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S05.E15: Robyn: Behind the Scenes

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I really am curious how the family will spin this divorce/marriage. I noticed Robyn has put on weight since she had Soloman. She's still smaller than the other wives. Janelle is looking good and so is Christine.

See its funny you mention that, I think Robyn slowly morphing into the other girls. She started to look like them, this ep she has kinda blondish hair no longer the dark brunette she was when she first started. She look different while the other wives are looked alike to me, but now her being married for 5 years both weight and hair matches them now.

Edited by JellyFishQueen
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Sadly, I think Dayton may have been talking about his father.  Maybe...


Even if he wasn't talking about his dad, I believe with my heart and soul that Robyn and Kody have attempted (and maybe succeeded) in alienating those kids from their real father. 

Clue #1:  When Robyn and Kody got together, the kids were young and malleable and I think they wasted no time in strongly encouraging them to call Kody "dad". I recall Robyn correcting one of the kids when they referred to Kody by his name.  That's just all kinds of wrong.

Clue #2:  Robyn speaks very poorly of her kids' father on national TV, in front of the family (think back to the "he took my virginity" speech). I shudder to think what she says about their dad in front of those kids.

Robyn should be careful.  Alienation is grounds for losing custody.

I agree, I am shocked (not really though haha) by the level of manipulation on Robyn's part. The kids seem to have completely forgotten they have a biological father. I also notice that Kody is super affectionate with her kids, which is great, but it almost seems like they are his favourites over all the other kids.

I can only imagine the type of b/s they try to sell to the kids about their bio father, clearly they have done a great job of making him out to be evil. Robyn drives me crazy more and more with every episode. 


This whole dedication to Robyn was ridiculous, especially making the other wives (cough, Christine, cough) watch all the scenes over again. I feel like Janelle does not care about Kody at all, she seems to be present out of convenience for the finances etc. Also she is looking really good, I noticed when they played footage from years ago, good for her! She seems to be the most likely to leave him one day, doesn't seem at all attached to him emotionally I think it is a tactical move on her part to stay and play the whole "multiplied love" spiel. 


As for Christine, I feel so bad for her, this lady is clearly delusional. I could literally feel her pain in the playback footage when she was talking about Robyn taking Cody away from her for yet another night. She seems completely blinded by her love for Kody, which I don't get cause he treats her like garbage. 


Like everyone has been saying this whole episode was just a PR stunt leading up to the *gasp* divorce so that they can cast Robyn in a positive light and make Meri out to be a martyr for sacrificing her title for the greater good. Sorry, but all this episode did was compile all of sobbin Robyn's tearful, manipulative moments into one episode. Meri obviously pushed this marriage as a way to gain back power in the family. 

  • Love 6

I don't know when this episode (the talking head parts) was filmed, but I can't help but think they are trying to elicit sympathy from the viewers for Robyn in preparation for the truth being revealed about the wife swap situation. They tried to make her out to be so saintly. What I don't like is Robyn's approach to her history in this family. It's not "My coming into the family was hard for everyone, and I feel bad about that"; it's "the family took my arrival in a bad way, but I forgive them because I'm so loving." She manages to acknowledge the hard times but simultaneously make herself the victim in all of it.  There was really nothing new in this episode the way they claimed (aside from some extra footage from incidents and scenes we've already seen countless times) and yet again they revisited the whole fleeing from danger in Utah story. It's not that I don't believe they could have been potentially in some legal trouble, but they have discussed it literally 15 times as if to remind us of how persecuted they still are. It's getting so old. 


Whatever they are showing next week to start addressing the wife swap, I wish they had shown this week in place of this episode!

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 4

Robyn's ex has never been on the show. They've talked about him (mostly negatively) and shown Robyn's kids going away for visitation with their father. That's about it. 

The Browns are not LDS. Kody and Janelle are former LDS church members. They never name their church, but people seem to think they were affiliated with the AUB in Utah. Christine's family has strong ties with the AUB. 

I must confess to not paying close attention the first time it was aired, but the clip where Robyn is giving Kody her Christmas gift - her name change to Brown - -- I was so surprised it was included.  In it, Kody carefully explains that it was something they talked about for a long time, and Robyn kind of yuks it up that she was tired of his whining about it (my interpretation)....and when she presented it, on Christmas (about 2 weeks after she LEGALLY marries him, hence the name change!) the reaction from the other wives/kids was all ..."oh, what a surprise....ohh how wonderful....that's so cool"... as if it wasn't the result of an actual marriage license, but just because she went down and changed her name to his, like his other wives.  They've gotten good, over the years, at play acting, I'll admit.  But they just can't be believed.  I'll never be able to trust anything about them or their lives, and so watching them seems pointless, and not really entertaining anymore.   I will, however, continue reading about them here because you guys are just hilarious.

  • Love 1

I must confess to not paying close attention the first time it was aired, but the clip where Robyn is giving Kody her Christmas gift - her name change to Brown - -- I was so surprised it was included.  In it, Kody carefully explains that it was something they talked about for a long time, and Robyn kind of yuks it up that she was tired of his whining about it (my interpretation)....and when she presented it, on Christmas (about 2 weeks after she LEGALLY marries him, hence the name change!) 

I believe the name change gift was from a previous Christmas, not this past one in '14. She's had her name as Brown for a while now I believe. In any case, I agree with you that they are not so trustworthy these days!

  • Love 4

I believe the name change gift was from a previous Christmas, not this past one in '14. She's had her name as Brown for a while now I believe. In any case, I agree with you that they are not so trustworthy these days!

Meri says they will begin telling the real story next week : https://twitter.com/MeriBrown1/status/564633336136491008


And the most judgmental of them all, imo says: https://twitter.com/realkodybrown/status/564653175785783296

Edited by ginger90
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Did anyone else notice Meri's neck and how she had these angry red splotches while Robyn was telling her she was pregnant?    

Those are usually caused by being either uncomfortable with the situation, nervous, anxious, flustered, or angry/irritated.


I had a co-worker that would wear a turtle neck to work on days that she knew she would be having a meeting with our boss lol


It happens to me when I get kinda shy or flustered about stuff.  


Those were early filming days so I would imagine Meri was just mildly uncomfortable with the filming process or nervous as to what Robyn wanted to tell her.


Is the family still part of the LSD church?


This has to be one of the best typos ever.  As much sense as their "religion" makes, it might as well be the LSD church.  That would explain a lot -- they're all high!


If the Robyn episode was intended to make her a more sympathetic character, it failed miserably for me.  And it made Kody look like even more of an ass (didn't think that was possible).

  • Love 15

All this trumpeting about how All Will Be Revealed next week along with the Meri's lawyer statement in the previews leads me to believe that her statement will come in the last 10 seconds of the episode. It's only meant to string us along. Nothing of significance will be brought up, mark my words.  Snake oils sales will go up, however.

  • Love 11


If the Robyn episode was intended to make her a more sympathetic character, it failed miserably for me.  And it made Kody look like even more of an ass (didn't think that was possible).

I didn't understand the point of making the other wives sit and watch on the monitor while we watched their reactions. They aren't good actors, they are still pissed she is in the family. Christine can say she is sorry she treated Robyn like shit but you can tell she still hates her. She was piss off at her just a few episodes ago for not using her as a babysitter (despite being able to take care of her own kids herself). In both episodes last night, Meri said a total of about 30 words (including snarking on her own wardrobe choice), so she was mostly stonefaced or pissed-off looking. Janelle was blank as usual. Kody was maniacal. It was a tell-all without telling anything and without a host. Their producer is losing it. 

  • Love 2

Did anyone else notice Meri's neck and how she had these angry red splotches while Robyn was telling her she was pregnant?    


High emotion of any kind can cause that.


I really am curious how the family will spin this divorce/marriage. I noticed Robyn has put on weight since she had Soloman.


Robyn's eldest daughter, too.  It's the Brown diet.

  • Love 1

It will never get old watching Robyn open her wedding gift and yelling out, "It's a COLADA ring!"


So when the whole family jumps up and down in a group (like they do at every event there is music playing) it's a mosh pit? That's what Robyn said.


I like Janelle the most, and can actually stand her, but holy shit if anyone has ever had an apple shaped figure, it's her.

  • Love 5

This has to be one of the best typos ever.  As much sense as their "religion" makes, it might as well be the LSD church.  That would explain a lot -- they're all high!


If the Robyn episode was intended to make her a more sympathetic character, it failed miserably for me.  And it made Kody look like even more of an ass (didn't think that was possible).

Magical underwear is appropriate.   And it explains why they think Kody is attractive.

  • Love 4

We are getting the back story of Robyn worrying that her kids will go to her husbands planet. I think that is all part of it.

But what does legal marriage have to do with that? I thought the basic premise of polygamy is that it's only the spiritual voodoo marriages that count, so why would a piece of paper from the state of Nevada re-align the planet assignments?

  • Love 3

Mrs. Snark was much smarter than me last night and went to bed during this farce of an episode. However, we are watching it On Demand and she has me keeping count of her "Fuck You"s directed at Robyn. We are not even halfway through and the count is at 8. I love Mrs. Snark.

Edited by MarkySnark
  • Love 15

Question if robyn ex husband was abusive towards her why would she be okay to let her kids around him? Has that been adress as welll?

I don't think we've heard anything that supports that Robyn's ex was actually abusive. The most she's talked about him was related to that story about her horrible mistake of having sex with him before they got married. To me it sounded like a standard story of boy and girl get it on before they are married and get knocked up so they get married and have a few more kids. She twisted it into 'he forced me to have sex and I was powerless to resist'. 


I'm not saying he's a saint. He might be a huge creep. But as far as I know we haven't really heard anything about him that doesn't have a Robyn twist to it and we know how she likes to rewrite history.

  • Love 9

I guess the whole point of this is for people to see the "love story" behind Kody and Robyn and get people on Robyn's side. Not going to happen with me. Meri's my favorite, but his divorcing her and marrying Robyn is disrespectful to all his wives. Since he was married to Meri first, the other wives knew they would be 2nd or 3rd, but for him to make Robyn his legal wife, it craps over all of them. I don't believe it was for the sake of Robyn's kids. 


My personal theory is that Robyn wasn't getting the attention she needed or the support for the business, and she talked Kody into divorcing Meri. I would bet Kody and Robyn end up living together alone and the rest of the wives are put aside. I hope all three of them band together and refuse to give Kody and Robyn another tv season. 

  • Love 5

It was concerning to see the footage from 5 years ago to now and how many of the kids are now struggling with weight issues.

Of course heredity and how they are being fed come into play, but I wonder if when they all lived together the kids were more active together, and now they are not as much.

Also, weight gain can be caused when kids/adults eat their feelings. IMO there isn't enough junk food available to comfort what it must be like growing up in this family.

Both the boys and girls have packed on the pounds since the move. Being someone who understands weight gain and the importance of a healthy lifestyle, I feel sorry that these kids did not have proper guidance. Weight issues this early can really cause medical issues.

Meri looked happy and healthy before Robyn. She now looks aged, stressed, overweight, and her skin is purple!?! It is so obvious how miserable life became when Robyn entered.

This episode just made it clear how selfish it was for Kody to bring Robyn in. I am beyond confused on why Meri pushed Kody to her? Only thing that would make sense is if Meri too had a crush on Robyn and wanted her around. That would make some great TV!

What on earth is their belief/religion anyway? Robyn mentioned knowing Meri in a different life, yet their "church" talked about God? The fact that they hold their own church and do not have a place to go where others share the same belief and they can worship together frightens me. That seems more like mind control and a cult like behavior.

Best part was when Logan said he is not following any religion currently which is code for I am free from my crazy family, living in an apartment with friends, and getting plenty of action all night.

On a side note...what is up with that anthropologist guy always having a COKE can in his hand? Maybe it was a spitter? The PMS mood made that beyond annoying. Its the little things ya know!

Shocker that this family has money issues, newsflash- you don't go to a movie and buy concessions when you have that many people in your family. You choose this lifestyle, accept that certain things like eating out and movies aren't always an option. I would hope that was a TLC credit card and they pick up the bill, but when Janelle said they only do it 4 times a year,I knew it wasn't. SMH.

  • Love 3

You know, I know everyone is on the bandwagon of Janelle not losing weight. But this show? Holy moly has she lost weight. She couldn't even sit with the giant belly!

We are getting the back story of Robyn worrying that her kids will go to her husbands planet. I think that is all part of it.

See, this is something I will never get about this "planet" silliness. Wouldn't Dayton (and Sol, of course) get his own universe and the two girls go w/their respective husbands? Their real father, Kody - doesn't matter. Does it?

Even the 'straightforward' aspects of this freak show give me migraines.

On a related note: spending eternity with Kody (perpetually pregnant?) sounds like hell, not heaven. Just sayin...

  • Love 3

Too many shows on Sunday nights, so I just got around to watching this. Okay, they totally did this "Look Back At Robyn Joining the Family" special in order to drag out their whole "persecuted" storyline one more time, right? Enough already! I'm actually kind of on your side, Browns. As long as all members are legal and consenting, I don't give a flip what relationships you establish. I can mock it, debate the value of it, but yes - it's your religion and ultimately you have that right.  But, from everything I've read, there really WAS no serious investigation and you guys were perfectly safe. So save the drama for your mama. 


And Robyn can lose me with her "Woe is me, it was so hard to join this family" act. Bitch, this is what you wanted. You got a provider for you and your kids and your hundreds of dollars in Victoria Secret debt. You were the youngest, "hottest" (debatable), still having babies wife....and you ate that shit up with a spoon. 


What I still really don't get is the way they set Kody up as "Daddy" to those kids immediately. Do they not have a father? They go visit him on vacations and whatnot, right? So it's not like they literally DON'T have a dad in their lives. But here we have Robyn saying the kids would come ask her when they're getting a "new daddy"? What the fuck ever. 


Wow, I didn't remember just how huge Jenelle was. Seeing those flashbacks, she really has lost a lot of weight. Good for her. Meri, on the other hand, was so tiny just five years ago! They've all changed a lot. 


Honestly, I prefer Kody with the ponytail. It looks a lot cleaner than his current werewolf look. Plus, I feel like having it pulled back like that, he's owning his receding hairline, instead of trying (and failing) to hide it with big chunks of hair hanging in his face. 

  • Love 7

I guess the whole point of this is for people to see the "love story" behind Kody and Robyn and get people on Robyn's side. Not going to happen with me. Meri's my favorite, but his divorcing her and marrying Robyn is disrespectful to all his wives. Since he was married to Meri first, the other wives knew they would be 2nd or 3rd, but for him to make Robyn his legal wife, it craps over all of them. I don't believe it was for the sake of Robyn's kids. 


My personal theory is that Robyn wasn't getting the attention she needed or the support for the business, and she talked Kody into divorcing Meri. I would bet Kody and Robyn end up living together alone and the rest of the wives are put aside. I hope all three of them band together and refuse to give Kody and Robyn another tv season. 

Robyn is a manipulator.  I don't care how dumb she seems.  I'm think Robyn "offered" to be Kody's legal wife in order to give the other sister wives (a.k.a. "single moms"), who have the bulk of the older kids, the "opportunity" to secure as much financial aid as possible for college.  Her kids are still quite young.  I'm sure she approached it as "taking one for the team"... Kinda like when she offered to birth Meri's baby for her.

  • Love 4
Robyn is a manipulator.  I don't care how dumb she seems.  I'm think Robyn "offered" to be Kody's legal wife in order to give the other sister wives (a.k.a. "single moms"), who have the bulk of the older kids, the "opportunity" to secure as much financial aid as possible for college.  Her kids are still quite young.  I'm sure she approached it as "taking one for the team"... Kinda like when she offered to birth Meri's baby for her.


Now THAT makes more sense than any theory I've heard so far. I definitely never thought Robyn would present it as anything that was serving  HER more than the others. She is stealth like that.

  • Love 1
Robyn is a manipulator.  I don't care how dumb she seems.  I'm think Robyn "offered" to be Kody's legal wife in order to give the other sister wives (a.k.a. "single moms"), who have the bulk of the older kids, the "opportunity" to secure as much financial aid as possible for college.  Her kids are still quite young.  I'm sure she approached it as "taking one for the team"... Kinda like when she offered to birth Meri's baby for her.



My impression from something I read (I can't remember where) is that Robyn's oldest three children needed health insurance. All the rest of the children (including Solomon) are Kody's bio kids, so they can be covered on his insurance regardless of the legal status of their parents' unions. I think you can usually include legal step-children on your health insurance, provided neither of their bio parents have coverage, but coverage wouldn't extend to your girlfriend's kids (who aren't also yours). In the eyes of the law, Robyn was just a girlfriend. There could be tax implications, too. If Kody and Robyn are legally married, since the oldest 3 kids live with them, Kody can claim them as deductions. I'm not sure that would be true if they were just his live-in girlfriend's kids.

This makes the most sense to me. Their religious marriages mean far more to them than legal marriage. I can't see them rocking the ever-shaky emotional boat with a legal divorce and a legal remarriage, for other reasons.

Edited by General Days

I'm thinking it's a tax play. Kodouche said something about MSWC having $400 thousand inventory, and at the time I thought it was bombastic and delusional. But there IS probably enough to a huge loss, which can only be deducted against earned income, plus spouse's earned income. Meri went on national tv saying she isn't actively involved in the joory anymore, so she can't write off her share of the loss...they prolly get the biggest write-off this year by making Robyn's business tie to Kodouche's and her take from TLC.


Kodouche said something about MSWC having $400 thousand inventory,

Did they sink every last dime of their TLC money into that crappy online store instead of paying off the McMansions or saving for tuitions? They are dumber than I thought. Robyn really is a master manipulator. 


The preview for next week makes it look like Meri comes in with the announcement that she went to a lawyer all on her own, like it is all her decision. Wonder what the truth really is.


ETA: I hope that is the marked-up value of the inventory and not the whole-sale value.

Edited by Galloway Cave

Those are usually caused by being either uncomfortable with the situation, nervous, anxious, flustered, or angry/irritated.


I had a co-worker that would wear a turtle neck to work on days that she knew she would be having a meeting with our boss lol


It happens to me when I get kinda shy or flustered about stuff.  


Those were early filming days so I would imagine Meri was just mildly uncomfortable with the filming process or nervous as to what Robyn wanted to tell her.

The same thing happens to me if I get really nervous or angry.  The strange thing is that it also happens sometimes when I drink alcohol or eat ... but not always. 


My doc told me it's a reaction to an increase in body heat, which can be due to hormonal changes, foods or stress.

My impression from something I read (I can't remember where) is that Robyn's oldest three children needed health insurance. All the rest of the children (including Solomon) are Kody's bio kids, so they can be covered on his insurance regardless of the legal status of their parents' unions. I think you can usually include legal step-children on your health insurance, provided neither of their bio parents have coverage, but coverage wouldn't extend to your girlfriend's kids (who aren't also yours). In the eyes of the law, Robyn was just a girlfriend. There could be tax implications, too. If Kody and Robyn are legally married, since the oldest 3 kids live with them, Kody can claim them as deductions. I'm not sure that would be true if they were just his live-in girlfriend's kids.

This makes the most sense to me. Their religious marriages mean far more to them than legal marriage. I can't see them rocking the ever-shaky emotional boat with a legal divorce and a legal remarriage, for other reasons.

I'm sure Robyn twisted it somehow, because she could get free insurance for her kids through CHIP.  The income guidelines for a family of 5 in NV (Robyn plus her brood of 4) are between $27,570 and $55,140 per year.  CHIP is a very low-cost program for families who make too much $$$ to qualify their kids for Medicaid.  I'm sure it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the additional premium for whatever policy Kody has.  What the hell does he do that he has access to insurance anyway???  Work???

  • Love 2

I'm thinking it's a tax play. Kodouche said something about MSWC having $400 thousand inventory, and at the time I thought it was bombastic and delusional. But there IS probably enough to a huge loss, which can only be deducted against earned income, plus spouse's earned income. Meri went on national tv saying she isn't actively involved in the joory anymore, so she can't write off her share of the loss...they prolly get the biggest write-off this year by making Robyn's business tie to Kodouche's and her take from TLC.

They are sooo letting MSWC crash on purpose.  WTF is up with the bullshit "beauty product" line of crummy ass soaps they're trying to peddle?  And the music... Kody Brown Family Limited Edition... of what???  Their line of merchandise is so shitty and discombobulated, as if they let Truely and Solomon run the business into the ground. LOL.


Does anyone think that Kody's "friend"  that they met with on their RV trip really lent them $$$? 

  • Love 3

Okay, please don't judge me but we're on week four of being essentially snowed in and I have too much free time...

I went out to their crappy website and did some quick estimating and I find it hard to even get to forty thousand for their inventory, even at retail prices. They have about twenty categories of crap, about twenty items in each category, and most of the categories are cheap sweatshop items they can probably get for less than $4 each. Even their hideous "Fine Jewelry" ( most of which is marked down quite a bit at this point) is again crap they can probably source by the piece, but even if they keep ten pieces each on hand, I can't even get to more than maybe $8000 total for those items and that's stretching it.

If Kody plans to write off four hundred grand on that inventory, I hope the IRS tears him a new one.

  • Love 3

I don't think we've heard anything that supports that Robyn's ex was actually abusive. The most she's talked about him was related to that story about her horrible mistake of having sex with him before they got married. To me it sounded like a standard story of boy and girl get it on before they are married and get knocked up so they get married and have a few more kids. She twisted it into 'he forced me to have sex and I was powerless to resist'. 


I'm not saying he's a saint. He might be a huge creep. But as far as I know we haven't really heard anything about him that doesn't have a Robyn twist to it and we know how she likes to rewrite history.

Oh yeah I remember that now- That whole creepy talk Robyn had with children about her virginity is owned by her husband. I'm paraphrasing since it was been so long, but it was creepy.

Did they sink every last dime of their TLC money into that crappy online store instead of paying off the McMansions or saving for tuitions? They are dumber than I thought. Robyn really is a master manipulator.

The preview for next week makes it look like Meri comes in with the announcement that she went to a lawyer all on her own, like it is all her decision. Wonder what the truth really is.

ETA: I hope that is the marked-up value of the inventory and not the whole-sale value.

Meri is so not Meryl Streep either. Totally looks like she is following a script.
  • Love 1

Did they sink every last dime of their TLC money into that crappy online store instead of paying off the McMansions or saving for tuitions? 


Christine may have rosecolored as her twitter name, but Robyn is the one with the rose colored glasses when it comes to this business. I couldn't believe they were serious when she and Kody were talking about how having another baby and continuing MSWC go hand in hand! That was borderline delusional. Like Janelle said, this should have just been a hobby business and not an actual business. And Robyn had to twist the whole issue into something that makes her the victim yet again. Her sister-wives are preventing her from having more kids indirectly because they aren't helping with her hobby business!  Wow, Robyn. 

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