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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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5 minutes ago, Zella said:

He . . . reviewed his own business . . . and defended that decision? 👀


Nurie Rodrigues 2020-09-20

This business gives quality services. Timothy is a very hard and diligent worker and tries hard to please his customers. I guarantee you will be happy with his services. 😊

Jill Rodrigues 2020-09-20

Timothy is reliable and great at what he does! Would hire him anytime!

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I feel so sorry for Tim. That was extremely painful to read. He admitted that he'd left himself a review! Humiliating.

He needs to get a W2 job at a reputable company. It's a very hard time to get hired, but nursing homes, hospitals, and grocery stores or gas stations may still be looking for people to cook, clean, stock, etc. And he's a healthy young man with some experience, so he's a pretty good candidate.

Starting his own "business" as a totally unskilled, naive, and financially precarious handyman is not feasible. Frankly, it's nonsensical. But it sure does keep him vulnerable and reliant on his parents. I see you, Jill. 😡

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Tim needs a family friend with a good business to hire and train him.  I'm thinking of people like the Swanson family or the one Justin Duggar is marrying into.  I guess the Rodrigues don't have successful friends like that.

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I think the more hardworking fundie families also give the Rods a wide berth because of Jill. So, unfortunately, even if they liked Tim and felt sorry for him, I doubt any of them are going to give him a chance because they know dealing with Jill would be part of the deal. 

Edited by Zella
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Honestly, I think Tim just needs to get an unskilled but dependable job and to sign up for remedial classes at the local community college.

Getting taken under the wing of yet another cult member isn't going to do him any good.

If he had gone to public school, he might even have peers to help guide him, let alone teachers and other adult mentors. But it is what it is.

This is yet another reason why I believe these kids would be better off in a group home or even juvy. Three meals a day and public school would be such a huge improvement, and would set them up for better lives as adults.

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3 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Tim's already flunked out of college twice.

Yeah, and from that little writing sample, it's easy to see why. Tragic.

But that's exactly why I hope he sticks with it, is honest with himself, and takes some remedial classes. Unless he improves his writing, he's going to be stuck working completely unskilled labor until his body gives out. Right now, he's not capable of writing a professional email, let alone anything more involved, and I doubt his math skills are any better.

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The lowest level math they had at Moody was Algebra. I doubt he passed it. I wonder what courses he took at Fox Valley; they likely offered the remedial coursework Timmy needed. But would Tim have it in him to talk with a counselor and chart a reasonable path of courses suited to his academic level? 

I also wonder what class he was taking that caused some other students to show him porn (according to Jill)?

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1 hour ago, rue721 said:

I feel so sorry for Tim. That was extremely painful to read. He admitted that he'd left himself a review! Humiliating.

He needs to get a W2 job at a reputable company. It's a very hard time to get hired, but nursing homes, hospitals, and grocery stores or gas stations may still be looking for people to cook, clean, stock, etc. And he's a healthy young man with some experience, so he's a pretty good candidate.

Starting his own "business" as a totally unskilled, naive, and financially precarious handyman is not feasible. Frankly, it's nonsensical. But it sure does keep him vulnerable and reliant on his parents. I see you, Jill. 😡

I think his best bet is factory work with a company that offers good pay and benefits.

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43 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I don't think the Rods have any friends. Church acquaintances, sure. But no real friends who could look out for Timbits like that.

Jill said that she had a short list of FRIENDS who are there for her no matter what!

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43 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Yeah, and from that little writing sample, it's easy to see why. Tragic.

But that's exactly why I hope he sticks with it, is honest with himself, and takes some remedial classes. Unless he improves his writing, he's going to be stuck working completely unskilled labor until his body gives out. Right now, he's not capable of writing a professional email, let alone anything more involved, and I doubt his math skills are any better.

I work in a college tutoring lab for Vocational & Technical Education (now called Career & Technical Education). Timothy's writing skills are on par for the majority of freshmen of all ages that come into the lab and some never really improve. And to be honest, I've seen the same your/you're type mistakes from posters in this forum. I've even made them myself, which is why so many of my posts are edited. And I'm on my laptop. If I had to type this my phone with autocorrect who knows what I'd end up posting.

As for being a handyman at this point in time, any new business is going to struggle, but in my area people doing small household repair can make great money if they're reliable and good at it. Tim may not be that good at it right now, but if he's cheap and half-way good he should eventually get enough experience to become a good handyman. And, since I'm pretty sure he's living in the RV and doesn't have to worry about completely supporting himself, he's probably got the time.

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25 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Mine, too. Did he not learn ANYTHING at college?

That's more Chandler Bing. 😃

5 minutes ago, Zella said:

Handyman skills can be learned, and writing ability can be improved. What I find more damning for Tim's chances to be a successful businessman is him not realizing that writing a review of your own business is just all sorts of unethical and unprofessional. Having family and friends leave reviews is also not a good look, but he's not the first person to do that. But writing your own review because you need reviews? The logic is absolutely laughable. I feel very sorry for Tim, and I really think this is the result of his abhorrent parents and their terrible parenting skills. 

I think with outside influences, he may eventually overcome a lot of the dysfunctional aspects of his upbringing. Unfortunately, his moving home back to the fold, even if he is not living in the house, means he has very limited access to other people who could help him break some of the warped ideas his parents have imparted to him. 

It's now like he never left. It's criminal how these kids have been hobbled. 

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6 hours ago, Zella said:

Handyman skills can be learned, and writing ability can be improved. What I find more damning for Tim's chances to be a successful businessman is him not realizing that writing a review of your own business is just all sorts of unethical and unprofessional.

I agree, although he is young and could still develop the social skills and business knowledge needed to build a successful career if it's what he wants. What I find the most damning is his defensiveness when called on it. He seemed humble enough about not being licensed & insured, probably because it was a lack of knowledge not a planned decision. His response to leaving himself a review and his family leaving reviews makes me think it was Jill's idea and he is defending her. 

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If the story about Tim's last job leading him astray is true, then I'd guess the Rodrents are doubling down on the Fundy rule of only working for yourself.

The Rod kids are even more stunted than the Duggars. Living for Jesus is all well and good until it interferes with actually being able to support yourself.

There are plenty of young adults that have had to figure things out at a young age due to their circumstances. Its sad that Tim, with all his failures, can't get there. These Fundy parents really do their kids a disservice by sheltering them so much. 

I blame Mr Rod more than JillR. Jill was raised in this cult and only has sisters, so she's as dumb as a stump in regard to raising a Fundy man. I hope they figure it out soon because the same thing is going to happen with their other sons.

Funny how all these patriarchal religions make it nearly impossible for all but a few men to have any real success.

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Her babble in this one is, it goes against God’s word, for women to work outside the home. I guess I need to call work ASAP and tell them God and Jill Rodrigues told me I can’t work anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️



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7 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

Just which chapter and verse, old or new testament does she use as proof? Now I need proof to take to my boss, but as it is I'm working at home so I guess I am safe.🤪

This is the verse she quoted:


Edited by ginger90
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25 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

There aren't as many of those jobs as there were a generation ago. Which is probably an understatement. 

He's close enough to the GoJo factory up in Cuyahoga Falls.  GoJo is having a banner year making Purell and other cleaners.  He could also get a cheap apartment in Akron if the commute is too long.

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8 hours ago, Zella said:

Handyman skills can be learned, and writing ability can be improved. What I find more damning for Tim's chances to be a successful businessman is him not realizing that writing a review of your own business is just all sorts of unethical and unprofessional. Having family and friends leave reviews is also not a good look, but he's not the first person to do that. But writing your own review because you need reviews? The logic is absolutely laughable. I feel very sorry for Tim, and I really think this is the result of his abhorrent parents and their terrible parenting skills.

This shouldn't surprise anyone as this is a family who proudly announced their kids cheated on their tests. I think as long as something benefits JILL, she doesn't care about the logistics or legality.

One of those reviews was supposedly from Nurie, who, by the date listed, was married. If Jill had used Nurie's married name it might not have looked so stupid.

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9 hours ago, Zella said:

Handyman skills can be learned, and writing ability can be improved. What I find more damning for Tim's chances to be a successful businessman is him not realizing that writing a review of your own business is just all sorts of unethical and unprofessional. Having family and friends leave reviews is also not a good look, but he's not the first person to do that. But writing your own review because you need reviews? The logic is absolutely laughable. I feel very sorry for Tim, and I really think this is the result of his abhorrent parents and their terrible parenting skills. 

My question is, how would Tim (or any of the other Rodlets) actually get out there and find a job with no skills, education or references (other than one from his mother or sister) or even go about understanding that he needs to communicate better and then learning how to do so?  It's one thing to have the drive to go out and better yourself, but Tim has likely had it brainwashed into his head that he has no need for seeking any outside help.  He is only able to do what his parents direct him to do.  I'm thinking of Jill Duggar, who is just now taking strides to change the person she was raised to be by her nutjob parents, but that's partly due to who she married.  I don't know how Tim goes about making himself better when he has no skill set to break out of the bubble he grew up in.  It's really sad.  These kids are being raised to be completely dependent on their parents, who will not be around forever.  Then what?

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Didn't Timothy have a job at a care facility in Wisconsin? The ones around here a chronically short staffed and will hire anyone who can pass the background and drug tests. Home health care is another industry that is always hiring and will train employees. Although that one may involve too much women's work and his religious beliefs would prevent him from working with women.

There is also fast food, although that's minimum wage and they don't give employees enough hours to support themselves. There are definitely jobs for unskilled, poorly educated people like the Rodlets, but their religion and their parents are going to hold them back.

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6 minutes ago, Nysha said:

Didn't Timothy have a job at a care facility in Wisconsin? The ones around here a chronically short staffed and will hire anyone who can pass the background and drug tests. Home health care is another industry that is always hiring and will train employees. Although that one may involve too much women's work and his religious beliefs would prevent him from working with women.

There is also fast food, although that's minimum wage and they don't give employees enough hours to support themselves. There are definitely jobs for unskilled, poorly educated people like the Rodlets, but their religion and their parents are going to hold them back.

I mentioned upthread that Gojo industries is hiring.  Their main processing plant is less than an hour outside of Wooster with an easy commute.  I was curious and checked out their jobs page, and discovered that they also have a plant in Wooster. Also, they are hiring temps at all of their facilities.  Tim could easily get a temporary job with them that could potentially become full-time.  There are decent jobs out there for Tim, but we all know why Jill won't allow him to apply.  

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I wonder if Tim's parents were so freaked out by his being "corrupted" by meeting new people at his job at the care facility, that they have effectively forbidden him to take any other paid employment, and thus decided for him that God wants him to be a self-employed handyman? 

I vaguely recall a photo that was posted of Tim standing next to a young woman, and associated it in my mind with his care facility job - though my mind does tend to free-associate, lol, so I could be wrong. But however it happened, didn't Tim meet some nice young woman and perhaps developed an interest, but it was not somebody acceptable to the World's BEST MOTHER EVER so that was that, no more association with her?

And, sure, most young men Tim's age wouldn't be obedient little robots to their parents' every demand, but these are the Rods, so . . . 

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11 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I think his best bet is factory work with a company that offers good pay and benefits.

Purell has a factory right in Wooster, OH which is probably just minutes from the barndominium and they've been hiring like crazy.  I suspect that Jill has warned Timbits against ungodly employers, though, which is why, now that missionary pilot is off the list, he has to start his own business.  For that matter, there are tons of landscapers, snow plow services, etc who are more than happy to hire young guys who are willing to work; but, as part of the stellar manner in which Jill and Shrek have raised their kids, they made sure their kids would never achieve financial stability.

ETA: Purell is made by Gojo Industries which was mentioned above.  They make it in Cuyahoga Falls, but their distribution center is in Wooster, near the Rods; so Timmy could even have a really short commute.  Also, Mama would probably approve of the fact that Gojo is a 100% family-owned business.  The Kanfer family is very active in the local Jewish community and does a lot of charitable work through their family foundation which specifically supports Jewish nonprofits and is also interested in global warming initiatives and social justice.  I have a feeling that all of that would be a no-go for Jilly.

Edited by doodlebug
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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

These Fundy parents really do their kids a disservice by sheltering them so much. 

I don’t think it’s about sheltering...it’s about controlling.

These men (and Jill) want a fiefdom...an endless parade of obeisance and ass kissery. It reflects something that is very wrong with their psyches.

Run, Timmy, run.

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15 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Purell has a factory right in Wooster, OH which is probably just minutes from the barndominium and they've been hiring like crazy.  I suspect that Jill has warned Timbits against ungodly employers, though, which is why, now that missionary pilot is off the list, he has to start his own business.  For that matter, there are tons of landscapers, snow plow services, etc who are more than happy to hire young guys who are willing to work; but, as part of the stellar manner in which Jill and Shrek have raised their kids, they made sure their kids would never achieve financial stability.

It's so sad that Tim will likely never work up enough curiosity or courage to even consider any career options other than either church-related, or his own business. Does he have his own account/phone, or are all his business contacts done through Jill? If he reads his reviews without Momma looking over his shoulders, maybe more people could sneak in some advice. I bet it could even be dressed up to sound Godly.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:


My question is, how would Tim (or any of the other Rodlets) actually get out there and find a job with no skills, education or references (other than one from his mother or sister) or even go about understanding that he needs to communicate better and then learning how to do so?  It's one thing to have the drive to go out and better yourself, but Tim has likely had it brainwashed into his head that he has no need for seeking any outside help.  He is only able to do what his parents direct him to do.  I'm thinking of Jill Duggar, who is just now taking strides to change the person she was raised to be by her nutjob parents, but that's partly due to who she married.  I don't know how Tim goes about making himself better when he has no skill set to break out of the bubble he grew up in.  It's really sad.  These kids are being raised to be completely dependent on their parents, who will not be around forever.  Then what?

That's the entire reason his parents operate the way they do--to keep their children dependent and under their control. I met people who had pretty sheltered and controlled childhoods at a Christian college. And even though that wasn't the greatest place to spread your wings, a lot of them really benefited just from being away from their parents and being exposed to other ideas/other people. Tim's best chance was where he was--away from his family at school. 

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Sadly, I am afraid that the likelihood of one of the Rod kids breaking free is about the same as certain people acknowledging that the results of an event that took place 5 weeks ago are real. 

Those poor kids are set up to fail.  The girls have a slightly better chance depending on who they marry.  But the boys?  Little to no education or skills, and a clingy, narcissistic mother who will be a nightmare mother-in-law if any of them actually find a wife? I don't have a whole lot of hope.

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2 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Sadly, I am afraid that the likelihood of one of the Rod kids breaking free is about the same as certain people acknowledging that the results of an event that took place 5 weeks ago are real. 

Those poor kids are set up to fail.  The girls have a slightly better chance depending on who they marry.  But the boys?  Little to no education or skills, and a clingy, narcissistic mother who will be a nightmare mother-in-law if any of them actually find a wife? I don't have a whole lot of hope.

I agree. It seems like the moment Tim found slivers of independence and happiness, Jill swooped in to blow it all to shit. Now he's failed out of two colleges, failed at starting a business and is living in an RV. I imagine his self-esteem is in the gutter, right where Mommy Dearest wants it. 

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I really wonder about that Plexus goop. There was a drug that was sold in OTC diet pills in the 90s...ephedrine. It was usually combined with a high dose of caffeine. Two of those and you’d jitter yourself crazy all day long. Throw in some aspartame and food coloring and you’ve got yourself a chemical cocktail I wouldn’t flush down my toilet lest it enter the ground water.

I know they claim it’s “all natural” but who’s checking, really? And ephedrine was originally derived from plants. Ergo, “natural.” I checked and  Plexus is not reviewed by the FDA. Who knows what’s in it.

I looked up ephedrine:

”Among some of the more dangerous side effects associated with ephedra/ephedrine use are:

Elevated blood pressure

Heart attack

Irregular or rapid heart rate




Jill always seems to veer between flatline and mania. It may just be who she is, but I wonder about that crap she’s sucking down...and supposedly feeding her daughters. 


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1 minute ago, Oldernowiser said:

I really wonder about that Plexus goop. There was a drug that was sold in OTC diet pills in the 90s...ephedrine. It was usually combined with a high dose of caffeine. Two of those and you’d jitter yourself crazy all day long. Throw in some aspartame and food coloring and you’ve got yourself a chemical cocktail I wouldn’t flush down my toilet lest it enter the ground water.

I know they claim it’s “all natural” but who’s checking, really? And ephedrine was originally derived from plants. Ergo, “natural.” I checked and  Plexus is not reviewed by the FDA. Who knows what’s in it.

I looked up ephedrine:

”Among some of the more dangerous side effects associated with ephedra/ephedrine use are:

Elevated blood pressure

Heart attack

Irregular or rapid heart rate




Jill always seems to veer between flatline and mania. It may just be who she is, but I wonder about that crap she’s sucking down...and supposedly feeding her daughters. 


I think I read somewhere that Plexus is banned in Canada. Or maybe I'm making it up. I'm old and all.

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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I think I read somewhere that Plexus is banned in Canada. Or maybe I'm making it up. I'm old and all

Yes.  Banned in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand since 2014.  And Amazon will not sell it.

Edited by 3 is enough
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