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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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Kim used to have one of those kinds of dogs, a Golden Retriever named Savannah. She was seen in Seasons 1&2.

Was that the dog she accused of breaking her nose so that she could go to the hospital and get out of doing an event? I seem to remember that being a thing after she got out of rehab and it having something to do with her nose job.

  • Love 1

I agree wholeheartedly, MM. She deeply offends me even w/o the personal experience.

Brandi is trashy. But Kim is certifiable. Watching her in action tonight on the First Look was truly disturbing. I think she's toast. She's never shown this side of her, and Bravo must know it's a real turn-off for fans.

  • Love 20

I agree wholeheartedly, MM. She deeply offends me even w/o the personal experience.

Brandi is trashy. But Kim is certifiable. Watching her in action tonight on the First Look was truly disturbing. I think she's toast. She's never shown this side of her, and Bravo must know it's a real turn-off for fans.

I think the most poignant thing I have ever heard on this show was that one (you have to listen to hear it) sentence that Kyle said. She said "It's not like she was mauled or anything, but it was serious." Kyle couldn't stop herself from minimizing Kim's negligence. That, IMO, is an ingrained reaction. She, as the baby sister of the family, feels the need to continue to protect a woman who shows absolutely no regard for said baby sister's children. 


Don't get me wrong, I feel like Kyle has done pretty well reunion-wise. I wish she wouldn't get so emotional (because those vampires, Kim and Brandi, feed on that), but I think that she has held up well throughout what must have been a very grueling day. But, when she actually threw in the disclaimer that "it wasn't like she was mauled" I knew that she was trying to protect Kim as a reflex. And it was upsetting because Kim didn't care. Kim was so focused on making the dog attack something that Kyle did to HER that she didn't even hear it. She just kept on talking about Instagram.


I saw that initial Instagram posting on this forum (as well as the fun photos of the "slumber party". Kyle didn't say anything about it being Kim's dog - in fact she ignored questions about which dog for a very long time. It wasn't until the law suit with Kay came out that I found confirmation that it was in fact Kim's dog. But that is what Kim blames her for. It is now somehow Kyle's fault that people figured out that Kim's vicious dog attacked Alexia. Just like it was Kyle who was roasted over the coals for supporting Kim when Kim was a raging asshole to Brandi on Game Night.

  • Love 17

Was that the dog she accused of breaking her nose so that she could go to the hospital and get out of doing an event? I seem to remember that being a thing after she got out of rehab and it having something to do with her nose job.

It was Kingsley that "broke" her nose right after her nose job, at least that is the story she gave LisaV for missing another event. IMO, she was high, as high as a kite, you could hear it in her voice/speech and someone knew it was best she was not seen on film and had her, Kim, call in with the dog hit her nose story/lie.

  • Love 5

It was Kingsley that "broke" her nose right after her nose job, at least that is the story she gave LisaV for missing another event. IMO, she was high, as high as a kite, you could hear it in her voice/speech and someone knew it was best she was not seen on film and had her, Kim, call in with the dog hit her nose story/lie.


I just remember her saying the dog broke her nose. I remember thinking "is that the same as the dog ate my homework?" so thank you for clarifying which dog it was. 

  • Love 1

I didn't get any physical violence vibe from Rinna's texts to Kim.  More like a verbal warning like don't cross me, I'll cross you back worse.  Of course Rinna did have the glass breaking fit in Amsterdam so perhaps Kim could twist the texts that way.  I found Brandi's threat of violence to Kyle and Taylor's Oklahoma on your ass to Kim to be more credible threats of violence.


I also didn't feel Rinna's tears were real.  Great acting but kudos for squeezing out a real tear or 200.


And bravo to Eileen for physically comforting Rinna.


I did like how confused Kim looked after she accepted Rinna's apology and hugged her.  Kinda wtf, how did that not turn out for me?

  • Love 14

So, a few thoughts after this first look.

Eileen was SO looking for an excuse to book it to the other couch. I don't think she even tried to hide it, didn't she say something like "I can't take this anymore?" Of course, she probably just meant seeing LisaR in that moment, but I like to think it meant the reunion as a whole. Too bad she probably had to move back. Just let Eileen have her couch, Andy!!!

I can't remember if it was a Brandi blog, or a "close source" tabloid article, but there was something out there about how LisaR was completely unhinged to the point where "everyone" else thought she needed help, which helped paint Brandi in a better light. I think tonight's clip was what Brandi....or...."close sources" were talking about. It makes sense. LisaR was wrong to send that one text. Clearly. The other texts were all spot on. And when it became clear that the other ladies and even Andy were on LisaR's side, Brandi did the pro move of whispering to Kim that Lisa is just crazy, and they have to coddle her. Kim being Kim went with it. The other ladies clearly didn't feel the same way, but the story that was put out there has legs due to Brandi's whispers to Kim. Brandi? Just because you say something, does not make it true.

Which actually makes me happy. Because Brandi also assures us that she's completely vindicated by the end of the reunion, and there's this smoking gun nonsense. Since this is the same Brandi who thought she'd be completely sympathetic during the regular season? I'm going to chalk it up to her being delusional, and not being able to read a room, and having a very different definition from me over what a smoking gun is. Or what the word 'vindicated' means.

  • Love 21

Kim isn't afraid of LisaR. She revealed those texts to say, "Lisa is worse than me! See!" The only problem I have with LisaR is that she backed down. I would've owned every single word. That's your motto: "Own it, baby!" And you wanted to know why folks were afraid of Kim. Well, don't be afraid of Kim. Fuck her. I would've stood flat-footed and said, "You gotdamn right. I sent those texts and I meant every word. You're screwed up and nasty and mean as a junkyard dog and if you continue to try to screw with my family, I will fuck you up. You came up against the wrong one." Kim gets away with her shenanigans because she's allowed. Kyle has reason to try to make peace with her. The rest of them don't.

And if folks think less of her because she "stooped to Kim's level", so be it. Bullies need to be confronted. It makes no sense to be peaceful and kumbaya with someone who would destroy you with a smile on her face.

Amen, girl.

Lisa R should have looked at Rum Raisin dead in the eye and said, "I wish a bitch would".

Fuck Kim and Brandi. The faux Outrage at those texts made me laugh.

  • Love 15

That was so disappointing. Her entire response was pitiful.


And to make it worse, Kim gets up to go hug her!  What was that?   Am I watching RHOBH or in an alternate reality?

Kim did the exact same thing to Kyle in Palm Springs, I was just waiting for that smug smile. Oh, and fuck Brandi for whispering "she's crazy" to Kim (of all people).

  • Love 9

They should do this poll on Watch What Happens Live - Who do you hate more? Kim or Brandi?


In all seriousness, I would be really curious as to see who the most popular housewives this season were - I would like them to do that poll. I'm sure LVP would win but I would like to see where Kyle, Rinna and Eileen rank. Earlier in the season I think LR would poll a large number of votes but I reckon Eileen and Kyle might have overtaken her now.

Edited by nowcheckthat
  • Love 6

Kyle's dogs-  https://instagram.com/p/xLmpP4P9Yf/?taken-by=kylerichards18  Friendly dogs-the kind Kim should try and find.


So Alexia was admitted to the hospital on or about November 3, 2014, Kim released this heartfelt press release on November 6, 2014.  Here is what Kim said-  http://www.eonline.com/news/595650/kim-richards-says-she-ll-make-a-difficult-decision-about-pitbull-after-dog-attacks-her-niece  Who has a five day hospital stay to clean a wound? 


Ten days after Kim admitted it was Kingsley and all Alexia's fault.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2836458/Kyle-Richards-daughter-Alexia-smiling-outing-family-savage-pitbull-attack.html


Cute family.

It appears Kyle stayed over night at the hospital with Alexis. She seems to be wearing pajamas with a cute matching sleep mask. 

  • Love 2

They should do this poll on Watch What Happens Live - Who do you hate more? Kim or Brandi?

In all seriousness, I would be really curious as to see who the most popular housewives this season were - I would like them to do that poll. I'm sure LVP would win but I would like to see where Kyle, Rinna and Eileen rank. Earlier in the season I think LR would poll a large number of votes but I reckon Eileen and Kyle might have overtaken her now.

Lol at the Kim/Brandi poll. Might I suggest the WWHL guests that night be .... Kim and Brandi. :D

  • Love 3

So Alexia was admitted to the hospital on or about November 3, 2014, Kim released this heartfelt press release on November 6, 2014. Here is what Kim said- http://www.eonline.c...tacks-her-niece Who has a five day hospital stay to clean a wound?

Thanks for that timeline. Andy asked about what happened on Halloween. So on October 31st Alexia saw a doctor. Since it was at night she would also have gone into the office after. It was the weekend so the first time she was seen by her regular foctor would be November 3 rd. so she gets bit, emergency care the same day, home care over the weekend and full infection on Monday.

Since this is Beverly Hills and her family has money she may have been seen again on the weekend. But it's the right timeline for developing a serious infection. And you know none of the IG posts mentioned dog bite or Kim. All us minions jumped to that conclusion. Sometimes a rumor is true.

  • Love 5

Let us not forget Alexia is also a college student. This incident would also have kept her out of class for at least a week and limited the use of her hand while attempting to take notes and/or write papers when she returns. That's stressful for a diligent student.

I have to give Kyle & Mo huge applause for their immediate family rallying together and smilingly supporting their daughter during this BS. I'd be apesh#t angry and wanting to haunt Kim. It does appear they know what truly matters.

  • Love 9

Loved the way Eileen got off of the "bad" couch. My favorite bit in the first look.


I would have hated to have Kim go over and hug me if I were LisaR. 


Kim seems to have no idea how offensive she is on every level. I honestly thought that the text messages were going to be a lot worse. I don't feel bad for Kim at all if that's what she was going for by revealing them. Kim's done so much worse the contest isn't even close. Also, at least LisaR was able to admit that she was embarrassed by her behavior. Kim would never admit something like that not in a thousand years. 

  • Love 13

I found this in treating dog bites.  Years ago my son was bitten by a feral cat on the wrist and the ER pushed the antibiotics because it did knick the bone and they were worried about osteomyelitis.  I don't know if that is what Alexia had but I know it is very, very serious.  http://www.americannursetoday.com/dealing-with-the-dangers-of-dog-bites-2/  It sounds like Kyle and Alexia's treatment team followed pretty standard protocol with having the patient feel more comfortable.


I noticed a little inconsistency in Kim's statement-she claimed she has been in constant contact with her niece, who she now apparently loves like a daughter, and her sister Kyle since the incident happened.  Now Kim is saying she stopped contacting Kyle on November 3rd after she refused to take down the photos.  IIRC at the time it was Alexia who said she had gotten bitten by a dog-not Kyle.  She did not say Kim's dog-it was Kim who confirmed that with her statement. 

  • Love 5

So, a few thoughts after this first look.

Eileen was SO looking for an excuse to book it to the other couch. I don't think she even tried to hide it, didn't she say something like "I can't take this anymore?" Of course, she probably just meant seeing LisaR in that moment, but I like to think it meant the reunion as a whole. Too bad she probably had to move back. Just let Eileen have her couch, Andy!!!

I can't remember if it was a Brandi blog, or a "close source" tabloid article, but there was something out there about how LisaR was completely unhinged to the point where "everyone" else thought she needed help, which helped paint Brandi in a better light. I think tonight's clip was what Brandi....or...."close sources" were talking about. It makes sense. LisaR was wrong to send that one text. Clearly. The other texts were all spot on. And when it became clear that the other ladies and even Andy were on LisaR's side, Brandi did the pro move of whispering to Kim that Lisa is just crazy, and they have to coddle her. Kim being Kim went with it. The other ladies clearly didn't feel the same way, but the story that was put out there has legs due to Brandi's whispers to Kim. Brandi? Just because you say something, does not make it true.

Which actually makes me happy. Because Brandi also assures us that she's completely vindicated by the end of the reunion, and there's this smoking gun nonsense. Since this is the same Brandi who thought she'd be completely sympathetic during the regular season? I'm going to chalk it up to her being delusional, and not being able to read a room, and having a very different definition from me over what a smoking gun is. Or what the word 'vindicated' means.

I know that Brandi said on WWHL that by the 2nd & 3rd episodes of the finale that she comes off looking better; she may or may not have used the word 'vindicated', I can't remember. Agreed; Brandi is delusional.

Are you saying that Brandi also said something about a smoking gun? I am very clear that that term came from Andy and not Brandi, unless I misread your post.

  • Love 2


She's never shown this side of her, and Bravo must know it's a real turn-off for fans.


You know I never thought I'd say this either, but even Andy seemed grossed out by her! I wouldn't think anything would surprise him at this point.


I, too, wish Lisa R had just owned the damn text messages. I mean, so what? She sent not nice texts to an evil biotch? Whateverpants. If this is truly the smoking gun, then didn't Bravo kind of waste the alleged shock by showing us all the material already?!?



I wish she wouldn't get so emotional (because those vampires, Kim and Brandi, feed on that), but I think that she has held up well


I'm with you there. However, I understand how it happens to her because I do the same thing. If I get really angry or frustrated - tears. I cannot tell you irritated it makes me, but I can't seem to stop it. Overall, I think Kyle has held it together pretty well. She's working hard for that control but overall she's managing. Thankfully, Lisa V says something every now and again to make her laugh.



I know that Brandi said on WWHL that by the 2nd & 3rd episodes of the finale that she comes off looking better;


I watched the 2nd episode and she did not come off looking better. Now perhaps not as awful as usual because the focus was on Kim but yeah BG is delusional.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 4

For those who want the First Look here is a link to a video :  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/04/11/rhobh-reunion-preview-the-moronic-housewives-classy-side/

Let us not forget Alexia is also a college student. This incident would also have kept her out of class for at least a week and limited the use of her hand while attempting to take notes and/or write papers when she returns. That's stressful for a diligent student.

I have to give Kyle & Mo huge applause for their immediate family rallying together and smilingly supporting their daughter during this BS. I'd be apesh#t angry and wanting to haunt Kim. It does appear they know what truly matters.

She had to take a month off from school and had two surgeries.  So I would think she would have a tough time taking notes.

  • Love 7

I know that Brandi said on WWHL that by the 2nd & 3rd episodes of the finale that she comes off looking better; she may or may not have used the word 'vindicated', I can't remember. Agreed; Brandi is delusional.

Are you saying that Brandi also said something about a smoking gun? I am very clear that that term came from Andy and not Brandi, unless I misread your post.

Brandi talked about the smoking gun in an interview that she just did.  She had this to say about it:


“I can tell you that on the 3rd episode of the reunion, there’s a smoking gun at the end that you are not even prepared for and people are gonna FREAK OUT.”  Snooki asks “who’d you punch!?”  Brandi says “I didn’t touch anyone.  Thank God this one has nothing to do with me.”

I know that the reunion is heavily edited just like the actual episodes, so I thought at first that perhaps this smoking gun thing happened at the end of filming the reunion and that perhaps Brandi just thought that was when it would be revealed. However, she would have seen the actual episodes when she gave this interview, and specifically says it comes at the end of the 3rd installment. This continues to lead me to believe it has nothing to do with the text messages, unless there are more texts. I think it has something to do with the dog bite, or maybe we will learn what Kyle did at the reunion. 


Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

Saw the First Look too and if those texts from LisaR to RumRaisin was the smoking gun, large FAIL.  I too, wish that Rinna had just stood up and owned what she'd said.  THAT would have been a smoking gun.

Haven't been able to respond much this past week to all of the super hilarious posts some of ya'll have made but seriously; SWORD QUEEN, you are the winner!!

I only hope that after this third installment, RumRaisin gets her ass handed to her on a platter regarding the lawsuit. I hope she gets in deep doodoo with Kingsley and the Animal Control people.  I hope she gets the F* OFF MY TV!!!

And finally, I hope that second wedding bullshit turns into a complete shitshow.

Edited by goofygirl
  • Love 8

Brandi talked about the smoking gun in an interview that she just did.  She had this to say about it:


“I can tell you that on the 3rd episode of the reunion, there’s a smoking gun at the end that you are not even prepared for and people are gonna FREAK OUT.”  Snooki asks “who’d you punch!?”  Brandi says “I didn’t touch anyone.  Thank God this one has nothing to do with me.”

I know that the reunion is heavily edited just like the actual episodes, so I thought at first that perhaps this smoking gun thing happened at the end of filming the reunion and that perhaps Brandi just thought that was when it would be revealed. However, she would have seen the actual episodes when she gave this interview, and specifically says it comes at the end of the 3rd installment. This continues to lead me to believe it has nothing to do with the text messages, unless there are more texts. I think it has something to do with the dog bite, or maybe we will learn what Kyle did at the reunion. 


Thanks MCM, that makes sense, my bad! However, I am sure Andy is the one who first brought up the 'smoking gun' at about the time the first reunion episode was about to air either in an interview with his female producer or in an episode of WWHL.

  • Love 5

Thanks MCM, that makes sense, my bad! However, I am sure Andy is the one who first brought up the 'smoking gun' at about the time the first reunion episode was about to air either in an interview with his female producer or in an episode of WWHL.

You are 100% right. Andy said it first. God knows, if it was just coming from Brandi, I wouldn't believe it.

  • Love 4

You making think of those 2AM phone calls again. Not saying Brandi is some credible source. But remember when she said in her TH on 511ep that she called Kyle to try and let her known about Kim and Brandi claims Kyle told her "Thats typical she will be fine." Something to that effect. It's not to say Kyle doesn't care but Kim might bloviate and carry on like a drama queen when there is absolutely nothing to be worried about Kyle has seen this behavior or heard of this behavior one too many times.




I had an untreated bipolar cousin who kept me up for about 36 hours one day/night, who was also diabetic, threatening to overdose on her insulin or consume an entire bottle of Kahula to send her blood sugar skyrocketing.


Scared the holy bejeebus out of me.


She wouldn't answer her phone, so this all unfolded over AOL messenger (oy, the AOL days...I'm aging myself here!).


I finally reached her adult son by phone while keeping her on messenger and told him what was going on.


His reply?


"Just go to bed, auntie.  She does this a few times a month.  If her van needs to be smogged, she's going to kill herself.  If the dog needs to go to the vet, she's going to kill herself.  If she doesn't like what my grandma made for dinner, she's going to kill herself.  Sorry she got you caught up in her dramatic bullshit this time around."


And...he was absolutely right.  It was her "go-to" threat and always just dramatics.


(NOTE:  Obviously I'm not saying ALL suicidal threats by ALL people are idle, just that with some individuals it's an established idle threat used to get attention).


I can totally see Kim doing precisely what my cousin did to me, although I only fell for it once


I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn Kyle has had years of this sort of behavior from Kim, and perhaps was even instructed by her own therapist to not allow such manipulations by Kim.  I can absolutely see Brandi calling Kyle with Kim's usual repertoire of bullshit and Kyle telling her (as my cousin's adult son told me) that this was par for the course and not to worry about it.


And now I need more coffee and to check out that First Look from last night....

  • Love 7

I'm spending too much time trying to come up with what the smoking gun could be that supposedly vindicates Brandi. Could it have something to do with LVP and the Scheana thing? Evidence that Mauricio cheated on Kyle? Evidence that Kyle is a closeted pot-head? Kim Richard's random urine & hair analysis for drug testing over the last 6 months?

I predict that the 'smoking gun' is much ado about nothing.

  • Love 5

I'm spending too much time trying to come up with what the smoking gun could be that supposedly vindicates Brandi. Could it have something to do with LVP and the Scheana thing? Evidence that Mauricio cheated on Kyle? Evidence that Kyle is a closeted pot-head? Kim Richard's random urine & hair analysis for drug testing over the last 6 months?

I predict that the 'smoking gun' is much ado about nothing.


I'm hoping against hope the "smoking gun" is that delusional liars Kim and Brandi feel so vindicated by this reunion that they stand up, tell everyone to go fuck themselves, join hands, and skip off into the sunset together, never to be seen or heard from again.


Yeah, I'm probably just as delusional as Kim with that hope but I can dream.

  • Love 10

Even if the text messages are the smoking gun (lame!) and they supposedly vindicate Brandi by making LisaR look crazy, are we supposed to forget that it was Brandi who engaged LisaR at lunch and talked about Kim and her not knowing how to deal with her? And should we all just pretend that she didn't talk about Kim to her friend Jennifer who said it herself that Kim relapsed? And are the text messages supposed to vindicate all the awful behavior Brandi displayed when she slapped LVP, threw wine in Eileen's face, and has been a general vulgar bitch to Kyle on numerous occasions? I think not.

  • Love 15

I was going to post this in Kim's thread but realized it would be spoiler-y because of the clip on Bravo's site. So I will post it here.


As a survivor of a dog mauling, the sister of someone who didn't survive a dog mauling, a relative of multiple addicts and narcissists, Kim offends me. 


As a viewer and lover of the crazy of the Real Housewives Franchise (I am down to BH, NY, and OC because I just can't with the others) Kim offends me.


As a human being Kim offends me. Everything about the way she interacts with other human beings offends me. She is offensive. Watching her talk about how Kyle's posting her family make the best of a bad situation on Instagram being some awful thing that Kyle did to HER, offends me.


Brandi has done and said many offensive things in her time on the air. But, Kim IS offensive. Brandi is trashy and vile, but for some reason, I find Kim to be even more vile. This thing with Alexia has struck a major chord with me. I simply can't with her anymore. 


I thought that Kyle being drunk and angry and outing Kim as an alcoholic was the worst behavior that I had ever seen on a Real Housewives show.. I was wrong, and if I could apologize in person to Kyle Richards (the one person that I never cared for on this show) I would. Because I cannot fathom what it would be like to deal with the fucknut fuckery that is Kim Richards for so many years.


As a human being I am deeply offended by Kim Richards in every way.


After seeing the two previews for the 3rd part of the reunion, I am actually overcome by the sheer ugliness of Kim Richards. Seriously. 

  • Love 19

Even if the text messages are the smoking gun (lame!) and they supposedly vindicate Brandi by making LisaR look crazy, are we supposed to forget that it was Brandi who engaged LisaR at lunch and talked about Kim and her not knowing how to deal with her? And should we all just pretend that she didn't talk about Kim to her friend Jennifer who said it herself that Kim relapsed? And are the text messages supposed to vindicate all the awful behavior Brandi displayed when she slapped LVP, threw wine in Eileen's face, and has been a general vulgar bitch to Kyle on numerous occasions? I think not.

I think that this is what Brandi is hoping for, she is hoping that if Lisa Rinna is discredited because people feel that she may have had less than pure motives, along with her having a crazy and villainous side, Brandi thinks that she will be vindicated by default.  It's hard to figure out how this is going to play out, there have been cliffhangers involving Brandi that have gotten dropped in the season-to-season transition like Adrienne suing Brandi and the tabloid-suitcase matter.  Yeah people in the blogosphere are going to remember it and discuss it but I don't think it will become a storyline unless both Kim and Brandi return, they start feuding and Kim forms a delayed grudge against Brandi over it.

  • Love 5

That's incredibly disturbing. I imagine the normal process after a beloved animal bites a relative would be to be anxious and ashamed. To lose sleep about it, because loving the dog like a child even though it endangered an actual child is a major internal conflict. Do you give it up, try more training, have it euthanized? And yeah, it's natural to have resentment towards the victim if they bore some small semblance of personal responsibility...but to make THAT the platform. Wtf. IMO that's not addiction related, it's just cruelty on it's own which is bad enough.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 11

I am baffled.  Why do these intelligent appearing (key word) women, engage with Kim at all?  Let her twirl.  Take the high road; be above Kim and her nonsense.  Do not stoop to argue with her.  I just don't get it.   This goes for Brandi, too.  Brandi irritates me far less than Kim at the moment.  

They are all right fighters with the exception of LisaVP and Eileen.  That never serves anyone.  

  • Love 5

I agree that text messages were too tame to be the smoking gun, and I think there was no real smoking gun and Andy was overselling it. That said, I originally thought the smoking gun would be a vmm from kyle to brandi telling Brandi that Kim was not her problem, because brandy said that such a vmm existed. And in Brandis mind that proves what an awful liar kyle is (although to everyone else it just shows that there is hope for Kyle).

  • Love 3

LisaR is certainly a loose cannon - do normal middle-aged mothers tweet such stuff?

I hope not. Do normal, middle-aged mothers appear on reality TV? Swear, fight, throw wine, glasses, insult others...the list goes on. Not one middle aged mother is normal on this show. I don't know anyone with an ego that each of these women have. 

  • Love 7

After seeing the first look and the clip of Kyle and Kim about the dog bite, I feel like I don't even know the proper words to express what a vile and disgusting "human" Kim is.

All I can say is, Kyle, I don't know you and will never see you but I am so sorry I didn't like you because you outed your sister in the limo. After dealing with her for 40 plus years, I cannot even imagine the horrible shit you have dealt with. What you did was nothing.

  • Love 10

I just watched the first look. I think Brandi believes the texts LisaR sent to Kim are what we will find shocking. Her whispers to kim about LisaR being crazy were so calculated, combined with Kim's insinuation about Lisar having some type of record. maybe I'm reading too much into that whole thing but it seemed to me that Kim and Brandis comments were rehearsed.

By the way, I really enjoy everyone's comments.

I have a sister two years older than me. She's BPD and about 10 years ago I walked away. I was losing my mind. Could never win. I still feel guilty when she tries to bring me back into her web of dysfunction. Because I love her. Always will. And I wish her life could have been different. And I have this weird type of survivor guilt because while my life is far from perfect-it's so much healthier than hers. i feel for Kyle. And let me just admit that I've never much liked her. But I know that pain. It sucks

ETA...what I just thought about is how my sister knows that I'm healthier than her and uses that to manipulate me. She always expected me to "be there" for her all the while knowing she was never there for me. There was never an equality about the relationship. Just made me think about Kim and the GD house...is there a similar dynamic in that relationship? Kim knows kyle and Mo have the money and poor Kim doesn't? Therefore, they should let her have the house?

Edited by Socwkr34
  • Love 18

So Lisa is crazy for threatening 'fuck you up' but Brandi is sane, after threatening Kyle I don't know how many times? Didn't she flat out say she was going to kill her at game night? She said she was vindicated by the end of the reunion, I bet this is what she thought would turn public opinion. If anything, that makes her look more fucked up than she did before! So glad Andy called Kim out like that too.


Anyone else find it alarming that Brandi whispered to Kim like that and all of a sudden, Kim was fine and actually hugged Rinna? Creepy.

Edited by nowcheckthat
  • Love 18

Interestingly, the two women on this franchise who seem to make it a point to ignore, walk away from, or otherwise shut down when approached by Kim or Brandi are Eileen and Lisa V.  Neither of them had much story this season, which makes me wonder if that's Andy's way of punishing them for not getting down and rolling in the shit like the good little puppets they're supposed to be.  


Lisa made some attempts to be polite or even acquaintance-level friendly with Evil B up until Brandi slapped her and then Lisa shut her right out again.  She hasn't even had much to say this reunion--none of the women really have.  It's been all Kim with a side of Brandi, all the time.


Seriously, this is the weirdest wrap up for a season I've ever watched.  It's certainly the weirdest reunion I've ever watched.  Surely, Andy understands that viewers actively loathe Kim at this point, right?  She has far surpassed Brandi hate and is way up in the stratosphere of loathing, for me, anyhow.  How can he not see this?  The situation with Kingsley and Alexia alone is enough to make even the most level-headed, willing-to-look-at-both-sides viewers disgusted at Kim's words and actions.  

It's honestly very confusing to me--what the fuck is going on here.  If Kim stays, Bravo will lose viewers, I think.  I mean, I'm pretty sure that no one wants to watch a narcissist junkie and her her violent dog bully and attack people.  

I don't watch the other franchises--has Andy ever fired anyone for bad behavior? 

Maybe the smoking gun is Kim telling us that she won't be returning next season.  Please god, let that be it.

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 15

Interestingly, the two women on this franchise who seem to make it a point to ignore, walk away from, or otherwise shut down when approached by Kim or Brandi are Eileen and Lisa V.  Neither of them had much story this season, which makes me wonder if that's Andy's way of punishing them for not getting down and rolling in the shit like the good little puppets they're supposed to be.  


Lisa made some attempts to be polite or even acquaintance-level friendly with Evil B up until Brandi slapped her and then Lisa shut her right out again.  She hasn't even had much to say this reunion--none of the women really have.  It's been all Kim with a side of Brandi, all the time.


Seriously, this is the weirdest wrap up for a season I've ever watched.  It's certainly the weirdest reunion I've ever watched.  Surely, Andy understands that viewers actively loathe Kim at this point, right?  She has far surpassed Brandi hate and is way up in the stratosphere of loathing, for me, anyhow.  How can he not see this?  The situation with Kingsley and Alexia alone is enough to make even the most level-headed, willing-to-look-at-both-sides viewers disgusted at Kim's words and actions.  

It's honestly very confusing to me--what the fuck is going on here.  If Kim stays, Bravo will lose viewers, I think.  I mean, I'm pretty sure that no one wants to watch a narcissist junkie and her her violent dog bully and attack people.  

I don't watch the other franchises--has Andy ever fired anyone for bad behavior? 

Maybe the smoking gun is Kim telling us that she won't be returning next season.  Please god, let that be it.


Andy has said he relies to a degree on social media about these women across all franchises.


It seems to me, personal observation only, he chooses not to renew their contracts when:

a.  Little or no story to offer/lack of interaction (see Alexis Bellino, RHOC)

b.  Public opinion/lack of storyline (see Gretchen Rossi, RHOC, being called out by her castmates at their last reunion for "creating/faking" an engagement storyline in a desperate bid to stay relevant, a feeling with which the majority of people on social media agreed)


I'm sure there are other examples as well, but those are the most recent that stand out in my mind.


Any reasonable viewer I believe can see that Kim brought absolutely nil to the show this season until she took "a pain pill," and then suddenly all of the storylines revolved around her relapse (yes, Kim, I said the "r" word, which is precisely what it was).  


To even air footage of her and Brandi and that ridiculous viewing Eddie and Leann's show from Brandi's fucking bed shows to me just how deep to the bottom of the barrel Bravo was scraping to give them airtime before Kim's relapse.


And that ridiculous attempt at being Bravo's own lovable Laverne and Shirley or Lucy and Ethel, stalking JR in the bushes.  OMFG.


I'm hoping even egocentric Andy realizes that these bitches offered nothing and, unless he's comfortable centering this franchise on a Kim relapse every season with Brandi as her enabling sidekick, he's going to have to cut them loose.



  • Love 15

Even if the text messages are the smoking gun (lame!) and they supposedly vindicate Brandi by making LisaR look crazy....

I think that this is what Brandi is hoping for, she is hoping that if Lisa Rinna is discredited because people feel that she may have had less than pure motives, along with her having a crazy and villainous side, Brandi thinks that she will be vindicated by default.

There was so much talk and over-talk during the text messages "reveal," but I'm pretty sure I remember Brandi calling them "dangerous." I think Brandi thought they'd have a much bigger impact. She dislikes LisaR so much that, as quinn wrote, she probably feels vindicated simply by these texts revealing a darker side of Lisa. It fits into Brandi's whole theme of how everyone's a hypocrite, that she's not the only "unstable" one, yadda, yadda, yadda....

  • Love 11

Why did Bravo subtitle Brandi's comment to Kim (saying LisaR is crazy)?

Why does Brandi still have so many fans?

Why do people feel sorry for Kim and/or still like her? I've seen people defend her in article comments and twitter (I don't go there much).

Why hasn't Andy asked Kim about Brandi talking to a bunch of people about Kim's relapse/addictions, pain patches, implied suicide threats?

Why hasn't Andy shut down Brandi's threats of physical violence and called out her acts of aggression?

I can see how they would think that all these questions/interests make Kim & Brandi desirable as story lines BUT don't they realize the backlash will outweigh the interest and result in lower rating next season? If Carlton was on this season, I would not have watched it. If this toxic combination of Brandi/Kim doesn't come to resolution now then they shot themselves in the foot by just looking at short term ratings. One, preferably both, of them need to their contract not to be renewed.

  • Love 9

There was so much talk and over-talk during the text messages "reveal," but I'm pretty sure I remember Brandi calling them "dangerous." I think Brandi thought they'd have a much bigger impact. She dislikes LisaR so much that, as quinn wrote, she probably feels vindicated simply by these texts revealing a darker side of Lisa. It fits into Brandi's whole theme of how everyone's a hypocrite, that she's not the only "unstable" one, yadda, yadda, yadda....


I gotta admit that I totally laughed my ass off at the "BE NICE TO YOUR SISTER!!!" text.


Yeah, Kim, go twirl on that shit.  Vile bitch.

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