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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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To clarify my post a bit....Jim Bob stated on TV, that it was the time that he went to those "financial freedom" seminar talks that he and Michelle had already accumulated a lot of credit card debt..when they were in their early 20s. My son was offered a credit card after high school graduation in the mail from Capital One, so it's possible  at 19 to have a card.

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I remembered watching a youtube video where JB was speaking about the abuse he suffered because his father was not spiritual enough (not praying, believing in God, not going to church.) I have a few thoughts on this especially after seeing the way JB and Michelle are raising their children, but I do not want to raise my blood pressure or my head to explode.


On the subject of Michelle having a fit when Ben and Jessa were holding hands, I think she is the one who wants to hold hands with Ben. She seems to have a creepy Mrs. Robinson vibe when it comes to Ben. Ben reminds me of JB in a way, and Jessa is a younger high school version of her mother.

You've just put this image into my head. Fast forward 30 years, and Jessa and Michelle are together on the couch, both with the same hair Michelle has now but in 30 years' worse condition. Michelle is wearing her green blouse, and Jessa is wearing a skin-tight top over her 19th pregnancy and a tight skirt. Spurgeon is sitting nearby, looking much like John David except for a sideways baseball cap, inherited genetically from his father. Spurgeon is theatrically quoting guilt-inducing Bible passages, complete with nature-picture flash-cards which he holds up for each passage he reads. Michelle is looking dazed. Her head lolls forwards intermittently, only to snap up with a moment of alertness, at which point she blurts out a platitude about the blessings which are children. Josie sits on the floor nearby, licking one of Spurgeon's flash-cards.

  • Love 14

You've just put this image into my head. Fast forward 30 years, and Jessa and Michelle are together on the couch, both with the same hair Michelle has now but in 30 years' worse condition. Michelle is wearing her green blouse, and Jessa is wearing a skin-tight top over her 19th pregnancy and a tight skirt. Spurgeon is sitting nearby, looking much like John David except for a sideways baseball cap, inherited genetically from his father. Spurgeon is theatrically quoting guilt-inducing Bible passages, complete with nature-picture flash-cards which he holds up for each passage he reads. Michelle is looking dazed. Her head lolls forwards intermittently, only to snap up with a moment of alertness, at which point she blurts out a platitude about the blessings which are children. Josie sits on the floor nearby, licking one of Spurgeon's flash-cards.


Also, Jim Bob just wanders around in a daze, describing everything that's going on to cameras that aren't there.

  • Love 5

I remembered watching a youtube video where JB was speaking about the abuse he suffered because his father was not spiritual enough (not praying, believing in God, not going to church.) I have a few thoughts on this especially after seeing the way JB and Michelle are raising their children, but I do not want to raise my blood pressure or my head to explode.

On the subject of Michelle having a fit when Ben and Jessa were holding hands, I think she is the one who wants to hold hands with Ben. She seems to have a creepy Mrs. Robinson vibe when it comes to Ben. Ben reminds me of JB in a way, and Jessa is a younger high school version of her mother.

Can you imagine Michelle trying to seduce Bin?

"Binjermin, take a look at my defrauding knees!"

  • Love 3

Can you imagine Michelle trying to seduce Bin?

"Binjermin, take a look at my defrauding knees!"

Sadly, yes I can. She has had the hots for him since day one. Remember when Jessa used to sit with her arms folded when they were first courting and MeChelle and Boob tagged along too, Jessa had no interest in Bin. I bet MeChelle pushed Jessa into it because she could be closer to her Bin. ewwww

  • Love 2

I honestly think the fun die lifestyle fits JB personality. He wasn't that popular. He has low self worth and had to show it off every chance he gets. He's also competitive with his own kids. Plus everyone bows down to JB

I always hated the way JimBob would call everyone downstairs over the loudspeaker. "Come on everyone, get down here real quick"!) And all those ADULT kids would slink on down into the living area. I noticed the big girls would come quick, but the older boys would slide in a bit late, especially John David.

  • Love 1

Who else does this remind you of? Go ahead, take a guess.

If you chose Bin, you're right!

The parallels are truly scary, IMHO.

Ben doesn't scream" control freak" as much as he screams "village idiot/frat boy" to me. And besides, we all know his real goal is to save the heathens with his hip message of Christ, Jessa is just the pretty wife arm piece. ;)

  • Love 8

Yes the pushing JB in the office chair is mandatory.  The difference between his dad as full functioning and what he became was extreme, but between Boob and his blank face and the old Boob and his spacey face won't be so noticeable.  Hope his office chair doesn't have arms.

Ugh, blerg, and ugh again ! 


The birthday episode with JB's father in the office chair being pushed around like a man-shaped inanimate object is the most heartbreaking moment I've seen in the Duggars' world. If JB had set out on purpose to cause tears for his father and hatred for himself he couldn't have done it any more succinctly or perfectly. 


Where, oh, where, is the "Honor thy father" in JB's version of the BIble ?

  • Love 5

Why HIS parents gave him permission to marry at 19 is unknown. No one has ever stated what Jim Bob's parents' feelings or wishes were regarding that wedding. I'd like to know myself, what the FACTS were, and not speculate. If anyone out there knows, please post and let us know.

Well, he didn't need their permission. Why they gave their cooperation -- and the dress -- is more the question, but when adult children make decisions the parents disagree with, the options for the parents are basically (a) Go along with it, and (b) Raise a huge stink, alienate your son/daughter, and then it happens anyway. So I don't think there's any way to really know what they thought, and I think anyone with actual knowledge of the situation (and still alive) like, say, Deanna, is too intimidated by the fear of Jim Bob's wrath to speak up.

My son was offered a credit card after high school graduation in the mail from Capital One, so it's possible at 19 to have a card.

My daughter was offered one at -- I am not making this up -- age three. I guess they got her name off a mailing list from something that was purchased and shipped to her, but the kicker is, it was "pre-approved" for up to $500,000 credit. We genuinely considered filling the form out just to see if they would actually issue it, but decided it would be a bad idea on too many levels. This was in the mid- to late-nineties.

(edited because punctuation marks are not actually interchangeable.)

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 3

Well, he didn't need their permission. Why they gave their cooperation -- and the dress -- is more the question, but when adult children make decisions the parents disagree with, the options for the parents are basically (a) Go along with it, and (b) Raise a huge stink, alienate your son/daughter, and then it happens anyway. So I don't think there's any way to really know what they thought, and I think anyone with actual knowledge of the situation (and still alive) like, say, Deanna, is too intimidated by the fear of Jim Bob's wrath to speak up.

My daughter was offered one at -- I am not making this up -- age three. I guess they got her name off a mailing list from something that was purchased and shipped to her, but the kicker is, it was "pre-approved" for up to $500,000 credit. We genuinely considered filling the form out just to see if they would actually issue it, but decided it would be a bad idea on too many levels. This was in the mid- to late-nineties.

(edited because punctuation marks are not actually interchangeable.)


Wow - that's amazing. I wonder if very young kids are getting these offers now because babies get Social Security numbers. Is it required for all babies to get one or is there still an option to wait until later? In my day you generally didn't get one until you were in your teens and needed it for a part-time job.


Michelle and JimBob receive encouragement living inside of god's sovereignty!!!

ike · Reply · More · 5 hours ago

Tammie Bauman

Just thought I would share what is in today's news. Anna shared that she went through STD testing/ Duggar family is pissed that she is also on the upcoming specials, because she is apparently quite candid in her report of what happened, and what she is doing. Proud of you, Anna!

ike · Reply · More · 8 hours ago

Mishelle Anne Walsh

I just write a post about the Duggars blanket training their children. I'm astonished and makes me look at this family a whole lot differently. I can't believe somebody would whip a little tiny baby if they crawled off of a blanket that's so sad it's making me cry right now. They don't tell you that when you're watching the TV show though.

Oh the comments!

· Reply · More · 8 hours ago

Peyton Samuels

The Duggars are the most amusing circus freaks. And I don't even have to pay admission to watch their train wreck lives

Edited · Like · 4 · Reply · More · 4 hours ago

eply · More · 6 hours ago

Cara Meehan

Instead of just spewing your verses you want to post here misleading your cult followers. Why don't you live by them you freaks?

Like · 3 · Reply · More · 6 hours ago

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Quoted from the above link (thanks lou): "Yes! There is peace in knowing that we walk inside of your sovereignty, Lord! This verse is such an encouragement because it reminds us in the midst of life that God does have thoughts—good thoughts—toward us. He is mindful of us and taking care of us at every turn. So thankful for this beautiful verse!"



They really do read this forum, don't they?  And instead of being really obvious and having Ben or Jessa spout something other than fire and brimstone, Michelle does it. How savvy.

  • Love 2

Quote from Sew Sumi: "MEchelle was called for jury duty not long ago, but they never posted about the outcome. I bet her number wasn't even called (that's my case practically every year).

I would love to sit on a jury with a Duggar, just to break them outside of their protective cocoon."



Oh my Sew Sumi, my imagination is running wild now. I would love to be on a jury with a Duggar too!.

MEchelle was called for jury duty not long ago, but they never posted about the outcome. I bet her number wasn't even called (that's my case practically every year).

I would love to sit on a jury with a Duggar, just to break them outside of their protective cocoon.

I don't know how it works in other states, but in my state, you are basically asked if you have any prejudice leanings or black/white thinking about certain topics. Basically, if you have any beliefs that would prevent you from fairly and objectively deciding one's guilt or innocence. My guess is Mullet would quickly become rejected from the jury pool. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 4

I don't know how it works in other states, but in my state, you are basically asked if you have any prejudice leanings or black/white feelings about certain topics. Basically, if you have any beliefs that would prevent you from fairly and objectively deciding one's guilt or innocence. My guess is Mullet would quickly become rejected from the jury pool.


And even if they somehow got on a jury, I can't imagine them doing anything but asking really stupid questions. They are not bright. Nor do they pay attention to anything. They'd just be a horrible worthless annoyance to everybody else on the panel. 

  • Love 6

And even if they somehow got on a jury, I can't imagine them doing anything but asking really stupid questions. They are not bright. Nor do they pay attention to anything. They'd just be a horrible worthless annoyance to everybody else on the panel. 

Michelle: "The thief was a woman? Were her knees exposed? Was the devil building a fortress around her heart? She must not have found Jesus after defrauding men while mowing the lawn."

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 8

Hmm, I've always wondered what Mary thinks of all Boob and J'Chelle's ideas and the way they 'raise' their children. I haven't watched enough to speculate or work out what the dynamics are between Boob/J'Chelle and Grandma. (I haven't been through the 'other Duggars' thread to see what other people think yet. If anyone could provide a synopsis I would love it.)

I don't think either Boob or J'chelle have ever snarked about Grandma. They have said fairly genuine sounding things about how appreciative they are of her help, and at one point I think Boob said something about how she was the one who encouraged Christianity in the family, not his father. Boob obviously did not grow up Gothard, but I think Grandma is probably ignorant of a lot of the weirdness and figures, sure, I don't mind wearing skirts all the time, why not? And as many have said, I think she does so much laundry because she wants to try to ease the burden of the J slaves.

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Michelle teaches Miracle Josie from Wisdom Booklets!!!

Michelle re-bleaches her 2 front teeth! However, she forgets to brush Josie's teeth!

Imagine being cornered by that face and that giant mane of sharp crispy hair.

Does Josie get her own personal trailer or something? That is not The School Of The Dining Room Table.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 6


Michelle teaches Miracle Josie from Wisdom Booklets!!!

Michelle re-bleaches her 2 front teeth! However, she forgets to brush Josie's teeth!

At least, Michelle poses with Josie with an open Wisdom Booklet. Is Josie being taught to do Michelle's fake smile? (Who says Michelle doesn't teach her children anything!)


Also on that post is a link to a video where you can watch Michelle reciting a Bible verse while fresh on her medicat - oops, sorry, Josie reciting her favourite verse.

All the comments I saw were lovely-dovey, except one. It said that Michelle must be heartbroken to think of her kids turning on each other on TV. You would think so...

When you have a horde of kids fighting for every sliver and shred of parental love and attention, it was only a matter of time before things boiled over. Boob clearly has his favorites (Jill) and Michelle has hers (Josh, Jessa, Josie). Josh's actions pretty much screwed over JD and Joseph, and the J'Slaves took on adult responsibilities before they hit puberty. Meanwhile Michelle breezes through life, Starbucks cup in hand. The resentment has likely been building for a while.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 9
Jason's skin has cleared up, but JimChelle's mental issues haven't, how can they think they're currently in a position to promote anything?
  • Love 2

Jason's skin has cleared up, but JimChelle's mental issues haven't, how can they think they're currently in a position to promote anything?

Maybe ProActiv ! Even that's a stretch, though.


Seriously, WHO STILL WANTS THEM PROMOTING ANYTHING ? TLC is only in this for the money, obviously, but why are there still hangers-on slogging through the fetid swamp of the PR nightmare that is the Duggars to ask JB and Michelle to promote the National Motto, or anything else, for that matter ? 


It's as disconnected from reality as Bristol Palin speaking for the cause of abstinence, Jared Fogle heading a foundation that helps children, or Josh Duggar himself pompously smuggifying about "family values".


It's ridiculous. Laughable. Ludicrous. It's a smack - a loud, hard smack - in the face for anyone who has a brain, eyes, and a heart, to have JB and Michelle still a in position where they have a public forum to try to convince anyone to do anything


I love a good comeback story - Robert Downey, Jr. has to be my favorite - but there's a recipe to it, nuance, subtlety, and neither Ma nor Pa Dugwit have any of those things. They need to STFU, and fast, retreat into the shadows, and remain there for a long, long time. 


Not that I want them to come back. Like...ever. But their continued attempts to win their way back into public life (and TLC's coffers) by acting like nothing bad has happened or that they're not responsible for the current shit-storm is just offensive to me. 


Other than forgiving Josh and themselves, assuring us that God had also forgiven them, because...Jesus, they've done nothing. NOTHING. No mea culpas, no discernible changes in their outlook or behavior, no slowing of the goggle-eyed, hyuk-hyuk hypocrisy that is their bread and butter. 


If the National Motto is "In God We Trust", then the Duggar Motto should be "Do as I say, don't do as I do".  

  • Love 14

I love a good comeback story - Robert Downey, Jr. has to be my favorite - but there's a recipe to it, nuance, subtlety, and neither Ma nor Pa Dugwit have any of those things. They need to STFU, and fast, retreat into the shadows, and remain there for a long, long time. 




Other than forgiving Josh and themselves, assuring us that God had also forgiven them, because...Jesus, they've done nothing. NOTHING. No mea culpas, no discernible changes in their outlook or behavior, no slowing of the goggle-eyed, hyuk-hyuk hypocrisy that is their bread and butter. 


If the National Motto is "In God We Trust", then the Duggar Motto should be "Do as I say, don't do as I do".  

I love this post.


If I may, I'd like to mention that the owner of Crazy Days and Nights claims that Robert Downey, Jr. is secretly using the millions he's making from his movies to send the less fortunate to rehab.


Back to the Duggars. They don't believe they have to change. The evil liberal media has ruined their lives. They weren't doing anything wrong. It was over the clothes/everyone was asleep/they didn't know what happened and the non-victimized were RE-VICTIMIZED when the police report emerged. As far as Joshley Madison, if Anna had done her job in the bedroom a bit better (besides being pregnant/post-birth for the past five years or so) it wouldn't have happened. She should pray and seek God and of course, be more "joyfully available". It's all her fault and she'd best remember that. And of COURSE America still loves them. It's those few outliers that are haters and "lost in sin" that wouldn't buy anything they endorse. Unfortunately for all of us, they have a programming executive who's still drinking their Kool-Aid.


It's a gigantic show of projection -- everything is Joshley Madison's fault, but it's really Anna's fault. She was the one who was supposed to keep a lid on all this. And she failed. One can only imagine how she's being treated by members of the Duggar family right now.


I look forward to the (again) three ring shitshow when at least one of them figures out that it's their parents who are truly to blame, and that their parents value money and fame more than any of their children or grandchildren.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 8

Maybe ProActiv ! Even that's a stretch, though.


Seriously, WHO STILL WANTS THEM PROMOTING ANYTHING ? TLC is only in this for the money, obviously, but why are there still hangers-on slogging through the fetid swamp of the PR nightmare that is the Duggars to ask JB and Michelle to promote the National Motto, or anything else, for that matter ? 


It's as disconnected from reality as Bristol Palin speaking for the cause of abstinence, Jared Fogle heading a foundation that helps children, or Josh Duggar himself pompously smuggifying about "family values".


It's ridiculous. Laughable. Ludicrous. It's a smack - a loud, hard smack - in the face for anyone who has a brain, eyes, and a heart, to have JB and Michelle still a in position where they have a public forum to try to convince anyone to do anything


I love a good comeback story - Robert Downey, Jr. has to be my favorite - but there's a recipe to it, nuance, subtlety, and neither Ma nor Pa Dugwit have any of those things. They need to STFU, and fast, retreat into the shadows, and remain there for a long, long time. 


Not that I want them to come back. Like...ever. But their continued attempts to win their way back into public life (and TLC's coffers) by acting like nothing bad has happened or that they're not responsible for the current shit-storm is just offensive to me. 


Other than forgiving Josh and themselves, assuring us that God had also forgiven them, because...Jesus, they've done nothing. NOTHING. No mea culpas, no discernible changes in their outlook or behavior, no slowing of the goggle-eyed, hyuk-hyuk hypocrisy that is their bread and butter. 


If the National Motto is "In God We Trust", then the Duggar Motto should be "Do as I say, don't do as I do".  


Awesome post. And spot-on correct too, IMO.

  • Love 5
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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