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S26.E02: I Got The Smartest Dude

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Boy oh boy did Lebya and CJ even know they were in a race.  They were la de da all over the place.  Oops..we missed our train.  My bad...


I liked all of the tasks in tonight's episode.  Nothing way too stressful ..even the ice skating wasn't bad.


I am shocked that Rochelle and her partner (peanut butter and jelly?) are still in this.  They seem so laid back too.


I'm liking Tyler and his partner, the legal team and the olympians.  Jackie is getting on my last nerve already.



  • Love 1

I missed the premiere due to snowstorm power outtages, but these dating and blind dating couples seem out of sync to me. Or maybe it's because I'm used to seeing people who know each other very well to be already sniping at each other.

The constant selfies are annoying. And probably cost the eliminated team some time since they were busy taking one and missed their train.

I did not need to see the guy barf up his noodles as I sat here eating a bowl of mac & cheese. Bad, bad timing.

  • Love 2

Not a great leg, though I'm still pretty happy with the casting people.  Just not very interesting tasks.  I like the puzzle box idea, but the Detour was honestly pretty lame.  Speed skating might be fine, but watching people eating noodles because the race has this romance bullshit all up ins this season was not good television.


Elimination was obvious, and more obvious once they made their major mistake, so that didn't help the editors, I'm sure.

  • Love 5

Getting delayed for taking a selfie video was hilarious. 


The truck stop people I thought would be tougher.  


Hayley and Blair working together a bit better now.  And Blair can windmill.  Who would've guessed?


Team Tuskegee was pretty much doomed from the start.  And Libby is probably not going to get her ring. Like, ever.

  • Love 11

Is it me or is the pacing really off this season?   The first team checks in at the half hour mark then we get lots of footage of teams making repeated tries at one task.   Surely they could show more of the earlier stuff and mush the check-ins together?


"she gets stressed out and impatient."   Really she's been waiting for a ring for 10 years.    And she still is not getting it.   That is so sad how she keeps mentioning the ring and he just blows it off.   Lady, Get. A. Clue.   He is just not that into you.


Also wasn't the lady calling for a medic the one who bragged in her opener that she broke someone's femur once?


As soon as I heard the noodle task I was all "I could do that."   I've learned to eat noodles with chopsticks.   Although nobody did it the way I do which would have avoided the fan problem too.   Wrap the noodles around the sticks.   Little to hang and blow in the wind.

Edited by merylinkid
  • Love 5

I thought for sure Hayley and Blair were done when they were stupid enough to take the skating detour. I don't know why any of the teams, except for the Olympians, chose that. The only thing I can think of is that the description for each detour was kind of vague and so they didn't realize that with the speed skating not only would they have to do the laps but also have a time limit. Personally once I knew a time limit was involved, I'd do the other one. 


That said, CJ and Libby deserved to lose just for the stupidity earlier in the hour, where they missed their bullet shuttle because they were so busy making a selfie and talking about how they were back in the game or whatever. I can't lie, the selfie fail hashtag did crack me up. 


So what do you know, Blair does kind of have a personality even if it's a slighly dorky one. But he and Hayley are on borrowed time if they don't start playing smarter. They always seem to be sort of wandering around and not very observant. They seemed lost just getting to the clue box just like they almost walked right past Phil last episode. There just doesn't seem to be an urgency in them like you see with the other teams. They do seem to have a better rapport this episode though and actually seem kind of comfortable with each other. Now, considering the promo for next week, who knows how long that will last.


Jelany and Jenna (?) are so clearly friend-zoned but they realize they work great together and can potentially win a million dollars and that's all they care about which makes them very smart. Kurt and guy whose name I can't remember were kind of awkward this episode and I think the woman with Jeff is way more annoying than Hayley (who actually didn't really bother me this episode). Something about her just bugs and she has a very harsh face (shallow I know).

  • Love 1

Anybody else feel that Libby & CJ would qualify for an "Unfinished Business" return? They took a selfie at the wrong time, and they wound up akin to having a Charlie Brown moment. It should be interesting how far behind Hayley & Blair they were.


I'm not rooting for anyone, and I'm not rooting against anyone. I should be against Harley & Jonathan because I hate boy bands on principle, but Jonathan seems like nice enough a guy, to the point where I don't hate them getting the "Date Night." Speaking of which . . . doing it at random works for me, especially if a team gets eliminated while holding onto the magic ticket. That would be funny.


Phil is still Phil . . .only now, he's trying to sell romance to those who might merely be mercenary. He's great, but I hate how much he's digging in for love, especially among the blind date teams.


I hope we don't get any more unbalanced Detours. Or maybe it was unbalanced to me because I can't skate. I know teams had problems with the noodles, but it paled to pushing a chair (?!?) on ice. BTW, anybody else find it ironic that a team that sent their opponents on a U-Turn wound up doing both tasks this leg?


ETA: I hope Phil's opening episode narration comes back. Some traditions should never be shelved. Also: Who got the title quote?

  • Love 3

Well, glad we had two episodes this week cause this leg felt so predictable/weak that isnt work a weak just for it. Once again, the tasks are really uneven! And well, I knew at some point some team would screw themselves because the stupid selfies. Also waiting one of the blind date teams losing focus on the race because the date thing and go home (probably the team were the girl finds everything on her partner perfect). And lol at TPTB plan to  make one of the blind date teams to have a hot date backfired with the guys getting it.


I hope we don't get any more unbalanced Detours. Or maybe it was unbalanced to me because I can't skate. I know teams had problems with the noodles, but it paled to pushing a chair (?!?) on ice. BTW, anybody else find it ironic that a team that sent their opponents on a U-Turn wound up doing both tasks this leg?

Depending on the travel distances involved it's entirely possible it was balanced.  Eating a bowl of noodles that way was probably 10-15 minutes, and if you could knock out the skating in one attempt it was probably like 6.  Skilled vs. unskilled is a decent Detour choice.


Bad TV though.

Edited by enlightenedbum
  • Love 1

Phil is still Phil . . .only now, he's trying to sell romance to those who might merely be mercenary. He's great, but I hate how much he's digging in for love, especially among the blind date teams.

You watch, one of the blind date couples will pick up on that and give Phil what he wants. A full-on big kiss with body language. :)

merylinkid, they also got their choice of a private chef with cooking lessons and/or free groceries for a year. I'd take free groceries for a year in a heartbeat!

  • Love 8

So far here is my take on the blind dating couples I think Jeff and Jackie are the most in love so far, Tyler and Laura I can see hooking up after the race. Jelani and Jenny I think will stay good friends. Bergen and Kurt and Hayley and Blair I dont think will continue to date.. as of what I have seen thus far.  Its really time for CJ to propose to Libby already good grief how can you be in love with someone for 15 years and not be married by now....

  • Love 2

Phil is still Phil . . .only now, he's trying to sell romance to those who might merely be mercenary. He's great, but I hate how much he's digging in for love, especially among the blind date teams.


Although it pains me to say anything negative about Phil I agree with your assessment.  I'm not sure I like the direction of the show this season as if I wanted to watch The Dating Game I'd hop into my way back machine and root for bachelor number two.

  • Love 11


But how about that prize for coming in first -- a FIT BIT.    Awesome.   I love my fitbit, I do.   But if I got it as a first place prize instead of a trip I would be PISSED.

Well to be fair, it's the entire Fit Bit collection (which I can get because they are pretty damn active on this show) along with cooking lessons with a private chef and a full gym membership or free groceries for a year which probably costs as much as a high end travel date with the Roaming Gnome.  It's not something exotic but I wouldn't be turning down free food! 

  • Love 8

While that mistake was well a giant mistake (selfie fail) and cost them time... I am still sad to see Lebya and CJ gone- would rather have seen the Truck Stop pair gone- Still not a fan of them.  Rochelle is this season's defeatist attitude person.


Still liking my favorites.  Seems Blair and Hayley are doing a bit better but Hayley still won't stop yammering-- even in the chair detour she was a motor mouth.. I'd have smacked her for counting down loudly- I don't need that stress!


Interesting detour but yea I could have done without seeing Mr TruckStop spit out his noodles...ewwww.

I didn't for one minute believe CJ/Lebya were going to stay in the race.  I think that their train was more than 3 hours later than the others.  Plus, as already mentioned, they appeared to be meandering instead of racing.  


I suspect the two options were fairly balanced...the chair skating could have been done in 10 minutes, including dressing in the costumes with decent skills.  The noodle sharing could have been done in about the same time on average.  Since it didn't seem that the clues they were given mentioned the fact that they would be attempting to speed skate while pushing that chair, I can see some teams being misled.    As someone posted upthread, without knowing the distances to each option....we can't be sure if that factored in at all.

  • Love 2
But how about that prize for coming in first -- a FIT BIT.    Awesome.   I love my fitbit, I do.   But if I got it as a first place prize instead of a trip I would be PISSED.



Well it was slightly more than that. Didn't also both get like a year's membership to a gym and a year of private nutritional meals or something like that. I know I remember hearing something about a chef. 


eta: Someone beat me to it. So it was private cooking lessons - I knew a chef was mentioned.


So far here is my take on the blind dating couples I think Jeff and Jackie are the most in love so far



I actually get the impression that as soon something starts going very wrong on the race, Jackie will snap on Jeff and become a shrew. She held it together well enough but you could see the irritation building in her the longer he was taking to do the box puzzle. 


Like others, I really wish Phil will drop the "so anything happening between you two" questions soon. It's awkward as hell, not to mention how not interested most of the pairings are and are more concerned with just doing good on the race.


I didn't for one minute believe CJ/Lebya were going to stay in the race.  I think that their train was more than 3 hours later than the others.



I actually think they missed the last bullet train and were on a regular train only because I remember CJ making a comment about the train not going as fast as he'd have thought. And that made me think it was probably because when they asked the guy about a train to Nagano, he just directed them to the next one coming which was a regular one.

Edited by truthaboutluv

sinycalone . . . I kept track of the departing times. Lebya (not Libby, my bad) & CJ started 44 minutes behind the nearest team, Matt & Ashley. I don't remember how long they had to wait for their second bullet train. It should be interesting to see how far behind Hayley & Blair they were, and whether "Selfie Fail" made any difference.


cooksdelight . . . I think CBS itself would be bucking for an "Amazing Wedding." Phil would probably be neutral on the subject.

  • Love 2

I find that I can enjoy this season if I kind of "forget" that this is The Amazing Race and think of it as as movable Dating Show in exotic locations. And since I don't watch any other Dating type shows, the novelty is enough to keep me interested.


I was in Japan in 1983 and always love seeing it on the Race. I would have loved those noodles. 


I was so glad that Blair and Hayley weren't eliminated, since I am enjoying their Blind date from Hell. Every time she says something positive about their partnership, he sort of smiles politely. And despite what he seems to think, she is not the weak link on their team. He was the one who insisted they go in the wrong direction last week, and she was as quick on that puzzle box as everybody else. She did have trouble pushing him on the ice, but that's to be expected, if you don't have any experience with that kind of task. It was a learning curve but they got it done in not too many tries. So, get over yourself, Blair.


Most of the other teams are still a blur for me. I wonder though..where is the outcry about the task seemingly designed for the Olympic speed skater and bobsledder? Last season there was a surfing Fast Forward that caused all sorts of outrage, since Bethany was a surfer. I thought the Olympians were adorable, myself, in their jaunty caps. But I'm not a conspiracy theorist.


I'm not sure I'm ready for Phil, the Love Guru. (sigh)  That's right..forget it's TAR, think Dating show. Think Dating show. Whew..I'm all right now. 

  • Love 4

sinycalone . . . I kept track of the departing times. Lebya (not Libby, my bad) & CJ started 44 minutes behind the nearest team, Matt & Ashley. I don't remember how long they had to wait for their second bullet train. It should be interesting to see how far behind Hayley & Blair they were, and whether "Selfie Fail" made any difference.


cooksdelight . . . I think CBS itself would be bucking for an "Amazing Wedding." Phil would probably be neutral on the subject.

As someone posted above, the train they actual used apparently was not a bullet train...so they lost additional time there.  

  • Love 1

I think Tyler and Laura are one of the most adorable couples that's ever been on TAR and I will be sad if they get eliminated. I thought the hairdresser couple would bother me but they've been okay so far. I don't care for Rochelle or Jackie - I think Rochelle is just going to get more sad sack and Jackie is just a hair away from being a bitch.

Selfie Fail gave me a laugh. The Chair detour looked fun.

sinycalone . . . I kept track of the departing times. Lebya (not Libby, my bad) & CJ started 44 minutes behind the nearest team, Matt & Ashley. I don't remember how long they had to wait for their second bullet train. It should be interesting to see how far behind Hayley & Blair they were, and whether "Selfie Fail" made any difference.

16 minutes. The missed train was at 9:04 so they took the 9:20 train.

  • Love 1

What was up with the sleeping arrangements?  With all that product placement, I hope it's not budget problems. 


The show played it for laughs but lurking behind those sleeping arrangements is actually the rather sad Japanese social phenomenon of cyber homelessness:



Edited by Jemima Puddleduck
  • Love 5

What was up with the sleeping arrangements?  With all that product placement, I hope it's not budget problems. 


Old school TAR when they stayed in jungle camps and one single rustic open dorm space (TAR2) and just beds alone in a vast desert vista (TAR7).  Also means eat, sleep and mingle are back but we don't get to see it.


As someone posted above, the train they actual used apparently was not a bullet train...so they lost additional time there.  


I think it was a bullet train.  It certainly looked like one and they wouldn't have regular trains running on the same tracks as bullet trains.  Two totally different railroad technologies can't co-mingle like that.  Mention above was about an emergency stop.  (mtlchick's post).


Still hate dating couples and this format.  Maybe that's why the only team I like are the lawyers who have made it very clear they are a "buddy team."  Really hate to see Phil reduced to hosting a trash TV romantic nonsense show.  I want the real TAR back.  The one that made me feel awe and wonder and not cringe-worthy crap.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
"she gets stressed out and impatient."   Really she's been waiting for a ring for 10 years.    And she still is not getting it.   That is so sad how she keeps mentioning the ring and he just blows it off.   Lady, Get. A. Clue.   He is just not that into you.


Or he is not into urgency of any kind. He seems just that kind of a guy - biding his time, not rushing to do even things he knows he needs or wants.


I was so glad that Blair and Hayley weren't eliminated, since I am enjoying their Blind date from Hell. Every time she says something positive about their partnership, he sort of smiles politely.


I know, it's awesome! She clearly bugs him for some reason, and he barely hides it. And she is definitely smart enough to pick up on that. This is going to be entertaining.


I watched both episodes today, and I am surprised to say that this is working for me so far. Everybody is likable, challenges are fun enough, the blind date teams are really just running the race and not really trying to form a romantic bond as I feared they would. I don't even mind Phil asking them about love and stuff - I know he doesn't mean it, so I choose to think he is simply ribbing them.

  • Love 3

The date night was nice.   But how about that prize for coming in first -- a FIT BIT.    Awesome.   I love my fitbit, I do.   But if I got it as a first place prize instead of a trip I would be PISSED.   

To be fair, since they have all these blind date couples, trips for 2 to romantic destinations may not be the most appropriate prizes this season. I'd rather take a year's worth of food, myself.


I didn't for one minute believe CJ/Lebya were going to stay in the race.  I think that their train was more than 3 hours later than the others.  Plus, as already mentioned, they appeared to be meandering instead of racing.  


I suspect the two options were fairly balanced...the chair skating could have been done in 10 minutes, including dressing in the costumes with decent skills.  The noodle sharing could have been done in about the same time on average.  Since it didn't seem that the clues they were given mentioned the fact that they would be attempting to speed skate while pushing that chair, I can see some teams being misled.    As someone posted upthread, without knowing the distances to each option....we can't be sure if that factored in at all.

Was this a blind detour? I got the impression that the teams didn't have any info other than one task was 'Share' and the other was 'Chair'.


I knew the last team was toast when Phil announced all the teams were on their way to Nagano and then they popped up almost as an afterthought. I never got the impression they were even IN a race.


I was surprised that more women didn't take that Roadblock. It didn't require any physical strength at all. 

  • Love 2


I liked all of the tasks in tonight's episode.  Nothing way too stressful ..even the ice skating wasn't bad.


I beg to differ. I have no patience with puzzles, I don't do crosswords, none of that stuff.  The music would have just added to the frustration.  I would have hurled that box across the room after about five minutes.


"Try to make progress."  Gee, Blair, thanks for the encouragement.


"Noodle Nazi".  LOL


For a truck stop girl, Rochelle is really whiny.


The greeter at the pit stop was awesome.

  • Love 2
To be fair, since they have all these blind date couples, trips for 2 to romantic destinations may not be the most appropriate prizes this season. I'd rather take a year's worth of food, myself.


Wait, was it a year's worth of food or a year's worth of deliveries (of groceries you have to pay for)? If it's the former, then I'd start working on my (new) weekly grocery list: "lobster, champagne, truffles, Kobe beef... caviar..."

  • Love 3

Wait, was it a year's worth of food or a year's worth of deliveries (of groceries you have to pay for)? If it's the former, then I'd start working on my (new) weekly grocery list: "lobster, champagne, truffles, Kobe beef... caviar..."


Even if it is one year of free groceries, I believe they have a cap on it, just like their "one year of free fuel". Maybe it works out to be so-and-so hundred of dollars worth of food and drink - and they may even put further restrictions like no alcohol and no tobacco for example - per person per week for 52 weeks.

  • Love 3

Not a fan of the dating couples gimmick. Don't like the selfies, seems too much like a CBS production decision to be "cool" and connect with "the kids". Same goes for the FitBit stuff. I'll watch the rest of the season no doubt, but for the first time I will be actively seeking out spoilers for when the non-elimination legs are and skip those weeks. I'm just not that into it this season. The 60 minute ep was better than the 90 minute premiere but I still almost fell asleep on the couch during it.

  • Love 1


Or he is not into urgency of any kind. He seems just that kind of a guy - biding his time, not rushing to do even things he knows he needs or wants.


CJ seems super mellow. I think their elimination was one of the most "whatever..." eliminations I've ever seen -- Phil included. I might have missed it, but I didn't get any "I'm sorry to tell you . . ." and CJ and Lebya just seemed very blase' about it all. (which kind of makes me think they were really far behind the pack and knew it was over)


I hate selfies. I hate selfies on this show. It feels a bit like the show is jumping the shark here, between the blind date shenanigans and the selfies.

  • Love 4

The only way I'd get that password out of the box would be with a hatchet.


Are these people being forced to take videos and photos of themselves?  Why am I being forced to watch?  It has nothing to do with the race, and it's not amusing to me.


Why did each table have a huge fan blasting from inches away?


"We're like Lady and the Tramp.  But I think I'm the tramp."  What???


The blind date gay men looked like they were starting to hate each other at the noodle task.


Fine with who went home tonight.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 2

For some reason I am having a very hard time keeping track of everyone this season.

The "dating" theme (which IMO is pretty lame) greatly limits the diversity of the teams.  There are no married couples, no 2 female teams, no siblings, no parent-child, no teams made up from professional relationships, no teams with diverse age gaps, no life long BFFs, etc., etc.

  • Love 7

I am starting to get the impression that most of the blind date people actually applied to be on the show with a partner, but then they were told that they could only be on the show if they accepted the blind date thing.  I think the only ones that are really buying into the dating theme are Hayley, Jeff, and Jackie.  The others are just there to race and if they have to be on a date to be on the show, then so be it.  I think I would probably make the same choice if I was put in that position.  Do any of you know if there was an open casting call for people wanting to do a dating show by CBS?

  • Love 4

For some reason I am having a very hard time keeping track of everyone this season.


That is because they are all the same.  Dating couples.  On TAR you need easy physical cues to separate teams early on in the race.  That's how us humans work.  We need something to pop out early to ID people on fast-paced TV shows.


But there are no women only teams, no age difference (parent/kid) teams to cue on.  After this episode the only two teams that are easy to identify quickly by physical cues are the Black & Asian lawyer team and the "stocky" shall we call them truck stop team.  Also truck stop has only male with a beard.  Then there are also 2 male only teams and I know one of them dresses in matching greens but that is about it for them.


Then there seems to be like a ton of 20-something white-white couples and I have no idea who any of them are.  They just meld together into a mess of blah and bland.


PS: twilightzone, we think alike and post at the same time, hah.

Edited by green
  • Love 4

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