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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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Funny you should mention Grandma. I was pretty sure that they were going to skip the wedding, given the happy couple's hijinks in the press the week before and Jim Bob's enthusiasm for shunning family members who offend him. It did occur to me that one reason they didn't might have been that Grandma seems to be particularly close to Famy and these days Jim Bob has an unusually strong incentive to stay in the will.

Because yeah, I'm sure Grandma knows the rules, but I'm also sure Michelle knows not to wear white, and I can't imagine she had that calf-skimming boat neck in her closet already. And I think Jill knows not to wear black, and that Jessa generally doesn't show up places where People is going to be taking pictures in a dress she wore already in front of three plus million people on national television back when it still fit. And for a group which makes as big a deal out of weddings as that family does, that seems like maybe enough odd choices to be deliberate.


I am not arguing with you.  Just a question.  Who has Jim Bob shunned in his family?  He really seems like he believes family needs to stick together no matter what happens.  He never shunned Deanna for having a baby out of wedlock.  He never shunned Amy for being born out of wedlock.  He doesn't seem ready to shun Jessa and Ben for the article against Josh.  I really don't see that Jim Bov has cut anyone out for their beliefs or even for disagreeing with him.

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I am not arguing with you.  Just a question.  Who has Jim Bob shunned in his family?  He really seems like he believes family needs to stick together no matter what happens.  He never shunned Deanna for having a baby out of wedlock.  He never shunned Amy for being born out of wedlock.  He doesn't seem ready to shun Jessa and Ben for the article against Josh.  I really don't see that Jim Bov has cut anyone out for their beliefs or even for disagreeing with him.


Rumours have it that JB shunned the Keller spawn who had strayed from Gothard's godly ways, one thanksgiving. But, notably, he has apparently always maintained a non-judgy and close relationship with his sister. Mee-chelle has commented on the closeness of this relationship and how important it is to JB. I think he's genuinely fond of his niece. Mee-chelle, however, has always seemed to barely tolerate Amy and her bubbly, fun-loving ways. (Personally, I think it's envy more than sanctimony. Mee-chelle appears to have been bubbly and fun-loving before she was "rescued" by the "wonderful" JB.)


I'd be surprised if JB had ever entertained the idea of not going to Amy's wedding. Mee-chelle's choice of dress was totally passive-aggressive and probably went right over JB's head. Likewise, the posting of all the Jessa wedding pics. Sweet and precious.

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Just curious - do Fundie weddings do the traditions like catching the bouquet/garter and cutting the cake?

Yes they do, but the garter is removed in a much more modest way than the recent SYTTD episodes I've seen in which the groom removes it with his teeth...

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I have been to many fundamentalist weddings, inlcuding my own.

No garter. Bouquet throw sometimes.  No drinking. No dancing.


My wedding was more like a lunch. A buffet lunch in a nice restaraunt on the water. No drinking, No dancing. Everyone had a nice time and I got a lot of compliments because it was simple and low pressure. It was from 1 to 4 and people seemed to enjoy talking and catching up with family. 


I promise you we did NOT have ice cream in a parking lot. 

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I don't know. My nephew and I had ice cream in a parking lot the other day. It was from an ice cream truck in the park. Mine was in the shape of Sponge Bob. Maybe next time Boob will just hire an ice cream truck.

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Boob can buy his own secondhand ice cream truck--maybe even a fleet of them.  He certainly has enough adults to drive them.  Maybe a new career for Josh!


An admitted child molester driving an ice cream truck? That wouldn't be creepy at all. 

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An admitted child molester driving an ice cream truck? That wouldn't be creepy at all.


Josh could just park his ice cream truck at a strip club. 


Actually, let's not give Jim Bob any ideas.  I could totally see him buying an ice cream truck and only selling those cheap vanilla cups with the wooden spoons. 

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Yes, far be it from me to defend MEchelle, but I agree that from the FB posts, the dress looks more yellow. If it's white, it's very off white.


It probably was white when it was fresh from GoodWill....it must've gotten washed with all the Jkids' urine-soaked bed sheets.


 Maybe next time Boob will just hire an ice cream truck.


Hate to say it, but this is very on-trend right now......having food trucks at a wedding reception is very "in".


Total confession: When I was in my early 20s, I bought a white cotton eyelet sundress and wore it to two weddings that summer. Nobody said a word about it one way or another. My friend wore a black dress to the same two weddings. Nobody cared. No one mistook us for the bride nor a mourner.


I think Jilly's maternity dress is navy.

Edited by drafan
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I don't know. My nephew and I had ice cream in a parking lot the other day. It was from an ice cream truck in the park. Mine was in the shape of Sponge Bob. Maybe next time Boob will just hire an ice cream truck.

Jim Bob doesn't rise to that level of classiness.

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I don't know. My nephew and I had ice cream in a parking lot the other day. It was from an ice cream truck in the park. Mine was in the shape of Sponge Bob. Maybe next time Boob will just hire an ice cream truck.


Only if he can turn the Sponge Bob-shaped ice cream into a Jim Bob-shaped ice cream. 

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Boob can buy his own secondhand ice cream truck--maybe even a fleet of them.  He certainly has enough adults to drive them.  Maybe a new career for Josh!

NO just NO I wouldn't want a pedo near any kids.

Josh could just park his ice cream truck at a strip club. 


Actually, let's not give Jim Bob any ideas.  I could totally see him buying an ice cream truck and only selling those cheap vanilla cups with the wooden spoons. 

I LOVE this idea! Woot than they can have the ministry Hookers for Jesus help them out. Win, win go bible belt some stripers and save their souls Josh.

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I'm gonna suggest NOBODY think too much about this one... at least not without a paper towel-stuffed Styrofoam cup at hand.


My apologies and right at dinnertime, too. 

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I don't know. My nephew and I had ice cream in a parking lot the other day. It was from an ice cream truck in the park. Mine was in the shape of Sponge Bob. Maybe next time Boob will just hire an ice cream truck.

He'd hire an ice cream truck. Have 2 of the random Duggars sons watch how the ice cream truck guy operates. JB would then fire the truck. Buy a truck and force the 2 sons to become ice cream men. That's how it works.
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Just throwing this out there - maybe the reason Michelle is so militantly 'modest' is that it's kind of the only way she can assert any control over the world's access to what I think we can agree is one of America's most explicitly commodified female bodies?

I mean, think about it - not only has her husband invited the houseful of children she didn't want to share details of the sex life she clearly doesn't enjoy, she literally carries out her full-time job of the last twenty years with her breasts and her uterus, and then he makes a living talking about it. It's the job of women to comport themselves so that men don't notice their bodies? Michelle Duggar's vagina is an internet meme, and not because of any decision she made.

I think I probably have as little in common with Michelle Duggar as it's possible for two people separated by a single language to have, but if that's my life, I'm observing the letter of the law and making it as hard as humanly possible for Jim Bob to be defrauded. Then I'm asking to be buried standing up.

Edited by Julia
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Just throwing this out there - maybe the reason Michelle is so militantly 'modest' is that it's kind of the only way she can assert any control over the world's access to what I think we can agree is one of America's most explicitly commodified female bodies?

I mean, think about it - not only has her husband invited the houseful of children she didn't want to share details of the sex life she clearly doesn't enjoy, she literally carries out her full-time job of the last twenty years with her breasts and her uterus, and then he makes a living talking about it. It's the job of women to comport themselves so that men don't notice their bodies? Michelle Duggar's vagina is an internet meme, and not because of any decision she made.

I think I probably have as little in common with Michelle Duggar as it's possible for two people separated by a single language to have, but if that's my life, I'm observing the letter of the law and making it as hard as humanly possible for Jim Bob to be defrauded. Then I'm asking to be buried standing up.

Wow. A friend and I were sputtering about the Duggars recently, and I mentioned that I could never sit through an entire episode of the show - because I am so hyper aware of body parts. What you posted here really helps me further understand my extreme discomfort. In talking with my friend, I was not able to fully articulate why I cringe so.

However, just for old times' sake, we rewatched the mini golf soft porn sex demo. Don't try this at home!

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Yes, the horse is limping along, but saw this article on Famy's wedding and it specifically mention's Michelle's white dress. The comments aren't kind about it.


Edited by Liz Tudor
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Y'all. Michelle's birthday is September 13th. Batten down the hatches and prepare for the inevitable onslaught of awkward "You're the best mom in the world!" video tributes. 

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Hah! The Onion horoscope for Virgo this week:

Virgo | Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Your insatiable need to be the center of attention leads to your becoming loathed and shunned, except by the millions of fans of your TV show.

On purpose, or happy coincidence?

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Dear Mechelle, you and JimBob, and Jealessa have turned into nothing more than shallow fame-whores.  Your first born has admitted he has the heart of Satan.  Congratulations on your stardom.  The whole world knows the depths of your depravity.  Nice job.  

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An admitted child molester driving an ice cream truck? That wouldn't be creepy at all.


Josh could just park his ice cream truck at a strip club.


It would give "two scoops," "popsicles," 'Nutty Buddy" & "Choco Taco" brand-new meanings.


  Re Michelle and That Dress my verdict: No. Not just no, but Hell to the no. She makes Kim Davis look like Beyoncé.

Edited by DollEyes
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I don't know why they don't stage a coup or mutiny against jimbob. His bravado is all smoke and mirrors like the man behind the curtain. His smug fugly face just pisses me off.


but I'm willing to bet all the family assets are in his name, and he's demonstrated on numerous occasions that he has friends in state government who will use their positions to protect him.

Edited by Julia
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Omg. Of COURSE she's a Virgo!

Hey, I resemble that! What's wrong with being a Virgo besides being perfect. lol

Michelle and I share a birthday. I must say that I am blessed to share this season of life with her.

Happy Birthday Joe!! Welcome to the Virgos are perfect club.

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Hey, I resemble that! What's wrong with being a Virgo besides being perfect. lol

Happy Birthday Joe!! Welcome to the Virgos are perfect club.

Another "perfect" Virgo here. Actually, Michelle doesn't toe the usual Virgo line, because most of us are organized about at least one aspect of our lives (with me, it's pantries/kitchen cabinets & my work space at the office). I guess you could argue that she organized the hierarchy of J'Slaves & accountability buddies and that's about it.

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She's fastidious with her prenatal vitamins, and she's got a bottomless supply of pregnancy tests. You know how the TTH has two garage bays, and the first is the fully stocked pantry? I bet the second is full of Michelle's conception and pregnancy paraphernalia.

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Y'all. Michelle's birthday is September 13th. Batten down the hatches and prepare for the inevitable onslaught of awkward "You're the best mom in the world!" video tributes. 

Oh Lordy, I'd forgotten I share her birthday. And I was having such a happy day until now. 

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I didn't watch any of the "Happy Birthday" videos, but I'm wondering why they were made at all.  Most of those kids live right in the house with Michelle, couldn't they just walk down the hall and give their good wishes to her in person?  I never followed this family before the scandals.  Were they always this ridiculous with the videos?  

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For the past couple of years, my younger brother, with whom I share a house (not in a gross way, he has the rooms on one side of the hall, I have the rooms on the other side hall), has taken to posting a birthday message for me on Facebook, followed up with: because apparently it doesn't count if I don't say it online. It all started after someone said to him "I can't believe you didn't say happy birthday to K."


Maybe they really think it doesn't count if other people don't see it.

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I didn't watch any of the "Happy Birthday" videos, but I'm wondering why they were made at all.  Most of those kids live right in the house with Michelle, couldn't they just walk down the hall and give their good wishes to her in person?  I never followed this family before the scandals.  Were they always this ridiculous with the videos?

They don't walk down the hall to give her well wishes because they don't actually wish her well. They want other people to think they're sweet, caring, loving sons and daughters. It seems like it really has not sunk in with these people that they're not on television anymore and they don't have to keep up the act.

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They don't walk down the hall to give her well wishes because they don't actually wish her well. They want other people to think they're sweet, caring, loving sons and daughters. It seems like it really has not sunk in with these people that they're not on television anymore and they don't have to keep up the act.


I just figured Jim Bob set it up, the same way he set up all the father's day wishes.

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