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S11.E09: Where Do We Go From Here?


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I was worried about this episode; first installments after a hiatus must simultaneously make the wait worthwhile and also ease its viewer back into the rhythm. Fortunately, I found every story compelling and smartly handled (particularly the medical cases and Geena Davis' story). None of the dialogue or storytelling beats felt inorganic to me, although the April/Jackson scenes were verging into melodrama, and redeemed only by the final act. As for Meredith and Derek, I appreciated that their drama was maintained throughout the installment, and that the show decided not to play them as TOTALLY OVER beyond this episode. (It wouldn't have been believable.) So, it was a fine episode -- despite utilizing more of those distracting visual effects (like the gratuitously fractured title card) -- and I surprisingly enjoyed it. 

  • Love 5

I wish this forum was as active as it was on TWOP! I hate coming to this forum & seeing no responses!

I liked the premiere & I'm certain they're setting up Jackson to have a crisis of faith & become a believer in God. I'm curious what the test results could be. Maybe genetic testing for OI? I liked the stuff with Bailey & the little boy too.

  • Love 2

I wish this forum was as active as it was on TWOP! I hate coming to this forum & seeing no responses!

I liked the premiere & I'm certain they're setting up Jackson to have a crisis of faith & become a believer in God. I'm curious what the test results could be. Maybe genetic testing for OI? I liked the stuff with Bailey & the little boy too.


I had predicted awhile ago that the baby ends up in much better condition than predicted and that's what gives him faith.  But I hope I'm wrong because that would be cliche.  But it would also be cliche to have April lose faith because her baby dies, so hopefully they'll avoid both of those scenarios.

  • Love 1


But it would also be cliche to have April lose faith because her baby dies, so hopefully they'll avoid both of those scenarios.

April losing faith wouldn't have to be a negative thing. She could be a happy person believing that life is random and that one must live for today. She could even be happier not looking for explanations for everything that happens.

  • Love 3


I wish this forum was as active as it was on TWOP! I hate coming to this forum & seeing no responses!

I'm assuming the show has lost many of its "live" viewers at this point... it's just not "appointment TV" anymore.


And I've been watching too long. Every case reminds me of something they've done before. Meredith finds another tumor no one believes is there? What a surprise. (Are we sure Meredith's not just causing cancer at this point?) Amelia can do what no other neurosurgeon will even attempt? Of course. (Every time they refer to her as "Dr. Shepherd," I cringe.)


And ENOUGH of the doctors having meltdowns while operating on patients: April's behavior was beyond unprofessional, it was grotesque. And Arizona wasn't much better.

  • Love 11
And ENOUGH of the doctors having meltdowns while operating on patients: April's behavior was beyond unprofessional, it was grotesque.


I was glad they didn't have her operating on the mom with tumor.  I give her a pass for being emotionally devastated, but not for putting other people's lives at risk in the operating room. 

  • Love 1

I'm assuming the show has lost many of its "live" viewers at this point... it's just not "appointment TV" anymore.


And I've been watching too long. Every case reminds me of something they've done before. Meredith finds another tumor no one believes is there? What a surprise. (Are we sure Meredith's not just causing cancer at this point?) Amelia can do what no other neurosurgeon will even attempt? Of course. (Every time they refer to her as "Dr. Shepherd," I cringe.)


And ENOUGH of the doctors having meltdowns while operating on patients: April's behavior was beyond unprofessional, it was grotesque. And Arizona wasn't much better.

You´ve nailed it!!!

Perfect post!!!


They exaggerate storylines and the doctors´ being allmighty and all, it is so predictable that it´s laughable.


As for Amelia, I would say she doesn´t even know where brain is located in the body. I haven´t watched PP, but Scorsone is a very weak actress. I would never believe this is supposed to be a superb neurosurgeon who she portrays, not even a doctor of whatever specialty there is. The result is a very annoying character.


However, by far the best actor was the little boy who portrayed the patient Bailey dealt with. The best part of the episode for me.

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 2

I thought April was operating on the mom with the tumor?I mean, before Owen kicked her out for absolutely no reason that he knew of.  :/


At least little Maggie tonight.  There's that.  And a little Bailey I could relate to. 


I felt bad for Geena Davis in the cry scene. It's hard to cry effectively when half your face is frozen. :/

  • Love 3

It's a interesting thing I learned about this April storyline. Although pregnant at the time, Sarah Drew came up with the idea for this storyline and Shonda shot it down at first because she was uncomfortable with it. Shonda came around to the idea later. It was interesting learning that and seeing this play out now. At first, it felt like it was cruel to have her play this out while pregnant but it's much easier to watch knowing Sarah pitched it.


I just can't bring myself to care about Meredith's drama anymore. I know this is Grey's Anatomy but if she leaves soon I'm cool with it.

  • Love 1

If anyone has the time/ desire, could I get a (brief) summary of the episode? I haven't been able to glean too much yet; I teach until 9:45 on Thursday nights and won't be able to watch the episode until Tuesday at the earliest. I feel like it's a cruel punishment given how long I've waited for Grey's to return and continue disappointing me!

  • Love 1

And ENOUGH of the doctors having meltdowns while operating on patients: April's behavior was beyond unprofessional, it was grotesque.


April's behavior was fine, at least initially; she didn't have her meltdown until later.  What was unprofessional was Owen kicking her out of a surgery in which she was doing perfectly okay on nothing but the say-so of Jackson.  Now Arizona?  Yes, that was unprofessional to the max.

  • Love 5

What a bad, boring episode. It might just be that the hiatus came after too few episodes and went on too long, but I found this to be a very disjointed episode, with all of Grey's faults and very little of the humor or charm. Some of the acting was just downright god-awful, but with the over-dramatic speeches that have to come out of their mouths I guess I can't blame them. Geena Davis manages to hammy and wooden at the same time (though her bathroom scene was good) and Jessica Capshaw just came across as shrill with that cornball Keep Hope Alive nonsense.

I liked all of the Jackson and April parts and thought that the actors did a great job with it. I am surprisingly invested in the storyline and curious as to how it all plays out.

I am having a hard time mustering up any interest or sympathy for Mer or Bailey and all of their mother guilt. Bailey has been shown time and again choosing to be at the hospital when she could be home with Tuck and now she is shocked and teary that he is acting out. Ben is a new resident and yet he seems to be home enough to know what is going on with Tuck, who has only been his step-son for a year or two.

As for Mer, well, you have two small kids at home, no help and you have effectively pushed your husband across the country. You need more than a person, you need fucking Mary Poppins. Not to mention, did she think that her former person was really going to drop everything and help with her kids? Please. Thank god she found a nanny who would WAIT ALL DAY in a hospital even though she wasn't even hired yet. Give me a break. I'm not letting Derek off the hook either. How not surprising that it falls to Mer to scramble to find childcare and pick up the slack for Derek's absence while he goes off to conquer the world. As a mother myself, I have to admit that this was the most realistic part of the episode for me. Doesn't it always fall to the mother?

And after all of the teeth-gnashing and trolling that Shonda has done regarding the MerDer relationship and PD leaving/not-leaving, etc. etc. etc., they end up fine at the end of the episode as always. How anti-climatic and yet, again, how unsurprising.

Other than the Japril Baby stuff, the only part of the episode that I liked was Alex finally finding his backbone and telling Bailey how it was going to be. Maybe I'm just cranky, but this was not worth the wait at all.

ETA- I did have to add that however unsympathetic I am to Meredith's plight, EP does always get me with the "blue eyes brimming with tears, while the mouth tries not to crumple" thing. She is great at that!

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 6

Hated that Owen kicked April out of surgery because her husband asked him to. Loved Meredith's reaction, and I'm glad that April let everyone know it was not okay. I liked that April confronted Stephanie about the way she broke the news. Telling someone their baby has a probably fatal illness or medical condition obviously isn't easy, especially in this instance where April is both Stephanie's superior at work and the wife of her ex-boyfriend, but telling everyone but the mother is crazy to me, especially since I didn't even think about it until April brought it up. I'm sure it was done for drama so that the show could keep April in the dark until it returned from hiatus, but still.  


Stephanie and Jo's exchange about the mother who drove her kids off the bridge was hilarious. I liked that Jo had an issue with Stephanie singling out mothers for doing that kind of thing. I think I would have liked the storyline more if the mother had gone off the bridge intentionally, because the tumour softened her actions and made the whole thing a little neater and easier to accept, I guess.


Arizona's 'I'm too pretty for prison' made me laugh. One of those tv lines that has popped up on so many shows, but I still found it funny. I'm glad to have the show back. It's been a pretty good season. Meredith crying to the nanny was well done too. Pompeo really nailed that scene.

Edited by manbearpig
  • Love 5

I don't care about Geena Davis' character, and the fact that all of my least favorites are involved in that storyline as well as all the cliches makes me care less. Arizona? Who cares. Amelia? Who cares.  The only way it will be interesting is if Amelia completely fails at the surgery, because otherwise her creativity seems too much like Derek having to be creative for the custodian's inoperable tumor.


I'm glad Meredith and Derek "made up" but the episode was just so flat.

I liked this episode, overall. Which surprised me, but I did.


Inappropriate of Stephanie to tell Hunt and Meredith what April's problem. And April is straight-up right to be pissed at her, too. Obviously the case of the week is hitting them over head, but I thought the story developed more naturally than it could have, with both her and Jackson's emotions, recovering from shock, etc. I know people find them melodramatic, but the April/Jackson storyline here fails to annoy me, for once.  I too am interested to see where this goes.


Oh god shut UP Maggie. How often is she going to do the "oops I didn't know" moment? At least she wasn't in the episode too much.


I'm generally a fan of Amelia, but everytime she brags about how great she is, I do want to smack her. I know hubris is necessary to be a surgeon, but shut up.


I like when Bailey deals with kids. That was good Bailey this week. Nice moment she and Alex had there too.


That Geena Davis cry reminded me of how horrrrible her crying was in A League of Their Own. Worst movie cry ever. That was actually better, despite her frozen face, which makes me think with non-frozen face it would  have been fine. Way to learn a bit about how to cry in the last 20 years, Geena Davis.


Always odd when Meredith lets her guard down for a sec, like she did with the Nanny. I thought it was ok though. Mostly I'm glad we get a break from Derek being such a giant jerk for 5 minutes.


Notes on the Rankled:


Yes, James Pickens Jr. could totally be the Cosby in the SVU episode, although I bet they change the race and job of the celebrity when they do it. That's an SVU thing to do.


The Post-It on which Derek and Meredith scribbled their "I do"s hangs forlornly on their bedroom wall, wishing it were the Bartlet for America napkin.


I love you.  That's exactly what I thought of.

Edited by aethera
  • Love 4
Meredith finds another tumor no one believes is there? What a surprise. (Are we sure Meredith's not just causing cancer at this point?)


Haha. From the first second I knew how it would go. Meredith is always right. Given the way she's written I wouldn't be shocked if by the end of the series she will perform surgery on herself while operating and finding a tumor in another with her feet. She's that good. 


As for Mer, well, you have two small kids at home, no help and you have effectively pushed your husband across the country. You need more than a person, you need fucking Mary Poppins. Not to mention, did she think that her former person was really going to drop everything and help with her kids? Please. Thank god she found a nanny who would WAIT ALL DAY in a hospital even though she wasn't even hired yet. Give me a break. I'm not letting Derek off the hook either. How not surprising that it falls to Mer to scramble to find childcare and pick up the slack for Derek's absence while he goes off to conquer the world.



And the not-yet-hired Nanny hugged her, lol.  Wasn't it the next day?  They needed a nanny all along IMO and I can see why she'd be looking to hire one but her not setting aside a few hours to interview them over a couple of days was dumb. The kids have been in magical 24 hour day care since they adopted Zola so another couple of days wouldn't change things for them much. Now Meredith has a nanny, Derek will come running back once racing season is over and that'll be it. 


I (surprisingly) was invested in April & Jackson's storyline. Its a devastating but its a real life heartbreak that some people have to live through. Its going to be sad but I want to see it play out. I thought Sarah Drew was great last night.


Loved Alex's 3 minutes.


Next week goes back to watching days later. 



  • Love 1

It's a interesting thing I learned about this April storyline. Although pregnant at the time, Sarah Drew came up with the idea for this storyline and Shonda shot it down at first because she was uncomfortable with it. Shonda came around to the idea later. It was interesting learning that and seeing this play out now. At first, it felt like it was cruel to have her play this out while pregnant but it's much easier to watch knowing Sarah pitched it.

The fact that Sarah pitched it is what made me change my mind from the baby is doomed to the baby is in for the multiple surgeries route. 


April's behavior was fine, at least initially; she didn't have her meltdown until later.  What was unprofessional was Owen kicking her out of a surgery in which she was doing perfectly okay on nothing but the say-so of Jackson.  Now Arizona?  Yes, that was unprofessional to the max.

She was doing well enough in the OR that Meredith saw no reason why she would be asked to leave and had no idea anything was even going on.  I'm sure it didn't help that when she got downstairs the first thing she saw was her husband treating patients with no one harassing him about his mental state.  From what we saw she was snappy with her coworkers and her meltdowns happened behind one of the magical sound blocking curtains they have at SG (in reality it would be totally unprofessional but since the show treats them as being the equivilent of a soundproof room I'll go with it) and outside with Jackson.  Her ability to do her job didn't seem to be in question while she was running the ER. 

  • Love 5

Telling someone their baby has a probably fatal illness or medical condition obviously isn't easy, especially in this instance where April is both Stephanie's superior at work and the wife of her ex-boyfriend, but telling everyone but the mother is crazy to me, especially since I didn't even think about it until April brought it up. I'm sure it was done for drama so that the show could keep April in the dark until it returned from hiatus, but still.

I didn't remember everyone knowing, I just remember Arizona, Geena Davis, and Edwards knowing and the cliffhanger was Avery accidentally finding out. I could be misremembering I usually tune partially out with anything having to do with Avery. Oops, sorry, I misread. You were talking about April being the last to know this ep.

What confused me more was Owen knowing about Geena Davis's tumor, and everything being seemingly gung ho about it. Took the fun out of Arizona and Amelia's rule breaking for me.

Edited by CED9
  • Love 1


How not surprising that it falls to Mer to scramble to find childcare and pick up the slack for Derek's absence while he goes off to conquer the world. As a mother myself, I have to admit that this was the most realistic part of the episode for me. Doesn't it always fall to the mother?

But it's completely unrealistic that after more than 20 episodes of MerDer dealing with two children this is the first episode they even consider a nanny. It's ridiculously contrived.

Edited by Tuleh2
  • Love 8

I loved this episode! Everything ebbed and flowed so seamlessly that even with all the cast I'm the episode, I didnt feel like anything was disjointed nor did I feel whiplash.

I am fully invested in jackson and Aprils story. All their scenes hit all the notes and they were both so in character. April freaking out isnt new, but like Jackson said, she's in shock. I loved all her scenes with everybody. I loved how she called Jackson out on his slight mysogany even though for him it came from a place of concern. April was fine and there was no reason to pull her out, so I'm glad she held her ground as long as she could with Owen without being all out disrespectful.

I loved Jackson getting in her face a bit just wanting to know how he can help her. April lashed out at him and instead of just walking away he held his ground with her but was still supportive. His breakdown in the supply closet with Richard was such a good piece of acting from Jesse Williams. I still have hopes for a Richard/Jackson relationship cause I've enjoyed all their scenes together.

Callie earned bit points with me in her scene with April. She acted like a person with April and saw how upset April was and just asked. But I loved how she acknowledged that she tends to take out her crap onto April hence how she recognized what April was doing. It's been a pet peeve of mine and I'm glad it was at least acknowledged. With Stephanie, I felt for both of them. I was with Stephanie in not telling April at the ultrasound, but Stephanie is just telling her tragic business to everybody that is not in a need to know. Jo, Owen, and Meredith? That's not her place. But Stephanie has a lot of sympathy for Aprils predicament and she knew all she could do was just take it.

April and jacksons last scene was perfect. I'm not thrilled that their science vs religion thing is gonna play out this way, but I definitely think the love they have for one another is what's gonna shine through no matter what happens. I definitely think that's the real story here. Another great acting moment for both Sarah drew and Jesse Williams. His face when she said they were having a boy expressed so much heartbreak.

  • Love 2

But it's completely unrealistic that after more than 20 episodes of MerDer dealing with two children this is the first episode they even consider a nanny. It's ridiculously contrived.

Don't hospitals have 24/7 daycare? Some do, at least. I understand wanting the kids to be home though.

Also, does Amelia still live there? I don't remember her moving elsewhere (on screen).

What confused me more was Owen knowing about Geena Davis's tumor, and everything being seemingly gung ho about it. Took the fun out of Arizona and Amelia's rule breaking for me.

I thought the whole reason she had to hide it was because if Hunt knew she would have to stop operating.  Isn't that why Arizona was threatening to tell him the day she went AWOL and Arizona and Alex had to deliver the baby?  So now he knows and it's no big deal?

  • Love 3

I have so many issues with Meredith and Derek. One, what neither has expressed EVER was their kids. He wants to work for Obama and she wants to be the sun in Seattle and whose career deserves more dedication and he stayed for her and she's not appreciative, whatever! They don't mention their kids as a reason to do anything! They are both so insanely selfish. I'm not saying either needs to quit and be a stay at home parent, but your children should not be an afterthought nor a problem to solve after the fact. This is what Cristina was talking about in not wanting to have children, to be solely focused on her career without the added baggage of child rearing, which is how Derek and Meredith are treating Zola and Bailey.

And Derek deserves the biggest F.U here. He left that night! Did he even say goodbye to his kids? Try to explain the huge change in their lives that's about to happen? Explain why he, as the current primary parent, is leaving and won't be seeing them for who knows how long? Nope! He just upped and left like the asshole he very much is. Meredith didn't make him do that, he chose to leave like that, that is all on him.

Meredith isn't that much better. She doesn't want a nanny, but a person who understand her and has her back? Yeah, we all want that, but how about wanting some stability for your kids. They should have hired a nanny a long time ago so this is more annoying then anything else. Doing something viewers have been saying to do since the beginning.

I rolled my eyes at Meredith finding a tumor. Of course there was a tumor. It's interesting how both her and April are looking for reasons why, one side finds one, another has to accept the fact that sometimes there's isn't one. I sense Stephanie wanting to be Meredith when she grows up after this ep.

Owen, Cristina was gonna go regardless if you let her go or not. You had to let her go for you. Which I'm not completely sure you have.

Amelia just sounds like an over eager teen when talking to Herman and Arizona abiut the tumor. So much that I can't quite take her seriously at this moment. Arizona talking about hope only works cause, while not quite the same as herman's tumor, has come back from a totally traumatic experience where she had lost all hope. But was I the only one shocked she just ditched that surgery? That looked complicated and she just asked someone to just take over? That was unprofessional. But, I am loving this Arizona...pre plane crash. Her line, "I'm too pretty for prison" isn't original but it's always funny. Lol.

Alex, Jo, and Bailey was just there for me and I could have done without. But it didn't detract from anything else. I was glad to see Bailey not throw her seat on the board in his face when they were standing off. It was Alex's call and Alex place to make the decision. So good on him.

Great episode and I can't wait for next week!

  • Love 2

I thought the whole reason she had to hide it was because if Hunt knew she would have to stop operating.  Isn't that why Arizona was threatening to tell him the day she went AWOL and Arizona and Alex had to deliver the baby?  So now he knows and it's no big deal?


 That's what irked me. He is the freakin chief of surgery and he just found out that the Almighty Baby Doctor has not only been operating under judge impaired situations and conditions but has been hiding it and seeking "miracle" treatments to either fix it or at least keep her alive. She has been shown to come in woozy and out of it due to chemo and other treatments and could have put patients in danger or killed them. Her 1, 2, 3 rules were complete crap. Owen's next line should have been: "Or 4, you do this surgery now because if you end up having one of your episodes and kill or endanger a patient we are all screwed." "Or 5, I kick you out of the hospital now, reveal your condition to the staff and you can go die alone." They are all acting like Geena Davis's character has a gun to their heads or blackmail pictures. The storyline is going to come bite them all back big time and you know it. Because let's face it, they are setting Owen up to lose his position as chief and sad to say, he deserves it. 

  • Love 2


Hated that Owen kicked April out of surgery because her husband asked him to. Loved Meredith's reaction, and I'm glad that April let everyone know it was not okay. I liked that April confronted Stephanie about the way she broke the news. Telling someone their baby has a probably fatal illness or medical condition obviously isn't easy, especially in this instance where April is both Stephanie's superior at work and the wife of her ex-boyfriend, but telling everyone but the mother is crazy to me, especially since I didn't even think about it until April brought it up. I'm sure it was done for drama so that the show could keep April in the dark until it returned from hiatus, but still.

From what I remember Jackson overheard Stephanie talking to the Geena Davis character. Jackson demanded Stephanie to tell him. The whole reason she didn't was because when she found something was wrong April wanted the ultrasound to be over because Stephanie by accidentally revealed the gender. Stephanie was about to tell them while April said she was leaving.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1
I (surprisingly) was invested in April & Jackson's storyline. Its a devastating but its a real life heartbreak that some people have to live through. Its going to be sad but I want to see it play out. I thought Sarah Drew was great last night.


I was actually thinking about this last night and if they would need to go to a clinic. Showing them go through the gauntlet and getting the procedure done. If the show was in one of the states that passed laws about what the Dr HAS to say to you or the waiting periods, it would have been interesting to hear Jackson and April mumbling how BS the statements abortion Drs are forces to repeat. It seems that Washington State has pretty relaxed laws. 

And ENOUGH of the doctors having meltdowns while operating on patients: April's behavior was beyond unprofessional, it was grotesque.


I didn't see April's behavior in the OR as grotesque.  She was obviously compartmentalizing, and doing a good job - no one even knew she was upset.  I appreciated that it was Jackson who was falling apart.  He throws stuff and slams some equipment around, then breaks down in the supply room.  April slowly crumpled, but I think it started because of how Owen and Jackson treated her.


ETA- I did have to add that however unsympathetic I am to Meredith's plight, EP does always get me with the "blue eyes brimming with tears, while the mouth tries not to crumple" thing. She is great at that!


Even when I used to hate Meredith, EP could easily make me cry.  Melissa McBride, from The Walking Dead, has those same tearful blue eyes - gets me every time.


I liked the scene with Meredith and the nanny.  It was very telling that she let the woman embrace her.  I'm glad she's getting help for the kids, but I want to see her turning to Alex again.

  • Love 1


He left that night! Did he even say goodbye to his kids? Try to explain the huge change in their lives that's about to happen? Explain why he, as the current primary parent, is leaving and won't be seeing them for who knows how long? Nope!

We can't really see every aspect of every character's life. There has to be a point where you have to assume that he didn't just walk out on his kids without speaking; this show would be like a daytime soap opera and move at a snail's pace if they showed all of that.

  • Love 3

April's behavior was fine, at least initially; she didn't have her meltdown until later.  What was unprofessional was Owen kicking her out of a surgery in which she was doing perfectly okay on nothing but the say-so of Jackson.  Now Arizona?  Yes, that was unprofessional to the max.


Hated that Owen kicked April out of surgery because her husband asked him to. Loved Meredith's reaction, and I'm glad that April let everyone know it was not okay. I liked that April confronted Stephanie about the way she broke the news. Telling someone their baby has a probably fatal illness or medical condition obviously isn't easy, especially in this instance where April is both Stephanie's superior at work and the wife of her ex-boyfriend, but telling everyone but the mother is crazy to me, especially since I didn't even think about it until April brought it up. I'm sure it was done for drama so that the show could keep April in the dark until it returned from hiatus, but still.  


Stephanie and Jo's exchange about the mother who drove her kids off the bridge was hilarious. I liked that Jo had an issue with Stephanie singling out mothers for doing that kind of thing. I think I would have liked the storyline more if the mother had gone off the bridge intentionally, because the tumour softened her actions and made the whole thing a little neater and easier to accept, I guess.


Arizona's 'I'm too pretty for prison' made me laugh. One of those tv lines that has popped up on so many shows, but I still found it funny. I'm glad to have the show back. It's been a pretty good season. Meredith crying to the nanny was well done too. Pompeo really nailed that scene.


From what I remember Jackson overheard Stephanie talking to the Geena Davis character. Jackson demanded Stephanie to tell him. The whole reason she didn't was because when she found something was wrong April wanted the ultrasound to be over because Stephanie by accidentally revealed the gender. Stephanie was about to tell them while April said she was leaving.

I usually am not an Owen fan, but I dont think he did anything wrong. He was told by the spouse of a surgeon (a fellow surgeon and board member) that the surgeon in question was not fit to operate. If he didn't tell April to leave the OR, and she made a mistake, would Owen and the hospital not be liable?

And, I think Stephanie should kept her mouth shut in the OR about what she knew about the baby. Otherwise I thought she has handled the situation well. April did leave the ultrasound prematurely, and Stephanie likely would have needed to confirm the diagnosis with a more experienced doctor before giving such devastating news. I'm glad Stephanie had the maturity to let April get what she needed to say off her chest.

  • Love 4

Well Sarah Drew absolutely knocked it out of the park last night. Both her and Jesse Williams were amazing and I'm fully invested in this storyline. Aprils line at the end about it being a boy absolutely broke my heart. It was gut wrenching. Kudos to the writers and both actors for making this storyline such a good one.

I think April was right to have a go at Stephanie. She was in an awkward position and I get why she told Jackson but she still told Jo as well as indicating it to both Meredith and Owen. It wasn't her place and even if she was coming from a good place she ahould know as a doctor that the information was confidential.

Owen is a condescending asshole and it was never more evident then in this episode. Ugh I really wanted April to punch him when he kicked Her out of the OR. He's just such a tool.

  • Love 2

I don't care about Geena Davis' character, and the fact that all of my least favorites are involved in that storyline as well as all the cliches makes me care less. Arizona? Who cares. Amelia? Who cares.  The only way it will be interesting is if Amelia completely fails at the surgery, because otherwise her creativity seems too much like Derek having to be creative for the custodian's inoperable tumor.


I'm glad Meredith and Derek "made up" but the episode was just so flat.


Because I cannot stand the character, my hope is that Dr. Too Big For Her Britches Shepherd botches up the surgery, too. She just irks me.


I mostly enjoyed the episode. At this point, I could fast-forward and only watch for Meredith, Derek, and Alex (without Jo), so that's what I was most interested in. I feel guilty that I'm not more invested in the Japril baby, but both actors leave me feeling "meh." Mr. LakeLover and I were making fun of Jesse what's his name for his scenery chewing, which made it hard to care about the baby, hence the guilt.


For someone who hated the whole "post-it" thing, I did like Meredith putting it back up on the wall. Seeing as Dempsey needs time away for either personal or racing reasons (maybe both?), I can give the writers a pass and heavily suspend disbelief at the "I have to go to Washington!" storyline.


As for Meredith never being wrong and never making a mistake, aren't all the doctors basically like that? They make one or two mistakes (remember when Meredith swore she could get the tumor out last year, and no one, including Alex, believed her?) For a hospital with so many superior surgeons, they would have a great track record for good luck if it weren't for them being in plane crashes, in car accidents, shot, beat up, PTSD'd, dislocated shoulders, drowning, and I'm sure I'm missing something else.

  • Love 4


I think April was right to have a go at Stephanie. She was in an awkward position and I get why she told Jackson but she still told Jo as well as indicating it to both Meredith and Owen. It wasn't her place and even if she was coming from a good place she should know as a doctor that the information was confidential.


The problem seems to be that April received treatment from a subordinate (that her husband use to date) at the place where she and her husband work. 


April's bit about Stephanie being the last person she'd want knowing rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe she shouldn't have allowed Stephanie to do the ultrasound in the first place. 


While it's true that Stephanie shouldn't have told Jo, Owen, Meredith, and the others in the operating room about April's baby, it didn't seem like that was what April was mad about. April seemed especially mad that Stephanie and Jackson shared information about April before April was allowed to process the information. Even though April has probably shared information with a patient's husband about the patient before the patient was allowed to process it.


Stephanie doesn't seem like she's going out of her way to talk to Jackson about anything that she doesn't have to talk to him about. Stephanie didn't seek Jackson out to tell him about the baby. If he hadn't overheard her, Stephanie probably wouldn't have been the one to tell Jackson. 


True, Stephanie shouldn't have been discussing April's condition in a place where she could be overheard. But, they all talk about their patients in places where they can be overheard. April could have been overheard talking about tumor mom. Again, maybe the problem is that April and Jackson work at the place where April had her ultrasound.


If April was also mad about Herman and Robbins knowing before she did, did she really want Stephanie telling her that her baby might die if she wasn't sure? Yes, April is a doctor capable of reading her own ultrasound. But, I would think most patients at a teaching hospital would want residents consulting with more experienced physicians before giving really awful news that they weren't certain about. 


Maybe April should read When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Or the book of Job. Surely thirty however many years of living, several years of being a trauma surgeon, and running away from her wedding to Matthew with her Mint to Be should have illustrated that good things and bad things happen to everybody.  


The baby will (most likely) be fine. It's awful right now. Very awful. Things generally end of fine for April (and the rest of the main cast) even when seemingly life or career ending challenges occur. April got her job back after being fired a couple of times. Se recovered from failing the boards. She broke her virginity vow to Jesus and still ended up married to the hot guy who was the only person she'd been with. 

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I think what I loved about Geena Davis breaking down in the bathroom, was that there was a hint of a smile at one point.  She's been reminded once again that she has a terminal cancer, but then given a glimmer of hope.  So, she's crying because it is most likely that she is dying, but also crying because for probably the first time in a long time she has a very narrow sliver of hope.


I can't find any fault in her ultimate decision.  This is a risky surgery that will more likely than not kill her.  She sussed out the parameters and made her own call to:  (a) live with out the surgery as long as she could and in that time pass ground-breaking knowledge to someone who will outlive her and (b) at the very end of her useful life (on her terms), agreed to the surgery.  If it kills her then, which the tumor otherwise would have done, so be it.  If it doesn't, it's a blessing.


That's a gutsy decision.

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 That's what irked me. He is the freakin chief of surgery and he just found out that the Almighty Baby Doctor has not only been operating under judge impaired situations and conditions but has been hiding it and seeking "miracle" treatments to either fix it or at least keep her alive. She has been shown to come in woozy and out of it due to chemo and other treatments and could have put patients in danger or killed them. Her 1, 2, 3 rules were complete crap. Owen's next line should have been: "Or 4, you do this surgery now because if you end up having one of your episodes and kill or endanger a patient we are all screwed." "Or 5, I kick you out of the hospital now, reveal your condition to the staff and you can go die alone." They are all acting like Geena Davis's character has a gun to their heads or blackmail pictures. The storyline is going to come bite them all back big time and you know it. Because let's face it, they are setting Owen up to lose his position as chief and sad to say, he deserves it. 


Well, I do care about Owen,but he really should have acted differently, the thing which really struck me as he was standing there and acting like it was no big deal he had no idea about it before and we even didn´t see like either Amelia or Arizona told him, which is very very odd. Writers want to keep things with him and Amelia friendly, no conflict so that I dread this but she can come to his trailer and to his arms a few episodes later and he will comfort her after she fails the surgery which I´m sure of 99,9%. 


I like Owen better as Trauma head,doing surgeries and stuff, not walking the halls of the hospital in a suit and tie. That´s not him at all.


I think this is a huge mistake Amelia being the Neuro chief, no way it is possible, with Maggie it´s different, it´s the actress´s portrayal that makes me believe at such young age for a surgeon she could really be the Head of Cardio(I think it helps the actress looks up all the things she says,and it is evident,she totally understands each medical thing she says and you see it in the way she portrays Maggie), but with Amelia, she talks about medical things in a very strange way, she recites them in this overeagerness that some have mentioned here is so contrived, why don´t the directors tell her to control the mimicks, and all the exaggerated gestures she makes with her face,hands,especially lips, it is very distracting, you can´t take her seriously in the role. I find it totally funny,it´s painful to watch. Just like Luddington is unbelievable for the role of Jo. Each scene proves it as well.

Edited by owenhuntfan
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I would have preferred him just offscreen home with the kids. 


I will never understand why shows cannot figure this out.  There is an actor who's been on General Hospital for forty years.  Per his contract, he gets off huge segments of time at least twice yearly.  Every time he goes on vacation, they write the biggest (lamest) excuse for him disappearing.  Over the years, the stories get more far fetched, and the character just takes off regardless of what trauma is happening in his storyline.  It's beyond ridiculous.  Have a character mention him once or twice a week, and everything will be just fine.


. I'm not letting Derek off the hook either. How not surprising that it falls to Mer to scramble to find childcare and pick up the slack for Derek's absence while he goes off to conquer the world. As a mother myself, I have to admit that this was the most realistic part of the episode for me. Doesn't it always fall to the mother?


Didn't he also take off and leave Meredith taking care of Zola the day she came home to them?  Meredith wasn't exactly very maternal at the time, and since Derek really pushed for the adoption, I thought he was a major asshole.



Because I cannot stand the character, my hope is that Dr. Too Big For Her Britches Shepherd botches up the surgery, too. She just irks me.


Amelia's confidence/arrogance doesn't bother me.  She was raised in the same household that convinced Derek he was God, so it seems pretty natural to me.  She really irritated me on PP, but her character suffered a lot, and I think the actor did a fine job.  She's much more likable on this show.


I think April was right to have a go at Stephanie. She was in an awkward position and I get why she told Jackson but she still told Jo as well as indicating it to both Meredith and Owen. It wasn't her place and even if she was coming from a good place she ahould know as a doctor that the information was confidential.


I actually think April went pretty easy on Stephanie.  Could you imagine how Meredith, Callie, Cristina, or even Arizona would have reacted?  They would have torn her apart.  The only part that even slightly crossed the line was saying Stephanie was the last person she would want to know, but in the heat of the moment, even that was understandable.  And unlike most of the characters on this show (including Stephanie), I think April is going to be forgiving, rather than harp on about it endlessly.

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