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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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Today we got a blog post from Sarah and Jesse and ofJesse's living situation. 

"Last fall when his renters left, Jesse decided he wanted to remodel his house and sell it as a flipper. He worked on it until late March when it sold.

Jesse and Anna are renting an apartment in Kansas City. Their plan is to do that for a year. They wanted the experience of living in an apartment and felt like the first year of marriage would be the best time. They will also use that time to see where they would like to eventually buy a house. They decided they wanted to join a church in Kansas City that they like. 

We will miss having them right here in Leavenworth, but they plan to come back for Sunday family lunches and other family events, so we’ll still enjoy seeing them and having them around."

It's a big deal, because all of Jesse's sisters live with mom and dad and all of his brothers live within a mile of mom and dad in their homes. It's unprecedented for a Maxwell to live a little farther off and not so close to home. His wife is still fundie and I doubt it will lead to any more serious rebellion. Teri did say that she and Steve never lived in an appartment so it's a novel experience for the whole family. 

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57 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Today we got a blog post from Sarah and Jesse and ofJesse's living situation. 

"Last fall when his renters left, Jesse decided he wanted to remodel his house and sell it as a flipper. He worked on it until late March when it sold.

Jesse and Anna are renting an apartment in Kansas City. Their plan is to do that for a year. They wanted the experience of living in an apartment and felt like the first year of marriage would be the best time. They will also use that time to see where they would like to eventually buy a house. They decided they wanted to join a church in Kansas City that they like. 

We will miss having them right here in Leavenworth, but they plan to come back for Sunday family lunches and other family events, so we’ll still enjoy seeing them and having them around."

It's a big deal, because all of Jesse's sisters live with mom and dad and all of his brothers live within a mile of mom and dad in their homes. It's unprecedented for a Maxwell to live a little farther off and not so close to home. His wife is still fundie and I doubt it will lead to any more serious rebellion. Teri did say that she and Steve never lived in an appartment so it's a novel experience for the whole family. 

That really is a big deal.  Stevehovah has had an iron grip on all of those kids.  Even though it's only about 30 miles, it is huge considering all of the other sons and their families live within walking distance of their parents' home and all of the girls, grown women, still live at home.  The post also makes it sound like Jesse and Anna 3.0 actually chose their own church.  Even if it is a fundie church, that is another milestone.  Very few churches would be fundy enough for Steve.  I expect, that unless he was consulted before they joined, he will find fault with any church they pick.

Living in an apartment building in a big city, they might actually have contact with people who aren't strict fundies.  Wonder what really happened with the house he owned.  Maybe Anna didn't like it and didn't want to live there?  Maybe he got a chance to sell it at a big profit?  Since we know he didn't have a mortgage, that is a rather big chunk of cash he must have in the bank.  

Edited by doodlebug
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This is from Steve Maxwell today. His "Seriously, Steve?"  column today is called Building Up or Tearing Down Your Family. It's supposed to be about the importance of reading scripture, but it's also about building a house and living there and owning it. 

It grieves my heart to hear a dad say he isn’t leading his family in the Word every day. We aren’t to be motivated in a legalistic, checking a box sort of way, but rather to use it as a joyful opportunity to wash/feed your family with the pure living Word of God (Eph. 5:26). It is a daily opportunity to build up while Satan is working to tear down.

God uses the analogy of building a house to a legacy of descendants that will follow the Lord. “And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do that is right in my sight, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as David my servant did; that I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house, as I built for David, …” (1 Kings 11:38).

I love the example in Nehemiah as he rebuilt the walls. “As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built” (Nehemiah 4:18). This pictures always having the Word of God ready and at your side while you build. “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Edited by Temperance
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Oh the irony that Jesse the youngest son and recently married sold his house and he and his bride are going to live in an apartment in Kansas City not down the block in Leavenworth.

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The comments under the blog post announcing Jesse's move are pretty good too! Everyone is happy and encouraging and saying how it's good to move away. Teri responds briskly like she usually does.

The comment from a reader who lived in Spain by themselves is followed up by Teri saying that the other married were able to establish their independence even though they lived close. 

Here is the comment from Valeria:

I like that they’re moving a little bit away from family. I think it’s always good to leave home for a bit, find some independence and discover new places. I lived in Spain for 6 months by myself. It was so much fun and I miss it dearly.
I think this will be a great experience for the newlyweds, and the good thing for you parents is that Jesse and Anna won’t be as far away as I was 🙂

And Teri says

"Our marrieds who have chosen to stay in town have done well developing their independence first as couple and then as a family. Jesse and his bride chart a new path by moving further away, but as you said, not nearly as far as Spain!"

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12 hours ago, Temperance said:


God uses the analogy of building a house to a legacy of descendants that will follow the Lord.

Or in this case , follow Steve. 

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16 hours ago, Temperance said:

As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built” (Nehemiah 4:18).

Okay, I got zero sleep last night and am In A Mood, but anyone else envision a bunch of guys in Carhartt waving Dewalt tools around and cursing every time they trip over their stupid swords?

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13 hours ago, Temperance said:

The comments under the blog post announcing Jesse's move are pretty good too! Everyone is happy and encouraging and saying how it's good to move away. Teri responds briskly like she usually does.

The comment from a reader who lived in Spain by themselves is followed up by Teri saying that the other married were able to establish their independence even though they lived close. 

Here is the comment from Valeria:

I like that they’re moving a little bit away from family. I think it’s always good to leave home for a bit, find some independence and discover new places. I lived in Spain for 6 months by myself. It was so much fun and I miss it dearly.
I think this will be a great experience for the newlyweds, and the good thing for you parents is that Jesse and Anna won’t be as far away as I was 🙂

And Teri says

"Our marrieds who have chosen to stay in town have done well developing their independence first as couple and then as a family. Jesse and his bride chart a new path by moving further away, but as you said, not nearly as far as Spain!"

Oh shut up, Teri. 

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On 6/25/2020 at 4:33 AM, Temperance said:

The comments under the blog post announcing Jesse's move are pretty good too! Everyone is happy and encouraging and saying how it's good to move away. Teri responds briskly like she usually does.

The comment from a reader who lived in Spain by themselves is followed up by Teri saying that the other married were able to establish their independence even though they lived close. 

Here is the comment from Valeria:

I like that they’re moving a little bit away from family. I think it’s always good to leave home for a bit, find some independence and discover new places. I lived in Spain for 6 months by myself. It was so much fun and I miss it dearly.
I think this will be a great experience for the newlyweds, and the good thing for you parents is that Jesse and Anna won’t be as far away as I was 🙂

And Teri says

"Our marrieds who have chosen to stay in town have done well developing their independence first as couple and then as a family. Jesse and his bride chart a new path by moving further away, but as you said, not nearly as far as Spain!"

There was a further comment added yesterday underneath Teri's comment above (in the post I'm quoting).  It's from Lauren and she says in reply to Teri:

"I think it can depend on the couple. I have seen some couples are able to be independent near their relatives, and I have seen some find that being near relatives can make things difficult. It’s always so important for couples to make those decisions together, early on, to avoid conflicts in the marriage later. Genesis 2:24: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. How each couple, and their families, must follow that verse is going to be so different."

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So, is anyone else but me totally looking forward to the hot mess of a wedding on Friday and how PRECIOUS Momma will hijack the festivities and make it all about her? Or do I just have no life anymore due to The Virus?

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8 minutes ago, Zella said:

I have the 3rd off, so I am highly in favor of the festivities being that day. Apologies, @emma675! 😉 


6 minutes ago, Totally said:

Same 😳

I have the 3rd off too. But I've signed up for Disney+ ($6.99 per month, no contract, can quit at any time). Because they will be streaming Hamilton beginning on the 3rd. My plans are to be parked in front of the TV for that. Maybe if Nurie's wedding is on the 3rd and is streamed, I'll be able to shift gears to watch it. Who knows? 🙃

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26 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Maybe if Nurie's wedding is on the 3rd and is streamed, I'll be able to shift gears to watch it. Who knows? 🙃

Well that’ll be from the sublime to the ridiculous in a split second...

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And now a word from Allison Bontrager! Allison is 26, engaged, planning an August wedding, and has a message for single ladies:

Wait for a Real Man

Today I just have a few thoughts to share.

I only want to tell every girl to know that the right man will treasure her, will be noble, will pursue Jesus before he pursues her. A good man will treat you like a queen. Best of all, he will point you to the King.

Girls, I know you’ve heard it a hundred times, but PLEASE DON’T SETTLE. I am not talking about a perfect man, but one that is good, Godly, and a true gentleman. He will make mistakes, but when he does, he will have the character to admit he’s wrong. A good man will fail, but try again.

A real man won’t leave you wondering if he is serious about life and following Christ- he will prove it by the way he lives today.

A true man will pursue you honorably and treat you tenderly. You will be more of the woman God created you to be with him, not less. He won’t pull you down, but help you climb higher.

This is a man to wait for- and don’t you dare settle for anything less. And send this post to a friend who could use some encouragement. I only hope some girl will read this and decide to wait for the real man God has for her.

That’s all, girls. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

I’m praising Jesus for the real man He has so graciously given me, and praying that by His grace I can encourage some girls to wait for one as well. And to love Jesus and live FULL, productive, meaningful single OR married lives.



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3 hours ago, Temperance said:

And now a word from Allison Bontrager! Allison is 26, engaged, planning an August wedding, and has a message for single ladies:

Wait for a Real Man

Today I just have a few thoughts to share.

I only want to tell every girl to know that the right man will treasure her, will be noble, will pursue Jesus before he pursues her. A good man will treat you like a queen. Best of all, he will point you to the King.

Girls, I know you’ve heard it a hundred times, but PLEASE DON’T SETTLE. I am not talking about a perfect man, but one that is good, Godly, and a true gentleman. He will make mistakes, but when he does, he will have the character to admit he’s wrong. A good man will fail, but try again.

A real man won’t leave you wondering if he is serious about life and following Christ- he will prove it by the way he lives today.

A true man will pursue you honorably and treat you tenderly. You will be more of the woman God created you to be with him, not less. He won’t pull you down, but help you climb higher.

This is a man to wait for- and don’t you dare settle for anything less. And send this post to a friend who could use some encouragement. I only hope some girl will read this and decide to wait for the real man God has for her.

That’s all, girls. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

I’m praising Jesus for the real man He has so graciously given me, and praying that by His grace I can encourage some girls to wait for one as well. And to love Jesus and live FULL, productive, meaningful single OR married lives.



Of course he’s perfect NOW. You’re engaged and sex is coming soon. Every engaged girl thinks they got the best guy in the world. Give yourself a few years (and a few kids), and THEN write the blog post about the characteristics you want in a husband. They’ll probably be a little different. 

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Don't forget to smear on several applications of cheap lipstick. And, use plenty of eyeliner. The really dark black heavy eyeliner. You don't want your carefully curated look to wear off during the exciting event!

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12 hours ago, Temperance said:

And now a word from Allison Bontrager! Allison is 26, engaged, planning an August wedding, and has a message for single ladies:

Wait for a Real Man

Today I just have a few thoughts to share.

I only want to tell every girl to know that the right man will treasure her, will be noble, will pursue Jesus before he pursues her. A good man will treat you like a queen. Best of all, he will point you to the King.

Girls, I know you’ve heard it a hundred times, but PLEASE DON’T SETTLE. I am not talking about a perfect man, but one that is good, Godly, and a true gentleman. He will make mistakes, but when he does, he will have the character to admit he’s wrong. A good man will fail, but try again.

A real man won’t leave you wondering if he is serious about life and following Christ- he will prove it by the way he lives today.

A true man will pursue you honorably and treat you tenderly. You will be more of the woman God created you to be with him, not less. He won’t pull you down, but help you climb higher.

This is a man to wait for- and don’t you dare settle for anything less. And send this post to a friend who could use some encouragement. I only hope some girl will read this and decide to wait for the real man God has for her.

That’s all, girls. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

I’m praising Jesus for the real man He has so graciously given me, and praying that by His grace I can encourage some girls to wait for one as well. And to love Jesus and live FULL, productive, meaningful single OR married lives.



Such a shame Josh Duggar is taken he’d have been perfect for her 🤪

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12 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

I have my tin foil gown and tiara and my gaudy jewelry and my makeup all ready for Friday. 

Jill said that the wedding would be in "late July," so I am going with the 25th. Plenty of time to hit up the dollar store for some makeup! 😁

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6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jill said that the wedding would be in "late July," so I am going with the 25th. Plenty of time to hit up the dollar store for some makeup! 😁

For some reason I always thought it was July 3rd. I am probably wrong. They are not famous enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 to lie about the wedding date to throw off the paparazzi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sorry, I could not even type that with a straight face) although JillR thinks so. So I shall just wait until I am informed of the nuptuals...

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11 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

For some reason I always thought it was July 3rd. I am probably wrong. They are not famous enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 to lie about the wedding date to throw off the paparazzi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sorry, I could not even type that with a straight face) although JillR thinks so. So I shall just wait until I am informed of the nuptuals...

This was on a registry. 

Nurie Rodrigues and Nathan Keller

Getting Married Friday, July 3, 2020

And this on another one.

Nurie Rodrigues & Nathan Keller

Jul 18, 2020

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm going with what Jill said. Nurthan have had at least two fake registries show up. I think the 18th as mid-month, so the 25th is the only date that fits her descriptor.

Do you mean mid-month, as in ovulating? Then, yes.

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So, on Jill's radio show this week she has a couple of interesting confessions. She admits that they didn't have paperwork done for some of the kids at the end of the school year (she claims to be homeschooling 9 at present). She also admits that two of her kids CHEATED. 

I wonder how that all worked out (she didn't tell the audience how/if these issues were resolved).

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jill said that the wedding would be in "late July," so I am going with the 25th. Plenty of time to hit up the dollar store for some makeup! 😁

What dollar store makeup?I got very gaudy makeup leftover from Halloween. 

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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

She also admits that two of her kids CHEATED. 


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51 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I bet JRod is having a conniption about the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion. I am here for it!

I'm sure a mean spirited rant will be posted shortly.

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Mitchell and Bryn Bontrager are expecting #2 in December. Their oldest turned 1 in March. All of the Bontragers are quiverfull. 

The Bontragers have 4 married children. 2 of the children (Josh and his wife Cassidy)(Chelsy and her husband John Maxwell) have 2 children each. Both of their second children born within the last three months.  Their other married children (Carson and his wife Carolina) and (Mitchell and his wife Bryn) are expecting #2 this year.  Carolina is due the end of August. 

Allison Bontrager is planning to get married in August. She is their third child.

There are two young Bontragers who could be a match for single fundies, such as the single Rod adult daughters.

These people aren't taking COVID seriously (not social distancing, wearing a mask, etc.). I hope for Bryn's sake she and her husband is trying to social distance more and that she has a healthy pregnancy/delivery/baby. 

Edited by Temperance
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