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S11.E16: Don't Dream It's Over

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Probably the strongest episode of the entire season (so far), because it touched upon older themes like Alzheimers/memory, Meredith and Derek's history, and the effect that death has on the doctors. Yes, we just had a big tragedy with April's baby, but I think it's been several years since we've had a death so sudden (and therefore effective) like the pregnant mother's. It was such a dramatically strong choice. Furthermore, it was unpredictable, like the majority of the other cases -- I thought the dad was going to die and break Meredith's streak, and thus was satisfied and surprised that he survived.


I didn't like all the stories (April/Jackson, Owen/Amelia, Callie/Arizona), but I thought they were all handled pretty well, and thank goodness again for Ms. Ramirez, who sells every single bit of dialogue they give her, no matter how trite. Meanwhile, Maggie's starting to become more multi-dimensional; tonight was the first time I felt that. I enjoyed the scenes she shared with Meredith, Alex, and Callie -- the show's three best characters. 


Next week looks more predictable, unfortunately, but I'll be so glad if they can prove me wrong. 

Edited by upperco
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I liked the storyline about the car accident.  I agree that the mother dying was unexpected and seemed more like 'old Grey's'.  As soon as they said the guy had Alzheimer's I thought about Adele, but I totally forgot about Ellis.  It was interesting that Maggie already knew about her 'Alzheimer's gene' (but didn't know where it had come from).  The whole ending with the Not!Alzheimer's patient was so sad, but I can see his point of view about wanting to forget (although it definitely wasn't fair to his wife--at least he specifically told her to stop taking care of him and put him into a care facility).  I didn't recognize him as Dan Lauria until he came out of his daze.


I'm a little interested in the whole Mer-Der thing, but I don't care about Jackson/April or Owen/Amelia.

Edited by BooksRule
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PATRICK!!!!!  For me, that alone made the episode an improvement over recent ones.


It was nice to see calm Bailey tonight.  I enjoyed her supporting AZ and Jo, and especially liked her still mentoring Alex by telling him not to go after Jo.


Am I the only one who thinks AZ is lying to Callie about her ex/Callie's date because AZ is jealous?





As soon as they said the guy had Alzheimer's I thought about Adele, but I totally forgot about Ellis.


I had the opposite reaction.  I immediately thought of Ellis when Ben was clearing his throat during surgery, because I figured Richard would be concerned about telling Maggie.  I had completely forgotten about Adele having Alzheimer's.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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Am I the only one who thinks AZ is lying to Callie about her ex/Callie's date because AZ is jealous?


I totally thought she was lying.


Another asinine MerDer cliffhanger.


It's not even another cliffhanger, its just Derek recapping last week's cliffhanger.  I mean, I like MerDer, but I hate when shows drag things out with not even a millimeter of movement.


Can anyone tell me who knows about the Meredith/Maggie/Richard connection?


Richard told Bailey, and she probably told her husband who's name I can't remember.  And Meredith told Alex.  And maybe Callie? I know they had a couple bonding conversations where they shared personal stuff.

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The whole ending with the Not!Alzheimer's patient was so sad, but I can see his point of view about wanting to forget (although it definitely wasn't fair to his wife--at least he specifically told her to stop taking care of him and put him into a care facility).

I found this totally preposterous. Even if the accident had been his fault, which it wasn't. It's like committing suicide, and it's a decision he makes right after becoming lucid for the first time in five years? Absurd.

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Am I the only one who thinks AZ is lying to Callie about her ex/Callie's date because AZ is jealous?

I didn't think so, based on there not really being a way for Arizona to know the date's name.

So what happens to the Notzheimer's patient? Does his wife have to go back to babysitting him constantly? Sucks for her.

Edited by kariyaki
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I can't even with this show anymore, because even with a relatively strong episode like this one, all I can do is be distracted by the fact that it's a miracle anyone survives in a hospital where all the surgeons are OPERATING IN THE DARK.

Seriously why is this hospital so dark, I can't take it anymore. If you watch the first season, the ORs are all normal and well lit. Now they're pitch black. It's so freaking weird.

  • Love 9


How fucking selfish was that NotAlzheimers patient? Douchenozzle! "Wah, reality is too hard for me, you can deal with my shit, wifey. KayThnxBye"

I was never a fan of Cristina and Owen, but at least that had some build up. Amelia and Owen are thrown together all u subtly and haphazardly. It is distracting.

I'm not sure what the long term Callie/Arizona payoff will be, and I am not sure I care.

Even Jo and Alex are boring.

This used to be a sexy show with some medical drama thrown in. These days there is very little sexy fun (and no! People grinding and macking on each other is not sexy), and there is very little actual medical drama of the believable type. I mean, the pregnant woman dying and then and only then do the doctors have this amazing thought of trying to save the baby? Come ON!!

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Overall I thought it was pretty good.  I liked mostly everyone tonight. Non-screaming Bailey is such a pleasure because she hasn't been around all that much. MerDer were the weak spot for me and not just because I don't like them. Everyone have to talk about/prop their best! love! ever! was overkill. The ending was ridiculous. Can't these people speak a sentence without just repeating?  A woman answered the phone. A woman answered the phone. A woman answered the phone. Yeah, we knew that a week ago.


I was glad to see Richard and Maggie finally interact and have some decent scenes that build their relationship. Maggie being hit by the patient reminded me of Callie getting hit and having her nose broken. I thought it was a nice throwback that they visited the tunnels again. I laughed at Alex pointing to his mouth for Callie to give him food.


I was also glad that Jo had a couple of scenes and that she and Alex had a scene where nothing Meredith related was discussed. The Alex/Jo conversation about saving the baby was a nice callback to Addison/Alex after Alex delivered a baby and the mom died.


I found this totally preposterous. Even if the accident had been his fault, which it wasn't. It's like committing suicide, and it's a decision he makes right after becoming lucid for the first time in five years? Absurd.


They never call for psych consults like on other medical shows. Someone in a situation like him would have been passed along to someone qualified to help him through the decision.


The zebra speech was done either in an earlier season or on another show. I knew exactly what she was going to say because I heard it before.

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The fake Alzheimer's patient made me sooo mad. WTF what a selfish piece of shit! His wife had to deal with 5 years of him supposedly having Alzheimer's and he is complaining about his pain? What in the world? He wasn't of sound mind. It is not like he got drunk and drove. How ridiculous. If I were the wife, well I would be upset I married such an asshat...but I would have him declared incompetent and would force him to have the surgery. Ugh!

So my guess is Derek hasn't had sex with this girl. At most they kissed briefly. The show won't go there with him and Meredith IMO.

Edited by Brooke0707
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I didn't think so, based on there not really being a way for Arizona to know the date's name.

Yeah, I don't think Arizona was lying either. In addition to what you pointed out above, there's the fact that the only reason AZ wanted the marriage to continue was because work had just blown up in her face - which is no longer true because unlike back then, she's gotten Herman's full approval and she's now a fetal surgeon in her own right - and also the fact that when she and Callie were having a nice moment during Herman's surgery, AZ showed zero sexual tension with or longing for Callie. Both actresses played those scenes two episodes ago on a decidedly platonic note.


I enjoyed the scene where Arizona was first trying to talk to Callie about Heather, because it was such a classic example of why their marriage didn't work. Callie assumed she knew what Arizona was trying to say and kept cutting her off.


Speaking of, I do kind of think Callie wanted AZ to be jealous. It's not that she wants to still be married to AZ, but she is the type who kind of wants her ex to be longing for her forever, even as she pays lip service to the idea that she'd like AZ to be dating too. She was enjoying the idea AZ had bothered to learn the name of her date.

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I didn't think so, based on there not really being a way for Arizona to know the date's name.


It was more the identical tattoos and steak knives thing that made me doubt AZ.  Yes, I believe that AZ dated someone who wanted that, because Callie knew about it, but AZ could've been lying about it being Callie's date who did that.  I definitely wouldn't put it past her to lie out of jealousy.  And yes I know that would mean she's lost that lie for Callie's future dates.  I've never been an AZ fan, so I'd love to see her get caught lying.

Seriously why is this hospital so dark, I can't take it anymore. If you watch the first season, the ORs are all normal and well lit. Now they're pitch black. It's so freaking weird.


THANK YOU. It's bad enough that Meredith is dark, twisty and completely bitchy, now, but what's with the lighting? Did they lose all the light bulbs in the whole Pegasus debacle?

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This episode was all in all the best one since the show has come back after winter hiatus. The medical stories were good, except for the Alzheimer's patient - what a selfish tool. Of course, no other doctor even thought to give the guy an MRI until Amelia thought of it. Uh huh.


The most ridiculous part was me, yelling at my television to remind the doctors that they may have a viable baby in utero, and that instead of standing around dumbfounded, someone might want to see if they could save the baby.


The most boring part was anything with Jo. Honestly, I don't know if it's the character or the actress, but I'm over her. I still think Alex can do so much better.


I can't believe it, but I'm beginning to like Maggie. I knew she hadn't gotten her head checked out, though. I wonder if it's going to come back to haunt her in some way oh no wait, this is Grey's, we'll never hear about it again.


This episode was made only more enjoyable because I, among others, knew that Patrick Dempsey was back on set for this episode. So, I was eagerly anticipating his entrance, and knew of course it would happen at the very end. Dempsey did a great "maybe I'm guilty maybe I'm not" face.


Cue ominous promo here....

  • Love 3

So my guess is Derek hasn't had sex with this girl. At most they kissed briefly. The show won't go there with him and Meredith IMO.

If that's the case, what's with the girl answering his phone? Especially since, no doubt, It would show that it was Meredith calling. I already hate her.

It's bad enough that Meredith is dark, twisty and completely bitchy, now, but what's with the lighting? Did they lose all the light bulbs in the whole Pegasus debacle?

I guess it was the compromise for being able to keep the ER. Edited by LADreamr
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I laughed at Alex pointing to his mouth for Callie to give him food.

Best part of the episode. 


And Derek, why not KNOCK? What the hell is jiggling the doorknob going to do if he doesn't have his keys? Did he think it was going to magically unlock itself? The moment went on two seconds too long and crossed the line into ridiculous for me. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I liked this one. Meredith wasn't written so obnoxiously this time.


- being back in the tunnels

- Callie and Alex being buddies, with her popping food into his mouth (then I remember that they slept together once and get amused that they still have some incest in the group).

- That Maggie was merely dizzy and concussed after skipping her CT and neuro check - when I realized the hour was almost up, I was afraid she'd collapse.

- Maggie already knowing about her Alzheimer's risk, and her dread at it possibly being from Richard without his knowing.

- Ben's incredible throat clearing (not sure if he knows about Ellis and Richard, or if Bailey told him that Maggie is his daughter with Ellis, but he definitely knew about Adele since that happened as he and Bailey were engaged and (literally) getting married.

- Arizona's Steak Knives story (never occurred to me that she was lying; she was clearly trying to tell Callie something earlier, and she did know the girl's name - it's not like she was home overnight to do internet stalking and find the name), and more scenes with her and Callie being kind with one another and platonic.

- Patrick! And his sad eyes. Guessing it was close and enough to feel badly over, but that he didn't sleep with her. Though I'm not loving the idea that he may have fallen in farther if not for the phone scare reality check.

- Jackson and April talking and dealing/finding their new normal. It's already been two months?

Didn't like:

- No way psych wasn't involved in Not-Alzheimer's situation, or that the doctors wouldn't talk to him again. I totally understand where he was coming from, but the hour after finding out that his body caused a pregnant woman's death isn't when you get to make unchallenged decisions like that. For one, he's just at risk of the same thing happening again if he does nothing, nevermind how cruel it is to his wife. But the initial decision was probably pretty normal.

- How slow they were to take the baby. I don't remember that kind of pause before - in my head, I was hearing Addison impressing into Alex that the baby could only survive for minutes in a deceased mother - but I guess normally that situation occurs in surgery, when Mom is already under.

- No one pointing out that Derek didn't "just" leave for Mer when his marriage (to Addison) got hard; he met her when they were separated, since I think that moving across the country alone after being cheated on constitutes a separation/having already left her. (The later emotional affair/prom wasn't a relevant part of her comparison.) Otherwise, fair points.


- Owen and Amelia. Just don't care, but finding their making out awkward.

- Owen seeming thrown at Callie changing into scrubs. Before her top was even off; he's taken aback by pulling scrub pants on under a skirt?

- Jo's uncharacteristic tears/obliviousness to betadine. The same thing was done well and subtly back in S3 (probably "Yesterday," Mark's first episode) when he, Alex, and maybe Izzie or Cristina gave a teenage boy corrective facial bone surgery after he died - the interns pulled on their face masks out of habit and Mark pointed out that they didn't really need them. No silly arguing back, in denial of the point.

Can anyone tell me who knows about the Meredith/Maggie/Richard connection?

Alex and Derek know it all. Amelia knows that Maggie is Richard's biological daughter, and I think she knows about Maggie's relationship to Meredith (and would assume that the Richard/Ellis thing would have come up at the house for her to finish putting those pieces together). Oh, and Bailey knows - she thought Richard was preoccupied with Maggie because he had a thing for her and was relieved when he told her the truth. (I remember being surprised she wasn't taken aback at the Richard/Ellis connection - back when Richard covered for Mer during the Alzheimer's trial fallout, she said to Arizona or someone "what is it with him and that girl?" (Mer). I don't remember her finding out about Richard and Ellis in the early seasons with Mer's fellow interns, and seems she still didn't know after the Alzheimer's trial. But she seemed pretty blasé about Richard/Ellis/Maggie for someone who previously hadn't known about the affair.

Edited to close a silly italics tag.

Edited by WalrusGirl
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Welcome back, docteur Miranda Bailey! Finally, she was truly nice to someone! Huge improvement. Can I have this Bailey back on a regular basis, please?


Loved April/Jackson, I'm so glad that the death of their baby doesn't seem to rip them apart. Jackson is really sweet with her. And April really changed her way of dealing with a crisis, she seems way more mature imo.


Loved Alex/Jo. Warm and fuzzy feelings amock. They lurve each other and it's so good to see. It was nice to be reminded that Jo is still only a resident, and I liked that she was allowed to be emotional.


I still think that Owen/Amelia are hot and I still like them.


I'm sooo glad that Arizona and Callie seem to be moving in the friendly-exes direction. Nice acting, which conveyed imo lots of familiarity/things shared and also a bit of awkwardness at finding their footing in this new evolution of their relationship -but both seemed quite happy about it. Now, it would be nice if their child was mentioned, sometimes.


The explanation about the why  re:streak obsession made Stephanie more sympathetic in my eyes, too.


Alex/Meredith/Callie/Maggie mesh well together.


As for Meredith and Derek, my bet: he was hit on and consequently tempted, but didn't act on it...only to discover that unfortunately, the vile seductress is from the Bunny Boiler variety.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Dear Shonda,


One of the massive improvements this season is that you are using 80s song titles instead of horrible whiny emo covers of good 80s songs. Please don't ever go back to those covers.





Man, Kevin Arnold's dad was so selfish! He doesn't want to live with the knowledge that he accidentally killed someone but he's totally fine abandoning his wife and letting her miss him and mourn him when there is a way for them to be together again.


I really did not need to see Kevin and Amelia making out just on principle but the reality was that he looked like an out of control teenager who just touched his first boob. It reminded me of that gif of two virgins who got married having their first kiss and the guy was going to down with his tongue. Ugh, I got the heebie jeebies just remembering it.


I also did not need to see Jackson and April going at it in the parking lot. And these two criticisms are not because I'm a prude or anything. I'm totally fine with sex scenes but both of these were just so blech to me.


In both scenes were Meredith was downstairs with the gurneys, I could see someone walking in the background. I know it was supposed to make the hospital look realistic but the other person was backlit and a little blurry so it ended up looking like a deranged murderer from a horror movie sneaking up to kill Meredith and Callie.


Can't these people speak a sentence without just repeating?  A woman answered the phone. A woman answered the phone. A woman answered the phone. Yeah, we knew that a week ago.

Ha, that bit of dialogue reminded me of the Meisner exercise where two people just repeat the same thing back and forth to each other except nothing happened.


So my guess is Derek hasn't had sex with this girl. At most they kissed briefly. The show won't go there with him and Meredith IMO.
If that's the case, what's with the girl answering his phone? Especially since, no doubt, It would show that it was Meredith calling. I already hate her.

What probably happened is she heard his phone ring and then saw the called ID on his phone came up as "post it note" and she wondered what the hell that meant and couldn't pass up the opportunity to speak with a live post it note.


I laughed at Alex pointing to his mouth for Callie to give him food.

I also loved afterward when he wast just lying there and Callie kept putting food in his mouth.


I, too, was surprised that there were like five doctors just standing around after the mom died and it took a good minute before one of them decided oh yeah, I guess let's get the baby out.

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I also did not need to see Jackson and April going at it in the parking lot. And these two criticisms are not because I'm a prude or anything. I'm totally fine with sex scenes but both of these were just so blech to me.



That scene was so distracting to me for a different reason. It had been two months since the baby was born - is this the first time that they're having sex? Because if so, from experience I can tell you, woman on top IN A CAR is probably not the way to go. Holy shit, my hoo-hoo hurt just watching. That first sexual intercourse after having a baby is something you don't forget.

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That scene was so distracting to me for a different reason. It had been two months since the baby was born - is this the first time that they're having sex? Because if so, from experience I can tell you, woman on top IN A CAR is probably not the way to go. Holy shit, my hoo-hoo hurt just watching. That first sexual intercourse after having a baby is something you don't forget.

That's what distracted me too. Then Jackson said it had been two months, which explained why they weren't talking about medical clearance. My sister had significantly different experiences after her first (preemie) and second (term) deliveries, and April's baby was at what, 24 weeks almost exactly? I'd guess that makes some significant degree of difference. But my impression from Jackson's initial "mood breaking" comment in the supply room is that it probably was their first time since Samuel.

Forgot to add that I'm glad Maggie also has the early Alzheimer's gene, story-wise - I wasn't looking forward to that being an awkward difference between her and Meredith. ("Her father was our mother's one true love and she didn't get the gene!")

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I really liked this episode and thought it was the best one since the return from hiatus.  I actually felt the suspense over which patient would die and which would live, which is something that's been lacking for me for a while.  While they are clearly not MAGIC, i really enjoyed the scenes with Meredith, Callie, Alex and Maggie.  I always like the friendships on Grey's so this was a good scene.  It felt realistic rather than forced,so that was good too.


I also surprisingly like the Owen/Amelia pairing...but why does KMK look like he's about to eat her face off every time they kiss?  so awful. I'm glad the Ellis/Alzheimers thing is out and not a big secret, though I have a feeling that will come back at some point.  


Didn't like not-Alzheimers guy choosing not to have the surgery. 


Something I noticed this season, is they seem to be cramming the all the "good" stuff into the last 5 minutes and leaving a cliffhanger every single episode.  I don't feel like they used to do this nearly as much and its annoying.  


Predictions for next week: Meredith and Derek will finally have a conversation other than "I called your phone and a woman answered" in the last 5 minutes of the show and we will be left on yet another "cliffhanger".  

I also enjoyed this episode, it's nice when we get to see more than one or two characters interacting. I love that they remembered that it is a teaching hospital and this was the Bailey that I liked. I appreciate the reminder of how far some of the doctors have come and I didn't mind that Jo got emotional about a patient. She excused herself and later apologized about it. Nice change from Lexie who would bawl openly and then remain pen pals with every single one of her patients. And I like that, for the most part, Alex treats her like other residents and doesn't coddle her during the workday.

I also like what they are doing with Richard and Maggie. I would prefer that she leave, but if she has to be here, then I hope that they can become closer. Its nice to see him wise and competent rather than getting steamrolled by his women. Not that I don't want him to have a love life, but he really seems to go for that overbearing, bossy type.

Okay, now to pick the episode apart :). Can we pleeeease stop with the Team MerDer cheerleading? Really, Callie, weren't you the one who caught Derek cheating at the prom? And aren't you friends with Addison as well? I get her not believing that Derek cheated this time, and reassuring Meredith, but the whole "it's like a fairy tale romance novel, OF COURSE he didn't cheat" was ridiculous. Plus, as Callie, Alex and Meredith should know, great sex doesn't necessarily mean that you have a great relationship.

I also wish that these doctors would quit with the over sharing relationship talk with everyone they know. Callie in surgery and Mer everywhere else. I get that they are all friends, but the people they are discussing are ALSO DOCTORS FROM THE HOSPITAL. They have to work with these folks too, jeez.

Finally, my jury has come back on Amelia and I officially don't like her. The way she leans back smugly in her chair while looking over scans or whatever and declares that she can work a miracle just bugs me and she seems to do this every episode. Needless to say I fast forward through her sex scenes.

Apparently the writers on this show hate happy, mutually supportive, stable relationships.

As evidenced by the amount of screen time their two stable, mutually supportive couples get.

ETA - I forgot to add that I must give a shout out to Sarah Drew's post-pregnancy body, especially her boobs! Damn, she looked good and kudos to her for agreeing to a sex scene!

Edited by Deanie87
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I meant Alex and Jo and Jackson and April but Bailry and Ben too. None really get much screen time these days.

Also I love Ben. He has great chemistry with everyone and I liked his coughing fit. I wish they would integrate him into more friendships.

my hoo-hoo

I believe that the preferred medical term is va-jay-jay. :)

Edited by Deanie87
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I can't believe it, but I'm beginning to like Maggie. 



I'm starting to like Maggie, also.  There's been some consistency in her character--- the social awkwardness, the "foot in the mouth" syndrome, her insecurities and detached emotional status, and her confidence in her abilities--- that I appreciate.  She is also meshing with the core 3 (Alex, Mer, and Callie) well.  It's a good dynamic.  She brings a new feel to the group. I was worried she was going to be Christina 2.0, but she's not. At all. 


Overall, I thought this was a good episode. I do think Amelia and Owen are gross together, but I saw that happening a mile away.  I actually like Az and Callie's convo about the clinger date.  I don't think Az was lying.  But I wouldn't put it past her.  The wreck was a good med story.  Mom's death and baby save was good. Jo-- meh.  The dad and Mer's streak, fine.  The Alzheimer guy--- yikes.  


April and Jackson--- ugggh. I'm not a hater for them, but it's way out of character, imo, for April to be acting this way. I was wondering if she was ovulating or something and trying to get pregnant.

  • Love 2

My favourite part of the Japril sex scene was when they were laying in each others' arms...in a car?  In their work place parking lot?  Do they drive a cube van?  Yeah, and remembering the first time after each of my three, none of those times were done with such reckless abandon.  Then again, I didn't look that freakin' amazing topless after 2 months either.


I can't help thinking that if I was cheating on my husband, I'd make sure my boyfriend / lover didn't pick up my cell phone or would ask him to check the Caller ID and if it's my husband, let it go to voice mail.  Why would a cheater let his side thing pick up his phone?  It makes no sense unless she doesn't know he's married?  Just end this story line already.


I was screaming at the screen during the baby scene too.  There is a neo-natal expert standing right there, deliver the damn baby!  35 weeks isn't horrendously preemie and the Mum is still warm.  Then Jo starts going on about sterilizing the belly.  She's fucking dead!  I guess we were supposed to assume she was in some kind of shock but I just found it annoying.

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It was more the identical tattoos and steak knives thing that made me doubt AZ. Yes, I believe that AZ dated someone who wanted that, because Callie knew about it, but AZ could've been lying about it being Callie's date who did that. I definitely wouldn't put it past her to lie out of jealousy. And yes I know that would mean she's lost that lie for Callie's future dates. I've never been an AZ fan, so I'd love to see her get caught lying.

Arizona's been caught lying before. Because she sucks so much at it that you can tell when she is.

For the love of everything, someone needs to tell KMK to take it down a notch on the kissing. No need to eat face everytime. I know it's supposed to look passionate, but just no. Also, Amelia still lives in the dreamhouse or has she moved out? Because whatever it is, the trailer is there and they could have sex there, not in the hospital. Remember the no fraternization rule? Of course not. This hospital doesn't follow crap.


The tunnel scene almost felt old school. It was good to see that. 


Credit where credit is due: they're doing a much better job with Maggie than they did with Lexie. The Ellis connection is much better than the Thatcher connection. 


Glad to see PD's face back. Of course they have to make him look guilty. DRAMA! 


Also, Patrick Dempsey stands in a doorway, speaks about 3 sentences, makes enough money to buy a new car. I don't know whether to cheer or gnash my teeth about that.

Both. I pray for the day I get to have the same job. *prays*

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Richard and Maggie bonding was such a sweet scene, the journey they travelled together since the premiere is beautiful.Also the puzzles were explained, her fear of it being Richard.


I´m getting worried she didn´t have her head examined, this will come back later, her dizziness - this will be something that has a disaster written all over it.


With such a tragedy with the dead mum, baby,dad, all Owen and Amelia can think about is having sex. That is so disgusting. Both are disgusting to me. A good match after all.

For the love of everything, someone needs to tell KMK to take it down a notch on the kissing. No need to eat face everytime. I know it's supposed to look passionate, but just no. Also, Amelia still lives in the dreamhouse or has she moved out? Because whatever it is, the trailer is there and they could have sex there, not in the hospital. Remember the no fraternization rule? Of course not. This hospital doesn't follow crap.


The tunnel scene almost felt old school. It was good to see that. 


Credit where credit is due: they're doing a much better job with Maggie than they did with Lexie. The Ellis connection is much better than the Thatcher connection. 


Glad to see PD's face back. Of course they have to make him look guilty. DRAMA! 


Both. I pray for the day I get to have the same job. *prays*


The kissing was so terrible.I had to laugh. But both actors kiss like that so they fit.

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I'm starting to like Maggie, also.  There's been some consistency in her character--- the social awkwardness, the "foot in the mouth" syndrome, her insecurities and detached emotional status, and her confidence in her abilities--- that I appreciate.  She is also meshing with the core 3 (Alex, Mer, and Callie) well.  It's a good dynamic.  She brings a new feel to the group. I was worried she was going to be Christina 2.0, but she's not. At all. 


Overall, I thought this was a good episode. I do think Amelia and Owen are gross together, but I saw that happening a mile away.  I actually like Az and Callie's convo about the clinger date.  I don't think Az was lying.  But I wouldn't put it past her.  The wreck was a good med story.  Mom's death and baby save was good. Jo-- meh.  The dad and Mer's streak, fine.  The Alzheimer guy--- yikes.  


April and Jackson--- ugggh. I'm not a hater for them, but it's way out of character, imo, for April to be acting this way. I was wondering if she was ovulating or something and trying to get pregnant.


I like all those things you pointed out in Maggie, every episode she is more and more developed, such a nice flow. I also never wanted her to be another Cristina,  she is her ownself, a wonderful character.

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I like all those things you pointed out in Maggie, every episode she is more and more developed, such a nice flow. I also never wanted her to be another Cristina,  she is her ownself, a wonderful character.

I really am shocked at how much I'm liking Maggie and how much I'm liking how they've integrated her into the show.  Rarely does a new character really work for me. Amelia was/is a bomb.  Terrible. Take her away.  I'm still meh sometimes on April, but she's been around so long that I've just accepted her. The newbies (Jo and Stephanie) are whatever--- plot devices basically.  Lexie never felt "in" with the group, and was more of a Mark thing than a Mer thing.  But Maggie? I'm feeling her.  I really am.  Last night kinda cemented it for me. She felt right in the tunnel with them, and that hug between her and Richard was really touching. I'm invested in her now. 

  • Love 3
No one pointing out that Derek didn't "just" leave for Mer when his marriage (to Addison) got hard; he met her when they were separated, since I think that moving across the country alone after being cheated on constitutes a separation/having already left her. (The later emotional affair/prom wasn't a relevant part of her comparison.)


Another THANK YOU. I wanted to reach into the TV and smack Meredith for behaving like such a whiny twat. It is NOT just like Derek and Addison.  Derek leaving after he walked in on his wife sleeping with his best friend, is not "getting out when things got hard." I think you can effectively say that the marriage was DONE at that point. Addison and Mark even conceived a child as a result. Derek was "married" by paper only, by the time he met Meredith. He was separated from his former wife and living as far away as possible from her without leaving the frigging county. SO not "cheating."


F.U. and your revisionist history, Shonda.  Trashing Derek just in case Dempsey demands to leave permanently? No bueno.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Can we pleeeease stop with the Team MerDer cheerleading? Really, Callie, weren't you the one who caught Derek cheating at the prom? And aren't you friends with Addison as well? I get her not believing that Derek cheated this time, and reassuring Meredith, but the whole "it's like a fairy tale romance novel, OF COURSE he didn't cheat" was ridiculous. Plus, as Callie, Alex and Meredith should know, great sex doesn't necessarily mean that you have a great relationship.


Thank you!!! That whole conversation was sickening except for Alex's 'I'm not saying that'. I like Maggie well enough but I'd be thrilled if she could go off and be Meredith's person. Callie can be Alex's friend. She has her moments of whining but she also can be funny and snarky and I like her friends scenes with Alex. Callie feeding him was great.


I appreciate the reminder of how far some of the doctors have come and I didn't mind that Jo got emotional about a patient. She excused herself and later apologized about it. Nice change from Lexie who would bawl openly and then remain pen pals with every single one of her patients. And I like that, for the most part, Alex treats her like other residents and doesn't coddle her during the workday.

I didn't care that Jo had a moment of humanity and got upset. I don't see it as any worse than Meredith crying and yelling 'what about her?' about the impaled girl, Bailey getting upset about quite a few, Derek losing it while chipping away at a patient's brain and Lexie's 100 crying jags. All of them have done it. Jo actually stepped away to compose herself and, as you said, apologize. That is the part that is unusual for SGM.  I'm also glad to see that Jo doesn't get special treatment because of her relationship with Alex. Its a nice change from watching Meredith and the rest benefit from all her personal relationships all these years.


Richard and Maggie felt earned. I hope there's further bonding between them this season.


Glad Meredith and Derek covered that a woman answered the phone because we didn't know that after seeing it the end of last episode, in every promo and in the beginning of the episode. They can both go to DC.

Edited by maasa
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I just realized something. The lowest ranking members of the regular cast are now 4th year residents. Isn't it time they started a new crop of interns at this supposed "teaching hospital"? And why don't they ever have med students in the observation deck?


If nothing else, they'll need some redshirts for the next catastrophe. Which i'm guessing will be a herd of mammoths freed from a glacier by global warming.


Animal Control: I'm out of darts, but it should be out for an hour.


Intern: (wailing) I can't do this!


Callie: (fully impaled) Yes you can, i'll talk you through it!

Edited by dr pepper
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My gut reaction was exactly what Happy Harpy said, right down to thinking (and tweeting) the term "Bunny Boiler" in relation to where I think they're going with that storyline, except for the fact that my gut reactions are almost invariably wrong. So he's probably heavily involved and in love with this new chick (I just got a very strong "stalker/BB" vibe in the very brief "coming attractions" trailer).


I definitely got weepy when Maggie realized it wasn't Richard who had passed along the early Alzheimer's gene and the palpable relief ... I look forward to seeing that relationship develop. I am a big fan of the Chief. 


I want to see more more more of Ben ... not just because he's a very handsome man but because I love his character. And I love the relationship with Bailey (who is my No. 1 favorite character on the show). 


I've been bingewatching the entire series on Netflix (am halfway through S8 and realizing that there was a lot I did not see originally, for whatever reason ... I mean, I am sure that no matter how AARPy my memory has become in the last year or so, I would NOT have forgotten "If/Then) and it's odd watching those episodes and then sliding in whatever the new S11 episode is in the middle. 

F.U. and your revisionist history, Shonda.  Trashing Derek just in case Dempsey demands to leave permanently? No bueno.

Don't you know that the demise of Addison and Derek was Derek's fault because he wasn't paying attention to Addison? It doesn't count Addison slept with Mark (for a long time) and conceived a child. It's Derek's fault! Addison called it scratching an itch, so not sure what else she was planning for. A threesome? 


When in doubt, blame the man. It's the MO of the show. Either Derek didn't talk much about it or Meredith is picking the side of convenience. My guess is the latter.


I'm also confsued by Meredith's statement, as she also told him to go. Twice. Once pissed off and the other time in good terms. Did she also forget that? Yeah, Derek left on a whim, but he offered to come home. She said no and then started going to airport hotels on weekends. When will she see her role in this? Never.


I didn't care that Jo had a moment of humanity and got upset.


This is my favorite part of the show: when these superheroes are humanized to the degree of needing a moment. It's the most normal thing on the show. 


The kissing was so terrible.I had to laugh.

I couldn't laugh. I got nauseous. 

Edited by AnitaM86
  • Love 4

I just realized something. The lowest ranking members of the regular cast are now 4th year residents. Isn't it time they started a new crop of interns at this supposed "teaching hospital"? And why don't they ever have med students in the observation deck?

I agree that they definitely need new interns at this point....problem is the cast is SO over bloated that adding any more regular/recurring characters would be a terrible move. They can't even write for the current cast of characters.



Another THANK YOU. I wanted to reach into the TV and smack Meredith for behaving like such a whiny twat. It is NOT just like Derek and Addison.  Derek leaving after he walked in on his wife sleeping with his best friend, is not "getting out when things got hard." I think you can effectively say that the marriage was DONE at that point. Addison and Mark even conceived a child as a result. Derek was "married" by paper only, by the time he met Meredith. He was separated from his former wife and living as far away as possible from her without leaving the frigging county. SO not "cheating."


F.U. and your revisionist history, Shonda.  Trashing Derek just in case Dempsey demands to leave permanently? No bueno.


I kind of disagree this is re-writing history.  I agree that sleeping with Meredith wasn't "cheating", but he and Addison had to be having marital issues before she slept with Mark.  You don't just have sex with your husband's best friend if you have a good, happy marriage.  While I think what Addison did was unforgivable, Derek just up and leaving, moving across the county without even talking about it does show a pattern of "leaving when it gets hard".  The current Mer/Der situation is not exactly the same, but they were clearly not in a good place when he left for DC...and remember, this is coming from Meredith's POV and she still believes she "will always be the young intern who fell in love with a hot-shot surgeon".  She's always been insecure about their relationship, so I don't necessarily feel like she was being whiny about it. 


I'm not a hardcore shipper or anything, but I do really hope Meredith and Derek can work through this just to prove she isn't "the girl he screwed to get over being screwed", as she once said.  



One more thing I wanted to add....Patrick may have been in this episode for all of 30 seconds, but wow he really looked sad, exhausted (maybe a little guilty) and like he had just flown 5 hrs across the county.  It's such a small, simple scene but I thought it was executed well.

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