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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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I don't find it cute or adorable when the women go out of town and the menfolk are lost and can't figure out how to get their own children fed, clothed, and off to school/activities. Even giving leeway for men who work a lot like Mauricio, it still seems ridiculous for them to need so many instructions.


I was mostly surprised that Vince is so clueless.  Soap actors work very long hours, and there are probably some days that Eileen leaves while the kid is still asleep, and comes home after he's gone to bed.  Is the niece picking up all the slack, and if so, why wouldn't she be helping out while Eileen is out of town?

  • Love 1

Can anyone tell me what was bleeped out on WWHL when Lisa answered about if she regretted talking about Kim's sobriety?

Kim is a vile repugnant bitch. The look on her face clutching the water bottle on the plane close up just looked like a evil, manipulative harridan. She blames the world for everything and wants everyone to pay for her pain and to be miserable as her. I think she said on the previews that she was going to show the world what Lisa R. didn't want. Is she going after Harry because Lisa doesn't want him? Her brain is fried.Her hard living is written across her face as is her misery. No way she is working a program.

No to Lisa V and her pussy pink blouse. Just stop. Please.

  • Love 12

Enjoyed the charity concert, although if playing a drinking game where "David" or "My husband" was said, I would not be able to post, because I would be passed out.



Has there ever been a time on this show where David was part of the episode that Yolanda didn't make some sort of toast or speech about him?  After a while it gets a little overkill.  I know this time it was warranted because it is his foundation, but I'm pretty sick of her always toasting and praising him in front of everybody.  Nobody else on this show does that when their husband is featured in the episode.  We get it Yo, you love David!  Sheesh!

  • Love 9

Enjoyed the charity concert, although if playing a drinking game where "David" or "My husband" was said, I would not be able to post, because I would be passed out. Even though I'm still a bit cold about those two, they are the real deal, and so was that charity function.



This did make me have second thoughts about David Foster - maybe he's not such an egotistical jerk after all......

And, then, I had another thought - if Yolanda gets well soon, she could be the next housewife to appear on Celebrity Apprentice - this was a great introduction to her charity!!  :-)

  • Love 10

If I didn't leave a note about the dog when I went out of town, she'd probably never go out or get fed. That dog will hunt me down to tend to her needs no matter who is home! And I left a specific note for my adult child about things that needed to be done, and the only thing he did was keep the dog alive! Lol

Back on topic, Kim and Brandi are still assholes.

  • Love 7

Lisa V. and her ... cat of a different color.  


I'm as filthy-minded as anyone else, but I enjoy a little variety in my filth.  I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm sick of hearing the word pussy.  Can you talk about something else now, Lisa?  Another body part, perhaps.  You can make armpit farting noises and everything would be coming up roses for me.   

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 21

Yolonda looked like she was going to throw up when she had to drink the shake.



As soon as they mentioned the milkshake, I yelled, "Yolanda will NEVER drink a milkshake!" She engineered getting the chocolate flavor she didn't like just so that she could try to get out of it. She is so disordered about her eating.


As far as Kim ... ugh. Spouting AA sayings like "You're only as sick as your secrets" when she's probably never darkened the door of a meeting, and still pretending that it was just "one pain pill" when she later admitted it was a patch (um, fentanyl patches are 100x stronger than morphine).


A former friend of mine was a narcissistic addict, who actually looks eerily like Kim, and every time I watch this show I regret putting up for 8 years with the behavior Kim is exhibiting on a weekly basis.


I used to live in Amsterdam, so I can't wait to see their trip, but I hope it's not constant weed jokes and smoking. Weed is not really that big a deal these days, and there's so much more to the city than that.

  • Love 6

Kim made a comment about Kyle leaving without her in the limo, I think she was referring to Yolanda not wanting to wait for Kim and Brandi tonight. That is the only time I remember a limo not waiting for her. She is blaming Kyle for Yolanda's decision! The woman is wacked!



Kim may well be delusional but I do remember that after that dinner party at Camille's with the crazy psycic, Kyle did take off and leave Kim to go home alone. Kim even tried calling Kyle and her calls were ignored. I also remember Kim crying on her way home.

  • Love 4

Kim may well be delusional but I do remember that after that dinner party at Camille's with the crazy psycic, Kyle did take off and leave Kim to go home alone. Kim even tried calling Kyle and her calls were ignored. I also remember Kim crying on her way home.

Kim lives an hour or more away from Kyle in the other direction. There was nothing Kyle could do about that. Would Kim have liked for Kyle yo ride 1 hour out of her way to ride home with Kim then take the hour drive home? Kim's needs are ridiculous and I would tell her to grow up. Or move closer so things like that don't happen to her in the future

  • Love 10

I know we've discussed this for many pages, but in addition to addiction I think Kim has an a serious mental problem.  She probably hates Kyle because she's not an addict.  That must burn her up to know she has such a life long threatening problem that her sister is free from.  She hates Kyle for being well and there's nothing Kyle can do to change things around. That's why Kyle says it just isn't good for the two of them to be around each other that much.

Kim was a child star. The biggest problem child actors had to deal with was pedophilia. I always wondered if Kim and maybe even Kyle were sexually molested during those years.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 3

Kim may well be delusional but I do remember that after that dinner party at Camille's with the crazy psycic, Kyle did take off and leave Kim to go home alone. Kim even tried calling Kyle and her calls were ignored. I also remember Kim crying on her way home.

I remember that, as well, but I believe that the reason that was explained is that Kim went home alone was because the house she was living in at the time was in the opposite direction from where the other ladies were living.  

  • Love 7


I don't find it cute or adorable when the women go out of town and the menfolk are lost and can't figure out how to get their own children fed, clothed, and off to school/activities. Even giving leeway for men who work a lot like Mauricio, it still seems ridiculous for them to need so many instructions.


What I don't get is why the 10 year old kid doesn't know the drill. When I was 8, I was packing my lunch and my kid brother's. I knew which days I needed to bring my leotards for gymnastics or pack a towel for swim lessons. Even if dad has his head screwed on backwards, the kid should know to bring a lunch if he wants to eat that day. Plus they've probably got maids and nannies on rotation. I don't get the need for a list. But then again, Lisa had a list of every item she needed to pack, down to the color and designer.

  • Love 5

Kim may well be delusional but I do remember that after that dinner party at Camille's with the crazy psycic, Kyle did take off and leave Kim to go home alone. Kim even tried calling Kyle and her calls were ignored. I also remember Kim crying on her way home.

Not exactly, Kim lived nowhere near Kyle and had her own limo right? It was not like she was left without a ride and had to call a taxi or walk home. LOL Tonight, Kim referenced Kyle leaving in the limo because she was late!  LOL

  • Love 4

Why not? Her kids will make that decision for themselves no matter what Lisa and Harry decide to do. Plenty of kids who grow up in homes with no drinking end up doing it regardless. I see no reason that Lisa shouldn't be able to have a drink if she wants to if she doesn't have a problem. Either way, I don't get the impression that Lisar drinks that much. When she was talking to Brandi about the drinking at the Poker Game, she said that even two glasses of wine is too much for her. She seems very aware of the impact of drinking and is certainly very verbal about it. I would imagine she is just as verbal with her kids.

I disagree with this. She should model the behavior she wishes them to adopt. What a gift it would be to both her children, and her husband to abstain with them especially if Harry was changed by alcohol consumption. Bravo to him  for quitting!


"She's not being as supportive as I would like her to be."  TRANSLATION "She's talking and laughing with Lisa Rinna who has completely humiliated me and I'm pissed so now I'm gonna be a big fucking baby the whole trip and wreck it for everyone because I can't keep my stupid, addict mouth shut."


I hope Kim trips and falls into the ocean or something during this trip.  She is a manipulative bitch and I hope Lisa Rinna hits her with the glass next week.  She deserves it.  Her pouting is ridiculous and for a woman who is more than twice my age she needs to learn the concepts of communication and friendship.  Because if I have to hear about her "sobriety" one more time I'm going to lose my mind.  She's not sober, I doubt if she ever has been.  And I cannot listen to Brandi enable her with her "Well it was just that one pill" crap anymore.  Brandi, you bitch, I notice you didn't tell Kim any of the bullshit you said to Lisa during your conversation.  Yeah, way to leave that out.  Your isolation plan is almost complete.


ETA:  Alcoholism and addiction also runs in my family, my parents drank in front of me as a child.  But they did so responsibly.  So they could show me THIS is how you handle it as an adult.  I never saw either of them drunk.  So as an adult, I don't drink to get drunk.  My point is that it does not matter if you drink in front of your children or not if alcoholism runs in the family.  Seeing people drink and be drunk isn't what makes you an alcoholic.

I don't drink and have never in front of my grown daughters and neither do they in their early 20s and late teens so that is also showing them responsible behavior.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5

Kim was a child star. The biggest problem child actors had to deal with was pedophilia. I always wondered if Kim and maybe even Kyle were sexually molested during those years.

In the book, HH, people claim that Big Kathy made her daughters compete for her affection/attention. Their mom played them against each other, whoever had an acting job got her attention and her affection. Sadly, it looks like that competition is still raging between the 2 sisters with Kim getting left behind. I also think Kim was treated like her shit doesn't stink by everyone involved in her child acting days and she kept that attitude growing up. She is mean/ugly/vile/aggressive to her core IMO.

  • Love 8

I am of the belief that Kyle is not responsible for her sisters every action.  Kim, though a raging addict, is a grown woman and should be able to deal with people of her own accord and set up chat dates with anyone she has a problem with on her own.  She chose to scream like a banshee on the plane instead.  That is not Kyle's fault.

Your right in Kyle's case that just would not happen and obviously LisaR couldn't wait for a private moment to talk to Kim either...lol. It was a real horror for everyone including the audience.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1

If Kim had been the one to lose her suitcase and keep everyone waiting for over an hour, Kyle would have been bitching, rolling her eyes, and implying "Kim's not SOBER!" and "Oh poor me, look what I constantly must put up with!" As she's always done before. Kim was right about that.

LOL Yep, Kyle would have been mad and rightly so. Kim is a fucking addict and deserves to be told shit about how her behavior affects others.

Deflect is Kim's go-to tactic. It should be tattooed on her forehead.

By the way, LisaR stated Harry had been sober three years.

  • Love 10

I did not catch anyone saying anything off camera but I did notice during the lunch at Villa Blanca that Kyle looked very deliberately at the camera, for several seconds. I don't know if she was reacting to something, like a tongue in cheek "Can you believe this shit?" look, or if she was being given directions from someone off camera.

  • Love 2

Can anyone tell me what was bleeped out on WWHL when Lisa answered about if she regretted talking about Kim's sobriety?

Kim is a vile repugnant bitch. The look on her face clutching the water bottle on the plane close up just looked like a evil, manipulative harridan. She blames the world for everything and wants everyone to pay for her pain and to be miserable as her. I think she said on the previews that she was going to show the world what Lisa R. didn't want. Is she going after Harry because Lisa doesn't want him? Her brain is fried.Her hard living is written across her face as is her misery. No way she is working a program.

No to Lisa V and her pussy pink blouse. Just stop. Please.

I think Kim revealed that HarryH has cheated on LisaR and after LisaR got upset  Kim justified it as a tit for tat by bringing up something LisaR didn't want known.


LisaV was pretty gross talking about the last time she smoked pot and ended up spread eagle on a pool table...TMI !!!  Brandi did a funny take on what LisaV would look like pot smoking adding peanutbutter and Giggy...yucky

  • Love 3

I would not have enjoyed being on Yolanda's team. She demands that LisaR have an opinion and then when LisaR says that she likes chocolate Yolanda is all annoyed and wants to make LisaR pay for her decision. She calls her "greedy"? Ugh, that totally annoyed me. 


Kim owes LisaR yet another apology. 


Brandi's impression of LisaV was lame.


I like that Lisa makes a list before packing for a trip. I do too. :-)


I'm surprised that Lisa didn't want to go to the charity event. 

  • Love 12

Do we know that Harry even wants Lisa to abstain at home or in general?  Do we know that Lisa hasn’t offered?  Do we know if and how much Lisa drinks while at home? 


Going out and having some drinks with friends and not becoming drunk and reckless is responsible drinking, imo.  Having a glass (or so) of wine with dinner is responsible drinking, imo.  Having a cocktail after work or in the evenings is responsible drinking, imo.  Having a drink or five while watching this show is just necessary. 


It’s like sex education.  Abstinence is fine, if that is what you want for yourself, but that doesn’t teach how to be responsible while engaging in whatever activity (be it sex, drinking, driving, etc). Sometimes it's okay to do risky things, sometimes it's better to refrain.  Teaching kids to know the difference and then how to successfully apply those tools, is modeling responsible behavior.  IMO

I don't think that you can teach someone with a genetic predisposition to addiction to safely drink by drinking all the time. I don't think drinking every night is responsible behavior modeling.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2

I replayed the upcoming preview several times and noticed Lisa R was tossing her drink at Kim, not Brandi, as I previously assumed. Kim was provoking her by repeating "Just say," and then "Everybody will know what you don't want." Whatever the heck that all means. Deliberately being nastily provocative. Kyle got up and ran off!

I hate to tell you, Kim, but it was your BFF who first said you caused the suitcase pileup, not Kyle. And she was looking royally pissed. Also, when your sister got on you about being late, you were often several days late, or at least hours, and it had nothing to do with you losing your luggage in a crowded airport, but instead your general lack of concern for anybody besides yourself.

Used to love her, but that snotty narcissist is getting on my last nerve, along with her poor excuse for an AA sponsor.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 22

I have tried to defend Kim time and again but I'm done. Fuck you, Kim. It's absolutely beyond ridiculous that she has the nerve to get angry with Kyle for searching for her bag. Kim, who has been late to almost everything and who has kept the other Hos waiting from the time she joined the show. Personally, I don't know how Kyle could forget a rolling bag with jewelry in it but that's neither here nor there. No one else was upset and they were on the plane just as long as Kim was. Kyle needs to be able to say "Fuck you, Kim" even if it's just mentally.

I too enjoyed the scavenger hunt. It looked fun, despite all the whining and complaining. I don't think Eileen complained about the hunt itself, just about Kim's neverending issues.

I can't wait until next week. I love to see Amsterdam and I want to see LisaR lay it down on Kim and/or Brandi. Those bitches have it coming. I have a feeling you don't fuck with LisaR.

Sorry for all the f bombs. I sound like Brandi (yikes). But I'm riled about all the Kimfuckery going on this episode.

  • Love 23

Kim may well be delusional but I do remember that after that dinner party at Camille's with the crazy psycic, Kyle did take off and leave Kim to go home alone. Kim even tried calling Kyle and her calls were ignored. I also remember Kim crying on her way home.

Kim lives an hour or more away from Kyle in the other direction. There was nothing Kyle could do about that. Would Kim have liked for Kyle yo ride 1 hour out of her way to ride home with Kim then take the hour drive home? Kim's needs are ridiculous and I would tell her to grow up. Or move closer so things like that don't happen to her in the future

And the way I remember it, there was quite a concern from Kyle as to why Kim was moving so far from everyone and she told her she wished she'd reconsider and pick a house closer to the rest of her family. Kyle and the rest were also going to some lounge for drinks afterwards, so maybe she also felt it unnecessary to drag her alcoholic sister along for the ride.

  • Love 12

No to Lisa V and her pussy pink blouse. Just stop. Please.


Agreed. She talks like that so often, I don't even think she's aware of how idiotic she sounds. The way the word 'pussy' rolls so easily off her lips (remember how she also just HAD to repeat Brandi's offer to the Hos at lunch?) makes me think that her BFF Mohammed is also probably capable of letting it roll just as easily.  In reference to Joanna. Imo.

  • Love 6

Watching my parents and other adults in my life, socially drink, never caused me to drink. However, watching this fucking show with Kim and her fellow stooge, Brandi, may drive me to be a damn alcoholic.

LisaR. can enjoy her social drinks all she wants. Who is to say whether her girls will end up drinking or be alcoholics because of it? Seriously? Whatever.

So, LisaV says the word "pussy" easily therefore, Mohammed would go around saying it, too? Why? Because Brandi cannot possibly be lying about the Joanna comment? Oh yes, I mean Brandi is so damn honest and credible! Gimme a break. Perhaps Mohammed wears pink clothes too. Wait... he might. Eh. Such a stretch to think Mohammed would say a word, and use it to say it about Joanna's vaginal area just because Lisa loves to say the word over and over. He probably says it to his partner in private, but thus far, he has never said it on camera.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16

Agreed. She talks like that so often, I don't even think she's aware of how idiotic she sounds. The way the word 'pussy' rolls so easily off her lips (remember how she also just HAD to repeat Brandi's offer to the Hos at lunch?) makes me think that her BFF Mohammed is also probably capable of letting it roll just as easily.  In reference to Joanna. Imo.

I remember Brandi visiting LisaV and Ken and giving them plastic sheets so they keep their sheets dry while having a romp and Brandi always calling Ken her boyfriend.  LisaV does have a kinky side and potty mouth...and sexy dog crap seems to be on her brain all the time.  Now her pot smoking waking up on the  pool table spread eagle is really over the top.  Soon she'll be known as RHOBH Dirty Old Lady, lol.

  • Love 3
By the way, LisaR stated Harry had been sober three years.


That's how I heard it.  Kyle asked how long he was sober.  Rinna seemed to pause, then answer, which made me think she was revealing something semi-secret and had to consider whether to do it.  So, I took it as Harry once had a problem, not just the possibility of developing one.


Then again, it'd be weird, imho, for her to make such a deal about sponsors and programs- like they're the only way to get/stay sober- if Harry got himself sober through sheer force of will after tragedy.  Who knows.  I'm guessing that's what she goes off about next week.  


I have no rational basis to think this, but I wonder if Kim thought they weren't filming on the flight.  Maybe the use of a flashback threw me off, though, and Kim found out about Rinna the day before the flight and it wasn't stored up outrage.  I just can't help thinking she thought she was being a little slick, and I feel like she's one of the more...careful about the image she's trying to cultivate through the show. 


Didn't Vanderpump used to be more clever with the puns?  Poor housekeeper.  Could she sue for having to deal with all that nonsense?


I loved the scavenger hunt, mostly because the most terrifying thing they could think to do to these women was make them split a milkshake.  Nothing physical.  Not even gross food.  Just...a tasty treat.  And they were suitably hysterical about it, with Kyle yelling about how Brandi should do it because she's the skinniest, and Yolanda freaking out about chocolate.  I almost wish they had pushed the spectacle a little more, though.  Like have them all split a grape, or share a bag of almonds instead of having only one or two.  Oh- and make them drive so they didn't burn those calories while on the hunt.  The horror of it all!  

  • Love 8

This....this, and this!!!  And, it was proven all over the place in this episode - especially when Kim said that "Kyle is there for me, but it's just NOT enough" (or something to that effect).

I usually just ignore Kim's comments and actions because I sometimes feel some empathy for her, but not anymore - she was itching for a fight with Kyle, since she didn't get one from Lisa Rinna on the plane.  

She is an antagonistical, narcissistc bitch!!  

I cannot believe that no one has yet called her out on her shit - it's about time someone (other than Kyle) do that - and maybe a smack upside the head would help, too!!


Perhaps Kim never outgrew her "child star" phase when everyone catered to her. Kyle needs to wash her hands of her and make her stand on her own two feet. You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Kyle needs to learn that the best thing that happens when you stop banging your head against the wall is that it stops hurting.

  • Love 12

She would be better off not drinking. Studies show that children who see their parents use alcohol regularly are more likely to drink. That's the truth so If I were Lisa I would choose to have an alcohol free life so my kids wouldn't think it is acceptable for them to drink regularly.


What you mean is drinking *at all*.  Is drinking sometimes, okay, then?  How much should this family be drinking, exactly?  We have no idea what their genetics are like and if these kids are going to be doomed into being drunks.  Having predisposition for illness is not a guarantee and one doesn't need to cut every thing out of their lives in order to avoid being inflicted.  They may as well live in a bubble because their friends are going to be drinking, as well as their friend's parents, as well as I'm guessing their other relatives do on Lisa's side.  Who knows if they even want to drink at this point.  Some people don't have a taste for it from the get-go.  But cutting out everything that could possibly cause disease to oneself, is extreme.  Cutting out everything that could possibly cause disease to someone else, is, well, is not going to prevent anything.  I think I'm going to end my part of the discussion here, because I'm tired of using the word 'predisposition'. lol   


I hate tho tell you, Kim, but it was your BFF who first said you caused the suitcase pileup, not Kyle. And she was looking royally pissed. Also, when your sister got on you about being late, you were often several days late, or at least hours, and it had nothing to do with you losing your luggage in a crowded airport, but instead your general lack of concern for anybody besides yourself.



What's interesting to me is that as soon as Kyle fucks up *once*, Kim lands on her like a sumo wrestler.  Kim, who doesn't like her faults being discussed and used against her, does this to Kyle the minute she sees an opening to do so.  Kim, who says she doesn't hold grudges and can let things go.  Kim is mean, mean, mean. /Susan Banks

  • Love 23

Re: the scavenger hunt, there is no way the teams were randomly assigned! And Kim outed herself again when in her TH she reminded us how sick she's been, you know, her pneumonia and broken ribs and hernia? However, on the hunt, she says it's her knees that are causing her problems. Okaaay.

Yolanda? "You were greedy, you didn't want vanilla, you wanted chocolate, now you have to drink it!" Seriously? Liking chocolate makes one greedy? If I didn't think she had food issues in the past, this would be all I needed to convince me.Someone must have held her feet to the fire to get her to agree to all these sweets-based tasks. And not a lemon in sight!

Who were those snotty girls in the clue shirts? Revolting. My guess is they are some of those horrid wannabes from Lisa's restaurant. Oh, and it wasn't Kim who first came up with Jack Nicholson. It was someone on the pink team; I think it was Camille.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 7

That's how I heard it.  Kyle asked how long he was sober.  Rinna seemed to pause, then answer, which made me think she was revealing something semi-secret and had to consider whether to do it.  So, I took it as Harry once had a problem, not just the possibility of developing one.


I had a different take on this. When Kyle asked how long Harry had been sober, I think Lisar hesitated because of the implications of that word, which to me does have the connotation of being the opposite of "actively a drunk" as opposed to simply "made a decision not to drink anymore". She seemed to weigh whether it was worth explaining the distinction before she answered. It was Kyle who used the word sober to describe Harry, not Lisa; she responded, I think, that he had not had a drink in three years. I do think the discussion of this is interesting as it really could go either way, but I doubt Lisa would out her husband's alleged alcoholism if it were meant to be a secret, surely.

Edited by bref
  • Love 10

I had a different take on this. When Kyle asked how long Harry had been sober, I think Lisar hesitated because of the implications of that word, which to me does have the connotation of being the opposite of "actively a drunk" as opposed to simply "made a decision not to drink anymore". She seemed to weigh whether it was worth explaining the distinction before she answered. It was Kyle who used the word sober to describe Harry, not Lisa; she responded, I think, that he had not had a drink in three years. I do think the discussion of this is interesting as it really could go either way, but I doubt Lisa would out her husband's alleged alcoholism if it were meant to be a secret, surely.

Lisa does use the word "sober" in her reply to Kyle/Yolanda but I agree with what you posted about what she meant.


I also noticed that Yolanda seemed angry/upset, in the limo, at Lisa about what happened on the plane with Kim. Then I remembered that her information source has been Brandi, she has not asked Lisa or Kyle about anything Brandi told her and she is taking Brandi's word as fact. After Lisa R explained/shared the story of her BILs and Harry, Yolanda seemed to relax. I don't think she really gets it that Brandi is the one betraying Kim at this point.

  • Love 4

Re: the scavenger hunt, there is no way the teams were randomly assigned! And Kim outed herself again when in her TH she reminded us how sick she's been, you know, her pneumonia and broken ribs and hernia? However, on the hunt, she says it's her knees that are causing her problems. Okaaay.

Yolanda? "You were greedy, you didn't want vanilla, you wanted chocolate, now you have to drink it!" Seriously? Liking chocolate makes one greedy? If I didn't think she had food issues in the past, this would be all I needed to convince me.Someone must have held her feet to the fire to get her to agree to all these sweets-based tasks. And not a lemon in sight!

Who were those snotty girls in the clue shirts? Revolting. My guess is they are some of those horrid wannabes from Lisa's restaurant. Oh, and it wasn't Kim who first came up with Jack Nicholson. It was someone on the pink team; I think it was Camille.


I thought they were clearly actresses hired for the hunt and directed to act snotty.

  • Love 5

Kim and Kyle are exactly alike. They can't use their big girl words, as soon as they face discomfort with another person, they escalate it to screaming asap. No wonder they can't mend their relationship with each other - neither is willing to shut up long enough to listen. 


Brandy is just stirring the pot, and everyone that mentioned that Brandy misrepresented the convo with Lisa R was right. I'm noticing now that Brandy is trying to make Kim feel like Brandy is the only person she can "trust" who has her back  which is also keeping Brandy from being completely isolated from the group (kim "needs" her, kim will always take her side) because once that happens (no friends in the entire group)... you're off the show. 


This might be unpopular opinion, and I DO like Yolanda -- but I really feel like Yolanda needs to get her own life. Everything she does is dripping and oozing compliments about her husband or kids. YES, be proud of them, but I've yet to see her do anything just for herself. She maintains the perfect home... for her husband and kids. Mostly for her husband because he needs a proper place to show off to his celebrity "friends."  All she ever talks about is how talented and great her husband is. He did this, wrote that, has this charity, does this with his friends.. blah blah blah.  I'd love to see Yolanda start her own business, charity, etc, and really do something that is just for her, without dropping her husbands name in it.  


If he left her tomorrow, she's go crazy with boredom, she'd have no purpose now that both her kids have multi million dollar modeling careers. 

Edited by lilsadone
  • Love 4

Has there ever been a time on this show where David was part of the episode that Yolanda didn't make some sort of toast or speech about him?  After a while it gets a little overkill.  I know this time it was warranted because it is his foundation, but I'm pretty sick of her always toasting and praising him in front of everybody.  Nobody else on this show does that when their husband is featured in the episode.  We get it Yo, you love David!  Sheesh!



But that's what she has to do to keep him. 

I 100% think that David requires this type of attention in a spouse and she knows how to keep her man/paycheck. 

  • Love 9

Did I understand correctly that the Van Pattons only have a housecleaner once a week? If so, that sorta surprises me, don't most of these ladies have daily housekeeper/nanny/cook/assistant?


Kim. Ugh. What a bitch. Her face looked ragged on the plane. IMO, she's been told to straighten up or else (or a dim bulb flipped on in her head). So she's white-knuckling Calgary/Amsterdam w/o the pills/patches/booze/whatev and she is PISSED. FURIOUS.


Also, Kim's hairdresser hates her as much as we do, judging by her THs.

  • Love 12

There is no history of alcoholism in my family but my parents, brother, and most of my extended family drink. Usually with dinners, at restaurants, or on holidays. I rarely, if ever, drink and it is always something like hard cider, hard lemonade, or Seagram's Escapes. I just don't care for the general taste of alcohol, beer, wine, etc. For all we know, Lisa R's daughters may be the same and maybe won't drink.

IMO the best way she can handle it is telling them there's a history of it in their family and inform them about the risks. In the end the girls are going to make their own decisions. As others said, they will still see others drink. Perhaps both parents abstaining could actually have the opposite effect and only make them more curious. The best thing she can do is inform her daughters they may be at risk and let them choose to do with it what they will.

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