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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I am posting to this thread in the hope that it will help push the thread to a new page, and I won't have to see these horrible kissing photos every time I innocently click on the link to this thread.

It is my fervent hope that this new show -- called Jill and Jessa . . . -- will slowly distance itself from JB and J'chelle. From what I have seen, of course, it looks like they are squeezing in their own bit of face time every week -- whether there are issues about getting paid for x number of seconds of air time, or they just can't bear to have the cameras off of themselves, I don't know (although I expect it is the latter since I am 100% convinced that all of the checks go directly to Duggar Enterprises no matter who appears on screen).

Just to fill up a couple more lines -- for me the biggest problem with these two is their complete lack of self-awareness. They have mountains of evidence that they have made a mistake -- well intentioned, perhaps, but a mistake -- in having so many children. Aside from the fact that their star child is a child molester and a serial adulterer, all of the children are failing. The adult children have no jobs, and no skills; they have not prepared their daughters with the skills required for the "help-meet" role that they have chosen for them without their input, the older children are clearly not being sought out as marriage material within their community, they are clearly tired of child-rearing and are not even making a token effort to "home-school" the younger children, and on and on.

Normal people - in my experience -  have moments of doubt and concern. People who are conscientious and caring have moments when they wonder if they have done the right thing for their children. JB and J'chelle have done an awful job; they have made terrible decisions; they have ***19*** children who are bearing the brunt of their bad choices, and they don't seem to bat an eye about any of it.

  • Love 15

I almost gave myself heart failure today.  I was watching Hallmark Channel's Home & Family Talk Show.  I was reading when they were introducing the guests.  All I heard was "some organizations (I didn't catch name) 2016 Mother of the Year.....Michelle....."  My head came up so quickly from my book & I was thinking "NO, it can't be" & then they gave her last name "Wall".  Boy that was close.

  • Love 6
On May 1, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Remember, for the cameras at the Jubilee ultrasound, Mechelle just parroted 1st grade theology: "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

As adults who presumably have daily time to commune with the Holy Book, they should be able to explain pain and suffering better than this. 

Tick tock Duggars, I'm waiting...

WTH kind of proverb is that for a supposedly happy event?

What did she think the lord might take away?

I guess any verse/port in a storm.


WTH kind of proverb is that for a supposedly happy event?

What did she think the lord might take away?


As adults who presumably have daily time to commune with the Holy Book, they should be able to explain pain and suffering better than this.

She quoted it after they found out that Jubilee was dead so I can't really fault her for not coming up with something more profound. I can't honestly snark on Michelle for that moment, her tears looked real enough.

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Just now, Vaysh said:

She quoted it after they found out that Jubilee was dead so I can't really fault her for not coming up with something more profound. I can't honestly snark on Michelle for that moment, her tears looked real enough.

Oh dear. I did not know. I figured it was Mechelle just plugging in whatever platitude came to her addled mind first.

(Jubilee. Wonder what abomination of nickname would have been made from that. Sorry, can't help myself.)

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, louannems said:


At the Bateses grad party.  Don't JB and Michelle look stressed?  Especially JB.


Yes, he sure does look stressed. And he oughta look stressed. He's spent his entire adult life ruining life for 19 and counting young people, as well as for his wife, and trying hard to win converts among other men to get them to ruin multiple people's lives too. About time some of that dawned on him and it stressed him out big time.

Of course I'm sure that's not why he's feeling stressed.

Nevertheless, I'm thrilled that he is stressed, the stinking pinhead dick. I hope he never feels any way but massively stressed again. Maybe that could finally teach him something. Except, naaa, it won't.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11

On duggarfamily.com - in Michelle's Blog - are a few videos wishing MEchelle a Happy Mother's Day. Tell me what ya'll think about the video of Jill and Derick - is it new? If so, Derick has shaved his beard! But he's wearing something tied around his hair.  There's also a video of Smuganna's kids that must be new because Meredith is in it.  And finally, there's one of a bunch of the Duggar boys, and the older 4 all talk about MEchelle in biblical terms - can't they just say something personal and heartfelt for once?

Edited by OpieTaylor
added in Michelle's Blog
33 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

And finally, there's one of a bunch of the Duggar boys, and the older 4 all talk about MEchelle in biblical terms - can't they just say something personal and heartfelt for once?

Probably not because they don't know her. It would be like someone pointing out a random stranger on the street and asking you to describe their personality. 

  • Love 4

The look on the guy's face in the picture with Ben and Jessa quacks me up. On the subject of Michelle, I say NIKE! because her top seems a little tight. JB reminds me of the traveling religious con artists in the old days pretending to cure people of blindness, paralysis, deafness and other disabilities. When you think about it, he is the modern day con artist by pretending he and his brood are a bunch of caring, loving people who want to spread the message of God, but he, Michelle, and the older kids and spouses are nothing but a bunch of phony hypocrites riding on the coattail of God and the bible.

2 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

On duggarfamily.com - in Michelle's Blog - are a few videos wishing MEchelle a Happy Mother's Day. Tell me what ya'll think about the video of Jill and Derick - is it new? If so, Derick has shaved his beard! But he's wearing something tied around his hair.  There's also a video of Smuganna's kids that must be new because Meredith is in it.  And finally, there's one of a bunch of the Duggar boys, and the older 4 all talk about MEchelle in biblical terms - can't they just say something personal and heartfelt for once?

The sinner twin isn't there. Did he come home, rescue the girls in the truck and then go back to teen jail? Josiah...I had so much hope for you sigh. I'm digging Derricks new look. Mac leading the smugg spawn  awww.. Michael did his bit, then went back to whatever it is little boys get distracted by haha. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

On duggarfamily.com - in Michelle's Blog - are a few videos wishing MEchelle a Happy Mother's Day. Tell me what ya'll think about the video of Jill and Derick - is it new? If so, Derick has shaved his beard! But he's wearing something tied around his hair.  There's also a video of Smuganna's kids that must be new because Meredith is in it.  And finally, there's one of a bunch of the Duggar boys, and the older 4 all talk about MEchelle in biblical terms - can't they just say something personal and heartfelt for once?

9 hours ago, MunichNark said:

Is Jessa going bald at her temples or is it just a bad shot??

The Dugs look awful - Mechelle's crunchy hair is beyond ridiculous. And DimBulb looks happy.......not

Looks like Jessa inherited the infamous Duggar hair line. No wonder the girls keep their hair down. Most women don't look like that until after menopause. 

I think Mechelle looks pretty good. She's lost a ton of weight, probably due to stress, but let's not forget, now that Hannie is officially a J'Slave, there's one more body to do cooking and cleaning so Mechelle doesn't have to. More time on the elliptical for her. 

  • Love 1

Derelict, Derelict...what have you done to yourself. I should not watch the first two videos because it hurts to laugh when you have chronic chest pressure. The last one was kinda cute. I wonder how Smuggly Do Rite's actually feel about Grandma Michelle. Meredith looks like she is ready to run for the hills as fast as her two little feet can carry her.


OMG, they put those fake pigtails on Meredith! I thought we'd never have to see those things ever again! 

Poor Jackson. As I said in the Lost Girls/Howlers thread, he is miles below Justin in development, despite them being 18 months apart. I bet Jenni can articulate herself more clearly than Jackson. 

Where's Jamesy bug? I'm assuming that Jeer is still at ALERT.

Edited by Sew Sumi

Is Jessa going bald at her temples or is it just a bad shot??

I'm loathe to defend Jessa, but some women lose hair around the temples after giving birth. The hormone craziness can cause hair loss for a bit (the Duchess of Cambridge had the same thing). Now, the overall bitchy air surrounding Jessa, that's her own fault.

  • Love 3

She spat out 19 kids despite "not having a heart for children"... 

After her epic "laundry room breakdown", she's retired herself to her room and let the J Slaves raise the brood....now the J Slaves are burned out and the littles are left to fend for themselves.  Nobody cleans and someone from outside of the family home fools the rest of the kids now.

Despite the teachings of the Pearls and their ilk, even us heathens realize that allowing your kids to walk on countertops and ride bicycles and scooters and skateboards in the house is beyond the pale....that contradiction of blanket training vs howler monkey behavior further demonstrates that the Duggars haven't practiced what they preach for a long time...can you imagine Steve Maxhell allowing his kids or grandkids climbing on the furniture or countertops?

  • Love 8

In the very earliest specials, the Duggar kids were absolutely robotic, lined up according to size with their hands neatly folded and forced smiles plastered to their faces, clearly highly trained. It seems as though the more exposed the Duggars became, the more that facade faded away, probably because it was totally unsustainable. You can make a passel of kids behave that submissively in short spurts, but the more exposed the Duggars became, the more impractical it became to expect the kids to be that way all the time--at least not without severe abuse, which would have been uncovered in short order with film crews there all the time. One of the creepiest things about the leghumpers is that they'll often refer to how 'obedient' the Duggar kids are. I assume they're imagining the early specials, where the "kids" who are now all in their twenties were small. I didn't find their shellacked hair, identical prairie outfits, forced smiles and heavily-rehearsed sound bites cute at all, and I do not understand how anyone found that display anything short of weird and at least slightly sinister. It was disturbing even WITHOUT the molestation context, but going back and watching it now is downright horrific. The first special was filmed shortly after (or maybe even during) the whole superior Gothard child-rearing philosophy blowing up in their faces, which could explain a lot. Michelle is apparently prone to breakdowns. She may have given up completely at that time, and the howlers came into being. She upped her Xanax intake for beaming-at-Jim-Bob endurance whenever a camera was pointed at her (free house, free appliances, free trips, she's not stupid), but otherwise checked out.

  • Love 16


As always, you are so eloquent and spot on!!!!

Now that you mention it, I do recall how the children all appeared so timid and terrified to put one foot wrong....Anyone can mug it up for the cameras for a few minutes, particularly when the reward is new kitchen appliances and a house finished for you, courtesy of TLC.  I totally agree that Googly Eyes checked out a long time ago. Boob keeps her medicated to keep her in submission to him and to keep her from flying the coop.  Even someone "with a heart for children" would have been fit for the looney bin after 10 kids.

If not for TLC, the Duggars would still be living in their ramshackle house grifting for love offerings....wait they are still grifting...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm having a chuckle on the Jenni/Jordyn mix up. More because my father would often mix up our names. There were four of us and he would always start from the oldest. I'm the youngest, so the running joke was that my name was actually - SusieJoeJimSally.

My dad would usually throw in the dogs name--Daisy--before he got to the correct kids name.

  • Love 7

I was watching an old episode on youtube and noticed a piece of paper with jurisdictions written on them, next to Jeer's name was his parent's room. I also remember the first 14 kids and counting special where Jana said she had to clean her parents room. Are Mechelle and Jim Boob really that lazy that they cannot clean their own bedroom? That's just disgusting to think about.

  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, louannems said:

Michelle's much younger there, and I can see a peep of carpet between her legs, so I think she's wearing pants. She is swathed in a plastic looking god-awful top

It's from back in the 80s and I know that because my sister or my mother had that same top!  Mechelle might have been pregnant with Josh in the photo.

On 5/12/2016 at 9:02 PM, larfs said:

I was watching an old episode on youtube and noticed a piece of paper with jurisdictions written on them, next to Jeer's name was his parent's room. I also remember the first 14 kids and counting special where Jana said she had to clean her parents room. Are Mechelle and Jim Boob really that lazy that they cannot clean their own bedroom? That's just disgusting to think about.

I feel sorry for whomever has to wash their bed sheets.  I think we know why none of the children have proper bedding. The money to buy new sheets all goes to Boob and Mullet.



Ugh, while she probably doesn't need lube, she is certainly dried up down there by now. Even with a cavernous errr.....place.....the sex must really suck for her these days. 

But then,  I might be giving Boob too much credit, although I bet Gothard approved of the Little Blue Pill to nudge things along. I shudder to think Mechelle had to endure that night after "family friendly" putt putt. 

Maybe people at the golf place in TN remembered and seeing these perverts, demanded refunds.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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