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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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I just don't think that hitting a person whether it is a slap or punch or "not that hard of a slap" should ever be considered minor or a non issue. Mainly because, as I had been trying to explain before it is the after effect that is the most damaging. 

I don't believe for even a second that Lisa Vanderpump had any after effects from that incident.

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I don't believe for even a second that Lisa Vanderpump had any after effects from that incident.


Did you not read her blog?  She was clearly disturbed and shaken by it. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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I don't believe for even a second that Lisa Vanderpump had any after effects from that incident.


Neither do I and I not only believe it was expected but that it was rehearsed as well. We'll never see them but I bet there are some hilarious outtakes of that very scene.

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I think we're getting a glimpse into how Brandi behaves when she is on the outs with a man. I'm sure she fights, plays emotional games and simply pushes the man away. Later when she's lonely or God forbid, sees him with someone else she's desperate to get him back. Then she follows him around  promising all sorts of sexual favors (like she told Lisa at the charity tea).  Cornering Lisa and trying to get her to kiss or slap her is probably what she's done a hundred times with guys before, and with some success. She's been desperate to "win" her back all season, and now as Lisa gets closer and closer to Kyle she's going out of her mind with jealousy. It's weird to see as a viewer and I'm sure it's creepy as hell to Lisa!

Sorry if this has already discussed, but being on the west coast it's hard to catch up on all the posts. 


You're right Brandy has been stalking LisaV like an obsessive ex-lover all season long. All she has done is flip flop between kissing LisaV's ass and slamming her. She is abusive. If she had been a man she would be up on charges, have a restraining order or be sued.


I wish Lisa would have coldly, calmly gone off on her after the slap but I think she was too taken aback that someone who says they want to be a friend again would physically assault her. I bet Ken was livid when he learned of that. 


I wish Lisa I would refuse to film with her. Do everything else but that.


I don't give Yo a pass either she should have taken Brandy to task this trip, I hope she has done so since slapping LisaV.  Yolanda never really calls Brandy out, not on this trip, not this season, she just verbally slaps her hand and hugs  and says "Bad girl."  A good friend, a real friend wouldn't allow their friend to treat someone like that or get away with it.  They would call them on it loud and clear, and there would be consequences because of their behavior.  Mike did this to his best friend  Reza in Shahs of Sunset when Reza, a gay man, went off on a younger, more flamboyant gay man who was a recent immigrant. Mike called Reza on it publicaly and privately. 


Yolanda never gives Brandy consequences. She shouldn't invite her to the next party she has and cite her behavior. She should say "I love you, I'm your friend but I see you doing this, this and this repeatedly, and you have done it in my own home to my guests. I'm sorry but I can't invite you. I love you and want to include you but  only when I see changes will I reconsider."

Edited by Giselle
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Did you not read her blog?  She was clearly disturbed and shaken by it. 


That may be what she said but those blogs are written to keep each housewife in character.   If they weren't, Bravo wouldn't put them up.

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I loved Lisa Vanderpump last night. She's back to her witty, fun self, unless she's slapped in the face. She's much less like-able as a martyr. I'm glad she's done with Brandi. Now, can Bravo be done with her as well?

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Are we done with Amsterdam?  There are quite a few pictures on Bravo's site that we haven't seen yet.  In one particular scene, Eileen is wearing a bright red dress, and all the women (plus some others) are gathered around a table.  Everyone looks relaxed and happy, and there are at least two extra blondes with shoulder length hair, that I can't id.

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That may be what she said but those blogs are written to keep each housewife in character.   If they weren't, Bravo wouldn't put them up.


In character?  I don't know much about the production side, I admit, but are you saying that these scenes and their personalities are faked and scripted for the show?  Like Kim's addiction, Brandi's child custody issues, Lisa R breaking the glass, Yo health issues? 

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I don't care what she wrote. I don't believe it. She is much stronger and more stable than that.

It doesn't matter how strong or stable a person is. If they have been slapped they have an after effect whether it is to get angry or get upset or stand there in shock. It is human behavior. 


When someone slaps you in the face, not only does everything crystallize in that moment. You can physically feel all of your humiliation and vulnerability radiate from the point of impact. As your face gets heated with embarrassment or anger, your mind tries to make sense of what just happened. Her description of her reaction was spot on IMO. It is exactly the way I felt when it happened to me. So, I will agree to disagree that this was minor and that Lisa experienced no after effect. 

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I don't believe for even a second that Lisa Vanderpump had any after effects from that incident.

I know she's British and stiff upper lip and all that, but geez - she's not a robot. Of course she felt the after effects. And I think we're going to see them in the next few episodes, as well as the reunion, and - fingers crossed - next season, as in no Brandi.

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I don't care what she wrote. I don't believe it. She is much stronger and more stable than that.

Stronger and more stable? Or part of a script? Both things have been mentioned. It can't be both.  If she is acting, what does being stronger have to do with it? If she is not acting, what does being strong and stable have to do with it?


One can be a strong person and a very stable person, but that doesn't equate them to being immune from humiliation and pain.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The most important question regarding The Slap, what brand and color nail polish was Lisa wearing?


I have to say, the BH women have brought a good manicure game this season, I've particularly noticed Yolanda and Kim's nails.

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So, if they were acting does that mean that they have an acting coach on set and have taken classes on physical acting so they know how to not actually hit the other actor?  I guess I pretty much see what happens on screen as generally real, aside from the usual and obvious show-influenced stuff.   

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Lisa wasn't contemplating it. I was just commenting on the idea of calling the police for something so minor.

I think the point is that one would be well within one's rights to do so, considering that slapping someone in the face is against the law, and that "minor" is relative. I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't call the cops if I were in this Lisa-Brandi scenario. On the other hand, maybe I would if some stranger in a bar slapped my face, whether it was hard, soft, a joke, or serious. If one commits battery, one may have to answer to cops; it's irrelevant how minor an onlooker perceives the battery to be. I think speeding on the highway is pretty minor, but I am fully aware that is it against the law and thus don't feel like it's a waste of government resources for a cop to do something about it--and speeding doesn't even necessarily involve another person like, say, deliberately slapping someone's face does.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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The slap in the face and being manhandled and physically intimidated by Brandi strikes at the core of Lisa's "character." You know what I mean. The witty, experienced, seen it all club owner who has a witty quip for every occasion to deflect the emotion in a very British way. She was obviously humiliated by Brandi's trailer park move and thrown off in a big way. She didn't know how to react at the time. She is minimizing it for sure and playing it down but it was a very telling incident if you ask me.

It threw Lisa off her stride. No doubt about it.


I will sign on that some will find any excuse to cover for Brandi and Kim. I don't get it.

Edited by Trooper York
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I hate the idea that because someone is strong and stable that means they can't be knocked off kilter or humiliated.  Complete bullshit.


That's about all I'm going to say in response to those who feel the need to continually defend Brandi by making it someone else's fault.


Well, at least this time it's not Kyle or Lisa R's fault.  lol  Gotta switch it up a little, keep the excuses fresh. 


I wonder if Brandi and Kim have some kind of Excel spreadsheet where they keep track of who is to blame for their actions.

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Lisa's reaction to Brandi after getting slapped almost reminded me of a stunned mother who is scolding a small child and trying to communicate how inappropriate their behavior is.

No doubt she was stunned and humiliated.

Edited by msblossom
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Okay, I'm not a mod for this forum, but anyone can see that it's getting contentious in here.


I want everyone on all sides of the debate to take a deep breath and a step back. If you've stated your opinion twice, you don't need to keep at it as you're not going to persuade anyone.

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I guess it is very different for men and women in a situation like this. To be physically manhandled and slapped is really not something that should be countenanced at a workspace. The physical domination by using her height and reach is something that Brandi has done before. She has made many verbal threats where she has threatened to "kill' or other wise go after some of the other girls.


I wonder ladies. Is that cool with you?


(My last words on the subject)

Edited by Trooper York
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I just don't think that hitting a person whether it is a slap or punch or "not that hard of a slap" should ever be considered minor or a non issue. Mainly because, as I had been trying to explain before it is the after effect that is the most damaging.

Thank you. The idea of invading someone's personal space is disgusting. The defense that, "it wasn't really hard", baffles me. Brandi was trying to control Lisa first trying force a kiss(ewww!) Then by "playfully" slapping her. Fuck that! I can't imagine how humiliated LisaV felt.

I guess it is very different for men and women in a situation like this. To be physically manhandled and slapped is really not something that should be countenanced at a workspace. The physical domination by using her height and reach is something that Brandi has done before. She has made many verbal threats where she has threatened to "kill' or other wise go after some of the other girls.

I wonder ladies. Is that cool with you?

(My last words on the subject)


This low down wowan threatens violence all the time.

If a man acted like brandi I would be angry and he would never be given a pass for "playfully" slapping anyone.

Edited by imjagain
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I guess it is very different for men and women in a situation like this. To be physically manhandled and slapped is really not something that should be countenanced at a workspace. The physical domination by using her height and reach is something that Brandi has done before. She has made many verbal threats where she has threatened to "kill' or other wise go after some of the other girls.


I wonder ladies. Is that cool with you?

Of course not. We've seen Brandi physically intimidate and bully others so many times, and it's never ok. Nobody's comfortable with that. Eileen has really stood her ground with both Brandi and Kim, and shown a lot of cool and calm reserve, but I noticed a few times when the camera panned back to her face, she was teary-eyed. Same with Lisa V. They're human.

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Eileen’s constant LAME soap opera dramatics and “How dare yous!” can be filed under fake bad acting and completely exhausting.



Brandi's ghostwriter needs another lesson in Grammerly because isn't acting fake in general?  Aren't you faking something when you're acting?  So "fake bad acting" means not bad acting?  Or not acting at all?  A double negative? 


From Lisa V's blog: 


Careless remarks are one thing, but lies can gather momentum



Lisa referenced this in regard to Brandi saying that Eileen was a homewrecker.  I completely agree with Lisa's take and, once again, find it highly ironic that it's Brandi who made this remark after her bestie Kim laid into Eileen for supposedly doing the same thing to her (and Lisa R at the dinner) by insinuating that Kim is an addict.  Kim and Brandi are expert at attempting to twist whatever they want into any shape they want. 


Lisa's blog is a thing of beauty.  I think Brandi is good and fucked.  If Andy had to choose between Lisa and Brandi, there is no way in hell he's going to upset Lisa V.  Not only that, it appears that Brandi is going to lose her loyal attack dog, Kim next week.  Who does that leave her?  YoFo?  I think Yo has pretty much had it with Brandi and Kim.  No one is going to want to film with her and understandably so.  As Lisa said, Brandi destroys the relationships close to her and I think that includes self-destruction. 


I simply cannot wait for this reunion.  I think shit is gonna get very, very real. 

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I loved Lisa Vanderpump last night. She's back to her witty, fun self, unless she's slapped in the face. She's much less like-able as a martyr. I'm glad she's done with Brandi. Now, can Bravo be done with her as well?

Let's be honest, the martyr shtick doesn't work for anyone. Camille tried it for awhile and it only made her seem even more calculated. Kyle does it every week and as much as I like her and feel for her, I'm FF through the tears. This isn't Dr Phil.


It doesn't matter how strong or stable a person is. If they have been slapped they have an after effect whether it is to get angry or get upset or stand there in shock. It is human behavior. 


When someone slaps you in the face, not only does everything crystallize in that moment. You can physically feel all of your humiliation and vulnerability radiate from the point of impact. As your face gets heated with embarrassment or anger, your mind tries to make sense of what just happened. Her description of her reaction was spot on IMO. It is exactly the way I felt when it happened to me. So, I will agree to disagree that this was minor and that Lisa experienced no after effect. 

I really don't think it had anything to do with the slap. Brandi was coming at her like a linebacker. You can see it in Lisa's eyes, she was pretty much scanning the room, just shy of crawling over the tables to get away from Brandi. She was visibly uncomfortable and all of the humiliation that came with being slapped, only made things worse. That said, it was also her way out. I really think Lisa knew it would get physical before she could put an end to it. Brandi didn't even realize how crazy she was behaving until that moment. It was really sick and difficult to watch, even moreso than Teresa's 'PROSTITUTION WHORE' Hulk Table Smash.


Well, at least this time it's not Kyle or Lisa R's fault.  lol  Gotta switch it up a little, keep the excuses fresh. 


I wonder if Brandi and Kim have some kind of Excel spreadsheet where they keep track of who is to blame for their actions.


There's gotta be a flow chart!

Did you see your kids this week? No. Did you see Kyle's kids this week? Yes. It's Kyle's fault.

Were you eating at Sur? Yes. Was Scheanna there? Yes. It's Lisa's fault.

Did anyone mention poker? Yes. It's Eileen's fault.

Edited by rho
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I wish Yo was well enough to write a blog.  Not having her feedback for most of the season makes me wonder what her opinion is of everything that's gone down besides the THs.  Guess I'm going to have to wait for the reunion which she apparently struggled through due to her health to find out where she stands with these "friends".  I really hope she will be back next season.


Or maybe we should have a Househusbands show.  Vince himself would be a riot and the Ken-Maurice bromance would also be better than a lot of what the women dish out.  David can continue inviting us to his big house parties and charity events. Harry can take us to the Glee set or whatever else he's upto.  And we would finally have no reason to hang out with Kim and Brandi.


I'm really bummed Amsterdam is over and most of it was not enjoyable.


I agree wholeheartedly! We definitely need an excuse for something from which Kim and Brandi will be absent! There will be peace in the valley, LOL.


So sad that lovely Amsterdam was spoiled by this craziness. That canal boat was amazing! The whole city was amazing. More Amsterdam, please, Bravo. A revisit with only those who know how to behave themselves.

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One good thing about this episode I got to see a brief glimpse of one of my favorite paintings.. Vermeer's Milkmaid.




I was especially unimpressed with the comments made by Kyle during the 'cultural' visit to the Rembrandt museum. She had nothing to offer other than low-brow comments throughout their tour of the museum. "wow imagine being able to paint a shadow like that" and "I think even I can paint a bird better".  It was obvious that culture and history have no significance for Kyle. I'm sure she wished she was shopping for dildos with the others instead of staring at old paintings of dead people.

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Nooooooo!!!!  It's not the information that I mind if it's true, it's that it's coming from LisaV!  NOOOO.  She and Yo and MAYBE Eileen are the only ones left that I thought woudn't stoop to Brandi's level of dish.  Don't do it, Lisa.  Come back from the dark side. 

Brandi discussed this at length her 2nd season and several other times as well on camera, in her blogs, tweets and on her podcast. She had some guy come to her rental to teach her how to relax/decrease her anxiety level using bio feedback. This is not new, it is not news and you can relax now, Lisa did not go there! LOL

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Even after Brandi slapped her, she still was grabbing at Lisa's arms trying to prevent her from walking away. She's been so aggressive this season with Lisa it's uncomfortable to watch, let alone experience.


Do I think Lisa, Kyle, Lisa R and Eileen want exposure and opportunities from this show? Of course. That doesn't mean they're perfectly okay with being slapped, cursed out, threatened, having wine thrown in their faces or their bitter drunk castmates making accusations about their husbands.

Edited by charming
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I feel like Margaret Meade when I watch Brandi and she could just as well be speaking an African clicking language. I just DO NOT get her at all. I think for sure she has a personality disorder (borderline?) because she definetly experiences and perceives the world differently then most. Even when I've really disliked one of the housewives For one reason or other I always felt like I understood what made them tick. Although Jellybean Kelly left me scratching my head a lot . I guess I don't speak model.

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Ann, I do believe quite a bit of what we see is scripted but I think everything with Kim is not.  I don't believe she and Kyle are acting.  The tension between those two are real.  And I think everything that has stemmed from that - - the poker night, the mini-confrontation in Eileen's kitchen, the yelling in her driveway, the Amsterdam dinner - - is 100% real. 


As far as Lisa's restaurants benefitting from RH, of course they do.  I'm sure that's partly why Lisa signed up to begin with.  She likely did not need the money but the exposure only helps her.  I would say the same for Lisa R and Eileen.  Nothing wrong with that.


Yeah, obviously certain things are scripted but I don't think much is with the Pointer Sisters (aside from things that they plan on brining up in front of the cameras, but I think the reactions are all real) and I don't think that Lisa would willingly allow anyone (esp Brandi) to make inferences regarding her fidelity to Ken, manhandle and slap her.  I don't see how that would benefit her business ventures or her reputation.  There aren't many instances of Lisa looking visibly shaken or emotional, so I tend to notice when it happens, and last night was one of those instances. 

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It certainly was not an accident. She purposely slapped Lisa.


The whole thing reminds me of abusers who slap, hit, or push someone and then say, "I didn't mean it".  Brandi saying she is joking around is equivalent to "I didn't mean it".  What bothers me is how many times Lisa made it clear she wanted Brandi to leave her alone in so many words. If a man was trying to get a kiss from Lisa and then trying to force a kiss upon her? That would be all kinds of wrong. And, he then slapped her? I think without a doubt, it would be looked upon differently regardless if he was a friend of hers.


This entire post is how I was feeling about Brandi with Lisa V. at the end. For me, the slap was bad - no no no Brandi. But it was the rest of it, blocking Lisa V from leaving, how upset Lisa was and Brandi completely ignoring that and also persisting. The entire thing creeped me out in a way I haven't been by Brandi before.


I was barely able to talk about this episode today. I'm not watching the rest or the reunion. I am looking forward to RHONY and hope it's enjoyable. This RHOBH is a nightmare I can't deal with anymore.

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With each episode, Kim and Brandi separate themselves further from the other women in terms of lifestyle!and class. If those two women were not cast members would any of the other women give them more than a glance and maybe a polite, "Hello"?

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Wow. Brandi is toast. Lisa V. is done with her. DONE!


I think you can stick a fork in Brandi, she's so done.  I will be very surprised if she is back next season.


And as bad as the slap was, the comment about Lisa sleeping around was just as bad.  Might  (emphasis on "might") be funny if you're sitting around with your friends and don't have freaking cameras rolling, but "You slept with everyone in LA" was broadcast over national TV last night.  Lisa is a serious business woman and apparently well respected and well known.


As a group, the HW's need to tell Bravo they refuse to film another season with Brandi.  It looks like Lisa may already be there.  I think she has some clout and I hope she uses it.


ETA: Just read Brandi's blog.



I lived in Europe for over six years, afterall.


What do we need to give Europe so they'll take her back?  Can we get the State Department on this pronto?


Other than that, nothing.  Over her and HER hypocrisy.

Edited by mwell345
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I feel like Margaret Meade when I watch Brandi and she could just as well be speaking an African clicking language. I just DO NOT get her at all. I think for sure she has a personality disorder (borderline?) because she definetly experiences and perceives the world differently then most. Even when I've really disliked one of the housewives For one reason or other I always felt like I understood what made them tick. Although Jellybean Kelly left me scratching my head a lot . I guess I don't speak model.

This is the only plausible explanation for that beast Brandi. She is a very sick woman. She needs help. I couldn't imagine being in her skin. It must be hell 24/7.

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Is Bravo airing this episodes to frigging night's in a row...in the same darn time slot? That's what my guide says. Geez

I know they do repeats. But this is ridiculous. Two night's in a row at the same time slot?

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I don't care what she wrote. I don't believe it. She is much stronger and more stable than that.

I haven't commented on this.


I don't see how it's a sign of instability that Lisa would be hurt and upset over Brandi pushing and slapping her on camera. 


I also think that Lisa did handle the moment in a strong way and give her credit for not taking the bait and descending to Brandi's level either through hitting her or through saying something to hurt Brandi. Instead, she calmly told Brandi that she didn't like what she was doing, that it wasn't okay, and that she needed to stop. She wasn't going to slap her back and she wasn't going to engage anymore with Brandi's disrespectful behavior. I thought Lisa handled it well all things considered.


For the record I also think that the idea that Brandi and Lisa rehearsed the slap is beyond absurd. I can't see Lisa agreeing to that for two seconds--IMO she's more dignified than that. (This isn't to say that she can't be undignified--not saying that just to be clear.) However in this situation I just can't see Lisa going for that. She doesn't want to engage with Brandi and Brandi knows it. This is a huge part of why Brandi has been so desperate this season.


Brandi foolishly thought that she'd be able to worm her way back into Lisa's good graces and I think she is finally realizing that that ship has sailed. Prior to the slap Lisa was just willing to deal with her in a polite and friendly but distant manner. Now though and especially after this episode, I think Brandi realizes that she's crossed the Rubicon. 

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Is Bravo airing this episodes to frigging night's in a row...in the same darn time slot? That's what my guide says. Geez

I know they do repeats. But this is ridiculous. Two night's in a row at the same time slot?

I think this episode had so much chatter that they thought it would be a good idea to cash in for those who missed it or DVR's didn't record it. I say that because I am usually a day late and watch it on demand the next day so my husband can watch it with me. Before we were able to watch it on demand I would bitch about the fact that they replay these episodes constantly but never on the night we can actually watch it and we would end up having to wait for the weekend marathon to catch up. So, my guess is they wanted to get more mileage out of what seems to be a major turning point before the season ends. 


Everyone has agreed to back away slowly from Kim for the sake of their own sanity. That leaves Brandi's antics and since very few of the Howives interact with her, this incident (and LisaR's blow up in Amsterdam) would be a big deal to keep people talking. 

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I'm still mystified by their reactions to their drugs. If, as has been speculated, Brandi added benzos to her booze, she'd be passed out asleep, not grappling with Lisa V. (And Kim, who's admittedly swapped alcohol for opiates, should be nodding off like a heroin addict.)


Re: "The Slap" - Twenty years ago, the "OG" of reality shows, The Real World, had a violence clause that any cast member who laid a hand on someone else was immediately removed and fired. These days physical altercations on reality shows are de rigeur.

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LisaR really took Brandi to task for the wine throwing incident. The entire conversation was interesting when I think of the events to come in Amsterdam. LisaR straight up says that she's "white trash" and saddles Brandi with that label too. LisaR basically said she's one step away from trailer and senses that in Brandi. (I'm paraphrasing.) She goes on to basically tell Brandi that she'd better watch out before trying some shit like that on her. 


Also, I'd seen people mention it but that was my first time seeing Kim make the comment to Yolanda about how LisaR probably hasn't seen a penis in awhile. What's strange about the scene and the comment is that Kim seems more excited than any of the ladies to have had the dick sighting and actually makes a comment about how she wants the driver to turn around and even states something about what room she'll be in. Lol, weird that she'd snark about LisaR here considering her own reaction. 


The clip where Brandi and Kim are talking after the mixer shows just how much Brandi is trying to come in between the sisters and it's still the case now while the ladies are in Amsterdam. Brandi even chastises Kim for coming to Kyle's defense when she admits that Kyle has been a support to her in ways that Brandi hasn't necessarily seen. Brandi didn't want to hear anything good about Kyle so she continued to push and make Kyle seem like she's this horrible sister. It's sad to watch and it's unfortunate that Kim hasn't at least used her blog in an attempt to distance herself from Brandi and maybe even try for a little clarification about where she was coming from during all of this. If she can't bring herself to apologize to Eileen or LisaR then I think she should at least be willing to apologize to her sister at some point. I need something like this from Kim if I'm going to have to deal with her presence next season.

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... Eileen Davidson married to Vince Van Patton who really hasn't done much on his own other than work as commentator for the World Poker Tour and had a semi-famous father.



Vince Van Patten's been acting since he was about twelve; he's got a good number of credits, and it looks like he's still acting.  Dick Van Patten started acting at 7, headlined a TV show that ran 4-5 years, and worked with Mel Brooks a number of times. Maybe he's not famous on a DeNiro or Clooney level, but he's got over 150 credits, has guested on just about every show there is, and is known to hang with big names (besides Brooks).  Plus DVP makes some great dog treats!

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