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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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You'd think someone would try to figure out how to get online watching included in the Nielson ratings.


Thing is, the point of ratings is to determine advertising rates and online viewing has its own ad sales based on how well they can measure demographics and other factors. Thus, they don't really need ratings for online viewing the only number that matters is the money brought in. Pop might have paid extra to have Days taken off Hulu (to push viewers back to watching on TV) and maybe that was worth  more than the ad revenue it gets from Hulu.


In the end it's a bad move because making it harder to watch Days online isn't going to direct me to NBC.com, Pop or VOD. Its just going to encourage me to watch the stories I care about chopped up on YouTube and cut down my viewing time.

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Kassie DePaiva on AfterBuzz, talking about Abigail:


She's a slut.  And I know sluts.



She also said that the next three months have been some of the best experiences in her daytime career.

She will be singing on the show at Christmas.

She also said she thinks Brady is abusive to Theresa.  I so agree with that.

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I don't know how Brady's the abusive one when Theresa's drugged him, put John in a coma, and just last week was faking rape against Zander to get him arrested and all for Brady. He's shown far more tolerance and patience than she deserves. What did Kassie say about her own character? 



September 11 will be a special flashback episode.  



Edited by Artsda
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I don't know how Brady's the abusive one when Theresa's drugged him, put John in a coma, and just last week was faking rape against Zander to get him arrested and all for Brady. He's shown far more tolerance and patience than she deserves.


Just because Theresa has done horrible things doesn't mean that Brady isn't abusive to her. They're BOTH abusive! But Brady is the one with the money, power and physical strength. All Theresa has going for her is that she's not quite as stupid as Brady.

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Just because Theresa has done horrible things doesn't mean that Brady isn't abusive to her. They're BOTH abusive! But Brady is the one with the money, power and physical strength. All Theresa has going for her is that she's not quite as stupid as Brady.


Brady isn't beating her or trying to physically intimidate her nor does he yell at her for the fun of it. Whenever he calls her out it's after she's been caught lying or scheming. You know, like manipulating Melanie into leaving town, putting his father in a coma, faking injuries to stay in the mansion, and using their child to get his attention. And the only time he waved his money and power around was to prevent her from leaving town with his child. Theresa isn't some victim without resources and she's never once shown herself to feel threatened by him. If she weren't so desperate she would agree to co-parent with him and stop trying to force him to love her. 

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I'm sorry but there's no question Brady is usually verbally and emotionally abusive and he threatens physical violence routinely with his size.  It's so bad it makes me very uncomfortable.  Add in Clyde and I'm not sure how this show is on the air.


ETA When J Theresa came back she said she's been cut off from family help because they thought she'd use it to get into trouble.  She doesn't have resources or she'd have said so.  Damn, I'd never go live with Kimberly either. And KDP blows her off when she tries to confide because she has nothing better to do than scheme for her personal advantage. 

Edited by QuelleC
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Kassie de Paiva said that Kate Mansi has talked with the writers and, because of the way that Jack died, it was decided that Abigail doesn't use elevators.  So Show never shows her entering or leaving an elevator.


Stephen Nichols tweeted yesterday that he's getting eight page scenes.  That's huge (literally).

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Hopefully those scenes involve Kayla because if we get another Steve returns and is involved with someone other than Kayla, I will literally scream. Although at this moment Kayla would love nothing more than to see Steve high-tailing it out of Salem. I hope whatever plans for adventure, drama, etc. involve Steve and Kayla working together (reluctantly at first) , followed by them working their way back together.

Good news is with Days six months ahead schedule. SN still taping and being given gobs to do means he is definitely back for more than a pop-in for the anniversary or move the story along ploy.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Kassie de Paiva said that Kate Mansi has talked with the writers and, because of the way that Jack died, it was decided that Abigail doesn't use elevators.  So Show never shows her entering or leaving an elevator.


How about she talk to the writers about making her character less of a vile piece of trash. And ask one of them to refer her to some acting classes. 

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What's her violent streak? Slapping someone? Nicole has catfights all the time, it's no violent streak.  


The writers shouldn't have had to have her come to them to tell them Abby should be traumatized from elevators. That is something they should have realized on their own and done on their own.

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Slapping someone is an act of violence, and it is something the character of Abigail has done over and over again. 


Getting into a catfight is also an act of violence. 


When people think that violence will solve some problem they're having, and it's a mechanism they continually fall back on, then I'd call it a streak.


I'd definitely classify Nicole, Sami, Abigail, and Jennifer (who slaps as often as her daughter) as violent people.  They're not Clyde-level violent, but still violent.

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Kassie de Paiva said that Kate Mansi has talked with the writers and, because of the way that Jack died, it was decided that Abigail doesn't use elevators.  So Show never shows her entering or leaving an elevator.


Mansi has a one-on-one with the writers and that's what they talk about? Elevators? Mother of pearl!


I mean, honestly, there has to be something wrong with these people.

Edited by Sandman
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Billy Flynn is going to be hosting an upcoming fan meet-and-greet in Niagara Falls, and Galen Gering tweeted to him that he'd pay good money to see Billy go over the falls in a barrel.  Billy said he would pay good money to see Galen join him in the barrel.  Then he said, they were going to need to get a bigger barrel.

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Why does he have to shell that toxic product for a buck..He should just concentrate on his acting career....It makes me sad and I wish that I never found out about this side business of his..Ignorance is bliss at times...I cannot look at Freddie the same way anymore...


His girlfriend got him into it.

This is a neat story - from the Michael Fairman site - 


September 22nd, 2015

Disabled Syrian Teen Trying To Reach Europe Learned To Speak English By Watching Days of our Lives!

Never, ever underestimate the power of the soaps!  And never underestimate how they may impact someone’s life … young, or old.

In a compelling piece from ABC News,  a 16-year-old Syrian teenager named Nageen Mustafa has faced so many obstacles in her young life.

For 20 days, she had traveled from her home in the war-torn Syrian town of Kobani to the Serbian border with Hungary.  Nageen is bound to a wheel chair, but her English is pretty impeccable.  Learning English for her did not come from being on the inside of a classroom or mingling with other children, in a culture where she  was shunned for her disability, according to the report.

When she was asked how she learned to speak English to the ABC news reporter she answered:  “At home with my favorite TV show Days of our Lives“.  She said beaming.  “I watched it for two years.  I was waking up at 8 a.m. some days to watch it. That’s a great show.  But they killed the main character that I loved!”

Nageen added she has learned much of the world from watching TV and she now has an impressive to do-list, as she dreams of her big future.

However as of last week, the young girl’s future was up in the air according to the ABC report.  She had just arrived at the Serbian-Hungarian border to find the route closed and her plans suddenly halted.  Just hours later, violence erupted on the border as refugees broke down the gate and tried to force their way into Hungary.   Her goal is to get to Germany.

Edited by boes
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To follow up on the story boes brought over, Last Week Tonight had her as part of their stories on migrants and refugees. They filmed the reunion of EJ and Sami where he basically came back to life thanks to DiMeara's witch doctors.


I wish I could find the clip because it was funny and sweet payoff for Nageen Mustafa who was a big EJ and Sami fan.

  • Love 7

That was really nice of JS and AS to do for Noujain Mustaffa. In fact they explained it even right with EJ saying Kristen got him out and she/Stefan saved his life. I guess people can use this as their Ejami ending now. They actually got one.


I wonder if DAYS/NBC actually approved this, since the entire skit they never used the words "Sami" or "EJ." So I'm going to guess no on approval.

Edited by Artsda
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That was awesome! 


And how great was it to see James Scott again?  He just radiates sex appeal.


I know, right?This just made my day!!! (The whole segment was good.)


You could just feel how happy AS & JS were to do this for Noujain...and to be acting together again too, I'd bet.


I really hope that TPTB over ALL soaps appreciate the genre just a little bit more & realize how important they truly are.

IMO, all the fans have ever wanted is good stories told well...something that maybe we can relate to.



Dang... that video still has me smiling. Awesome!!!! What a sweet thing to do!!!

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Oh gosh me too.  I'd just melt if JS looked at the camera and said my name with a twinkle in his eye.  And AS has a great sense of humor and timing.  Last time I saw JS he had a beard, I wonder if he shaved for it.  John Oliver going through their history had me belly laughing! Trollop! I hope someone offers Miss Mustaffa a scholarship.  Wow, learning English that way with as quickly as they speak?

  • Love 6

Oh, when JS looked directly into the camera and said Noujain's name I thought to myself 'They may have just killed her.' Seriously, I cannot even imagine if, back in the day, John Taylor had looked into the camera, any camera, and said my name out loud. I might not be typing this right now... it would have been too much for my teen-dream self.


The whole segment was wonderful but reuniting Sami and EJ for Noujain was just lovely. And I totally thought of this board when John Oliver called Abigail a trollop.

Edited by Dandesun
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My HS Spanish teacher always said that watching Telemundo or Univision was the best way to really learn the language. I watched the entire Thorn Birds mini series in Spanish one day. It was awesome. 


That girl is to be commended. 

Exactly! I learned English that way, when I came to States..Music is another way to learn a language as well..People tend to enunciate words, when they are singing..It helps when you are learning a new language...I used to listen to the radio to help me because you would hear the same music in a loop for hours and that helped me alot with words...I too watched alot of Spanish telenovelas and that helped me learn Spanish in conjunction with taking classes at school...

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Interview with Robert Scott Wilson about being the Necktie Killer.  I guess I'm going to have to accept that he is, despite the reports that the killer would be revealed on November 9.



Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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