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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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Kyle encouraged Kim to cover her mic in the bathroom and Kim refused, Kyle did not mention their conversation in the bathroom and Brandi did not know what Kim had told Kyle.  At the end of the day Brandi and Kyle had the same goal-they wanted a clearly impaired Kim to sober up and get home without any more moronic behavior in front of the cameras.  Neither Kyle or Brandi has the authority to stop the cameras anywhere but the bathroom, they are in the vehicles and monitored by producers.

I think Kyle was so non-committal to Lisa R in the limo also about kim's drug usage because she didn't know what caught on tape or what would end up being used by Bravo from the bathroom in the final cut.  So she knew the less she said in the limo, the less likely the comment in the bathroom would be used.  No one else said anything else about Kim taking a pill.

  • Love 7

Well they are grown adults. And I don’t think Brandi is a raging alcoholic. I think alcoholic is a go to diagnosis that the housewives like to jump to waaaaaayyyyy too quickly. I don’t agree with Brandi making those statements but only because it’s going to blow up in her face and make her the bad guy and not because it isn’t true. Brandi’s that friend that won’t like you because her friend doesn’t want her to and she’s only telling Kim what she wants to here about Kyle because no one really takes her side about Kyle. Plus Brandi does believe it so it’s a plus that Kim gives her permission to actually say it out loud. I think it’s in bad taste and extremely stupid of Brandi cause Kim and Kyle have that relationship where they can go at it but at the end of the day they will be back to whatever relationship they had while the person being the bad guy gets to hold the bag and Kim won’t be able to protect Brandi from the damage done to what little friendship Kyle and Brandi were working towards. I do think Kim wants Brandi to validate all her negative feelings about Kyle and that’s all I’m seeing Brandi doing cause as I’ve said before she’s just not too bright. I don’t think Kim is wrong for wanting that either but in the long run Kim looking toward outsiders to support her resentments of her family just brings a big messy mess to the already messy equation.

Suitable or not that’s what Kim wants around her. I can’t understand where one minute Kim needs to be in control of her own life. Responsible for her actions. Deal with wine tastings on her own, and not expect Kyle to fix things for her to make her daily routine more bearable and in the next instant she’s supposed to allow Kyle be as imposing as she gets, puts everything on the line whenever she feels Kim isn’t doing right by her. I mean Kyle can’t have it both ways ESPECIALLY with someone that is as much of a mess as her damn sister is. Sheesh! So whenever Kim makes decisions that Kyle doesn’t like it has to be about her addiction steering her in the wrong direction? If Kim is never free to make mistakes without it always becoming such a shit show with Kyle as the director with the bullhorn then DAYYUMMM! Goodness gracious now wonder Kim doesn’t know what day it is. Shit if I had to deal with all that crap I’d be high all the time too with the permanent mantra of Fuck it written across my forehead.

So Kim shouldn’t be coddled or treated like a wouded bird UNLESS Kyle decides she doesn’t like the way something’s going and decides to be involved because her “supportive sister” title may lose credibility and there’s a person in the mix that may jeopardize Kim and Kyles relationship? Every other life experience is on Kim to handle on her own without expecting Kyle to, but the minute the Richard sisters relationship is criticized, then and only then is Kyle and everyone around allowed to hop to and "protect" Kim? Which is it? Kim needs protecting or she needs to live her life mistakes and all? Kim’s too fragile and mentally unstable to deal with Brandi’s friendship or Kim needs to buck up, and take responsibility for her life?

Befriending Brandi is her moving forward with her life. Right, wrong, risky or not. Bumpy rounds, potential roadkill. Who knows but I don’t think holding Kim hostage to her past is going to get her on the right track to her future and as crazy as it sounds I think Brandi gives her a feeling of freedom. Freedom to try, freedom to fail, freedom to make mistakes and still not be judged and that’s not something she wants just because she wants the freedom to get high. I think Kim wants it because that’s what everyone wants. To know that they will be loved even if they mess up and not worry about being alone. Kim knows she’s going to battle with this for the rest of her life. She probably even knows (cause by now she’s already got the years of proof) that she will always fall off the wagon but I think what Kim hopes and tries for is that the fall happens further and further apart. I can only imagine what it does to Kim’s fortitude to see how disappointed Kyle is of her and I don’t like that Kyle makes it such a point to air that disappointment and I don’t mean for the cameras. I would believe that Kyle shows her disappointment with Kim with great luster whether the cameras are on or off and to me that like kicking someone when they’re down. If Kyle can’t be a positive supporter (and its definitely understandable if she was too drained at this point) then that only hinders Kim’s progress and that’s where I think Brandi’s whole “wants to see Kim fail” mantra stemmed from. I just can't garner enough sympathy for Kyle that makes me feel like she's more of a victim than Kim. Kim's has a disease. A fightable one of course but a lifelong disease. Kyle suffers because of it no doubt but the one that lives with the risk of it taking their life both figuratively and literally is the one where my heart will always go out to first.

From what I've seen on my tv and in the tabloids, Brandi is a raging alcoholic. No question about that.

And i do agree that Kim needs to make her own decisions and be responsible for them. But when you are the caretaker, problem fixer, shoulder to cry on, for a sick addict for decades, it's hard to just turn things off. So you trust when they say they can handle things (wine tasting) and invite them along,). But when they disappear outside you go and check on them just to make sure they're fine. When you find out for a fact that the addict is using again (be it one pill or 100, Kim admitted to using) you try and stop them from cozying up to another fellow addict. It's just human nature.

I despise my addict cousin but if I see him standing on the tracks with a train headed toward him I'm gonna push him out of the way. Brandi is Kim's train.

  • Love 15

I agree with whoever said they wished Kyle would have responded " you think youve been there for Kim more than me, you think it's easy dealing with an addict for 30 years, you can be a better sister than me, go for it. Now please leave my party, both of you"



I at least hope this is how she responds at the reunion. I was never a Kyle fan, but I like her family, I like her marriage, she is one of the main housewives and I hope she doesn't give them a storyline anymore.

  • Love 13

I can't wait. Lol.


That gif is from an upcoming scene that was shown in the supertrailer. I think when they go to Amsterdam.


So Brandi goes after Kyle's husband this episode. Then Kim gets her revenge on Lisa R by going after her husband. I sense a pattern here. Yet Brandi & Kim claim Kyle is the one who's so jealous. Sickening hags.

  • Love 10

Oh that crashing wine glass of Lisa R's is way worse than just throwing wine - like danger wise.  I wonder how that ranks insofar as trailer trash rankings? Lol.  And it is profanity laden.  Strike 2.  Alas, no tampon string.  Brandi still holds the crown. :(


Bravo could do a whole 'Just Gif' episode of the Hos screaming the f bomb across crowded restaurants and public spaces.  Remember the old days when someone merely threatened to go Oklahoma on your ass?  Or that beautiful thing Camille did after telling Taylor off?  Hitched up her shoulder bag, turned on her heel and left the room - all the while wearing that sublime gray silk blouse and jade earrings?  I don't even notice anymore what these bishes are wearing when they fight anymore.  Something is wrong.

  • Love 14


A couple nights ago, she assaulted a friend of mine in front of a private dinner club in West Hollywood..  It was shocking.  She was drunk and slurring her words.  She kicked and punched my friend but she was such a mess we all just laughed it off.


From Cedric's interview (Thanks to Persenickety's link)


This was in 2011, four years later and she is still getting drunk out of her mind, running her mouth and getting into physical confrontations.


I do pray that Brandi meets her match before this show is over with, I would love to see her threatening someone who is willing to go there and getting her ass hand down ot her.

  • Love 10

The clip shows VERY clearly that Kyle didn't go to Brandi to apologize, she went to FIGHT.


That's fine.  That's a housewife show.  I just don't like it twisted into "poor Kyle was TRYING to apologize and smooth things over."  because, yeah, no, obviously, and that clip and the clip that follows it shows Kyle's intentions very clearly, and her friends trying to stop her.

Kyle was wound up and willing to fight but so were Kim/Brandi IMO. Why else bring someone that dislikes your sister to a party she is hosting? And why go to a party hosted by someone you can't stand? That is unless you are looking to make a scene at the party and IMO, Kim/Brandi were looking to ruin Kyle's party from the get go. Did Kyle behave badly, foolishly, childish, aggressive at her own party toward Brandi/Kim....YES, she fell into the trap the 2 addicts set for her. Kyle is not very bright, nor is Kim but Brandi....she is cunning, very cunning IMO. bad, sad, twisted sick behavior by all 3 IMO.

  • Love 11

You learn how to debate a topic without (emotionally) picking a side in any debate class or group in any high school across the country.


No doubt but family isn't debate class unfortunately so walk away for real and I'm all for that but don't mean you need to be issue neutral in walking out the door or wanting to as a viewer.  Walking away for real as a family member means having to continue that convo with yourself on into eternity.  Fine to go that route but whoever walks that hard road shouldn't have to screw themselves up any further with emotionless neutrality.  Taking oneself out of the equation and acting as though there were no reasons for that aren't the same thing. 


Here's my thing -- If Kyle and family believe that Kim is incapable of taking care of herself, then I guess they have legal options.  If she hasn't been deemed incompetent then what are we doing to do when we disagree?


If Kim is competent, and her remaining on the show with her sister would seem to suggest that, then hey we can go nuts over here but nothing more will come of it.  If she's not mentally competent, then it's up to her kin, as in Kyle, to do what they can.


Either way the show has been destroyed.  And Andy, honestly, with all his BS about not liking gays crap can really just bite it.  How often on this crap fest of a talk show do we have to endure the most demeaning talk about and our privates and everything else?   

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 4

Well, I'm pretty heated in this thread so clearly I didn't pick a side and stay out of anything on an emotional level as a viewer.  

Someone asked a question about debate and I responded.


And now I have to go make dinner.  Shit!  This was getting exciting!  Ah well.  Off to my brussels sprouts. Keep the fires burning, folks.

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 1

Ken telling Max his mother was from China and his father was from Nigeria (or vice versa, can't remember). Wow. I know he was joking but still. He has such a condesending attitude I bet he is one SOB off camera. 


I have no desire to defend Ken - I find him condescending and insufferable most of the time.  In this instance, Max laughed and gave Ken a little punch.  It was the first genuine father/son moment I've seen between the two of them.

  • Love 10

I have no desire to defend Ken - I find him condescending and insufferable most of the time.  In this instance, Max laughed and gave Ken a little punch.  It was the first genuine father/son moment I've seen between the two of them.

This is how I took it, finally a glimpse of something that seemed natural. A father teasing his son and Max playfully hitting his dad, all while mom yells to stop rough housing. 

  • Love 10

Not if Kim is putting forth a real effort or at least as best she can which I believe she is doing. Being supportive isn't always "enabling". There's a fine line and in all honesty I don't think this friendship with Brandi is such a catalyst for Kyle to be all up in arms about PLUS from what I've seen all the shrieking and outrage is more about Kyle being butt hurt about Brandi being involved and not about Kyle worrying about Brandi possibly causing her sister to wind up dead in a ditch somewhere. That's a serious stretch I must say.

 Kim shared, on camera to Kyle after the Paris trip, that her Drs told her she would have died much sooner than later had she not gotten into rehab....her dying from an overdose is a very real possibility now, even if it is just 1 or 2 or 3 of Monty's cancer pain pills, it will not take much to end Kim's life at this point.


Kim is not, IMO, putting forth any effort in sobriety, none. All Brandi is helping to do is give her excuses, Poor Kim, taking care of Monty, the wedding, the dog, the...whatever it is at the moment, which is covering Kim's drug use which is what Kim wants but is the worst thing to do to her. It is called Enabling.

  • Love 13

Kyle is, and always will be, in a 'damned if she do and damned if she don't' situation.


I guess I'm not that bright either, because when I get pissed, I get super frustrated and don't always say the best things. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I will bring up something from 20 years ago. I'm not proud of it and I'm totally aware that I do that. And sometimes certain monthly hormones come into play. So, I'm willing to cut her a lot of slack. She is probably handling this whole situation way better than I would. Thankfully, I'm rarely put in such situations.


However, Brandi is and always will be an asshole. Bye, Felicia.

Edited by Cranky One
  • Love 23
Not if Kim is putting forth a real effort or at least as best she can which I believe she is doing. Being supportive isn't always "enabling". There's a fine line and in all honesty I don't think this friendship with Brandi is such a catalyst for Kyle to be all up in arms about PLUS from what I've seen all the shrieking and outrage is more about Kyle being butt hurt about Brandi being involved and not about Kyle worrying about Brandi possibly causing her sister to wind up dead in a ditch somewhere.

I'm honestly curious, where are you seeing Kim putting forth real effort in terms of her sobriety? I've heard Kim say that she's been sober for three years but that doesn't add up with any of her behavior and contradicts the accounts of other people from over the years. The last time Kim befriended a fellow addict it didn't work out too well for her. Kim suddenly being besties with Brandi is a legitimate concern.


I also disagree that Kyle is mainly hurt over Brandi choosing to involve herself. I think what Kyle finds hurtful, understandably, is how Kim can happily be friends with a woman who openly treats her sister so poorly. The last time the three of them were together Brandi was positively trashing Kyle to Kim and it's like Kyle was just supposed to brush it off and go back inside to enjoy some pizza. Kim brings Brandi to the event and Kyle is just supposed to suck it up and act like she's happy to see her without telling her what's really on her mind. 


Brandi got a very watered down version of why Kyle was upset with her. There were a lot of other unacceptable things that Brandi did that evening but Kyle boiled it down to saying that Brandi should know better than to get between two sisters. I just don't see Kyle going above and beyond here and I disagree that it was at all understandable for Brandi to go all extra on Kyle with the nasty comments. Brandi could have matched Kyle's apology and they could have moved on but Brandi somehow thinks that her behavior no matter how offensive is justified and there's no convincing her otherwise. 

  • Love 16
I guess I'm not that bright either, because when I get pissed, I get super frustrated and don't always say the best things. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I will bring up something from 20 years ago. I'm not proud of it and I'm totally aware that I do that. And sometimes certain monthly hormones come into play. So, I'm willing to cut her a lot of slack. She is probably handling this whole situation way better than I would. Thankfully, I'm rarely put in such situations.


Same here. I am a very emotional person, and when something is important to me it's very hard for me to remain calm. Also, I tend to be one of those people who wants immediate resolution. It's not a great quality, I'll admit, and I'm trying to work on that. But if my husband and I have an argument, he might go off to our room to be alone and cool down. And it's probably better that we discuss it the next day when we've calmed down. But I want to chase him in there and demand we settle this NOW. I see a lot of that in Kyle. Someone says something and she can't just let it go, she needs to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Again, not the best quality, but I don't think she is malicious or seeking drama. 


And the thing is, family has a way of pushing your buttons that no one else can. If one of the other girls had made a comment to me, I might be able to just brush it off. My sister? Nah. I'm going to immediately get defensive and emotional. There's just so much baggage there, I can't judge Kyle for her reactions. 

  • Love 15

I have no desire to defend Ken - I find him condescending and insufferable most of the time.  In this instance, Max laughed and gave Ken a little punch.  It was the first genuine father/son moment I've seen between the two of them.

Yeah, I didn't see it as offensive either. But then my family has a pretty wierd sense of humor so that is exactly the kind of thing any one of us would say to each other. I just thought he was trying to be funny and Max didn't seem to bothered by it. As you said, I thought there was some real warmth there.

  • Love 9

Same here. I am a very emotional person, and when something is important to me it's very hard for me to remain calm. Also, I tend to be one of those people who wants immediate resolution. It's not a great quality, I'll admit, and I'm trying to work on that. But if my husband and I have an argument, he might go off to our room to be alone and cool down. And it's probably better that we discuss it the next day when we've calmed down. But I want to chase him in there and demand we settle this NOW. I see a lot of that in Kyle. Someone says something and she can't just let it go, she needs to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Again, not the best quality, but I don't think she is malicious or seeking drama. 


And the thing is, family has a way of pushing your buttons that no one else can. If one of the other girls had made a comment to me, I might be able to just brush it off. My sister? Nah. I'm going to immediately get defensive and emotional. There's just so much baggage there, I can't judge Kyle for her reactions. 


We are soul sisters!

  • Love 2

IMO, Lotusflower for the win with the most insightful comment so far. The most interesting moments are not when they are screaming and in-the-moment of anger and frustration. They are the quiet ones that we got in this episode.


I agree.  I though it was very telling in the limo from Eileen's, when Brandi told Kim she wasn't making sense.  Kim quietly states that Lisa R. said the same thing.  In that moment, she was being honest and seemed momentarily concerned.  She wasn't scrambling for a cover story or denying everything.


 These two have no real clue how to be true sisters to each other. 


I think Little Kathy is the great unknown here.  Kyle is not only dealing with Kim, she's having to deal with Kathy, who seems to have just as much control over Kim and Kyle as their mother.  I think Kathy is the biggest reason Kyle can't distance herself from Kim.  And imagine if something horrible happens to Kim - I doubt Kathy will take any responsibility.  Therefore, it's all Kyle's fault.  It's amazing that the youngest sister gets stuck with all of this.


She really might be that insecure. Don't forget about Ken, he also teared up. I don't have any experience with adoption either but I can imagine adoptive parents dread this day no matter how much they mentally prepare themselves for it. It is not something you are prepared for and act on without fear of losing your child or fear of them being rejected by the biological parent and all the other things that could go wrong if the adoptive child finds their birth parent. 


As for giving him a name, if this was their first conversation, I don't expect her to give it up so quickly. She and Ken need time to process, plus there is the legal aspect of airing it on tv.


It's not Lisa or Ken's place to decide whether Max can handle news of his adoption.  He is an adult, and they are not treating him as one.  They complain he's not responsible, yet want to control or limit what is perfectly normal, and his right as an adoptee.  This may be a pattern for them as parents, and part of Max's so-called irresponsibility.  Lisa talks about limiting what she's said to him, and only giving him tiny bits of info here and there.  She's still handling this topic like he's a small child.  Ken seems to follow her lead, so this one's more on Lisa, IMO.


Makes her [Kim] righteous indignation at Lisa for magazine gate last season all the more interesting.


For Kim, there's probably a big difference.  She and Lisa have never been friends, and magazine gate had nothing to do with Kim, so she couldn't get lost in self-involvement.  Brandi is her "best friend", and this argument was all about Kim.  It's harder to step back and see anything clearly.  Kyle and Kim have forty years of unresolved issues in their relationship.  Kim and Brandi are still in the stage where everything is wonderful, and you can forgive everything.  In a much minor way, they went through the same thing in season one.  Kyle pretty much took Taylor's side over Kim's.

  • Love 3

Yes, it seemed like a rare nice father/son interaction. But it still had a whiff of the Todd/Vanderpump classism/elitism.

I took Ken's comments about Max's biological parents' possible nationalities as something more of a joke, because Max is about as far away from being Asian/Nigerian as possible. 

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 6

I ordinarily like Yolanda’s accent, but the way she says Anwar it sounds like “Underwear.”  I was really thrown by “Now it’s just me and David and underwear!” until I realized she was talking about her son.


Can we bring Eileen back next season to recap? Or pop up in the talking heads with one liners? The woman is freaking hysterical!



I was cool to her in the beginning, but she’d be a good choice for a Pop Up Housewives edition.  Rerun the first few seasons, and she can introduce them like Alistair Cook and say “I wasn’t around for these shows, so let’s watch them together, shall we?”  Then she could just appear in a corner with a witty remark now and then.  Or, even funnier, just an amazed and disgusted sigh.


Lisa V did not use the "My" gay comment, only Lisa R has. Neither has Eileen.



I’m 90% sure Lisa V talked about “her gays” in the Palm Springs episode.  And I think possibly in the episode about opening the gay bar.  


Okay, help me out.  On poker night, Kyle and Kim were in the bathroom together and we heard some of their conversation, but not much.  All behind closed doors.  Now, suddenly, THIS week we see an extended conversation from a camera within the bathroom?  Recreated after the fact, maybe?  I know there was a lot of cutting back and forth and normally I enjoy seeing people’s accounts clash with footage... except that bathroom scene had a whole different, calmer vibe than poker night had, plus... a cameraman?  Or did they have their hush hush conversation, and then invite the cameraman in? 


It was scary to watch Kim, all befuddled, try to follow Brandi while Brandi mesmerized her by putting memories in her head.  “all the times we talked all night” “all the times I called Kyle and she said “that’s just Kim!” “You know how much I’m THERE for you” etc.  Kim was blinking, like she didn’t exactly remember things that way, but then her memory isn’t reliable, and in between Brandi was saying “you’re so strong, you’re dealing with so much, you’re such a great person,” so she just ended up smiling and going along with it because she’d rather think she’s strong, and dealing with so much.  Brandi will hurt her in the long run, but the truly scary thing about those “bonding with Kim” scenes is that you can see PRECISELY how a man can/has/will do the same thing, with far more nefarious goals than having a storyline.


Attention children of the older men Brandi eventually dates... this is how she's going to bleed your Dad dry and have him cut you out of the will.  

Edited by kassa
  • Love 11

In this instance, Max laughed and gave Ken a little punch.  It was the first genuine father/son moment I've seen between the two of them.


I agree yet the last time we saw them together, discussing the car emissions testing, I found THAT to be incredibly genuine, too.  Where some people saw Ken being cold and uninterested, I saw a father who was genuinely over his son's laziness and 'whatever' attitude.  Looked to me like they'd been there done that and Ken was just done.  Reminded me of my dad and my brothers.  And my brothers were achievers.  But I think there comes a time when all fathers get fed up with their kids every now and then.


I can't help it.  I like Ken.

  • Love 14

Same here. I am a very emotional person, and when something is important to me it's very hard for me to remain calm. Also, I tend to be one of those people who wants immediate resolution. It's not a great quality, I'll admit, and I'm trying to work on that. But if my husband and I have an argument, he might go off to our room to be alone and cool down. And it's probably better that we discuss it the next day when we've calmed down. But I want to chase him in there and demand we settle this NOW. I see a lot of that in Kyle. Someone says something and she can't just let it go, she needs to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Again, not the best quality, but I don't think she is malicious or seeking drama. 


And the thing is, family has a way of pushing your buttons that no one else can. If one of the other girls had made a comment to me, I might be able to just brush it off. My sister? Nah. I'm going to immediately get defensive and emotional. There's just so much baggage there, I can't judge Kyle for her reactions. 


I tend to be the same way; I need to talk things out (talking/discussion helps me process information and emotions) right then and there..  And trying to communicate with someone who fleas or shuts down to avoid dealing with issues just drives me batty.  My ex would do it in hopes that I'd forget about whatever was upsetting me and he'd fly right under the radar once again.  So while neither mechanism (confrontation or avoiding) is healthy in the extremes, I do "get" Kyle's apparent need to figure out what's going on and diffuse it right away, to get back to a "good" place.  It also goes with the peacekeeper/maker, fixer personality.  Kyle generally seems to be looking for an understanding of her point of view.  She tries, as best she can, to explain her thoughts, but she's not very good at communicating, so it just comes out garbled, overly emotional and for lack of a better, less snarky word, simple.     


The Richards sisters have a very specific way of dealing with drama and their emotions which started a long time ago.  And *anyone* who gets in the way of that is going to be chewed up and spit out by one or both of them, eventually, once they tire of attacking each other.  Brandi is a fucking idiot to think she can change that dynamic in order to one up Kyle and be best drug buddies with Kim and still come out on top.   

  • Love 4

I guess I'm not that bright either, because when I get pissed, I get super frustrated and don't always say the best things. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I will bring up something from 20 years ago. I'm not proud of it and I'm totally aware that I do that. And sometimes certain monthly hormones come into play.


However, Brandi is and always will be an asshole. Bye, Felicia.

CrankyOne, I'm reading your post and giggling because....your moniker.  Coincidence? ;-)

  • Love 1

I ordinarily like Yolanda’s accent, but the way she says Anwar it sounds like “Underwear.”  I was really thrown by “Now it’s just me and David and underwear!” until I realized she was talking about her son.



I was cool to her in the beginning, but she’d be a good choice for a Pop Up Housewives edition.  Rerun the first few seasons, and she can introduce them like Alistair Cook and say “I wasn’t around for these shows, so let’s watch them together, shall we?”  Then she could just appear in a corner with a witty remark now and then.  Or, even funnier, just an amazed and disgusted sigh.



I’m 90% sure Lisa V talked about “her gays” in the Palm Springs episode.  And I think possibly in the episode about opening the gay bar.  


Okay, help me out.  On poker night, Kyle and Kim were in the bathroom together and we heard some of their conversation, but not much.  All behind closed doors.  Now, suddenly, THIS week we see an extended conversation from a camera within the bathroom?  Recreated after the fact, maybe?  I know there was a lot of cutting back and forth and normally I enjoy seeing people’s accounts clash with footage... except that bathroom scene had a whole different, calmer vibe than poker night had, plus... a cameraman?  Or did they have their hush hush conversation, and then invite the cameraman in? 


It was scary to watch Kim, all befuddled, try to follow Brandi while Brandi mesmerized her by putting memories in her head.  “all the times we talked all night” “all the times I called Kyle and she said “that’s just Kim!” “You know how much I’m THERE for you” etc.  Kim was blinking, like she didn’t exactly remember things that way, but then her memory isn’t reliable, and in between Brandi was saying “you’re so strong, you’re dealing with so much, you’re such a great person,” so she just ended up smiling and going along with it because she’d rather think she’s strong, and dealing with so much.  Brandi will hurt her in the long run, but the truly scary thing about those “bonding with Kim” scenes is that you can see PRECISELY how a man can/has/will do the same thing, with far more nefarious goals than having a storyline.


Attention children of the older men Brandi eventually dates... this is how she's going to bleed your Dad dry and have him cut you out of the will.  

Wasn't the bathroom scene we saw the one from the original Game Night? I will have to watch again.  If not, that is an excellent question. 

  • Love 2

I've been thinking about this, and while we all know that the party showdown tonight was probably partially producer-driven, I do wonder what it was that made Kyle go from 0 to 60 in a short span of time.  She conceded to Kim that she would try to be a gracious hostess toward an clearly unwanted and uninvited guest, for the sake of Kim and Kyle's relationship. 


I am not usually a fan of Kyle's, but with this particular situation, I have to side with her.  Yes, she is/can be a bitch with a mouth almost as filthy as Brandi's (although I have NEVER heard Kyle use the C-word to describe anyone, and we've heard Brandi use it on at least two occasions in the past few weeks.).


I think maybe what really set Kyle off was that she walked up to Brandi and apologized for her actions at the poker party, and Brandi did not reciprocate with an apology of her own.  If Brandi had maybe said "I apologize for getting between you", maybe none of this would have happened.  Kyle clearly gave Brandi enough hints to that effect....she said it numerous times, in varying ways "You were preventing me from talking with my sister"...."I just wanted to talk to Kim alone"...."You got between me and my sister", etc. and Brandi would not apologize at all, in fact, she went in for the attack, right away. 


I think Kyle is overwrought at the idea Kim is off the wagon. It was during the ride to poker that she was saying how good it was that Kim was being open with her and their relationship was back on track. Then boom! It becomes obvious to Kyle that Kim is not only off the wagon, she's veering into all sorts of cray cray at the poker table. And Brandi just seems to be capitalizing on Kyle's inability to cope right now. Not that Kyle's behavior is Brandi's fault, but she could lay off all of her "you're a bad sister" stuff.

  • Love 6

I took Ken's comments about Max's biological parents' possible nationalities as something more of a joke, because Max is about as far away from being Asian/Nigerian as possible.

Sure, yes it was a joke, but there's no classism like upper-crust British classism! They wrote the book on the subject. And yes, he looks like he's from European stock, but Caucasions live in Africa and Asia as well, so I'm always sensitive to generalizations.

  • Love 2

Brandi is using Kim as a means to stay on the show.  This is all she has. She is a revolting human being, manipulating a person who is struggling with sobriety like this.  I love that the editors are not holding back at all and showing us how horrible Brandi truly is. 


Kim should not be on the show.  Not sure which genius at Bravo thought this was a good idea.  The woman is a mess, getting her days mixed up, obviously being stoned out of her mind.  It's sad. 

  • Love 8

Okay, help me out.  On poker night, Kyle and Kim were in the bathroom together and we heard some of their conversation, but not much.  All behind closed doors.  Now, suddenly, THIS week we see an extended conversation from a camera within the bathroom?  Recreated after the fact, maybe? 


That was a flashback to the first game night at PamDana's.  Her point in talking about that, and Bravo showing us that clip from 3 years ago, was that Kim said she had the same feeling in the bathroom at Eileen's that she had in the bathroom at PamDana's - that Kyle was exposing her.  I believe she really felt that way because that's the way it felt to me 2 weeks ago. Last night's episode confirmed for me that I wasn't the only one that felt it.  That's what she meant when she told Brandi upon exiting Eileen's loo, that Kyle had made her feel 'uncomfortable'.


Who knows if those feelings are valid or not.  Kyle knows. 

  • Love 1


Kyle needed to walk away, but I think she's afraid of what will happen when Brandi turns on Kim (and we ALL know she will).  It's not just that Kim will be hurt, it could really send her over the edge.  Plus, what has Kim blabbed about to Brandi, all of the family secrets - which will assuredly find their way into US Weekly or OK or the Star when Brandi finally cashes in those gems.

I totally agree with this. I think Kyle is terrified that Kim is spilling ALL of the dirt to Brandi and she has no control over it. I'd be afraid of Brandi having that leverage as well.


As much as Kyle annoys the f*ck out of me, Brandi is such a vile person, that it's impossible to support anything she says or does. Brandi is an evil bitch!

  • Love 6

That was a flashback to the first game night at PamDana's.  Her point in talking about that, and Bravo showing us that clip from 3 years ago, was that Kim said she had the same feeling in the bathroom at Eileen's that she had in the bathroom at PamDana's - that Kyle was exposing her.  I believe she really felt that way because that's the way it felt to me 2 weeks ago. Last night's episode confirmed for me that I wasn't the only one that felt it.  That's what she meant when she told Brandi upon exiting Eileen's loo, that Kyle had made her feel 'uncomfortable'.

If Kim really felt that way, then it's only because she was too high to remember that she followed Kyle into the bathroom, not the other way around. So she only has herself to blame if she feels her pill-popping was exposed. Her "ornery" behavior exposed her. Her own admission exposed her. Not Kyle.

  • Love 12

"agree. I though it was very telling in the limo from Eileen's, when Brandi told Kim she wasn't making sense. Kim quietly states that Lisa R. said the same thing. In that moment, she was being honest and seemed momentarily concerned. She wasn't scrambling for a cover story or denying everything."

I got the exact opposite impression in that moment. Brandi and Kim were both pretending to be analytical about Kim's alleged very complicated problem and behavior under such stress, which was covering up for Kim just being wasted because she took something. Kim never scrambles to cover up when caught. She acts vague ando thoughtful and puzzled and then later comes up with some complicated solution that she "figured out".

It's not like Kim admitted to or took responsibility for anything there.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 8

I rewatched the scene because I sided with Brandi upon first viewing and it frightened me. Upon second viewing I realized I had to face my fear. Kyle was sober and made a loud public confrontation at a party which she was hosting. Brandi hit below the belt and it's not justifiable but Kyle kept escalating the situation knowing there was no positive outcome. Kim meanwhile is a giant vortex of need shouting loooooooove meeeeeeeee to anyone who will listen.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

Could Bravo had Roscio's name misspelled ? Wouldn't Roscio be masculino and Roscia be feminino? As in Julio, Julia?


I watched an old episode. I think the episode where Jason comes over to ask Ken if he approves of him asking Pandora to marry him. Roscio was in the scene and  labeled "Roscia" on the tag at the bottom of the screen. So I'm not sure what the correct spelling is. Maybe it's spelled one way and pronounced another? It happens. Or maybe this is the way Ken & Lisa speak. Lisa pronounces Yolanda as "Yerlanda" frequently.


I guess it's just another thing for people to bash Lisa & Ken about. That they're deliberately disrespecting her by calling her a different name. 

  • Love 7

Clever Brandi twisted a conversation (and one that she's had in the media) that Kyle drinks as much as she does and that's why shit goes down.  She was talking to Lisa R and said that she and Kyle "split a bottle of champagne in the limo and then Kyle moved to tequila".   Kyle didn't seem as drunk as Brandi.  I don't care what she says about what they split.  And it's a tactic by Brandi to make Kyle look bad.  Now it's out there that she drank that much.  


And GOD for the love of all that's holy LEARN HOW TO ARGUE KYLE!  She could have shut Brandi down so many times.  1)  When she apologized, she should have ended it with "Don't come between sisters and I will expect you to apologize for the part you played in that evening.  Neither of us is completely to blame."  2)  She needs to just start complimenting Brandi for taking Kim's 2:00 am phone calls and let her know how much she appreciates that she has such a strong support system now that she's grappling with sobriety.  3)  She should say that it might seem like she's a bad sister, but that she's been versed in handling addicts and former addicts and that she knows that sometimes you have to detach to be there something Brandi's good friend Jen would certainly know everything about.  4)  The whole Mauricio comment should have made her bust out laughing right in Brandi's face.  "Really?  You are commenting on my marriage?  HI-larious!"  5)  Brandi saying she knows ALL about Kyle and Kim's relationship.  "Yes, I am sure that Kim told you many things about our family, but as you well know from your very public divorce that if someone talks exclusively to Leann they will get one side of the story, but they would also need to talk to you to formulate a real opinion, right?"  6)  Brandi telling Kyle that she needs to back off or she's going to pop her.  "Brandi, I haven't moved one inch.  You on the other hand are looming your six foot body over me and it's making me very uncomfortable.  You are well beyond the bounds of comfortable personal space."  


Brandi can't really argue outside of "BRING IT BITCH" and "FUCK YOU!" and "YOUR HUSBAND CHEATS!"  and "YOU ARE A BAD SISTER"  Logic would shut her down.


And, yes, Kim, fuck you.  Maybe Kyle did itch for a fight just to see what Kim would do.  If she would be there for her.  And guess what?  She wasn't.  

  • Love 14

Who the hell smacked Lisa V?  I feel so out of the loop, not having seen this trailer.


Now you can't pull me away from the set.  So sad.  I need a twelve-step program to get me to stop watching this shit.

I have seen that clip a couple times and Lisa V. Even talked about on Andy's show. But they haven't aired that episode yet I don't think. I watch this show religiously. Don't feel bad for watching, it's just harmless fun IMO. :)

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