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S30: Dan Foley

Donny Ketchum

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And it changes my opinion of him not a wit.  Yeah, I'm sure he's a fair landlord, works hard, and is nice to his friends.  He can still be a misogynistic pig, ya know.

Exactly. Especially since he probably says misogynistic, gross stuff about people knows behind their backs all the time. The gross sexist stuff he said about listening like a guy vs listening like a girl was said in confessional. The disgusting comments about slapping Shirin were said in confessional. So just because people in his life haven't heard him say this to their faces doesn't mean he doesn't say it in real life. 


And I found it gross that whole article was about blaming the editing and painting him in a sympathetic light. "Oh, poor me, my lifelong dream has been ruined". Well, Dan, you have no one to blame for that but yourself. Own up to it and try to improve.


I did like how when they were talking about positive feedback for Dan the best they could come up with was Rob saying he's "fantastically terrible" (and I was not happy about the way Rob reacted to Dan during that Know-It-Alls, I just thought the use of that in this article was hilarious). Hardly a ringing endorsement for his Survivor skills.

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I think the article sums about the things that Dan's "family" and "friends" don't get - Dan is nice to them because he likes them, so of course they won't see the side of him he displayed to Shirin. He's probably the type to turn on people really quickly though and has lots of ex-friends.


The most surprising part of that article is that it says 200 of Dan's family and "fans" came to his premiere. The fans part was shocking to me.


Seriously, people will crawl out of the woodwork these days just to be close to someone who is on TV.  It's probably everyone who works at the Post Office. 


Agree strongly with your first point, too.

  • Love 3

I recorded this season and am sort of binge-watching now.  Dan makes the show hard to watch, because he is so condescending toward all of the women.   I've known men like him, and  just listening to his voice is giving me anxiety and anger.   I'm thinking of times I've had older guys disregard me, talk down to me, sneer when I say something.  Always trying to play the "father"  role with people - the "I"ve been around, I know a lot better than you do, dearie, so listen up"  kind of role.  


Then I read that he's 48?    48?????  This dude is  younger than me??????????????

Edited by backformore
  • Love 11

Dan makes the show hard to watch, because he is so condescending toward all of the women.   I've known men like him, and  just listening to his voice is giving me anxiety and anger.   I'm thinking of times I've had older guys disregard me, talk down to me, sneer when I say something.

When we guys do that, we never know what we're talking about. Like the ability of bamboo to hold up our fat asses, for example.

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I'm 50 and I thought Dan was way older than me. Who knew? LOL!! Yeah, he pretty much sucks and I'm sure he'll be dragged or land in the Final 3 or so. I doubt he could win against anyone. All the woman hate him (though Hali said in the exit interview she didn't have much interaction with him) and, most of the guys could probably beat him whomever he's sitting next to. Once he does his, "I was badly edited" exit interviews we will probably never have to see or hear from him again. Thank god!

  • Love 1

I'm 50 and I thought Dan was way older than me. Who knew? LOL!! Yeah, he pretty much sucks and I'm sure he'll be dragged or land in the Final 3 or so. I doubt he could win against anyone. All the woman hate him (though Hali said in the exit interview she didn't have much interaction with him) and, most of the guys could probably beat him whomever he's sitting next to. Once he does his, "I was badly edited" exit interviews we will probably never have to see or hear from him again. Thank god!


Unless TPTB bring him back.  But let's hope they can find some other fun character that you can actually love to hate vs are outright disgusted by.  Joe was asked in his interviews about Dan's attitude, especially towards Shirin, and he seemed to not really know there was that side of him out there.  Dan appears to do most of his bullying one on one, or in the case of Sierra after that TC, when he felt on a high in front of his blue bully buddies.  There's no way Dan could win this game.  I don't see him getting one vote, unless it is from  Mike, and I don't even know if Mike would do that.  Jeff doesn't seem to like him, or at least that's the vibe I'm getting.  Of course if Dan brings out the conversation, for better or worse, that's all that matters.  IF he does ever return, I hope he doesn't get the protection he got this season by getting another Mike and a bunch of women that don't fight back to his insults.


In terms of his age, considering I thought Dan was 20 years older than he really is, I went and looked up the ages of all the castaways this season.  With the exception of Joe, Jenn, Hali, and Sierra, I was way off with the rest of them.  I was shocked Rodney is only 24.  I'll be anxious to see everyone all prettied up for the reunion show.

Edited by LadyChatts

I recorded this season and am sort of binge-watching now.  Dan makes the show hard to watch, because he is so condescending toward all of the women.   I've known men like him, and  just listening to his voice is giving me anxiety and anger.   I'm thinking of times I've had older guys disregard me, talk down to me, sneer when I say something.  Always trying to play the "father"  role with people - the "I"ve been around, I know a lot better than you do, dearie, so listen up"  kind of role.  

Reminds me of a fabulously smart-ass nurse I worked with several years ago. She went car-shopping and ran into one of those types. The more he went on, the more she was trying to (politely, because that's how she was raised) figure out how to get away. He wrapped up his spiel with, "So, little lady, what will it take for you to make a deal with me?" She snapped, "An act of God!" and stomped off.

  • Love 7

A part of me wants him completely ignored during the interview process after his boot/losing in the final 3, and ignored at the reunion.  I don't want him to have a chance to tell his side of the story or defend himself in anyway.  However, I don't believe Dan will think he's said or done anything wrong.  Maybe there's been more going on behind the scenes, but the stuff Dan has said and done have been reprehensible.  There's been no excuse for it, and because we only have seen one side of the editing, it's not going to make him look good to do anything other than say sorry and at least pretend to mean it.  I will give him a little more credit if he can actually manage that without saying someone deserves what they get.  Dan needs a life skills course asap.  I wish Jeff would have pulled one of his 'you guys got no concept of the social game' tonight at tribal after Shirin was booted off.


What is it with Dan's saying flippers never win, when that's exactly what he's done?  And saying that if he made it to the final 3 he did something to be there and deserved it?  Yeah, you were king of douchebags out there.  That's all he did.  The ultimate goat.  And why does he get so tense when he sees his name come up?  I'm glad he got that wake up call tonight to realize he's on the bottom.  Hopefully there's no turning back for him now.  I'd love to see him get kicked off unanimously next week, using his double vote but having it mean nothing.  Definitely one of the worst to ever be on this show. 

I don't mind Dan.  To me he adds comic relief.  His ideas and perceptions about the game and what's really going on are so far off, they are almost in Bizarro Land.  His attempts to smooth over his relationship with Sierra early on were an early example of this: cringeworthy in their clumsiness and misguidedness.  So was the completely inappropriate remark he made about Rodney's mother. 


I think he's made it this far for a similar reason as Sierra: both had the good luck to be on tribes that almost never lost.  He's kind of a useful idiot.  Easily manipulated, even while he thinks he's making big moves himself.  He's a great goat, though, and might well make it to the end. 

Peachmangosteen:  Watching that "Juggling" video, for the first time ever in watching a Survivor scene, I felt truly sorry for the producer/cameraperson having to listen to that protracted, asinine man-splaining.


It's like I could feel their anguish through the ether!

ETA:  ElleryAnne beat me to it!

Edited by Special K
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If he weren't so repulsive, it would be entertaining to listen to him explain the most simple-minded concepts as if it's particle physics. Like, oh, you not only have to get to the end, you also have to get the jury to vote for you? Why don't more people know about this? This information changes my entire understanding of the game.


Hahahaha! His condescending confessionals are what rankle me. Dude, I'm not Shirin or Sierra. Don't talk to me like I'm 5 and have never watched an episode of this show.

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He criticizes Carolyn, yet she has done better in the challenges than good old Dan.  She was the second to last person in the first II challenge against Joe and barely waffled until the end, and she won this week. And Mike is lucky in the challenges?  Really Dan?  Coming from you, the man who's been applying for 15 years, yet can't spell 'outwit, outplay, outlast'?  Dan can do fine in group challenges, but on his own he completely sucks and bombs out.  There is no word created yet for this man.  My god, he is the worst of the worst.  The absolute bottom of the barrell of contestants ever.  Yes Colton, you've been dethroned.  And Dan just gives me the creeps watching him.  How do they sleep out there at night with this creeper? 


Can you imagine if Dan made the final 3 and someone actually threw him a vote?  It would probably be completely silent in the studio when Jeff held his name up.  They'd have to go into overdrive with the canned applause to drown out any boos.  Not that I expect Dan to get any votes.  A small part of me wants to hear his jury speech, just to see him dig that hole a little deeper before he buries himself completely trying to explain himself at the reunion and interview circuit.  I know Colton had been asked back, but I really can't see them ever extending an invite to Dan.  Not with the reception he and his behavior got. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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Huh, just went back to that local press interview that wonald posted last page.  This is Dan's quote talking about his "someone should slap her" comment:



Foley said he had no way of knowing Oskooi’s personal history and apologized to her on Twitter, saying, “Shirin, there r no words to express how sorry I am about my cruel words.”


Maybe he didn't know it at the time of his initial dumbass comments, but clearly he has known it for awhile now and has not course corrected.  He flat out lied. Maybe he thought they wouldn't show him continue to bash Shirin or him telling Shirin that he was like her because he was adopted??!!


And his course now is to say she "plays the victim".  Honestly.

Edited by pennben
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When I see Dan on the screen (and in those scary THs -- yeesh!), it feels like I'm watching one of those true crime serial killer/stalker shows on Investigation Discovery where they do those cheesy reenactments.

He comes across just like the B actors hamming it up as the monster du jour!  Scary AND ridiculous at the same time.

I don't disagree with that!   



I don't have any sympathy for the cameraman filming Dan's confessionals above.  I'd be laughing my ass off if I were filming him.  Of course, I'm assuming there's a production assistant nearby ready to shoot Dan with an elephant gun if he suddenly snaps.

I imagine the camera person -  Ok, CameraMAN, because we would know it if Dan were communicating with the less-capable gender -  nodding and smiling, and giving every non-verbal cue he can to indicate that Dan is the wise old sage he pretends to be.  Just encouraging the self-deluded bullshit.  And then the entire crew giving him high fives as they go over the footage for the day.  

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I'd actually love to be inside Dan's head when he hears Jeff talking about him like that.  Coming from fans, sometimes you can brush it off and chant "haters gonna hate!"  But coming from Jeff, who many castoffs have said they felt giddy and starstruck being around-especially someone like Dan, whose been trying make it on this show for many years-I feel like that's gotta sting just a little.  And to see the type of reception some contestants are getting (especially those you fought with) and then seeing you are getting the polar opposite must have to hurt the pride.  Even if they never let it show, inside it's got to be a miserable feeling.  Even for someone who claims they wanted to be remembered.

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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment - and it's in no way meant to defend Dan, it's for discussion purposes. Does anyone think it is possible that he decided he was going to create a Russell charachter to play the game as? We know he said he'd be remembered and I wonder if he thought the best way to do that was to emulate one of the players we remember the most.

Dan's no genuis but I do believe he's a big fan of the show. How smart would he really have to be to compare playing the game straight up versus playing the villian and maybe turning that into multiple appearances? Didn't Russell make the FTC 2 times plus 1 early exit? Not a bad payday in addition to the "fame" and a fan favorite check.

If that's what Dan did then 1 mistake he msde was forgetting that Russell was a SMART asshole and Dan can't fake that. The other mistake would be that now he only has 2 choices - either stick with the asshole behavior or admit it was a character. And who would believe him if he claimed the latter?

Just thought I'd throw that out there and see what y'all thought.

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I can see where you are going and I get it. The problem is Dan did nothing to play a Russell style game.


Russell was intent on sowing discord in the camp from day one. He hid crap, burnt crap, and was a general pain in the ass. Russell sought out the women to ally with because he figured they would be easier to control. And let's face it, given the shows history, the women in any tribe would benefit from having one man in an alliance so that a woman is not the first person voted off. Dan was a pain in the ass but didn't sabotage anything and managed to piss off all the women in the tribe in about 30 seconds.


Kass and J'Tia played a game more similar to Russell. They kept everyone off balance with their unpredictability. Dan has not been unpredictable, he has not caused chaos.


He has emulated Russell's tactic of being a bully so that you are dragged to the end while thinking you are a brilliant player and probably will be butt hurt when he gets no votes at the final tribal and people tell him how awful his game was. For all of Russell's slimy, bullying, awful behavior, which had its own tinge of sexism, he never managed to move to Dan's level of sexist behavior. And I think that Russell would have known better then to equate abuse with adoption.


I know that is not what Dan was going for. Dan was trying to play up the fact that he does not have a blood family to return to because he was adopted which is, in only Dan's mind, similar to Shirin's not having a blood family to go home to because she disconnected from them due to verbal and physical abuse.


Honestly, I think Dan wanted to be Cochran, the super fan of the season who makes it work and uses his knowledge to win the game. I think he is upset that there were so many other Super Fans, Max and Shirin, and fans Hali, Joe, and Jenn come to mind, and that he would not be the only Super Fan. I think that Shirin and Max hurt their games by being so geeked out and discussing it all along while Dan hurt his game by thinking he would be able to use his knowledge to maneuver in the game and found himself feeling like he had to defend his Super Fandom against Max and Shirin. Hence the multiple conversations with Shirin about the right way to play and numbers and the like.


Russell played a scorched earth game. Dan didn't try and play that game and has been busily trying to one up everyone. There is one area that he is like Russell, he has no clue that he is a freaking goat.

  • Love 7

hated Russell, but I can point to 5 or 6 moves he made in his first two seasons that completely altered the game. Like mind-blowing blindsides, HII prowess, next-level mind games, etc. Russell was playing hard from the second his feet touched the beach.


Dan is just being dragged to the end. I'm betting even his double vote thingy won't lead to anything spectacular.


Other than being disgustingly offensive and laughably clueless, Dan has been rather boring.

  • Love 7

If that's what Dan did then 1 mistake he msde was forgetting that Russell was a SMART asshole and Dan can't fake that. The other mistake would be that now he only has 2 choices - either stick with the asshole behavior or admit it was a character. And who would believe him if he claimed the latter?


That right there is the big difference between Dan and Russell, or any other smart asshole that has ever played this game.  I believe Dan came into this either attempting to play a character that's completely opposite of who he is in his everyday life, and has kept it up due to the backlash he's received (because he can't really say too much now even if he wanted to say that's not who he is as a person) or Dan just amplified his own personality x100 to be an even bigger jackass than he is in his every day life.  I'm going with the latter.  He caused ruffles in his tribe from day 1.  Russell wasn't going to complain about lack of work ethic.  That usually gets you on the outs.  Lucky for Dan, his tribe didn't lose until he wasn't on the outs anymore.  Russel's tribe went on a losing streak, and he managed to hang on.  If Dan didn't have the majority alliance, I doubt he'd be so cocky.  He takes getting votes personally.  


Where Russell and Dan meet is that they both failed at the social game aspect of it.  Russell was, at first, a fun villain to watch.  Dan isn't.  While I 100% believe Russell was taken to the end because he was unlikable, I can respect that he played the game.  Just a very bad social game.  Dan is very much a goat, in that he's extremely unlikable, doesn't know when to hold back, and has done nothing on his own to merit a win.  He can't win challenges.  He can't make moves.  I don't think he'd be so big and bold if he didn't have the majority behind him.  He's like the tough guy who proclaims 'hold me back!' when acting tough in front of his friends, but one on one and without support, he'd get his ass handed to him.  Russell from Day 1 was playing the game, making alliances, making mischief.  He made moves during HvsV that altered the course of the game.  Dan comes back to camp after blindsiding Lindsey and goes off on Sierra-then can't even make an apology sound sincere.  Russell could stand on his own two feet and think up a plan to stay in it.  Dan couldn't.  I still think his vote doubler will be used how someone else tells him to, not Dan thinking it up himself.  I think Dan intended to be a villain, either a love to hate type or just someone that was so god awful but memorable enough to return.  That concept got into his head a little too much.  He's a fan that's been trying to get on this show for 15 years.  For whatever reasons, he hasn't been cast until now.  He probably wanted to make it count.  He likely didn't anticipate the response, both favorable and unfavorable, the other castoffs would be getting.  He and Will are the bottom of odds to win and popularity.  On a different season, I believe Dan would have been long gone, or at least his attitude would have been put in check a long time ago.  He wanted to be memorable, he got it.  I hope Jeff brings that up and ask him if this is what he expected.  I think, like Max his season, he wanted to be a character.  Unfortunately for him, it backfired.  Whether he owns up or keeps it going, we shall see.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'd actually love to be inside Dan's head when he hears Jeff talking about him like that.  Coming from fans, sometimes you can brush it off and chant "haters gonna hate!"  But coming from Jeff, who many castoffs have said they felt giddy and starstruck being around-especially someone like Dan, whose been trying make it on this show for many years-I feel like that's gotta sting just a little.  And to see the type of reception some contestants are getting (especially those you fought with) and then seeing you are getting the polar opposite must have to hurt the pride.  Even if they never let it show, inside it's got to be a miserable feeling.  Even for someone who claims they wanted to be remembered.

I don't think Dan would see that quote as an insult. He'd probably zero in on the "one of the most colorful characters" in the game and that his goal of "being remembered" is accomplished.


Which I absolutely have to disagree with. I really don't think Dan is going to stand out beyond this season unless his double vote plays a HUGE part in the game. And even if it does, we'll remember who got saved/blindsided by the double vote and not so much the loudmouth doofus who cast it. 


Other than being disgustingly offensive and laughably clueless, Dan has been rather boring.


Exactly. He's not a "character" to me because that requires some inherent charisma, even if it's in a negative way. There are some people that are compelling to watch or consistently draw your attention even if you hate them. Dan is not even close to being one of those people. 

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I've got to say that I'm very impressed by Dan's level of game play. He is running circles around every player out there and making it look easy. He is the true shot caller this season, totally in control of the game.

He is like a wise old silverback gorilla, he doesn't have even have to worry about winning challenges. He just uses his strategy, so effortlessly.

Speaking of challenges, it is nice to see so many new challenges this season. The producers have really outdone themselves coming up with exciting new ideas.

Plus, it is good to see an exciting new location this season too. I was worried that Survivor was in danger of falling into a deep rut, with a repetitive format and the same crappy location , but no worries there.

Edited by ToastnBacon
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Oh Dan.  If you hadn't gotten booted I was tempted to drive to LA, hunt down the people in charge of editing, and ring their necks for giving me that hope.  


Truthfully, I was fine with Dan or Rodney going.  Rodney would have been fantastic fireworks.  But now I won't have to listen to Dan blabber on about his Mike envy.  Seriously that opening scene of him talking about how selfish Mike is had to have been one of the most painful things I've heard this season.  And laughable, seeing as who it was coming from.  Talking about Mike screwing up the 5s plans to vote him off and not let them live to see the finale together.  I mean, how dare Mike win a challenge and save his own butt!  I loved the fact that his advantage only got his own butt bounced.  His parting words were a hoot as well.  He's so delusional.  I look forward to reading his boot interviews.  You got what you wanted Dan-o; you'll be remembered.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Remember how Tyler said in his interviews that the 6 felt like they were heroes taking out villains?  I wonder if that's where Dan got that from.  Granted, I still think it's a very warped perception to consider the others villains (and again makes me wonder, have any of these guys seen this show before?)  Given some of Dan's responses to the backlash he's received, I have a feeling he'll stick to his guns and doesn't believe he did anything wrong.  Luckily for him, he got on the season he did.  I have to wonder if continually applying for 29 seasons straight, finally making it on, going from what would have likely been a first boot from his tribe to the final 6, just caught up with Dan.  He's probably been 'on' for so long, maybe he couldn't get out of that character mode.  BTW, he says in his day after vid he sent in over 40+ applications for one season.  How would that have even been possible?  Dan is just very delusional, and listening to both his day after and Ponderosa vids, I don't think he's any more self aware.  He'll be remembered, but not for good reasons, and likely will never get another shot again.



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Just heard Dan with Dalton. He didn't really apologize and was kind of angry that he has to answer any questions about the Sherin situation. He said he waited a long time to get on the show and this was his time and Sherin had her time. He blamed a lot on the bad edit and said he did apologize on the show to her. He said he might have gotten some votes if he had made it to the end. Not enough to win but he said he wouldn't have gotten blown out. That said, his voice annoys me to no end. Ugh!!

Edited by ByaNose
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