overserved. I could think of a really fun PR campaign for them.

Craig, are you reading this? Get busy, boy!! :)

As someone preparing for the July bar exam, I wonder if Craig is currently enrolled in a bar prep course and which it is. If his parents are paying for it, I imagine he's taking BarBri. Either way, so long as Craig can remain disciplined for the 70 or so days it takes to study for the exam, he should be fine. He should also be able to have some fun on Saturday nights, provided he's diligent about keeping up with his course the rest of the week. 


Shep also said that Craig went completely off the rails last summer.


There is a huge temptation to throw caution to the wind after the three years necessary for law school. It appears to me that Craig felt comfortable in his paralegal position at the firm and didn't feel any real pressure to pass the bar exam, and that's why he went off the rails. It sounds like losing his job at the firm has done wonders for his motivation. 

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Craig seems to have suffered from a combination of "Freedom!!" as well as that cockiness he seem to have.  He had a gazillion trophies in his childhood bedroom, and from what he says, he seems to breeze through schooling that others find challenging.  Then, he felt his clerical work at the law office was beneath him. It was like a perfect storm that resulted in what we've recently seen. 


I prefer struggling Craig much better.  He's much more humble and motivated.  I gather this is the Craig that the rest of the cast prefer and initially got to know, so this new Craig is a bit too much to deal with. 

I think we may have seen the last of Craig. He was obviously not making a whole lot of money from this show if his wallet was empty all the time and he couldn't afford the rent on his place. Plus, if he's serious about passing the bar, he's going to need to isolate himself and study. I think being back home with his parents is probably a good thing for him right now, and hopefully he'll once again be that over-achiever and get back on track.

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Seems like Craig just needs to get away from the whole Charleston scene and clear his head, by which I mean going off alcohol (and anything else) for a few months. Not sure if he can do that, but perhaps with the help/urging of his parents he will. I hope he has enough pride to watch this season, see that he doesn't come off looking very good, and want to prove himself better than the layabout rich boys he's playing with.


I'd like to see him get himself on track, pass the bar with flying colors, and get a good job in Charleston, if that's where he actually wants to be. Then he and Shep can resume their battle for the booty. Craig might just win.

  • Love 4

And, not to be derogatory to SC at all, but the NY bar is notoriously hard to pass.  Having only taken the relatively easy (except the weird oil and gas section!) TX bar I don't have any specific knowledge of the difficulty level of the SC bar.  Whatever his friend was tossing at him last night, though, looked crazy!  It must have been bar prep material, not the actual test.

SC is actually one of the easiest bars out there. People who flunk NC, VA, GA, FL often take SC as a last resort. 

I rewatched the episode where they go to Delaware and it sounds like during that dinner table discussion Whitney was hinting at substance abuse? Anyone else get that vibe?

Definitely. Which would also explain why he's broke all the time. 

I like Craig.  A lot.  People mature in different ways and at different times.   And, he's been really honest with himself and the viewers about what he likes, doesn't like, etc.  He's still working it all out, of course, but I think he's a good "kid".  My personal belief is that people really don't mature into what most consider adult behavior until their late 20's.


Anyway, I do think Craig will pull it out.  My prediction is that he'll take - and pass - the bar.  Do some more partying in SC and then one morning, he'll wake up and realize he's 30ish and that it's time to move on.


He's got a good support system - good family, good friends.  He's already shown us that he cares for them - and they him.  Craig is going to be just fine.


As to being a model - forget it. He's no where near good looking enough and as it was posted up-thread, he's far too old.  His living his 15 minutes and the sooner he realizes that, the better. He will.

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So I'm raising the old question: Has Craig taken the bar exam? The show was filmed last fall, so if he truly did apply as we saw him doing on the show, then he was applying for the South Carolina bar exam which was given in late February 2016. The results have been posted here (http://www.judicial.state.sc.us/bar/SABER_Feb_2016.pdf), and Craig Conover is not listed as passing. The names of those who failed are not listed, only their numbers, so we can't tell if he took it or not. I'm thinking that he took it and failed. No shame there as long as he buckles down and tries again.

I hope Andy asks him about it at the reunion. 

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Well, well, well.  The worm was turned in front of the entire world.  CC fiiiiiinally admitted what many of us already knew:  He was proscribed from becoming a lawyer.  Do you trust that it is solely due to failure to complete his JD?  I sure don't.

How on earth can Naomie now choose to stay with him?  He lied directly to her about why he quit the JD arrangement.  I'd be beyond shocked if he did not lie to her about having earned a JD, as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing his latest theory on how he, an alcoholic, can continue drinking by sticking to lower ABV (alcohol by volume) options.   He is a lizard's lizard.

I also note that fellow lizard TRav was encouraging of CC alone when he went after everyone else at the dinner.  That was super telling.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Craig was live tweeting a bit during the show last night. He was annoyed because the editors did not show a "cake fight" that apparently happened on the boat, and that they also left out that he and Thomas talked more about Thomas not saying goodbye to Kensie and Saint and then they "hugged it out". He said the show could be "one of the funniest on TV" yet the producers choose to leave out those lighter moments.

He also said the results for the Bar exam haven't been released yet.

Edited by RedHawk
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13 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

It's got to be weird that thousands of people are waiting to find out if you passed the bar just because you've lied about it on national TV. The results should be out this week or next.

No "celebrity" since John-John Kennedy has had his Bar results so widely anticipated by the general public!

And JFK Jr. failed the first two times.

Edited by RedHawk
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