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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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Oh geez. I didn't say they are supposed to feel better. I was just trying to say there's a good chance many of them won't actually get nominated in the end. Shrug. If there's this much of an outcry now I'm trying imagine the meltdown if KM does get nominated.

Probably even worst than when AS on DAYS got nominated. LOL

How Kate Mansi is listed in the pre-nominations and Robert Scott Wilson is not is a travesty. This just shows how political the nominations really are.

The same mofos will win. Don't be surprised if Tony Geary or Christian LeBlanc wins over Justin Hartley or Eric Braeden in this tired and boring system.

Jacob Young was nominated before Karla Mosley??? Did the system forget who played the transgender mogul who carried most of the show that whole 2015.

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I'm seriously shocked shocked KM / Abby was pre-nommed for Lead Actress but KA/Hope, LK/Kate, and AZ/Nicole were snubbed!!! If I were them I would be seriously fucking pissed especially KA/Hope who did more and conveyed more emotion in a scene of one episode than KM did ALL year!

I give KA credit shes been down this road before so she's remaining classy. But still SMH.


I feel also KM took Karla Mosley nomination being a LEAD nominee.

Edited by BlackMamba

Kate Mansi.  Kate friggin' Mansi.  No wonder she thinks she can act when the dildos who choose the Emmys tell her she can.


UNLESS - and I think this could be the reason - UNLESS a bunch of mutant kangaroos with lazy eyes somehow infiltrated the nominating process.  I can see her easily capturing the Marsupial vote.

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Probably even worst than when AS on DAYS got nominated. LOL

Here's the thing:  AS paid her dues and earned her way to being considered a lead actress for playing Sami for 22 years, for turning in solid performances--some better then others--but she was a charismatic actress whose acting improved throughout the years.  


KM, on the other hand, has been on the show for 4 years where she has shown little to no improvement--her go to expressions are either an annoyed look or mouth hanging open as she breathes hard.  To see her name in the same category as truly talented women like Finola Hughes, Eileen Davidson, Kassie DePavia and MaryBeth Evans is eye-roll enducing to the extreme.  Mansi isn't in their league--not by a long shot.


The heavy lifting in the kidnapped story line was done by the actors playing Ben and Chad and even the woman playing the nurse emoted more then KM.  All Abby did was stand there holding her 10 pound premie while trying to look worried--not impressive at all.

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Here's the thing: AS paid her dues and earned her way to being considered a lead actress for playing Sami for 22 years, for turning in solid performances--some better then others--but she was a charismatic actress whose acting improved throughout the years.

KM, on the other hand, has been on the show for 4 years where she has shown little to no improvement--her go to expressions are either an annoyed look or mouth hanging open as she breathes hard. To see her name in the same category as truly talented women like Finola Hughes, Eileen Davidson, Kassie DePavia and MaryBeth Evans is eye-roll enducing to the extreme. Mansi isn't in their league--not by a long shot.

The heavy lifting in the kidnapped story line was done by the actors playing Ben and Chad and even the woman playing the nurse emoted more then KM. All Abby did was stand there holding her 10 pound premie while trying to look worried--not impressive at all.


If KM turned in any of the cabin fever shit and that's what got her nominated, DH and KA should be asking for nominations for past years! Don't yall know how many times Marlena and Hope were kidnapped in the history of this show?? Wasn't Hope held in captive in turret with Stefano thanks to Princess Gina. Or what about the 500 times Marlena was held in a hostage by Stefano. Biiiitch... please. If thats what got her nominated for being kidnapped I'm going to call serious bullshit..

I think when the Lead Actress Final List comes out

It will be Finola Hughes, Laura Wright, Melissa Claire Egan, Gina Tognoni and Kate Mansi.

Like I said KM will be the weak actress amoung a group of heavyweights. I'm just preparing myself for her to be on the final list.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Who's Val Bloom? Another mediocre actress.

She, too, was nominated in her first year and it too a prenom away from Kristen Storms who had amazing work after Georgie's death from GH. Vail Bloom, on the other hand like VJ, had no story.

Vail Bloom also last year was casted on Vanderpump Rules. I think if she was waitress for a hot minute.

Edited by BlackMamba

Twitter is full of comments about how KA was robbed.

I am really confused by all of the snubs this year.

I love Martha Madison. She's amazing. Definitely the only actress in support of KA's snubbing


I'm not shocked Kristian Alfonso was snubbed even though Im pissed by it. She, Katherine Kelly Lange and Melody Thomas Scott are in that category where the industry tends to snub them. They are viewed as the beautiful hair models of the 80s and 90s that is only seen as eye candy and beautiful but most view them not as talented next to a Susan Flannery, Eileen Davidson and Crystal Chappell. Hell, I'm not saying KA is great thespian. I'm not oblivious. Yet she's made drastic improvements in her acting through her 30+ yr career. The fact she was snubbed for the second time, especially after the Zack storyline that I still say if she were nominated she should had won, it gives me sooo much room to pause.

Edited by BlackMamba
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KA was really good and this was a HOT story which was really hyped. It was important to her career. I don't know I mean there were some other snubs that really confused me.

I agree.

This would had been the perfect year for her to get a nom since this has been a down year for the leading actresses (hence why we see Kate Mansi in the lead category *rolleyes* and next year Heather Tom will be gunning for her 7th Emmy and Maura West wasn't stellar). Even if KA got nominated for any work this year (which is highly unlikely with Higley writing the Hope character all which ways; I need Josh Griffith and Beth Milstein to fix the character so KA can work. Not to say she isn't putting on her best Kim Zimmer turning outright shit to sugar, just I need a writer to trust in her as an actress to pull off good, organic material and not all out horseshit).

It's a shame. The system is totally fucked even with only four soaps left.

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But how much do they even matter? Jacob Young has a daytime Emmy, so do Maurice Benard, Steve Burton and Natalia Livingston!!! Tony Geary won his last two or three for extremely hack work. Yes, it's nice when our favorites get nominated and then maybe win, but sometimes they're not exactly in the most illustrious company.

But how much do they even matter? Jacob Young has a daytime Emmy, so do Maurice Benard, Steve Burton and Natalia Livingston!!! Tony Geary won his last two or three for extremely hack work. Yes, it's nice when our favorites get nominated and then maybe win, but sometimes they're not exactly in the most illustrious company.

I won't be surprised if Tony Geary wins his 9th Emmy as a going away gift for the Fluke storyline that he begged for. I can't believe a quartertime actor like him gets rewarded for basically knowing how to work around the Emmy system. Shit like this is why I hate the Daytime Emmys. I won't be shocked if GH wins best show, even though Bold and the Beautiful should win. GH hasn't won Best Show since 2012 the mainstream media must get worried when they take a few years off.

Edited by BlackMamba
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I agree.  Some really terrible actors have won them in the past and will continue to win them, so it makes it all meaningless anyway.  Still, I imagine it must be extremely frustrating for someone as talented and awesome as Finola Hughes to be nominated alongside the terrible Kate Mansi.


But whatever.  TBH, I don't pay attention to any awards show because it's just a bunch of over-privileged people congratulating themselves and I have very little interest in celebrities.  My knowledge of them is pretty paltry, actually.  Some of it comes from The Soup (before it was unjustly canceled!!), and the rest comes from reading headlines from trashy gossip rags at the grocery store and once in a blue moon viewings of TMZ (one of my husband's favorite shows).

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WRT AS...she should have submitted a different reel for her last year. She submitted something stupid. I really think if she had submitted the morgue scene with EJ, she'd have maybe won. That was some good shit right there.


KA was robbed.


Interest in KM baffles me. Constantly. She's awful.



Does anyone want to post worthy highlights of this show? I just can't with these guys -- there's so much filler I get bored waiting for the discussion to start. Not problem, of course, if that's asking too much, lol. 


Thaao complained about the lighting.  He also said "If I'm going to have to say these stupid lines, then give me some light."  He said he was really upset when he came back to the show and saw how Joseph Mascolo had deteriorated.  He liked to treat him like a father.  He also said he and Kristian Alfonso are also very close.

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Thaao complained about the lighting.  He also said "If I'm going to have to say these stupid lines, then give me some light."  He said he was really upset when he came back to the show and saw how Joseph Mascolo had deteriorated.  He liked to treat him like a father.  He also said he and Kristian Alfonso are also very close.

Thanks Rick! He sounds like such a nice guy. Judging by my parents, folks can get to their mid-80s or so as spry as always but they're just one misstep or fall away from a downward slope. I try to be as sure-footed as I can and I'm in my 50s, lol. 

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Some bio information about Kassie DePaiva, from her official website:





DePaiva's own journey has been rich with musical events. As a teenager, she worked as a back-up singer at Opryland in Nashville; at 18, she made her solo debut at the Grand Ole Opry. She studied theater at Indiana University and, later, the University of California at Los Angeles; while at UCLA, DePaiva joined the four-part harmony band Newport, performing throughout California and Nevada. Later she left college to travel and perform with the USO throughout Asia. After she returned to the U.S., she got a job singing back-up for the soul music titan Bobby Womack.

"I used to tell Bobby Womack all the time." DePaiva says, "that the way I feel about country and soul is that they're, well, heavily related. It's all derived from gospel music, and a lot of country comes from the old soul music. But touring with him, being on stage with so many legends -- Cecil and Linda Womack, Patti LaBelle, people like that. I mean, Sly Stone was out on the road with us for two months. Once we were at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, while doing a week in Great Britain. I sang there with the Rolling Stones, although Mick Jagger wasn't there. I had begged Bobby to let me sing on this date, because he only needed one background vocalist: I said, 'Please, please, please, please let me do this.'" DePaiva laughs. "I got to do it. It was extremely thrilling to be backstage and be able to sit and talk about music with Charlie Watts."

I still don't understand how shooting five months in advance saves costs.

Well the park and those jungle funerals are proof they are saving.

My thing is someone is being cheap with the pocketbook!

Sony makes YR look good every week and they film 5-6 weeks ahead of schedule. Hell they even use CGI when they do explosions like the inferno they had this past November Sweeps.

Between Corday and Sony they need to put more money in this show. Seems like NBC will be willing to cut the show a check so as long they bring the ratings. I will say, The police station under Tomsell looked great and their was a courtroom. Again we didn't even get St Luke's Church when some of the legacy characters got killed?! There is no excuse for that at all.

Edited by BlackMamba
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B&B is traveling to Australia. Why do they have money (although they are only a half hour show) and Days doesn't?

Because the Bells are willing to put money into their soaps! Corday is a cheap skate. I'm surprised hes ok'd some location scenes outside of the studio. Oh how I wish Days could go out of the country like they did back in the 80s and 90s.

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Because the Bells are willing to put money into their soaps! Corday is a cheap skate. I'm surprised hes ok'd some location scenes outside of the studio. Oh how I wish Days could go out of the country like they did back in the 80s and 90s.

What?  You didn't believe that Patch and Ava were on Maui?  Or in Indonesia!


I think some of the sets are quite good, but I will never not laugh at the shenanigans that go on in the park/cemetary/wilderness.  Why anyone would walk anywhere near there is beyond me, it's truly a killing field.

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B&B is traveling to Australia.  Why do they have money (although they are only a half hour show) and Days doesn't?

 B&B is licensed internationally and makes an enormous amount of money off of that licensing. Most of their location shoots - Italy, Australia, etc - double as promotion for the show, which airs in those international markets.

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I still don't understand how shooting five months in advance saves costs. 


I think part of the rationale is the "fear" that they would get caught needing changes (ie OT, rewrites) in a short window of time.  That costs money. The longer lead time ensures that episodes are completed and ready to go with plenty of time to spare and attention can be focused on future production.


The rumored/alleged behind-the-scenes clustermuck that has been happening over the past 6 weeks has probably convinced NBC and Sony that the longer lead time can blow up in your face even worse than having to spend a few extra bucks to lengthen the workday, pay the union production crew, cancel vacations, and re-edit episodes.


Several other message boards have documented almost HOURS WORTH of scenes that have been previewed/promoted/hyped that have been cut at the last minute over the past few weeks.  At least three major storylines have been altered/changed/dropped because they were failing.  That costs $$$$.


The good news is that DOOL and Corday Productions seem to have mastered the new aggressive taping schedule.  There's no reason why that production schedule can't be 2-3 months in advance vs 5 months.  The upcoming 2-week Olympics hiatus provides a logical break, especially since a DOOL renewal would take effect shortly after in September.


Corporate negotiations are never fun.  Let's hope DOOL is dragging its feet in hopes of getting something great in return... like a 2-year renewal.  Or even better, a 5-year renewal.  (Hey, we can dream...)

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What were some of the plots cut?

I heard Rafe and Hope were already supposed to kiss... What else?


Here's the link to a thread that lists a lot of the cuts:  http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9270015/1/

There's also general chatter in the thread, but if you skim over that, it's interesting to see all that's been filmed and cut before airtime.  Some of the cuts have been discovered after reading the daily recaps on nbc.com which describes things that didn't air.

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What were some of the plots cut?

I heard Rafe and Hope were already supposed to kiss... What else?

Dec 3: Jason Cook's Shawn-D was suppose to tell off Belle outside of the Brady Pub.

Early January: Nicole was suppose to go off Jennifer and blame her for the accident.

Jan 20: Would had been Rafe and Hope's first kiss but it got put on hold. Then this article came out from About Days: http://daysofourlives.about.com/od/episoderecaps/fl/Days-of-our-Lives-Hope-and-Rafe-The-Kiss-That-Wasnt.htm?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shareurlbuttons_nip

Edited by BlackMamba
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Wow, lots of neat stuff was cut...

I didn't realize Marlena and John never had a scene with Bo til just now, and it really depresses me to know they had one filmed but didn't air it.

I'm a bit surprised that John's visit with his mother was originally planned to be two visits because in the end they were all wearing the same clothes the whole time, even Marlena, in spite of the fact that John said he would be gone a few days. I also would have enjoyed seeing John talk to Steve about his mother...that subplot just seems so bizarrely isolated from everything else happening on the show.

It also would have been nice to see Belle visit Brady in the hospital, if only to make her seem more likeable.

I am beyond relieved that they cut out scenes of Caroline's visions though.

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Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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