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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I can't imagine saving these things.  There are so many happy birthdays to one after another, and mothers and fathers days.  Who would ever sit down and review them lovingly in a few years?  Even the Duggars would have to be bored senseless.  Of course, they're boring and senseless to begin with, but you know what I mean.

  • Love 2

Hey, I resemble that! What's wrong with being a Virgo besides being perfect. lol


It's not that we're perfect, JMO. It's that we're willing to patiently explain why everyone else should consider the possibility that we're right pretty much until the heat death of the universe.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

For the past couple of years, my younger brother, with whom I share a house (not in a gross way, he has the rooms on one side of the hall, I have the rooms on the other side hall), has taken to posting a birthday message for me on Facebook, followed up with: because apparently it doesn't count if I don't say it online. It all started after someone said to him "I can't believe you didn't say happy birthday to K."


Maybe they really think it doesn't count if other people don't see it.

They only started doing this after the TLC cameras were no longer there to chronicle birthdays for the show. I don't remember this for either Boob or Mechelle last year or any year prior. 


Duggar Studios really needs to up their video game. The quality on these videos is garbage, especially Boob's, which looks like it was filmed in the bathroom! LOL

  • Love 6

They don't walk down the hall to give her well wishes because they don't actually wish her well. They want other people to think they're sweet, caring, loving sons and daughters. It seems like it really has not sunk in with these people that they're not on television anymore and they don't have to keep up the act.


Yeah, but they're still hopin'. Especially Jim Bob.

  • Love 5

If you looked closely when the show was on air,you could see what the kids really think of her and Legohead,little glances and dirty looks would sneak in,not to mention Josiah storming off in the background when the broodmare was awaiting the next object to drop from her bikini area.


Alice let the cat out of the bag years ago,Half of Michelle birthday messages resemble hostages forced to talk into a camcorder whilst awaiting the puishment.


Although I have to mute anything with Rim Job in it,he actually makes me feel ill.

Edited by kandinski
  • Love 7

Just viewed the Duggars Public Address Birthday greetings to Mechelle.  LOL, at JimBob telling Mechelle he loves her over the airwaves yet again.  We all know JB, no one doesn't know at this point that you love Mechelle.  The 'godly' 'virtuous' woman' 'whose children are forced to  rise up and call her blessed'.   Josh was obviously missing, most of the lost girls, some of the boys.  Maybe they didn't want to include everyone - except Josh, so they just made it seem like it was a random sampling of birthday greetings.  Countdown to full blown menopause Michelle. 

  • Love 3

MeChelle and Ethel Kennedy seem to have both checked out of mothering their kids. Ethel's seemed to gown down worse paths than MeChelle's.




I've never warmed to Ethel Kennedy, but I think watching her brother-in-law and then her husband being slaughtered and then having trouble raising the hundred and forty seven children she had with a member of a dysfunctional family on the front pages when they all had trust funds is on a different level than Michelle Duggar's issues.

  • Love 8

Read about this in an email today -- a study on how long the bad influence lasts when your parents are overly controlling and don't form warm individual bonds with their kids. Couldn't help but think of the poor Duggarlings: --


The study tracked 5,362 people born in 1946 for over 60 years. The damaging effects of having overly controlling parents and no strong warm relationships with parents was as negative and serious as experiencing the death of a close family member at an early age and was still felt by people over age 60, according to the researchers.

(Controlling parents did not allow their children to make their own decisions and fostered too much dependence on them.Controlling parents also invaded their children’s privacy and didn’t allow them to have their own opinions.The other problematic factor — lack of parental warmth — makes it difficult to have a strong bond with parents. A strong emotional attachment to parents provides a better base from which children can explore the world.) Gee. Who does this remind us of?


The Journal of Positive Psychology (Stafford et al., 2015). http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/parentchild-relationships-and-offsprings-positive-mental-wellbeing-from-adolescence-to-early-older-age%285f5cdffa-b169-4350-a471-2128eaad405e%29.html

  • Love 7

Read about this in an email today -- a study on how long the bad influence lasts when your parents are overly controlling and don't form warm individual bonds with their kids. Couldn't help but think of the poor Duggarlings: --

The study tracked 5,362 people born in 1946 for over 60 years. The damaging effects of having overly controlling parents and no strong warm relationships with parents was as negative and serious as experiencing the death of a close family member at an early age and was still felt by people over age 60, according to the researchers.

(Controlling parents did not allow their children to make their own decisions and fostered too much dependence on them.Controlling parents also invaded their children’s privacy and didn’t allow them to have their own opinions.The other problematic factor — lack of parental warmth — makes it difficult to have a strong bond with parents. A strong emotional attachment to parents provides a better base from which children can explore the world.) Gee. Who does this remind us of?

The Journal of Positive Psychology (Stafford et al., 2015). http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/parentchild-relationships-and-offsprings-positive-mental-wellbeing-from-adolescence-to-early-older-age%285f5cdffa-b169-4350-a471-2128eaad405e%29.html

Sounds like Avoidant Personality Disorder.
  • Love 3
Countdown to full blown menopause Michelle.

Oh, no, Defrauder !!!  Please, please don't lump the Xanaxing Queen in with those of us who are in menopause ! Such an ignoble connection ! My ovaries, depleted as they may be, revolt against the thought of being compared to her in all her frantic, goggle-eyed, breathy-voiced lunacy !


Seriously, though - after all these years of watching Me-Me-MeChelle push her hapless, forlorn children away, ignore them, under/un-educate them, subject them to the continued presence of Josh, feed them crap, make them sleep in prison-like dorms on sheet-less mattresses and in Pack-N-Plays, reduce their existence to mere labels (Olders, Middles, and Littles), forced modesty, courting, and a thousand, thousand other indignities, she doesn't DESERVE the title of "Mother". Or "Mother of the Year", FML !!! If menopause is just making her WORSE (though I can't imagine how she could ever be worse than she is already !) then I can't imagine what kind of monster we have to look forward to...


I was a stepmother for 15 years - well, I STILL am, actually, as my relationship with my boys didn't end when the relationship with their father did - and, despite the fact that I "didn't deliver them all !", I think was a better mother over the span of one day than Michelle has been in her entire life. I didn't just love them in theory, I loved them in PRACTICE. I KNEW them - their likes, dislikes, little personality quirks, little funny things that would make them giggle, even when they were older and too cool to giggle. I shared genuine joy and genuine pain. I cried with them when they were sad, hugged them, smiling ear to ear, with each accomplishment, and have no hope higher than to see them continue to soar, personally and professionally, while their father and I watch them become the people they were raised to be, the people that they ARE. They have no limits in what they can do, what they can be. I see my imprint and love in their personalities, but they are very much their own men. My pride is limitless. 


I think THAT is what being a mother is all about. Michelle, you done missed the boat. For shame...

  • Love 24

I've never warmed to Ethel Kennedy, but I think watching her brother-in-law and then her husband being slaughtered and then having trouble raising the hundred and forty seven children she had with a member of a dysfunctional family on the front pages when they all had trust funds is on a different level than Michelle Duggar's issues.


I'm not going to spend an enormous amount of effort defending Ethel Kennedy, but . . .


She was born in a time in which motherhood was her only real option, and was a member of a religion that refused to accept birth control. J'chelle is more than a generation younger and had many, many options that weren't available to Ethel. Ethel was born into Catholocism and J'chelle chose Gothardism.


Ethel did not prevent her children from becoming educated and pursuing their dreams, and she did not present marriage and child-rearing as the only options for her daughters.


In 2014, she was awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama for her dedication to "advancing the cause of social justice, human rights, environmental protection, and poverty reduction by creating countless ripples of hope to effect change around the world." That's about as far from what J'chelle advocates for as a person can get.


She may have been a bad mother, but I simply can't  put her in the same league as J'chelle.

  • Love 21

In 2014, she was awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama for her dedication to "advancing the cause of social justice, human rights, environmental protection, and poverty reduction by creating countless ripples of hope to effect change around the world." That's about as far from what J'chelle advocates for as a person can get.


If Jerry Oppenheimer's reports about how Ethel treated and spoke to her minority employees are true, then her accepting an award like that is on the same level as Michelle accepting all those Mother of the Year awards.

Edited by TomServo
  • Love 5

I am genuinely curious what Michelle does all day long. No more babies to gestate and nurse, no more show, no more speaking gigs. We know that her time isn't being spent homefoolin' the howlers and lost girls, so what gives? 


10:30am: Wake up

10:30 - 10:31: Please the headship

10:31 - 11:00: Walk on the treadmill while yammering to herself about her "new season of life"

11:00 - 1:00: Scramble eggs for 16 children one at a time

1:00 - 1:05: Spend "quality" time with Miracle Baby Josie while she wrecks her hair with baby lotion 

1:05 -1:06: Tell Debbie Query and her other helpers that it's time that they start homefoolin' the little ones


And what? I can't even fill her days with sarcasm, let alone actual activities. 

Edited by Guest

I am genuinely curious what Michelle does all day long. No more babies to gestate and nurse, no more show, no more speaking gigs. We know that her time isn't being spent homefoolin' the howlers and lost girls, so what gives? 


10:30am: Wake up

10:30 - 10:31: Please the headship

10:31 - 11:00: Walk on the treadmill while yammering to herself about her "new season of life"

11:00 - 1:00: Scramble eggs for 16 children one at a time

1:00 - 1:05: Spend "quality" time with Miracle Baby Josie while she wrecks her hair with baby lotion 

1:05 -1:06: Tell Debbie Query and her other helpers that it's time that they start homefoolin' the little ones


And what? I can't even fill her days with sarcasm, let alone actual activities. 

She tans too.

  • Love 3

I am genuinely curious what Michelle does all day long. No more babies to gestate and nurse, no more show, no more speaking gigs. We know that her time isn't being spent homefoolin' the howlers and lost girls, so what gives? 


10:30am: Wake up

10:30 - 10:31: Please the headship

10:31 - 11:00: Walk on the treadmill while yammering to herself about her "new season of life"

11:00 - 1:00: Scramble eggs for 16 children one at a time

1:00 - 1:05: Spend "quality" time with Miracle Baby Josie while she wrecks her hair with baby lotion 

1:05 -1:06: Tell Debbie Query and her other helpers that it's time that they start homefoolin' the little ones


And what? I can't even fill her days with sarcasm, let alone actual activities. 


Maybe she's depressed and spends her days in that horrible suspended-animation/fog that depression can cause? In between bouts of gearing up the energy to put on the happy face?

  • Love 5

Maybe she's depressed and spends her days in that horrible suspended-animation/fog that depression can cause? In between bouts of gearing up the energy to put on the happy face?


I once heard someone on the boards reference her "nervous breakdown" after Jubilee's death, but I couldn't tell if they were being serious or glib. Has Michelle ever said that she had a nervous breakdown post-Jubilee?

I once heard someone on the boards reference her "nervous breakdown" after Jubilee's death, but I couldn't tell if they were being serious or glib. Has Michelle ever said that she had a nervous breakdown post-Jubilee?


I've just assumed she's had PPD for decades. She 'agreed' to the new plan for their lives in the wake of a miscarriage, and then there was that episode where she abreacted in the laundry room and officially handed off her household chores. From what she says, she's spent the time since hiding in a dark room pumping milk eight hours a day with an occasional break if Jim Bob wants to rut, which means (granted if she's responsible, and who knows about that) she can't take psychoactive drugs without feeding them to the babies. And not only does nobody in her household think it's unusual, America thinks she's a great mom. 

  • Love 8

Oh, no, Defrauder !!!  Please, please don't lump the Xanaxing Queen in with those of us who are in menopause ! Such an ignoble connection ! My ovaries, depleted as they may be, revolt against the thought of being compared to her in all her frantic, goggle-eyed, breathy-voiced lunacy !


Seriously, though - after all these years of watching Me-Me-MeChelle push her hapless, forlorn children away, ignore them, under/un-educate them, subject them to the continued presence of Josh, feed them crap, make them sleep in prison-like dorms on sheet-less mattresses and in Pack-N-Plays, reduce their existence to mere labels (Olders, Middles, and Littles), forced modesty, courting, and a thousand, thousand other indignities, she doesn't DESERVE the title of "Mother". Or "Mother of the Year", FML !!! If menopause is just making her WORSE (though I can't imagine how she could ever be worse than she is already !) then I can't imagine what kind of monster we have to look forward to...


I was a stepmother for 15 years - well, I STILL am, actually, as my relationship with my boys didn't end when the relationship with their father did - and, despite the fact that I "didn't deliver them all !", I think was a better mother over the span of one day than Michelle has been in her entire life. I didn't just love them in theory, I loved them in PRACTICE. I KNEW them - their likes, dislikes, little personality quirks, little funny things that would make them giggle, even when they were older and too cool to giggle. I shared genuine joy and genuine pain. I cried with them when they were sad, hugged them, smiling ear to ear, with each accomplishment, and have no hope higher than to see them continue to soar, personally and professionally, while their father and I watch them become the people they were raised to be, the people that they ARE. They have no limits in what they can do, what they can be. I see my imprint and love in their personalities, but they are very much their own men. My pride is limitless. 


I think THAT is what being a mother is all about. Michelle, you done missed the boat. For shame...

I love this post!  Your step children are very fortunate to have someone like you to have raised them and share their lives. 

  • Love 9

Thank you, Defrauder ! I'd pit my parenting skills against Michelle's any day and come out ahead, but I don't think that's actually saying all that much, really ! The woefully generic, content-free ramblings of her kids and JB in honor of her birthday were a testament to that. 


They all paused SO much during their video filming, darting their eyes upward, like they were looking at the ceiling for some clue as to what to say. Special, precious, Godly, blessing, encourage, awesome, neat, purposed. Did I already say special ?


Having survived the ride through Michelle's bajingo appears to have rendered everyone in that house terminally boring. I think there's a good t-shirt slogan idea in there somewhere  ;)


  • Love 8

I once heard someone on the boards reference her "nervous breakdown" after Jubilee's death, but I couldn't tell if they were being serious or glib. Has Michelle ever said that she had a nervous breakdown post-Jubilee?

I'm not sure how anyone could tell if Michelle had (another) breakdown after Jubilee. And wow, I've now reached a point where I'm not even sure if I'm snarking or not. Duggarland -- it's a weird, weird place.

  • Love 4

Don't sell yourself short, somepity.

You sound like a peach.

The only comparison to Mechelle is the evil stepmother in Cinderella. With Jana as Cinderella, Jessa & Josie as the step-sisters (remember when Jessa was given a 'by' on her chores & parenting when she started courting, but Jill wasn't?)

Even Snow White's step mother didn't mind her step daughter until she grew up.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure how anyone could tell if Michelle had (another) breakdown after Jubilee. And wow, I've now reached a point where I'm not even sure if I'm snarking or not. Duggarland -- it's a weird, weird place.


I'd be willing to argue that she is still having the original breakdown that sent her into the arms of Gothardite Fundamentalism in the first place.  Pretty hard to have a second breakdown when you're still actively having the first one.

  • Love 10
They have no limits in what they can do, what they can be. I see my imprint and love in their personalities, but they are very much their own men. My pride is limitless. 


I think THAT is what being a mother is all about. Michelle, you done missed the boat. For shame...

SomePity1066, THOSE boys will rise up and call you blessed. They are lucky to have you!


I haz experienced The Menopause. I wasn't sure what to think at first. It's a big change. Once I got used to the idea, though, IT ROCKED. I didn't have The Kidz, either, so I had to figure out another way to be who I was pre-menopause.


It's sad that J-Chelle Duggar will never get to this point. She can only identify as the eternally pregnant helpmeet who's "available at any time", and she thinks that teaching her daughters the same is a good thing. Uh, no. Women are a lot more than their reproductive organs.

  • Love 4

Thank you, Defrauder ! I'd pit my parenting skills against Michelle's any day and come out ahead, but I don't think that's actually saying all that much, really ! The woefully generic, content-free ramblings of her kids and JB in honor of her birthday were a testament to that.

They all paused SO much during their video filming, darting their eyes upward, like they were looking at the ceiling for some clue as to what to say. Special, precious, Godly, blessing, encourage, awesome, neat, purposed. Did I already say special ?

Having survived the ride through Michelle's bajingo appears to have rendered everyone in that house terminally boring. I think there's a good t-shirt slogan idea in there somewhere ;)

Bajingo. Dying here.
  • Love 6

I haz experienced The Menopause. I wasn't sure what to think at first. It's a big change. Once I got used to the idea, though, IT ROCKED. I didn't have The Kidz, either, so I had to figure out another way to be who I was pre-menopause.


It's sad that J-Chelle Duggar will never get to this point. She can only identify as the eternally pregnant helpmeet who's "available at any time", and she thinks that teaching her daughters the same is a good thing. Uh, no. Women are a lot more than their reproductive organs.


I had some things to figure out when the big M hit me too.  I'm still kind of working on that identity.  However, J-Chelle still has young children at home.  Lots of them.  My children were grown so I was also dealing with the empty nest.  She should be so busy continuing to raise her children that she doesn't have much time to think about life without pregnancy.  Of course she doesn't seem to do much to raise her kids, so maybe she'll take up a hobby.  

If you don't have kids, how does that identity change? I had a hysterectomy last year and have no kids, so my identity really hasn't changed one bit. 


Michelle will probably never have to deal with an empty nest. I don't know if this pleases her or not.

I went after something I wanted that I know I never could have accomplished if I had had children. Most of my colleagues have kids, but I knew I didn't have the energy or organizational skills. Even more, I knew I didn't have the consuming desire to be a mother.


It's interesting to watch what happens to their parents when the children become adults and move out. J-Chelle will be in her 70's if and when Josie marries. It's hard to imagine a life in which there was nothing else but child rearing and dealing with Jim Boob. Maybe she'll be making one scrambled egg at a time for each grandchild.

  • Love 2

OK I actually have to break code and thank JB for something - and only because it may be of use to someone here some day.  I tried his hiccup cure.  I  vaguely remember reading about it somewhere and I had the hiccups yesterday so I figured what the heck - I'll try it and it worked like a charm!  A teaspoon of sugar.  No one is more surprised than I was.  So if anyone here ever gets the hiccups and has sugar around give it a shot. 

  • Love 2

OK I actually have to break code and thank JB for something - and only because it may be of use to someone here some day.  I tried his hiccup cure.  I  vaguely remember reading about it somewhere and I had the hiccups yesterday so I figured what the heck - I'll try it and it worked like a charm!  A teaspoon of sugar.  No one is more surprised than I was.  So if anyone here ever gets the hiccups and has sugar around give it a shot. 


LOL - I put Windex on something once - it worked :-)

  • Love 5

LOL - I put Windex on something once - it worked :-)

You know I really believe!  I'm telling you that was the first time my hiccups just disappeared like that!  I didn't even pray or anything.  JB not having an original thought probably heard about it from some secular person somewhere.  Either way I've got to thank him for that one.  I didn't think it would work but I was so tired of having the hiccups I was desperate enough to try it. Thanks JB.

  • Love 4

If you don't have kids, how does that identity change? I had a hysterectomy last year and have no kids, so my identity really hasn't changed one bit. 


Michelle will probably never have to deal with an empty nest. I don't know if this pleases her or not.


My situation too. Not married, no husband, no ex and no kids of any age. Quite honestly I barely noticed menopause. But after reading all your posts I'm guessing that's why. I lead such an "uncomplicated life." Boring probably, to some people. Menopause didn't interfere or affect anything for me. A couple of hot flashes once or twice - flushes really. And not one whit of what I was really afraid of - those Edith Bunker mood swings. For years I was just positive I would go psycho in the grocery store at some point when some poor kid told me they were out of Greek yogurt. LOL. I didn't know it at the time but I was very lucky.

  • Love 9

I'm curious about Michelle and menopause and empty nest. Menopause for me, was truly uneventful, so uneventful my husband didn't realize it happened until at least a year post menopause. Empty nest however, was super hard for me, but I adjusted better than I thought cuz my kids are boomeranging now, and this is also hard adjustment.


Michelle may secretly be happy not to be able push out any more blessings, and may truly not realize that what defined her no longer does. She seems to be a little out there and other than pregnancy & 6 months of nursing her life hasn't really changed.

JB & M will really never truly empty nest if they end up with a bijillion grandchildren though, so I think there are kind of lucky with that. 

  • Love 1
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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