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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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Since I'm taking a break from discussing Brandi and Kim, I needed something to snark about and read through all the comments on the fashion sense (or lack thereof) of the HWs in that group picture and decided:


Yolanda looks like a stewardess (excuse me - Flight Attendant)


Kim is still stuck in the 70's.


Eileen is dressed for Halloween.


LisaV could easily pass for a biker chic.


And Kyle.........well I wondered if that was the cape she wore while fleeing the restaurant.  If not, she has a thing for capes but I thought her shoulder pads needed epaulets.  I really liked the idea of giving her a witch's hat (someone suggested she looked like she emerged from The Craft) but I thought a fascinator would compliment her ridiculous face hiding, weeping, froggy voice whining and pearl clutching.



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 20

That scene from the canal tour when Brandi insisted the women say nice things about each other reminded me of the time that Camille, Taylor, and Adrienne were on WWHL and Andy played that game with them where they had to say three nice things about Brandi Glanville.


Obviously WWHL happened long after the season was filmed, but I do wonder if Brandi was maybe thinking her game would happen somewhat like that. With the women struggling to find nice things to say about each other and even offering backhand compliments instead of sincere ones. And when that didn't happen and she could actually see that these women had bonded with each other without her and that no matter how fucked up Kim and Kyle's relationship was, they would always love each other even if they didn't like each other at the moment. She freaked out when it became her turn to receive compliments.


Suddenly she didn't want to hear what nice things these women had to say about her. She would never accept any of it as sincere because she knew she didn't have a place with them. Even if they said sincerely nice things, she would never be able to believe them because she knew she had damaged any relationships she had had with them so much. I think that is when it clicked with her that she lifts right out of the group and that is why she freaked.


ETA: I also think that realization was what made her so desperate to share some sort of intimacy with Lisa V on camera hence the invading her space trying to force a kiss and then the slap.


Brandi is her own worst enemy.  None of the ladies could damage her as much as she has damaged herself.  She wants intimacy and friendship, but she wants it on HER terms.  Her problem is that she does not think she belongs and she is projecting her feelings on to the other woman.  Brandi does not fit with the ladies because she is immature and she does not hold confidences.  She has shown that she is a Grade A shit starter and she cannot be trusted.  With this type of a track record, there aren't many circles she could fit into.  I know she would have been kicked out of my group of friends and we aren't monied.


She thought that she would use the game to insult the other women, but they were actually having fun with it and said some nice things about her.  She should have been embarrassed.  I would be if I tried to set someone up for failure and they turned it around on me.

  • Love 5

It doesn't matter how strong or stable a person is. If they have been slapped they have an after effect whether it is to get angry or get upset or stand there in shock. It is human behavior. 


When someone slaps you in the face, not only does everything crystallize in that moment. You can physically feel all of your humiliation and vulnerability radiate from the point of impact. As your face gets heated with embarrassment or anger, your mind tries to make sense of what just happened. Her description of her reaction was spot on IMO. It is exactly the way I felt when it happened to me. So, I will agree to disagree that this was minor and that Lisa experienced no after effect. 


Besides which, I don't think Bravo would go so far as to have scripted this, as was opined in the post prior to this one. Especially since Andy is at least pretending this sort of behavior is unacceptable. Nor do I think Brandi would have done it if she had time to think about the consequences. She's already in a bad light, people don't like her, and she's spending a great deal of time rationalizing her behavior and deflecting onto others in order to keep what little reputation she has. I don't think she likes being as much of a pariah as she already was, much less follow a script which will put her as the villain yet again. Impulsive and without judgment in the moment? Definitely. Outright stupid? I don't think so.

  • Love 2

AnnA, that is just GREAT!!  Some sophisticated airline ought to use Yo's outfit as a uniform!


OMG AnnA, hilarious!   You're amazing at this.  Those bitches have never looked better.

Thank you. I really enjoy making them and it beats the hell out of cleaning my house. LOL

Yolanda's dress without the boob hole looks great on her and I hate to admit it but that silly hat looks good on Kyle too.

  • Love 6

Since I'm taking a break from discussing Brandi and Kim, I needed something to snark about and read through all the comments on the fashion sense (or lack thereof) of the HWs in that group picture and decided:


Yolanda looks like a stewardess (excuse me - Flight Attendant)


Kim is still stuck in the 70's.


Eileen is dressed for Halloween.


LisaV could easily pass for a biker chic.


And Kyle.........well I wondered if that was the cape she wore while fleeing the restaurant.  If not, she has a thing for capes but I thought her shoulder pads needed epaulets.  I really liked the idea of giving her a witch's hat (someone suggested she looked like she emerged from The Craft) but I thought a fascinator would compliment her ridiculous face hiding, weeping, froggy voice whining and pearl clutching.



AnnA you are a talented one.  Kyle is looking a little like Kate Middleton's mum.

  • Love 8

I feel like Margaret Meade when I watch Brandi and she could just as well be speaking an African clicking language. I just DO NOT get her at all. I think for sure she has a personality disorder (borderline?) because she definetly experiences and perceives the world differently then most. Even when I've really disliked one of the housewives For one reason or other I always felt like I understood what made them tick. Although Jellybean Kelly left me scratching my head a lot . I guess I don't speak model.


When I read Brandi's blog, I was speechless. She said some outrageous deflecting things, but most of it didn't track at all for me. Her reasoning was even more way out there than usual. I wanted to respond here, but I literally did not know where to begin. So I decided to wait a while. Still have not even looked at it again. I have to wait until I'm *really* well rested and then I may be able to make some sense of it.

  • Love 4

I have wondered how come Brandi chose to slap Lisa V and throw wine at Eileen but never knocked Kyle's teeth out as she been threatening to do most of the season. I find it interesting she dares not though since Kyle has been her biggest rival for sometime. LVP and Eileen are nonviolent. However Kyle did pull on Brandi's bony arm during the poker night when Brandi blocked her path to get to Kim. When Kyle tugged at her arm it must hurt, badly.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

I didn't see Eileen being ugly during the episode. Not one bit. She was calm and collected. She stated her case and easily refuted Kim and Brandi's nonsense. They've been pretty awful to her for much of the season and Brandi was the one who opened the door to the conversation! Eileen didn't start it, Brandi did with her charming fake apology for all the things she's said to and about Eileen lo these many weeks. So I guess Brandi can open the conversation and Eileen is supposed to sit silently?

True, but that doesn't mean Lisa V isn't done with BG. I think her blog makes that clear. I think this season there were moments where Lisa V seemed to warm up to BG but I think that slap probably ends that stuff.

Everyone. Every single one of us is capable of going there. We have a trigger or button. No one may ever push that button and so we will not reach that level, but it still exists.

Exactly. And i can sit here all day saying I've never punched anyone, and teach my children to never punch anyone, but if I'm jumped and attacked in a club and haul off and punch you in the face, that hardly makes me a hypocrite. I reacted to a situation I've never been in before in the best way I could think of at the time. That's why I give these women a pass and not that scum K&B. I doubt Lisar has been at many dinner parties where another guest started screaming at her and then started yelling lies about her husband. How can she say for certainty how she would react to that before it ever happened? She's human and make a mistake and I'm willing to bet learned from it. She is far from hypocritical. Unlike those other two shit stains who just keep plowing thru life hurting whoever they feel like at the time and then crying when someone dares to lash out back at them.

  • Love 14

I think at the reunion the women will go after Brandi for the off-camera remarks she had continually made "menopause mama's", "73rd birthday", the mimic of Mohammad, etc.     It wasn't just her odd interaction with the women, Kim included, but her off camera comments.  They will go after her like wolves.


BTW just got a 1080HDTV  - OMG you can see everything!!!  Brandi's makeup is caked on, Kim's eyes are beyond glazed and let's just say certain people should not be filmed in Ultra High HD! 

  • Love 5

I doubt Lisar has been at many dinner parties where another guest started screaming at her and then started yelling lies about her husband. How can she say for certainty how she would react to that before it ever happened? She's human and make a mistake and I'm willing to bet learned from it. 


I'm not so sure LisaR learned the lesson you hope she has.  Have you read the posts/links about Adrienne's party in the Reunion/Spoiler thread?  LisaR knows how to play the game and is well aware that bringing the drama gets her a bigger bonus.  

  • Love 2

From Kyle's Facebook page, a pic from Amsterdam.


Once I finished recoiling in horror from Eileen's orange dress and black tights, I realized someone was missing from this pic.  


Not sure if this is from the night Brandi had her "date" or at some other point in their trip but...Yeah, no "BG"



Kim looks like a cracked out ventriloquist's dummy. Spooky. Or like one of those Monty Python animations and any second her lower jaw will start chattering, then unhinge, and she'll bite Kyle's head off whole.

Sorry. Long day. I have nothing sensible to contribute to the conversation.

  • Love 3

Tweet from Kenya Moore last night about the slap





and from Pandora




and two more




Brandi sucks but Pandora can kiss my ass. Isn't this the same woman who claimed that the waitress who won the law suit against Ken and Lisa was "lucky" to work at Villa Blanca? I am sorry, but LVP Is not the nicest, most compassionate person that anyone knows; and the slap was certainly inappropriate, but it really wasn't that shocking and I wouldn't even call it disgusting. I mean, Brandi did not seriously hit Lisa - it was basically the local crazy person (Brandi) doing another one of her weird, drunken, attention-getting "jokes" that fall beyond flat. Pandy, there are a lot worse things going on in the world than Brandi play slapping Lisa. Her righteous rage is so annoying and her husband is downright creepy.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 3

From Kyle's Facebook page, a pic from Amsterdam.


Once I finished recoiling in horror from Eileen's orange dress and black tights, I realized someone was missing from this pic.  


Not sure if this is from the night Brandi had her "date" or at some other point in their trip but...Yeah, no "BG"



Kim's eye is freaking me out.   Looking and acting like Baby Jane more and more every day.

  • Love 1

Brandi sucks but Pandora can kiss my ass. Isn't this the same woman who claimed that the waitress who won the law suit against Ken and Lisa was "lucky" to work at Villa Blanca? I am sorry, but LVP Is not the nicest, most compassionate person that anyone knows; and the slap was certainly inappropriate, but it really wasn't that shocking and I wouldn't even call it disgusting. I mean, Brandi did not seriously hit Lisa - it was basically the local crazy person (Brandi) doing another one of her weird, drunken, attention-getting "jokes" that fall beyond flat. Pandy, there are a lot worse things going on in the world than Brandi play slapping Lisa. Her righteous rage is so annoying and her husband is downright creepy.

I give Pandy a pass- that's her mother. In my opinion, she can be as righteous as she wants with regard to this situation. I wouldn't expect anything else from her, she seems very close to her parents.

  • Love 15

And Pandora didn't say otherwise, as she wasn't speaking for anyone besides herself.


I understand that, but it is my opinion that the entire Vanderpump family exhibits a streak of entitlement where they grossly overestimate themselves and the "privilege" of what it means to be around them. I find any kind of self-righteousness annoying in general, but the Vanderpump-Todd airs of "we're then nicest people ever, oh my insult was meant as a joke, you're so lucky to work for us" really grates me. At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."

  • Love 5

I understand that, but it is my opinion that the entire Vanderpump family exhibits a streak of entitlement where they grossly overestimate themselves and the "privilege" of what it means to be around them. I find any kind of self-righteousness annoying in general, but the Vanderpump-Todd airs of "we're then nicest people ever, oh my insult was meant as a joke, you're so lucky to work for us" really grates me. At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."

If I were in the same situation, I would get involved and would be a lot more biting in my tweet (if I did tweet) than Pandora. Everyone is different. One can also argue that she knew about the slap but possibly saw it for the first time when it aired. Or, knew that it was coming and planned to stay silent until it aired. Or, knowing that Brandi's MO is to tweet everything, decided that this is how she was going to defend her mom.

Everyone has a different view. I agree that the family comes off as entitled and can be off putting with their air of superiority, but I just don't think Pandora deserves judgment for her reaction.

  • Love 3

I understand that, but it is my opinion that the entire Vanderpump family exhibits a streak of entitlement where they grossly overestimate themselves and the "privilege" of what it means to be around them. I find any kind of self-righteousness annoying in general, but the Vanderpump-Todd airs of "we're then nicest people ever, oh my insult was meant as a joke, you're so lucky to work for us" really grates me. At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."

When I first saw the slap in the trailers  I thought-this is fake.  Then there was the wine toss because Eileen wouldn't play soap opera with Brandi.  That being said, when I saw the slap I was pretty stunned.  More so by Brandi's relentlessness in going after Lisa and trying to create a moment.  I can see were the Vanderfabulouses have been concerned about Brandi doing a mouth rape of Lisa and then claiming she made out with her.  Either way with Pandora would have worked for me-that was dumb or heightened outrage Pandora put out there. 

  • Love 2

"Im tired of LVP playing victim." Wow... I take it some of these fans who say this would have no problem being violated on the job.

The great thing about LVP'S blog she truly playing chess on Brandi and will win. Brandi really screwed herself with this one.

  • Love 7

I understand that, but it is my opinion that the entire Vanderpump family exhibits a streak of entitlement where they grossly overestimate themselves and the "privilege" of what it means to be around them. I find any kind of self-righteousness annoying in general, but the Vanderpump-Todd airs of "we're then nicest people ever, oh my insult was meant as a joke, you're so lucky to work for us" really grates me. At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."

And how do you think Gigi would have reacted, or Bella, or Whitney, or Kimberly, or Alexis....any of the HW's children had their mothers been slapped for no reason?


I always find it suspicious when the "author" is not listed. This reads like it was written by Brandi's "ghostwriter", KH.

  • Love 3

At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."


Yes, Pandy has known about the slap for months, but they're not allowed to comment on episodes until they've actually aired.  If someone were to slap my mom, I would be just as pissed as Pandy was and would be very vocal about it.  I don't think its disingenuous to be outraged on your mom's behalf.

  • Love 9

Since I'm taking a break from discussing Brandi and Kim, I needed something to snark about and read through all the comments on the fashion sense (or lack thereof) of the HWs in that group picture and decided:


Yolanda looks like a stewardess (excuse me - Flight Attendant)


Kim is still stuck in the 70's.


Eileen is dressed for Halloween.


LisaV could easily pass for a biker chic.


And Kyle.........well I wondered if that was the cape she wore while fleeing the restaurant.  If not, she has a thing for capes but I thought her shoulder pads needed epaulets.  I really liked the idea of giving her a witch's hat (someone suggested she looked like she emerged from The Craft) but I thought a fascinator would compliment her ridiculous face hiding, weeping, froggy voice whining and pearl clutching.



Thanks Anna for the pics! Please keep them coming. They are a bright spot in an otherwise dark season.

  • Love 3


At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months.


The slap in and of itself wasn't a big deal and Lisa V certainly said it wasn't a hard slap etc. However, she was still taken back by it and did feel violated - with good reason. Brandi would not listen as Lisa V said no to the kiss and then to mutual slapping. Brandi refused to let her pass and used her body to block Lisa V's exit. It all reeks of creepy weird desperation on Brandi's part and I get why Lisa V was upset. I wouldn't want to be slapped in the face by anyone. No matter how light the slap might have been.


I also don't blame Pandora for tweeting after seeing that scene. The look of shock on her moms face probably was enough to warrant a response. So what if she's known for a while? It seems to me hearing about it is a lot different than seeing it.

  • Love 5

The slap in and of itself wasn't a big deal and Lisa V certainly said it wasn't a hard slap etc. However, she was still taken back by it and did feel violated - with good reason. Brandi would not listen as Lisa V said no to the kiss and then to mutual slapping. Brandi refused to let her pass and used her body to block Lisa V's exit. It all reeks of creepy weird desperation on Brandi's part and I get why Lisa V was upset. I wouldn't want to be slapped in the face by anyone. No matter how light the slap might have been.


I also don't blame Pandora for tweeting after seeing that scene. The look of shock on her moms face probably was enough to warrant a response. So what if she's known for a while? It seems to me hearing about it is a lot different than seeing it.

Knowing about it and then seeing it on TV along with Brandi stopping her mother from exiting the boat, trying to physically kiss her mom, the shove/push back ending with the slap would elicit a response from any daughter not just Pandora.


I think what Brandi did to Lisa last year was much worse than the "slap".

Brandi's betrayal of Lisa was nasty but it did not involve Brandi putting her hands on her. Brandi used physical force when tried to kiss Lisa, when she pushed her backwards and then the slap. Those 3 actions combined spoke volumes about Brandi then coupled with what she did last season...Good Bye Brandi!

  • Love 5

When I first saw the slap in the trailers  I thought-this is fake.  Then there was the wine toss because Eileen wouldn't play soap opera with Brandi.  That being said, when I saw the slap I was pretty stunned.  More so by Brandi's relentlessness in going after Lisa and trying to create a moment.  I can see were the Vanderfabulouses have been concerned about Brandi doing a mouth rape of Lisa and then claiming she made out with her.  Either way with Pandora would have worked for me-that was dumb or heightened outrage Pandora put out there. 



Well let's face it, Pandora has heard Brandi say horrible things about her mother for the last year and finally had a chance for righteous indignation and she took it. I probably would too.


Agreed.  The slap seemed "soap opera fake" or was just too vague in the previews for me to even attempt to form an opinion on it at that point.  It wasn't even the slap that made me angry for LVP.  It was everything leading up to the slap and everything after.  It was the repeated attempts by LVP to remove herself from the situation and Brandi blocking her.  That felt like such a violation to me, not just physically, but emotionally.  Brandi was holding LVP emotionally hostage, in that moment. 


I can't imagine my reaction to seeing that footage, if it were my own mother.  I would be seething.  Especially since Brandi had been a thorn in LVP's side for over a year now and had already done things to hurt her.  It's one thing for me to talk shit or complain about my mother.  It's an entirely different thing for anyone, anyone else, to do the same.  It's just the way it is.  I know my mother's not perfect, I'm sure Pandy has her own issues with her mother at times, but it's obvious to me that she loves her mother very much and they have a close relationship.  I don't think there's anything wrong in her defense of her mother even if there is a little hyperbole in it.  I have seen nothing on my screen with LVP that would warrant or justify that treatment of her, so I can imagine Pandy feeling the same, only more passionately, obviously.   

  • Love 13

Lol, AnnA. I love this and so wish I was capable of doing it. I really do. Will be watching for more for sure. And, you are so right about talking HWs is supposed to be fun.



Thanks Anna for the pics! Please keep them coming. They are a bright spot in an otherwise dark season.


I'm glad you're enjoying them.


If you find a picture that is cartoon worthy or have an idea for one, please let me know.

  • Love 5

Random comment - Kim said she hated Eileen's hair and I just want to say I think Eileen's hair is fabulous. The cut is adorable (I particularly like when it's wavy) and the color is not some crazy peroxide blonde, but a natural ash blonde with terrific low lights. I think it's fabulous. It's very carefree and age appropriate . It doesn't come off as trying to hard. Really very pretty.

  • Love 18

What? Brandi slapped Lisa because of the Love Boat and Julie (McCoy) and Isaac (Washington). How random (and crazy mean drunk) is that?


I've decided Brandi thinks she is auditioning for a soap opera - throwing wine in Elieen's face, cornering Lisa to kiss her and then slap her around, throwing dramatic hissy fits when she doesn't get her way...


I don't know if Brandi ever went to school, but I'm sure all her report cards said, "Brandi does not play well with others.  She also pulls braids, pokes, and hits people when she wants attention."

  • Love 7

I've decided Brandi thinks she is auditioning for a soap opera - throwing wine in Elieen's face, cornering Lisa to kiss her and then slap her around, throwing dramatic hissy fits when she doesn't get her way...


I don't know if Brandi ever went to school, but I'm sure all her report cards said, "Brandi does not play well with others.  She also pulls braids, pokes, and hits people when she wants attention."

It was her mumbling about Julie and Isaac that caused me to think wtf she really is out of touch with reality.

  • Love 6

From Kyle's Facebook page, a pic from Amsterdam.


Once I finished recoiling in horror from Eileen's orange dress and black tights, I realized someone was missing from this pic.  


Not sure if this is from the night Brandi had her "date" or at some other point in their trip but...Yeah, no "BG"



I'm going to go out on a limb here but I thing most of them look nice.  The problem is with the accessorizing.  I don't care for Yolanda's dress all that much but she does look amazing.  Kyle does look good.  Eileen would look amazing except for the shoes and panty hose (I love opaque hose but not with open toe shoes and a bright dress).  Lisa looks good except for those shoes.  Kim, well Kim, seems to be stuck in another decade and loves to choose colors that wash her out.  As a matter of fact, I can't recall anything that Kim wears that I like. 

  • Love 1

Random comment - Kim said she hated Eileen's hair and I just want to say I think Eileen's hair is fabulous. The cut is adorable (I particularly like when it's wavy) and the color is not some crazy peroxide blonde, but a natural ash blonde with terrific low lights. I think it's fabulous. It's very carefree and age appropriate . It doesn't come off as trying to hard. Really very pretty.


Don't worry, I'm sure she got her hair insults from Brandi who has said publicity Kyle needs layers.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Don't worry, I'm sure she got her hair insults from Brandi who has said publicity Kyle needs layers.

Brandi's extensions are only two or three inches shorter than Kyle's hair so I don't get all the hair advice.  Brandi had a huge issue with Joyce's hair as well.  Brandi dislikes Eileen's hair as she claims it has grey in it.  I guess seeing her hair, especially in Amsterdam, she doesn't seem to have a lot of room to be critiquing the others. 

  • Love 8

Brandi's extensions are only two or three inches shorter than Kyle's hair so I don't get all the hair advice.  Brandi had a huge issue with Joyce's hair as well.  Brandi dislikes Eileen's hair as she claims it has grey in it.  I guess seeing her hair, especially in Amsterdam, she doesn't seem to have a lot of room to be critiquing the others. 

Have you seen the back of her hair? Its always matted, like she hasn't even tried to brush it. I know nothing about extensions and how they actually work, but I would think one should be able to brush them.

  • Love 7

Brandi still thinks she's twenty years old in the eighties and styles her hair accordingly.  I don't think she ever uses a hand mirror to see what it looks like in back.  Adrienne has the same problem.  Yeah, Brandi is in no position to give 'hair' advice to anyone else. 


Plus, it always looks dirty.  I can't imagine anyone wanting to touch that. 

  • Love 10

I understand that, but it is my opinion that the entire Vanderpump family exhibits a streak of entitlement where they grossly overestimate themselves and the "privilege" of what it means to be around them. I find any kind of self-righteousness annoying in general, but the Vanderpump-Todd airs of "we're then nicest people ever, oh my insult was meant as a joke, you're so lucky to work for us" really grates me. At the end of the day, I just don't think this "slap" was that big of a deal and I don't think it warranted a dramatic tweet from "Pandy" - especially when she has obviously known about the slap for months. It's not like this is news for her, so her shocked indignation feels disingenuous to say the least. Put it this way - if it were my mother in the same situation, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved. Or if I did tweet, it might be something like, "Well, that was dumb."


I'm not sure what this has to do with entitlement.  Pandora has every right to speak up.  And to say whatever she wants about how she feels about her own Mom.  And about what happened.  And about Brandi.    Or anything else.


I don't find it at all hard to believe that she thinks that highly of Lisa.  She's Lisa's daughter, and has a unique perspective.  I don't think she was being dramatic.  I think she was simply tweeting how she felt.  And she's certainly entitled to do that.


As for the timing, it's common for them to tweet after episodes air since they can't disclose anything before then.  And she didn't see the actual slap when it happened.  She either saw it at exactly the same time we did, or possibly a few days earlier if Lisa shared her advance copy.  But she certainly didn't see it last year, and seeing is very different than just hearing about it.


I would certainly think it was a big deal if some idiot slapped my mother.  And I would speak up about it too.

  • Love 21

Have you seen the back of her hair? Its always matted, like she hasn't even tried to brush it. I know nothing about extensions and how they actually work, but I would think one should be able to brush them.


ClosetConfessions on youtube said Brandi was upset in the last episode because she's missing using White Rain on her jacked up hair.  I was crying.



Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

  Brandi dislikes Eileen's hair as she claims it has grey in it. 


Hold up, Brandi actually said that Eileen has some gray hair and that's why she doesn't like it?!  


What the actual fuck is wrong with this woman?  I mean, really, there's got to be a list, somewhere, of all the things wrong with this snatch.  A long list. 



I missed her saying this, obviously. lol

  • Love 15

I'm not sure what this has to do with entitlement.  Pandora has every right to speak up.  And to say whatever she wants about how she feels about her own Mom.  And about what happened.  And about Brandi.    Or anything else.


I don't find it at all hard to believe that she thinks that highly of Lisa.  She's Lisa's daughter, and has a unique perspective.  I don't think she was being dramatic.  I think she was simply tweeting how she felt.  And she's certainly entitled to do that.


As for the timing, it's common for them to tweet after episodes air since they can't disclose anything before then.  And she didn't see the actual slap when it happened.  She either saw it at exactly the same time we did, or possibly a few days earlier if Lisa shared her advance copy.  But she certainly didn't see it last year, and seeing is very different than just hearing about it.


I would certainly think it was a big deal if some idiot slapped my mother.  And I would speak up about it too.


We all saw the slap months ago in the super tease. And Lisa had already described it to her family; to Lisa's credit, she accurately explained that she wasn't hit very hard or seriously, but that it felt like a violation nonetheless. As much as I don't like Lisa, I don't fault her reaction at all - it seems very in line with the situation. I get why she would be taken aback. But, given the context of the whole season, with Brandi clearly being crazy and doing all sorts of inappropriate stuff to all sorts of different cast members on our TV screens, I don't see the outrage and I personally think Pandora is being overly dramatic. I would feel the same way if Vince Van Patten took to twitter and exclaimed, "HOW DARE BRANDI THROW A GLASS OF WINE AT MY WIFE? SHAMEFUL, DISGUSTING!! EILEEN IS THE SWEETEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD AND BRANDI SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HERSELF!" It's just adding fuel to a ridiculous fire. Brandi is crazy. Yes, Pandora has a right to speak up - and being that she is in the public eye, I have the right to think that her indignation is self-righteous and dumb.

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