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S03.E01: Mercenary


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Already Princess Kwenyrith is much more palatable than she was last season.


Kalf is hawt. Too bad it looks like he's gonna betray Lagertha in some way. That's a huge deal-breaker in my book.


Boy, didn't take long for King Ecbert to fall under Lagertha's spell. Can you really blame him though? :D I could ship it. I'll hold off till the next eppie though. Then I could say I at least tried to resist a little.


Ugh, looks like Ragnar is gonna be even more insufferable this season.

  • Love 2

Great start to the new season!  Looks like a lot of very interesting storylines this year.


The show still does the best battle scenes.  It's a credit to everyone involved that they never feel repetitive.


That opening scene is pretty ominous for Lagertha.


I can't blame Ecbert for desiring Lagertha although it still looks like the true love triangle on this show is between him, Athelstan, and Ragnar.


Aslaug grew on me last season but this is what happens when you marry a guy like Ragnar.

  • Love 7

New season, new hairstyles!  Some are vastly different, but I think I'll like them.  Ragnar's boys are so cute!  I love that one of the boys grabbed the hand of the youngest and dragged him out the room.  It looks like Floki will never really enjoy happiness.  Too bad, Helga seems cool.


I glad the English princess (not even going to try to spell her name) isn't the nympho shown last season.  Ecbert's son still looks like the same annoying asshole though.


Looking forward to the rest of the season.

  • Love 1

Liked this first episode. And all the new hairstyles were cool. I'm glad Ragnar got rid of the long greasy looking braid.

Looks like Lagertha has some admirers, she better be careful of Kalf though.

I'll bet Aslaug is rethinking her relationship, when she asked Ragnar if he loved her he didn't answer her.

Looks like it will be a good season.

Lots of mentions of children and shots of children in the first part. 


I love how Ragnar is always observing.  He watches everything and stays on the outskirts taking it all in. Contrast that with how the other kings are portrayed, loud, center of attention. 


Not enough Rollo!


I'm going to have a hard time waiting each week for a new episode after binging the first two seasons. 

Linus Roache gets hotter and hotter as he ages - the man could provide some serious shower-nozzle masturbation material.  


I have a difficult time reconciling the fact that he was the "new" Executive A.D.A. on Law & Order after McCoy became replaced Senator Leghorn as District Attorney (not sure if I got that legal hierarchy correct *shuffles away* ).  


Gotta watch tonight's premiere again before commenting.

  • Love 3


although it still looks like the true love triangle on this show is between him, Athelstan, and Ragnar.

Yep, as far as I'm concerned, this is the epic love story of the series.  Ragnar and Ecbert's ongoing battle to win Athelstan's heart. I suspect if the day ever comes that they turn on one another, it will be because of everyone's favorite pagan monk!


So, the biggest new character so far is that Kalf guy, who seems to be wanting to overthrow Lagertha.  Not good.  And, that opening scene with her and the Seer, already has me worried.  Don't go there, show!  Lagertha is way too awesome to leave!  

At least history says she's suppose to stay around for a while.

 I know it gets real close to making her too perfect, but I still get a kick out of how every other character seems to like her (even Aslaug seemed to have a grudging respect for her last season.) Hopefully, her being with the rest of the settlers means we won't be getting see Katheryn Winnick kick major ass again.  I'm sure there will bandits or something, Lagertha needs to barrel through!


I continue to love Ecbert, and I see that Kwenthrith is still around and a bit calmer, but still basically a ball of crazy.  I loved all the shots of Floki looking at her like "Hey, that's my thing!  Stop it!"


Every episode should have life lessons from Rollo.  Tonight's lesson: if you get two women pregnant, marry one and make the other one your concubine.  Thanks, Rollo!


I see Bjorn still doesn't quite know how to handle a woman that doesn't automatically do what he says.  You are going to have to accept your wife (she is wife now, right?) is a shield maid, and it's too late to change that.  I do wonder if Ragnar watching him help her in the field is going to come into play.


I can't remember, who was that lady that wanted to see Athelstan's hand?  She looked famailar, but I forgot what her connection was to him.


Brihtwulf really did not think this through.  Splitting your force up, and having no quick way to cross the big-ass river, is not a winning strategy.  But, I guess I should expect too much from Game of Thrones' Meryn Trant!


Welcome back, Vikings! 

  • Love 2

Yay!! Welcome back, Vikings!!


I loved the scene at the docks when they were prepping to sail off. I laughed out loud at Floki's giddy "I'm so happy we're leaving!". Then Rollo giving Siggy the stink eye. And then Torstein looking miserable as the camera panned to his 2 unhappy pregnant ladies. Domestic life is not for vikings.


Kalf if very easy on the eyes. Unfortunately he plans to betray Lagertha, so he must die. I guess no more children in her future. :(  That opening scene with the seer -- don't even think about it, show. 


Poor baby Boneless. He seems to be in constant pain and no one knows what to do. 


I can't blame Ecbert for desiring Lagertha although it still looks like the true love triangle on this show is between him, Athelstan, and Ragnar.


I'd totally be okay with a Quad. I hope Ecbert is sincere in his forgiveness of Athelstan for leaving with Ragnar last season. I admit, I squeed when Ragnar took Athelstan's hand and later when he told him he trusts him more than anyone else. 


Once they got to Wessex and started speaking English, Old English(?), and Norse (coupled with the subtitles and my closed-captioning), my head was spinning. I don't think they've ever switch between all 3 languages so often before. Am I understanding correctly that in addition to Athelstan, Ragnar & Princess Crazy are bilingual? I thought they both needed translator's last season.



"Why are they just attacking my uncle?" has got to be one of the funniest lines ever.


That was priceless. The Princess's brother doesn't seem too bright. I guess that was the end of Ser Meryn Trant.


If Porunn is pregnant and continues to go on raids, I fear the show is gonna go all soap opera on us and have her die or have Bjorn seriously wounded trying to protect her. Ragnar certainly didn't look happy seeing his son go to her side in the mist of battle. I not buying that this former slave is now a shield-maiden after a few hours of training. I hope the show doesn't turn her into a walking liability.

If Lagertha dies, even if it's in a blaze of glory, it will be tough to watch.


Ecbert was shameless, going after both of Ragnar's great loves!


I really like the frequent battle scenes on this show, it's something Game of Thrones doesn't do despite its massive budget.


I'm still not sure about Kwenthrith's acting, but at least she was more of a character this time around and less of a one-note nymphomaniac.

  • Love 3


I'm still not sure about Kwenthrith's acting, but at least she was more of a character this time around and less of a one-note nymphomaniac.



I liked her face at the end...like maybe she had been through some unpleasant stuff, and it meant so much to her to see him die. She looks a little bit deranged, but so does Ragnar.  I hope she's fleshed out as a character as it rolls. on.


The 'love' conversation among the men might be worth a second viewing.   I was amused that Floki is so disturbed by his feelings of happiness.


There was lots of double crossing and bisexuality and man (and woman) candy. Yum!   I can't figure it all out, but I 'ship everything. Speaking of ships, it took tremendous bravado/courage/stupidity/bloodthirstiness to just sail up to an army like that. It was tense to watch.


I've never been a huge fan of Auslag, but I'm glad she was devoted to her baby. Poor thing's having a lot of pain though.  I can see that back then, it would have seemed kinder to leave the baby to the elements, but Auslag's desire to protect and love her baby was so strong.


It is nice to get hand-to-hand combat (though I do not like the out-of-focus slow-mo bits).  Not a lazy show.  Hairstyles were also awesome as someone mentioned.


Ragnar/Travis's eyes were especially spooky tonight. I wonder if they're just like that on camera or if there are some kind of contacts involved.


Woe betide anyone who fools Lagertha!


Was nice to be back with the Vikings.

Auslag certainly got a big dose of truth dropped on her head regarding her husband's feelings towards her. I have no doubt that Ragnar cares about her and is affectionate towards her, but only because she is the mother of four sons. That's an awfully harsh wake up call as to just what her position in his household is - resident brood mare.


And seeing Ivar... it really throws into sharp relief why the Vikings would leave sickly or deformed infants to die right after birth. There is little that they could do for this child to give him any kind of life. They can't fix his legs or do much to alleviate his pain. He's never going to be able to actually have a place in their world except as an object of pity (at best) or scorn (at worst). It's easy to be critical from our modern perspective with modern medicine, but back in those days... if this kid survived childhood, he'd be a begger in the streets. Their world was really harsh on those who couldn't fight or take care of themselves. It's wonderful that his parents love him, but Ragner's first instinct to follow custom and leave him to die was probably the more merciful one in a lot of ways.


Lagertha really has rotten taste in men. If Kalf is out to screw her over and not just trying to keep her enemies busy until she gets home, then he can't die fast enough (no matter how pretty he is). But it's fascinating that even though she is now pretty much past child-bearing age (a primary consideration in being marriage material) she's still highly sought after and has marriage proposals coming from all corners. Awesome should always be recognized. And note to the Viking idiots turning their nose up at good farmland - it's kind of nice to be able to have a growing season more than three weeks long, and a settlement in England is a great launching point for raids to Western Europe. Just as a note.


And rather interesting that Ecbert is interesting in collecting all of Ragner's favorite toys. Don't trust Ecbert, but his flirting with Lagertha (via Athelstan) was rather adorable. Here he is, singing all of her many virtues and Althelstan's translations was simply "He likes you." So high school...


Princess of Mercia was her usual boiling cup of entertaining craziness. And Floki... not to surprised that a guy who is basically a human embodiment of Loki would find peace and happiness frustrating and hard to deal with. He needs to go kill a few annoying people and will be right as rain.

Edited by Hana Chan
  • Love 4

And we're back! 


One of my favorite shows - Stellar acting, great location shots, interesting stories and complex characters.  After season 1, I wouldn't shut  up about it, my husband finally watched the marathon before season 2 and he's hooked too. 



"Why are they just attacking my uncle?" has got to be one of the funniest lines ever.


Along with running down to the river's edge and yelling "Uncle"...


This show does everything so well. 

  • Love 3

Thank you to whoever made the decision to dial Princess Kwenthrith back by half.  She's still a neat little ball of crazy, but she's coming off much less cartoony and something closer to an actual character now.  Ecbert continues to just be a master at the game, in both getting the Vikings to fight her battle which also furthers his own aims and separating Athelstan and Lagertha from Ragnar and the rest.


Speaking of Ecbert, while I did really enjoy the awkward three-way flirting he was doing with Lagertha through Athelstan ( "Um, he says he likes you," after a particularly long declaration), weren't we shown last season that Ecbert does in fact speak Old Norse thanks to Athelstan's teachings?  So why was that necessary?  I first thought during the initial negotiations around the dinner table that Ecbert was just pretending to not understand Ragnar and Co. and Athelstan was playing along to see what he would do.  But then they followed that up with the Lagertha-Athelstan scene, which left me wondering if we were just supposed to forget that or if he was hoping for a three-way with both.


Still don't care about Bjorn's romance or Aslaug, but really glad to have this show back.

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Nobody betrays Lagertha! I hope she guts that guy. She's a badass warrior that wants to be a farmer, so what. I love that King Ecbert finds her fascinating because of that. By fascinating I mean he wants to add her to his collection of things he wants to take from Ragnar. 


I hope Porunn survives because I want to see Grandpa Ragnar and Grandma Lagertha. 


Floki whining at Helga that she's so horribly good and understanding and that was making him angry was awesome. 


I don't think Ragnar ever really loved Auslag (he liked her and lusted after her), the love of his life couldn't bear him any more sons so he found someone that could. Her only use his to take care of their sons. Now that he has his sons, he'd take Lagertha back in a heartbeat if she wanted him too. Auslag saw that. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 4

The makeup companies should do a product line featuring the gorgeous moody colors from this series. All the dusty blues and grays, with some of England's green thrown in. Just gorgeous.


I love the costumes too. My mind will flip forward to modern runways, where sometimes we see similar looks.


It's still hard for me to fathom Vikings crossing an ocean in those wooden boats.


One reason I like Travis' portrayal of Ragnar is that I don't see anything else like it on TV (I don't watch any of the other "ancient" shows). He has otherworldly eyes that he uses to great effect. I like how all the actors try to mimic the Scandinavian accent when they speak English dialogue. It lends continuity. And I appreciate how much work went into the merge of the various languages in last night's episode.

  • Love 4

Yay!! Welcome back, Vikings!!


I loved the scene at the docks when they were prepping to sail off. I laughed out loud at Floki's giddy "I'm so happy we're leaving!". Then Rollo giving Siggy the stink eye. And then Torstein looking miserable as the camera panned to his 2 unhappy pregnant ladies. Domestic life is not for vikings.



Once they got to Wessex and started speaking English, Old English(?), and Norse (coupled with the subtitles and my closed-captioning), my head was spinning. I don't think they've ever switch between all 3 languages so often before. Am I understanding correctly that in addition to Athelstan, Ragnar & Princess Crazy are bilingual? I thought they both needed translator's last season.




That was priceless. The Princess's brother doesn't seem too bright. I guess that was the end of Ser Meryn Trant.


If Porunn is pregnant and continues to go on raids, I fear the show is gonna go all soap opera on us and have her die or have Bjorn seriously wounded trying to protect her. Ragnar certainly didn't look happy seeing his son go to her side in the mist of battle. I not buying that this former slave is now a shield-maiden after a few hours of training. I hope the show doesn't turn her into a walking liability.

Oh, that departure scene was great. Floki's glee and Torstein's relief. The best part, for me, was before that when Torstein was bemoaning his fate of having gotten two women pregnant and Bjorn asks, "Is that possible?"


I'm a language geek, so I loved the blending of the old languages. Athelstan taught Ragnar Old English and we've seen him use it well in the past. I don't know how fluent King Ecbert and Princess Crazypants are.


Ragnar will definitely be having words with Bjorn about Porunn. I don't think she'll be allowed on any more raids for a while.


And rather interesting that Ecbert is interesting in collecting all of Ragner's favorite toys. Don't trust Ecbert, but his flirting with Lagertha (via Athelstan) was rather adorable. Here he is, singing all of her many virtues and Althelstan's translations was simply "He likes you." So high school...


Princess of Mercia was her usual boiling cup of entertaining craziness. And Floki... not to surprised that a guy who is basically a human embodiment of Loki would find peace and happiness frustrating and hard to deal with. He needs to go kill a few annoying people and will be right as rain.

OMG, Athelstan's look of, "whaaaa?" at Ecbert's declarations was hilarious. Yeah, take the easy path there and just give Lagertha the highlights.


Which one of these two will end up being the biggest ball of crazy? I'm gonna have to stick with Floki.


Speaking of Ecbert, while I did really enjoy the awkward three-way flirting he was doing with Lagertha through Athelstan ( "Um, he says he likes you," after a particularly long declaration), weren't we shown last season that Ecbert does in fact speak Old Norse thanks to Athelstan's teachings?  So why was that necessary?  I first thought during the initial negotiations around the dinner table that Ecbert was just pretending to not understand Ragnar and Co. and Athelstan was playing along to see what he would do.  But then they followed that up with the Lagertha-Athelstan scene, which left me wondering if we were just supposed to forget that or if he was hoping for a three-way with both.


Actually, if you're in major negotiations for anything, it is better to speak in your native language, even if you're fluent in others. Ecbert would want to be sure to use a language of power, making his position clear (or properly hide anything he wants to keep hidden). Ragnar needs to keep his people aware of what is happening, so he'll do most of his negotiating in Old Norse, until he wants to make something clear to Ecbert or Princess Crazypants.

  • Love 2

Yeah, that's what I thought was going on during the dinner negotiations.  I could buy that everybody on both sides was playing along from their own position of strength.  But then the three-way flirting threw me, as adorable as it was, when Ecbert continued with the Old English.  Unless we're supposed to pretend the negotiations in last season's The Choice where Ecbert very clearly did address the Northmen including Lagertha in their own language didn't happen, that had to have been a very deliberate choice on Ecbert's part to include Athelstan in his flirting.

  • Love 2

The lady who wanted to see Athelstan's hand is married to hot King Ecbert's douche son.


Yes that was Judith, daughter of King Aella (sp?) of Northumbria and given in marriage to said douche son last season.  Remember the dueling weddings segment with him and Judith and Floki and Helga getting married at the same time.  Anyway it was to cement the Wessex-Northumbria alliance of power planning to split up Mercia between them eventually.  Unless that changed with Crazy Princess becoming an ally and not a patsy for them.  Or maybe an ally for Ecbert vs Northumbria.  Ecbert is always playing the game as we can clearly see.


Once they got to Wessex and started speaking English, Old English(?), and Norse (coupled with the subtitles and my closed-captioning), my head was spinning. I don't think they've ever switch between all 3 languages so often before. Am I understanding correctly that in addition to Athelstan, Ragnar & Princess Crazy are bilingual? I thought they both needed translator's last season.
Ragnar started learning Old English from Athelstan very early on in Season 1 which is 5 or 6 years ago or more in the time line and seems quite fluent in it.  The Princess only talked to him so I assume she knows no Norse.  King Ecbert learned some Norse from Athelstan but his level of language mastery is way below Ragnar's.  His was more for diplomatic purposes with simply greetings etc.  Ragnar seems to have immersed himself enough into Old English to get by quite well in it.
Great they started the season nice and easy like a family reunion where we can get caught up.  Let's see, Bjourn's wife has spent a full year training as a shield maiden now.  Rollo and Siggy seem less "together" then when we last saw them.  Wonder what happened in the meantime.  Lagertha has got a young dude chief lieutenant who is trying to play her.  Not good for the dude.  And Floki remains Floki and his scene with Helga was totally completely off the charts brilliant.
The weird scene was between Ragnar and Athelstan at the beginning.  We know Athelstan is all "go, team pagan" with a few guilt-filled moments when handling crosses or killing innocent fellow English or reading illuminated manuscripts.  But Ragnar mentioned he was the same in the opposite way and even mentioned John the Baptist (?!?) in that convo.  Ragnar dipping his toes in multi-religion leanings?  (More Gods, more victories!).  Do not tell Floki about this.
Then there is Something-wulf, Ecbert's son, who thinks multi-religion views don't go too well together.  At least he and Floki are on the same page though different books.  He will be the fly in the ointment in England this season for sure.  Cause dear old Dad doesn't mind a little Paganism with his Christianity.  Especially if the pagan is as comely and awesome as Lagertha.  (Did you know he likes her?  Athelstan told me so).
The writer/creator's vision, the talented actors, the awesome cinematography, the wonderful costumes, the brilliant dialog, the everything.  Vikings is the best damn show on TV!  Glad to have it back.
Edited by green
  • Love 3

I was so happy to see this show again, I was like a four-year old on Christmas morning, about to open the presents!


- Torstein, Rollo and Floki eagerly wanting to get the hell outta dodge for various reasons--especially Torstein.  I loved the two pregnant women giving each other the evil eye and Torstein cowering on the boat like a whipped dog.  And then poor Floki, not being able to handle being happy and contented.  Actually, I think I understand what he was going through because there are times I'm so happy and then I start thinking about when the other shoe will drop.  Although in Floki's case, I think he was simply bored.  I do wonder what's happened with Rollo and Siggy because they do seem to be estranged.  I don't remember from last season if Rollo knew about Siggy and Horik, but maybe he does?


I, too, loved the new hairstyles that Ragnar and Bjorn were sporting.  I hope Porunn doesn't get Bjorn killed.  She's too headstrong for my taste (and his, too).  Her insisting on going to battle while pregnant was just stupid. 


I still don't like the crazy princess and I fear she's going to get some of the characters I like killed, like Torstein, in some of her future battles. 

Edited by Ohwell



And seeing Ivar... it really throws into sharp relief why the Vikings would leave sickly or deformed infants to die right after birth. There is little that they could do for this child to give him any kind of life. They can't fix his legs or do much to alleviate his pain. He's never going to be able to actually have a place in their world except as an object of pity (at best) or scorn (at worst). It's easy to be critical from our modern perspective with modern medicine, but back in those days... if this kid survived childhood, he'd be a begger in the streets. Their world was really harsh on those who couldn't fight or take care of themselves. It's wonderful that his parents love him, but Ragner's first instinct to follow custom and leave him to die was probably the more merciful one in a lot of ways.


Lagertha really has rotten taste in men. If Kalf is out to screw her over and not just trying to keep her enemies busy until she gets home, then he can't die fast enough (no matter how pretty he is). But it's fascinating that even though she is now pretty much past child-bearing age (a primary consideration in being marriage material) she's still highly sought after and has marriage proposals coming from all corners. Awesome should always be recognized. And note to the Viking idiots turning their nose up at good farmland - it's kind of nice to be able to have a growing season more than three weeks long, and a settlement in England is a great launching point for raids to Western Europe. Just as a note.


Even today, parents are given the option to abort if issues are found early on. :-/ And that's with modern technology and conveniences. 


I don't think it's that surprising for a woman of Lagertha's age and mostly importantly, position to be highly sought after. The men that would be pursuing her wouldn't be her sons age, they'd be older and more established, and probably looking more to increase their wealth and reach than producing heirs. 

Rollo needs to have his own talk advice show.


I wonder why crazy ass princess hates her uncle so much? Maybe he sexually abused her as a child. That may also explain her promiscuity last season.


I am glad the show is back and please do not kill off any of the main characters....


That's what I was thinking about Kwenyrith. The immediate vibe I got from her discomfort was that of sexual abuse.


I can handle killing off most anyone else, but Lagertha, Athelstan and King Ecbert are off limits, show!


  • Love 1

Wasn't there a scene in season 2 when we first meet Princess Kwenyrith and everyone is seated at dinner at Ecgberts place and she said something about her uncle raping her when she was 12 years old? I think I heard that right?

Or maybe it was the brother she killed? Well, someone abused her. My memory anymore! Smh!

Edited by Straycat80

Welcome back, show!  Glad to see it's still got it.

Lagertha, Rollo, Ragnar and Athalstan contnue to be awesome.  Just remember Kalf, if you betray Lagertha, there's some guys out there who may have some issues with you (and I'm not just talking about those of us in the audience).  I have to wonder what's gone on between Rollo and Siggy.


Nice touch with princess Judith curious about Athalstan's "stigmata" and I wonder what's going on there. Historical Note

her first son is named Athalstan


Floki being angry at being so happy, and Helga being understanding was awesome.  I wonder, if out of frustration if he'll just sail off and discover some new land?  Speaking of new lands, after seeing the look on the faces of the pregnant ladies, Torstein, you may want to look into some of that English farmland.


I'm glad they dialed back Kwenthrith a bit, although she seems a bit in over her head sailing with the Vikings.  Ragnar seems to have her number pretty good.



I hope Porunn doesn't get Bjorn killed.  She's too headstrong for my taste (and his, too).  Her insisting on going to battle while pregnant was just stupid. 

It was stupid, but I think she will be more likely to get herself killed.  Bjorn has to stick around (and in my mind, take the spinoff Vikings: Four Year Summer)


The language geek in my loved the use of Old Norse and Old English (and hoping for the use of Old French in future episodes.)  Especially after Ecbert's long praise of Lagertha, Athalstan's translation: "He likes you."  Not that I blame him in any way.


"Why are they just attacking my uncle?" Best line ever

  • Love 2

"You are so horribly good, Helga!!!!" 


AssLog "Do you love me?" 

Ragnar: "...."


Ouch. But yeah, I could've told you that. Ragnar taking his monk's hand was adorable and saying. All that was missing was a baby goat. Fimmel continues to be weird and it's fun to watch. I loved the look Roache gave him when Ragnar said the previous king met with an unfortunate accident, like "oh you." 


There is to be no betrayal of Lagertha, Kalf. 


The costumes and the hair continue to be awesome on this show. I just love it all and I'm so glad it's back. 

  • Love 1

Those concerned about poor little Ivar's future prospects need not worry. The historic Ivar the Boneless was a great Viking warrior who was said to have been carried from battle on a shield. Some historians think that was just what they did when there was a victory, others think it's because of his crippled legs. Regardless, the show is going there with his legs, so if it lasts long enough, they could do a 20-year time jump and focus on the greatness of Ragnar's sons.

The women are named Aslaug and Kwenthrith, and it's King Ecbert. I know it's hard to get the spellings right, but imdb helps a lot.


Rollo giving Siggy the stink eye.

I saw that too.  In fact I thought Rollo said he was as eager as Floki to get out of town.  Do we know why?  I don't recall anything happening between Siggy & Rollo last season except that she slept with the former King of the Vikings, but she was part of the plot to set him up for a fall so Rollo shouldn't have held that against her.

And we're back! Fantastic first episode of the season, I must say. I think my favorite moment was when Athelstan was translating for both Ecbert and Lagertha simultaneously, when they were all riding in the cart together. What Ecbert said vs. what Athelstan chose to translate was hilarious.


I've got a bad feeling about Bjorn's wife (? I forget if they're married by now or not) Thorunn. I don't know why, I just am not sure I see her lasting the rest of the season, or even a few more episodes. By the way, this is nitpicky of me I know, but it's Thorunn. Not Porunn. The character that looks like a P is actually a thorn; it's pronounced a lot like 'th' so the easiest way to transliterate her name into the so-called modern English that we're currently speaking is Thorunn...not Porunn. I know IMDB has it as Porunn, but if you ask me they've got it wrong.

Edited by VillaVillekulla
  • Love 2

Ragnar/Travis's eyes were especially spooky tonight. I wonder if they're just like that on camera or if there are some kind of contacts involved.


Yes, gorgeous but spooky eyes. They are just so bright and twinkly that I'm convinced they are contacts or CGI enhanced.


And seeing Ivar... it really throws into sharp relief why the Vikings would leave sickly or deformed infants to die right after birth. There is little that they could do for this child to give him any kind of life. They can't fix his legs or do much to alleviate his pain...It's wonderful that his parents love him, but Ragner's first instinct to follow custom and leave him to die was probably the more merciful one in a lot of ways.


Seeing the baby's deformed legs and hearing his pained cries, I guiltily thought it would have been better if Raganr had gone through with it last season. I know about Ivar the Boneless, but it doesn't make it any easier seeing that suffering baby on the show.



Athelstan taught Ragnar Old English and we've seen him use it well in the past. I don't know how fluent King Ecbert and Princess Crazypants are.


Now that you mention it, I do remember Athelstan teaching Ragnar. I just didn't realize he has mastered Old English as well as he has.



Ragnar started learning Old English from Athelstan very early on in Season 1 which is 5 or 6 years ago or more in the time line and seems quite fluent in it.  The Princess only talked to him so I assume she knows no Norse.


Thank you for clearly that up for me. During the Ragnar/Princess scene on the boat, I was so confused as to what language they were supposed to be speaking. Athelstan is a hell of a teacher and Ragnar is quite the pupil.

The writer/creator's vision, the talented actors, the awesome cinematography, the wonderful costumes, the brilliant dialog, the everything.  Vikings is the best damn show on TV!  Glad to have it back.



All that, and Lagertha too (I'm hopelessly infatuated)!


My only question is, once the Vikings landed at Wessex, how did they come by all those horses they rode in on?

LOL, attica, just before I opened this thread I PMed Maraleia to ask if spoilers regarding the real people were allowed.  


I loved the first episode!  Ragnar may be a murderous, callous jerk but he gets my vote for Father of the Year.  If he has one redeeming quality (and he has many) it would be that he loves his children.  Siggy said it best when she told Horik that his kids are his weakness.  I also love how he seems to take in everything around him and has an intellectual curiosity about the English culture and religion.  From the very first episode he's wanted to explore and expand their horizons.  No wonder he has such loyal followers.


Love how even Ecbert sees the awesomeness of Lagertha.  The "he likes you" scene was adorable.  They'd make a cute couple.  Is Ecbert presently unmarried?  I don't recall seeing a Mrs King Ecbert.

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