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S05.E16: Amster-Damn

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Also side note I've smoked pot maybe 5 times my whole life, last year when we went to amsterdam I was giddy about trying it there. I can understand the women maybe excited to do it in Amsterdam, somaybe I'm immature but I was laughing at that whole scene. I really doubt Kyle lights up all the time anyway.


I agree. I smoked pot a bit in high school, so I'm definitely no stranger to it. But it was always on the downlow, as it was illegal and we didn't want our parents to know. I think it would be kind of thrilling and comical to be sitting in a bar with a menu for different kinds of pot and everyone is just doing it freely. Totally different experience. Honestly, I thought they were just having a good time and the only real reason I can see for Brandi getting so put out by the behavior would be jealousy. 


Kim is a vile loony little hobbit who cannot stand for anyone to be happy or take responsibility for anything.


Please don't insult hobbits like that. 

  • Love 12
  On 3/4/2015 at 11:21 AM, slade3 said:

I'm disappointed Kim apologized to LisaR, but not to Eileen. I'm even more disappointed LisaR didn't tell Kim that Eileen deserved an apology as well.


Eileen seems very grounded to me, so I'm sure she doesn't need or want an apology from a trashy Richards sister to move forward, but I have a feeling some of these women will turn on/abandon Eileen at some point. (Next week?)


I like LisaR a lot. She even made my husband laugh a few times, especially when she made that comment about her children knowing she never turns down cake. But I hate the way she handles herself with Kim and Brandi. I've always said "Never say never!" When LisaR told Kyle she would never speak to Kim again, I looked at my husband and said she will be talking to Kim after the commercial break. I bet those two are friends now. I don't respect that kind of behavior. 


Maybe Eileen will learn why it's a big mistake to defend someone you don't know well (LisaR). In my opinion, Eileen did even less to Kim than LisaR, but Eileen's still in the doghouse and LisaR and Kim have talked it out. 


I think Kim's vitriol toward Eileen has a lot to do with the fact that Kim knows Eileen is a strong individual who will always see through her. LisaR clearly can be "trained" and is a follower. Kim apologized to the housewife she believes she can eventually control.


Kim is a vile, disgusting person and always will be.


Kyle was so silly at the coffeeshop. Unfortunately, I understood Brandi's annoyance because Kyle is a total hypocrite. But Brandi is also a hypocrite. She said she was going to remain silent and stay calm, but she couldn't take not being part of the drama. I think she hated that the other housewives were moving on and managing to have fun after she had crafted that Kim drama so carefully.


All I can take away from this episode is that, once again, I'm rooting for a new housewife to leave the show. Eileen's too good for this. The other housewives know it. If she doesn't need the money, she should walk away. Sadly, with the fall of so many soaps, she may need something like this to keep her working.

I think Kim's hatred of Eileen is so obvious that even Brandi  could figure it out. She is probably very close to Kim's age but she is still quite stunning. She appears to have a solid marriage, a lovely home (décor aside the home itself and grounds are to die for), she seems to be a great mother and step mother and, perhaps worst of all, she is a working actress.  Hell, if I didn't like her so much I'd hate her.


Seriously though, I think Kim hates pretty much everyone unless they are catering to her every whim, but I suspect she has a special resentment for both Eileen and Lisa R because they are actresses. That actually get acting work. As grown ups. 

  • Love 19
See this is why I don't think that Lisa R was bringing up her sister's death only to join in Yolanda's Sharing Time.  Lisa R is an old pro at getting any job. She knows what it takes to stay on the RHBH. She needs screen time. She wasn't talking about her sister's death primarily to share her past. She was talking about it to poke Kim.



I think besides needing screen time, even if she wasn't on a TV show she'd be itching to defend herself. Because remember this kind of started on the plane with Kim glaring daggers at her and telling LisaR she was a terrible person for talking about her etc. etc. So of course LisaR was going to jump on any chance she got to defend herself and describe herself as she saw it--someone who just cares because she has her own issues with it. She wasn't going to miss a chance to apologize and re-define herself as a person who felt bad rather than a gossip. I think a lot of people would feel that way in that situation, even if they ought to just let it go and shut up. They just hate leaving it feeling misunderstood or maligned. They want their good intentions acknowledged. 


Kim just wasn't having any of that. LisaR needed to accept the label that Kim gave her (gossip, person trying to undermine her sobriety and hurt her and her kids) and never speak of it again. 

  • Love 10

Kim has her own definition of sobriety.  Since Kim isn't ready to acknowledge that she has a substance abuse problem besides alcohol, she's not going to acknowledge that she's not sober when she's taking prescription pills that are hers or belong to someone else.  I remember the scene with Paul Nasif (sp) very well where she listed all the pills she takes. 




but no one should have ever been driven to that point either.

My advice would be "don't get on the bus". It reminded me of Porsha & Kenya from the RHoATL reunion last year. Kenya kept poking at Porsha, trying to get her to blow her top, and Porsha lost it and got physical.  Porsha shouldn't have reacted that way.  But I had zero sympathy for Kenya who instigated it.  I saw 2 people misbehaving and no excuse for either. (Though I do implicate Andy Cohen and production for allowing & encouraging that behavior.)



  On 3/4/2015 at 2:57 PM, jinjer said:

See this is why I don't think that Lisa R was bringing up her sister's death only to join in Yolanda's Sharing Time.  Lisa R is an old pro at getting any job. She knows what it takes to stay on the RHBH. She needs screen time. She wasn't talking about her sister's death primarily to share her past. She was talking about it to poke Kim. IMO all her talk of "concern" is secondary to having a storyline.  Just MO.  This tweet is just not becoming.  Making light of the nonsense that went down.  She acted like a prison-yard thug, poked a mentally ill addict (IMO) and is now poking her again.  Lisa R find the fucking high road.  But she is a great addition to the cast of the show.  Pot-stirrer extraordinaire.  Get ready for a bad edit.  I say she gets one more season before the producers go after her.  


Sure Kim was out of line.  Made for a great reality show moment. 


I think Brandi freaked out because Lisa R went apeshit and threw wine, tried to choke someone and smashed a glass and was the darling of the day.  She didn't get called an alcoholic or a shit stirrer or called to task for throwing wine.  I think that was the underlying resentment for the hypocrite comment.  Then to have Kyle all giggly and innocent about pot/hash just put Brandi over the edge and she got nasty again.


Yo pulled it back together.  She told Kim she behaved poorly right away.  Brandi was  silent except for the glass throwing/throat grabbing comments.  The other group in Kyle's room really went after Kim, but also Brandi who just sat there at dinner.  Eileen especially.  Eileen and her crocodile tears.  The soap actress has come to play.  Her breathy, "Did you call me a beast!?!"  Now her tears.  And she's all geared up to confront Kim and ruin what's left of the trip despite seeing what just happened. Maybe she's worth $750K.


Oh Kyle, Lisa V defended you again - 2x - once at the dinner table and again in the bus.  She has your back!  You better get ready to have hers!

Bolded all the parts I love.  And please HWs, no more 'have your back' drama. 


Is Yolanda's brother on this trip the same one that visited her with her mom last season (or the one before)?

Edited by Lola16
  • Love 7
  On 3/4/2015 at 6:35 AM, BlackMamba said:
When they were on the bus heading back and everyone was crying, LVP said outright, "I know how she (Kyle) feels. She been going through this all her life. She feels responsible for Kim, if she doesn't defend Kim, shes a bad person to the rest of the family." Something to effect. And how Kim said that blow the belt comment Kim made it seem like Kyle couldn't even shine Kathy's shoes right. It was sad.

Hi BlackMamba,

ITA and I'm glad Lisa VP voiced her support for Kyle with this matter. I believe, like other posters here have also mentioned, the Richards/Hilton family is the elephant in the Umamsky living room.

As the whole world knows, the Hilton children, the behavior of big Kathy and Kims addictions are all out in the open. Normally, a family stands united and loyal in silence, but that train left the station a decade ago. It's time to drop the mask and admit the need for counseling and rehab. It's ok to do and it's healthier for all parties involved in the end. The anger aimed at Kyle is sorely misplaced.

Kyle has a wonderful family unit and a huge support with her husbands family and with Kyles friends. Kathy Hilton & Kim should not be faulting Kyle with Kyle keeping her focus on her children, immediate family and day to day life. From what we have been shown on camera, although editing is involved, we see Kyle going above and beyond while Kim treats Kyle like dirt. Gosh, when my kids were little my family involvement was limited to holidays because we don't live in the same town, and my social life was limited to my neighbors and the parents I see at athletic events. Portia & Sophia are still young plus Kyle has a store. Give me a break.

I'm happy to hear Kyle & Kim have taken another break. It's clear to see that the Richards are led by Kim & Kathys rules and Kyle is shunned when she doesn't toe the line. Edited by Lisin
Fixed quote
  • Love 16
  On 3/4/2015 at 2:37 PM, ramby said:

Kim saying that LisaR was spreading lies about her is a lie in itself.   LisaR just expressed concern. She didn't spread any lies.  Kim admitted herself that she took one of Monty's pain pills.  Normal people don't do that.  Especially a pain pill so strong it's prescribed to a dying cancer patient.   It's also against the law to take other people's meds.  That's a RELAPSE Kim whether you admit it or not.  Then at the dinner table she says she took the pill, it didn't agree with her (hahaha...what a joke), and because of that she was admitted into the hospital for 5 days.  Uh....I thought you said earlier you were in the hospital for bronchitis and a cracked rib.  Nevermind that she keeps changing how many days she was in the hospital but she can't even keep her story straight as to WHY she was in the hospital. And if you take someone else's pain meds and get admitted in the hospital for 5 days that is some serious business right there.  Yes....you absolutely relapsed.


Besides that, LisaR does annoy me, lol.  She's talks too much and she's way too hyper!  But Kim is still a lying, mean, nasty asshole no matter what!

Thank you for this. It can't be said enough or pointed out enough. 

  • Love 6
Here's the thing.  Someone else's sobriety is their business, even if it affects you


But by virtue of being on a reality TV show, you put your sobriety or lack thereof out for public consumption. You can't then get angry when said reality TV show films conversations about your sobriety. If Kim wants to keep her business her business, then she needs to get off TV. 

  • Love 11
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:19 PM, parisprincess said:

I just can't figure Brandi out.  She seems to want to create drama every time things are going well and people are enjoying themselves.  First, sitting at a table where people are having a normal conversation and deciding to throw wine in someone's face for no reason at all.  Then, watching the others having fun at the pot place and deciding its a good time to out Kyle regarding pot smoking.  And last, again watching the others laughing and enjoying the walk back to the hotel and feeling the need to lash out about everyone saying things about her but her not being able to say anything......where did that come from?  And in the next episode she gets physical by slapping someone's face.  Added to her behavior off screen, she has to be stupid not to realize why none of these people want to be friends with her.  

This is certainly not in defense of Brandi, but I do believe from Day 1 of Brandi's arrival her goal or trick to stay on the show was going to be to out these women and their secrets.  She went after Adrienne with deeply personal information that had absolutely no bearing on the show, she went after Kim (Game Night-a time when Kyle stood up for Kim and received three seasons of shit for it), Kyle, Joyce (making up that Michael was short and Joyce married him for his money),Taylor, Eileen (her idea to bring up Eileen's and Vince's previous marriages), Lisar and of course Lisav.  Last night fake, I can't take it anymore there are two sets of standards was so telling.  All Brandi wants to do is hurt-the other women's businesses, marriages, parenting-it doesn't bother Brandi in the lest to go after someone she feels has more than she does.  It will take a Yolanda are someone to wash their hands of Brandi before she has outlived her welcome.


I do think producers should have kept her as a friend only-the pressure for Brandi to repeatedly perform became too much for this talentless hack and now she is dragging the franchise down.

  • Love 7
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:27 AM, Umbelina said:

A woman throws a glass at me? She better damn well be the one to try to apologize to me, not the other way around. I feel like we are in some alternate universe where physical violence is better than words. What?

Addict double standards. I like Lisa R but that was aggravated assault. She gets an undeserved pass because she is a likable person and was provoked by the evil horrible junkie addict super Satan low life addict bitch narcissist addict worst person in the universe addict Kim. I will not defend Kim any longer, that ship done sailed, but I will say that while everyone on the show acts like she's behaving to deflect from her addiction (which might well be true)...I think she's using her sobriety to deflect from her being kimd of a bad person. But whether she's high as a kite or sober, evil or good, Lisa can't throw glass in her face and become so enraged that she must be held back from jumping over the table presumably to attack Kim physically.

I wonder how close Lisa came to ending up in a Dutch jail -- seems like from what she says ("I almost went to prison" -- her words from a tweet) it was a possibility. Had that happened in the U.S. and Kim decided to press charges Lisa wouldn't get very far telling a judge she blacked out with rage because Kim insinuated her husband was fucking around. Being an asshole isn't a crime. #TeamNeither.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

If I were Kyle I would never ever have a conversation with Brandi that did not involve tampons.ever. I think Kyle Achilles heel is her social game. She is very adept at playing the social angle. Along with that comes trying to desperatly to project a certain image and to hide things that she doesn't want known. I wish she would take a page out of Lisa Rs playbook. Lisa readily admits Harry's brothers were alcoholics and that her sister died of an OD. When you put it all out there It looses all its power. I so wish Kyle would get this and just speak the truth, come what may with her family. Kyle needs to know Kims sobriety its not a reflection on her.

  • Love 13
I think Brandi freaked out because Lisa R went apeshit and threw wine, tried to choke someone and smashed a glass and was the darling of the day.  She didn't get called an alcoholic or a shit stirrer or called to task for throwing wine.  I think that was the underlying resentment for the hypocrite comment.


Well, Brandi can imagine a double standard there all she wants, but I just don't see it. When Brandi threw wine at Eileen, she was clearly intoxicated. Lisar didn't seem the slightest bit so at that table, IMO. Lisa's reaction, while not appropriate, was brought on because she and her family were being attacked. It was not a common type of behavior with her. Whereas Brandi has often gotten drunk and lashed out at people - so that might be why Brandi's drinking and behavior were called into question and Lisa's weren't. That night that Brandi threw the wine, she was the aggressor. She was needling Eileen constantly and acting a total fool. When Lisar threw the wine, Kim was the aggressor and Lisa ended up lashing out. She shouldn't have done that, but I don't think it was an indication of a drinking or behavior problem. 

  • Love 9

Honestly, how ridiculous of Brandi to make such a big deal about having smoked grass with Kyle before!  Well, duh ... Wouldn't surprise me at all if they've gotten into some blow together too.  She's absurd.  Anything to bring the camera back on her. 


All the coco loco stuff aside, these episodes must be doing wonders for the tourism to Holland trade.  I'm fighting off the urge to empty our bank account and book myself a flight.  Such a beautiful city, day or night.  What a giant drag to have to experience it with this crew in tow. 


Made for tv apologies aside, you know that both Rinna and ED went home and gave their husbands an epic earful about what a vile person Kim is and how any interactions are to be solely on camera.  


Yolanda's family is so nice and ... cake!  Yo can get on my last nerve with some of her stuff but I appreciated how calmly she dealt with the vortex of Kim after the throw down.  Find other ways, Kim, to make your points!


One of these days, right or wrong, someone will punch Kim squarely in the nose.  She can then proceed to go after them all she wants, with whatever cash she has available to her, but, really, unless she changes, and that seems highly unlikely, it will probably happen.  She really, really doesn't know how to get along with other people at ANY level. 


Here's my top pick for new addition to the cast:  Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham.  Would so love to see her take on the Richards and Brandi.  With a few deft strokes, all three would be down for the count. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5
  On 3/4/2015 at 7:45 AM, BlackMamba said:



Someone asked for this gif... LOL


The funniest part of that scene was when Brandi was walking away, and then turns around quickly to flip Kyle the bird, but Kyle had already turned her back on Brandi so she didn't see Brandi's gesture, lol.  You can briefly see where Brandi starts to turn in this gif, but it cuts off just before she flips her off.


  On 3/4/2015 at 11:38 AM, mwell345 said:
...[Kim] can never take responsibility for any of her actions.  Kyle was right - you can't defend it anymore.  


And then for Kim to go off of Kyle for not speaking up - Does Kim remember how she kept quiet during the Camille/Kyle incident.  (In all honestly, she probably doesn't).


I caught that too, Kim telling Kyle at the table, "And you!  You should have said from the beginning that I'm 3 years sober..."  Um, no, Kim.  Kyle could NOT have said that truthfully.  Not after everyone saw you high as a kite at the poker party.  Kyle doesn't want to keep lying for you, Kim.

  • Love 11
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:56 PM, poeticlicensed said:

But by virtue of being on a reality TV show, you put your sobriety or lack thereof out for public consumption. You can't then get angry when said reality TV show films conversations about your sobriety. If Kim wants to keep her business her business, then she needs to get off TV. 

I agree with this, and I also can't help but feel like she has a responsibility to show more of how she got (and stays) sober.  I don't know why I think that, other than she's in a position where she could theoretically help people, and I wish she would.   What bothers me more thought is that I remember her saying on some reunion that being on the show kept her accountable and was therefore good for her sobriety, and so all of this with Rinna noticing issues and bringing them up on camera (I think that's Kim's real problem, hence she threatens to pull other off-camera stuff in)...isn't that a good thing?  


Also, if Kim's kids- who know her, I would think- believe rumors floating around town without at least checking in on her to see what's true and what isn't, I think that's on Kim.  They'd have to be seeing something too in order to buy into it, imho.  


Thinking more about this fight...I'm surprised that Brandi wasn't outed by Rinna.  On the one hand, there's something classy (I guess is the word) about it.  On the other, Brandi receded into the background when Kim's real anger should have been towards her, imho.  After all she added the fuel to the conversation by providing info from an "insider" in Kim's life.  How did that not slip out during the fight?  Did I miss it?  Or was it just edited out?


On a positive, I liked the side conversation between Vanderpump and Kyle at Yolanda's mom's house.  The line about the LA diet not applying.  It seemed authentic and fun.

  • Love 2
On a positive, I liked the side conversation between Vanderpump and Kyle at Yolanda's mom's house.  The line about the LA diet not applying.  It seemed authentic and fun.


Oh, I loved that moment as well! I think Kyle and Lisa do have a very genuine friendship. When they're not letting this show and other cast members get in the way, not giving into the drama, they always seem to have a ton of fun together. I wish TPTB would realize most of us want to see more of that, and the travel porn, and not the arranged meetings and stupid fights. 

  • Love 14
  On 3/3/2015 at 8:27 PM, Umbelina said:

So she turned the tables and made the lead instigator, Lipsa, the subject of the conversation.  Apparently Lipsa is hiding a secret about her home life, and Lipsa is all about getting "secrets" out.  I hope that it's just that Harry is bi, or gay, or a cheater, and not that he has cancer or AIDS. 



Why would you assume that the "secret", if there even is one, is that Harry could possibly have cancer or AIDS?  I mean, seriously?  That's one heck of a leap.  


I was only able to catch the dinner and resulting fight last night.  I have to say, out of all the housewives on these shows, Kim is absolutely my least favorite.  She is vicious to everyone and will turn on you in a heartbeat.  Whether or not she's sober.  She is just plain mean and ugly.  If I were a BH Housewife, I would be banding together with the others and demanding that Kim be let go.  She is vile and disgusting.

  On 3/3/2015 at 9:29 PM, Trooper York said:

Wow! Just wow!


To throw out there speculation that the secret that Kim is talking about is that Harry Hamlin has cancer or Aids? That is just wrong. Really, really wrong. 

AMEN!  That just blew my mind when I read it.

Edited by slitz
  • Love 11

Kim is a fucking piece of work. She demanded that Kyle defend her in that moment, but as someone pointed out above, Kim was super quiet when Kyle and Camille were arguing at dinner in NYC. Kim clearly was so high off that pill she got from Monty that she totally doesn't remember the way she went in on and mocked Kyle at the poker table in Eileen's home. Oh, and yes, it also seemed to have slipped Kim's mind that Brandi told Kyle that Mauricio didn't want her (Kim claims not have heard even though her ass was sitting right there thus absolving herself from defending Kyle) at Kyle's party. To bring it to more recent events, Kim also seemed to forget how she complained to Kyle about Kyle forgetting her makeup bag in the restroom the day before


All of this shit between Kim and Kyle and Brandi has happened in a matter of weeks, and yet Kim has the gall and audacity to bitch at Kyle for not speaking up on behalf of Kim at the moment she's antagonzing Lisar. There's gotta be a word other than narcissist to describe Kim. I think she's outgrown the term. 

  • Love 10

Either when Kim and Brandi were alone at the restaurant after the blow up, or when Yolanda came back to check on them, Kim says something about Lisa R having sent her texts (which she mangles as "tex-tes" which is a personal pet peeve, which is probably why I noticed).  I honestly can't decide if that makes me feel more or less annoyed at Lisa.  On the one hand, it does indicate that she contacted her privately to discuss her concerns which I like.  But it also seems like how many times does Lisa have to be told to back off.  Of course, the texts probably went something like this:


Lisa R:  Kim, I'm really concerned about your behavior in the car on the way to Eileen's.  Are you ok?

Kim:  Turtles!

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 7

Kim calling Eileen a beast made me cackle because it was so random. I was expecting her to call her a bastard from a basket next. Kim was just so snarly and evil with that little creaky voice, she just reminded me so much of Smeagol.

I think my favorite VPump moment was her walking back to the restaurant, looking at Kim, and throwing her hands up like "WTF Dude?"

  • Love 7

I suppose Rinna(Do as I say, not as I do) thinks her behavior is Ok.



Not so.  Lisa said several times that what she did was not cool.  Unlike Kim who has never apologized for her behavior or said she was wrong.  Ever.


I was surprised too but I think it had to do with how venomous and hateful Kim was to Lisa R, Eileen and Kyle - she was so despicable to all 3 of them that Lisa's response was irrelevant (to the rest of them).  I'm not saying it's ok, just that I think the others gave her a pass because of how awful Kim was.



I agree.  Kim was a hateful bitch to all three.  And the way she turned on Eileen made my head spin.  How dare Eileen call Kim out on anything! 


No, not at all. People saying they understand Lisa's outburst is simply acknowledging where it came from, what provoked it.




FWIW, equating Kim going after Lisa and her family is not the same as Lisa bringing up Kim's alleged sobriety and how it's going to affect Kim's children. (This was one of Kim's arguments to explain why she was such a freaking seabeast to Lisa.)  Lisa never brought up Kim's kids specifically.  She was only talking about Kim, whereas Kim immediately brought Lisa's husband into it.  Plus, Lisa's daughters are still minors.  Not the same thing at all.


Imagine how much fun they'd have if they'd let Wet Blanket 1 and 2 at home?



I'd be pissed if I had traveled to this beautiful country and had to deal with Drunk and Drunker. 


Brandy was embarrassed that these grown women were acting like 12 year old girls



Versus the 13 year old that Brandi brings to the table most times?  Or the drunken fool taking men into bathrooms and with her tampon string hanging out?


Oh, gosh! I thought Kim apologized, too! I know LisaR did, but I thought Kim slipped in a "I'm sorry, too." See what she did there? This is what I meant about Kim choosing to hate Eileen. Eileen would never be manipulated into an apology. Makes me hate Kim even more.



Yep.  Kim never apologized, true to form.  She likely will never apologize to Eileen for her hateful comments and especially to Kyle for her ongoing abuse. 

I agree with what the ladies told Kyle - - she is in a cruel, abusive relationship with Kim.  Kyle is clearly codependent in that relationship.  Kim will never be happy and Kyle will never do enough.  Kyle needs to let it go and tell Kim to go bitch to her bestie Brandi or the "good sister" Kathy because she's done.

  • Love 8

Wanted to see much, much more of Yo's mother's apartment.  Her mother got the cool chick award this chapter.  Loved how matter of fact she was when Kim was doing her Bambi routine -- What do people do if you don't want to smoke at the pot cafe? (Come on now, girl -- Do what you did -- Stay in yr room and stfu.)  Space cake!


The famous hazelnut cake looked like the coffee cream variety -- All separate little bits of heaven, instead of one big torte.  (That brother must be almost 7 feet tall!)


Vanderpump had a couple of real witch moments ... "All this could've been yours!" -- To Yolanda after meeting the windmill boyfriend that time forgot.  I really dislike her when she gets into that mode -- so condescending and full of herself.  Looks like a fine life, you stuck up ninny. 


And, two, going into the pot cafe and going on about how her back hurt and it was all for medicinal purposes.   She's learned not to get mixed up in the now super played out Kimdiction saga but still has to get the mocking in there.  


I'm glad Eileen is sticking to her guns and not giving the blackmail artist known as Kim any cover.  It's about time!


This is what would've made my night -- Just ONE of these women rolling up a joint like they know what they're doing, not acting like a nervous, chatty virgin about it, and having a big old fun inhale.  Go, Amsterdam!

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 7
  On 3/4/2015 at 4:58 PM, Mozelle said:

Kim is a fucking piece of work. She demanded that Kyle defend her in that moment, but as someone pointed out above, Kim was super quiet when Kyle and Camille were arguing at dinner in NYC. Kim clearly was so high off that pill she got from Monty that she totally doesn't remember the way she went in on and mocked Kyle at the poker table in Eileen's home. Oh, and yes, it also seemed to have slipped Kim's mind that Brandi told Kyle that Mauricio didn't want her (Kim claims not have heard even though her ass was sitting right there thus absolving herself from defending Kyle) at Kyle's party. To bring it to more recent events, Kim also seemed to forget how she complained to Kyle about Kyle forgetting her makeup bag in the restroom the day before


All of this shit between Kim and Kyle and Brandi has happened in a matter of weeks, and yet Kim has the gall and audacity to bitch at Kyle for not speaking up on behalf of Kim at the moment she's antagonzing Lisar. There's gotta be a word other than narcissist to describe Kim. I think she's outgrown the term. 


Oh holy hell....


Remember when she finally claimed she did remember it but just "got nervous" because she doesn't like confrontations?


Yeah, last night proved you're quite the wilting little daisy, Kim.  


Nothing screams "I don't like confrontations" like verbally assaulting every woman at the table over dinner.


Kim clearly has no self control and the coping skills of an adolescent.  At best.  


Not with her emotions, not with her drugs, not with her dog, not with her alcohol, and probably not with much of anything else in her life.  


Kyle should have kept running when she left that restaurant.  


And never looked back.  

  • Love 15
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:23 PM, nc socialworker said:

Yes! yes and yes! Kim brought it to such a riduclous level that no one will ever speak of it again. Mission accomplished. It's emotional black mail to keep everyone quiet and it worked. That why she hates Lisa R and Elieen so much, they dared to speak the truth and didn't buy into her "pain pill that didn't agree with me" excuse. No one believes it but they are all too afraid to say it out loud. That is the level she will take it too to continue to hide her addiction. That is how powerful addiction is. And like someone posted yesterday Kim is delusional enough to beleive that if her cast mates wouldn't talk about it we all wouldn't notice. How crazy is that? I'm sure her kids are on the verge of walking out, maybe that is what it will take because every bottom she has hit doesn't seem to be enough.

It's just like when Kim got loud at the dinner table in Hawaii when nobody was buying the excuses for why they were late and Kim was mocking Mauricio for making a big deal over the truth. Kim wants people to accept whatever bullshit story she puts out there because she's gotten away with it for so many years. When people call her on her shit, she gets loud, aggressive and hostile. 


What's even crazier to me is that Kim knows perfectly well that she introduced the topic of her addictions. Not only by being high on camera but by repeatedly speaking about it. She doesn't follow her own rules but is still always ready to blame somebody else for not following them.

  • Love 8

Kim is clearly mentally ill; whether it stems from alcohol or drugs, I have no idea.  Never in a million years, could I imagine engaging with a mentally ill person on such a level as LisaR has done.   After the limo ride, it was quite clear this was a person to avoid, NOT engage.   I would politely inform the mentally ill person's next of kin and bow out.   If I was bound by contract by the RHOBH to be in her immediate vicinity, I would be polite, courteous and that is all.    I hate using this term, because nobody should behave the way Kim did, but  ... here goes... LisaR did "ask for it."   


I didn't know those things in Amsterdam were wind "MEALS".      And yes, LisaV was incredibly rude when she said "All this could have been yours."  <- not remotely cute or funny.  That was straight up bitch condescending.

  • Love 9
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:23 PM, charmed1 said:

Kim calling Eileen a beast made me cackle because it was so random. I was expecting her to call her a bastard from a basket next. Kim was just so snarly and evil with that little creaky voice, she just reminded me so much of Smeagol.

I think my favorite VPump moment was her walking back to the restaurant, looking at Kim, and throwing her hands up like "WTF Dude?"


She reminds me of this, right down to the eye makeup:



  • Love 5
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:24 PM, LotusFlower said:

Wow - great clip. I love Eileen. Is she a part-time shrink? Does she play one on Y & R? I'm serious - I can't think of a smarter HoWife.

I like the way she kept addressing the night before and questioning Lisar on her actions but wish she would have also addressed the wine glass throw and Lisar's attempt to touch Kim out of anger.

  • Love 4
All of this shit between Kim and Kyle and Brandi has happened in a matter of weeks, and yet Kim has the gall and audacity to bitch at Kyle for not speaking up on behalf of Kim at the moment she's antagonzing Lisar. There's gotta be a word other than narcissist to describe Kim. I think she's outgrown the term


Kim never defends Kyle. Not only the Camille instance, but what about just a few weeks ago when Brandi made the remark about Mauricio at the gay mixer? Kim was sitting RIGHT there and she said nary a word. It's a two way street, honey. 

  • Love 9
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:26 PM, Avaleigh said:

It's just like when Kim got loud at the dinner table in Hawaii when nobody was buying the excuses for why they were late and Kim was mocking Mauricio for making a big deal over the truth. Kim wants people to accept whatever bullshit story she puts out there because she's gotten away with it for so many years. When people call her on her shit, she gets loud, aggressive and hostile. 


This is a little off topic, but you also reminded me of how she deflected in an insane manner at that same dinner in Hawaii. Kyle was trying to make her understand why it was not OK to treat other people like shit and just keep them waiting around for her all time time. Out of nowhere, Kim says "well you're not perfect either - you talk on your cell phone when you drive". It was so beyond strange and I loved the looks people were passing around. She is simply not going to admit to doing anything wrong ever, and was reaching hard for something - anything - to throw at Kyle. Same pattern now in Amsterdam.

  • Love 10

Enough already with the Kim and Kyle Co-Dependency Hour.  Kyle need Al-Anon.  There, she would learn to stop being played by Kim and wouldn't feel the need to be responsible for an active addict.  She wouldn't feel the need to run away sobbing and shrieking when Kim acts out.  But she would also learn she isn't the victim unless she lets it happen.  Al-Anon doesn't fix the addict, it fixes the perosn going.  Seriously - Kim's story is "I took a pill becasue I was in pain and it disagreed with me!"  No, Kim, you took a pill cause you were going to a party and wanted to mellow out and hope they didn't know you were high. You are not sober.  Kim starts her shrieking and attacks when the girls try to let her know how whacked out she was that night as well as others.  Stop apologizing and stop saying how you care and want to be supportive. The best support is to clet her deal with her life and not deal with her when she's high.  Walk away, leave.  She does not have a program, she does not have a sponsor.  And did you notice the shit-eating smirk on Brandi's face when it all started going down?  She just kept her mouth shut - at least till they gopt outside.

  • Love 3

There is no way for Rinna to get back into anything with Kim unless she wants to get the whole ball rolling again.  I'd be letting it go completely also.  The ONLY reason Lisa is engaging with Kim is because they're on the show.  You can see Kim's own sister coming to this conclusion right in front of our eyes. 


Having your back is fine if you're dealing with a sane, responsible person, as Lisa points out.  Eileen, if she wants anything from Kim, is going to have to pursue it herself -- and, really, why bother?  It'll be meaningless because Kim's dynamics are purely situational and of the moment.  She basically neutralized Lisa Rinna.  I'd be looking to neutralize Kim by ignoring her, instead of expecting explanations and apologies. Or asking the other women to take further sides.  There need be only one side in all this -- and that, for me, would definitely be Kim Who? and Kim Whatever!  Basta.

  • Love 8

Well, it's from Radar OnLine, so who knows how much is factual but, based on Lisa Rinna's tweet last night about asking Kim what Harry's secret is, I'm thinking this might have at least an element of truth to it:





“Lisa went after Kim for making the outrageous comments suggesting Harry has something hidden in his past that he doesn’t want to come out,” an insider told Radar. “Andy Cohen asked Kim what the secret is, and Lisa pounced on her.”

“Kim refused to answer, and revealed absolutely nothing, which disgusted Lisa,” the source said. “She knew all along there was no deep dark secret. She went off on Kim, accusing her of trying to detract attention from her struggle with sobriety. It was an incredibly selfish and desperate stunt.”



  • Love 5
  On 3/3/2015 at 6:27 PM, WireWrap said:

They have tried to "ignore" Kim's drug abuse on the show for years now and the only time Kim ever sought help was when it was brought to the foreground by Brandi, season 2. After season 2 was done filming and right before the reunion was filmed, Kim went into rehab, so confronting her on camera has helped before where ignoring her has only allowed her to keep using. Who knows, maybe the producers realized this and finally said they would no longer cover up/edit out when Kim gets high and the rest of the cast is in on it, including Brandi as she has talked about Kim using again far more than anyone else including Lisa R. It was Yolanda that got that dinner discussion started yet Kim never questions why Yolanda did that. As soon as she, Yolanda gets her first 2 sentences out, Kim starts the "death stare" at/toward Lisa R like Lisa started the conversation or preplanned it with Yolanda before they got there. I will look to see if Kim questions Yolanda about the dinner conversation she started when they are outside talking. I want to see if Kim questions Yolanda's motives.


 I believe that Kyle went into fight or flight mode and chose to flee.

And, as we see, Kim never did mention Yolanda or the fact that Yolanda started the topic of drinking.. LisaR didn't even actually start her "contribution" herself. She started crying while LisaV was sympathizing with Yolanda by saying you can't control everything your children do, and then LisaV asked LisaR something like, "Why the tears?" and only then did LisaR tell her story about her sister. There is no way I think anyone could say, after reviewing the order of things, that LisaR brought up her story on purpose just to rag on Kim. That's just not what happened. I think her tears and reaction were spontaneous. As you said, Kim seemed ready with her "death stare" and she didn't miss a beat in attacking Eileen. Yes, Eileen was blunt, but if anyone was a beast, it was Kim.

  • Love 9

If I were these women, I'd be totally over any concern I had for Kim.  I wouldn't spend one more second worrying about Kim's addictions or trying to help her understand that she needs professional help.  And I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting my time in Amsterdam walking on eggshells around her and pretending that Kim's behavior is ok.  Get away from me, I'm not talking to you anymore, not riding in any more limos, planes, boats or trains with you, not caring if you end up in the hospital for 1, 5, 7 or 9 days, not caring about how Kyle isn't "there" for you, not caring if you're late, just have no fucks left to give - let's go and get some more space cake people!

  • Love 23

Kim  - deflecting and extrapolating to justify her behavior.  My kids!  No, just no.  Anyone notice that although Brandi was rolling her eyes in the pot shop, she didn't explode until LisaV scolded her.  Then everyone was a hypocrite. Just like a child she can't take any correction.  I almost expected her to stomp her feet and wave her arms in the air.  She can be cruel to the other children, too.  Except they aren't children and actions have consequences.  I would like to see scenes of Brandi with her children.  What makes her such a great mother other than having them play with non-housebroken pets, letting them watch movies and eat popcorn, and allowing them to sleep in her bed?  Parents teach their children by example and her oldest should have no problem getting his hands on her books.  There are no good examples there.


Kim and Brandi should always keep tubes of neosporin on themselves.   Injuries are inevitable.


I went on a cycling trip in Holland a few years back.  It was wonderful.  Beautiful countryside, fields of heather, and mirrors placed so high in the bathrooms for the tall Dutch that I couldn't see in them.  The houses are gorge, too.  I saw no McMansions, but small, wooden houses with large windows back and front and lace curtains at them all. Lovely.

Edited by Pattycake2
  • Love 9

Just to say, too, that as a wise one pointed out earlier in the day and a couple of pages ago, Kim seized on the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" angle after Yolanda brought it up.  Seized as in drowning and life preserver.  I don't know that she could've come up with that one herself.  Deeply cynical. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:28 AM, Lola16 said:

Never said it was.   Personally I avoid people who act like assholes and I certainly don't provoke them.  That's not the same as tiptoeing around them or sanctioning their behavior.   To me, it's called enjoying my life with less drama and bullshit.


THIS! A MILLION TIMES! It ain't rocket science. You don't keep messing with a hot mess unless you like the drama that it brings and being that she's trying to stick a spot on the show I feel that if she wants to go there for a storyline then she's gonna have to take what she takes in return. She wants to take risks like that and think it's not gonna bite her in the ass. Hey, it's said over and over that Kim can't control her storyline, she's shown her ass and so everything is game. I also don't like this whole if the women aren't bringing it up on camera then it's off limits for the other women to say. I mean I get it I really do but really? Rules for a reality show? Nah, not gonna happen.


I don't see how there's levels of morals? So if someone slips up and it's caught on camera then hey the other women can have at it with no regard for the bigger picture cause hey it's been left in the open so it's cool to pick the bones but if the others don't bring something to the forefront with their behavior or by officially mentioning it then it should be sidestepped, avoided and  a conscious effort needs to be made by everyone all season to stick with the script? It's a reality show. Plus I don't get how there are rules because "it's not right to...." but regardless if something is caught on camera it's still not right to:


--Insert yourself into someone else's personal business. I for one don't go around poking into my coworkers private life because being around her a couple of times made me uncomfortable and uneasy. I either hope it doesn't happen again and if I fear it will then I will have to figure out what I need to do to about future interations cause I'm not going to count on the "crazy" person to curb their behavior. That makes no damn sense to me.


--Call someone an addict over and over and over while speaking to other people without the person being present or attempting to have a private conversation with the person you seemed so set on trying to understand. Again makes no damn sense to me.


--Bring it up, speak your piece and because you weren't happy with how it was received continue chewing on that bone.


--Again discuss while crying addict, addict, addict and putting more life into the whole subject matter and associate aftershock confrontations with her addictions instead of the petty shit it had more to do with.


--Pretend not to understand how someone may not want to discuss something so sensitive in front of the other women and continue to encourage public confrontations.


--Continue to discuss a subject that just hours before was the cause of an unpleasant exchange and was also pretty well covered and filed away in the "not tryna talk about it" file.


--Ignoring another persons wishes to not bring up such a sensitive subject once the person has expressed they want it put to bed which they have every right to do since the subject has been beat to death anyway.


-Go for someone's throat


-Throw and smash a wine glass at someone


I can't give LisaR a pass because it's her decisions to continue provoking the issue that caused that exchange. People go below the belt when they reach a level of desperation and aggravation and considering the subject matter I'm not surprised that Kim came out swinging. I have a position on Kim so I won't drone on but in this episode take out the whole supposed "below the belt remarks" (I mean come on LisaR has been screaming addict for the last 100 episodes, just because it's not a secret doesn't mean she's got to lead with that all the time. I got a friend who used to be a hooker and I don't go around saying she's a hooker, she's a hooker when I'm talking about her it's the truth but at this point Lisa R should just stop calling her Kim and just start using "The addict"). But take away that and what you have is LisaR again rolling it back around to Kim. Why can't she just let it go? That's just rude.


There's a lot of episodes where Kim isn't provoking shit but because it's Kim it was wrong and "provoking" to invite Brandi even though I pretty much got the genuine vibe with her idea to break the ice and she walked in and right away explained it to Kyle so there was no misunderstanding as to why she brought Brandi. Kim was sitting at that table just ready to proceed with the night and here we go again about addiction. I honestly thought it was in bad taste to bring it up YET AGAIN. Not only for Kim for the other ladies as well. Lisa R doesn't think she's creating an awkward vibe for everyone else when she puts Kim on the spot like that? Like come on already. I would have been fed up too. You make it clear, you express your position and it's like nope, uh-uh I'm going to disregard that and continue.


I don't care if they don't like Kim or what Kim has done in the past or behaved in the past when you want to continue in a direction that just exasperates a situation just for shits and giggles then you're an asshole. Kim doesn't just have her episodes for shits and giggles. She has them because partly she's struggling with an addiction and she's constantly battling.  These other women... Shits and giggles. Cause they want to be heard, because they want their opinions and perspectives to be heard over others. LisaR wants her opinion to be more important than Kims desire to be more discreet about her challenges. Why is that? Because "gasp" she was stuck in a limo for what 20-30 minutes? with crazy Kim. Oh No! Get the smelling salts for LisaR poor thing. It had to take a confrontation like last night that, where Lisa R ended up the one apologizing anyway (which I loved by the way and no it didn't escape me that Kim didn't apologize not once in that whole exchange HA!) for it to finally be put to bed for the season?


These technicalities that get thrown around to excuse the open season that goes on regarding Kim's addiction "oh it happened on camera" "LisaR was witness to the bizarre behavior so now she can say what she wants talk about it all day long etc. etc" just makes my head spin. I mean that's NOT what people do. Most people wouldn't want to create an awkward situation when it's not necessary. Kim does it cause she took a pill or has been drunk in past seasons but these women create awkward, nasty moments all the time with no real justifications what so ever. Oh wait.. they're "concerned" oh please! Spare me!


I know its really hard to defend Brandi but I always see why she gets so damn unruly! It's maddening to see these women cloak the bullshit and cattiness with these declarations of concern all the while slightly veiling their true position of feeling superior.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 13
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:24 PM, Persnickety1 said:

Oh holy hell....


Remember when she finally claimed she did remember it but just "got nervous" because she doesn't like confrontations?


Yeah, last night proved you're quite the wilting little daisy, Kim.  


Nothing screams "I don't like confrontations" like verbally assaulting every woman at the table over dinner.


Kim clearly has no self control and the coping skills of an adolescent.  At best.  


Not with her emotions, not with her drugs, not with her dog, not with her alcohol, and probably not with much of anything else in her life.  


Kyle should have kept running when she left that restaurant.  


And never looked back.  


Gawd! I completely forgot about Kim's lame ass excuse for why she didn't say anything. "I get--I get nervous," she said. Yeahhhhh, sure you do, Kim. 


  On 3/4/2015 at 5:41 PM, ghoulina said:

Kim never defends Kyle. Not only the Camille instance, but what about just a few weeks ago when Brandi made the remark about Mauricio at the gay mixer? Kim was sitting RIGHT there and she said nary a word. It's a two way street, honey. 


Kim doesn't see any of that, though. She wants Kyle to co-sign all her bad behavior, all the while making statements about why she's closer to Kathy than she is to Kyle. 


I would love for Kyle to band together with the other women and say that she won't film with Kim, but that would be dropping an atomic bomb on the whole thing. Kyle can't do that. Even though Kim has made it abundantly clear that she much prefers Kathy (and it's been implied that maybe there's some strain between Kyle and Kathy given all the ways that Kathy has begged off attending things for Kyle's girls), Kyle would still be blamed for even suggesting screwing with Kim's newfound livlihood. Part of me wonders about this bond between Kim and Kathy; if there isn't some sort of resentment from both toward Kyle because, from what we've seen of Kyle's daughters, they haven't gotten into the kind of trouble that Kathy's and Kim's kids have?


We've seen that Kyle loves her nieces and nephews dearly and will defend them to the hilt, but for some reason, it looks like Kim and Kathy can't bring themselves to acknowledge that their sister loves their children unconditionally. Maybe there's some sort "inferiority" element at play? I dunno. 

  • Love 5

Co sign your well written post, Sincerely Yours.


FWIW, I think Kim is the most clear headed and coherent I've ever seen her.  In her one on one with Lisar after the fight she was calm and reiterated her desire for Lisar to but out of her life and keep her opinions/questions/concerns to herself.  I applaud Kim on how far she's come and wish her nothing but the best.  I also totally get where she's coming from in staking out her boundaries with the other women and any other woman who comes on the show and wants to use Kim as a convenient plot device.  Kim has shown she'll talk about her recovery but she's not going to be the headline in some new hw's storyline.  

  • Love 9
  On 3/4/2015 at 4:18 PM, nc socialworker said:

If I were Kyle I would never ever have a conversation with Brandi that did not involve tampons.ever. I think Kyle Achilles heel is her social game. She is very adept at playing the social angle. Along with that comes trying to desperatly to project a certain image and to hide things that she doesn't want known. I wish she would take a page out of Lisa Rs playbook. Lisa readily admits Harry's brothers were alcoholics and that her sister died of an OD. When you put it all out there It looses all its power. I so wish Kyle would get this and just speak the truth, come what may with her family. Kyle needs to know Kims sobriety its not a reflection on her.


I so, so agree with you and this is something I've had to learn and apply to my own life.  Dysfunctional families require secrets and silence.  The only way to break that cycle is to stop keeping secrets and to stop being silent.  Now that doesn't mean being a loudmouth or betraying others confidence, but it means not being afraid to live and speak your own truths and to not sacrifice yourself for others' dysfunction.  I sincerely hope that Kyle learns this. 

  • Love 6
  On 3/4/2015 at 5:24 PM, copacabana said:

The famous hazelnut cake looked like the coffee cream variety -- All separate little bits of heaven, instead of one big torte.  (That brother must be almost 7 feet tall!)


Years ago I read that on average the Dutch are the world's tallest people.  Leo looked like a blast to hang out with.

  • Love 7

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