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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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Dad buying some cheap jewelry doesn't bother me.   He is probably distraught and just wants her to have something nice for when she is in a position to notice her surroundings again.    People who are genuinely grieving I cut a LOT OF SLACK.   

Jill on the other hand ....    I mean getting folks to pray for your mom who are of the praying sort.   that's fine.   Taking pics while they are doing so, not so much (let not the left hand know what the right is doing, and a few other verses about keeping your prayer PRIVATE).   Adding in a touch of grift while posting the pics of those praying for her mom -- well that's Jill.    Although prayers is probably all she is going to get so I do find that amusing.

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7 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Tim is selling his "great" lawn business because he only needs 12K for flight school?   Yeah I don't think 12K is enough to finish.   Then there is the whole living expenses other than paying for flights.    this family really does not plan for the future well does it?

I hope he gets to keep the 12k for flight school and it doesn’t get confiscated by mama. 

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As you mention @crazy8s and @GeeGolly, Jill really miscalculated her grift this time. More than usual, she (and David) have have exposed themselves as lazy, disorganized, tone deaf, capricious, entitled, and probably untruthful. 

I hope Mrs. Noyes recovers as much as can be expected. I hope Phillip gets a chance to experience time outside the compound, however brief it may be, and I hope Timothy finds something better to do with his life than sit in a camper in his parents' backyard making weird videos about how depressed he is. 

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25 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

He probably has high cholesterol or something. 🙄

Or his blood pressure was elevated.  You know, kind of like Jill’s knee that was torn in four places.  Drama Queen Jill can make an amputated finger out of a simple hangnail.

 I also want to say that it was in extremely poor taste to post about the jewelry that Pa bought Ma considering that Pa is now jobless and begging for $20,000.  The jewelry was probably bought in the hospital gift shop, which means it wasn’t that cheap.  Regardless, when you’re begging for money from others, you shouldn’t spend frivolously.  That’s just good common sense IMO. 

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15 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I am completely mentally tired of Jill. I can’t imagine how exhausted her kids are from her. And no 8 hour break by going to school either. 

I can’t begin to imagine the psychological harm that their deranged mother has inflicted on all 13 of those children.  They’ll live with the mental and emotional damage for the rest of their lives.  

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11 hours ago, ginger90 said:



.Jill’s most recent post:

This picture was taken over the 4th of July weekend and now.... my Mom lies broken and helpless in a hospital bed.  😢😭😩  Thank You for your continued prayers.  My sweet Daddy did not get good results back from his doctor concerning his health and he is not able to share that burden with my Mom.  It breaks our hearts to watch as he "braves" life alone.  Although, I can hear him say, "I am not alone.  I have Jesus walking by my side every step of the way!"  My Daddy has such a strong faith!  Ma continues to make small improvements, for which we are glad and thankful!  She has still not walked or gotten out of bed yet, and we are unsure of the extent of damage done to her brain.  But, we continue to pray for a miraculous, FULL recovery.  With God, ALL things are possible.  

At this point, I will only update you on major improvements 😁 OR major set backs.  🤔 Your continued prayers are coveted though.  THANK YOU, dear friends, for walking this journey with us, and for feeling with us our sorrow, grief, pain, and joys of watching God's miracles happen.  You all have proven to be the TRUEST of friends and we cannot imagine walking this journey without you!  Love you all!  

Thank you A MILLION TIMES OVER to everyone who gave to help my parents at this difficult time.  You all know who you are and may God richly bless you for your generosity!  ❤️ 😉🥰😊

We'll Work Til Jesus Comes and Praise His Name Through the Good and the Bad,

THE Rodrigues Family and extended family......especially my Daddy - Timothy Noyes

Clearly, her dad has many supporting him. He is NOT alone. And Jill, I hear your son Tim makes $5000 a month. Ask him for donations.

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1 hour ago, TeeMo said:

I know it’s Jill so I may be a bit naive here but you can’t convince me that we are ever going to get anything weirder than Jill cutting and pasting a photo of her mom pre-stroke onto a photo of her mom in her hospital bed. We have reached the zenith of the sweet fellowship. Time to close the thread. 😂

I have no doubt whatsoever that, given time, Jill will come up with something weirder.

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21 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I have no doubt whatsoever that, given time, Jill will come up with something weirder.

She always does.  Apparently Jill has no depth to which she won't sink.

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Just now, libgirl2 said:

I'm Catholic, we have a part in mass where we pray for the Pope, bishop as well as others we would name. It isn't unusual. 

My parents church has my husband on their list of “on going prayer requests”. My husband and I are not religious at all anymore. Jill would lose it praying for us heathens! 

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Everytime we think Jill cannot sink any further, she asks for a shovel.

'Hold my Plexus'

eta, a thought just occurred to me. What if they are on the road because Jill was kicked out of the hospital by either staff or family? Unlikely I know, but it would be fun to imagine her being told off by anyone. I mean, if this was my mom I would not be leaving the hospital let alone the state.

Edited by galaxygirl76
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18 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Wonder who pissed Jillly Rod off by drinking wine?

Her latest IG post is a pic of some Bible quote about not drinking wine. 

Some blue haired single mom at a restaurant Jill/David had dinner at? 

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1 hour ago, galaxygirl76 said:

What if they are on the road because Jill was kicked out of the hospital by either staff or family?

If it was by staff, she'd definitely be caterwauling about persecution and how dare they, etc., etc.

If it was family... I don't know.

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This was a planned trip. They're currently in Kentucky. The church posted a picture of the Rods performing. Jill was playing the cowbells. 

Not sure where they're headed next, but I suspect that a trip to Florida is in the offing.

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2 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

What if they are on the road because Jill was kicked out of the hospital by either staff or family? 

8 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

If it was by staff, she'd definitely be caterwauling about persecution and how dare they, etc., etc.

If it was family... I don't know.

I agree - if they were kicked out by staff we'd be deafened already by the caterwauling. And - I think everybody in her family has long since given up trying to rein in Jill about anything.

I was just writing this as @Salacious Kitty posted. I thought - and SK confirmed - that this was a planned trip. Which IMO is what it would take to get Jill out of the center of attention, i.e., her mother's hospital room. The Rods can't afford to back out of any scheduled appearances, I'm sure. And I wouldn't be surprised if David were happy to get away from his in-laws' hospital drah-mah and get back to his preaching gigs. 

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9 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

This was a planned trip. They're currently in Kentucky. The church posted a picture of the Rods performing. Jill was playing the cowbells. 

Not sure where they're headed next, but I suspect that a trip to Florida is in the offing.

Do you know the name of the church and where it’s located?  I live in KY. 

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Reading comprehension is not a strength of Jill’s.

No kidding! I'm savoring the mental image of her head exploding if she understood what she wrote, i.e.., that many Christians have been deceived by Proverbs 20:1. 🤣 

Gotta watch out for those sneaky Bible verses, the ones that can deceive us! 

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I guess Jill saw some folks drinking wine and those poor children, trapped in the rv, have probably been getting the long rants and making promises to never do that.

Jill should have continued reading the later verses in that chapter. Not that she even has the least bit of self awareness to apply these to herself and actions

4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

17 Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

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I think Jill's pledge to share only major updates about her mother is only due to her traveling at the moment. Since she's not in the room with her mom, she's only going to hear the major updates from her family family right now and not be able to share the day-to-day tidbits of information.

I became aware of Jill around the time of Amy's accident. I remember Jill sharing updates on her blog and Facebook that she called "Foster Fridays." At some point, Amy or Kevin told Jill to stop sharing so much information. Jill posted that she would stop doing Foster Fridays because of their request, but she continued to post just as much information about Amy.  Eventually Kevin took over the Facebook page for Amy and and Jill stopped posting updates there. I think she only stopped posting about Amy on her blog so much once Amy's recovery was at a point where there was little variation in the daily updates and Jill was not as much of a presence at the hospital. The family probably learned to stop telling Jill anything but the major updates.  After that it seems that anytime Jill is near Amy, she writes a lengthy ableist post detailing all of Amy's ailments, showing that she doesn't really care about Amy's dignity or complying with requests to keep some things private.

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While nothing Jill does is worse than her systematic mistreatment of her own children, her exploitation of Amy runs a close second. At least Amy and Kevin can push back. 

Jill has zero empathy for other people. She's too busy trying to fill that empty hole in her damaged psyche. Everyone else exists to try to make her feel happy and important. The hole is as big as ever, so she just keeps shoveling. 

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On 7/21/2022 at 12:01 PM, ginger90 said:

She’s reusing pictures. That’s from a video she posted on July 10th with a link to the GoFundMe.

The latest use of the same picture:


Hey, it takes Jill a lot of effort to get tears going over someone else's misfortune. Give our little narcissist a break. 

I wonder how the sing-along tour is going? Did Tim, Phillip, and Jonathan get to stay home? Maybe the cowbells and the ironing board got to travel because there was space. The kids are still sleeping on the floor, but there's space for the bells.  

The special cowbells don't make it to every performance. Jill has high hopes for this trip. 

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On 7/21/2022 at 5:44 PM, Cinnabon said:

Clearly, her dad has many supporting him. He is NOT alone. And Jill, I hear your son Tim makes $5000 a month. Ask him for donations.

This makes me SICK.  I'm not a fan of Gofundme at all.  But she is such a grifter. I'm gonna grift for some money and see how that works.  NOT.

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8 hours ago, crazy8s said:

I guess Jill saw some folks drinking wine and those poor children, trapped in the rv, have probably been getting the long rants and making promises to never do that.

Jill should have continued reading the later verses in that chapter. Not that she even has the least bit of self awareness to apply these to herself and actions

4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

17 Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

I want to put Jill in a room and blast Lady Gaga PERFECT ILLUSION.  And many more.  

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