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S07.E14: Hello Mr. Chocolate

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Older sister? Kenya puhlease. Twirl away. Great stereotyping by Cynthia. Really? Why are they even giving Kenya airtime anymore? She has no story and she's not entertaining, just ridiculous filler.

Claudia was way wrong for airing dirty laundry in front of the boss. You don't mess with someone's paycheck because they don't want to play in the sandbox with you. Especially not the educationally challenged like Porsha. On another note, prayer in the office is weird unless you work for a church.

Kandi is dumb. Nothing new there.

Apollo is delusional, but Phaedra was stupid for marrying him in the first place. Designer children from a sperm bank would've been a better move than hooking up with Oswald Bates.

  • Love 6

So Claudia lost all of her money huh?  I wonder if SHE fell for one of those Nigerian email schemes?  Hmmmmm?  And I can't stand the fact that she continues to go after Porsha and confront her all the time, and then complains to Ricky Smiley as if Porsha is stalking her or something.  Claudia!  If you would stop confronting Porsha, she wouldn't bother you AT ALL!!!  She doesn't like you.  So what?  Get over it stupid!  And you're crying because a bunch of mean girls made fun of you how many years ago?  Seeing your behavior on this show makes me think you were the mean girl.  Not buying the fake tears either.  And I'm way older than Porsha and I love gummy bears.  What's wrong with that?


Todd is so over Kandi.  When you start talking about going to a marriage counselor and you haven't even been married a year yet, you may as well put your divorce lawyer on speed dial.  Kandi, maybe Todd doesn't want to have sex with you because you keep emasculating him in front of your friends and family.  Get a clue dumbass!


I think they should add more time to Apollo's sentence since he didn't show up on time.  He is the mayor of Douchebag City!!!  I don't believe for a second that Phaedra is cheating on him.  He's a stupid douchebag at that!


So when did Atlanta become the mecca for cheating married millionaire Africans? 

  • Love 12

Watching the scene with Apollo gave me flashbacks of my ex-husband. It was eerie how similar Apollo's behavior was to my ex's as well as Phaedra's to how I used to react. I never antagonized my ex just because I didn't want him to get any angrier. I'd rather try to diffuse the situation and get him to go away. That whole scene really shook me up. You could see the change in Phaedra's demeanor when Bun told her that Apollo wanted to see his kids. The anger on her face was unmistakable.

Yeah, I was having some bad memories pop up too. I didn't realize I was shaking until they went to commercial.

You do whatever you can to just make them stop and go away. I would totally shut down. I knew he was going to do what he was going to do and I did what I could to not make it worse.

I may get punched in the head anyway but if I pissed him off it would get so much worse.

Phaedra handled it correctly in my opinion.

Lovetowrite, I'm sorry you had to go through that. My husband died not long after I finally escaped him.

  • Love 8

I've had a lockschmitz change my locks twice and neither time was I asked why I wanted them changed.


Yeah, That's true. They might ask, "do you have the locks you want, do want NEW locks, or just want the tumblers changed for the locks you have" -- But WHY you want them changed.....not really their business.


I thought the Apollo scenes went on too long at the end of the show. It was like the entire last ten minutes.


Claudia/Porsha -- why is either one of them even ON THE SHOW?! The Rickey Smiley confab was otherworldly.


Didn't miss Nene at all. She can stay gone.


When Kenya isn't stirring up trouble and agitating...she can be boring if she doesn't watch it. Her "writing /producing a show" storyline is a yawner.


Why do these women continue to get violent with each other?. Phaedra is a lawyer. If she's cool enough to put up with Apollo's crap, why would she assault Kenya (on camera). Not smart for officers of the court to commit assault .


WHY are these women (seemingly) believing this Mr. Chocolate stuff. Do they really think Phaedra would be that stupid. Then again she makes a move to assault Kenya ...so maybe she IS that dumb. Although technically that's two different situations. And dumb in one, doesn't make you stupid in the other.


I love Cynthia, poor thing.


Kandi and Todd. I can see a woman telling a REALLY good friend of decades that kind of information -- BUT NOT on camera! THEY don't need counseling. KANDI that needs counseling. She's controlling and smothering. and doesn't demand respect for her husband. What does she want? No man that you would want -- who has any SELF-respect, WOULD put up with that.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

I don't remember which gossip sites wrote about it, but the scene with Phaedra and the locksmith was supposed to be something short, only Apollo showed up unannounced so they kept cameras rolling. That's why the interior scenes looked so off, lighting and color-wise. The earlier scenes with the locksmith, Phaedra and her assistant were better lit. The camera equipment and men/women running them with the mics, etc were already there. When Apollo first got there, his voice wasn't very clear as I don't think he was mic'ed yet when he first jumped out of the car and started hollering.

Now, who's to say that someone didn't tip him off that they were filming? But the guy was clearly off his rocker and Bravo isn't about to let that not be filmed. I'm thinking it wasn't a set-up, but Apollo did get info they were filming so off he runs for his last 15 minutes of fame.

  • Love 10

I watched sans DVR tonight, so maybe I missed something, but didn't Rickey call Claudia in to discuss something else and then ask how they were getting along because he's felt the tension?


Still - it might not be a workplace issue if Childish Gambino could pull her head out from up her own oversized ass and have a simple (as opposed to her usual simple-minded) conversation where you take some ownership of a situation for the sake of peace, instead of trying to be Nene Jr., over-talking and swanning about like you're some big fucking deal and how dare anyone talk to you.


I hate Peter so I don't care how badly they rake him over the coals for his peachie ambitions.


Apollo would have seemed scarier to me if I didn't know that HE knew cameras were rolling the whole time. He was grandstanding; the idea that he would kill them all or wait do something violent to Phaedra ON TAPE with cameras, producers and workman around, after months of doing nothing in the privacy of their home when nobody was watching and he could claim a mutual fight was kinda ludicrous. It's eight years, it's not life. Why would he want to increase his time by assaulting and/or killing Phaedra and his kids? He could do that easy, he's done it before and certainly has more to live for and more prospects than he did the first time around.

Does not compute. Much like the locksmith who asks why she's changing the locks, or the idea that she left home to stay at a resort to be safe from Apollo ... but was with him the night before allowing him to see the kids. Huh?


But, as a scene from a Lifetime movie though, I guess it could have been scary.


The idea that the texts could have been from her exotic dancer BFF White Chocolate because girlfriends play like that sometimes  ... "Are you gonna call me Daddy?" "If you spank me" "That comes with it" ... yeah, that's a stretch. Either it's true, or it's faked, but the idea it's her friend texting that - stop it, Nene. Oh the irony of being caught up in the same sort of Textgate and then reacting violently to a taste of your own medicine. Umph umph umph. Everybody knows that's not cool.

  • Love 12

Doesn't Apollo realize that saying that "People kill over stuff like that" is a passive aggressive threat?  And how stupid is he if he thinks his little tirade gets him even a modicum of sympathy from anyone watching?


And Cynthia?  Shut up Felicia!  Just because your lying assed husband tells you something that another known lying assed person told him does not mean it's true and you need to act like a damned reporter with late breaking news.  Concentrate on your own crappy marriage and spend more time counting your money that your lying assed husband is pilfering from you.  Stupid bitch!  So annoying!


And if Leon does show up in any production done by Kenya I will lose all respect for him.  Dude, you're better than that!

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I don't care  for Phaedra at all.  But Apollo is a complete tool.  The idea that she was with some man counting down Apollo's lockdown made me giggle.

I appreciate Claudia's story.  There are many women nowadays, especially with the seemingly permanent economic downturn, who are starting over in their 40s and 50s.

Working with a spouse is tough...you have to balance masculine and feminine energies in both partners, create separate work zones, etc.  It takes a lot of emotional maturity which I think neither Kandi nor Todd possesses.

Edited by SpringTulips
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Phaedra, stop acting; if Apollo punched holes in the wall, why didn't the camera show them?  If he said he was going to burn down the house, why didn't we hear that?  I'm not going to believe Phaedra just because she has a vagina.  


Strange that now Phaedra doesn't want anything to do with Apollo; she was singing a different tune when she wanted a "good looking" man to have her children with.  I just didn't believe Phaedra was afraid, she's just not that good an actress.  


Apollo stormed in the house on the day he was to report to prison, was acting erratic, grabbed a drill and was menacing to Phaedra while she asked him to get away from her several times.  He also admitted to Peter than he threatened to kill her.  What more do you need to hear/see?  Apollo beat and cracked the rib of Brandon on camera.  You think a tiny woman wouldn't be fearful of what he could do to her and her children?  Over half of the marriages in the U.S. fail and I'd venture to guess that a good amount of the failures aren't a result the husband going back to a life of crime and going back to prison.  It's not strange that Phaedra would want nothing to do with Apollo after he publicly embarrassed her, acted inappropriately with another woman on camera and probably cheated on camera.  He was disrespectful and violent.  Whether Phaedra was involved in or knew about Apollo's crimes, that doesn't mean he was a violent, disrespectful cheat when they first got together.


So it's not ok to accuse someone of having an affair with a married man? And this is Phaedra we're talking about? The woman who coined the nickname Kenya Moore Whore?


1.) Phaedra believed her husband.  2.) Kenya also flirted openly with Apollo, so her behavior led to Phaedra calling her a whore.  I'm not saying I agree with her calling Kenya that, but Phaedra and Kenya's behavior has not been the same at all...


Apollo would have seemed scarier to me if I didn't know that HE knew cameras were rolling the whole time. He was grandstanding; the idea that he would kill them all or wait do something violent to Phaedra ON TAPE with cameras, producers and workman around, after months of doing nothing in the privacy of their home when nobody was watching and he could claim a mutual fight was kinda ludicrous. It's eight years, it's not life. Why would he want to increase his time by assaulting and/or killing Phaedra and his kids? He could do that easy, he's done it before and certainly has more to live for and more prospects than he did the first time around.


Does not compute. Much like the locksmith who asks why she's changing the locks, or the idea that she left home to stay at a resort to be safe from Apollo ... but was with him the night before allowing him to see the kids. Huh?


But, as a scene from a Lifetime movie though, I guess it could have been scary.


Apollo was going back to prison and has acted erratically several times on camera before.  He has no tact, no decorum, no dignity and no shame.  He disrespected his wife on camera and beat a man so severely that his ribs were cracked.  Who knows what Apollo was capable of knowing he was about to go to prison for year.  Just because the cameras were there doesn't mean he wouldn't have done something violent.

  • Love 21

1.) Phaedra believed her husband. 2.) Kenya also flirted openly with Apollo, so her behavior led to Phaedra calling her a whore. I'm not saying I agree with her calling Kenya that, but Phaedra and Kenya's behavior has not been the same at all...

No, Phaedra and Kenya are different. But I have little sympathy for Phaedra getting accused of stepping out on her husband when she not only called Kenya a whore, made jokes continually about Kenya being a whore, made fun of her for not having a husband, but for still not apologizing for it even after she found out it wasn't true.

  • Love 16

I don't remember which gossip sites wrote about it, but the scene with Phaedra and the locksmith was supposed to be something short, only Apollo showed up unannounced so they kept cameras rolling. That's why the interior scenes looked so off, lighting and color-wise. The earlier scenes with the locksmith, Phaedra and her assistant were better lit. The camera equipment and men/women running them with the mics, etc were already there. When Apollo first got there, his voice wasn't very clear as I don't think he was mic'ed yet when he first jumped out of the car and started hollering.

Now, who's to say that someone didn't tip him off that they were filming? But the guy was clearly off his rocker and Bravo isn't about to let that not be filmed. I'm thinking it wasn't a set-up, but Apollo did get info they were filming so off he runs for his last 15 minutes of fame.


And he clearly forgot to be juvial.  

  • Love 15

Peter surely delivered that Phaedra tea with so much damn glee, he couldn't keep that Cheshire grin off his face. And there Cynthia is, living up to her runteldat name. I just knew she couldn't resist sharing it with everybody.

With regards to Claudia, she didn't bring up the Porsha thing with Ricky Smiley; he asked. I thought her response to him was very professional and diplomatic. It's one else of those things that when your boss/supervisor mentions the obvious tension, it doesn't make sense to lie about it. Porsha is so immature that she cant see her, "I don't need to be nice to you, we only see each other in passing" stance is the wrong one to go with when you get called into boss' office.

Also, where is their hr department. Ricky sounded really gross talking about their thickness or whatever. Not funny, cute, or appropriate.

And I just want to know what Apollo was planning to do with that drill? That part was when I started shouting, "fuck him, call the cops!"

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 6

Me either. He'd have his attorney working on that long before his sentencing, in order to lessen his time. If he thinks doing it after the fact is going to help him, he's mistaken. I think Phaedra was maintaining her cool because she sees the light at the end of the tunnel, and giving Apollo the satisfaction of making her freak out one last time wasn't on her agenda.


Agreed. I do also feel that her claims of him messing up the house, etc. are less believable since she did not seem at all nervous until he finally came at her with that drill in his hand - even then she didn't move until he was in her face. But the guy is seriously disturbed. I wonder how much of his (stolen) money he actually put into that house he claims is his.

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NeNe will be on a special WWHL at 9 following the show, you can discuss her appearance there in the thread set up for that. I'm already wondering why she's on and what she'll have to say. :)

I lost all interest in watching it after Andy teased the interview by claiming Apollo was about to do something disturbing and Nene was going to discuss it.


I must have missed the part where Phaedra claimed Apollo upset Ayden, her son.


Apollo knew exaxctly what he was doing when he confided his discovery to Peter.

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Wow. Apollo and Phaedra. Shit got real. To start, the "affair" with Chocolate. I really don't know what to think. First of all, I love how Apollo spins it - "She had been keeping her phone close, not really letting me use it"...why would you need to use her phone? You don't have one of your own. Then you "just happen" to go through her phone when she leaves the room? Honestly, one of the biggest red flags in his story is the fact that Phaedra would coincidentally just leave her phone alone with him for an extended period of time. She seems a lot more savvy than all that. 


I know that texts can be doctored, things can be made up. But, I also know Phaedra is no little angel - not when she has friends like Ridickulous and was having ankle monitor sex with newly paroled Apollo. So this little liaison very well be true. I'm curious to hear Phaedra's side. But, really, if it weren't for her boys, I wouldn't even care. I do not see her and Apollo as having a relationship anymore. It doesn't seem like they have for a long time. True, no one has filed for divorce yet. But did Apollo seriously think, with everything that's gone down, they were really going to see it through this together, and she's be waiting with open arms once he was released? I sure didn't. So yea, I don't really care if she's chatting up some other dude, on another continent (what is with these women and going to Africa to get their men???) - not for Apollo's sake. I don't care about his delicate feelings. But I do think, given that she has such young boys at home who are going through a rough time, a romance should be the last thing on her mind. I certainly hope, if there is a Chocolate, she doesn't start parading him around her sons. 


And I'm SUPER pissed with the story Apollo gave Ayden the night before he goes away. Phaedra put all that thought into explaining it to their son in just the right way, and he blows it all out of the water by scaring him to death. Apollo is fucking nuts. The way he was acting at the house -  I would have called the police. He was stomping around in a rage, screaming at everyone, brandishing a drill. Seeing him THAT unhinged when there were cameras and random locksmiths over, makes me really fear for how he acts when no one else is around. I would not be surprised at all if he has hurt Phaedra. At the very least this is some emotional abuse right there. Telling her "people kill people over this like this"? Yea, that's a threat if I ever heard one. I'd be getting a restraining order. 



Another marriage on the rocks - Kandi and Todd. They're already barely having sex? Yea, that's a good sign. Of course, I'd be reluctant to get intimate with someone who constantly either disrespected me themselves or let others disrespect me. They're already bickering like they've been at this for years. I do not see a bright future for those two. 


I also don't ever see Kenya's stupid TV show seeing the light of day. What is this weird crap about your best friend leaving her dildo in the men's changing room before the wedding and you walk in on her trying to retrieve it and think she's hooking up with your man?  Who brings a dildo to a wedding???? Kenya is fucking delusional, but it's pretty fun to watch. 


I did learn some new sexual information from Claudia, though. Apparently licking the arm is a type of foreplay. Kandi, take notes. 

  • Love 1

Phaedra, if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. She knew what Apollo was before she married him, so I don't feel sorry that she's going through it now. I feel sorry for her kids, because its not their fault that their mom choose a pretty boy thug to mate with.Hopefully the next man she brings into their life will have a little more sustenance and not just good looks. 


Whether Apollo's visit was pre-planned or not, there was no way that he was going to hurt her on-camera or even off-camera while the production crew would be getting ready to leave for the day. If Bravo really felt one of their stars was in danger, production would have called the cops, with or with Phaedra's consent of knowledge. Bravo would not allow themselves to be at risk for a lawsuit by not intervening if seriously attacked her. So Phaedra knew she was pretty much safe in their presence and just wanted Apollo gone.


LOL@ Kandi complaining about the marriage already. Girl, bye. Todd is staying in that marriage far longer than I would have. There is only so much dogging out that he and his family can take. Access to Kandi's money isn't even worth it, and the man isn't even looking for that. At this point,  I say Free Todd. She is just as bad if not worse than Vicki from RHOC with her husband micromanaging. SMH.

  • Love 9

Okay, am I the only one who thinks there is something fishy about the entire Phadrea/Apollo thing? For one, either Bravo is editing the footage differently in order to make it more like a soap opera, or these people are reading scripts. If you watch carefully in the scene with Apollo coming home and running his mouth, both Phadera and her assistant are on the verge of laughter. And Mr. Chocolate? I mean it just sounds like a whole bunch of BS. I think in some weird way, Phadera and Apollo are working together and they are trying to get more money from the network since Apollo going to jail is gunna cost a whole bunch of money. I mean, we all know she makes on the least amounts of all the housewives. What do you guys think, am I just crazy?

  • Love 3

It seemed to me that Phaedra was keeping her mouth shut, waiting for Apollo to leave and not stir the pot while he ranted so as not to upset him more.  She seemed kind of scared to me.  And the fact that Bravo didn't call the cops doesn't really mean anything.  Phaedra may have asked them not to.  She mentioned a few times that she didn't want to get him into more trouble.  In the end, the fact that cameras were there and he pulled up and acted like that means it wasn't scripted.  At that point, it's Phaedra's decision what happens.  He came at her with a drill, I mean....what more do people want to see to convince them he was an abusive dick?  I don't know what holes in the wall would prove.  Methinks a lot of people would suggest she did that to set him up anyway.


I don't believe she cheated.  Apollo was caught in a lie with text messages in the past.  He's the type of person to seek his own kind of revenge for being outed on that fact by proving that Phaedra was the one cheating so his text message debacle was no big deal.  


Apollo is a constant victim.  Everything is done to him, regardless of what he does to deserve it.  If he does do something wrong, he points out that someone else has also done wrong therefore he is not responsible for what he did. The fact that he traumatized one of his own children is proof enough of that.  He doesn't give a shit if his kids are scared to death that he might get killed in prison...he only cared that he could stick it to Phaedra and make her feel like shit about it.


Peter and Cynthia are assholes.  Both of them.  Cynthia is a shit stirring bitch and I want her off my TV.  If I have to hear her claim innocence about her role in all the bullshit that's gone down this season at the reunion I may throw shit at my TV.  I cannot stand that hag.  She's not pretty or stunning or classy or any other such nonsense.  She's a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Fuck her. 

  • Love 12
Phaedra, if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. She knew what Apollo was before she married him, so I don't feel sorry that she's going through it now. I feel sorry for her kids, because its not their fault that their mom choose a pretty boy thug to mate with.Hopefully the next man she brings into their life will have a little more sustenance and not just good looks.



I feel sorry for the children, but not for Phaedra.  


Okay, am I the only one who thinks there is something fishy about the entire Phadrea/Apollo thing? For one, either Bravo is editing the footage differently in order to make it more like a soap opera, or these people are reading scripts. If you watch carefully in the scene with Apollo coming home and running his mouth, both Phadera and her assistant are on the verge of laughter.



The thing that got me was the multiple camera angles and the near close ups.  Not that I don't think Apollo can't be violent, I thought there was something fishy about the Phaedra/Apollo scene.  

  • Love 6

Originally posted by Talented Tenth:



Apollo stormed in the house on the day he was to report to prison, was acting erratic, grabbed a drill and was menacing to Phaedra while she asked him to get away from her several times.  He also admitted to Peter than he threatened to kill her.  What more do you need to hear/see?  Apollo beat and cracked the rib of Brandon on camera.  You think a tiny woman wouldn't be fearful of what he could do to her and her children?  Over half of the marriages in the U.S. fail and I'd venture to guess that a good amount of the failures aren't a result the husband going back to a life of crime and going back to prison.  It's not strange that Phaedra would want nothing to do with Apollo after he publicly embarrassed her, acted inappropriately with another woman on camera and probably cheated on camera.  He was disrespectful and violent.  Whether Phaedra was involved in or knew about Apollo's crimes, that doesn't mean he was a violent, disrespectful cheat when they first got together.

    1.) Phaedra believed her husband.  2.) Kenya also flirted openly with Apollo, so her behavior led to Phaedra calling her a whore.  I'm not saying I agree with her calling Kenya that, but Phaedra and Kenya's behavior has not been the same at all...

    Apollo was going back to prison and has acted erratically several times on camera before.  He has no tact, no decorum, no dignity and no shame.  He disrespected his wife on camera and beat a man so severely that his ribs were cracked.  Who knows what Apollo was capable of knowing he was about to go to prison for year.  Just because the cameras were there doesn't mean he wouldn't have done something violent.

Co-sign. Not all victims of abuse are perfect angels. Many make mistakes or even do their own horrible things. They may be complicit in the collateral damage caused by their partners. It's often a tactic to discredit the victim based on their own poor behavior. This is irrelevant to me. Phaedra could be the worst person in all of GA. Doesn't make it right for her to be abused or intimidated by a domestic partner. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 12

Okay, am I the only one who thinks there is something fishy about the entire Phadrea/Apollo thing? For one, either Bravo is editing the footage differently in order to make it more like a soap opera, or these people are reading scripts. If you watch carefully in the scene with Apollo coming home and running his mouth, both Phadera and her assistant are on the verge of laughter. And Mr. Chocolate? I mean it just sounds like a whole bunch of BS. I think in some weird way, Phadera and Apollo are working together and they are trying to get more money from the network since Apollo going to jail is gunna cost a whole bunch of money. I mean, we all know she makes on the least amounts of all the housewives. What do you guys think, am I just crazy?


I think it's far-fetched.  Watching the show over the last couple of years displayed to me that the marriage was on its way down the drain.  He has repeatedly humiliated and disrespected her on camera and caused her credibility to be further questioned after she tried to present him as a reformed felon.  She filed for divorce after he went to prison.  None of that screams "in cahoots" to me.  People are chosen for reality shows because their lives are very interesting and/or dramatic.  

  • Love 5

Phaedra, if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. She knew what Apollo was before she married him, so I don't feel sorry that she's going through it now.


In a reent show, where Apollo went to his lawyers office and Phaedra went to see psychiatrist Dr. Greg ....... Apollo's attorney Randy Kessler even said THAT would be  their position if Phaedra tried to cut him off from his kids and any marital gain that he might have rights to...that she knew what and who Apollo was and yet chose to have kiids and make a life with him. Producers juxtaposed that scene with Phaedra saying, '....She never suspected Apollo would do anything like he did, because who would think a person who'd been in prison would do anything that could send them back. That you'd think they'd learned, and when given a second chance would straighten their life up."  Me to Phaedra: ARRRH Girl shut up. 1) You knew what and who Apollo was...2) You're a LAWYER and you don't know that most people who've been in prison, GO BACK.  You brag about how good you are -- yet you don't know that recidivism rate for prisoners is crazy high. Give me a break. Not believable, sorry. Kessler has got you on this one.



He came at her with a drill,


I'm no Apollo fan but I'd say he approached her "holding" a dill.  Sure he was  angry when he walked up to her and he was holding the tool, but he never "threatened" her with the drill. He never raised it. And he also never really did anything threatening with it. As a matter of fact he put it down and approached her with his hands behind him, in an attempt to convey that he was not going to touch her violently. It's also true she did retreat. But later she did let him approach.


I'm not sure but I think there was an edit between those two scenes. Perhaps he just put the drill down in his ranting and roving around. Perhaps someone suggested he put the drill down and that would be less threatening...who knows....but she clearly let him get close enough to whisper in her ear.....and when he leaned in to talk to her, his hands were empty and behind his back.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 6


Kandi is sharing too much personal information about her marriage with Carmon.  How many times a week you have sex with your husband is none of your employee's business.


Kandi shared too much personal info with me last night. I am not at all interested in how many times she and Todd have sex,


No Nene was a huge bonus. Thank you Bravo.


Add me to the list of people that don't think Phaedra was having an affair.  Phaedra is too smart.  And if she was, she wouldn't be leaving her cell phone out where "anyone" could get to it. At the very least, she'd have deleted the messages.   Phaedra is very careful about what plays out on camera.   Very careful.  With only a few rare exceptions, we have always seen what Phaedra wants us to see.  She's good at it - probably better most of  the other HW's (including the other franchises. ) 


Having said that, I think I'm done with Atlanta. I was hanging around to see the Apollo drama play out and it has.  I have no interest in Mr. Chocolate, Kandi and Todd's marriage,  Roger Bobb, Nene, the Porsha/Claudia conflict or that ridiculous pilot Kenya writing.   And next week looks like more screeching and name calling.

  • Love 4

Okay, am I the only one who thinks there is something fishy about the entire Phadrea/Apollo thing? For one, either Bravo is editing the footage differently in order to make it more like a soap opera, or these people are reading scripts. If you watch carefully in the scene with Apollo coming home and running his mouth, both Phadera and her assistant are on the verge of laughter. And Mr. Chocolate? I mean it just sounds like a whole bunch of BS. I think in some weird way, Phadera and Apollo are working together and they are trying to get more money from the network since Apollo going to jail is gunna cost a whole bunch of money. I mean, we all know she makes on the least amounts of all the housewives. What do you guys think, am I just crazy?

I do think the producers called Apollo, told him Phaedra was changing locks/codes but they did not tell Phaedra that they called Apollo. When Apollo got there, he was not mic'ed and he never had 1 put on. IMO, he really was angry at her and she really was worried/nervous about him going off. I don't know if he has gone beyond threatening to harm her/kids but I do believe he has threatened to do so with demonstrations such as punching walls, throwing objects and getting in her face and backing her up against walls. I think Phaedra was real in her fears of being physically injured by Apollo, he was out of control and that could careless who knew it/saw it.

  • Love 2

I do think the producers called Apollo, told him Phaedra was changing locks/codes but they did not tell Phaedra that they called Apollo. When Apollo got there, he was not mic'ed and he never had 1 put on. IMO, he really was angry at her and she really was worried/nervous about him going off. I don't know if he has gone beyond threatening to harm her/kids but I do believe he has threatened to do so with demonstrations such as punching walls, throwing objects and getting in her face and backing her up against walls. I think Phaedra was real in her fears of being physically injured by Apollo, he was out of control and that could careless who knew it/saw it.

If this was truly the case, why hadn't she taken any actions (legal and otherwise) to protect herself and her kids, especially with her background.  The BRAVO cameras were rolling, I seriously doubt she had any real fears.  She's not that good enough of an actress.

I don't feel sorry for Phaedra.  She' very manipulative in playing the innocent victim role; trying to drum up sympathy as the wronged wife.  Yet she continues to use her kids as a pawn against their father.

This episode was so badly scripted, it's laughable.  I agree with those who says there are just way too many "holes" in this story.

  • Love 5


I'm no Apollo fan but I'd say he approached her "holding" a dill.  Sure he was  angry when he walked up to her and he was holding the tool, but he never "threatened" her with the drill. He never raised it. And he also never really did anything threatening with it.


But why did he even pick up the drill? Unless he was doing some last-minute home improvement, I'd say it was to intimidate her. Above all, though, Apollo is just plain dumb.


NeNe on WWHL: I think she is saying "bridemaid" as many times as possible now, just to fuck with us.

  • Love 6

In a reent show, where Apollo went to his lawyers office and Phaedra went to see psychiatrist Dr. Greg ....... Apollo's attorney Randy Kessler even said THAT would be  their position if Phaedra tried to cut him off from his kids and any marital gain that he might have rights to...that she knew what and who Apollo was and yet chose to have kiids and make a life with him. Producers juxtaposed that scene with Phaedra saying, '....She never suspected Apollo would do anything like he did, because who would think a person who'd been in prison would do anything that could send them back. That you'd think they'd learned, and when given a second chance would straighten their life up."  Me to Phaedra: ARRRH Girl shut up. 1) You knew what and who Apollo was...2) You're a LAWYER and you don't know that most people who've been in prison, GO BACK.  You brag about how good you are -- yet you don't know that recidivism rate for prisoners is crazy high. Give me a break. Not believable, sorry. Kessler has got you on this one.



I'm no Apollo fan but I'd say he approached her "holding" a dill.  Sure he was  angry when he walked up to her and he was holding the tool, but he never "threatened" her with the drill. He never raised it. And he also never really did anything threatening with it. As a matter of fact he put it down and approached her with his hands behind him, in an attempt to convey that he was not going to touch her violently. It's also true she did retreat. But later she did let him approach.


I'm not sure but I think there was an edit between those two scenes. Perhaps he just put the drill down in his ranting and roving around. Perhaps someone suggested he put the drill down and that would be less threatening...who knows....but she clearly let him get close enough to whisper in her ear.....and when he leaned in to talk to her, his hands were empty and behind his back.


Gotta look close and quickly but, yes, he does set it down after she backs away from him.  


He leaned barely perceptibly to his right and set it on something in the garage (must have been something at least hip high because he barely has to lean over to set it down), and then continued to approach her.


He kept pulling the trigger on that drill when he first approached her with it.


Maybe he never raised it against her, but his behavior with that electric drill (a potentially lethal weapon) was all sorts of aggressive to my view.  

But why did he even pick up the drill? Unless he was doing some last-minute home improvement, I'd say it was to intimidate her. Above all, though, Apollo is just plain dumb.


NeNe on WWHL: I think she is saying "bridemaid" as many times as possible now, just to fuck with us.


I'd say so, too.  


Particularly since he kept squeezing the trigger on it before he put it down.  Looked pretty aggressive to me.  


I hate the sound those things make.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 6

I feel sorry for the children, but not for Phaedra.  



The thing that got me was the multiple camera angles and the near close ups.  Not that I don't think Apollo can't be violent, I thought there was something fishy about the Phaedra/Apollo scene.

In the previews of this 'happening this season' wasn't there a clip showing someone rushing up to Apollo and Phaedra as she said get away from me or soon after? It seems like some different editing was done because those earlier previews gave a vibe someone got between them, and it wasn't Bun because there was abrupt camera movement.

If this was truly the case, why hadn't she taken any actions (legal and otherwise) to protect herself and her kids, especially with her background.  The BRAVO cameras were rolling, I seriously doubt she had any real fears.  She's not that good enough of an actress.

I don't feel sorry for Phaedra.  She' very manipulative in playing the innocent victim role; trying to drum up sympathy as the wronged wife.  Yet she continues to use her kids as a pawn against their father.

This episode was so badly scripted, it's laughable.  I agree with those who says there are just way too many "holes" in this story.

If he has not hit her or their kids, there is no legal action she can take. Making a threat is not illegal unless there is a history of physical violence and as far as anyone knows, Apollo has not gotten physical with any woman or child, not to mention the fact that he would be in prison within the next 24 hours. His breaking Brandon's rib would not count because Peter was also involved and Brandon threw the first punch/kick. Apollo could use any holes he punched into the walls as proof that he would not physically harm her. The are many victims of DV that claim the threats and physical intimidation are more damaging than the beating some times. Phaedra was concerned and Apollo was trying to scare the shit out of her IMO.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1


But why did he even pick up the drill? Unless he was doing some last-minute home improvement, I'd say it was to intimidate her.


I think he was going to start taking hinges off, and un screwing stuff...but in his agitated state...he was so busy running around he never stayed on one topic or with one intention long enough to do anything with it really.


I thought he was going to start with...."you want the locks changed, you want them off? -- I"LL take them off for you....happy now?" But he just kept ranting and walking around and never did anything with it really.


Yes he was angry, but I think he just happened to approach her with it still in his hands, not even thinking how it might look, because he want even thinking of using it.  And he DID put it down. He didn't have it when he talked to her later.  There were edits, and clearly we didn't see everything that happend. Perhaps she said, "if you want to talk put that down. You dont' need that to talk to me." And without the drill she let him approach. She backed up a lot more the first time. Later when he approached with his hands behind him, and he said let me talk to you. she initially backed up but then did let him whisper in her ear.......and she didn't seem to be trembling in fear. 

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

I think he was going to start taking hinges off, and un screwing stuff...but in his agitated state...he was so busy running around he never stayed on one topic or with one intention long enough to do anything with it really.


I thought he was going to start with...."you want the locks changed, you want them off? -- I"LL take them off for you....happy now?" But he just kept ranting and walking around and never did anything with it really.


Yes he was angry, but I think he just happened to approach her with it still in his hands, not even thinking how it might look, because he want even thinking of using it.  And he DID put it down. He didn't have it when he talked to her later.  There were edits, and clearly we didn't see everything that happend. Perhaps she said, "if you want to talk put that down. You dont' need that to talk to me." And without the drill she let him approach. She backed up a lot more the first time. Later when he approached with his hands behind him, and he said let me talk to you. she initially backed up but then did let him whisper in her ear.......and she didn't seem to be trembling in fear. 


I have no idea why you're sticking on this point or making the distinction.  But if we're just giving the play-by-play and taking human emotions out of it, then yes, you are correct.


However, with the human emotions, which is what this situation was, he was aggressive and she felt threatened.  So yes, he came at her with a drill, IMO

  • Love 2

If he has not hit her or their kids, there is no legal action she can take. Making a threat is not illegal unless there is a history of physical violence and as far as anyone knows, Apollo has not gotten physical with any woman or child, not to mention the fact that he would be in prison within the next 24 hours. His breaking Brandon's rib would not count because Peter was also involved and Brandon threw the first punch/kick. Apollo could use any holes he punched into the walls as proof that he would not physically harm her. The are many victims of DV that claim the threats and physical intimidation are more damaging than the beating some times. Phaedra was concerned and Apollo was trying to scare the shit out of her IMO.

She could contacted the authorities for domestic disturbance.  She could have tried to get a restraining order.  She could have taken her children to a safe environment.  And yet she didn't even want to call the cops.  Of course, that probably wasn't in the script.

  • Love 3

She could contacted the authorities for domestic disturbance.  She could have tried to get a restraining order.  She could have taken her children to a safe environment.  And yet she didn't even want to call the cops.  Of course, that probably wasn't in the script.


I thought Phaedra said the kids weren't in the house? They were with her mother. And apparently, she had been staying in a hotel leading up to Apollo's report date.

  • Love 5
All I can say about Apollo is WOW!  The guy is so delusional, thinking he has contributed anything to their marriage.  While Phaedra was working however many jobs, the slime ball was hanging out at strip clubs, spending her money and the money he stole from others to make himself look like some kind of high roller.  I think the only reason Phaedra let him run around the place like a crazy person is because he IS kinda crazy and she's not sure what he might do if she were to be confrontational.



I take it that you were not impressed with the bucket full of Home Depot door hinges that he was so proudly displaying.


I wonder if there are any men left in the motherland since all of them seem to be in Atlanta?  Oh yeah, I the ones in Atlanta are made up.  Seriously, the next time someone accuses someone else of seeing an African man (millionaire or otherwise)... I want a proper name and not nickname like Fudgie the Whale.


Claudia, I used to wake up at 5 a.m., get my kids ready for school, and then take 2 buses to work (I was never late)...so you not getting up time for a cushy gig like a morning show is really not a tearjerker.


I am not a prude, but please no more of Kandi's "wares". I am afraid they are going to force a sexual aid to be displayed in every episode.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 6

She could contacted the authorities for domestic disturbance.  She could have tried to get a restraining order.  She could have taken her children to a safe environment.  And yet she didn't even want to call the cops.  Of course, that probably wasn't in the script.

She did leave the house. When they filmed that garage scene, Apollo should have already turned himself in at the prison in Tenn., he should not have been at the house and that is why she returned to change the locks/alarms/ect.. You can not file for a restraining order unless there is cause and she had no cause because he had not hit her, the kids or anyone else (Brandon does not count here) and the same goes for calling the police for a domestic disturbance, not cause.  Oh, and her kids were NOT at home at the time this was filmed, they were still at the hotel with her mother, Phaedra was only home to change locks/alarms/codes, not to sleep there.

  • Love 4

I think he was going to start taking hinges off, and un screwing stuff...but in his agitated state...he was so busy running around he never stayed on one topic or with one intention long enough to do anything with it really.


I thought he was going to start with...."you want the locks changed, you want them off? -- I"LL take them off for you....happy now?" But he just kept ranting and walking around and never did anything with it really.


Yes he was angry, but I think he just happened to approach her with it still in his hands, not even thinking how it might look, because he want even thinking of using it.  And he DID put it down. He didn't have it when he talked to her later.  There were edits, and clearly we didn't see everything that happend. Perhaps she said, "if you want to talk put that down. You dont' need that to talk to me." And without the drill she let him approach. She backed up a lot more the first time. Later when he approached with his hands behind him, and he said let me talk to you. she initially backed up but then did let him whisper in her ear.......and she didn't seem to be trembling in fear. 

IMO, Apollo was angry when he approached Phaedra, hence her backing away and she kept backing away until he turned and walked away. He leaned in on her the entire time as well, IMO, that is menacing and intimidating behavior by a man toward a woman, drill or not. If he was planning on removing anything like a lock, then why did he keep squeezing the power button making it go, again, another intimidating tactic. Dislike Phaedra all you want but Apollo was trying to threaten/scare her and no woman deserves that, none.

  • Love 3
I thought Phaedra said the kids weren't in the house? They were with her mother. And apparently, she had been staying in a hotel leading up to Apollo's report date.


She did indeed say that. And they were staying outside the home at the beginning of the season as well, when he had his sentencing, IIRC. Phaedra, it appears to me, has done a very good job of sheltering the boys from Apollo's madness. I can't really say why she hasn't pursued a restraining order or anything at this point, in regards to his threats and aggressive behavior. Perhaps she feels it will be a waste of time and money at this point, given he is about to be locked up for several years?

  • Love 2

Other blogs have info. that reveal the garage scene was totally staged. To me, the very topic: "Phaedra changes the locks to her house" exposes the lie. Could they be any more obvious? I loved the actor, er, I mean locksmith, who said: "do you mind if I ask why you're changing the locks?!" Then Apollo's very dramatic entrance, his ominous but bad acting "do not call the police," his friend who's conveniently around and lurking in the bushes, and Phaedra and her assistant just standing there, acting their parts. All those people there, incl. the Bravo crew, and nobody is alarmed, nobody calls the police. All topped off by Andy on WWHL promoting the scene and calling it "very disturbing." Well, yes, he was actually right on that -- the acting was pretty poor, pretty disturbing.

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