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Kim Jong Rez! 




One of the funniest things I have heard in a very long time!  



Do Reza and Adam have an open relationship? MJ and the friend were talking about Vegas like Reza sleeping with other men during the bachelor party was normal.


This!  What a weird comment MJ kept making about them sleeping with other men.  Now I wanna know what the deal is!

And I need to find me some antique moroccan(?) sitting chairs for my cats. Those were amazing!!!

Ha ha! Thrones according to Asa. I'm sure her mom thought, "what the hell am I supposed to do with these little chairs? ah, the cats will use them." I remember Asa's mom petting the stray cats when they went to Turkey, which I'll admit is something I would probably do. I almost got my ass kicked in colonial Williamsburg by a gang of cat hoodlums because of it. I'm glad that she also shares my belief that her daughter is a weirdo. Edited by charmed1
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Ha ha! Thrones according to Asa. I'm sure her mom thought, "what the hell am I supposed to do with these little chairs? ah, the cats will use them." I remember Asa's mom petting the stray cats when they went to Turkey, which I'll admit is something I would probably do. I almost got my ass kicked in colonial Williamsburg by a gang of cat hoodlums because of it. I'm glad that she also shares my belief that her daughter is a weirdo.

yes! Thrones! My cats need thrones! :D  They already have a million cat beds lol

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Ha ha! Thrones according to Asa. I'm sure her mom thought, "what the hell am I supposed to do with these little chairs? ah, the cats will use them." I remember Asa's mom petting the stray cats when they went to Turkey, which I'll admit is something I would probably do. I almost got my ass kicked in colonial Williamsburg by a gang of cat hoodlums because of it. I'm glad that she also shares my belief that her daughter is a weirdo.

There were so many cats in Istanbul too! Hopefully it was okay, but we would sometimes feed them. We found they preferred chicken to beef, so they liked me better than my travel buddy. :)


Reza is so exhausting. Now, granted, I don't know anything about his relationship with Adam. But when they were talking about the visit, and he was making all these jokes, it made me feel bad for Adam. He was already facing a stressful situation without having to worry about his future husband make inappropriate remarks.


I really liked how Asa was gently able to reign Reza in. No wonder Adam picked her for the maid of honor or whatever the role is. She certainly seems to be a better friend to him than MJ, who doesn't seem to see him at all. 

Edited by nenya

Reza is just not a good person.  The things he says, like going on WWHL and saying mean things about MJ's boyfriend's looks, aren't just reality show awful, they are like he's a degenerate and should be cut out of society awful.


That's rich considering he's no prize in the looks department either.


Asa's mom deserves her own spinoff. Actually, I think a show featuring the wacky parents of these Shahs would be much more entertaining.

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What happened to MJ's boyfriend? Why was he not invited to this mess?


Yeah you'd think he'd have been invited, or at least his absence MENTIONED. But all these shows are funny about when some scenes are filmed and then shown in the final episodes. Would he have come, except he had to work? Did he just not want to be part of the debauchery? What?

Edited by selhars

Bobby (Asifa's guy) is the dorkiest Persian ever possibly.


People without Reza's mental problems don't do this. Iran and its people are diverse, we don't label our self white or brown etc.


We don't back in Iran, but I'd be hard pressed to consider myself as white and I'm a natural blond with green eyes. At the most I'd consider myself as white passing, but never as "white" since that's an abstract concept that excludes Persians and many other Caucasians regardless of what we look like. 

I didn't understand the reasoning behind the two separate bachelor parties either until MJ explained it on WWHL.  When people get married, there is always two separate parties.  Yes usually it is a Bachelor/Bachelorette party, but they are still separate.  So it should be the same with Reza and Adam. Can't really argue with that - they want to be treated the same as any other engaged to be married couple, so they should be. **having an out-of-body experience realizing I actually understand MJ**

The two separate party part didn't bother me. But since they seem to have a significant overlap in friends, it would be hurtful to the couple and to their friends to make them choose. Who wants to start out a marriage feeling like they are the lesser of the couple, or in a non-celebratory fashion? In some of the straight marriages, the parties tend to break up along gender lines, so the friends or the couple don't really have to choose.

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Well she's ethnically Persian.


By Asifa's own admission, her mother is Indian. Parsis used to be a relatively endogamous community in India but there has been wide spread miscegenation with the Indian population for over a century now which genealogical studies also confirm. All the Parsis I know recognize their ancestry but also self identify as Indian. 

However I realize its a personal and subjective issue. Of course Asifa would reclaim her Persian heritage since its landed her a spot on the show.

Asifa annoys the shit outta me. If we need one of their family members on the show, bring back Omid!!!


In the first couple seasons I really liked Mike. Now he just seems bitter, ragey, unmotivated (unless there's a get rich quick scheme involved), and a creepy binge drinker. If Jessica wants him he's all hers...she's not looking so hot herself anymore either, and I don't buy that it's because she works for a plastic surgeon. Unless the doc's a real hack..


I'd take super creeper Sammy back over Asifa. How she and GG can be friends (which I suspect was mostly manufactured for the show, they didn't seem to have any real friendship type connection). MJ and her man kind of creep me out. He seems very much like the "yes, dear" pushover type of man I can't stand. Or maybe he just likes MJ cos of her z-list celeb status and thinks he found a sugar mama.

MJ certainly can come across as churlish and childish, especially when she's around Asa. She seems insanely jealous of Asa's friendship with Reza.

Somehow, I don't see Mike doing really well in high end residential real estate. He seems a little desperate to me.

He's not polished enough for high end residential real estate. I agree, he comes off desperate and a try hard too.

Mike's eyes are freaking me out. He has this weird sinister look and the dark under eye circles are looking so much worse.

  • Love 5

He's not polished enough for high end residential real estate. I agree, he comes off desperate and a try hard too.

Mike's eyes are freaking me out. He has this weird sinister look and the dark under eye circles are looking so much worse.


I noticed his eyes right away, too, DeeplyShallow.  They look evil, angry and slightly serial killerish.

  • Love 5

He's not polished enough for high end residential real estate. I agree, he comes off desperate and a try hard too.

Mike's eyes are freaking me out. He has this weird sinister look and the dark under eye circles are looking so much worse.

Mike always looks like he's been on a three-day cocaine binge and hasn't slept in a week.

Has anyone noticed that as the seasons progress Jessica has developed a mild, Middle Eastern-sounding accent?

I'd rather walk on my lips than say a bad word about my girl MJ, but her choice of swimwear always leaves something to be desired.

How I love Asa's parents. They don't take any of her pretentious bullshit seriously. Using the antique chairs she bought them as cat thrones, made me giggle. And I can't hate anyone who quotes Boyz II Men lyrics.

Watching this show always makes me hungry.

Edited by Lakewood27
  • Love 9

Somehow, I don't see Mike doing really well in high end residential real estate. He seems a little desperate to me.

I agree. I think Mike's just a poseur. He's still lamenting about living the high life and how he'd still be living high on the hog if it wasn't for some unforeseen circumstance beyond his control, ex., the real estate boom/bust, Reza not helping him etc. I pegged him as especially corny when he was reminiscing about how in Vegas, he used to not have to stand in line to get into the club. As if that was some great accomplishment in life. I think that's the quintessential sign of success for douchebags. Your life milestones are measured by the club. He reminds me of those two weird brothers from MTV True life from years ago. The overly tanned roided out weirdos who partied every night and lived in a van.

ETA: I can't believe that store GG and Reza went to was charging 3K for that piece o' shit microfiber, mom's basement sofa.

Edited by charmed1
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Mike is on WWHL tonight - with Brandi from RH of Bev Hills. 


Doesn't Mike get married next week? I think the wedding is end of March. He must be doing pre-wedding damage control for this week's episode where GG outs  his alledged behavior with her while in Turkey last year.


If he wears one of his white T-shirts with the too deep and wide V neckline I will scream. 


And horizontal stripes

And plaid. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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She's just stirring the pot and wanting a storyline.

It's hard for me to say because her behavior is consistent with someone who has been the victim of some type of sexual assault, especially if she had avoided Mike after filming.

MJ seems to have a big glass of haterade every time Asa is around her and Reza. It always makes me recall that story about MJ and Reza having sex in the shower. I think she still isn't over Reza. Also Asa was serving body up at the car dealership.

The only thing I have to say about Mike's coke bender eyes--classy.

  • Love 7

It's not to say I don't believe GG that Mike tried to have sex with her. She said they were both on pills and drunk and they seem like they'd be the handsy type. 


But this anxiousness that only starts when the cameras come around, this weird need to tell EVERYONE, including Shirval(?) who is basically a stranger to her, and then being all, no no no, I can't talk to Mike, I just want to tell literally everyone except him. Bitch please.

  • Love 8

Asa is not a weirdo--she's just a spiritual charlatan. She was worse than a teenage girl moving the ouija pointer at a slumber party in the Mercedes dealership basement. She couldn't contain her giggles as she moved that pendant in a frenzied attempt to scry for the perfect vehicle. Bitch, please. We all know you picked your car before even walking into to the dealership so cut the BS. I have a fondness for her, despite her clearly calculated kookiness.


GG - I'm inclined to believe that Mike put the moves on her in Turkey, but she definitely planned to save this information for her storyline this year. For that I give them both the side eye.


Reza - I just can't with that ridiculous wig he's sporting in the THs. Who is he to knock MJ's boyfriend's appearance when his own is no supermodel? Adam seems like a nice enough guy but he's not that many hairs and pounds away from looking like Charlie. Oh, and speaking of Adam, in what universe is home boy is only 30? I thought he was at least in his mid thirties. Yikes!


I wonder what team Shervin plays for. I'm kind of getting a closeted vibe from him.


I like MJ but she needs to learn how to deal with her petty jealousies. Not a good look on a woman her age.

  • Love 7

Am I too sensitive or was the conversation between Reza and Adam that touched on -- or danced around -- money, and who has more of it in the relationship -- a bit telling and uncomfortable. Why would Reza bring up to Adam that now he's wearing designer clothes and jewelry -- and infer that it's because of Reza and the money Reza has. Was that not throwing money in Adam's face? So Adam then says I can give them back...was that uncomfortable for anyone but me?


Just subtlely controlling? What I don't get is why people laugh that off. Adam just chuckled. How immature of them both. Do you think people don't pick up on when others do that to them. I think I DID see the very slightest look of surprise reaction from Adam -- like it did hurt, but he just chuckled and said "I can give them back?" You throw shit like that in MY face, and I'd have to get serious and say you hurt me with that comment. Where is that coming from. How could you say that to me?" But Adam chuckled like a person unaware of just how denigrating that comment was.


And Reza;s comment about Charlie's looks. Is Adam so gorgeous? I think Charlie and Adam are about the same level of cuteness in different ways. They look completely different -- but they're about the same level of looks. If that makes any sense.


I don't know what I think about the GG allegations about Mike, just yet.


As for Mike why does he seem so UNhappy? He doesn't seem like he's comfortable in his own skin. But overbearing parents and competing with siblings can do that to a person. But he's almost 40 right. he needs to do some DEEP sincere therapy and shake that childhood trauma.


Mike is a poseur....Asa is a charlatan....MJ lets her mom talk to her like dirt.....nice crowd these guys.


ETA: Mike just said Charlie is a 'goofball' Why? Why did he feel the need to do that?

Edited by selhars
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Regarding GG and her secret that she held onto for a year,what a bitch if it's not true. You hear he is going to propose so now you feel the need to tell other people who were happy for Mike, your year old secret, where sex didn't happen, mind you, and you were both drunk and you've had a year of embellishing it in your head to read any way you want. If this was weighing on her mind so much, she should have had a conversation with Mike a long time ago. Talking to everybody but Mike is a big mistake, IMO.

  • Love 7

Why must Reza refer to the women as bitches? Oh, I get that we're supposed to think he's edgy and funny and a character, but, no.

I agree that Mike is desperately unhappy and abusing myriad substances. But I think those end-results are caused by something basic and fundamental. He is truly an envious person. His envy of others has made him sick and unable to function. His envy is a true character flaw that no therapy can touch, imo.

Why would Jessica marry a man like Mike?

MJ is also unnaturally petty and envious. I watch her in the group interactions, and she's always weighing, judging, comparing, manipulating, trying to cause unrest. That supposed new bf is made-for-tv.

I think it's ridiculous that Reza and others bemoan that Mike's engagement has taken him from the group and somehow damaged the group. Aren't they all 40+?

  • Love 5

Why must Reza refer to the women as bitches? Oh, I get that we're supposed to think he's edgy and funny and a character, but, no.

I agree that Mike is desperately unhappy and abusing myriad substances. But I think those end-results are caused by something basic and fundamental. He is truly an envious person. His envy of others has made him sick and unable to function. His envy is a true character flaw that no therapy can touch, imo.

Why would Jessica marry a man like Mike?

MJ is also unnaturally petty and envious. I watch her in the group interactions, and she's always weighing, judging, comparing, manipulating, trying to cause unrest. That supposed new bf is made-for-tv.

I think it's ridiculous that Reza and others bemoan that Mike's engagement has taken him from the group and somehow damaged the group. Aren't they all 40+?

Reza even refers to his own mother as "the bitch." Such a loser. Edited by charmed1
  • Love 5

I suspect that Mike is being phased out of the show - maybe even he is phasing himself out. This season is his last. One of the reasons that he seems so angry on camera is he doesn't want to be there - being filmed and interacting with this crowd and be a part of all the high jinx that go on. And most likely it's Jessica that wants him done with the show now that they are getting married. 


That said, I suspect that Shervin is being phased in to be a regular cast member next season. Replacing Mike as the single hetero guy - hunky* type. *Using that term loosely.



One thing I think Reza is right about, Mike really doesn't want to get married.



i think that Mike genuinely wants to get married...in the future. Not now. 

Edited by Bossa Nova

Asa and her priestess stuff, too much, she did not even test drive that car (that we saw anyway).  Love her mom calling BS on that smudge stick medallion action!  The "bargaining" Asa did in the dealership, hilarious...it's a lease and $1200 a month at that, does no one on these shows save for a rainy day?


I was starting to not hate GG and now she is creating an issue. You were drunk and so was Mike, stop clutching your pearls.  I have flirted with a male friend a bit too much when I had a few too many, sometimes guys get handsy.  Last season didn't they all burst in to Mike's hotel room to see him naked? Why would his actions be shocking, they all talk about the dool a lot.


Jessica and her major side boob, yikes.


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