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S06.E13: Dark Money

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I need to walk away from this show because it has become such a disappointment. I've only watched up until Will's death, and I popped in to see this episode, to see if it was worth continuing to watch. Nope. Not even to see Archie's exit.


I hate seeing Kalinda pushed around and terrorized by Bishop- 'Yes, sir' 'No, sir'. Awful to watch, what happened? And of course no one seems to know or care. It's also just weird, it is so divorced from the rest of the show. I read about Archie's exclusion from Paley. I'm sure she will be glad to get away from this show.


The case with Colin Sweeney seemed like a retread. Wasn't there another case with another woman of his, that would base her testimony on what she was getting from him? What happened to her and the kid?


Prady- a better human being than Alicia will ever be. I really felt for him in the last scene when he was sitting with her. He had the guts to stand up to the Ed Asner character and walk away, while she just kept her mouth shut and accepted all of his ugliness. It's not the first time I've said it, but why do the writers want to make her so unlikeable? Do they get, that as another poster said, 90% of people hate Alicia now?


The good- I liked seeing Laura Benanti, and the other lawyer, from the Matthew Perry show that was cancelled, I enjoyed the show and them on it.  


Other than that I'm out. Archie I'll see you in your next show, I hope it's better than this.

Edited by cleo
  • Love 7

Yeah...I'm out too....I noticed no Eli in this one....and the show suffered..Christine Baranski is too good for this show..and Cary Agos seemed like a bit player...

So, we're reducing Kalinda to a babysitter?

Next week looks like a goofy one...I want Prady to kick her ass in the polls and then nail Alicia for any corruption he can find...

ETA:-I detested the name they gave their Twitter account...stealing names from other shows...Really? Toby Zeigler????? Toby Zeigler???

First off, he was the White House Communications director on West Wing...and that would NOT in his character to do...second..the shout out to West Wing did seem clunky...

Show, if you want to have cheeky fun, name stupid things after people who annoyed you in the past...

MASH did that a lot....This show...is not MASH...it was a great show at one point..It's now just a waste of talent..

Edited by stonehaven
  • Love 4

To win on defamation you have to prove the portrayal harmed his reputation.   Yeah, showing him as a murdered harmed his reputation when he was accused not once of murder, but twice.   It's about opinion not law.   They didn't have to go there with the "but its the truth."   I really hate how they portray the legal profession on this show.    The glaring errors like this, the procedure stupidity.   Oh yes, in the middle of the trial let's finally view the video very carefully.   Not have that sucker analyzed to a fare thee well before discovery even closed months ago.   


But man, I totally thought Bishop was going to have that kid killed.   Of course, if Bishop hadn't killed the kid's mother, his kid wouldn't be getting bullied about it.   I also thought killing the kid would be when Kalinda said she had enough with Bishop.   Heck, she can get close to him without being searched.   Why not shoot him?   The cops would probably applaud her.


Then we have the campaign.   I prefer Prady too.   He has principles.   It's not personal between him and Alicia.   She's doing it because she decided she wants it.   She has unrealistic expectations.  "I'm going to lower the murder rate by speeding up prosecutions."   Yeah the prosecutors go slow on cases on purpose.   

  • Love 2

Cary really needs to gain a little weight.  I'm not sure if he did it on purpose with the the jail stuff, when actually people gain weight in prison because of all the heavy food, but he's looking too gaunt.   And to continue my superficial kick, I can't believe Julianna went on Letterman last week and talked about how expensive the wig is.  Maybe they just don't know how to light it?  The coloring can look so strange.


Besides that I feel like every storyline is one I've seen before and I am so tired of how the show portrays elections.  I really hope the series ends this year.

Edited by maraleia
removed effeminate- that's coded language FYI
  • Love 1

They made such a point of drawing attention to Redmayne's daughter, and have her sit in the background and not say anything, that I was sure she would play a part. I kept thinking that Redmayne was testing the candidates, being homophobic and sexist on purpose to see howthey would react. When Prady told him off I thought for sure he was going to reveal it was a test. Then I thought that Crystal was taping everything - and that was why every scene with her had her holding a phone up. I still think it might come up in the later episodes.


Also, I was disappointed in that plot. The show is usually pretty good at grounding people's attitudes in realism but this was way off the mark. I can buy that someone Redmayne's age, even a Democrat, would be a homophobe. I have a harder time believing he throws words like "fag" around casually. He's supposed to be a big player, he knows that attitude could hurt the people he's giving millions of dollars to. It's bad business. Especially since these are Chicago Democrats. I mean, same-sex marriage is legal in IL, not an issue for the SA's office in the first place and even conservatives in a place like Chicago would consider the issue dead. Also, all the teasing about Prady being in the closet, are they ever going to do anything with that?


The rest? Kalinda's plot seemed like setup, to remind the audience that she, Bishop, and Dylan exist. It was kind of cool to see her floundering though. Gives a new dimension to her character. Diane and Cary got nothing to do, but I didn't mind because I like that cases of the week and I'm not at all tired of Colin Sweeney. Love that guy.

  • Love 2

This has always been one of my favorite shows.  In the middle of the episode last night I said "this show is incredibly stupid."  I'm not sure if it was off the air for too long ?  Are the writers trying to get cute and funny and it just isn't working ?  How come they are filming what feels like a seperate show for JM ?  The Bishop / Kalinda storyline - so over the top drama that it wasn't dramatic at all.  Bishop used to be so scary in a good way - now he seems like a caricature.  Missing the Good Wife that was an intelligent well written show.

  • Love 8

I'm waiting for Archie's last episode and then I'm out.


I thought Redmayne was testing the candidates and that the money will go to Prady but no, they are just showing how spineless Alicia is. Before she even gets elected, her tenure is already tarnished. If Sweeney can discover how her pac is funded and use it for a little blackmail, imagine when she takes office and bigger criminals with bigger blackmails come calling. I don't even know why she is pretending to be a clean candidate, she should let her campaign managers off the leash, at least that'll be honest.

  • Love 4

I have always been a defender of Alicia..until this episode. How could she (or anyone with a conscience) sit there and not say a word to that awful disgusting misogynist homophobe is beyond me. All for $$? Hope it's worth it Alicia. I really hope next week is the last of this horrible election plot and she loses. I am so tired of the same old thing week after week. The break didn't help, just made it worse when they came back with the some old plot.

  • Love 4

They made such a point of drawing attention to Redmayne's daughter, and have her sit in the background and not say anything, that I was sure she would play a part. I kept thinking that Redmayne was testing the candidates, being homophobic and sexist on purpose to see howthey would react. When Prady told him off I thought for sure he was going to reveal it was a test. Then I thought that Crystal was taping everything - and that was why every scene with her had her holding a phone up. I still think it might come up in the later episodes.



I thought Redmayne was testing the candidates and that the money will go to Prady but no, they are just showing how spineless Alicia is. Before she even gets elected, her tenure is already tarnished. If Sweeney can discover how her pac is funded and use it for a little blackmail, imagine when she takes office and bigger criminals with bigger blackmails come calling. I don't even know why she is pretending to be a clean candidate, she should let her campaign managers off the leash, at least that'll be honest.

I thought the same thing!  I kept waiting for him to say that he was testing them, but then never did!!  Alicia SHOULD be ashamed to take money from that bigot. 


I am tired of Kalinda's storyline.  It just feels so disconnected with the rest of the show and it's booooring.  I may give up on this show soon altogether.

  • Love 1

They made such a point of drawing attention to Redmayne's daughter, and have her sit in the background and not say anything, that I was sure she would play a part. I kept thinking that Redmayne was testing the candidates, being homophobic and sexist on purpose to see howthey would react. When Prady told him off I thought for sure he was going to reveal it was a test. Then I thought that Crystal was taping everything - and that was why every scene with her had her holding a phone up. I still think it might come up in the later episodes.


Also, I was disappointed in that plot. The show is usually pretty good at grounding people's attitudes in realism but this was way off the mark. I can buy that someone Redmayne's age, even a Democrat, would be a homophobe. I have a harder time believing he throws words like "fag" around casually. He's supposed to be a big player, he knows that attitude could hurt the people he's giving millions of dollars to. It's bad business. Especially since these are Chicago Democrats. I mean, same-sex marriage is legal in IL, not an issue for the SA's office in the first place and even conservatives in a place like Chicago would consider the issue dead. Also, all the teasing about Prady being in the closet, are they ever going to do anything with that?



This election story is so unrealistic it's laughable. First of all, the state's attorney race is really a non-issue here (I live in Chicago) and the issues they are bringing up are so 10 years ago. No one talks about LGBT people/issues here in a negative light unless they are pointing out the things that aren't getting addressed to help the LGBT community.


I'm so disappointed in this show right now and want to smack the Kings for getting Chicago so wrong. They've been doing this for years but this year takes the cake.

  • Love 7

I have always been a defender of Alicia..until this episode. How could she (or anyone with a conscience) sit there and not say a word to that awful disgusting misogynist homophobe is beyond me. All for $$? Hope it's worth it Alicia. I really hope next week is the last of this horrible election plot and she loses. I am so tired of the same old thing week after week. The break didn't help, just made it worse when they came back with the some old plot.

I can imagine a situation in which a heroine might be forced to be silent in the face of such a wealthy man. This isn't one. There is no way she needs the job that badly -- not for money, not for prestige, certainly not for running a moral office because clearly she knows she could trust Prady's values. 

  • Love 6

The whole Redmayne scenario was so odd.  The only reason Alicia even asked about him was because he was in contact with Prady (apparently calling from his own [Redmayne] cell phone?), and suddenly Alicia was sent chasing after him.  And then Redmayne had no intention of supporting Prady.  Why did they have to introduce this via Prady's cell phone?  Why not just set up Redmayne as a deep-pocket donor that any candidate would want? 


Like all of you, I was so sure this was a setup for Redmayne to identify the more ethical candidate.  And I was sure there was going to be some reveal about the daughter sitting to the side holding up her cell phone.  But I'm always glad to see Ed Asner! 

  • Love 4

The show did me in last night.  I suffered through part one of the season's three parts, with Carey in jail, about to go to jail, on trial, etc.   Yawning through the whole thing.  Oh yeah, the move back to LG space because Diane owned the lease, that made sense too.   And the move happened in one day and phones and internet and offices were all in place in no time flat.   Would that the election happened so fast.   


Then we had a break, and then we had two boring episodes in which Carey was tried, Kalinda did all sorts of shenanigans and then, Carey is back at the firm.   Two more yawners.  Then another break, and then last night's episode, written by unpaid interns, I think.  Did the real writers go off on a paid break?  The trial was silly, long, and dull, the election scenes were repetitive, and the law firm scenes, well were there any?  OH, yeah, Kalinda and Bishop.   Bishop has such on screen presence, its a crime that the writers have reduced him to a suburban papa.  And who was following Kalinda in the car.  


I'm done for the season, will watch one or two next season to see if there has been any improvement. Great characters and very good actors, but the writing has gone to pot.  

  • Love 2


This election story is so unrealistic it's laughable. First of all, the state's attorney race is really a non-issue here (I live in Chicago) and the issues they are bringing up are so 10 years ago. No one talks about LGBT people/issues here in a negative light unless they are pointing out the things that aren't getting addressed to help the LGBT community.


I'm so disappointed in this show right now and want to smack the Kings for getting Chicago so wrong. They've been doing this for years but this year takes the cake.

In fairness to the show, if the candidates were the wife of a sitting Governor (who already was well-known as St/ Alicia) and a national TV host then it would be getting tons of attention.


But I agree with you, like I said originally, how unlikely it would be that a local Chicago race, where everyone's a Democrat, has homophobia being a selling point at all. Prady's team would have it out the next day that Alicia accept money from a guy who flings the f-word around and she'd have to do damage control.  It was clearly just a way to have Redmayne be completely contemptible, regardless of how unrealistic it is. I hope there's more to that story. I mean, why bring on Ed Asner for a nothing role like that?


I love Dylan Baker but his Brit/Euro accent was awful and it was a stupid idea for him to play a dual role.

I'm sick to death of Lemond Bishop. I realize his character is most likely a device to write out Kalinda but I've had enough of him.

The campaign storyline is interminable.

The show in general really has hit the skids this season. Shame.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 1

The only way Alicia is redeemed for me is if she withdraws from the election, and PLEASE let next week be the end of the whole stupid election story line.  I barely struggled through the Cary-in-jail plot, and now THIS tedious election drags on and on and on.  I didn't sign up for a show about Alicia as State's Attorney, and I'm not interested in watching a show with Alicia as State's Attorney.  If she wins; I'm done.  She was disgusting this episode.  I want it to go back to the days of good legal stories and Diane, Cary, and Alicia as lawyers.


 I wish we could keep Kalinda and get rid of Lemond Bishop.  He's a great actor, but I hate the way Bishop is controlling Kalinda.  Where is Kick-Ass Kalinda and her Boots of Justice? 

  • Love 2

Alicia likes to see herself as this moral person.   "How do you send out robocalls homophobia baiting."    But in reality, she is as dirty as the rest of them.   Takes money from a drug dealer but won't be seen in public with Colin Sweeney who was found not guilty in a court of law.   She takes money from Redmayne because she needs it, so she puts up with the sexism and the homophobia.   But she doesn't see herself that way.   SHE will be St. Alicia who runs the cleanest SA office evah.   


This storyline is a set up for the realization that she is not so wonderful as she thinks she is.   Hence the crying to Grace at the end.   She realizes what she is becoming just to win an office.    She wonders if she will do the same thing just the run the office the way she wants.   IN other words, she has become a politician, not some sanctiminious housewife* who feels she is better than everyone else because she knows right from wrong.



*not all housewives are sanctiminous I am only talking specifically about Alicia Florrick, the Good Wife here.

  • Love 5

Sigh. I used to love this show so much.


I'd really like to know what is up with JM that the entire show seems to be structured to minimize her having scenes with any of the other regular characters she's been working with for the past five years. Obviously she and Archie haven't shared scenes in a couple of years, but now it seems like she's being moved further and further from CB and MC's orbits, too. It's as if TPTB are creating a spin-off for her within the original show. Very bizarre and disappointing.


I can't help but feel this show was so much better before JM became a producer and started messing up the Kings' creative vision with her egotistical demands. That's all speculation, of course, but I think that's probably what's happened.

Edited by jb1183
  • Love 11

I thought that parts of the show were laugh out loud funny.  Sweeney's wife ( the always great Laura Benanti) getting hot and practically salivating at hubby's explicit sexual references was hilarious.  Dylan Baker is absolutely brilliant playing this wonderfully deviant creep. He is an actor who is always in demand and always works but I'll bet that he has a blast playing this role. I've really like David Hyde Pierce on the show as well.  He brings a quiet gravity to Frank Prady.  As far as Eli not being present, fine by me.  The character has become so grating and cartoon like that sometimes it's a relief when he's not around.  No reflection on Alan Cumming, a great talent but thems the lines he has to read. I love Sarah Steele as Eli's daughter Marissa.  Her acting is first rate and Marissa is constantly interesting. Until last night, I had forgotten that Marissa had served three years with the Israeli IDF. 

  • Love 6


This storyline is a set up for the realization that she is not so wonderful as she thinks she is.   Hence the crying to Grace at the end.  

But how has she managed not to stumble across that realization in the past 6 years? -- that's the real question!


The SA election story line only highlights that Alicia has not progressed at all, and she only looks remotely 'good' when she's sitting next to someone like Colin Sweeney. She was the height of selfish about getting the LG job in the beginning, then still so with raise(s), then with partnership, with Cary, and with everything Will related. It was the same story with Kalinda to the point of distraction; seasons filled with Kalinda doing everything she could to help Alicia in all facets of her work and home life, never with any reciprocity. And on and on and on. I've been waiting for some gentle arc to nudge the character into being someone other than an entitled narcissist, but it's almost the end of S6 and I still can't find it. 


Even the crying scene left me feeling "oh here we go, now Alicia's lack of conscience is her teenage daughter's problem!" since she's run through everyone else in the state whom she had some connection with. Why doesn't she just marry a glass of wine and call it a day?


I can't help but feel this show was so much better before JM became a producer and started messing up the Kings' creative vision with her egotistical demands. That's all speculation, of course, but I think that's probably what's happened.

I hadn't even thought about the power JM might wield in the past few seasons. I do find it bewildering that she gives interviews and is promoted as the draw of the show and almost the show itself when I'm hard pressed to think of a show with more talent in its large cast. 


Alicia's brother Evan is gay. But she sat there and let a donor talk like that? Wow. The writers must hate her too.

It makes me wonder... And soon we'll be treated to Owen overhearing (perhaps by a smartphone video thanks to the bigot's daugter?) that Alicia was, yet again, willing to sell anyone she loves for the adoration she feels she deserves and a chunk of change and of course being upset. This will be followed by Alicia crying to Owen about how terrible it all is (for her), and then by Owen assuring Alicia that she only did something wrong because Will isn't around (for her to use) anymore and how awful life is for poooooor Alicia. Yech.


Maybe Redmayne's daughter is going to use the video to make a play for his company? I'm assuming he's some type of a figurehead for a multi-million dollar corporation, and the daughter will decide to hire Alicia! (the only lawyer in IL) to help her prove her father is mentally incapacitated and that she needs his controlling interests. My hope, however, is that it's leaked at a debate or function where the public and donors get to see Alicia selling Frank out and Frank standing up for decency.


The Bishop / Kalinda storyline - so over the top drama that it wasn't dramatic at all.  Bishop used to be so scary in a good way - now he seems like a caricature.

Yesss -- everything about this storyline is filled with character inconsistencies, anvils and caricatures and it's awful to watch. The forced and stupid tales of Bishop, Cary and Kalinda have only served to beef up Alicia's story and character, and that is not a good thing for the show. I'm sure Alicia will cough up a tear for Kalinda when she leaves though -- after realizing it's unlikely she'll win a case again!



  • Love 2

What the heck was that accent? It was somewhere between Dracula and Eliza Doolittle.

Hee! Which is what made it funny--to me.

Like others upthread, after the long break, I wasn't sure I wanted to keep watching. Another campaign. Urgh.

It wasn't quite as bad as I feared.

I liked Lemond Bishop becoming a better parent than his father--than many fathers.

I had a job interview with someone like Redmayne, except the guy was racist instead of homophobic. I didn't call him out on it exactly, I just politely and very subtly disagreed. Kind of like both Alicia and Prady attempted to do, but Redmayne was more over-the-top than the guy who interviewed me. Anyway, it was nearly 15 years ago, and I had several other job offers.

I assumed Redmayne had dementia, and although he probably was a homophobe, if he was in his right mind he wouldn't have acted and spoken as he did.

Anyway, I'd rather have someone who is supportive of her gay brother spend Redmayne's money than someone who shares Redmayne's views, and:

...No one talks about LGBT people/issues here [in Chicago or probably most places] in a negative light unless they are pointing out the things that aren't getting addressed to help the LGBT community....

Not sure if I'm going to continue to watch.

I don't know much about Botox; I can't afford it. But JM should be more careful about having the lower half of her face frozen right before shooting a scene where she has to cry. It's a tough call, I'm sure. Too little Botox and the people watching in high def on gigantic screens are grossed out (I guess?). Too much Botox, and the actor has to cover her face to hide that it's not moving.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1
I wish we could keep Kalinda and get rid of Lemond Bishop.  He's a great actor, but I hate the way Bishop is controlling Kalinda.  Where is Kick-Ass Kalinda and her Boots of Justice?


I'll miss Archie and I can't figure out what the Kings are trying to do with wrapping up her storyline, though I suspect it will have either something to do with the shenanigans she pulled for Cary or Bishop in some way.  If it's Bishop, I can only assume that it's because Mike Colter has also been cast in another show (whether he's going full-time or not) and I can't see his character going past this season.  I also suspect at some point, the PAC stuff is going to come out.  Either way, if both Kalinda and Bishop are leaving, I'd like something imaginative but I doubt that's going to happen.




Alicia likes to see herself as this moral person.   "How do you send out robocalls homophobia baiting."    But in reality, she is as dirty as the rest of them.   Takes money from a drug dealer but won't be seen in public with Colin Sweeney who was found not guilty in a court of law.   She takes money from Redmayne because she needs it, so she puts up with the sexism and the homophobia.   But she doesn't see herself that way.   SHE will be St. Alicia who runs the cleanest SA office evah.


Alicia is so far up her butt.  She has basically become, like another poster said, Peter.  I'm not surprised by how disjointed this show seems to feel this season based on anything the Kings have said in interviews.  It's like they're throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.  I have no idea how this ship could be righted but I do hope that if next season is the last, they get a clue about it during the Summer break.


Obviously, before this election stuff is through, Alicia is going to have some sort of come-to-Jesus moment, but will it be too little, too late?  Will many of us care?

Edited by milkyaqua

If you're waiting for Alicia to be brought down by a video, don't forget she made that "humorous" video with her campaign staff, joking about. . . mmm, can't remember, her children being neglected latchkey kids or something.  I was sure that would come back to haunt her, but nothing so far.


I don't know what's going on with these central female characters.  Meredith Grey, of Grey's Anatomy, is written as consistently rude and unlikeable this year, but Alicia is way past that--she's just abhorrent. 


I don't even like to hear her say her name anymore!  A-leeesh-a.

How can Alicia's firm threaten the TV production company on behalf of Chumhum? Didn't Chumhum fire them in one of the last episodes before the break. Considering Chumhum=google, wouldn't every other law firm working in Chicago know about this?


Also I don't understand US politics. So Alicia and her campaign can't have any contact with the PAC that is supporting her, but at the same time she can meet with Ed Asner and his PAC that may or may not support her? 



  If it's Bishop, I can only assume that it's because Mike Colter has also been cast in another show (whether he's going full-time or not) and I can't see his character going past this season.  

Not sure when his show own show is going to start, but Mike Colter is going to be playing Power Man as part of the group of Marvel Cinematic Universe shows coming out on Netflix later this year.

It seems like the Kings have fallen prey to their own success by overindulging favored actors. Dylan Baker is great as Colin Sweeney but his shenanigans have come up far too often. But the Kings couldn't resist putting him in a bad wig with a bad English accent because omg so hilare, you guys. They've also ruined Elsbeth by overexposing her that way.


Oh and here's another knee-slapper -- let's have the venerable Ed Asner sneer about "fags." rotflmao you guys! Oh, and I know -- it's just so funny when octogenarians talk about fucking! Let's do it! IMO it was stunt casting, of the tacky variety.


I can't agree that Alicia has become Peter, though. Peter is very pragmatic about how the sausage gets made. Alicia still likes to think she's a crusader for good; Peter tries to be a good governor, but within the system as it exists. I don't think Peter is as self-deluded as Alicia is.


Alicia should have dropped out of this race months ago, when Castro dropped out. Doubling down on it as a major storyline is ruining the show.

  • Love 9
They made such a point of drawing attention to Redmayne's daughter, and have her sit in the background and not say anything, that I was sure she would play a part. I kept thinking that Redmayne was testing the candidates, being homophobic and sexist on purpose to see howthey would react. When Prady told him off I thought for sure he was going to reveal it was a test. Then I thought that Crystal was taping everything - and that was why every scene with her had her holding a phone up. I still think it might come up in the later episodes.

Count me in as another person who thought this is what was happening and then...nothing.


I miss how good this show used to be. Now we have Alicia letting some old guy keep touching her and say gross things while Kalinda is babysitting (!) and having drinks with Lamond Bishop. 


My only practical question is how Prady found out that Lemond is funding Alicia's PAC. I guess he is going to use that to get whatever he wants in the future.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

Hate to say this but I was bored with this episode. Do not like all the lawyering (is that even a word) gets pushed aside for Alicia's political crap. I miss Zak and Owen, I miss Kahlinda, even though technically she is still on the show.

The are going over the top with Lemond Bishop ordering her around. And what is with her being so serving to him? Now she's a driver and nanny practically. I hope something interesting comes out of this dribble. I do not want her just slinking off the show, I want her to go out in a big way.

Its pretty bad when the part of the show I like the most is the interaction of Marissa and the secondary political guy characters.

Edited by Texasmom1970
  • Love 1

She doesn't know Bishop is funding her PAC. Only the audience (and apparently Sweeney) know.

Didn't Bishop straight up tell her? I remember a scene in the parking lot at night when they were in those old industrial offices.


I am curious though how you launder money through a PAC? So Bishop sets it up, and I guess hires his family/friends to run it. Then anonymous people make cash donations which are actual drug money? And no one notices?

  • Love 2

What was up with the Bishop storyline and his son's bullying?  Was it to humanize him or manipulate Kalinda into thinking that he's not such a bad guy b/c of his love for his son.  I bet Kalinda didn't want to tell about the bullying b/c Bishop would somehow "arrange" for the child to be beaten up or worse, instead of just placing a call to the boy's father, like a "normal" parent would do.  


I didn't mind Colin Sweeney's storyline only b/c we got to see Laura Benanti as his twisted wife, Renata.  I like her character on "Nashville" but she must have fun with this role.  Her agent must be working overtime between these two shows and her Radio City gig coming up (which was shown during the commercials in NY).


I watched the Letterman segment where they talked about her $10K wig.  Her wig always looks wiggy to me, even though it's made of real hair and it's colored beautifully.  I have curly hair like she does and yes, it can take up to an hour to wash/blow dry it pin straight (and I've been to Dry Bar on occasion - nice plug for them, lol), so I can see why they invested in the wigs.

I think they've also gotten away from the whole Wife aspect of the show. Alicia is not really a wife anymore, and I can't understand why she's still married. I like Chris Noth, and thought the chemistry between them was always good, but they barely interact anymore, so why not divorce?

This season has been a total disappointment, and it's obvious the writers have lost their way. I preferred when it was more procedural and everyone was involved in cases and not elections.

Lemond BIshop is also a major client of her firm.   She can claim they only represent his "legitimate" business interests all she wants, but the money is coming from a known drug dealer.


I believe that, when Lemond found the PAC, he decided to find another firm so that there wouldn't be any conflict. It is definitely surprising that the opposition wouldn't have mentioned Alicia's history of representing (accused) drug dealers, (accused) wife killers, or working in a succession of law firms dominated by financial woes (not that SA has anything to do with budgeting, but you'd think someone could spin that into a negative), but, at present, Bishop is not actually a client of her firm. Whatever it may be called.

  • Love 1

I think they've also gotten away from the whole Wife aspect of the show. Alicia is not really a wife anymore, and I can't understand why she's still married. I like Chris Noth, and thought the chemistry between them was always good, but they barely interact anymore, so why not divorce?

This season has been a total disappointment, and it's obvious the writers have lost their way. I preferred when it was more procedural and everyone was involved in cases and not elections.

Because Peter's the governor. Name one real pol at that level who divorced while in office. It could seriously harm his career ( and hers, if she wants a public job) and they both know it.

Didn't Bishop straight up tell her? I remember a scene in the parking lot at night when they were in those old industrial offices.

I am curious though how you launder money through a PAC? So Bishop sets it up, and I guess hires his family/friends to run it. Then anonymous people make cash donations which are actual drug money? And no one notices?

If you're talking about episode 4, it ends with the firm dropping Bishop as a client, at then Bishop meeting Alicia in secret, being all scary and telling her they can't communicate directly but he can reach her through her people. The usual scary threatening Bishop stuff. Then Alicia walks away and the audience sees he's behind the PAC. But all she knows is he's doing his usual bad guy thing. Nothing concrete.

But now that Colin Sweeney told Alicia HE knows I expect it all comes out soon.

It is definitely surprising that the opposition wouldn't have mentioned Alicia's history of representing (accused) drug dealers, (accused) wife killers

They did. They showed a cheesy jib jab-type video from Prady that explicitly mentioned it. Edited by Obviously
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