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S05.E09: What Happened, And What's Going On

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I'm assuming that once Morgan shows up, Noah is dead. Because this obnoxious trend continues with what is otherwise a fabulous show. 


If Tyreese had to die - and I just HATE that it happened - his sendoff was beautiful. Really well done.


And what the HELL is cutting people in half? That shit ain't zombie work. Creeeeeeeepy.

Edited by MichaelaRae
  • Love 16

Well, this episode was a lot better than I was expecting. I really enjoyed it. I thought the music and cinematography alone made the episode worth watching. But it was just really well done. I was feeling like we were getting some of those old touches, little snippets in pre ZA life, the sadness of it all - not just the scariness and grossness of it. The loss. That's what first drew me into this show, and I got that tone tonight. 


Sometimes I thought it was a bit much with the dead people, but overall it worked. When the girls took Tyrese home, damn, I was blubbering like a fool. And I wasn't even a huge Tyrese fan. So you know the show's on point if I'm crying over him! I did wonder, though, why no ghost Karen?


Ultimately, Ty had to go. He really wasn't cut out for this world. He tried. He meant well. He had a big heart. But he made toomany mistakes. I'm glad his ultimate mistake cost HIM and not anyone else, because that's the direction it was heading.


I did laugh my ass off, mid sob, when I was his sweaty, old beanie atop his grave marker. 


The trunk full of torsos was pretty creepy. 


Okay, show, you've reeled me back in. Keep this shit up for the rest of the season, please.

  • Love 19

So they lose Tyreese on a fool's errand? Wow, what a fun episode. Not. I liked Tyreese. I liked Beth. I don't care about Carrot Top and Company. I hate the priest. Seriously, at the rate they're killing off cast members, they don't have enough main cast members to support that.


Tyreese let himself relax in a situation where he shouldn't. The guy could fight, but he sure didn't have the mindset to survive. I really hope Bob, Beth, and the girls were ushering him into the afterlife instead of it being his hallucination. He deserve that comfort, at least.


This show is much more fun when antagonists get killed, preferably by Walker.


I know I should have gotten all weepy when Tyreese died, but I think all my tears were lost with Hershel's demise. Now character deaths just make me cranky. I'm like, "really, I'm supposed to be sad here. Fuck you, producers, and may you die by being eviscerated by Walkers." Anger makes an effective insulation against loss. If you have to toughen up to survive a zombie apocalypse, I guess you have to toughen up to watch a zombie apocalypse TV show.


Killing off characters has really lost its effect.

Edited by mustbekarma
  • Love 10

Farewell, Tyreese. Chad Coleman is a good actor who was wasted, but Tyreese got a good send off. I wish Karen had been there to help Tyreese leave that world.

Seriously, what is up with the body parts? Is there is a museum for walker upper body parts?

At times Tyrese worked my last nerve, but I must say his send off was very sad and very well done. Interesting that Karen wasn't there to usher him off. Either the actress wasn't available or Tyrese loved the idea of her but not her. He didn't even know her.

Regarding the body parts, that was strange. It looked like somebody had deliberately cut those walkers in half. Who or what did it will likely remain a mystery, for right now, since the crew is moving on.

Not much action in this episode, but strong nonetheless. Don't know if I'll continue watching though. This show has gotten even more depressing, if that's possible. More and more I'm finding it difficult to see where else they can take the show. More tyrants? Psychos? And of course death? Right now, that doesn't sound very appealing to me.

Edited by Enero
  • Love 2
So I missed the first 15mins or so....can someone sum up why they were back in Noah's old neighborhood and why we were mainly focusing on Rick, Glenn, Michonne, & Tyrese in suburbia? Where was everyone else? What happened between the end of part A and the beginning of part B?


They went to Noah's neighborhood because Beth had wanted to help him get home, so they did it for Beth, to honor her.  Everyone else waited behind in case the place was overrun and a waste of time. 


I would really like to know who cut the walkers in half and filled up a truck with the top halves.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 4

I wasn't a Tyrese fan, and was mostly unmoved when he was first bitten (that seemed a long time coming based on his consistenly poor decision-making). But the rest of the ep was so damned sad and beautiful in its own way. I'm actually in tears as I'm typing this. I love that some of his otherworldly friends were there to help him cross over, and that his worldly friends were with him, too. I was so afraid he'd die in that house alone.

I had to turn off Better Call Saul. I couldn't focus on that right now.

Welcome back TWD. RIP Tyrese.

  • Love 5


I thought the music and cinematography alone made the episode worth watching.

I agree with this.  Some of the monologues felt too much like exposition though. Chad Coleman did a great job.  


I don't mind they (producers/writers "they") trying something new, though they should have shown Karen and we didn't need Philip IMO (or maybe I'm just tired of him).  I'm glad it looks like they're still on the road.

  • Love 3

That was seriously sad. A bit over the top at times, I could have done without the Gov'na, but otherwise, well done. It was odd for him to see everyone but Karen. And I too laughed at the beanie on the cross... what? Missed the people having something carved in their heads, will have to rewatch for that.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 5

So I missed the first 15mins or so....can someone sum up why they were back in Noah's old neighborhood and why we were mainly focusing on Rick, Glenn, Michonne, & Tyrese in suburbia? Where was everyone else? What happened between the end of part A and the beginning of part B?

They went to make sure the gated community was safe, the others hung back.

Rick was talking to Carol via walkie talkies.

At least Tyreese got a good send-off episode. Chad L. Coleman did a great job.


I have to wonder if it was intentional that two Tyreese-heavy episodes, this and The Grove, both had a certain dreamlike quality to them. Perhaps a reflection of Tyreese's difficulty accepting what the world has become? Or am I putting way too much thought into this?

  • Love 16
Ultimately, Ty had to go. He really wasn't cut out for this world. He tried. He meant well. He had a big heart. But he made toomany mistakes. I'm glad his ultimate mistake cost HIM and not anyone else, because that's the direction it was heading.

What were the "too many mistakes" Tyreese made? Are you saying part of the reason he had to go was because he made mistakes or too many of them?


Finally Rick has sense enough to pass out walkie talkies to his people.

Edited by GodsBeloved
  • Love 2

At least Tyreese got a good send-off episode. Chad L. Coleman did a great job.


I have to wonder if it was intentional that two Tyreese-heavy episodes, this and The Grove, both had a certain dreamlike quality to them. Perhaps a reflection of Tyreese's difficulty accepting what the world has become? Or am I putting way too much thought into this?

No, I think you're right on. He would have stayed in perpetual crisis, waking nightmare, whatever you want to call it had he lived.

I thought this episode was meh. It felt like emotional manipulation to me, but it didn't work with me because I kept thinking that none of the relationships they were trying to use to bring up the feeeelssss had any sort of resonance. We literally saw like one scene with Tryrese and his dead girlfriend. Did he even talk to beth on screen? Did he ever bond with bob? Maybe my memory is super spotty, but I honestly don't remember any of that happening. Same thing happened with Rick and the gang talking about what a blow beth's death was and how they made the trip for her. Meanwhile, the right relationships, like Carol and Tryesee or Daryl and Beth weren't really explored.


I did like the car scene in the end, when he died. And now that I think about it, it was kind of telling of how the show is developing towards a much harsher world, I guess. The ones in the car were all the "weak" ones or the more upbeat ones. There's no more place in the world for people like them.



  • Love 15

This was a really weird episode. It was pretentious as all hell - I kept waiting for Laura Palmer to show up in the room and take Tyreese's hand - yet some of it did truly work.


The show is becoming very stylized and niching (is that a word?) itself, perhaps because it's gone on far longer as a massive hit as TPTB may have thought, so they're just going, "Fuck it. We do what he want." That will chase away viewers, but I guess they're going to lose viewers anyway, so I can't really chide them.


I wanted to thank Chad Coleman for 3 years of strong work, even with scripts and characterizations that often felt incomplete or were barely about Tyreese at all. Tyreese became a symbol, not a character, but Chad always gave his best. A true talent. I will miss him.


Summing up my thoughts:


- So that's it on the "voice of hope and morality," right? They've killed 4 now. Can we put that trope to rest and not have to see Rick angsting over it anymore? Surely that was the whole point of Tyreese's long, slow death here?


- Damn did Andrew Lincoln look good in that tight, sweat-soaked tee.


- Sorry, but I just can't blame Noah for Tyreese's death. If anything got Tyreese it was either that he has a hangup on twins, or he was just plain tired. He knew the walker on the bed was still alive, and he still got distracted. 


- I'm a terrible person, but when Noah sprinted to his house, my first thought was, "He can't take any more of Tyreese's moralizing speeches. He'd rather die."


- I also laughed at the obstacle course scene when they were trying to get Tyreese out. And then the raining walker torsos...we were supposed to laugh a little, right?


- Speaking of Noah, Tyler James Williams was absolutely superb in this episode. The breakdown in the middle of the street really got to me even as I start to become dead to the big displays of grief on this show. He is a fantastic actor and I'm sorry this is often overlooked for "He replaced Beth, how dare he!" or "He gets people killed!" or Everybody Hates Chris jokes.


- Was that Andrew Lincoln's voice on Tyreese's internal radio (the British accent)?


- Rick listening to Michonne and having cool walker kills with her. YES. THANK YOU. 


- When Beth showed up, singing, the first thing I thought of was this board and how much some people would be raging. It cracked me up.


- Some evil part of me wanted to see The Governor or Martin in the car at the end too. Maybe The Governor talking about how much Rick stank.


- If we were getting voices in the past, why didn't we get Karen or Hershel? I get that The Governor was there to represent evil and the worst of life, but I also wondered if he just popped up because David Morrissey has a show on AMC this year.


- Glenn being put in such a central role makes me very nervous.


- I wanted to cry when I saw Sasha at the end, so clearly in shock and numb, to the point where she could barely walk. I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be OK. I never thought she'd make it this long. Roles like Sasha's are almost always fodder for manpain. Now that she's made it, please, TWD, don't just kill her off for shock value or filler death. Make her character count. Show Sonequa Martin Green's talent and ability as she has consistently shown from her first scene.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 10

Crying, guys. Seriously.

ETA: Chad Coleman's beanie on the cross echoed the opening credits when his name shows - they show the cross with the baby shoes that they found at the cabin. Death of an innocent. Plus the cabin picture and Lizzie and Mika.

Anyway, Tyrese could annoy me, but I liked him. Plus I liked Chad Coleman. I'll miss him.

Unless "ghosts of victims past" becomes a trend this season!

Edited by Disraeli Ears
  • Love 4

Most interesting thing from that epiosde was the mystery of whatever happened in that gated community: front gate closed, fences breached (from the inside or outside?), grandfather clock laying on the main road (?), upper half bodies in one truck, lower halves somewhere else, houses semi-burned. I wish someone would csi that shit.

  • Love 11

That was sad and unexpected and unnecessary. Tyreese got a dramatic death and his friends were there to do right by him. Still, losing another familiar face so soon seems like it was done for shock value.

I understand that death is a way of life in the ZA. However, I would like the deaths of these characters to mean something. Beth dies in the meaningless hospital storyline. Now Tyreese dies in the ill-fated trip to Noah's home town...a trip that no one but Noah and Beth knew about it.

RIP Tyreese...you are in a much better place.

  • Love 6

At least the previews for later episodes look more interesting. From what I saw tonight I could have watched Shameless instead, tuned in next week and probably have a better grip on what's happening to the group(s) now. This episode was just a setup to kill Tyreese. Yeah he was a nice person and all, but as a character I can't say that I gave much of a shit about him one way or the other.The whole gentle giant thing doesn't really work very well during the ZA. It's kill or be killed.....and we know which one happened here. At least he got a nice burial, which is more than can be said for former characters who would have deserved it more (ahem, Herschel)..

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 7
What were the "too many mistakes" Tyreese made? Are you saying part of the reason he had to go was because he made mistakes or too many of them?


The biggest one was him not killing Martin. What if everyone else hadn't showed up so soon. What if Martin got back up and killed Judith? I don't hate Ty. I get where he was coming from, but he had a real reluctance to make those tough calls. And, ultimately, it was his mistake that got himself killed. He was standing there mesmerized by photos when that walker came after him. I was just saying it was a good thing his negligence didn't get anyone else killed. And, really, Tyrese didn't want to live in that world. He kept going because he thought he had to, others depended on him, his sister, etc. But he wasn't cut out for it and he knew it. He was weary of it and I think he was glad to die.

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