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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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I have the people I root for, the people I think suck, and the people I think should drop off the face of the earth. I don't try to decide who these people are in their real life, I just accept and judge them for the famewhores on a "reality" show that they are. And it's marvelous.


That was my problem this season.  I had no one to root for because I thought they were all disingenuous.  Gotta have someone to like!  Yolanda I had sympathy for, Eileen I just didn't feel strongly about one way or the other.  All the rest were too wretched for words.

  • Love 4
I'm sure I'll be in the minority with this post but despite everything we know about Kim, she was making sense tonight.  She cut right to the chase and straight out asked LisaR what she said..........that's when the BS started to roll.



Kim's always together when she's telling everyone what she wants. Lisar was annoying when she just refused to say what she told Kyle, but when she was ready to tell her Kim was just "No, I don't want to talk to you now. Now I want to talk to Kyle." It's what she did in Amsterdam too, telling people what she wants like this means they must do it. I think if I had to deal with her I'd do the opposite just to remind her I don't care what she wants. When she's being entitled she needs no drugs! Lisar gave her the opening for that, though. Of course she preferred Kyle twisting in the wind while she went over to Brandi and said, "I know they're telling lies about you, buddy. Could you affirm for me that they're telling lies about you?" She's always steady and cold when condemning people.


I don't remember the exact words anybody used that might be repeated wrong but it seems like the basic idea Kim's denying is true: Brandi has been going around talking about how Kim's out of control to lots of people as much as Lisar has and whoever used the word "intervention" first Brandi totally started a conversation on Kim's problems with her. And others.


What's sad is in large part it comes down to what Kim said about how dare Lisar make a big deal out of "nothing"--it basically comes down to Kim publicly relapsing and hunting down anyone who doesn't deny it. The only thing she won't do to preserve her reputation is own any responsibility for her problems. I'm pretty sure somebody working the 12 steps would be reacting in the opposite way to Poker Night, but in Kim's world it's somehow become about people doing something to her.


Kim also gave Kyle her walking papers on the reunion.  She said they need therapy but that's it.  So Kyle listen it's over move on.



Kim gives Kyle her walking papers every other week. And never really seems to request her back. She just allows her to speak to her again when she's feeling generous. And Kyle grovels and demands acknowledgement that she never gets.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 16

I couldn't help but notice Kim wearing one of those awful fur vests as she came to the book signing with Nicky and Kathy.  I think she was surprised when the photographer told her to get out of the middle spot in the picture so Nicky could be in the middle.  Sorry, Kim.  The caption will be Nicky with her mother and aunt, not Kim with her sister and niece.


I really liked the scene of the Hamlins tearing down their swingset.  That felt authentic, despite it being filmed.

  • Love 6

Brandi needs psychiatric help. She's clearly a substance abuser but there is an underlying mental condition there. Bipolar? Borderline disorder? And as drunk or high as she appeared when she was talking to LisaV, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't squeeze out even a few tears. She sounded like she was crying, but unless she has the worst case of dry eye ever, it was just drunken play-acting. Moving on...

I'm so disappointed because I really liked Lisa Rinna before this show (and for the first four or five episodes this season). But now I just see a phony and a coward who values her Bravo paycheck more than the truth or long-time friendships (Kyle). I'm not normally a Kyle defender, but she had every right to believe that Lisar would confirm the story to Kim. The scene of the Hamlin family in their backyard felt like something that was added during editing to compensate for Kim's "reveal" about HH during the dinner from hell in Amsterdam. And Lisar also found a way to "casually" work HH into conversation : ("Was he f--king a dog?" or "He's playing a gay character...AGAIN. That's two in a ROW!") which only made Kim's crazy dinner theater look more legit - It appears Kim hit a real nerve and Lisar is running scared. I know HH always had serious objections to Lisa doing this show. I don't know why he ultimately relented, but his first instincts were obviously right. He should have stuck to his guns because now there are unsubstantiated rumors flying everywhere (many of which are probably much worse than the reality) and Lisar looks terrified, not to mention fake and untrustworthy. I was really excited about Lisar joining the cast but I DO NOT want to watch another season of her kissing Kim's ass (or trying to crawl up Brandi's, which is looking more and more likely).

Kim is a bully and a nasty, narsisstic piece of trash. Anyone who actually CHOOSES to be friends with her deserves whatever they get. Brandi and Kyle are made for each other but I have such difficulty understanding why Yolanda is friends with either of them. As the song from Sesame Street goes, "One of these things is not like the other..."

Kim didn't want to know and doesn't even care what Brandi really said (she absolutely knows that when Brandi drinks she's more "loose cannon" than "truth cannon"). She just wanted Kyle to feel stupid and she succeeded. Watching Lisar trying to rationalize her reasons for not having Kyle's back was just more proof that sober or not, Kim is THE master manipulator of the group (addicts usually are).

I just can't with Kim's talking head. Delusion, party of one! There's nothing Lisar could ever say or do to damage Kim's reputation any more than she's already done herself. Note to Kim: Revisionist history only works when there's no tangible evidence of the truth but unfortunately for you, there's PLENTY of film footage from the last five years to support the impression that you're an addict and an asshole.

When Yo pulled Brandi to a secluded booth so she could talk privately with Kim, she picked up a huge bottle of what looked like vodka and poured Brandi another drink. Ummm hello Yolanda... Brandi was already trashed. (Maybe that solves the mystery of why she's friends with Kim and Brandi - she's the classic "fixer" aka "enabler").

LisaV seems completely over this whole thing. I will be so bummed if she doesn't come back next season. I'm not sure I like any of the other HoWives enough to watch if LisaV leaves. Maybe Eileen, but I'm not sure she can bring the glam like LisaV.

  • Love 15

I don't know why VP was trying to reconcile with Brandi, its a lost cause, just be done with it already.


I don't think she was trying to reconcile with her, I think she was honestly confused by Brandi's bizarre behavior and wanted Brandi ti know that, yes she sympathizes with her situation with regards to her sick father. I think it showed that no matter how done she is with Brandi, Lisa is not heartless. 

  • Love 24

I think the key to the reunion and to next season is Kingsley trying to eat one of Kyle's kids. Kyle will take a lot of abuse but not if it puts her children in danger.

What if that murderous bitch mauled Portia? Mauricio should put his foot down. It has gone too far. He should demand that Kim be off limits to his family. His children's safety are at risk.

That is why it was in Kyle's coda. Kim has no defense to that. No explanation. The dog had attacked before. She had been warned before.

She needs to go.

  • Love 21

I had to flip to HGTV for some air and watch that Gaines couple do another Tuesday night Fixer Upper. It was calming. 

OMG.  Me, too.  Wasn't that fabulous?  Joanna Gaines is all I'd want in a friend and a decorator.  Come on-a my house, to my house.


Topic:  LisaV and Ken looked like an elderly couple leaving for the party via the lobby of Villa Rosa Home for the Aged.  Between his worsening gait and her walking like her shoes hurt, they looked tired and worn.  I hope Lisa takes a page from Kyle's book and gets some freshening up done for next season.  New make-up, clothes and hair styles.

  • Love 15


I think that she really does love and miss Lisa, and seeing Lisa while worried about her dad, and doing yet another staged scene for Bravo was absolutely too much for her.

Of course, the Bravo set-ups. Where is my dollar? lol  Poor Kim and Brandi, how much they must endure those scripted and staged scenes. It must be so damn exhausting. 


Harry Hamlin love here. I think he does look great. He is one of those men who does seem more handsome in his older years than his younger years.

  • Love 11

Excellent point. Poor fragile-minded, disease-riddled, pain-pill-popping Kim can certainly hold her own when she's telling people off or when she's comforting Kyle after making her cry. Kyle may have the market cornered on crying (and running) with the flip of a switch but Kim is the pro at turning on and off the fragile victimhood, and when she feels she has the upper hand, she's all business. That tells me that she's really more in control of herself - and her choices - than she wants people to believe.

And does she have a great makeup person or what? The way she went from OMG to camera-ready was a revelation. Oh, the BH life!

  • Love 6

Bottom line - Kim and Brandi are exhausting.  Me, me, me. 


Lisa R made a big mistake.  You have to remember exactly what you said.  It's all on film.  She never should have went with the 'intervention' theme.  She had a lot of choices with her conversation with Brandi.  She screwed up.  She knew it at the finale.  That's why she didn't want to repeat it to Kim.


Oh Brandi.  Ok.  You're not changing.  Accept you as you are.  Nobody wants to.  Get over yourself.


Kyle said on WWHL that it's not that great between her and Kathy either.  But, when the three sisters were together, Kathy stood closer to Kyle.  When she and Kyle were with Adrienne, Kathy was standing close to Kyle doing a touchy thing.  Kathy's thing, IMO, is that she doesn't want this all aired on TV.  But, she 'knows' that Kim is a HUGE problem.  She's not ready to go against Kim publicly.  I don't like Kathy at all and I do think she's playing a game but she knows the truth.


WWHL revelation:  Kyle has been to Al-anon.  Kim says on the reunion that she and Kyle need therapy...but she doesn't want to do it.  Kyle, this is your ticket to walk away and have your own happiness.  You can still be a great aunt to your nieces and nephew.  Just about everyone is giving you permission. 


I hope Eileen comes back. 

  • Love 20

I was really excited about Lisar joining the cast but I DO NOT want to watch another season of her kissing Kim's ass (or trying to crawl up Brandi's, which is looking more and more likely).

When Yo pulled Brandi to a secluded booth so she could talk privately with Kim, she picked up a huge bottle of what looked like vodka and poured Brandi another drink. Ummm hello Yolanda... Brandi was already trashed. (Maybe that solves the mystery of why she's friends with Kim and Brandi - she's the classic "fixer" aka "enabler").


I think she's going to be crawling up Kyle's for a while, too.  Lisa's (drunken?) tweet rant was addressed on WWHL and Kyle admits she was upset and that Lisa tweeted her and apologized.  I saw Kyle look uncomfortable several times this season when Lisa was trash talking Kim to Kyle.


That was a carafe of water.  When you get bottle service at a club, you either get bottled water or in the nicer places, carafes - sometimes with fruit slices on a side plate. We were at one in Miami and the carafes and side plates were Waterford crystal.  Chi chi chi!

  • Love 9

This season was exhausting.  I honestly can’t even tell if I enjoyed watching this shit or not, I just feel tired and in need of some 100% Xanax.


Random thoughts:

Whelp ... Brandi is quite unstable, isn’t she?

“Lisa, I’m sorry, I love you.  But my father is dying and everyone is a better person than you are. How dare you not call me after I assaulted you?!  I’m sorry, I love you.”  Her poor kids, man. 


 Was anyone surprised that Brandi started shit with Kyle when Kyle wasn’t even near her?  No?  Didn’t think so.  She just had to have a “problem” with Kyle (and Eileen) staring in their direction because Lisa R had gone over to her and Kim to talk.  She just had to get up, all dramatic-like, and stomp off in a huff.  LOL 


Oh and Brandi doesn't want to fit in?   You keep telling yourself that, babe, while you're standing out in the rain holding up a boom box in front of LVP's bedroom window.


OMGWTFBBQ Kim’s reputation is going to be ruined by Lisa R?   Because she hasn’t spent the last like 5+ years doing that herself?   Hee!  Check and mate, Kim, you are the craziest, nastiest bitch I ever have seen.  I wonder how that crow tastes, now. 


So Kathy was there and she didn't have anything to say to either Kim or Kyle (though she was wiping away Kyle's tears and seemed understanding)?  It's odd to me that we really have no idea where Kathy fits into all of this. 

It was good to see Camille. I miss her.  Now I feel unclean. 


Adrienne is always like a caricature of herself.  Like she’s just spoofing us.  And LOL that no one noticed her "entrance". 


Yes to all of this post!


I give props to LisaV for standing there as long as she did while Brandi berated her for, well, what? Being upset about the slap? Nice going that you couldn't "do this now" when Lisa didn't say one word to you about it, Brandi. You just went off on your own schizoid soliloquy there, and you weren't making much sense at all. The times you did make sense, you were in the wrong. So sorry that LisaV didn't get in touch with you with her condolences earlier, but you seem to have missed the point that that was what she was trying to do at the party, NOT get in your face like you were getting into hers. Good on her for her expression of sympathy and her efforts to comfort you. I would have walked away and left you to your self righteous rant, because you deserved no better from her. It would be nice if you were actually there with your dad instead of wallowing around at spas and parties trying to gain everyone's sympathy.


Even after WWHL with Kyle, we still don't know where Kathy stands. Oh, well.


Oh, and, wow!, Eileen was absolutely stunning!

Edited by renatae
  • Love 14

I don't want to belabor the point but how can anyone defend Kim after what happened with Alexia? From the clips shown of the reunion it appears that Kim is defiant and as usual deflecting and blaming everyone else. How does that work?

It could be Bravo's editing with a bait and switch but I doubt it. Kim seems delusional enough to think blaming the victim is going to fly. I think that is why Lisar has grown a pair of balls on twitter. She knows that public opinion is going to turn even more against Kim and she wants to pile on. Lisar is a coward and a primo Hollywood phony and she can smell blood.

You have to follow the jackals to find the dead meat.

  • Love 15

This show.


- Kim's a fucking trip. When SHE feels like she wants answers, dammit, you'll sit and answer and too damned bad. She'll badger you into you give in.  When someone ELSE wants to talk and she doesn't want to? She's so fucking rude any normal human being will walk away just for their own sake.

- What an overhyped, anti-climactic snoozefest. Where's the big shoving match? Drama? Bueller?

- Damn Camille, pull it back. Give dude the cheek, at least.

- Sleep it off, Brandi. You're using your father's illness as a way to grub for sympathy and avoid a discussion you requested and you sound like somebody's drunk uncle. Oh, and you're a liar too. I saw how you carefully avoided what you really said.

- I'm still okay with Lisa, on a she's not the worst level, but you way oversold those wolf tickets, girl. You punked out, you should have said exactly how that conversation went down, but you were scared of both Brandi AND Kim. Move the hell over, and let Eileen handle this shit from now on. You're out of your league.

- Eileen, please come back next season, and can we see some of their lives, Bravo?

- Even with the dramatics, this season was boring because every damned episode included Brandi and Kim's bullshit in some way, shape or form.

- I'm thinking about it, and in retrospect, I hated this season. Arrgh! Can't believe it was 19 - 19!!! episodes of this shit!

- Anyone who ever wonders, the favored housewife in the middle of the drama gets the WWHL spot the night of a big episode so they can respond to all comments up to that night. The least gets the night before.

This season was exhausting.  I honestly can’t even tell if I enjoyed watching this shit or not, I just feel tired and in need of some 100% Xanax.


Random thoughts:

Whelp ... Brandi is quite unstable, isn’t she?

“Lisa, I’m sorry, I love you.  But my father is dying and everyone is a better person than you are. How dare you not call me after I assaulted you?!  I’m sorry, I love you.”  Her poor kids, man.


Was anyone surprised that Brandi started shit with Kyle when Kyle wasn’t even near her?  No?  Didn’t think so.  She just had to have a “problem” with Kyle (and Eileen) staring in their direction because Lisa R had gone over to her and Kim to talk.  She just had to get up, all dramatic-like, and stomp off in a huff.  LOL


Oh and Brandi doesn't want to fit in?   You keep telling yourself that, babe, while you're standing out in the rain holding up a boom box in front of LVP's bedroom window.


This is all awesome, but most especially this. (Don't give her any ideas, tho.)


I am surprised no one has mentioned Brandy's statement about Kyle, "who knew that  **## started with a K"


Not completely ignored; I did make a counter reference above.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 20

That was my problem this season.  I had no one to root for because I thought they were all disingenuous.  Gotta have someone to like!  Yolanda I had sympathy for, Eileen I just didn't feel strongly about one way or the other.  All the rest were too wretched for words.

Yolanda and Eileen are the only two I wouldn't be afraid to turn my back on.......all the others would stab anyone in the back for a few extra minutes of screen time. Of course that's subject to change at Bravo's direction.

  • Love 6


WWHL revelation:  Kyle has been to Al-anon.  Kim says on the reunion that she and Kyle need therapy...but she doesn't want to do it.

This reminds me of that TH of Eileen's - during the scene where she and Vince are having dinner in Malibu - where she stated "No one wants to go to therapy. I love therapy!" When she said that, I was wondering who she was referring to. Obviously we know now.

  • Love 4

I would suck at being a HoWife because my response to all of this fuckery would have been  "I'm not going to repeat myself.  Just wait until the show airs and hear it for yourself".



The thing is, the howives don't know what will be shown and what will end up on the cutting room floor or how it will be sliced and diced if and when it does air.  That's why so many of them blame their bad behavior on editing. 

  • Love 4

Oh and by murderous bitch I was referring to Kingsley.


Is it wrong I wanted Kingsley to be at the party just to beef up the drama.



WWHL revelation:  Kyle has been to Al-anon.  Kim says on the reunion that she and Kyle need therapy...but she doesn't want to do it.  Kyle, this is your ticket to walk away and have your own happiness.  You can still be a great aunt to your nieces and nephew.  Just about everyone is giving you permission.


Wonder how many meetings shes been too because from the looks of it it hasnt had much effect.  But I get it Kim's put her through it for the last 3 decades.  Kyle needs to learn self preservation at this point with Kim.  Kim doesn't want to be one be helped or saved when it comes to her addiction.  If she wants to keep drinking and drugging her life away let her do it.  When she asks for help she will tell Kathy or Kyle if not then we all know what will come next as sad as it is.  So love each other from a far and at this point Kim's giving Kyle the opportunity have freedom from her misery.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 8

Really how do Kim and Brandi stay on this show; particularly if Yolanda leaves and/or Kim/Kyle are still not talking? Brandi really has no one besides Kim & Yolanda. I just don't see Yolanda's coming back.

My prediction is that the Richard sisters will be thick as thieves again and Kyle and LisaR will be on the outs.


Brandi and Yo will be gone and Camille and Adrienne will take their places.  I will be sad to see Yo's house go.

  • Love 2

The thing is, the howives don't know what will be shown and what will end up on the cutting room floor or how it will be sliced and diced if and when it does air.  That's why so many of them blame their bad behavior on editing. 


I'd agree normally except that particular conversation was one of the driving scenes for the later half of the season.  Almost everything that didn't occur because of Poker Night occurred because of that conversation, and that conversation was referenced a lot in Amsterdam, so I'd have bet my sobriety on it being included and re-played.  By the time the finale party came around I'm sure, if I were Lisa, I'd have been like "Whatever, I'm sure they'll show it, you can see what was said, then". 


See, this is why I'd be a bad HW.  lol  I'm lazy as fuck when it comes to stupid drama caused by stupid people, especially if I knew it was all being recorded anyway.  The HW need to get their personal assistants on top of this shit by attending all of their parties and get-togethers and taking down notes of who said what, to whom. 

  • Love 9

When Kyle said on WWHL that she's been to Al-Anon, I got the feeling it wasn't recent. Much more interesting to me was the preview clip of Kim acknowledging that she and Kyle are estranged right now, and she's ok with that. Pow. Kyle looked taken aback, but it actually makes a lot of sense. To participate in counseling with Kyle, she'd have to acknowledge her relapse(s) and her secrets and lies, and of course she doesn't want to do that. Plus, she's so invested in her three-years-sober fable, so distancing herself from Kyle tells the world that she's the one removing the toxic person from her life (read: unsupportive), not the other way around.

  • Love 22

When Kyle said on WWHL that she's been to Al-Anon, I got the feeling it wasn't recent. Much more interesting to me was the preview clip of Kim acknowledging that she and Kyle are estranged right now, and she's ok with that. Pow. Kyle looked taken aback, but it actually makes a lot of sense. To participate in counseling with Kyle, she'd have to acknowledge her relapse(s) and her secrets and lies, and of course she doesn't want to do that. Plus, she's so invested in her three-years-sober fable, so distancing herself from Kyle tells the world that she's the one removing the toxic person from her life (read: unsupportive), not the other way around.



Except Kim said that if she is to ever work it out with Kyle, it will be the two of them with a therapist, and NOT on RHBH.  So, Kim seems pretty willing for the joint therapy to me.

  • Love 2

Brandi and Yo will be gone and Camille and Adrienne will take their places.  I will be sad to see Yo's house go.

I think Bravo has a kind of detente with Adrienne now, but I don't think there's any way they'd bring her back - too much bad blood. And I thought the party - and the editing of the finale - was kind of embarrassing to her. I don't think they'd do that to someone they want to court.

I would love it if Camille came back, but only season 1 Camille. That's why I don't think she's coming back, either - they don't want season 2 Camille.

  • Love 4

Kim doesn't want to hear it from the horses mouth. She wants to hear it from the horses ass.

That's why she believes Brandi.



Well, jackasses stick together.


Someone posted a tweet from Brandi which showed she received messages from YoFo and LisaR when her father was in the hospital. Pointing out how those two were concerned about her dad. If Brandi's dad was in the hospital during this filming, are we to believe Brandi was not on the outs (yet) with LisaR during this last episode?

  • Love 5

OMG.  Me, too.  Wasn't that fabulous?  Joanna Gaines is all I'd want in a friend and a decorator.  Come on-a my house, to my house.


Topic:  LisaV and Ken looked like an elderly couple leaving for the party via the lobby of Villa Rosa Home for the Aged.  Between his worsening gait and her walking like her shoes hurt, they looked tired and worn.  I hope Lisa takes a page from Kyle's book and gets some freshening up done for next season.  New make-up, clothes and hair styles.


Sorry to go off topic but I always refer to Joanna Gaines as the 'lovely lady'.  There's just something about her that it would be nice to have her as a friend or in your life.

  • Love 7

Is it wrong I wanted Kingsley to be at the party just to beef up the drama.



Wonder how many meetings shes been too because from the looks of it it hasnt had much effect.  But I get it Kim's put her through it for the last 3 decades.  Kyle needs to learn self preservation at this point with Kim.  Kim doesn't want to be one be helped or saved when it comes to her addiction.  If she wants to keep drinking and drugging her life away let her do it.  When she asks for help she will tell Kathy or Kyle if not then we all know what will come next as sad as it is.  So love each other from a far and at this point Kim's giving Kyle the opportunity have freedom from her misery.


I agree with you to a point.  It's hard to erase multiple decades.  It's damn hard to let go.  It's so much easier to observe and tell someone what to do than be in the situation.  I just want to slap Kyle and say, "Snap out of it. You've done what you could.  It's up to Kim to help herself."

  • Love 7

Way to go out on a whimper, BH. The finale drama was all about "she said she said" BS. Yawn.


Kim: "I consider Brandi one of my best friends and I love that she's supports me." Wrong. Kim loves that Brandi has enabled her by never once questioning her sobriety to her face.


How creepy was that balding Danish prince repeatedly trying to kiss Camille on the lips? She clearly wanted no part of it. Talk about awkward. ::shudder::


Brandi - don't care enough to comment. Just wondering if her hair dresser/permanent house guest and her friend Jenn are related. They look like they could be siblings.


I hope Eileen comes back. She's the only one of these women I can still stomach.

  • Love 8

Except Kim said that if she is to ever work it out with Kyle, it will be the two of them with a therapist, and NOT on RHBH.  So, Kim seems pretty willing for the joint therapy to me.

Not at all. She said they definitely have things they need to work on, but it needs to be addressed with a therapist IF it's something they both want to do. And it's NOT something she wants to do. "I'm really ok with things just the way they are" (being estranged) were her exact words. So basically she said that therapy's a good idea, just not for her. Which totally makes sense. Therapy is all about getting real. Kim's life is all about secrets and lies.

Kyle - Forget joint therapy. Kim's not worth it. Take care of yourself.

Kim - Please take your dog and go away.

  • Love 20

She also said that she didn't want that (therapy) now.  It was a slap in the face to Kyle.  Of course, Kim doesn't want therapy.  She doesn't want to deal with the truth of who she is as a person.  Kyle should walk away....and I hope she does.

And she and Mauricio should financially cut her off. Cut off everything and anything that has to do with enabling and supporting her, including that house that Kim rents. I bet Mauricio helped Kim with that house. If they want to help her kids, then do so, but cut Kim off.


The latest news that Kim needs this job because it is her only income. Whose fault is that? What has she done with all of her RHoBH money?



Wonder how many meetings shes been too because from the looks of it it hasnt had much effect.  But I get it Kim's put her through it for the last 3 decades

It took me a long while to start making changes with how I dealt with those addicts I once dealt with. The changes don't come easy because after years of doing things a certain way, it becomes a habit. Consistency and not allowing my emotions to take over were two of the things I needed to work on for at least a year. As you posted, Kyle has three decades of this bullshit. I once stated Kyle needs therapy so she can be given the tools to learn how not to react to Kim and to communicate properly with someone who has mental issues on top of moments of relapse.

  • Love 12

Funniest moment was Adrienne saying she missed the drama with Kim because she was doing magic and Kathy H says, "Oh you do magic now?" Kathy H really is in her own world. But it does seem like most of the HWs missed Adrienne's big reveal of whatever it was she was promoting. I guess I missed it too because what in the heck was she selling?

  • Love 11

Kathy looked like she couldn't care less about what was going on between her two sisters.  In fact, she was petting and grooming Kyle through the whole ordeal.  So there Kim!  There's your "better" sister for you.


Kathy looked high on a cocktail of prescription meds, but bitch be damned if she didn't find herself standing smack in front of the camera crew while zonked out!


I think the key to the reunion and to next season is Kingsley trying to eat one of Kyle's kids. Kyle will take a lot of abuse but not if it puts her children in danger.


This dog bite may be the best thing that ever happened to the Richards sisters. If Kim insists on blaming Alexia, Kyle has a legitimate reason to close the door on their relationship without feeling bad about turning her back on her sister.


I probably missed this because I care about Adrienne not at all, but what was the purpose of her party?  Seemed quite random to me, although I got a chuckle out of Bravo highlighting how none of the HoWives were paying attention to the unfortunate "magic trick" whereby Adrienne appeared.   


I think she was promoting a drink, Never Hungover? I got a real kick out of what a non-entity Adrienne was, despite being hostess. The women couldn't even be bothered to notice her grand entrance and magic debut. I'm sure she was fuming mad with Bravo editing after seeing this episode. 

  • Love 11

Except Kim said that if she is to ever work it out with Kyle, it will be the two of them with a therapist, and NOT on RHBH. So, Kim seems pretty willing for the joint therapy to me.

Kim flat our said she is estranged from her sister and she is fine with that. Doesn't sound like someone willing to work things out with anyone. And why would she? Monty is still alive and probably providing Kim with all the pain meds she needs. Why put a cramp in her style with all that silly sobriety talk she'd have to do in therapy.

  • Love 11

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