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S04.E13: 4 Seasons In One Finale

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Seeing the designers stand with their whole collection, I understood why they chose Dimitry's. Helen's first look was cute but everything after that was a bummer. That Salvation Army recruit she shoved out at the end was might as well have carried a sign reading, "Ran out of time!". Sonjia's collection, seen altogether, is visually just all over the place. I like that African print jumpsuit at first but just standing there, the model looked very hippy (and of course, she's totally not.) The maxi-vest look is not coming back. It just isn't. And final gown needed a lot more thought.


Dimitry's collecetion was the most believable, as a collection, and didn't have any true clunkers like the maxi-vest and the SA cape. I'm so happy for Dimitry and I hope he goes on to great things! Sonjia, too. I do like her stuff.


 It's a pity the show has become such a parody of itself. I wish it would get sold to someone else.

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A camouflage suit, Isaac? For serious?


Oh..was Isaac there? I didn't see him!


Congrats to my favorite Dmitry. I was afraid after the last judges' comments about Dmitry being remote or some such that they were going to give it to Sonji, of the blue lips. But that was a fakeout. I didn't love Dmitry's collection, but he had some really nice pieces, and he is my favorite..those photos of him as a child and a young man...so cute. I do wish he would cut his hair, but given the way that most of these designers present themselves, he looks amazingly normal. I think it's interesting that we know so little about his private life, considering how much over sharing we usually get. Well, we know he likes "doggies" and doesn't care for noisy (fake) babies (from his original season) Beyond that..not much. 

  • Love 8

Wow, just saw what Dmitri actually won...$150k in cash, the one-year internship, a year of assistants etc for fashion shows, trip to Mexico, plus the QVC Fashion Week appearance and chance to make a collection. Really, some good stuff, the money will help him work toward his ultimate goals, plus he will make more and more connections.

Congratulations, Dmitri...you are awesome and your personality made this whole season, as well as season 10, everything. Best person ever on this show.

Hoping someone will post if they know when he will be on QVC? If he will be on TV?

Ps, I thought his hair looked great this season, lol. Was shorter and more styled than last time. He is such a hunk...:)


AM was in labor during this whole episode...explains a lot...wow

Edited by Bebecat
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OMG - check out this coat by Dimitry from the above QVC link - it is super sharp! I bet they sell a million of them!







Although now that I'm looking at it, I wonder why the model is giving me so much 'Tude?

Edited by Merneith
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Thank you mom for birthing me? Really? REALLY?

Why not then go and say thank you dad for knocking my mom up and mom for birthing me?

Or go one step further: thank you Jose Cuervo for liquid encouragement....


I'm so glad Dmitry won! I remember seeing pictures from what looked like Mexico on his twitter, but I tried not to think about it: almost everyone goes to Mexico, so i was ready for it to be a coincidence.


As many here I would have been ok if Sonji won. Interesting thing: she was saying Egyptian, but for some reason I saw more Persian in her fabric. Or even just pure old Arabic.


I remember someone joking (I think? ;) ) here about how Helen will now present her Wednesday Adams collection. HAHAHA. RIGHT. ON. MONEY. I've got to admit though, she did hit the sweet spot with that midi skirt. I've been looking for a heavy winter midi skirt for YEARS. I'd prefer it in grey plaid, but it's just me. I want that wool skirt. Yesterday.


Isaac... Darling... That suit... I don't even.  "Stop trying to make fetch happen" 

Edited by vavera4ka
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Hey!  Stop slamming the shoulder pad!  I only threw out my treasure trove of shoulder pads last week.  (They were in storage and mice had made condos.)  I was a fully grown adult before I realized that what my mother called "Renaissance shoulders" were really "sloping."  The 80's were my flattering fashion high point.


Besides, they don't have to be Crystal Carrington mongo.  In men's jackets, they create the illusion of the much sought after V-shape and in women's jackets, the smaller waist and the hour-glass feegure.  Where do I sign the petition for a comeback? 


... what drove me insane was the horrible camera work during the runway show. ... I wanted to see the clothes, from all angles and up close.

Exactly.  I watched the runway parts twice and they didn't even show the BACKS of most of the clothes!!!  The back of the marijuana dress was shown and it was interesting where those kind buds went when they wrapped around.  I wanted to see the back of the dress with the fringe, too, but no dice.  I thought the fringe in front was short and subdued and just made a fascinating b/w pattern instead of shouting "Fringe!


Oh..was Isaac there? I didn't see him!


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I think I'm going to give regular recipe PR one more shot and if it isn't significantly improved I'm calling it a day on this franchise.


The series is so bad that it's not even fun to snark on. Snark is best in small doses, but when every single element - the judges, the mentors, the ridiculous time frames, the stupid commercial tie-ins, the ham-handed manipulative editing - is snark-worthy, it's depressing.


What were they thinking with that frenzied circus monstrosity jammed into that tight little space? It made absolutely no sense and was annoying in the extreme. (Georgina nearly lost her British cool when that circus performer swung in and smacked her cheek, and who can blame her?)


Then we were treated to half-assed collections because that's all the designers had time for. I'm glad for Dmitry, but that's the only positive thing I can say.



I think Anna Wintour has a picture locked up in some attic or other that looks like Zanna Roberts Rossi. She's what people are picturing when they say fashion is a joke.


I seriously question Anna's taste these days, with all the cozying up she's doing to the Kardashian trash. Is Conde Nast hard up for cash?

  • Love 4

Helen's grey coat cape thing had uneven sleeves. I couldn't stop looking at that flaw. I don't mind at all when designers reuse looks from that season in their runway shows. Sometimes they are lightning in a bottle that you've had time to refine based on your critique of that challenge, or it really represents your style. I think it's more problematic to come up with something brand new and untested for each piece. It ends up looking scattered, not cohesive, which was Helen's problem.

Dmitry' s collection I would wear, but I'm a mom of three, in my late forties. I would wear Sonjia' s collection if I were young, hip, and sexy.

Edited by Archery


What were they thinking with that frenzied circus monstrosity jammed into that tight little space? It made absolutely no sense and was annoying in the extreme.


While I agree with your assessment of the performance, locale, and level of annoyance, it's an actual thing, not something put together for the show. I guess the producers were trying to amp up excitement by choosing this venue, and by "excitement" I mean "migraine inducing sensory overload". I will most definitely not be buying a ticket.

Edited by designing1
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Glad Dmitry won. I loved his black coat with the swirls on the sleeves and no one seemed to mention it at all. I liked his theme of a woman with a carefully chosen collection of fashion and his clothes were the type you would buy and be able to wear for years (classics).


Glad Alyssa had a healthy baby, but she should really consider not signing up for projects during the last stretch of any future pregnancies. That looked painful.

I loved that jacket! Too bad the QVC version wasn't as nice (no surprise) and was in that janitor jumpsuit grey. Poor Alyssa. I felt for her.


Hey!  Stop slamming the shoulder pad!  


Besides, they don't have to be Crystal Carrington mongo.  In men's jackets, they create the illusion of the much sought after V-shape and in women's jackets, the smaller waist and the hour-glass feegure.  Where do I sign the petition for a comeback? 


My mom was an executive secretary back in the 40s and bought her clothes at the City of Paris department store in San Francisco. She paid around $60 per suit...which was BUCKS back then. When I was in college, I'd borrow pieces (especially the suit jackets) to add to different outfits I'd put together. All the jackets had shoulder pads. But they were wee, dainty shoulder pads. Reminded me of little pierogies. And they didn't make me look like that Carrington woman. They just added a little definition and sharpness.

Edited by carrps

Well, the highest income tax bracket (over $413,000 for an individual)in the US this year is 39.6% (and I have to doubt that Dmitri is in that bracket, even with the bump from the PRAS win.) But assuming that he is, he'd owe around $59,400 on the cash prize of $150,000, leaving him with $90,600 to pay the taxes on the trip to Cancun, the Mary Kay makeup and staff and the Brother machinery.

Edited by Ketzel
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I'm assuming that winners will be better off before they won the prizes and money, but all the bragging about the fabulous prizes and money every week is a bit of sleight of hand.


I was catching up with Jay Carroll's latest news, of which there is not much, and I was startled to learn that when he won, Bravo's contract "...stipulated that the Project Runway production company would own a 10% stake of all his professional ventures in perpetuity. He refused to sign and turned down the money and the mentorship." Somehow I had not heard this story. Apparently Bravo dropped the clause after the first season.

  • Love 3


Well Dmitri won before and wanted to win again, so I guess the prize-thing did not scare him off. Self-employed designers probably have plenty of tax deductions anyway.


Jury's out on that one! I've only been a self-employed designer (websites, not clothing) for about nine months. We'll see what my accountant has to say now that it's tax time.  ;)


I do think it sucks, though, when something that's supposed to be a prize ends up costing you money. If it's a prize, I don't think the government should take any of it. It defeats the purpose of it being a prize if it ends up being a pain in the ass (or a pain in the wallet). 



But seriously, except for like two questionable looks, Helen's collection spoke to me much more than Sonjia's, or even Dmitry's, if I'm being honest.


If I hadn't watched the entire season and had no bias whatsoever about choosing a winner, I probably would have gone with Helen's, scarily enough. Not because I liked all the pieces, but because I liked her idea and felt many of them fit that premise. I think I would have found Dmitry's too 80's-esque (which I don't love), and I don't like that lace over shorter skirt look that Sonjia favored, so I don't think I would have liked hers either.


I don't think any of them really followed the "4 seasons" rule very well. They all used dark, heavy colors like black, red and dark blue (even Sonjia's colors were burgundy and earth tones, rather than springy colors, except for that hideous yellow skirt and the interesting blanket-like coat). I really wish I could have seen at least one person's collection show a believable transition of outfits from spring to summer to fall to winter, from light and flirty to warm and cozy.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I do think it sucks, though, when something that's supposed to be a prize ends up costing you money. If it's a prize, I don't think the government should take any of it. It defeats the purpose of it being a prize if it ends up being a pain in the ass (or a pain in the wallet).

Sometimes the prizes are stipulated to be 'after taxes', meaning that the contest people pay the taxes for you and the $150K or whatever is after taxes, net vs gross. It's also possible that, since virtually all prizes are donated, the cars rental for a year (for example) may have been the best deal the producers could wrangle that year.


Prizes, whether cash, trips or a dozen sewing machines are considered income, thus taxable. It may suck but that's the law.

Edited by Beden

My husband walked thru the room while I was watching and saw Zanna RR and asked who the scarecrow was and didn't he have a mirror.  I said that was the best she looked all season.

Glad Dymitry won, even tho I thought his collection wasn't the best he's ever produced.  Sanji's was too Junior oriented and Helen of Cry's was just too tragic. The girl gives me the creeps and never looks clean.  And while I take nail care very seriously and have a standing appointment with my tech, her nails just give me the creeps.

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So you pay the taxes...still end up with $70k or so. Not a hardship.

But if you pay taxes on the value of the other non-monetary gifts, you can end up owing more in taxes than the money that is left.



In Dmitri's case, all the prizes were related to business; therefore, he could deduct them as business expenses.  Mexico? It was to attend a conference there, IIRC.  Brother equipment?  Heck, yes.  A designer needs sewing machines!  


Also, as to the prize money, he could beef up his 401K and contribute the maximum; start an HSA for his health insurance; and find deductions by increasing his studio space, upgrading his technology etc.  


I was a contestant on a game show and won cash.  I deducted the travel expenses of auditioning and going to the show, the cab ride to the studio, the hotel to spend the night in NYC, the meals, EVERYTHING.  By the time I got done, I paid no taxes.  


I also own a small business.  The year I made a LOT of money coincidentally was the year I bought an iMac, a MacBook, a new printer and a case of printer cartridges, upgraded my digital camera, hired a designer for my website -- did everything I could to reduce income.  The following year when I didn't earn as much, I didn't even buy a pencil.  That's how you do it.  

  • Love 3



In Dmitri's case, all the prizes were related to business; therefore, he could deduct them as business expenses.  Mexico? It was to attend a conference there, IIRC.  Brother equipment?  Heck, yes.  A designer needs sewing machines! 

Also, as to the prize money, he could beef up his 401K and contribute the maximum; start an HSA for his health insurance; and find deductions by increasing his studio space, upgrading his technology etc. 

I was a contestant on a game show and won cash.  I deducted the travel expenses of auditioning and going to the show, the cab ride to the studio, the hotel to spend the night in NYC, the meals, EVERYTHING.  By the time I got done, I paid no taxes.


How can something that's a gift be deducted as an expense? Perhaps it can become not-taxable if it's solely business related, but I don't see how it can be deducted. And I really, really don't see how choosing to travel to take part in a game show is deductible.


How can something that's a gift be deducted as an expense? Perhaps it can become not-taxable if it's solely business related, but I don't see how it can be deducted. And I really, really don't see how choosing to travel to take part in a game show is deductible.


I'm not a tax attorney, but I'm thinking that the "gifts" were made to DMITRY INC., not Dmitry himself. It's the same thing as when people who win the lottery create a trust so the ticket winnings go into the trust and not to an individual.  And when you win the lottery, you can deduct the cost of all your losing tickets against the winnings. 


As for the game show, I couldn't WIN any money if I hadn't paid the EXPENSES of going to New York City in the first place to earn it!  It's the same thing as if you travel to California for a job interview--it's part of the COST of getting the job.  


Personally, even if I won a crappy gift on, say, Price Is Right, I'd still take it if I could sell it.  I would still pay only half of the value in taxes and could keep the rest.  

  • Love 2


OMG - check out this coat by Dimitry from the above QVC link - it is super sharp! I bet they sell a million of them!







Although now that I'm looking at it, I wonder why the model is giving me so much 'Tude?


 The coat also comes in black w/the circle detail in light gray. The detail really stands out against the black.

Edited by Lamb18
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I adore Dimitry -- he's so talented and meticulous. I'm thrilled he won, even though I didn't love his collection. Sonjia could have won and I would have been OK with it. I agree that both of them were derivative of their own past works. As long as Helen didn't win, I'm good. I liked her looks more than I thought I would, but I find her completely insufferable.

I don't like Helen as a person either, and thought she should have gone out in fourth place; but I actually thought hers was the best collection in the finale. Or maybe "least worst" is a better way to phrase it. Eight looks in four days is completely ridiculous, and it showed. Yes, they did better than one might expect; but I don't understand why they would want looks from previous episodes to outshine the ones shown in the finale, even if it's not done during Fashion Week like the non-All-Star version of the show.

My favorite thing about the finale was seeing Zak Posen---he's so pretty! & articulate about fashion. More of him & much less of the pretty blonde English lady, please!

Congratulations to all the designers & wishing them all the best in the future! PRAS was kinda bootleg in general, which is a shame as the designers had already demonstrated their talents & deserved better. The biggest problem was the ridiculous & unnecessary time challenge. ....it's been said so many times before......And the cheap lighting in the finale though! Ugh! How dreadful!

Also, I feel bad for AM. She's a petite, pregnant woman who was put through the ringer here for her appearance. I didn't exactly love her fashion choices, but damn! You guys were really harsh at times.

And. I think Helen is really pretty & seems like a nice person.

Edited by NowVoyager
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I think most people were ragging on AM's stylists, more than on her. She probably wore what she was told worked best on her, even if it didn't. And she may have been encouraged into sporting those ginormous buns on top of her head. I felt bad for her, that she was presented in such a horribly unflattering way, almost as though a pregnant woman has no,option but to be bursting out of too-tight dresses in the wrong cuts and prints, etc...on a fashion design show, no less. They should have done challenges on dressing a fully pregnant woman...maybe the designers could have done better on her behalf. I just feel bad for AM's sake. She always looked uncomfortable and it probably won't be nice for her to look back at tapes of this series.

  • Love 1

Their stylists have always done a pretty bad job with her. They keep putting her in clothes and hair she would really need to be a tall supermodel with pronounced features to pull off, and she isn't. She's a petite, pretty woman with curves. Which, if she was the host of my PTA talent show I would never dream of bringing up, but she's the host of a show where the specific premise is that the people making the show are experts in taste and judgment where fashion is concerned. The people making the styling choices for Alyssa Milano on this show are not displaying that _at all_, JMO. And FWIW, she gave interviews when this all started saying that her look this season was chosen by the stylists, not by her, so her taste isn't really in question.

  • Love 4

I never in a million years would have thought my fav would have won, so congrats to Dmitry!!!!!! I wasn't fond of the other two, so I was very happy. Maybe next time they'll have the contestants come with their final collections already done to save even more time. Phooh. While I was mildly impressed with them all, it was worlds away from the finals of early years. We'll see what next season brings. If I'm really lucky, there will be another model I recognize (from Top Model).

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As to the long skirt--I grew up in the '70s, and midi-skirts with boots were dowdyTHEN, but at least we knew to give them color or tailoring. That long skirt of Helen's was Amish-prisonwear drab.

OMG!  I had a couple of those wool skirts from JCPenney in the early 80's.  I thought that skirt was one of the ugliest things to go down the runway.  Maybe it was the color, but it was so boring and old fashioned looking, and made the model look big. But then there was Helen's last look which just took the prize for the most ugly WTF look ever.  Big gray cape like an ugly cocoon.  


I just want someone to assure me that I'll never have to look at Helen's fingernails again


She was really waving her hands around, showing off those pointed scary things.  My mom kept asking how she could sew with them.


I thought Dmitri would win, but only cuz his clothes look so polished and well-made in comparison with the others.  I just cannot imagine having 4 days to make a collection with just a little help from another designer.  I didn't care for some of his looks, but he was the least of the evils.  I enjoy watching Dmitri and when I think of all the Russian Ice Skater stuff he was cranking out I realize that he has grown so much.  I would have been happy with a Sanji win, but it just wasn't there.  Both of them have good personalities (Sanji seems so nice and sincere, and I love Dmitri and his deadpan expressions).


Helen, otoh should not have even been there IMO.  In the interest of fairness, I tried to see something redeemable about her looks, but just couldn't.  Her lack of color sense still astounds me.  Nothing seemed to complement the color of her models' skin tones except for maybe black.  And the judges made over that plain, basic black jumpsuit that had no style and a simple jacket over it.  WTF?  Oh well, to each his own.

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I'm so glad Dmitry won.  


Not least because of the way he presented himself on the runway.  Helen and Sonjia both looked like 12-year-olds on their first date!  And, most cringeworthy of all they BOTH said that their collections were inspired by themselves.  Is this a new thing among the young?  To be inspired by one's own self?  The horror.


I was actually thinking, "Designers should not speak," when Dmitry came out and made everything OK.

  • Love 3

OK, didn't care a whole lot for this season, but now my Thursday feels sooooo empty!  I'm to the point of looking back and (almost) wishing for another Under the Gunn - wait, no I'm not, I'd have to be brain dead to wish for that. But I really, really want some original recipe PR.  Any clue when that'll happen?  I'm guessing not any time soon since they were still running spots asking for contestants.  Sighhhhhh.  

Having naively believed the Helen spoiler, it took forever for me to work up the energy to finally watch the episode.


I was physically convulsing and exclaiming with horror as her collection walked the runway. Aside from the first dress (adorable), the rest looked pretty rough. I couldn't fathom her winning, especially after watching Sonjia and Dmitry's collections. When Isaac announced her out of the running, I felt my first ever warmth toward him in four seasons. Her attitude did slightly improve this season, but she was calling out Sonjia and Dmitry for replicating design aesthetics despite her own use of capelets, capsleeves and lace. So whatever, Helen.


I had talked myself into believing that Sonjia would win. Not only has a female never won Allstars, but she did the impossible by outperforming even the ever-consistent Dmitry throughout the season. Her collection was creative, beautiful and interesting, whereas Dmitry's was a bit clunky and poorly fit the "Seasons" assignment. Finally, a Dmitry win is so eerily similar to a Seth Aaron win that I just didn't think they'd go there. But they did.


This is the second time Dmitry has won with a "meh" collection. TBH, I think judging panels are afraid to deny him the win. Everything he does is so uber polished and put together, and he has such a smarmy, overconfident presence that commands respect, that just giving him the win is the easiest way to avoid any backlash.


We also now have a male "Fan Favorite" winner from seasons 7, 8, 9 and 10. Anybody want to put money on Stanley, Bradon and Kini winning the next 3 Allstars?

I love Dmitry and almost everything I've seen him send down the PR, but I did not dig this collection. Probably unpopular opinion, but that's mine.  Love Sonjia and Helen too.  My fav was Sonjia's even with the recycled looks and I loved Helen's first look.

I dislike him, and generally don't get his clothes.  With this collection I could tell it was well made... but I found it just plain ugly.  It's not even a more complex feeling than that.  


Sonjia's was the best, but even Sad Sack Helen's collection was actually more attractive than Dmitry's.

I loved Helen's collection, and would wear it. But I can't stand Helen lol.


Was glad Dimitry won it because I think overall he is the best. I didn't like his final collection, but think he deserved the win overall. I liked Sonjia's a lot too, but Dimitry deserved the win.

You'll have to explain this.  If you didn't like his collection, what was the basis upon which he deserved it?  Isn't the judgment of the winner supposed to be based on how good the collection is?

Wouldn't how well made the fashions are be part of the criteria?  Beauty, which is so individual and varies from person to person, is not the only value.

In theory I see your point.  But if that was the case this would be "Project Seamstress", a show about how well you sew.  They specify it's about design, which in fact makes it even more ridiculous when the show gives them impossible deadlines. So in a way they shoot themselves in the foot with insisting it's a show about design and not construction (while giving them tests for their construction speed and skills)... but they DO.

I appreciate Dimitry's design a lot - but wouldn't wear most of it. I'd wear Helen's .... but that right there is the whole reason why she shouldn't win. Most of my wardrobe is from Old Navy and Walmart. I know my personal fashion tastes aren't elevated at all.


I can't see myself wearing most of Dimitry or Sonjia's clothes, but I can appreciate their design and their aesthetics and the art of them, and not want to wear them.

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