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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I've been getting this horrible feeling that the adoption story is coming to light in order to keep them in the news and to renew the show.


Of course it is. The Duggars have never had any intention to adopt a child. Of any color, of any age, from any country, with disabilities or not. They are, however, desperate for anything to keep them "in the news" at any level. Whether it's true or not.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Of course it is. The Duggars have never had any intention to adopt a child. Of any color, of any age, from any country, with disabilities or not. And they are now desperate for anything to keep them "in the news" at any level.

I hope that is true and that no state agency would approve their freak show as a suitable home.

  • Love 3

AR also has the big pipeline to the Marshall Islands. I know of a few adoptions arranged in that state with birth mothers from that (very odd, all things considered) part of the world. You pay the proper attorneys, and as Suz intimated, costs are thereby covered for the birth mother's travel and delivery. I have NEVER asked if more money went into the birth mother's pocket, but I have to assume that this is somehow profitable for these women, or why else go to all of this trouble?


This is definitely a route I could see the Duggars going IF they were at all serious about this.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Oh please tell me the "We're Adopting!" is old news.  I've seen several articles about it in the past two days and it is giving me the willies...........



That family picture shows yet another very sad, very bored, and maybe even a depressed, Jennifer.

  • Love 4


Way to go Michelle on perfecting the "Mormon bump"! Are the kids opening Christmas gifts early?

Is that an old picture? Spy gear is an awfully babyish gift for Josiah and James.

  • Love 3

Letting those two narcissists adopt a child would be a travesty. Look how well they've raised the litter......one child molester (I don't care about the cheating, that's between him and his wife but he is a sleaze bag), one or more grifter daughters who are vapid, ignorant famewhores (the married ones), a whole brood of ignorant unemployable adults, another brood of ignorant misbehaved rug rats, and a child who licks everything. I'd say the kids they have that are under 18 should be removed from the home, those who are over 18 put in a home to be re-educated, and Boob and Mullet should be prosecuted for child abuse, promotion of general stupidity, and made to watch a gay porn movies.

Thanks, rant over.

Henri...LOVE IT! You hit the nail on the head on so any points-- with Chester Molester, Fame Whore Barbie, Muffy, and their dullard husbands, the J slaves, the Howlers, the Lost Girls and Grossie Josie as evidence of their superior parenting skills they should be banned from even being able to adopt a sbelter animal.

I'm sure Jana and the older J slaves are cringing at the thought of another kid to parent on behalf of the retired brood sow...but they just smile insipdly and "keep it sweet" as they are scared to do little else.

It seems clear to everyone but the Duggars themselves that their social experiment is an epic fail...for all their all pontificating about accountability, they obviously have no idea what accountabilty actually entails (outside the context of chaperones and snitching).

  • Love 9

Bolding mine

Henri...LOVE IT! You hit the nail on the head on so any points-- with Chester Molester, Fame Whore Barbie, Muffy, and their dullard husbands, the J slaves, the Howlers, the Lost Girls and Grossie Josie as evidence of their superior parenting skills they should be banned from even being able to adopt a sbelter animal.

I'm sure Jana and the older J slaves are cringing at the thought of another kid to parent on behalf of the retired brood sow...but they just smile insipdly and "keep it sweet" as they are scared to do little else.

It seems clear to everyone but the Duggars themselves that their social experiment is an epic fail...for all their all pontificating about accountability, they obviously have no idea what accountabilty actually entails (outside the context of chaperones and snitching).

I'm thinking they should maybe have some kids taken away!

I don't think Mechelle would miss any of the young 'uns.

  • Love 5

At least, Michelle poses with Josie with an open Wisdom Booklet. Is Josie being taught to do Michelle's fake smile? (Who says Michelle doesn't teach her children anything!)


Also on that post is a link to a video where you can watch Michelle reciting a Bible verse while fresh on her medicat - oops, sorry, Josie reciting her favourite verse.

I wonder if Josie was actually licking the Wisdom Booklets....she's 6 years old now..I'm also still wondering if she hasnt suffered some developmental, cognitive, or sensory impairment related to her traumatic entry into the world. Kids usually stop putting everything in their mouths much earlier than she has. The poor kid licks everything ...which is grossly unsanitary for Josie....this speaks to how well shes actually being supervised....But we're talking about Duggars here so she won't get the proper therapy if she truly has special needs, which is regrettable.

  • Love 5

Letting those two narcissists adopt a child would be a travesty. Look how well they've raised the litter......one child molester (I don't care about the cheating, that's between him and his wife but he is a sleaze bag), one or more grifter daughters who are vapid, ignorant famewhores (the married ones), a whole brood of ignorant unemployable adults, another brood of ignorant misbehaved rug rats, and a child who licks everything. I'd say the kids they have that are under 18 should be removed from the home, those who are over 18 put in a home to be re-educated, and Boob and Mullet should be prosecuted for child abuse, promotion of general stupidity, and made to watch a gay porn movies.

Thanks, rant over.

No porn! Considering Josh's issues and all. Jimboob should be made to walk the runway in drag at a gay bar while the other models bid on who he will be placed with for his tomato stalking.

  • Love 3

How could these two ever be approved to adopt, given their sleeping arrangements? I am no expert but I thought you could have no more than 3 kids per bedroom, and no adults. Not to mention a load of next-generation kids and their mom. i thought that was about privacy and not just space. I haven't watched this show much so I haven't seen how the dorms are set up. But they can't possibly conform to requirements, can they? And would the home school teacher have to provide any particular credentials or evidence of competency before a child is placed with him/her?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Oh, goodness, I hope it doesn't happen! A crafty adoption organiser would arrange for them to adopt one of the Howlers. No further children would be harmed, and the parents wouldn't notice.


I've just been de-educating myself with some Duggar shows (it's perfect while I'm sewing) and have just seen the 'perpendicular' moment. Cool, so the children can say the word; it could have been a good time to tell them what it means.

  • Love 6

Wonder if any of the 19 has a dominant greed chromosome waiting to surface. If so, JB better start his own account in CA.

Yeah, but when you keep your kids too dumb and fearful, they can't hurt you. All it would take is one adult kid to go to the media nd say they were never paid for appearing on the show to unleash another scandal shitstorm on Jim Bob. He'd deserve it.

  • Love 7
Michelle gets a talking head in the pool house, and she looks like she's been washing her face with a bucket of KFC each day. The house must be cursed.


Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

Oh, goodness, I hope it doesn't happen! A crafty adoption organiser would arrange for them to adopt one of the Howlers. No further children would be harmed, and the parents wouldn't notice.


I've just been de-educating myself with some Duggar shows (it's perfect while I'm sewing) and have just seen the 'perpendicular' moment. Cool, so the children can say the word; it could have been a good time to tell them what it means.

Thank you! I keep meaning to mention that. You know every one of those kids now believes "perpendicular" means "vertical."

  • Love 4

Thank you! I keep meaning to mention that. You know every one of those kids now believes "perpendicular" means "vertical."


Oh, well. Courtesy of Gothard and the "wisdom" books and Jim Bob's insanity, they also believe that black means white, up means down, back means front and wrong means right. What's a little more misinformation to a Duggar child?

  • Love 4

Jesus, Michelle needs to put a big number "24" on her forehead because she has some serious Jeff Gordon racing stripes going on there. Seriously - did one of the Howlers put her blush on with a Super Soaker ???


I'm just a stitch younger than Michelle, also going through the "season of life" where yes, things get all whack-a-doodle, but what I'm seeing in that picture is a life-long aversion to sunscreen, a face totally unfamiliar with moisturizer of any kind, and a woman who sleeps in her makeup. Joyfully available, that one is.


Oh, and thirty-five years of keeping every single thought that isn't sweet, placid, and peaceful to herself, where they all just swirl in a bubbling cauldron of repressed anger, bitterness, and hatred that threatens to eat a hole in her very soul. 


Or, you know...maybe just the moisturizer thing. 

  • Love 18

I dislike JB and Michelle for tons of reasons. But I can never decide if they are as ... mentally uncomplicated as they seem to me, given that they seem to "believe in" Gothardism (with convenient modifications, of course). If they are even half as ignorant as they appear, they are probably having a really tough time figuring out just how their world imploded so badly, how Josh fell prey to Satan, why both of their daughters had difficult/dangerous deliveries, etc etc etc. Observers like us can easily connect the dots but I bet they are worrying and spinning their wheels and praying praying praying. It takes a toll, I am sure.

Michelle looks like she is wearing old-fashioned ROUGE, with a reflective sealant over the top.

(SomePity, I would add "poor nutrition" to your list.)

ETA: I just had a gross thought about hey-hey-hey during her season of life. I hope she has someone to advise her about making things more comfortable if/as her body changes. I hope women in that cult don't think it's god's will for things to start hurting. If you catch my drift.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Michelle looks like she is wearing old-fashioned ROUGE, with a reflective sealant over the top.


No way, baby, that is the classic Wet 'N Wild Heather Silk blush, the favorite blush of the melanin-deprived who don't want to spend more than $3 on any article of makeup and/or are under the age of 16.  I swear they used to package it with blue mascara and a can of pink AquaNet back in 1989.  

  • Love 6

No way, baby, that is the classic Wet 'N Wild Heather Silk blush, the favorite blush of the melanin-deprived who don't want to spend more than $3 on any article of makeup and/or are under the age of 16. I swear they used to package it with blue mascara and a can of pink AquaNet back in 1989.

Too funny! It is like an '80s face TO THE MAX.

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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