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I am very new to this and have just started with Secret Garden.  I am using Sargent Art colored pencils (assorted 50) and I have Fiskars gel pens which I haven't tried yet.  Someone told me that gel pens leak through to the back and skip.  I don't have any artistic ability but enjoy the intricate work.  Any suggestions would be appreciated about materials or technique.

I'm using Staedtler Triplus pencils and Straetdler Triplus Fineliner pens for the postcards. I also have the Derwent Inktense water colours, but have not used them as I haven't found the right opportunity.


Which Prismacolor are you using, athousandclowns?  The Scholar line?


I can't draw anything except stick figures, but I have always loved art and colour. This is one way to express that.


I really like Johanna Basford's books. I already have Enchanted Forst and do plan on getting Lost Ocean eventually. I feel she gives the right amount of variety and details, but I don't colour every page or every thing. I've looked through a lot of colouring books as well and noted some that I may like in the future.


As for technique, I'm casually reading a book about colour pencil techniques and will let you know if it's any good or helpful.

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I bought the prismacolor 24 tin with "premier" on it. I limited to 24 while I figure out what I want to do. My son got admitted to the hospital day after we spent all

day in ER so the coloring has helped keep me away from the nurses station and continually being on the buzzer.

Sorry to hear about your son .. is he okay now?

I need to try these coloring books.


I hope your son is okay/better @athousanclowns. <3


I came over here in response to the weight loss topic.  I lost about 120 pounds and have gained over 40 of it back over the last three years after keeping it all off for a couple years.  I think it's twofold, medication related and losing portion control and my retrained palette.  I think those two things are so important to retraining your brain about food.  I tried a Fitbit which worked sort of, but I have been developing arthritis in my hips where they meet my spine - so walking real distances is becoming too painful (the weight also exacerbates this of course).  I bought myself a membership to a place with a pool for Christmas - now it's just a matter of getting off my ass and going when it's so cold and my skin is already dry from the forced heat and sub-zero temps.


It was so easy for me to lose it before, I was so single minded about it and did it in such a bad way (under 800 calories most days for about 18 months) - I just can't find that resolve this time, and it's probably more sensible that I don't.


It's a struggle, for certain.

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I've went through the whole weight loss and gain, weight loss and gain, see-saw my whole life. I'm really sympathetic to others including celebrities about their weight issues because at some point you become so exhausted with worrying about people looking at you or what people will say or feeling guilty about everything all the time that you give up trying and just accept being big because you want to at least enjoy what little life you might have. Hopefully at some point a person can build up their mental fortitude to try again, but sometimes you hit a wall and can't do it anymore.

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I am size 18 and have been struggling into skinny jeans, and some larger 16s mostly. Today i wore some 18w's jeans that i bought even tho they were a little baggy in the waist areas. SO Comfortable.

Also, I am tired of eating foods I don't like cuz its healthy. ..salad, steamed broccoli, etc. It's like I m stuffing my face with spinach just to stop hunger. I m going to try smaller portions of food I like instead. Plus more of healthy food i like, such as plain yogurt with blue berries and a little granola. It's tough.

Edited by Tosia
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I am size 18 and have been struggling into skinny jeans, and some larger 16s mostly. Today i wore some 18w's jeans that i bought even tho they were a little baggy in the waist areas. SO Comfortable.

Also, I am tired of eating foods I don't like cuz its healthy. ..salad, steamed broccoli, etc. It's like I m stuffing my face with spinach just to stop hunger. I m going to try smaller portions of food I like instead. Plus more of healthy food i like, such as plain yogurt with blue berries and a little granola. It's tough.

I agree with you. If you are eating what you don't like you won't feel satisfied.  I decided not to deny myself anything but to limit portions.  I also don't keep a lot of the things I really like in the house, but go get them when the mood strikes.  But I am the kind of person who can eat one potato chip.  But then I want one nut, and one piece of candy, and one cookie.  So it is a struggle.


It is also hard to drag myself to the gym but I do it.  I have no excuse.  I am retired.  It's like I put myself on autopilot the same as when I was working.  Didn't always feel like it but had to do it.  Nothing is easy.

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Food issues are hard.  Very hard.    I saw this topic started with Star and then Oprah.  Oprah is always the example I cite when women berate themselves about their weight.  If Oprah, who has every imaginable resource at her fingertips,  can't seem to crack the code then yes, it's hard. If Oprah, who has conquered her life in so many ways can't stay at the top of this mountain, then yes, it's hard.  


And years of struggling with my own weight issues - since about age 35 when I gained weight eating "fat-free" - have convinced me it's not only hard, it's complicated too.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Food issues are hard.  Very hard.    I saw this topic started with Star and then Oprah.  Oprah is always the example I cite when women berate themselves about their weight.  If Oprah, who has every imaginable resource at her fingertips,  can't seem to crack the code then yes, it's hard. If Oprah, who has conquered her life in so many ways can't stay at the top of this mountain, then yes, it's hard.  


And years of struggling with my own weight issues - since about age 35 when I gained weight eating "fat-free" have convinced me it's not only hard, it's complicated too.   

My bold.  Right on Cosmo!!  This is what I've been saying to anyone that will listen for many years.  I loved & supported Oprah for many, many years, but as soon as I see her on my TV talking about Weight Watchers, I whirr through it or change the channel.  (If I had someone just cooking proper meals for me, I'd lose a few pounds.  Just saying'.)

.... and with respect to "fat free" -- what a joke that was!!!

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I lost all respect for Weight Watchers when they hired Kirstie Alley and she used her own shakes to lose weight. I did lose weight in 1993 on WW and ended up pregnant. I have tried it twice since but I just can't get into it. I now weigh more than I ever have but with some medical issues it isn't coming off this time.

I have always said that if I could give up eating, I could lose weight. It is the need to eat to live that turns into living to eat for me. I know it is all emotional which just makes it so hard to sustain new habits. If I have an emotion, I eat. Doesn't matter if it is good or bad.

It is so crazy to be able to state the problem but not be able to fix it.

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I've only known that Kirstie did the Jenny Craig commercials. She got sued over her own 'organic' diet program Organic Liaison that Jenny Craig eventually bought from her. People sued her saying she lost most of the weight like Marie Osmond did by going on Dancing with the Stars. I am sick of seeing Marie Osmond in those Nutrisystem commercials acting like she lost all the weight she did just by using NS. She comes across as a flake more so then ever before in these current ones. Her weight loss for the most part occurred while she was on DWTS.

You all should have seen Marie on QVC recently where she appears as NS's spokesperson. Her face looked like she had some fillers or something else done and it either didn't go right or there was still swelling. She's also hawking some exercise bar similar to the one Greer Childers sold over 20yrs ago. I liked Marie better when she was selling dolls. Not that I ever bought any but her personality was better.

Edited by Jaded
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Food issues are hard. Very hard. I saw this topic started with Star and then Oprah. Oprah is always the example I cite when women berate themselves about their weight. If Oprah, who has every imaginable resource at her fingertips, can't seem to crack the code then yes, it's hard. If Oprah, who has conquered her life in so many ways can't stay at the top of this mountain, then yes, it's hard.

And years of struggling with my own weight issues - since about age 35 when I gained weight eating "fat-free" have convinced me it's not only hard, it's complicated too.

Yes, and it's especially complicated for women. Pregnancy and nursing places demands on our bodies, and our bodies and brains are set up to crave and find food, and to store it as fat. Estrogen affects hunger and weight gain, and our hormones go through so many changes over a lifespan. Once we gain weight, our bodies resist losing it, because our biology is set up for conserving energy.

And then there is all of society telling us that looking great means being thin. Any celebrity who has had a baby, the first thing people comment on is how she has a flat stomach afterwards, like that is an achievement. Why is it so important to look like you didn't have a baby? Giving birth affects every part of your body, why the emphasis on pretending it doesn't?

I've gone through pregnancies, surgeries, and now menopause, and I know what weight makes me feel healthy and energized. I was at that weight a few years ago. But fighting to get back there and stay there is so much work!

Edited by backformore
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Food issues are hard. Very hard. I saw this topic started with Star and then Oprah. Oprah is always the example I cite when women berate themselves about their weight. If Oprah, who has every imaginable resource at her fingertips, can't seem to crack the code then yes, it's hard. If Oprah, who has conquered her life in so many ways can't stay at the top of this mountain, then yes, it's hard.

I so agree. In addition to her enormous wealth, she's an incredibly insightful woman who has spent a great deal of time and effort on personal improvement. It's not as though she lacks the mental fortitude to overcome difficulties -- she's proved that she has that in spades. On one hand, the fact that she still struggles with her weight despite all of that endears her to me, and on the other hand it deflates my hope that I'll be able to do what even she can't.

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That Kirstie Alley and Marie Osmond both lost lots of weight on DWTS (most of the "stars" do with that schedule) was evident.  I question NutriSystem or whomever they were shilling for at the time, thinking that it's sensible marketing.  None of us who might think about using the products/diets will have an enforced activity like DWTS on our calendar.  That said, a million years ago I did NutriSystem (back when there were rumors that it gave you kidney stones etc) and lost 40 pounds in five months.  Kept it off a few years that time too, lol.  At least that time I had pregnancies to blame!


Vent all you like Jaded, that's what this place is here for!

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I am size 18 and have been struggling into skinny jeans, and some larger 16s mostly. Today i wore some 18w's jeans that i bought even tho they were a little baggy in the waist areas. SO Comfortable.

Also, I am tired of eating foods I don't like cuz its healthy. ..salad, steamed broccoli, etc. It's like I m stuffing my face with spinach just to stop hunger. I m going to try smaller portions of food I like instead. Plus more of healthy food i like, such as plain yogurt with blue berries and a little granola. It's tough.

That's exactly what I do. Smaller portions and I eat a cup of yogurt every day instead of dessert. I've lost 20 pounds. It took me a year but at least I haven't gained it back and I think slow but sure is the way to go.


I've gone from size 14 to size 12 and I will never be size zero. I really don't want to be anyway.

That Kirstie Alley and Marie Osmond both lost lots of weight on DWTS (most of the "stars" do with that schedule) was evident.  I question NutriSystem or whomever they were shilling for at the time, thinking that it's sensible marketing.  None of us who might think about using the products/diets will have an enforced activity like DWTS on our calendar.  That said, a million years ago I did NutriSystem (back when there were rumors that it gave you kidney stones etc) and lost 40 pounds in five months.  Kept it off a few years that time too, lol.  At least that time I had pregnancies to blame!


Vent all you like Jaded, that's what this place is here for!

My sister-in-law lost 60 pounds with NutriSystem. When she decided to stop eating and paying for their food she gained it all back. 

Edited by rcc
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You all should have seen Marie on QVC recently where she appears as NS's spokesperson. Her face looked like she had some fillers or something else done and it either didn't go right or there was still swelling. She's also hawking some exercise bar similar to the one Greer Childers sold over 20yrs ago. I liked Marie better when she was selling dolls. Not that I ever bought any but her personality was better.

Yikes, I agree Marie has completely over done the fillers or whatever happened to her face.  


Is it terrible I want one of those bodygym things now?    I'm glad I never watch the home shopping channels - I'm a sucker for that stuff.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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My problem with any of these items is that while they could work, I would have to actually commit to using them enough to make them work.  I am totally not motivated to do anything at home.  Even while watching TV.  So I go to the gym.  Somehow being in a class with other women motivates me to at least make the effort.

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I've still got size 6 clothes in my closet, but wear size 18 .... need I say more?

The last time I wore a 6, I was 6. I've always struggled with weight. Then about a year ago my DH started having really serious health problems, I decided I was close enough to normal size, I was going to stop obsessing and weighing daily, they whole thing. I've gone up a size but stayed there. I guess I'm trying not to obsess and see where that gets me. I did do WW one time and got to my goal weight. I'm not doing it again, but I learned a great deal from it, especially relating to portion size and substitutions in food preparation. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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OMG that was hard to watch!  Marie's face...wow!  Were the bangs and side curls hiding something?!  LOL   Her lips blown up, her cheeks that don't move.  She had the wrong top on too because it kept riding up when she went from standing to sitting etc...she has to hide her spanx and then get paid full bucks by NS!  

  • Love 4

OMG that was hard to watch!  Marie's face...wow!  Were the bangs and side curls hiding something?!  LOL   Her lips blown up, her cheeks that don't move.  She had the wrong top on too because it kept riding up when she went from standing to sitting etc...she has to hide her spanx and then get paid full bucks by NS!  

And she's got that whole "contouring"  makeup thing going on, on top of what she's done to her face.   

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I can't be the only one that checked QVC and found this contraption sold out, can I? Work with me here! This looks like something I'd actually do while watching the teevee machine, lol.

They must have restocked NextIteration, because no, you are not the only one who couldn't resist the dream idea of getting a workout in nine minutes a day.  This link redirects to qvc:  Try it again. 





In 6th grade I was reading aloud to the class and said is-land, instead of i-land for island. Other students knew I was a bookworm, so they were surprised and reacted thusly. I think I was just word reading and not thinking about the content. I still remember even though the reaction wasn't bad.


When I was about 20 and looking for a job, my mom asked about my re-zoom, which was my resume that I was typing on our good, old typewriter.


When my son was little he read/pronounced, Cheyenne, as che-ennie, It was cute then. Now that I am established as an academic, I play around and mispronounce words for the hell of it.  I love "CAPA-city! Now, frequently say "com-for-tablay" for comfortable, just to see if my grown up son's listening.

It's fun to do--if others get it.  


Hee Hee, Miss Whoopi's dumb!  


(Only because she thinks she's so smart--the rest of us are allowed human mistakes cuz we're, you know, regular humans, not EGOTS). 

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Well it's one thing to mispronounce a word; it's something else to mispronounce it and not know what it means and do both while moderating a TV talk show.  -


My grandmother pronounced hors d'oeuvres  as  "whore-doves" as long as I can remember.  I think no one ever corrected her I'm sorry to say.  But sometimes my mom and I still say it that way on  purpose to each other, as in  Are you serving Whore-Doves?"  Hee! 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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My kids were both elementary/middle school Spanish immersion students, their conjugation of verbs and pronunciation of words that they come up with to this day are a point of much humor in our home.


We have to be careful about correcting, so it's in the gentle humor of the ongoing situation and not a "you're doing/saying that wrong" sort of way.

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Yay, it's finally snowing!  The bummer, tho, is that we're on the fringe of the storm and are just expecting a few inches.  After hearing the weather reports all week, we were primed for a good storm (which we love!).


Good luck to all those getting slammed.  Open the wine or heat up the cocoa, watch a good movie, play a board game, enjoy the family! 

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And here I am in Pacific NW  and feeling a little jealous of  those with a snowed in weekend!   It's only January and I'm already sick of the rain.  

Cosmocrush -I feel like we are kindred spirits regarding the cosmo. See my avatar. Anyway, one of my sons and his family live in the Pacific Northwest.  I love it in the summer but it is hard to be there in the winter with the dark, wet grim weather.  They love it.  They are not cold, don't wear coats, etc.  I come bundled up and keep asking for heat and bigger light bulbs.  Is it a regional thing that light bulbs are very dim and not turned on often?  My daughter in law's parents are from there and instead of the kitchen light used a tiny lamp with a micro bulb.  anything else was "too bright".  What am I missing?  

  • Love 1


 My kitchen can be seen from space when all the lights are on ....




Cosmocrush -I feel like we are kindred spirits regarding the cosmo. See my avatar. Anyway, one of my sons and his family live in the Pacific Northwest.  I love it in the summer but it is hard to be there in the winter with the dark, wet grim weather.  They love it.  They are not cold, don't wear coats, etc.  I come bundled up and keep asking for heat and bigger light bulbs.  Is it a regional thing that light bulbs are very dim and not turned on often?  My daughter in law's parents are from there and instead of the kitchen light used a tiny lamp with a micro bulb.  anything else was "too bright".  What am I missing?  

looky, great avatar!  There's nothing like a good cocktail especially while watching some trash TV. 



You know, I never noticed the dim lighting before but now that I think about it, maybe it is a thing.  Looking around my own house, we have lots of windows but I only have one lamp with a bright bulb.  I do have a bright overhead in the kitchen but I almost never use it, preferring the smaller lamps.  


As a native to the PNW, I can say I very rarely get cold here either although as a kid "beachwear" generally meant a sweatshirt and shorts.  We still tell the story about when my s-i-l's mother was visiting in August from AZ and wore my arctic coat to the beach, which was a balmy 60-65 degrees by the way.


As a general rule, we rarely use umbrellas for daily use either.  I do wear a raincoat if it's raining but without the liner.   I don't like to wear my wool coat in the rain or inside so it often stays in the car if I'm going to the mall or the theater etc.     And I generally don't mind the rain until we've gone a month straight without a dry day.  But this year hasn't been the normal drizzle - it's been car-wash caliber which is making me cranky. 


BUT, it's all relative.  Although I grew up here, I lived/worked in Alaska for 15 years - where it's much darker and much colder.    And yet, the one year I spent in Florida was the longest year of my life - no offense to any Floridians here.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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