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Small Talk: The Impala

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL MY AMERICAN FRIENDS!!  Enjoy your turkey with family and friends!!

Canada has now reaped the benefits of your Black Friday so I'll be Christmas shopping at the Mall. If I see a good price on season 12 I might buy it... but so far it's the only dvd in the series I don't own.

I wish Supernatural would do a Thanksgiving or Christmas themed episode ...

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3 minutes ago, bearcatfan said:

When people are grieving they lash out. Sometimes it's at someone they love, sometimes it's at someone who just is there or who they irrationally blame for the death of the one they love. If fans don't get that Dean isn't being a dick, but is actually grieving, I don't know what to say about that. It tells me that they have never seen someone in the throes of grief. Unfortunately, I have all to much lately. 4 deaths in 2 months will do that. Dean is acting an awful lot like several of my family members right now. 

When I say irrationally, that doesn't mean that It's not understandable. People often do this even as they know the person isn't at fault. It's human and normal. 

I’m sorry to hear about your recent losses @bearcatfan :(

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43 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I've never bothered with Dr Who, I've always found it too frenzied and annoying.  But I just watched that episode with the stone angels and geez that was some scary shit. 

One of my favorites. Wait, are we talking about the first episode of the stone angels? Personally I'm not overjoyed with the current tone of the show, but I like this era of it quite a bit. It's not so manic and frenzied and they did have some really interesting concepts they played with, too.

Edited by DittyDotDot
20 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

are we talking about the first episode of the stone angels?

There are more episodes with stone angels?  It seemed like the concept was done in the one episode I watched.  Honestly I was spooked and I haven't been spooked for a long time.

Dr Who's manic racing about yabbering on about nothing has never been appealing to me.

35 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

There are more episodes with stone angels?  It seemed like the concept was done in the one episode I watched.  Honestly I was spooked and I haven't been spooked for a long time.

Yeah, they return a couple times, the first one was the most creepy, IMO. Ironically, it was written by Steven Moffat who is now the showrunner. If you ask me, the show never really was all that manic until Moffat took over as showrunner.

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Hope this is the right place to put this. 


Friends of mine are considering going to the Supernatural Convention in Birmingham during May (sadly I’m too broke to go with them :( ). They’re trying to decide between getting gold tickets and silver tickets. What are the differences between them?


I know Gold ticket holders get to see the Gold J2 panel and they get better seats. Are those the only additional perks of being Gold over silver? 

Edited by Wayward Son
23 minutes ago, auntvi said:

I think Gold ticket holders are the only people who can get J&J autographs.

In this week's SF Con, silver tickets also got autographs (not all the same as gold, but it did include J&J).  They might be cutting back next year (just like they used to sell J&J autograph tickets separately to everyone but no more.)  Gold tickets go first in line for everything.  

But sometimes the gold seats aren't any better than silver/copper.  Seats anywhere near center stage usually sell out fast (or are taken by last year's seat holders and not even offered) and left over gold seats are often just one row in front of silver or a few seats closer to the center than copper.   IMO if you can't get good seats in gold, the only reason to pay the extra money is for the extra panel--but you'll still be in the same lousy seats for that, too.  

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On 10/31/2017 at 2:49 AM, AwesomO4000 said:


It may not make you sleep any better at night to know that there are at least a few bugs (or the eight legged things we shall not name) that actually would go into the "definitely not a bug" category... and one or two that might actually exceed it: at least in length. (Google Dobsonflies for an example).

I have a spider story for you! Earlier in the year some guests were in the lobby talking and suddenly one said "Miss? There's a tarantula in here." So I looked, and yep. Tarantula cruising across the floor busily. I captured it with a broom and a sweeper pan and released it outside.

It stomped away, and I swear it was all *stomp stomp stomp* "I wasn't even doing anything." *Stomp stomp stomp* "Well, fine, then. I didn't want to be in there anyhow." *stomp stomp stomp*.

Much huffier that the young California King Snake that scared a bunch of guests. I went out with a flashlight to see what kind of snake had them fleeing inside and found it trying to get up a wall. So I moved the poor thing, which was all "um, lady? I don't think I like this" as I picked it up and moved it. Impressed the Hell out of the guest who showed me where it was. Seriously, they're harmless and generally good-natured.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, mertensia said:

I have a spider story for you! Earlier in the year some guests were in the lobby talking and suddenly one said "Miss? There's a tarantula in here." So I looked, and yep. Tarantula cruising across the floor busily. I captured it with a broom and a sweeper pan and released it outside.

It stomped away, and I swear it was all *stomp stomp stomp* "I wasn't even doing anything." *Stomp stomp stomp* "Well, fine, then. I didn't want to be in there anyhow." *stomp stomp stomp*.

Much huffier that the young California King Snake that scared a bunch of guests. I went out with a flashlight to see what kind of snake had them fleeing inside and found it trying to get up a wall. So I moved the poor thing, which was all "um, lady? I don't think I like this" as I picked it up and moved it. Impressed the Hell out of the guest who showed me where it was. Seriously, they're harmless and generally good-natured.

I can honestly say this is the first and only time I have smiled at a spider story since Charlotte's Web as a child. Ha! You're a brave soul. 

I have a near-crippling fear of spiders. All bugs really, but spiders in particular. *shudder* 

Funny though, snakes, rodents, lizards etc., don't bother me at all.

PS.. may I ask what lobby so that I may never go there? Eeek!

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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54 minutes ago, mertensia said:

It stomped away, and I swear it was all *stomp stomp stomp* "I wasn't even doing anything." *Stomp stomp stomp* "Well, fine, then. I didn't want to be in there anyhow." *stomp stomp stomp*.

Much huffier that the young California King Snake that scared a bunch of guests. I went out with a flashlight to see what kind of snake had them fleeing inside and found it trying to get up a wall. So I moved the poor thing, which was all "um, lady? I don't think I like this" as I picked it up and moved it. Impressed the Hell out of the guest who showed me where it was. Seriously, they're harmless and generally good-natured.

The animals around my house have attitudes too! When I try to shoo away the raccoons they just saunter away all, “Fine, I’m going. Sheesh, just relax. I was only swinging on the bird feeder.” If animals rolled their eyes at people, these raccoons would.

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I was walking up the Pillbox Trail today, in Honolulu. I was passing a woman going down the trail. She says to me "I love your shirt" - it is the black and red one that says "Love" on it. She told me she loved Supernatural. Then she showed me her very nicely scripted tattoo with the words "Carry On Wayward Son". It was so cool running into another fan of the show. 

  • Love 8
On 12/3/2017 at 10:12 AM, Wayward Son said:

Hope this is the right place to put this. 


Friends of mine are considering going to the Supernatural Convention in Birmingham during May (sadly I’m too broke to go with them :( ). They’re trying to decide between getting gold tickets and silver tickets. What are the differences between them?


I know Gold ticket holders get to see the Gold J2 panel and they get better seats. Are those the only additional perks of being Gold over silver? 

In addition to the extra panel, Gold has more autographs.   Silver, I believe is 5 autos, and Gold is anywhere from 8-10 depending on the convention.  Both packages usually include Jared and Jensen autos, but Silver does not include Misha's.  If you want his you have to buy it separately.   Jared and Jensen only sign for Gold and Silver packages.   Gold and silver also give you access to the Saturday night Louden Swain Concert.   (Which I highly recommend)

If you don't care about autos, then you can go Copper.  It's a lot cheaper.  There is nothing included except the concert.    

I know Misha is your favorite so if you wanted an opportunity to meet him you have the option of a single day general admission ticket or preferred admission ticket.  The difference is preferred gets to pick a seat and the GA section is first come first served. 

Edited by ILoveReading
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I hope you have a speedy recovery, @7kstar.

I've got a late night of present wrapping ahead of me and Christmas #1 (of 3 over the next week) tomorrow morning. Good thing hubby and I enjoy road trips!

I hope everyone else who is traveling tomorrow and/or in the days to come gets to where they are going safely and that everyone has a happy holiday. And in case I don't get back here before tomorrow is over (likely): Merry Christmas and/or Happy Hanuka to those who celebrate it!

Edited by AwesomO4000
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On 12/25/2017 at 0:00 AM, catrox14 said:

If they ever remade It's a Wonderful Life, which they should NEVER EVER DO, I think Jensen would be a fantastic George Bailey.

That's one of my favorite movies ever - to have Jensen in the role would be a treat. Except, the whole Clarence/Angel thing would surely bring about some easy comparisons to his current job!

Edited by shoetingstar
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(Humour me, it's my birthday).  Assuming there are still conventions in 2019 , and you're in charge of planning at Creation, which city would you choose for them?  For me it would be Dublin (cos I can get there by train).  Failing that, a return to Toronto or Montreal, cos there's direct flights from Dublin.  Plus, those of us both North and South know how to party, and we have excellent golf courses (particularly up here in Northern Ireland).

Edited by ukgirl71
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7 hours ago, ukgirl71 said:

(Humour me, it's my birthday).  Assuming there are still conventions in 2019 , and you're in charge of planning at Creation, which city would you choose for them?  For me it would be Dublin (cos I can get there by train).  Failing that, a return to Toronto or Montreal, cos there's direct flights from Dublin.  Plus, those of us both North and South know how to party, and we have excellent golf courses (particularly up here in Northern Ireland).

They already announced there would be Toronto con in 2019. :) 

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23 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I'm vacation in Key West. Key West claims to be one of the most haunted cities in America. They certainly do have a lot of ghost tours. Since it is raining, we were looking at a ghost tour as something to do today. 

You should tweet at Dabb for them to send the boys to the Keys so they can have a beach vacation only to have to deal with a haunting or they go for a haunting and stay for a vacation. Dean's been wanting to go to the beach forever. I still can't believe he never went when they were in Hollywood and L.A. twice, or at least we didn't get to see it and that's just wrong!

Edited by catrox14
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