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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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1 hour ago, lulu69 said:

Come now, what did you do? Lol

It must’ve been something I said on their FB regarding the Rodriques family.  I’ll admit, I said a lot, but I did show some restraint.  If I’d said everything I really wanted to say, they would’ve probably blocked me. 😏

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8 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Their only hope is that someone who actually wants to rescue them and thinks they can take on all that would entail can still pass muster as Godly enough to please Jill...They really are pretty girls under the makeup, and if someone could manage to wrench them away from the family without breaking them they might actually blossom. Or am I being too optimistic?

Remember when we thought Derick would do that for Jill? #hopelesslyoptimistic #foolmeonce #freenotnurie

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14 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:


I don’t know how to post pictures here.  If I figure it out, I will.  

12 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Countdown to JillR posting her tribute.  She did get to park her RV on the Duggar property when they came for someone’s wedding.  🙄

Tribute to who?  Mary?

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On 6/6/2019 at 8:36 AM, Jeeves said:

Well said. He's enrolling in a regular secular technical training school (seems generally like a community college).

A little late to the game, but I work in a tutoring lab for the technical side of a state college. Timothy's academic issue won't be as much of an issue, because a lot of tech students have problems with reading, writing, and arithmetic. What will determine his success is his hands-on ability to do the actual physical work. If he's a good airplane mechanic, he'll get enough help to pass the rest of his classwork OR, if his state is like mine, they'll have a certificate option that eliminates any classes not directly necessary for working on airplanes. We currently have a student who is functionally illiterate but has a phenomenal memory. His books are on tape, we read & record his tests, and he gets straight A's on the practical work.

I'm really hoping he succeeds despite his parents. As pathetic as the Rodrigues's are, at least they're encouraging and allowing Timothy to have a dream and pursue it. He may turn into another fundamental twit, but if he succeeds as an airplane mechanic there's hope that his kids won't be squished into a stink bus grifting for their dinner. 

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

Can someone please look at the beach pictures on Erin Bates Paine’s IG and tell me why Carson has such deep dark circles under his eyes?  I personally know a baby who developed those, and it was her very first symptom of liver cancer.  

Erin explained in one of the comments that Carson has very deep-set eyes (similar to Chad's) and the shadows they create make him look like he has black eyes.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Can someone please look at the beach pictures on Erin Bates Paine’s IG and tell me why Carson has such deep dark circles under his eyes?  I personally know a baby who developed those, and it was her very first symptom of liver cancer.  

I think it's genetic. If you look at the Paine siblings, they all have deep undereye hollows. Carson and Brooklyn (who are mini-Chads) have them while Everly (who looks more Bates-ish) does not. 

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16 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I think it's genetic. If you look at the Paine siblings, they all have deep undereye hollows. Carson and Brooklyn (who are mini-Chads) have them while Everly (who looks more Bates-ish) does not. 

Everly doesn’t look anything like her siblings IMO.  Although the other two are cute, Everly is an extraordinarily beautiful child, I think.

Edited by farmgal4
Got names mixed up
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1 hour ago, sleepysuzy said:

Jill Rodriguez is teasing a big announcement on July 1. Her options are: courtship for Tim, courtship for Nurie, courtship for Kaylee, or baby #4. Many people are guessing all of the above.

Is this a contest or what? Do I get a prize? Does she really think I won't be able to eat or sleep in breathless anticipation of the exciting news? 

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1 hour ago, sleepysuzy said:

Jill Rodriguez is teasing a big announcement on July 1. Her options are: courtship for Tim, courtship for Nurie, courtship for Kaylee, or baby #4. Many people are guessing all of the above.

baby#14 ffy

Edited by Temperance
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1 hour ago, sleepysuzy said:

Jill Rodriguez is teasing a big announcement on July 1. Her options are: courtship for Tim, courtship for Nurie, courtship for Kaylee, or baby #4. Many people are guessing all of the above.

I've been following her for quite some time and I've never seen her tease out a pregnancy announcement.  Usually she makes a video as soon as the pee stick shows a positive.  I'm just hopeful that it's a courtship this time.  Poor little Janessa has enough strikes against her without being pushed aside already.

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The courtship thing strike me as hilarious because, well, July 1 is nearly 3 weeks away. What if the courtship breaks up before then? I mean, any quality time with that family would send most people running for the proverbial hills, so it's not outside the realm of possibility. 

Sadly, I agree with folks it is probably all of the above. . . . 

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 if Timothy is in a courtship, that'll crash and burn. He couldn't even survive one semester of college. And any girl would be in direct competition with his mama for his affections. It won't be Kaylee unless it's Nurie , too. (The Biblical Leah and Rachel thing). So that just leaves preggo with number 14 and I really hope that's not it, cuz the Rodriguii already over populate the world. I hope it's none of them, but it's probably all of them.

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Baby 14. God hates us that much.

Why in the world would God allow another child to be born into that lunacy?  I mean, He works in mysterious ways and all but geez...give the poor kid a break.

Changing the subject...

Kelly Bates has posted a picture of 2 dead babies on her family’s  IG account.  Conjoined twins of a family friend, and they look full-term.  They were conjoined at the heart, so they only lived 8 days.  She thought it was appropriate to post a picture of them after they died.  I don’t even know what to say.  Is that appropriate?

33 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Why in the world would God allow another child to be born into that lunacy?  I mean, He works in mysterious ways and all but geez...give the poor kid a break.

Changing the subject...

Kelly Bates has posted a picture of 2 dead babies on her family’s  IG account.  Conjoined twins of a family friend, and they look full-term.  They were conjoined at the heart, so they only lived 8 days.  She thought it was appropriate to post a picture of them after they died.  I don’t even know what to say.  Is that appropriate?


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40 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Kelly Bates has posted a picture of 2 dead babies on her family’s  IG account.  Conjoined twins of a family friend, and they look full-term.  They were conjoined at the heart, so they only lived 8 days.  She thought it was appropriate to post a picture of them after they died.  I don’t even know what to say.  Is that appropriate?

its WILDLY inappropriate!! That's absolutely disgusting and if I were that (grieving!!!) mother, I'd be SO PISSED OFF.

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51 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

its WILDLY inappropriate!! That's absolutely disgusting and if I were that (grieving!!!) mother, I'd be SO PISSED OFF.

I agree.  Did Kelly even have permission to post that???

I suppose it's possible that the grieving parents want this out there to pursuade others with non viable pregnancies to carry to term and not choose abortion.

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5 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Presumably, Kelly is 'pro-life'/anti-abortion and believes in the rights and dignity of all humans.  Posting a photograph of any deceased person is the antithesis of preserving their rights and dignity.  Especially if she didn't have the permission of their parents, Kelly had absolutely no right to post that photo.  Even if they did allow it, the respectful and dignified answer would be to tell the parents that it isn't necessary, that everyone knows their children were beautiful and to ask for prayers for the family without a photo.  Or, you know, ask for a photo of them prior to their deaths, preferably one that showed their faces only instead of using a photo that would exploit their malformation for hits on her site.

ETA: If Kelly thinks that posting a photo of children with a severe malformation who died shortly after birth is somehow going to convince people to carry babies with similar problems to term, she is delusional.

Oh, she posted several pictures of them, but the one of them dead is the first one you see.  You have to swipe to see the others.  

28 minutes ago, louannems said:

I hate the way the Bateses are grinning ear to ear at this grieving mother's bedside.

That's really gross. Didn't Jill Rodrigues once post pictures of her family smiling grotesquely at a funeral? It's the one she live-streamed. What is wrong with these people?  

Edited by Zella
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Just because their lives had purpose and they brought joy, doesn’t mean she has to post a photo of them deceased on Instagram for strangers to see. I really do hope she had permission from the family. In that vein, why aren’t they posting deceased adult loved ones in coffins?  Their lives had purpose and they brought joy. 

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So Chelsy Bontrager Maxwell had a baby (Axton John) in January. She recently published the birth story. (Actually I thought it was rude that other people demanded it earlier and I don't mind that she posted it later.)  She had planned on having a woo birth at home (with twinkle lights, diffuser with oils, music, etc.). She seems to have a more competent birth team than the Duggars with several midwives and a doula.  She seems to have been active labor only a few hours before she headed to the hospital for failure to progress. She gave birth vaginally with help from the vacuum process. 

So it does seem less dramatic than she had said and it worked out well. She listened to the medical professionals, which is good. On the other hand, she was giving birth at home 45 minutes from a hospital (although John sped up to get there). If anything had seriously wrong, that's a long distance especially in January when the roads might be icy. Her Maxwell sisters-in-law mostly also give birth at home and don't live too far from her (Melanie is the exception). Her brothers' wives gave birth at hospital too, so the home birth seems to be a Maxwell idea. John Maxwell, her husband, looked good in this story. She said he was by her side the whole time and took good care of her. He helped make good decisions too. He looked better than other fundie husbands.

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8 hours ago, Marigold said:

Kelly Bates is nuts. 

Plenty of things are beautiful etc but you don't post pictures of it. For example, boobies are considered beautiful but she doesn't post nude pics on her page. 😀

She's spent her whole adult life following, promoting and earning money from the words of Bill Gothard. So....yeah. 

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15 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

The only pictures I see of the parents are of them holding the babies when they were alive.  I've got no problem with them smiling and finding joy in their children even knowing that they were not going to live long.  Every parent deserves to be proud of their children and to be happy in their presence.  I've reminded more than one parent that their child is much more than the problems that are there.  The baby might have daddy's nose or grandma's ears or Aunt Suzie's funny toes and those things are every bit as important and worth celebrating even if the baby has other problems.  A piece of advice when you encounter parents of a child with obvious malformations/disabilities: don't focus on what's wrong, take a look and notice the child's pretty hair or beautiful smile or silly hat and comment on those things.

How true. I remember a documentary years ago where a newborn was in the NICU & the mom wasn't sure how the older siblings would handle seeing their new brother or sister hooked up to all the wires & machines. I think it was a nurse who told the mom that most children look right past the tubes & things,  aren't upset by them & in some instances don't even realize something is going on with the baby.  

I do remember JB explaining to the children how Josie would look in the NICU when they were allowed to see her. Of course the older kids knew how seriously ill she was but it would be interesting to know what Joy, Josiah,the twins or the lost girls & boys remember about seeing Josie for the first time.

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Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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