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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Out and about the other day, I saw a woman with a lesser version of the possum head. I nearly tossed my cookies, but recognized this woman was wearing jeans and a grubby tee shirt. She just has that kind of hair. With Mechelle? Who knows what her hair in its natural state looks like?

And this begs the question - who was watching her babies (before she could hand them off to her older babies) while she was spending time crimping and curling and unraveling and spraying that hair into crunchy perfection?  I can't imagine she rolls out of bed with that look.  With hair that long and permed, it must resemble a large, tangled rat's nest every morning.

  • Love 5

I think in a couple of earlier photos of when Michelle was young, she sometimes wore it in a ponytail. Even though she's usually wearing it in a perm, her hair is also naturally curly. The old photos are mostly the formal ones they had taken of the family so she probably had it done for the occasion. I also think Grandma Duggar has always been around the family a lot to help out, starting when Michelle had Josh. They were probably never doing everything on their own , even in those days. 

  • Love 2

I'm not into curling irons or hairspray but I know if I don't get detangler on my still wet hair, I'd be able to shelter a nest of baby possums in it. I'm growing my hair long for my father's memory and to show support for one of my dear friends who is battling cancer.  It's finally long enough for me to have something left to work with and I'll be so relieved not to have to mess with it anymore. I try to be gentle with it so Locks of Love can actually use it

The Duggette's ridiculously long hair and their mother's dead possum just scream all sorts of impractical. I get it that a woman's hair is her crowning glory, and they believe that, but who in their right mind wants a crown made from dead possums?  

Ugly hair seems counterintuitive to that whole belief.  Lop a few inches off to encourage healthy growth...for the love of hair!

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

But..but..but they do things a little differently! Plus, Daddy loves that long hair on his girls!

It's important to make Daddy happy!

Excuse me while I go vomit. That statement is even more disgusting since we know those girls were living under the same roof with a man who was enabling their abuser.

  • Love 11

I watched the latest episode last night.  My observations:

1. Why oh WHY were Jim Bob and Michelle in that episode at ALL???  Seeing Jim Bob in any capacity irritates me.  Sorry not sorry.

2. Why did they feel the need to photobomb JinJer's Skype with Jill and Dereck???  Not your conversation, you have nothing to add, butt the heck out!  Stop with your poor attempts to be seen!  

3. Jeremy has been to the TTH before.  For Benessa's baby shower. It's not the first meal Jeremy had with the family.  Stop pretending it is.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

3. Jeremy has been to the TTH before.  For Benessa's baby shower. It's not the first meal Jeremy had with the family.  Stop pretending it is.

True but... I've been thinking for a while, that's why the stories are so bad with so little conversation taking place.  They're re-enactments.  The family members probably aren't intelligent enough or good enough at improv, to retroactively construct natural conversations pretending they are learning things about Jeremy and his family for the first time; so they've opted to simply say nothing at all.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, CarolMK said:

I think in a couple of earlier photos of when Michelle was young, she sometimes wore it in a ponytail. Even though she's usually wearing it in a perm, her hair is also naturally curly. The old photos are mostly the formal ones they had taken of the family so she probably had it done for the occasion. I also think Grandma Duggar has always been around the family a lot to help out, starting when Michelle had Josh. They were probably never doing everything on their own , even in those days. 

I'm curious what the relationship is between grandma and Michelle. Grandma's been around a long time and has seen a lot. So curious what she really thinks of how things have turned out. 

  • Love 5

I saw a reminder of the Andrea Yates case in the news recently, and in some ways this couple reminded me of Jim Bob and Michelle. Of course, we don't know if Michelle was ever diagnosed with a mental illness, but the way she comes across leads many to believe that she in fact does. Her way of dealing with her children seemed to be to detach herself as much as possible as they grew older and training her daughters to assume nearly all of the physical care and the parenting. I think Grandma Duggar made sure she was around the family a lot to keep Michelle from cracking up. She must have known about the nervous breakdown in the laundry closet when Michelle had the 7 youngest kids. Jim Bob is exactly like Rusty Yates, he believed that as a family they should have as many children as the Lord gave them, despite the fact that Andrea's doctor advised them against it. 

  • Love 15

I can't find it, but I think Gothard says something about mothers not getting too attached to their children, that it's the headship's job to take care of their material, emotional and spiritual needs, while Mom is responsible for them as babies.  I may not be remembering it correctly, because I can't find back up, but can someone help? I remember reading this (along with his other beliefs) and thinking Gothard was totally a misogynist, sexist, insane pervert who should be locked away.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't the Jessa's shower was at the TTH. I believe it was at a barn or something.

It was at a barn.  But I would say with almost certainty that he stayed at the compound, most likely in the guest house.  He would've had to stay the weekend as he was coming from across country to attend the shower (of someone he barely knew).  And at that point the group was most likely already conspiring to get Jinger and Jeremy to go a'courtin anyway, so having him there (and in close proximity to Jim Bob for observation and to Jinger to light the spark) would be essential. 

  • Love 1
On 8/16/2016 at 2:31 PM, Jynnan tonnix said:

It does seem strange (or should, to the Fundie mind) that when people trust to God to decide how many children they will/should have miscarriages still occur. Is that God's way of changing his mind mid-stream? Or are they caused by sin such as, but not limited to, attempts at birth-control?

No, it means that the woman somehow let the Devil into her life and is under a spiritual warfare attack.  Remember, Satan doesn't believe in reciprocity and will respond to your not making your husband's lunch fast enough by spontaneously aborting a fetus.   

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Lemur said:

No, it means that the woman somehow let the Devil into her life and is under a spiritual warfare attack.  Remember, Satan doesn't believe in reciprocity and will respond to your not making your husband's lunch fast enough by spontaneously aborting a fetus.   

Conversely, God is also awfully good at granting "blessings" to women with no headship and no desire for children at that particular point in time. And if he's doing it to teach these women a lesson, it's funny how often the child ends up suffering for it.

  • Love 6
On 9/1/2016 at 10:32 PM, CarolMK said:

I saw a reminder of the Andrea Yates case in the news recently, and in some ways this couple reminded me of Jim Bob and Michelle. Of course, we don't know if Michelle was ever diagnosed with a mental illness, but the way she comes across leads many to believe that she in fact does. Her way of dealing with her children seemed to be to detach herself as much as possible as they grew older and training her daughters to assume nearly all of the physical care and the parenting. I think Grandma Duggar made sure she was around the family a lot to keep Michelle from cracking up. She must have known about the nervous breakdown in the laundry closet when Michelle had the 7 youngest kids. Jim Bob is exactly like Rusty Yates, he believed that as a family they should have as many children as the Lord gave them, despite the fact that Andrea's doctor advised them against it. 

Pictures of Andrea and Michelle show the same wide, wild dark eyes and the glassy stare, for what it's worth. I agree that Grandma was there to help keep Michelle from losing it completely.

Apparently, Rusty's second marriage has ended in divorce. I hope wife number two walked out on the controlling bastard. Whenever I read how Rusty graciously "forgives" Andrea, I want to step on his ugly mug. Rusty is all about Rusty. Cue Jim Bob. 

  • Love 16
On 9/4/2016 at 8:59 AM, Rabbittron said:

What the hell does this mean Blob? 



I knew it. He really does have an IQ under 20.

What in the world did they praise their children for doing? Or what does he imagine that other people (scary liberals and other non-fundies?) praise their children for doing?

ETA: Maybe this means that his parents praised him for having unprotected sex with fellow idiots.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

I assume he means "make sure to state out loud what you approve of, because if you don't positively reinforce, the children may take your silence in response to their bad behavior as unspoken approval of their bad behavior, and thus repeat said bad behavior as the new normal".

... which is problematic in and of itself, but if someone who followed the statement were making it, it'd make sense.

12 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Just remember that Michelle has said she never had a heart for children so why in the fuck did you have 19 living ones and 2 you claim in heaven?

See, if she never had a heart for children, why didn't she think that was God telling her not to have any? I guess either God lays stuff on your heart...or not...but either way, you find some stupid man with a God complex to instruct you about what to do with your life. Surprise! It's the same goals for everyone! And if you can't reproduce, you get to feel terrible for the rest of your life, wondering why God hates you. Nice  

There are so many ridiculous inconsistencies in this belief system - which is a nice way of describing what these robots espouse. I don't have any animosity toward the kids, because they have been continually indoctrinated. But I still have bouts of frustration that NO ONE appears to have seriously questioned why, whenever they don't happen to feel or think the same way as Daddy, it must be Satan butting in. If they agree, then that's God. So basically Daddy = God? Do they never wonder why God gave them functioning brains that they are never supposed to take out of the box?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

But I still have bouts of frustration that NO ONE appears to have seriously questioned why, whenever they don't happen to feel or think the same way as Daddy, it must be Satan butting in. If they agree, then that's God. So basically Daddy = God? Do they never wonder why God gave them functioning brains that they are never supposed to take out of the box?

Well, you see, they know why their brains say that stuff. Daddy told them why.

God gave them these troublesome brains so Satan would plant these anti-Daddy thoughts in them so they'd be tempted to go with those thoughts and thus abandon God and Daddy and contribute to Satan's cause instead of fighting in prayer with all their might to squelch the thoughts and remain with the unshakable unquestioning faith in God and Daddy that Daddy taught them. And, praise Jesus, because they're the wonderful Duggars who were raised and oh-so-carefully educated by the parents of this and every year, they've successfully fought in prayer against those brains and they continue the good fight! They keep putting those nasty brains in their place and they make God and Daddy so so proud!

God gave them the evil brains for the same reason God planted all those fake fossils everywhere. To tempt the weak and wicked away from believing every syllable and comma of what God and Daddy say and fall into the terrible sin of believing that brains are useful and evil-ution is a fact!  But in the TTH and the other houses that are springing up unto the third generation under Daddy's umbrella of protection, the brains and those deceiving evil fossils are losing! Praise the Lord for planting so many temptations on this earth so the Duggars may continue to prove every day that true Christians are strong to fight them! How awesome are God and Daddy!

I think this is what happens to dim-bulb kids who are born to jerks of this variety. We've noted that Jim Bob's looks genes seem remarkably strong. I think the fact that every single kid seems to have fallen for this up to now proves that his idiocy genes are equally strong.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 18
9 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think this is what happens to dim-bulb kids who are born to jerks of this variety. We've noted that Jim Bob's looks genes seem remarkably strong. I think the fact that every single kid seems to have fallen for this up to now proves that his idiocy genes are equally strong.

It's easy to manipulate the uneducated and those who don't read or have any kind of outside contact with others.

One can only imagine what would happen if even one Duggar managed to graduate from a scholastically rigorous, accredited college. KJB is only infallible as long as nobody is able to challenge him.

  • Love 9

And has found three beta males (2 with real college degrees, and one who at least dabbles at "school") to go all-in with his control and apparently vision of *something.* Like I've said before, I think Boob will tether JinJer to NWA, dangling that storefront that Jana "bought" in front of him for a shiny new church. We also know that Boob owns something like a dozen residential properties, so there's likely a plan to put this couple in one of them. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

And has found three beta males (2 with real college degrees, and one who at least dabbles at "school") to go all-in with his control and apparently vision of *something.* Like I've said before, I think Boob will tether JinJer to NWA, dangling that storefront that Jana "bought" in front of him for a shiny new church. We also know that Boob owns something like a dozen residential properties, so there's likely a plan to put this couple in one of them. 


4 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

It's easy to manipulate the uneducated and those who don't read or have any kind of outside contact with others.

One can only imagine what would happen if even one Duggar managed to graduate from a scholastically rigorous, accredited college. KJB is only infallible as long as nobody is able to challenge him.

Suddenly I'm thinking of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and so wishing there were a Sandy in there to suddenly rise up and say, "I've simply put a stop to you!" ...Jim Bob's probably too dumb to yell, "Assassin!" but I'm sure he'd yell something.

  • Love 2

M & JB have 19+ kids who they keep under their control through fear and finances. The hobby-businesses they run will not support the entire clan and the TLC money will not last forever. And M & JB are slipping; their greed keeps exposing the kids to more and more of normal society and I doubt they continue to have all these one-to-one confessions with each kid. The younger kids' lives are considerably different than the older kids. 

I'm not sure that a kid will go rogue but the Fundy Fairytale is a changing, slowly and subtly.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

M & JB have 19+ kids who they keep under their control through fear and finances. The hobby-businesses they run will not support the entire clan and the TLC money will not last forever. And M & JB are slipping; their greed keeps exposing the kids to more and more of normal society and I doubt they continue to have all these one-to-one confessions with each kid. The younger kids' lives are considerably different than the older kids. 

I'm not sure that a kid will go rogue but the Fundy Fairytale is a changing, slowly and subtly.

Interesting observations, @GeeGolly. I've never thought that the Duggar's super-fertile, economically separatist, fundie Christian patriarchial lifestyle was supportable in the long term. The TLC cash was huge for them, and I get why they are frantically clutching at keeping those checks coming in. JB may be a fairly competent small-town businessman who could support a typical-sized family. Without the TLC cash and the fame that came with it? I don't think he could have decently fed and housed 19 kids. 

You put your finger right on their dilemma: to keep milking the TLC cash cow, post-Joshgates and with MEchelle finished breeding, they had to get a new script. No more "we are so much holier than thou do things a little differently" fake-humble THs, no more road trips on the stink bus where the family appears at events as honored guests - or self invited guests at least. And they could fill up some airtime just panning down the family lined up in a row. Even before Joshgates, IMO they'd worn out the interest of having TLC cameras following the huge brood as they wandered - almost ferally sometimes - around the TTH, put video cameras inside the dishwashers, walked on kitchen counters with dirty bare feet, stuffed food into their faces at random times and places, while MEchelle and JB, and later Josh and Anna, groped each other on the living room sofas. Ahh, the good old days.

Edited by Jeeves
These people are mind-numbingly stupid and I swear it can be contagious!
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

The hobby-businesses they run will not support the entire clan and the TLC money will not last forever.

I'll just put this out there.  

Many, many people have been saying this since the show first went from specials to a regular feature.  Some even before that, when the Alice Posts showed up on TWoP.  And yet we're continually made to look like those idiots who hand out tracts on the subway telling everyone the world is ending on a specific date.  I've actually come to the conclusion that yes, this show will continue in perpetuity or at least until all the strychnine Jana is feeding her parents finally hits toxic levels*.



*Please note:  This is a joke.  I don't actually think Jana is poisoning her parents. 

  • Love 12

So how does this work in Michelle's mind?  She makes it to heaven, for all of eternity, JimBob is there, and she can never be pregnant again?  She could barely go two years without being pregnant before hiring a specialist to help 'just in case'.  She's going to be happy to go for all of eternity, billions of years without getting pregnant again?  I don't know it sounds like she's falling for a political promise - it's going to be great, so great, paradise, wait until you get here.  What are she and JimBob going to do all day?  The grandkids will keep arriving I suppose, probably as adults, but one big happy family reunion forever?  Does Jana still have to cook for them or will magical free buffets appear before them?  I want the details.

  • Love 6

That's a really interesting question, Defrauder. The extra twist is that Michelle doesn't even like children (i.e. doesn't have a heart for them) so I don't think that her grandchildren are going to bring her all that much happiness. All of her power (such as it was) and certainly her identity is built on having children. I don't even get the sense that she knows or cares all that much about her kids as individuals, just about how they reflect on her.  Now that particular season of life has passed her by, what's left for her?

Edited by MargeGunderson
Don't want to spell like a Duggar.
  • Love 4

You know what would be ironic - now that Michelle can't have more children and her children are having children, she may be expected to help out with her grandkids just like she made her daughters help out and raise her kids.  The sister moms are turning into moms and Michelle may have to help take care of all of their kids now.  

  • Love 9

I might be wrong but it doesn't seem like Michelle interacts with her grandkids the way, say, Cathy interacts with Izzy. Seems to me whenever Michelle is photographed with a grandchild, she's posed, holding him or her with that manic smile plastered across her face. I haven't seen her helping out or playing with any of them. 

I remember one episode where she and Jim Bob were reading to one of the grandkids, I can't remember which one, and the totally unscripted, completely natural-sounding conversation (lol) included Michelle murmuring, "This reminds me of when we had little ones." Josie was barely out of toddlerhood at the time.

Kids really are just vehicles for her.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Defrauder said:

You know what would be ironic - now that Michelle can't have more children and her children are having children, she may be expected to help out with her grandkids just like she made her daughters help out and raise her kids.  The sister moms are turning into moms and Michelle may have to help take care of all of their kids now.  

That's when she plays the 'missing' back muscle card. We can see that one coming a mile away.

  • Love 4
On 9/1/2016 at 7:32 PM, CarolMK said:

I saw a reminder of the Andrea Yates case in the news recently, and in some ways this couple reminded me of Jim Bob and Michelle. Of course, we don't know if Michelle was ever diagnosed with a mental illness, but the way she comes across leads many to believe that she in fact does. Her way of dealing with her children seemed to be to detach herself as much as possible as they grew older and training her daughters to assume nearly all of the physical care and the parenting. I think Grandma Duggar made sure she was around the family a lot to keep Michelle from cracking up. She must have known about the nervous breakdown in the laundry closet when Michelle had the 7 youngest kids. Jim Bob is exactly like Rusty Yates, he believed that as a family they should have as many children as the Lord gave them, despite the fact that Andrea's doctor advised them against it. 

I think he even looks like him.  

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Defrauder said:

So how does this work in Michelle's mind?  She makes it to heaven, for all of eternity, JimBob is there, and she can never be pregnant again?  She could barely go two years without being pregnant before hiring a specialist to help 'just in case'.  She's going to be happy to go for all of eternity, billions of years without getting pregnant again?  I don't know it sounds like she's falling for a political promise - it's going to be great, so great, paradise, wait until you get here.  What are she and JimBob going to do all day?  The grandkids will keep arriving I suppose, probably as adults, but one big happy family reunion forever?  Does Jana still have to cook for them or will magical free buffets appear before them?  I want the details.

I prefer to think of the Afterlife as it was in Defending Your Life (Albert Brooks, hilarious!).  You have to defend your choices at important parts of your life and depending on how royally you effed it up, or depending on how much you let fear run your life determines how may days to look at.  I am thinking JB and Michelle have to look at at least 20 days each.  In the movie the guy that put the LIVE in front of NUDE GIRLS (strip clubs) had to look at 9 days (seen as a loser).  The food was all you can eat, anywhere you choose, and it is the best you have ever had (my version of heaven!).

Depending on how charitable you were, how good of a life you lead, etc determined what class of hotel/motel you were put in while defending your life.  Meryl Streeps character got a Biltmore type, Albert Brooks got a medium class hotel, and I suspect JB/Michelle would get a Budget Inn motel off the interstate with the chalk outlines still on the ground of the previous nights 'incident'.

This family THINKS they are doing God's work.  They are selfish and hard headed dumbshits who THINK they are the chosen ones.  They were chosen for something but not what I imagine they think they were (Bin was obviously chosen to clean toilets and Derek was chosen for his AWESOME dance skillz).  They were chosen to be a lesson to all, which is just because someone spouts all kinds of jesus stuff and SAY they live to serve HIM doesn't make it true.  Also don't let them assist in the birthing of your babies.  They really are an ABC After School special about the dangers of no education/child collecting/what happens when the curtain is pulled back, and what happens when the well runs dry (still TBD in these chuckleheads case).

I am an atheist so I admit don't believe the religious part but there are people who do and the Duggar message is a dangerous one.  

Edited by Natalie68
gotta get the movie stuff right
  • Love 9
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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