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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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The idea of God's Army sounds great theory.   Birth a lot of kids that subscribe to the Cult of Gothard and you can take over the world someday.    In practice, it won't work.    Because once you are in charge you have to do things like fix pot holes, build bridges, understand a budget (and not just a family one) and deal with foreign policy.   You know those people who aren't Gothardites and have their own damn opinions about how the world should run?  


I often think the best thing that could happen to these "take over the world" types is stick in them in power for a while and let them see how hard it really is.   You notice Jim Bob did not last long as a politician and never ran for another office.   


Brilliant idea - brilliant! Put Boob in charge - for just one week - and hit him with everything the President gets thrown at him in an average week. Everything. By day Four, I think Boob would be on his way home at the crack of dawn, crying "Momma, the other kids are being mean to me..." And by Momma, he would mean Me-chelle.

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I noticed in a rerun this weekend that when Anna and Smuggar stopped by with MacKynzie and Michael, MEchelle greeted MacKynzie as if the little girl were her podiatrist's daughter, or maybe the niece of the hostess at Cheesecake Factory, or perhaps the granddaughter of a fan in line at a book signing. "Hello, MacKynzie; how are yooooo?" No touching, no holding, no nothing. MacKynzie dug her head into her mom's shoulder, and MEchelle walked away. WTF.

MEchelle never has any cuddly contact with any of her grand babies.  I'm sure when she reads this, there will be an upcoming episode of her trying to play loving affectionate grandmother with some grandchild.  She will need some actors coaching classes to get through an episode like that.  Kind of last week when she pretended to be concerned about the dog.

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Just looked it up! Elizabeth Edwards was born in 1949 and had children in 1998 and 2000, making her 49 and 51! At that age though, I have to wonder if she used donor eggs or had frozen eggs of her own to use.

I doubt Mechelle has frozen any eggs, that would require thinking ahead and planning. Call me crazy, but I can actually see her using donor eggs and Boob's sperm, and never telling anyone.


Yes, I'm willing to bet EE used donor eggs. I think she was done having children (she had two teenagers). Then, her eldest - a son was killed in a car accident. I believe that's when she decided she wanted more children. So, I don't think it was a plan-ahead/save eggs thing.


I would not put it past MEchelle to use donor eggs without anyone knowing. Or, in true Duggar fashion, they'd find some way to spin it in their favor.

I really don't know if Jim Bob and Michelle will have any more children..it seems like the odds are against it now. However, does anyone besides me think that now that "season of life" has probably sailed for Michelle, there has been a very active push by Jim Bob and Michelle to get their kids married off and into having babies of their own as soon as possible (except Jana..she's needed to run the household since Michelle won't do it).? The fact that Jim Bob was okay in letting Ben marry Jessa without a real job, and also that 18 year old Josiah is in a courtship now, it just seems like they are doing everything possible to stay on the air and keep their show from cancellation. Jim Bob and Michelle will very likely end up with over 100 grandchildren, and eventually even their most ardent fans won't be interested in watching a weekly show where the same topics have been shown over and over again. 

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I keep thinking there's no way they can sustain this kind of popularity on tv for another 3-5 years, but who knows? JB & M might allow TLC to film their kids/teens/young adults in the more rebellious seasons of their lives and perhaps allow the network to show more honest moments so they can use it to stay on the air and use it as a "teaching tool" to reinforce their beliefs. Or they could change the format altogether. I'm still pretty stunned that I'm so fascinated watching this show bc I'm turned off by much of what they do. Although, I admit it's far more fun to talk about the show on here than watch the episodes themselves.

  • Love 7

I keep thinking there's no way they can sustain this kind of popularity on tv for another 3-5 years, but who knows? JB & M might allow TLC to film their kids/teens/young adults in the more rebellious seasons of their lives and perhaps allow the network to show more honest moments so they can use it to stay on the air and use it as a "teaching tool" to reinforce their beliefs. Or they could change the format altogether. I'm still pretty stunned that I'm so fascinated watching this show bc I'm turned off by much of what they do. Although, I admit it's far more fun to talk about the show on here than watch the episodes themselves.


My situation exactly too. Unable to leave, but don't want to stay... I have to keep asking myself why am I so fascinated with people whose attitudes and actions I cannot stand? Most of the time now I have the sound muted when the Duggars are on, and I know I'm not missing much at all because they never say anything new. It is also much too much fun to snark about them here. Bit of a sticky wicket. :>)

  • Love 3

MEchelle never has any cuddly contact with any of her grand babies.  I'm sure when she reads this, there will be an upcoming episode of her trying to play loving affectionate grandmother with some grandchild.  She will need some actors coaching classes to get through an episode like that.  Kind of last week when she pretended to be concerned about the dog.

We have yet to see a picture of MEchelle holding RickJames. I feel like he doesn't exist to her because she can't say and I gave birth to everyone of them.


Look at the difference between Boob and Mechelle and Gil and Kelly--they seem to be beaming.  



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Allie Jane is one adorable baby. Her parents and grandparents seem understandably smitten. And did you notice Alyssa's (that's the baby's mom right?) hair? It's shoulder length. So apparently not everyone requires hair you can sit on. I don't know much about the Bates but I thought they were Fundies too so clearly that isn't a 100% rule. Maybe they aren't as Gothard.

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We have yet to see a picture of MEchelle holding RickJames. I feel like he doesn't exist to her because she can't say and I gave birth to everyone of them.


She's "missing a muscle in her back," so she probably can't lift him. It's interesting that her imaginary "missing muscle" didn't stop her from water skiing, or sky diving... *eyeroll*

  • Love 9

She's "missing a muscle in her back," so she probably can't lift him. It's interesting that her imaginary "missing muscle" didn't stop her from water skiing, or sky diving... *eyeroll*

Yeah ok. Where there hell does she come up with this shit? She should just say I really HATE that the attention is off of me so why should I give the baby any!

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We have yet to see a picture of MEchelle holding RickJames. I feel like he doesn't exist to her because she can't say and I gave birth to everyone of them.


Look at the difference between Boob and Mechelle and Gil and Kelly--they seem to be beaming.  



This is a bit OT but I think its a good sign Alyssa personalized the wall to read Allie Jane..why personalize when you might have like 3 blessings in there at once. Maybe they are going to have 3-5 kids and be done


Back on Topic...If i was jill I would be keeping RickJames far far away from Michelle

She's "missing a muscle in her back," so she probably can't lift him. It's interesting that her imaginary "missing muscle" didn't stop her from water skiing, or sky diving... *eyeroll*


No kidding. What-a-crock. That statement is insulting to the intelligence of their viewing audience. "I'm missing a muscle in my back..." Uh-huh. Just exactly how stupid does Me-chelle think people are? She says it, and we automatically believe it? Without even thinking about how absolutely ludicrous it sounds? Typical narcissistic behavior.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I have no idea what thread this belongs in because it's kinda a general observation, I remember it came up semi recently because it was on an episode, but I don't remember what it was called so I don't want to go back and try to find it, so I'll put it here since it mostly involves Michelle.

I don't know if anyone remembers, but when Michelle was telling Josie she was going to come dress shopping for Jessas wedding dress, she very obviously had a bottle of pills in her hand, along with a hairbrush... There was a lot of speculation about what was in that bottle. I happen to be watching reruns right now, it's the one where Jessa and Michelle fly to hot springs to visit Ben, and she had been sitting at the table an had a hairbrush and the pill bottle in hand. So, it makes me think that maybe they store bobby pins or something in pill bottles. Don't get me wrong, it could be so many things, I don't necessarily want to reopen all the speculation, maybe it is mess and that's the time of day she takes them so they happen to be in hand both times, maybe she carries them all the time...I have no idea, i just found it coincidental that both times it was the hair brush/pill bottle combo (let's also not pretend that she does hair daily, I'm sure that was just because cameras were around).

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She's "missing a muscle in her back," so she probably can't lift him. It's interesting that her imaginary "missing muscle" didn't stop her from water skiing, or sky diving... *eyeroll*

She has no problem lifting 5 year old Josie!


And the only time I've seen her disciplining any of her children was when Mack was over (don't remember what she did) and she reprimanded her for something to do with Miracle Josie.  


I've never seen her hold any of Josh's children - her first grand babies.  The woman is full of it!

  • Love 2

Allie Jane is one adorable baby. Her parents and grandparents seem understandably smitten. And did you notice Alyssa's (that's the baby's mom right?) hair? It's shoulder length. So apparently not everyone requires hair you can sit on. I don't know much about the Bates but I thought they were Fundies too so clearly that isn't a 100% rule. Maybe they aren't as Gothard.

Gil is on their board so they are even more Gothard connected than the Duggers.

Why does Clown Car think we now believe that she really cares about her kids.  Where was she when Josie had her seizure? Who was taking care of her? Not Clown Car!!! All she really cared about is when can I pop out the next blessing and hand off this blessing so I can start on a new blessing. She reminds me of a child who gets a new doll and a few months after a new doll comes out and the old doll gets discarded for the new doll.

  • Love 3

That's what I'm wondering. Several family members have neurological conditions, including epilepsy, and if she hasn't had a seizure since the febrile ones, then to go to having one that lasts 15 minutes is highly unusual. Of course, she also may have been having seizures that didn't cause her to lose consciousness that no one picked up on.

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I wonder if there were other times Josie seized and the crew wasn't to film it...


While I'm not at all knowledgeable about seizures - and have no idea how often a crew is on the property either - I'd guess that it's likely that Josie could have seized when there was no TLC staff around. The last seizure I remember hearing about was one that occurred not all that long after the whole family returned to the TTH from Little Rock, after Josie's final discharge from the hospital. While Boob & Me-chelle were travelling somewhere. Is it common for a child to go from having seizures as a young baby, to not having any at all, for years before another one occurs? Seriously asking - no idea.

It wouldn't be uncommon to have years between seizures. But a fifteen minute seizure is an enormously long seizure by any standard. That she went from having none to having one that long is very disturbing and anyone with her would be justifiably terrified watching it. It's scary watching a very short clonic/ grand male seizure. 15 minutes would seem like a lifetime.

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Why does Clown Car think we now believe that she really cares about her kids.  Where was she when Josie had her seizure? Who was taking care of her? Not Clown Car!!! All she really cared about is when can I pop out the next blessing and hand off this blessing so I can start on a new blessing. She reminds me of a child who gets a new doll and a few months after a new doll comes out and the old doll gets discarded for the new doll.

Maybe she can get one of those "Real Dolls." Creepy.

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If Joy is 17 now and, like Jana, stays at home until her twenties, Mechelle has (at least) another 5-7 years before she has to worry about actually taking control of parenting.

I wish so hard that the Duggar girls would wake up and escape. It would be wonderful to see Michelle and JB finally be held accountable for what they've created. They wanted all these kids - well, raise them, then!

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I wish so hard that the Duggar girls would wake up and escape. It would be wonderful to see Michelle and JB finally be held accountable for what they've created. They wanted all these kids - well, raise them, then!

I think working for the Duggars is a Query (sp?) family's source of income. I think lots of people are hired or volunteer at the Duggars' place to help out with the kids.

Yes.. I am curious to see what the self proclaimed Mother Of The Year was doing while Josie was seizing. It looks like CinderJana was tending to her.

Boob and Mechelle were in Alaska at a speaking engagement. This explains why she sounds so cold in the TH segment they're showing in the previews. Although I doubt she would have had much emotion had she been in the room with Miracle and Jana when the seizure happened. Poor, poor Jana. She looks positively terrified and broken. How horrible that had to be for her, and not just because she had to deal with the seizure; does it even dawn on her that she's doing all of the work her lazy, detached mother is supposed to be doing? 

  • Love 2

That sounds right to me. I don't know what her problem is with Jana, though -- she really seems to hate the poor girl.

You know, the more I watch these two dysfunctional parents, the more I realize how much distance they put between themselves and ALL of their kids. The middle pack of boys is all but forgotten. And as for Michelle's coldness towards the oldest daughters, I often wonder if she keeps her distance because these gals know where the bodies are buried, meaning they know the real JB and M, before they got famous and started spouting off nonsense.

  • Love 6

I wonder if Clown Car feels worthless because she can not have any more blessings? In fact Clown Car you were worthless as a mother when you could shoot a baby out of your Clown Car.

And now that the chute is no longer in business, how much longer do you think she'll keep the shop open for JB? I figured that since she believes in being submissive to the husband (and has never been heard to get excited about 'coupling', at least not as much as JB) she was relying on all the pregnancies to keep her out of commission. Now she can't have any more, she's probably using the missing  back muscle to get out of her wifely duties. What excuse will she use next?

And now that the chute is no longer in business, how much longer do you think she'll keep the shop open for JB? I figured that since she believes in being submissive to the husband (and has never been heard to get excited about 'coupling', at least not as much as JB) she was relying on all the pregnancies to keep her out of commission. Now she can't have any more, she's probably using the missing  back muscle to get out of her wifely duties. What excuse will she use next?

Hmmm....I could swear there was an episode where JB referred to Mullet as the "horndog" of the two.

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does it even dawn on her that she's doing all of the work her lazy, detached mother is supposed to be doing?

Sew Sumi - I think it does - her face shows it more and more over the years, despite her best efforts to "keep sweet".  Though she is truly beautiful, she appears pale, wan, and drawn. Her eyes are lifeless in episodes where she's supposed to be "on". Seems like she strains to remain present in the moment as Michelle postures as the mother of the brood while we all know who's really in charge of loving them, caring for them, doing the cleaning, cooking, transportation, and on and on. 


Poor Josie was in a much better position to have Jana tending to her than Michelle before the medical responders arrived. Much rather to have a loving, caring, capable sibling reacting to an emergency than the checked-out, glazed-over, always camera ready Michelle. If her behavior when Josiah (?) fell through the hole in the church stage a few years ago is any indication, Michelle would have been filming the event personally and jabbering away in her whisper-scream with that creepy smile on her face rather than actually taking care of Josie.


Those poor kids know who their real mom is, and it ain't Michelle.



  • Love 5

Just saw the commercial for Tuesday nights show and it looked to me that Clown car was happy and excited that Josie had a seizure. You could tell she did not give a Damn about her.


But it does provides Me-chelle with yet another look-at-me moment. "Hey, I'm the mother of a young child experiencing a seizure..." 

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Sew Sumi - I think it does - her face shows it more and more over the years, despite her best efforts to "keep sweet".  Though she is truly beautiful, she appears pale, wan, and drawn. Her eyes are lifeless in episodes where she's supposed to be "on". Seems like she strains to remain present in the moment as Michelle postures as the mother of the brood while we all know who's really in charge of loving them, caring for them, doing the cleaning, cooking, transportation, and on and on. 


Poor Josie was in a much better position to have Jana tending to her than Michelle before the medical responders arrived. Much rather to have a loving, caring, capable sibling reacting to an emergency than the checked-out, glazed-over, always camera ready Michelle. If her behavior when Josiah (?) fell through the hole in the church stage a few years ago is any indication, Michelle would have been filming the event personally and jabbering away in her whisper-scream with that creepy smile on her face rather than actually taking care of Josie.


Those poor kids know who their real mom is, and it ain't Michelle.


When Josie was first released from the hospital in Little Rock and had breathing difficulties one of the first nights, Me-chelle wasn't the person who picked up the phone for 911. She handed that off to Jill, who spoke to the operator and explained the situation. When James [?] fell into the orchestra pit at some event, Me-chelle milled around with other family members, blathering and taking photos with her phone. Someone else dealt with actually helping James. If Josie's recent seizure had started with Me-chelle nearby, she would have yelled out for Jana to come and handle it. In instances where most mothers become lionesses, Me-chelle doesn't know how to respond. It's not even that she becomes hysterical and loses her head. No, she's quite calm but seems almost "removed" from the situation. She doesn't see what others see, doesn't sense the seriousness. She is, IMO, clearly emotionally-disturbed to some extent. Except for actually gestating, giving birth and nursing, as a mother she's less than useless.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 11

In the commercial, where you can see Jana clearly rocked to her core over Josie seizing, Michelle calmly says, "Josie had a seizure". I realize that sentence could have been taken from another conversation and a few days later, but Michelle is always like this. I am half expecting her to continue on with this, "When I had my seizure..."


The thing with Michelle is with her addiction to having babies, she panicked when it ended at Josie. Realizing Josie was her last, she clung to her, over indulging her. I think she realized everyone was talking about her favoring Josie and sort of released her to be one of the other 18 that she didn't have an attachment with.

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It's not even that she becomes hysterical and loses her head. No, she's quite calm but seems almost "removed" from the situation. She doesn't see what others see, doesn't sense the seriousness. She is, IMO, clearly emotionally-disturbed to some extent.

Perhaps Michelle is taken care of by a nanny named Zanny. (IOW, she's hopped up on meds.)

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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