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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Josh gives family advice, JB gives parenting advice, virgin daughters who have never dated give dating and relationship advice. They follow a religion where an old virgin gives procreating advice while encouraging jealous teen girls with foot massage. Advice for everyone. Why isn't People commenting on the Gothard statements about girls being jealous (include pic of Gothard), and his explanation for counselling footsie?

So Jed & Jer should be putting out a Duggars & Careers book soon.

  • Love 13

Anyone who takes JB or MeChelle's advise on parenting needs their heads examined and should be reported to the authorities.  I wish all the magazines would stop publishing anything and everything on all the Duggars.  They fail to realize their influence on most people is nil.  I agree with CH,  I went to Catholic school and all the nun were required to have college degrees, So, I would also give the edge on parenting advise to the nuns.

The nuns I have known were highly educated.  Whether they were teachers, nurses, social workers, etc., all of them had four year bachelor degrees and most of them had a master's degree as well.  The Catholic church seems to have much more trust in their nuns than JB does in his children!!!

  • Love 11

 Why isn't People commenting on the Gothard statements about girls being jealous (include pic of Gothard), and his explanation for counselling footsie?


Nobody gives a crap. He isn't a Reality TeeVee Stah. He's a person leading a cult. Thus, his issues are important, which makes them Not Entertaining. Nobody's interested if it's Not Entertainment, because they might be required to think about it seriously, take some action, feel something other than titillation. Etc.


I'd put heavy money on nobody bringing up the Josh molestation again, either. That's water under the bridge -- and, like the Gothard stuff, it's actually of some serious importance. So the "porn star!!!!" story will be considered not only the main but the only event. Because That's Entertainment!

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

Josh gives family advice, JB gives parenting advice, virgin daughters who have never dated give dating and relationship advice. They follow a religion where an old virgin gives procreating advice while encouraging jealous teen girls with foot massage. Advice for everyone. Why isn't People commenting on the Gothard statements about girls being jealous (include pic of Gothard), and his explanation for counselling footsie?

Well David Beckham is the sexiest man alive. That couldn't just go unreported now could it?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

The nuns I have known were highly educated.  Whether they were teachers, nurses, social workers, etc., all of them had four year bachelor degrees and most of them had a master's degree as well.  The Catholic church seems to have much more trust in their nuns than JB does in his children!!!


Sixteen years of Catholic education here, and one of my favorite teachers ever - because of her enthusiasm and passion for her field - was a PhD nun from whom I took a full year of music history. Loved that course, and that Sister! One class I never skipped because it was so much fun!

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4

JB is raising a litter of 18 socially and emotionally-stunted, codependent, uneducated, and unemployable "kidults"... Oh, and 1 porn-addicted, cheating pedophile.


I wouldn't use JB's parenting advice on my cat. (And yet, my cat still walks on the kitchen counters way less than his children. The Duggars really need to get a spray bottle for Josie!)


Yes indeed. Boob needs to shut that flapping trap of his - immediately. Someone whose firstborn son has been caught doing what his has should not be dispensing parenting advice - to anyone. But he has absolutely no concept as to how he comes off to the general public. Boob still thinks the fact that he has been able to physically-father so many offspring somehow makes him good at raising that life once it's born. That each notch in Me-chelle's uterus showers wisdom and understanding on them. News flash, Boob - nope. There's only one thing that has been bestowed on Boob because he's fathered so many children - and that was the TLC show and the benefits and perks that came with that.

  • Love 8

It almost feels like someone is setting them up. Or they are defending themselves because they are that clueless. Which brings me back to JB & M being set up. Michelle's rehash of of woman submitting to their husbands right after the AM scandal and now Jim Bob re-posting the worldly free household spiel prior to the upcoming specials.  It seems more than ridiculous that they would deem these re-posts as appropriate considering the events of the last year.


 Are they that clueless, or is there 'sin in their camp'?

  • Love 6

It almost feels like someone is setting them up. Or they are defending themselves because they are that clueless. Which brings me back to JB & M being set up. Michelle's rehash of of woman submitting to their husbands right after the AM scandal and now Jim Bob re-posting the worldly free household spiel prior to the upcoming specials. It seems more than ridiculous that they would deem these re-posts as appropriate considering the events of the last year.

Are they that clueless, or is there 'sin in their camp'?

Or a combination of the two.

  • Love 2

It almost feels like someone is setting them up. Or they are defending themselves because they are that clueless. Which brings me back to JB & M being set up. Michelle's rehash of of woman submitting to their husbands right after the AM scandal and now Jim Bob re-posting the worldly free household spiel prior to the upcoming specials.  It seems more than ridiculous that they would deem these re-posts as appropriate considering the events of the last year.


 Are they that clueless, or is there 'sin in their camp'?


I'm pretty sure they're the most clueless people ever born. And that years of being licked by leghumpers due to Reality TeeVee has actually multiplied their initially bottomless cluelessness about a million-fold. In addition to the cluelessness they picked up from Gothard's reimagining of all of human vocabulary into a tool to conceal truth. So I'm going with -- clueless.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

I'm back to there are three kinds of people in the world:  never learn, learn by their mistakes, and learn by other peoples' mistakes.  The Duggars are type one - they will never learn.  They have latched onto a belief system and will never see that it is at the root of their difficulties.  They are hammers and everything they see is a nail so they will simply hammer harder.

  • Love 14

Was just musing on what Jim Bob’s and Michelle’s parenting-skills report card looks like at the moment (since People’s republishing their advice and all…). Just focusing on the kids who have attained adulthood, here’s what they’ve churned out:
Josh, age 27 – serial child molestation, congress with sex workers, sloppy computer work leading to revelation of same, main paying job – spouting hypocrisy to national media, ignominious exit from said job, disappearance.
Jana and John David, age 25-almost-26 – unpaid slave labor, no romantic relationships or visible friendships, apparent complete extinguishment of personality.
Jill, age 24 – complaints about demands of gainfully employed husband’s day job end in him leaving said job, five-plus years of studying childbirth leads to committing every misjudgment possible during own birthing process, solicitation of cash to support mission work in Central America eventually finances apparent long-term vacation supplemented by middle-school Spanish lessons and attempts to convert Catholics to Christianity.
Jessa, age 23 – unemployed husband takes hiatus from school to stay home with wife during entire pregnancy, only visible accomplishment is daily Twitter and Instagram posting of Bible verses that point out the irredeemable nature of all humans.


What’s the parenting grade on that? D+? A generous C-? They’d better step up their game for the next 14 or they’ll lose their status as America’s top parental role models.

  • Love 13


What’s the parenting grade on that? D+? A generous C-? They’d better step up their game for the next 14 or they’ll lose their status as America’s top parental role models.

You left out - all are 100% dependent on Daddy/The Family Brand/Charity for their income. Derrick briefly wasn't - but likely will be he rest of his life.

  • Love 5

You left out - all are 100% dependent on Daddy/The Family Brand/Charity for their income. Derrick briefly wasn't - but likely will be he rest of his life.


Yep. Plus no educations among all those that JB and M raised, and not one actual paying job among them, even including the three in-laws. But JB still thinks he's a big success and recommends his methods to all.

  • Love 3

People's article reiterating JB's advice to father's could be a way of gauging the public's reaction to him as a father.  From the negative comments on the article I think they have their answer.  It's not just Josh the public can't stand it's JB and Michelle and other Duggars as well.  People can't just write off Josh and hope that the other Duggars are good material anymore.  TLC probably wants to see if they can just avoid Josh while holding onto the rest of the Duggars and II think they're going to find out that's not going to work after all.

  • Love 8

People's article reiterating JB's advice to father's could be a way of gauging the public's reaction to him as a father.  From the negative comments on the article I think they have their answer.  It's not just Josh the public can't stand it's JB and Michelle and other Duggars as well.  People can't just write off Josh and hope that the other Duggars are good material anymore.  TLC probably wants to see if they can just avoid Josh while holding onto the rest of the Duggars and II think they're going to find out that's not going to work after all.

Comments are one gauge but the one that counts is sales which the duggs seem to still be able to pull off.


Churchhoney ~ Reading your word "congress" made me laugh.  Its so polite and perhaps the duggs should use that instead of "hey, hey, hey."

  • Love 4

It almost feels like someone is setting them up. Or they are defending themselves because they are that clueless. Which brings me back to JB & M being set up. Michelle's rehash of of woman submitting to their husbands right after the AM scandal and now Jim Bob re-posting the worldly free household spiel prior to the upcoming specials.  It seems more than ridiculous that they would deem these re-posts as appropriate considering the events of the last year.


 Are they that clueless, or is there 'sin in their camp'?

Or they can be re-posting to prove how Godly they are to lure new suitors!? There might be more sin in the camp that hasn't been discovered but for now Boob and MEchelle are focused as to what great examples they are so the grave train can start up again an lure more suitors so there can be more specials, etc!

  • Love 1

Was just musing on what Jim Bob’s and Michelle’s parenting-skills report card looks like at the moment (since People’s republishing their advice and all…). Just focusing on the kids who have attained adulthood, here’s what they’ve churned out:

Josh, age 27 – serial child molestation, congress with sex workers, sloppy computer work leading to revelation of same, main paying job – spouting hypocrisy to national media, ignominious exit from said job, disappearance.

Jana and John David, age 25-almost-26 – unpaid slave labor, no romantic relationships or visible friendships, apparent complete extinguishment of personality.

Jill, age 24 – complaints about demands of gainfully employed husband’s day job end in him leaving said job, five-plus years of studying childbirth leads to committing every misjudgment possible during own birthing process, solicitation of cash to support mission work in Central America eventually finances apparent long-term vacation supplemented by middle-school Spanish lessons and attempts to convert Catholics to Christianity.

Jessa, age 23 – unemployed husband takes hiatus from school to stay home with wife during entire pregnancy, only visible accomplishment is daily Twitter and Instagram posting of Bible verses that point out the irredeemable nature of all humans.


What’s the parenting grade on that? D+? A generous C-? They’d better step up their game for the next 14 or they’ll lose their status as America’s top parental role models.

You should copy and paste this into the comments section of any media article about the Duggar parents or lifestyle.

  • Love 3

You should copy and paste this into the comments section of any media article about the Duggar parents or lifestyle.


Then I'd be self-plagiarizing!


I don't know why people don't get on Jim Bob more for that. Once, in my life, I posted something in a comments section and -- looking for it the next day and having the impression it had disappeared -- I posted a slightly revised version of what I thought was the vanished comment in the comment section of another forum. Turned out that it hadn't actually vanished -- the first forum was just down temporarily. And when it came back up -- Man, people were all over me about plagiarism and idea theft, impugning my character right and left, no matter how much I tried to explain, and even after I went back and deleted the first comment. Yikes. But Jim Bob is kinda getting away with that. (not getting away with his "ideas," though, thank goodness.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Was just musing on what Jim Bob’s and Michelle’s parenting-skills report card looks like at the moment (since People’s republishing their advice and all…). Just focusing on the kids who have attained adulthood, here’s what they’ve churned out:

Josh, age 27 – serial child molestation, congress with sex workers, sloppy computer work leading to revelation of same, main paying job – spouting hypocrisy to national media, ignominious exit from said job, disappearance.

Jana and John David, age 25-almost-26 – unpaid slave labor, no romantic relationships or visible friendships, apparent complete extinguishment of personality.

Jill, age 24 – complaints about demands of gainfully employed husband’s day job end in him leaving said job, five-plus years of studying childbirth leads to committing every misjudgment possible during own birthing process, solicitation of cash to support mission work in Central America eventually finances apparent long-term vacation supplemented by middle-school Spanish lessons and attempts to convert Catholics to Christianity.

Jessa, age 23 – unemployed husband takes hiatus from school to stay home with wife during entire pregnancy, only visible accomplishment is daily Twitter and Instagram posting of Bible verses that point out the irredeemable nature of all humans.

What’s the parenting grade on that? D+? A generous C-? They’d better step up their game for the next 14 or they’ll lose their status as America’s top parental role models.

You're being way to kind. I'll give them an F

  • Love 5

Well considering the only parenting advice they seem to spout has to do with sex, I'll go with Darknight and give them an F.


My take home message from them is sex is bad unless your married, then it is an obligation for women and a man's right. Using this perspective, Jana is an absolute genius.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 10

You're being way to kind. I'll give them an F

Yeah, I was kind of inclined to give them an F, too. But then I remembered how little influence we all seem to have in what our kids do with their lives!  Didn't want to hold them to a higher standard than I use for myself. : -)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

What gets me about the tracts is that they think giving one out in place of real money is sooooo funny. I'm remembering the episode where Boob & MEchelle were in DC & ate at the restaurant with Kirk Cameron & son. IIRC, Kirk or Boob tried to pay for the meal with one & they thought it was hysterical. On the other hand, the restaurant guy behind the counter looked like WTF ??

  • Love 4

Question from a non-watcher of this show (yet fascinated by the public implosion) -- did someone say that Jessa was JimBob's favorite daughter?  Or am I just making that up in my head?

I doubt it.

Jill was always noted to be the follower and the goody girl. jessa is often "the bitch" and appears headstrong. Probably not Jim Bob's favorite but who really knows.

  • Love 3

WOW. I've never actually seen the footage, I've just enjoyed cackling at everyone's descriptions on the boards, here. Was he actually referencing sex there? Or was it just more Boob being the thickest moron on the planet? Either way: gross, but the latter would be way less head-explodingly foul than the former.

I believe Jim Bob said something to the effect of "you two can't do this yet". I think both Michelle & Ben were taken aback, and Jessa just smiled.

  • Love 3

WOW. I've never actually seen the footage, I've just enjoyed cackling at everyone's descriptions on the boards, here. Was he actually referencing sex there? 


Yes. It was planned as a demonstration, presumably to keep them motivated and well aboard the chugging heading-to-marriage train as well as away from the "let's just do it" train. He wanted to show them the wonderful thing that, as yet, they were not allowed to do. To taunt them with it, in fact. Maybe the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in a video (well, except for closeups of Jim Bob's face)

  • Love 6

19 Kids and Counting was really getting creepy towards the end. TL C wasn't bothering to hide the dysfunction anymore. This clip is a perfect example of the creepiness and dysfunction.


And this is the guy who's handing out advice about fatherhood. When things like this clearly show his real attitude toward his children, as well as his overall lack of judgment. It's astonishing.


I still can't figure out where People is coming from, reprinting his how-to-be-a-father blog post. Was it really a trial balloon by the media group to find out how people view JB as a father? That makes as much sense as anything, yet when you consider the People comment sections on anything Duggar-related this year, it's hard to see how they wouldn't already know that a very large number of people are completely appalled by him and by the family dynamics. 

  • Love 4

I think the Duggars are so bizarre and gross that they sell. End of story. TLC and People are capitalizing on the fact that sick, bizarre, twisted stories sell. TLC knows people will tune in to watch the molested sisters pretend everything has brought them closer to the Lord, because it's sick. People knows that Boob's parenting advice will receive a flood of comments because it's ridiculous. It's not a case of defending or opposing the Duggars, it's all about money. People alternates almost weekly between the shiny, Christian pedestal and DARK DUGGAR SECRETS (which they probably learned from these boards.) The Duggars think that any attention is positive attention, and as long as the checks are still coming in, they're good with whatever, they can just brush the negative press off as the liberal media and a country devoid of morals and values, even though they're the ones who raised a deviant shitbag. They're too stupid to realize what they're doing to themselves, and that at this point they're living on borrowed time courtesy of the rubberneckers they continuously throw stones at. Boob and Mechelle's desperate, transparent attempts to keep themselves relevant is all part of the sick story. Just like with any train wreck, though, a new train wreck will happen in the celebrity scandal world and the Duggars will truly be up the creek. 

  • Love 11

I think the Duggars are so bizarre and gross that they sell. End of story. TLC and People are capitalizing on the fact that sick, bizarre, twisted stories sell. TLC knows people will tune in to watch the molested sisters pretend everything has brought them closer to the Lord, because it's sick. People knows that Boob's parenting advice will receive a flood of comments because it's ridiculous. It's not a case of defending or opposing the Duggars, it's all about money. People alternates almost weekly between the shiny, Christian pedestal and DARK DUGGAR SECRETS (which they probably learned from these boards.) The Duggars think that any attention is positive attention, and as long as the checks are still coming in, they're good with whatever, they can just brush the negative press off as the liberal media and a country devoid of morals and values, even though they're the ones who raised a deviant shitbag. They're too stupid to realize what they're doing to themselves, and that at this point they're living on borrowed time courtesy of the rubberneckers they continuously throw stones at. Boob and Mechelle's desperate, transparent attempts to keep themselves relevant is all part of the sick story. Just like with any train wreck, though, a new train wreck will happen in the celebrity scandal world and the Duggars will truly be up the creek. 


Yeah, all true. The disgusted commentators have eyeballs for advertisers to grab, just like the leghumpers.

  • Love 3

TLC have always relied on the Duggars novelty and "freak factor" above all else, so the censorship was limited to what could harm the families "brand" or be contentious with viewers, which is why religion was almost totally ignored, despite it supposedly being the centre of the family's lives. The Duggars were also intentionally left a bit undefined or vague, viewers were given room to interpret what they were shown. Discovery Media described TLC as "Offering remarkably relatable real-life stories without judgment, the network celebrates the reality that “everyone needs a little TLC.” TLC’s hit series share everyday heart, humor, hope, and human connection with programming genres that include fascinating families, heartwarming transformations, and life’s milestone moments such as wedding-themed programs anchored by Say Yes To The Dress. In the first half of 2014, TLC had 25 series averaging 1 million P2+ viewers or more, including six series that averaged 2 million P2+ viewers or more: The Little Couple, 19 Kids and Counting, Return to Amish, Sister Wives, Long Island Medium, and 90 Day Fiancé"

  • Love 1

Yeah, all true. The disgusted commentators have eyeballs for advertisers to grab, just like the leghumpers.

People not watching TLC because they don't want to see the Duggars is probably the same to TLC accountants as people not watching TLC because they just aren't interested. For the entire run of 19 Kids and Counting, 99 percent of the population declined to watch it.
  • Love 4

I think the difference would be lost on Da Boob. Remember, he thought it was just fine to dry hump his wife in public, and on teevee. While on a "double date" (or whatever it's called in their effed-up "courting" system) with his virginal never-been-kissed daughter and her courtee (courter?). In case you missed it, it's on YouTube and here's a snippet:


"We think it's important to show our kids that Mommy and Daddy love each other."

And these eejits blame "Satan!!!" for Josh's sexual issues.


I don't whether to laugh, cry, vomit or have an exorcism done on myself.

  • Love 11

Imagine the complete lack of self-esteem (or the sheer evil of someone taunting their own children) in a woman who will let her husband -- who allegedly "loves her" -- do something so physically and emotionally degrading to her not only in public, but in front of a TV camera.


And I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop re: Jim Boob. Anyone that obsessed with sex (and with zero self control) has something else going on. Please, InTouch, 20/20 or Vanity Fair -- do a little more digging.

  • Love 14
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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